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About The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1913)
THE HOOD RIVER2NEW3, WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1913 OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAUNTEREST Events Occurring Throughout t!.e State During the Past Week. 0 A. C. Boys for Strikebreaker. Curvullls. The department of el,.,t riial engineering at the Oregon af!riult ural college wishes It under (ix)J ihat the students who gave up their college course to become wireless professionals and help the Marconi company through the present opera tors' strike, did so In spite of the earnest advice of the professors against such action. -I do nwt consider that It Is fair to organized labor and on this ground as well as on the ground of the per ional loss to the students In sacrific ing their college educational oppor tunities. I urged the young men not to take the step," said Professor W. A. Hlllebrand. "The Marconi company offered such glltti ring inducements to the boys, liowver, and they were so Interested in the work, that I could not keep them." CADAVER FEATURE PUZZLES District Attorney is Unable to Learn Where Swindler Obtained Body. I'ortland. Two explanations, neith er of them credited by the district attorney, have been given by J. C. La frame regarding the cadaver which, dressed in Lafrance's clothing, was found on the upper Clackamas river and used In June, 1912. to defraud three insurance companies of a total of approximately $15,000. In the first story I.afrance said that two medical students obtained the body, took it to the point where it mas found, dressed It In Lafrance's clothing and arranged so that it should be railed to the attention of passing fishermen. The second was that Lafrance had SM-ured the dead body through the assistance of a bill collector In Port land and that they had packed It Into the Clackamas country, where they dressed It In a khaki hunting suit and bail purchased a similar suit, and after making sure that his acquaintances should be informed of his departure, hail ostentatiously gone up the Clack amis on a fishing trip. Loot Loaded Man Is Killed. Roseburg. Carrying two suits of clothes, four pairs of shoes and other articles of wearing apparel, which comprised lh loot taken from the store of the Sutherlin Mercantile com pany at Sutherlin. Hoy Parks, of Aris ta, a suburb of I'ortland, was struck ami killed by a northbound passenger train which he attempted to board In order to get away from the scene of the burglary. II is a brother of James W. Parks, ex-mayor of Aberdeen, and head of the Pacific Fisherjes and Packing company. SHIPPERS DEMAND ROUTES Oregon and Washington Join In Op posing Harriman Plan. Portland. On the grounds that the plan of the Harriman roads, to close the gateways at Wallula, Silver now, Spokane and Denver against their competitors, will adversely affect the service by eliminating competition In routings, cause car shortages, limit the scope of the markets and In some cnMs actually force an Increase In the rates. reiresentatives of the West Coast Lumber Manufacturers' Asso ciation, the Northwestern Fruit Ex change and the Portland Chamber of Commerce presented vigorous protest agaiiis t the railroad's proposal before Jan." W. Carmalt, examiner for the Interstate commerce commission. While the evidence showed that the shippers have not been much Inclined to -. the routes alternative to those of the Harriman system, the testimony mm! apparent the fact that theae liip.iers want these various routes left (n-n ho that they enn use them In ri se they become dissatisfied with he Cnion Pacific, Oregon Short Line md o. w. n. & N. Co. Mcdford Merchant Accused of Theft. M' ,rord. Vpon a specific .chnrge f b aling $40, II. C. Kentner, a lead ing dry goods merchant here, has been R"rve, Wth n warrant. Business as 1 " laies, upon whose move the warrant as Itsiicd, say that Kentner's allied I'f' iilallons wIM amount to $12,000. Kciitiicr Is alleged to have raised his Hillary from $17.r to $.100 a month wlth "'it authority from the directors of "1P II. C. Kentner company, of which I'" as the majority stockholder, and Is said to have drawn henvy amounts from tho com pnny In ntltlitlon. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Cont-.-ctort Win Big Damage Suit. Portland. Judgment for $148,602.52 n K:t i ii s . t the city and In favor of Rob ' ' Wakefield nnd bis assoclntes, con 'rnelors for the Mount Tiilmr reser 'olfss, n their action for $n3,nno, was '"turned by the jury. It was Just five l,;i'. lacking half an hour, since ,they fetiitd to deliberate. Howard Miller, son cf C. K. Miller of Prauktou, underwent a minor oper ation Monday. W. H. Schmick left yesterday for Cleveland, O., called there by the death of his brother. K. II. Arena will leave Monday for New York City, where he expects to engage In newspaper btisiress. Kirby Hobs, who has been travel ing in Southern California and North ern Mexico since October, returned Friday and will probably spend the summer here. The congregation of Immanuel Church (the Heights) will Join with the other churches In the baccalaur eate services to be held at the M. E. church next Sunday evening. Mrs. Anna K. Baker has Insti tuted suit In the Circuit Court against Henry Coburn Allen, W. H. Allen and Mary C. Allen for $15,000 which she alleges Is due her in a real estate transaction. L. A. Henderson has been appoint ed by the Commercial Club to arrange with those who wish to attend the Commonwealth Day to be held at the I'niversity of Oregon next Saturday, May 17. Excursion rates will be giv en. Those w ishing to go may arrange with Mr. Henderson. A. L. !xvett arrived from the O. A. ('. this week and will be associated with C. C. Starring in the work of the local experiment station. Mr. Lovett will perform the entymological work, while Mr. Starring will confine himself more to cover crops and sim ilar experiments. They will keep their ofllce open for the convenience of ranchers next Saturday all day at Room 21, Heilbronner building. An unusually heavy rain prevailed over the valley the last of the week. It was feared by some that the down pour would be Injurious to the apple blooms Just bursting, but experts de clare that the damage will not be noticeable. The precipitation was heaviest on Saturday afternoon, when rain, accompanied by thunder and lightning, fell In torrents. Ranchers consider the rain a boon, for It will fill the earth with nearly enough moisture to mature the hay and grain crops, and will cause the straw berries to grow luxuriously. LOCAL TRANSFERS OF REAL ESTATE U. 1!. Oweiig to Anna M. Owens lot 1 nnd Kast 65 feet of lot 2, block 4. Parkhurst. Toyoji Abisrnf to Sosnke Moemoto, lots 6, 7 and 8, block 4, Columbia Park, also lot 1. block 2, $12S0. H. W. Chapman to J. J. Miller, lots 7 and 8, block 6, Waucoma Addition. $i:.i"i. V. C. Trigg to Delos J. Walker. 4 acres in Belmont district, $SH0. I'nited Slates to Clarence Piper, homestead at Fir. Japanese Delegate Starts. San Francisco. Baron Juichl Soy edi'. di legated by the Japanese-American association of Japan to visit the I'ni'ed States to investigate conditions which have resulted in the passage of an antlallen land bill in California, sailed for San Francisco, according to a Toklo cable to the Japanese Amer ican, of this city. Lime and Spray Kelly Bros., phone 4443. For Lease Rent Free in exchange for taking care of trees an J keep in: "P tne P,ace' a fruit orchard in Dukes Valley. l:ive acres of bearing trees. Good spring. No buildings. Will give 2 or 3-year f lease. Write Pred Herbert 4tS llih St.. Portland T 544)444J44t NEW SCHEDULE Illcutit Hootl Raifroat) ? Kffective 121 A. M. 1 SumUr. Sf .t. Kth I mt No. I I U.K. ! H no H Oft , -H f . sr, 1 . H 40 a IV 9 1H 1. Wl 1- 4f. . in in . 10 !' - 10 40 1. 10 4f ' STATIONS l.vT Idvrr Ar. IVwrnUI Hwitrhlwk . Vn Horn M-lir iMnll Summit IHourhrr Winana I to Tnmt ( rtvk ..- W'wmI worth Ar. I'arkiUI l.v. Ho. 2 I ". , 1 . t f . J.IW. : 2 30 .1.. 2 in .1 . 2 On I t l .j 1 S" .. 1 4:1 . . I M 1 . J .. t I ft J.. 1 I 1 1 CO A. WILSON, Agent. NOTICE East Fork Irrigation District NOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN: 1. That Fred Paaach has filed with i the Hoard of Directors of Fast Fork . Irrigation District his petition pray-, Ine that certain land owned by him . be excluded from the loundaries of said District a8 now constituted, to wit: A tract of land running from north to southwest In the S VV , u the N K 'i in Sec. 12, Tp.. 2, N., It. 10, K. W. M , about 12 acres; also All the land contained In the Ml. Hood Railroad right of way running through tho east side of the S W 14 of the NK14, Sec. 12, Tp. 2, N., R. 10, E. V. M. 2. That Mrs. George P. Maslker has filed with the Board of Directors of Fast Fork Irrigation District her Dt-tition praying that certain land owned by her be excluded from the boundaries of taid District as. now constituted, to-wlt: All of the SWi of the SK14 In Sec. 25, Tp. 2, N., K. 10, K. W. M. 3. That August Paasch has filed with the Hoard of Directors of East Fork Irrigation District his petition praying that certain land owned by him be excluded from the boundaries of said District as now constituted, to-wit: AU of the land in the SE4 of the NE'i in Sec. 12, Tp. 2, N..H.10, E. M., lying East of the Mt Hood Railroad right of way, about 12 acres; also All of the land In the S14 of the of the NE'i in Sec. 12, Tp. 2, N.. K. 10, E. V. M., lying East of the Alt. Hood Railroad right of way, about 13 acres; also A tract of land on the West running from north to south in th S14 of the Xi of the NE'4 In Sec. 12, Tp. 2. N.. R. 10, E. W. M., about 12 acres; also All of the land contained in the Mt. Hood Railroad right of way In the SE'i of the NE'i in Sec 12, Tp. 2, N., R. 10, E. W. M.; also All the laud contained In the Mt. Hood Railroad right of way In the of the N4 of the NE'i In Sec. 12, Tp. 2, N., R. 10, E. W. M. 4. That L. A. E. Clark and Gert rude. L. Clark have filed with the Hoard of Directors of East Fork Ir rigation District their petition pray ins that certain land owned by them be excluded from the boundaries of said District as now constituted, to wit: Commencing at a point on the section line 70 rod east of the north west corner of Section 27, Tp. 2, N., R. 10, E. W. M running thence south SO rods; thence east 30 rods; thence north 80 rods to the section line; thence west along the section line 30 rods to the place of beginning. 5. That Louis Plog and Henrlette Plog have filed with the Hoard of Directors of East Fork Irrigation Dis trict their petition praying that cer tain land owned by them be exclud ed from the boundaries of said Dis trict as now constituted, to-wit: About 46 acres lying in the W'i of the SW'i of Sec. i4, Tp. 2. N.. R. 10, E. V. M.. west of Odell Creek and be low Miller's irrigation ditch; also about 6 acres In said Sec. 14 lying on the east side of Odell Creek. 6. That E. T. Folts has filed with the Hoard of Directors of East Fork Irrieatton District his petition pray. ing that certain land owned by him be excluded from the boundries of said District as now constituted, to wit; the East 4 acres, more or less, of Iot 8 of Folts' Subdivision of Odell. being a sub-division of a por tion of the SW'i of the XW'i of Sec. 2fi, Tp. 2, N., R. 10. E. W. M and be ing all of said Mn 8 except a tract at the west end heretofore conveyed to C. F. Purdy. " 7. That. Charles T. Early, trustee, has filed with the Hoard of Directors of East Fork Irrigation District his petition praying that certain land owned by him be excluded from the boundaries of said District as now constituted, to-wit: Commence at the 1-16 section cor ner on the West boundary of Sec. 26. Tp. 2. N.. R. 10. E. V. M.. and being the Southwest corner of the NW'U of SV4 of said Sec. 26; thence run Kast including angle !0 degrees 80 minutes along the South boundary of said quarter quarter, 944 1-8 feet to an iron bolt, marking the Southeast corner of the tract herein conveyed: thence run North parallel to the West boundary of said Sec. 26, 1.744 ' feet to an iron gas pipe marking the Northeast corner of the tract herein described, thence run West along the North boundary of the land form erly owned t Charles Davis, 944 1 8 feet to the NW'4 thereof: thence run South along the West boundary of Section 26, 1.744.3 feet to the place of beginning, excepting First: A triangular piece of land containing one-quarter of an acre heretofore conveyed out of the North west corner of said land by deed, dated November 2. 1907. and record ed in Deed Records of Wasco County. Oregon, in Vol. 44 on Page 609. in favor of Robert Livingstone; also said Livingstone's ditch across said land: Second: The depot grounds and rUht of way of the Mt. Hood Railroad Company heretofore conveyed by us to said Mt. Hood Railroad Company by deed duly executed, except Commencing at a point on the South boundary of the depot grounds of the Mt. Hood Railroad Company, at the Intersection of the West bound ary of the road leading from the Company's road on the South to tho Odell IVpot of the said rnilrond. nnd which point is more definitely describ ed as being located 237 feet East and on a course North 2S degrees West and 690 foot distant on snld course, from an Iron pin marking the 164 corner on the South boundary of the NW't of the SW'i of Sec. 26. Tp. 2. N., R. .10, E. W. M. ; thence run West Blong the South boundary of tho depot grounds 290 feet to a point; thence South 300 feet to a point; thence East 290 feet to a point In the West side of said road; thence North along the West line of said road 300 feet to the place of begin ning, all angles being right angles, nnd said land being a part of the said Northwest qunrter of the SW'4 of said Sec 26; containing 2 acres, more or less, and excepting, lleglnnlng at the intersection of the South line of the right of way of the Mt. Hood Railroad Company, with the West line of the NW't of the SW'i 'f Sec. 26, Tp, 2, N., K. 10, E. n r nere is oval Tailor Proposition If) ff mmkmm mm J i wm That Has a Royal Flavor Royal Made-to-Measure Suits Reduced Five and Seven-fifty a Suit. $38.00 Royal Made to Measure Suits $31.50 32.00 " - $24.50 30.00 " " " " -$25.00 25.00 " . " " " " -$20.00 CThese reductions do not include all samples at these prices; there are two patterns at $25.00-3 at $30.00 1 at $32.00-1 at $38.00 Seven patterns in all, reduced from $5.00 to $7-5 a Suit. These suit reductions are possible because the Royal Tailors secured the entire output of the mill makingthese patterns at a liberal reduction from regu lar price, and as it is the policy of this splendid organi zation to share all advantages with their customers, we are now in position to make you this very unusual offer. Think of It! Seven of the New Popular Patterns in Spring Suits Reduced $5.O0 to $7.50 a Suit and the Ironclad Guarantee of a Perfect Fit, All-Wool and Satisfaction or Money Back goes with these the same as with all Royal Suit Orders . . . Royal Made-to-Measure All-Wool Suits from $16.00 to $45.00 THE TAD SYSTEM Of starting andadding to a Savings Account for the child is good. Ask us about it. BRAGG MERCANTILE COMPANY HOOD RIVER OREGON RIDING BREECHES Government Khaki, Sweet- Orr Made. All Sizes . . $3.50 V. M., running thence Westerly ang ling to the South and following the South line of said right of way of the Mt. Hood Railroad Company to the NW corner of the depot grounds of said Mt. Hood Railroad Company situated in said section; thence South to the North line of the townslte of Odell; thence West parallel with the lti'.h section corner, next South, to the intersection of the West line of said Section 26, being in the center of the county road; thence North along the said Section line and said road to place of beginning, contain ing 2.1 acres, more or less. S. That the Mt. Hood Railroad Company has filed with the Board of Directors of East Fork Irrigation District its petition praying that cer .ain land owned by it be excluded from the boundaries of said district as now constituted, to wit: Heginning at the intersection of the South line of the right of way of the Mt. Hood Railroad Company, with the Wes'. line of the NW1 of the SV' of Sec. Tp. 2, N. R. l H. W. M.; running thence easterly angling, to the South and following the South line of said right of way of the Mt. Hood Kailroad Company to the NW corner of the depot grounds of said Mt. Hood Railroad Company, situated in said section; thence south to the North line of the townsite of Odell; t hence West para llel with the ltUh s itlon line; next South to the Interaction of the West line of said Section -t!, being in the center of the Couti'y Road; thence North along the said Sectitn line and said road to place of beginning, con taining 2.1 acres, more or less; and also A strip of land varying from about 4i feet to lno feet in width and run ning In a gener. 1 Northerly and Southerly direction through section :!ti, Tp. 3., N. R. 1". K. W. M.: and Sections 1. 12. 1:1. and 23, Tp. 2, N. R. 1, K. W. M and In a general Kasterly and Westerly direction, running through Sections 26, 27, 28.21 and 2H of Tp. 2. N . it. 10, K. W. M . and In a general Southwesterly and Northeasterly direction through Sec tions 2'.i and 30 of Tp 2. N.,R. 10, K. W. M., and all of th- right of way, station grounds nnd property at pres ent used by the Mt Hood Railroad Company for the puroose of operat ing Its railroad over the land situat ed within the bourn nrioa of the Kast Fork Irrigation District; All persons Interested in or who may be affected by such changes of the' boundaries of said District shall appear at the ollice of said Hoard In Hi.. Cltv of Hood Kiver. OreEon. on or before 10 o'cIim k, A. M., on June I :'.rd, l'.'l't. and show cause In writing. if any they have, why said land. or any of tho same should not be ex cluded and the changes of the botin-j darles of saiil District as proposed! In said -petitions, or any of such changes, should not be made. C.KORC.K It. Wll-HCR. Secretary. 20-22 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of an execution duly is sued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Hood River County, dated April 26th A. D. 1913. in a certain action pending in the said Circuit Court wherein Neih & Co., Collectors, a corporation as plaintiff recovered a judgment against Henry Steed, as defendant, for the sum of Fifty-one and 68-100 Dollars ($31.68) with interest thereon at the rate of 2 per cent per annum from October 3rd, 1912, the further sum of Sixty Dollars tSGO.OO) as and for attorneys' fees and the sum of Sixteen and 30-100 Dollars ($16.30) costs and disburse ments taxed in said action, on Jan uary 16th A. D. i;13, In which Judg ment it was further ordered by the Court, that the real property attached in said action, and hereinafter de scribed, be sold for the satisfaction of said Judgment in the manner provid ed by law, and which said execution is against and directs that the here inafter described real property be sold to satisfy said sums and the costs and expenses of said sale. NOTICK IS HKRF.BY GIVEN, That I will on the 2'.'th day of May, 1913, at the front door of the Court House in the City (if Hood River.County of Hood River, Slate of Oregon, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, the following described real property situated in the County of Hood River and State of Oregon, to wit: Lot Two (2) in Block Two (2) of Blowers' Addition to the Town, now City, of Hood River, Lot Two (2 in Block One (1) of Adams' Addition to the City of Hood Riv er, and Lots Nine (9) and Ten (10) in Block Five (3) of Idle wilde Addition to Hood Kiver, all according to the duly recorded maps or plats thereof, or so much thereof as may be neces sary to satisfy said judgment in favor of said Neth Ji Co., Collectors, a cor poration against said Henry Steed ih the said interest thereon, togeth er with all costs and disbursements that have or may accrue. Dated April 2Sth. 1913. TIIOS. K. JOHNSON", As Sheriff of Hood River County, State of Oregon. IS 22 Oon't Breathe Oust I'so Swc ping Compound. For sale by all druggists and K. A. Frani Co. Try it. 20-3mos. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State cf Oregon for Hood River County. Emily C. Sanford, Plaintiff, vs. Mary Hoek, Bertha Hoek, Elwood Hoek, Earl Hoek, Minnie Hoek, Ben Jensen, Bertha Jensen, Herman Jen sen, Laura Jensen, Katie Jensen, H. C. Johnson, John M. Johnson, J. W Johnson, Orin Johnson, Gertrude Johnson, Ralph McDonald, Jessie McDonald, Nina McDonald, Jennie McDonald, Lois McDonald, Children of Octave Johnson McDonald, a de ceased daughter and-Samuel McDon ald; Arthur Rand and Edna Rand, children of Bertha Johnson Rand, and Jason Rand and all other per sons whether known or unknown having any claim or interest In or to the land hereinafter described. Defendants. To the above named defendants: In the name of the state ot Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint herein or otherwise plead thereto on or before six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons and un less you do so plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the complaint, which is that plaintiff be decreed to bo the owner in fee simple of the tract of land described by beginning at the Northwest corner of the Southwest quarter of section six (6) in Township two (2) North, Range eleven (11) East of the Wil lamette Meridian in Hood River Coun ty, State of Oregou, and running thence East fifteen chains and thirty links (13.30chs.); thence South 12 de grees East seven chains and forty seven links (7.47 chs ) ; thence South 38 degrees 30 minutes East seven chains and fifty links (7.30 chs.); thence West twenty-one chains and seventeen links (21.17 chs.) to th Wvst line of said section six (6); thence North thirteen chains and eighteen links (13.1Schs.) to the place of beginning, containing 22.62 acres more or less, and that her title thereto be quieted and for such other relief as may be equitable. This summons is published in the Hood River News once each week for six successive weeks by order of Hon orable Geo. K. Castner, County Judge of Hood River County, Oregon, made on the 16lh day of April, 1913, and the first publication hereof Is this 23rd day of April, 1913. H. n. NICHOLAS, IT Attorney for Halntlff. NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Hood River. In the matter of the Estate of Philip Kollas, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned as Administratrix of the Es tate of Philip Kollas, deceased, did on the 23th day of April, 1913, duly file her final account as such Adminis tratrix with the Clerk of the County Court of Hood River County, Oregon, and that on the 25th day of April, 1913, the Judge of said Court duly made and filed an order fixing the day for the hearing of objections to such final account, and the settlement thereof, and of the estate and distri bution of the same, and fixing the 2nd day of June 1913, at 10 o'clock a. m. at the County Court House in the City of Hood River, Oregon, as the time and place of such hearing. NOW THEREFORE, all persons in terested in said estate are hereby no tified to appear at said time and place and show cause if any they have why said final account should not be al lowed, and in all things approved and confirmed and the assets distributed and claims paid, and said administra trix discharged and said estate be declared settled and closed. The day of the first publication of this notice will be April 30th, 1313. Dated April 26th, 1913. MARIA THERESA KOLLAS, As administratrix of tho Estate of Philip Kollas, deceased. L. A. & A. P. REED, Attorneys for Administratrix, Hood River, Oregou. 18-22 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregou for Hood River County. In tho matter of the Estate of Eu gene K. Swinburne, deceased. N tice is hereby given that the un dersigned was on the loth day of April, 1913, duly appointed, by the County Court of Hood River County, Execu'or of the Ijist Will and Testa ment of Eugene R. Swinburne, De ceased, and that all persons 1 avlug claims ugamst said estato are hereby required to present the same.duly veri fied according to law, at thu olflcti of John Baker, Attorney at Law, In tht City of Hood River, Oregon, wl'hln six mouth, from the date of the flmt publication of this notice. Dated and dato of first publication this M'h day of April, 1913. 16 20 RALPH C. SWINIIK'KSK.