THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY. MAY 28, 1913 ODD FELLOWS AND REBEKAHS ATTEND A full quota of delegates from the locul Odd Fellow and Kebekah lodges attended the tteHlon of the Grand Jxidge held at Medford lust week and returned reporting a pleana:it and profitable time. Idlewllde Lodge of thU city wan represented by Karl Noble, A. K. Crump and G. W. Thorn son. Delegates from Laurel Kebekah lAMigei of thin city were Mrs. Ashley Wilson and Mrs. W. II. Corey. From Kemp I-odge of Odell It. II. Kemp and (). 11. Khrck went as delegates, while Hazel Rebekah Lodge of Odell was represented by Mrs. Kllzabeth Kggert and Mrs. KHle llugey. W. 8. Cribble was a delegate from the lodge at Mt. Hood. The sessions continued from Tuesday to Thursday. MERCHANTS TO CO-OPERATE 40 Membership of League Reaches Und Helpful Spirit Is Shown The Hood River Dusluess Men's League reports a very enthusiastic as well as a large membership, there be ing about 40 who have so far signed up. The object of this association is to promote harmony and unity of action among its members, and to work to gether for any hing that will benefit the community and against anything that will be a detriment. The valley merchants are heartily in favor of the organization. RED LETTER DAY Next Saturday Bring In your Book and get Ten Stamps Free No purchases required. We want t,o help 'you get a premium. We have just received many new premiums Electric Lamps, Rugs, Clocks, Field Glasses, Rockers - AND MANY OTHER USEFUL ARTICLES We Gi STAMPS With I- very Itc Purchase Brief News of the Week The opening of a new fissure In the crater of Vesuvius has caused great alarm at Naples. ne portion of the Chinese loan Is sued In Germany was oversubscribed five times. The Initiative and referendum reso lution which recently failed of passage in the lower house at Springfield, 111., is to be rewrltteu and given another chance before the legislators. The breech block of a 4.7 Inch gun at Fort Moultrie, defending Charleston harbor, was blown out In target urac tlce. Privates Haxter, Christian and Ialton of the const artillery corps were killed and nine men seriously injured. A temporary balcony In the Central high school building at Akron, Ohio, collapsed and loo boys and girls were thrown 20 feet to the floor. Fifteen students, the majority of whom were girls, sustained broken arms and legs. Candidates for the police force of Sun Francisco must possess the same physical requirements demanded of volunteers for the I' lilted States army. This fact debars the appointment of three police women provided for by the San Francisco board of supervis ors. At the Northern Baptist convention In Detroit, 35 new missionaries were appointed for foreign fields. Women ('legates have been given the right to hold places on nominating commit tees and the privilege of holding of fice, which they regard as an Impor tant victory. A high pressure cylinder casting blew out of the port engine on the tor pedo boat destroyer Stewart on speed test near San Diego, Cal., killing two men and seriously injuring one man. Stockmen In parts of northern and central California have on their hands about 245,0(10 head of cattle and sheep which they are unable to feed because of two years of drought. The govern ment will not allow them to grate their stock temporarily In the Vosem ite National park, and many of them are moving their droves temporarily out of the state. People in the News Joe Rivers will fight Champion Wil lie Ritchie In San Francisco on July 4. lop Plus has recovered from his re rent Illness and resumed his regular routine duties. Colonel Roosevelt has accepted so Invitation to speak at Buffalo, N, Y on Monday, June 2, at a direct primary rally under the auspices of the Pro gressive party. His own fight for exoneration from charges of Immorality won, Lieutenant Oovernor Barrett O'llnra has an nounced at Sprlngrield. III., that the white slave and starvation wages com mittee of the state senate, of which he Is chairman, will again become active In Chicago. The death has been reported at Bos ton of Frederick T. Moore In Valpara iso, Chile. Moore fled from Boston In 1K!S with tlXnnO belonging to the Na tional Bank of Commerce of Boston, of which he was assistant receiving teller. He was arrested, but the courts refused extradition. The name of John Barrett, director general of the Pan-American union, Is being considered by President Wilson for appointment as governor general of the Philippines to succeed W. Cam eron Forbes. It Is said that the sal ary of $20,000 dlil not appeal to W. Morgan Sinister, to whom the appoint ment wns first offered. ARE YOU MY CUSTOMER? If you are, you know that I carry the Best Shoes for the money that I can buy, and that I take a great pleasure in fitting your feet and knowing that you are satisfied, If you are not, Why? Have you ever been in to look over my line? I have this year tried hard to get the Shoes that will give the best service, look the neatest, show the most style and at a reasonable price. Read the prices and then come in and see for yourself before you get your next shoes . . . . Ladies' Flexible Sole Comfort Shoes . . Ladies Black Gunmetal, Patent or Tan Button Boot $2.50 and $3.00 . $3.50 Men's BWk GunmeJal, Patent or JTan, Button or Lace . $4.50 Children's Shoes in a variety of styles and sizes from infant's Soft Soles to Misses Button Boots We Give STAMPS Wiih Every lc Purchase F.H.MORLAN I GRUBBING TOOLS of All Kinds on Hand We have not let the grass grow under our feet dur ing the winter months, but have been engaged in manufacturing a complete line of Grubbing ana Land Clearing Implements. You can find here whatever X you may need in this line and of the best, most sub stantial workmanship. WAGON PARTS REPLACED -If you have a broken shaft, pole or any other part of your wagon, don't throw it away. Bring it here ana we will make it as good as new for half the price. W. G. SNOW 1 Phone 2611 POWLK BLACKS MUM AND WAGON SHOP Ihird Street, North of Cascade Ave. t i i a r . a i j nave it uone at nome ; Screen Doors : Screens Furniture : Doors ALL KINDS OF MILL WORK What Do You Want We Will Hake It 1 Hood River Planing Phone 3454 9th and Cascade Mill LOCAL TEAMS TIED IN CHAMP. SEBIES R. II. E. Hood River 14145 Hood River Heights 5 4 7 In a game marked by hard hittings and loose fielding Hood River defeat ed Hood River Heights Sunday by a score of 14 to 5. Hart, the star pitch er of the Heights, was not on the mound and Tate and Hlagg, who sub stituted for him, were no puzzle. Stockton pitched a steady game, al lowing but four hits, ragged fielding being responsible for most of the Heights runs. This was the second of a series ot five games to be played for the cup donated by the K. A. Franz Company. K;ich team has now won a game. The The third game of the series will be played nt Columbia Park grounds Decoration day, Friday,' May 30. Kach team will show its full strength so l hat a hard fought game may be expected. WILL FURNISH CIDER YEAST It is hoped by the bacteriology de partment of the Oregon Agricultural College experiment station that next year selected strains of yeasts for the manufacture of ciders and vinegars can be furnished to farmers and oth ers Interested in the Industry. The department has done consider able work with yeasts in the past and perfected them for rapid and com plete fermentation in making vinegar ami cider. Children Want Oregon Saved 4.4.4.H . . CLAS5IFILD LJ 3 .f X EVERYBODY READS THE NEWS "WANT' ADS. "Pi New Rate for Classified Advertis ing: One cent per word, first insertion; Yt cent per word for each insertion thereafter; 30 words or less 50 cents per month. No advertisement insert ed for less than 25 cents. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Ten dollars a month including lights and telephone. 12o5 Sherman Ave. 21-22c For Rent New store room 26x62. Good location on main street. Phone or call 3152. 2tfc Fine 7-room cottage on Cascadu Ave, west of 7th street, for sale chap. 3 chambers and a sleeping porch ,bath, pantry, attic and basement. Inquire at office of A. W. Onthank. 36tfc FOR SALE Two-seated surrey, in good condition. Phone 5X-Odell. 21-22c TWO BARGAINS Strictly new mod ern G room house with basement, bath etc-, on 8th and Pine. Price $2000. Modem 5-room bungalow, all conven iences, 11th sL, Coo Addition. Price $3(100. Investigate this. See owner, Phone 1103 19-22? OAKDALE GREENHOUSES We have a fine lot of Roses, Shrubs, Perennial Plants this spring, A few large Pieplant Roots, f All at prices that you can not afford to send away for what you'jwant. March is the best time to plant anything in the hardy line. Later we will have all the Bedding Plants and Cut Flowers at all times. FLEtCHER &. FLETCHER Phone 5138 Hood River, Ore WANTED To buy light single buggy. Phone George C. Gladen, 5511. 22-23p For Sale Good lot on Prospect Ave. on Installment plan. Inquire of Har old llershner. 3tfc EMPLOYMENT COLUMN WANTED Girl Phone 5643. for light housework. 22c The Battleship Oregon will not be used as a target by the Navy Depart ment if this state can help it. Res olutions strongly protesting against this action have been adopted by many organizations and a petition, as long as the famous battleship Itself. has been signed and forwarded to President Wilson by school children asking that the Oregon lead the naval parade through the Panama Canal. Growers Plan New Concern The New prlnti strawbery tickets. A committee of growers, together with Conrad Rose, who was recently defeated for president of the Won lion, are considering plans for con verting the Wenatchee Produce Com- atchee Valley Fruit Growers' Assocla puny Into a co-operative concern. The name will be retained, but the ontiri. plant and organzation will be convert ed to the use and profit of Wenatchee Valley Growers, It is declared. Wages Declared Not to Control. New York. The rate of wages Is not the controlling factor In the cost of production and there are manufac turers who should employ more effi cient methods before attempting to reduce wages on nccount of the pro posed reductions in the tariff, declared William C. Redfleld, Secretary of Com merce, speakiiiK nt a dinner given In honor of Secretary of War Garrison by the Hudson County liar Association. A daughter was horn Friday, May 2.1. to Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Hart of Mt. Hood. FOR RENT Two partially furnished living rooms above Reed & Hender son's ollice. Light, water und fuel fur nished. Inquire Reed & Henderson, lltfc FOR SALE Cream or milk at Ziliacus Dairy. Phone 5794. 15tfc r UK KLM two and three-room suites for light houskeeping. Modern conveniences. Apply Mrs. II. G. Fred erick, 1215 Sherman, or phone 1552. EUREKA ROOMING HOUSE, Corner 5lh and Oak st. Very desirable first floor rooms, also upstairs rooms for rent by night or week. Two rooms for light housekeeping with private entrance. Come and see my rooms and get prices. You will be pleased. Mrs. J. W. Dickinson. latfc FOR RENT House and barn on 10 acres, unimproved, near Harrett school. H. Davenport, Jr. lHtfc FOR SALE CHEAP A lot and one half and small house on 9th and Hull streets. Easy terms, inquire at 90 Pine street. Phone 5153. 20-23p FOR SALE One two-horso scraper, one No. 20 Oliver Chilled left-hand plow, one two-horse land leveler, and one No. 12 Demmlng ram with fittings; all second hand, but good as new. Phone 6704. 20-23p FOR SALE - Disc, Kimball, spring tooth harrow, 3' inch Mitchell wag on and light road cart, also windmill. Henderson & McKay, R. D. 2, Phone Odell34.r.. 21-22p FOR SALE - Milk and potatoes. 1 deliver good, fresh milk every even ing on Hood Kiver Heights, t also mow hay and move houses. J. T. Nealeigh. Phone 6861. 20tfc WANTED A capable married man for ranch work. Phone 5521. 21-22c WANTED Ry woman with daughter of nine position as housekeeper in respectable home. 1SU Front st.,Hood River, Oreson. 21-22p WANTED Position on ranch by man, wile and one woman. Man to work on ranch and women to cook and work in house. Address A. B. H. c-o News. 22-23p NOTICE Good salary to school teach ers during vacation. Addres8 497 Col lege street, Portland. Oregon. 22-'3p WANTED Experienced straw berry packers. Apply Geo. A. Vreeland, Alameda Way. WANTED Ranch or orchard work by experienced Hood River man; married steady place preferred. Can take full charge. Have had good business ex perlencek Local references given. Address S. R. McDonald R. F. D. 1, Box 70, next place south of H. F.Lage's store. 13t;o REAL ESTATE SECTION FOlt SALE OR EXCHANGE 10-acre ranch, miles west of town, bear ing apple trees, cherries, peaches, berries, alfalfa, pasture. Good 8-room house and other buildings. Apply Mrs. J. F. Miller, 916 Columbia St. Phone 2232. K'tfc FOR SALE 80 ACRES EAST SIDE - LotB 1 and 2, Section 31, Township 2 N, Range 11 East. Very sightly, red shot soil. Three orchards bear ing. All Joining. Price $40 per acre. Terms. A. Osburn, Hood River, Ore gon. R. F. D. 3 Phone 6643. 19tfc WILL TRADE 160 acres of good land near Fir P. O. 4 tulles southeast of Van Horn Station, free water, small house with spring at back door, on county road, 3 million feet of tim ber, no rough land. Will trade for ranch in the valley, preferably with some bearing trees. See I,. A. Hen derson. 21tfc OPPOSES TARIFF CUT ON FRUITS L. R. Alderson, of Clarkston, Wash., representing the Lew istou-Clarkston Fruit Agency, this week appeared be fore the sub-committee of the Senate finance committee at Washington to oppose reduction In the duty on fruits carried by the Underwood bill. Mr. Alderson declared that under the terms of the pending bill a flat rate of 10 cents a bushel is placed on ap ples, pears, peacheg and other fruits, which is materially more than the Canadian rate imposed against fruits, and under this arrangement predicts that Canadian growers will be able ta flood New York and other Eastern .narkets while prices are high an thus crowd out the fruit from the Western country. He said that the people of the West would like to see fruits move free of duty between this country and Cana da, but they objected to American leg islation which would give Canadian growers an advantage over American growers in American markets. H No Old Goods on our' Shelves 4. We have a Complete Line of Fresh I Groceries! Vegetables, Fruits, Etc. X We Invite your inspection fSfite .roceru Store JP445.V FREE DELIVERY: East 9:30 a.m., 3:30 p. m.; Wi A W est 8 a. m., 10 a. m., A p. m. filvt f STAMPS A X t4GGQ&&&GGQ&$fr$ UPPER VALLEY NOTICE List your places for special attention with WARD IRELAND CORNELL Upper Valley Real Estate Insurance Improved and Unimproved OrchardjLand Hood River Connection GUY Y. EDWARDS & CO. Phone U. C. M. Ranch, Parkdale 337-Odell Upper Hood giver filler, Ore 44- 44&&&$bG&44&&4&4$&&&Q4i$ OLD BUILDING TORN DOWN The old Parker building erected here in lSyl by John Parker, was demolished last week by George T. I'rather. who will use the old timbers in constructing a barn on his coun try place in the Summit district. The building has been occupied by a num ber of the most prominent business establishments of the city. It was occupied by the first postoffice estab l.shed here. Lawrence N. Blowers, who owns the property on which the old structure was located is contem plating a modern building to replace it. Cool -headedness and moderation were urgid upon the Japanese rsl dents of California at a mass meeting of 4i)00 Japanese In Pan Francisco by Soroku Khar 1. a member of the House of Peers and of the government party, who is one of a commission int to Investigate the Japanese Und helclat controversy. LOST AND FOUND ADS LOST Small red notebook belonging to Jennie Heveridge. Finder will please return to News Otlice. II 2Tp LIVE STOCK AND FOWLS FOR SALE tiOOD KKLIA11LK OR CIlAUO TEAM WILL HE SOLI) CHEAP THIS WEEK. INQVIRE AT FASHION STAHLES. 2l'-2:!c FOR SALE 13 thoroughbred White Orpington hens. A bargain. Call Hallard at litiU. 21-22p SOME COW Extra good Holsteiu & CutTiisey, ;1 gallons rich milk per day. (ientle. 5 years old. Price $S." at Wi nans City. Phone W. R. Winans. Odell 17. 22p AFTER .1 1 ' N E FIKST-Will sell eggs for hatching from my prize winning R. I. Reds at half price. E. F. Vat, ten. Phone iiOTS. 22tfc FOR SALE Heavy bay team; weigh 2:itii. Will work any place. Phone 27SI. 22-2.1p "AVING purchased the entire interest of E. Brayford in the Rockford Store about three months aero, we are now in a position to serve you with all the highest class Groceries at reasonable prices. We invite your patronage and will serve you to the best of our ability. GIVK US A TRIAL, MERCER & CO. 4444&4-&4 F. B. SNYDER B. B. POWELL Hood River Plumbing Company Phone 1544 Sanitary Plumbing and Heating. Tinning and Sheet Metal Work. Repairing Promptly Attended. ESTIMATES FURNISHED CASCADE AVENUE 4'&4-tt&&&4&t$ T A Choice Lot of NURSERY STOCK I In Standard arieties to offer for the X Season 1912-13. Also some Select t PEONA BULBS CD. THOMPSON I Phone 5808 R. R. No. 2 HoodJRiver, Ore. --4'-l'-l44 -MMil--f-i-4f White Ri ver FJour i Made from Oregon's Finest Wheat by Oregon's Finest Mill. Now at Your Grocer's X x X