THEfHOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30. 1913 Five Dollars ?y i?ea Service KM HMMMtfMJMIMUV A'eris Shoes and worth every cent of it ill The V .K ! Stride Xrl- ) pact a 4a with fti- 4 'I com or at mvry tlp. il I $5.00 - We fit your feet and give you shoes of a quality r.nj style th.u ease. we believe 1.1 service, and v. .11 make our personal service to you ths basis of your f j ture patronage. Let us fit your next air of shoes. Priced $3.50 to $6.00 NEW WAISTS Hundreds to Select From The World's Mosft Celebrated Makes are worthily represented in this assort ment. Styled Fit absolutely guaranteed Priced $1.2Q to $5.00 Wc want you to see these Waists. They arc an education in themselves FRANK A..CRAM It is not whatyouvzy but what you get when you buy The Duke Low and Ftonheim Con Ftature Men's Oxfords $3.50 to $5.00 . . . Mr A N ted: Bearing Orchards Centrally Located In Exchange for City Property in Port land and Hood River. J . II 1 IVllLfl U1I11VI V VUi $ J. H. Heilbronner & Co. V 7 VHGT7 7 v vin Ilocalsantpersonals -C-7 TTT7 it fll Lime and Spray Kelly Bro., phone 4443. Buy your coal of Taft Transfer Com pany. 7tfc Guy V. Edwards of Portland spent the week end visiting relatives here. Mrs. C. A. Bell returned last even ing after having spent a few days in Portland. Carl Vaughan returned Friday from a couple of weeks spent in Southern California on business. W. V. Glascock, who has been spending the winter ia Portland, re turned the last of th w-k to his homestead near S3rr.rr.:'.t. Ben Klein was brought here from Underwood Saturday for nodical treatment He had sustained pain ful but not serious injuries in a fall from a wagon. Mrs. J. F. Patterson and two chil dren returned Saturday from Honolu lu and were accompanied from Port land by Mr. Patterson. They are pack ing their household goods this week and will move to Portland whre Mr. Patterson will engage in business. The referendum petitions involving the local county salary' bill have been circulated throughout the county and about 1'no signatures have so far been secured. Only five per cent of the le gal voters of the county are needed to mjike the petitions effective and they will probably be filed within the nejet few davs. Can deliver coal or wood (promptly. Taft Transfer Company. "tfc A. P. Bateham of Portland spent a couple of days in the valley last week. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Henderson spent the week end at her former home in Oregon City. If you want insurance in companies that pay losses promptly and in full call on A. V. Onthank. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Clark of Dee went to Portland Monday to spend two or three days. Alex Reed of the S anley-Smith Lumber Company returned the last of the week from a trip East. Ralph N'elden came from Salt Lake City last week to visit his brother, Paul Nelden, in the Cpper Valley. NOTICE Before ordering your Iiur bank and Vermont Gold Coin seed po tatoes you had better call the I. C. M. Ranch. Phone Udell 3:37. 1118c C. K. Marshal and Virgil Winchell have been drawn on the L. S. Dis trict Court grand jury which will meet in Portland May 5 arid be in session on and off throughout the summer. Miss Wold of the Oregon Kdueatio al League will address' the Citizens of Hood River at the Commercial Hub rooms Thursday evening. May 1. Come out and hear her and b arn why you should not sign the referend um petitions being circulated against our state university. Admission free. Don't forget the time and place. For prompt delivery of coal call Taft Transfer Company. 7tfc Mrs. F. S. Smith has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Lamond. in Portland ! for several days. ' r;inw.r Cwior II 1? rinvtilunn nnrl J. C. Porter were visitors in Portland the last of rhe week. Miss Viola Wilson has been the guest for a few days of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Greene at The Dalles. Councilman Ed Mayes is confined to his home by llln,ess and was unable to be present at the council meeting Monday. Mrs. W. E. Neff, who has been spending several weeks with her fath er, E. W. Winans, returned Monday to Cornelius, Oregon. I wish the public to know that I have reopened my office in the Bros ius Bldg., and will resume my prac tice in Hood River. Dr. F. C. Bros ius, Phone 1881. 18tfc MOTHERS! REMEMBER Friday and Saturday, May 2 and 3, are Tad Days at the Bragg Mercntlle Com pany's store. See their add in this issue. 17-18c Write for our booklet on the cheap est irrigated lands ever offered. Grow clover and alfalfa, and make money raising hogs. Pend Oreille County Land Co., .Newport, Wash.' 17-24p Gladys Reavis, Vernon Shoemaker, Nola Radliff and Ada Hart, all' mem bers of the High School domestic science class, presided at' a dainty dinner served last evening as a con vincing demonstration of their mas tery of the culinary art. Alfred Millard, the Omaha banker, who has extensive real estate hold ings in both the, Upper and lower val leys, arrived Monday with Mrs. Mil land. They want to rent a house near their property on the East Side and will spend the summer. They are now guests at the Mt.' Hood Hotel. Members of the Woman's Club are meiting with good success in their canvas for funds for the larger li brary site. There has already been se cured $K.iiO towards the $2000 desired. On Monday a gift of $100 was receiv ed from Dr. Eliot of Portland, the inos" generous individual gift which has yet been received. Attorney and Mrs. S. W. Stark and Mr. and Mrs. (i. A. Clarke motored ;to Trout Lake Sunday, being among J the first visitors to that resort this ; season. They had contemplated ! tingling for finny game in the lake, j but were warned that appearance of their rods might, bring out a game warden as the season in tht stte does ! not open until May 1. Coal or Wood delivered on short no tice. Taft Transfer Company. 7tfc H. S. Pratt and Miss Violet Palm er spent lastl week in Portland with her sister, Mrs. R. R. Adams. Miss Wold of the Oregon Educa tional League will address local citi zens at the Commercial Club tomor row (Thursday) evening. She will speak on the University referendum measure, to which the league she rep resents is opposed. Attention B.P.O.E. of Hood River! Kindly send your name, present ad dress and "where you belong" to C. H. Vaughan, Hood River, Oregon. Some thing doing in the near future that none can afford to miss. Do not de lay. Do it now. 1819c The Heights baseball team played White Salmon at that place Sunday and was defeated by the score of 11 to 9. The Heights boys found the White Salmon twirler for several hits but White Salmon made a number of lucky runs on errors by the locals. Overbaugh and Teal were the battery for White Salmon; Matthews and Hall for the Heights. The Heights team plays The Dalles on the local diamond Sunday. William Rogers Lord, the famous student of birds and author of "Lord's Birds of Washington and Oregon,',' will give an address this (Wednesday) evening at the Cortgregatlonal church at eight o'clock. Admission will be free and the lecture is given under ihe auspices of the High School. William Barnes, a 60-year-old Prine vllle merchant, whose first ride on a train was taken recently from Bend to Portland, has been here visiting his niece, Mrs. C. D. NickVlsen. CLEAN UP THIS WEEK HOOD RIVER IN-ALABAMA? Washington, 0. C, Vendor Now Fam ous for His Ignorance (Kemmerer (Wyo.) Camera) As an evidence of the reputation the West is training in the East, we call to mind an Incident noted in Washington, I). C., of where a cus tomer stepped up to a fruit vender and asked for some of his best apples. The tendered fruit was all that was desired, and the question was put to the vender as to what was the name of the apple arid where It came from. The vender replied Chat It was a "Hood River." and he thought It came frCm Alabama. In the west there is never any fiifstion as to where those famous apples come from and it is nice to know that the apples most prized in the East are the product of Oregon, a Western state. CAMAS PRAIRIE HAY LANDS There is money in Hay and Cows and this is the correct time to get into We have some good farms equipped with buildings; the prices are right and the terms will suit your pocketbook. B. E. DUNCAN & CO. ;:::::.,-:;:;. :j;:wmmimmmmmmm!mmtyi , ; Tixmt to Begin Collecting Rubbish Tomorrow Morning All citizens interested are remind ed that this is clean up week and that the teams will begin to collect rub bish Thursday morning. Nothing will be hauled that can be burned and all rubbish should be placed in boxes or sacks and convenient to the street that the drivers may see it as they pass along. They will charge a nomi nal fee, much less than If hauled away upon individual orders. It is hoped that every place needing it will be cleaned up by the end of the week and not necessitate' the city taking steps to have it cleaned. JUNIORS ENTERTAIN SENIORS According to their annual custom, the Junior Class of the High School entertained the Seniors very pleas antly at the Commercial Club Friday evening. The room was elaborately decorated with streamers of maroon and gold, the Senior Class colors. There was also a profusion of flow ers. A jolly evening was spent with games, the fea'ure of the entertain ment being the track meet between Cornell, Princeton and Yale, which aroused much amusement. Profiles of the Senior Class and faculty were then guessed. Refreshments were served and dancing was enjoyed. The general committee responsible for the success of the evening included the following: Will McGuire, Allan Har ris, Matthew Miller, Emma Gibbons, Tillie Davidson and De Forrest Gould. Sub-committees worked under the di rection of the general committee. CHRISTIAN CHURCHES MEET The district rally of the Christian churches of Hood River, Hood River Valley, Mosler, Wasco, Dufur and The Dalles was held last Thursday night and Friday at The Dulles. Delegates and ministers from all the above nam ed churches were present and inter esting sermons were listened to. The following program was carried out Thursday night: Devotional service; address of welcome. Rev. Howard Mc Connell; response, Jas.A. Bennett; ad dress, "The Efficient Church," C. . F. Swander of Portland. Friday's program Reports from churches;"State Work Conference."C. F. Swander; address "C. W. B. M Work," Mrs. Ellen, Portland; confer ence on Bible school work, Mrs, Clara G. Essen, Forest Grove. OBITUARY Levi Clarke The funeral of Levi Clarke, who passed quietly away in his sleep lust week, was held Thursday afternoon at St. Mark's church, Rev. B. A. Warren of The Dalles officiating. Mr. Clarke was baptized by Bishop Paddock a few weeks ago and had been confirm ed only the Sunday before bis death. His wife, before her death, had been one of the most devoted members of St. Mark's church. Mr. Clarke was born at Rochester, N. Y., October 16. 1836. When hardly more than a boy he left home and went to London, Out., where he later entered the wholesale cigar business. Afterwards he learned the hardware business and became owner of a store at Ontario. He sold out there and moved to Fort Scott, Kansas, where he again engaged in the hardware business. A few years later he lost most of the money he had accumulat ed in mining enterprises In which he became Interested in New Mexico. After engaging in business again in several cities of the Middle West he came to The Dulles In 1889. He came to Hood River 14 years ago and be came interested wlrh his son, Charles, in the drug business. Six years ago his sight failed and he retired from active business. Mr. Clarke was married to Miss Mary Keys at Woodstock, Ontario, on April 20, 1856. Mrs. Clarke's death last fall came as a severe blow to her husband and he had fuiled rapidly since that time. He is survived by five children and 10 grandchildren. The children are Frank Clarke of Portland, F. W. Clarke and Mrs. W. O Hadley of The Dulles, and Arthur and Charles N. Clarke of this city. Read the News it tells It all. SsufiS Reed & Henderson, Inc. Fire, Accident, Life, Automobile, F'late Glass, Burglary, Employer's Liability, including FARMERS and ORCHARDISTS. v Also Judicial, Official and Indemnity Bonds i 2 Resident Agent for: U. S. Fidelity & Guaranty Co. Northern Assurance Co., of London Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd., of London Hanover Fire Insurance Co. of New York Pelican Assurance Co. of New York I 'Real Estate Loans InxJcstmenlsX BUSINESS MEN ORGANIZING A meeting of the Hood River Busi ness Men's League has been called for Monday, May 5, at 8 p m at which time the organization will be perfect. The meeting will be held at the Com mercial Club and the constitution and by-lawg will be submitted. The offi cers will be present to receive sug gestions as to the best manner to pro ceed in the matter of a rating bureau. 6UTHERLIN TO PRESERVE FRUIT Sutherlin lg to have a fruit preserv ; ing plant in operation, late next ; month. The local fruit growers' as sociation has been active In securing j the new plant which will cost $30,000. I It will use new patent processes In j drying and preserving fruits and veg , etables of all kinds and will be of 1 very great benefit to the people of ' that section. Contracts have already been made for this year's crops. NEW TODAY 30 Acres Located in Dukes Valley, 4 acres in bearing, 16 acres 2 to 4 years old, 5 acres yearlings. Halance timber and creek. 4-room house; large barn, unlimited free water. Price $15,000.00. Will exchange for small acreage near Hood River. Lot, 50x100, South Front Street, Portland -Price $25,000 3 buildings, furnished and equipped. Can make this prop erty pay $300 a month net. Will exchange for Hood liiver Orchard. 10 Acres 3 miles from Hood River, just off the maca dam road. Three acres G-year-old trees, Spitzenburgs and Newtowns; three acres 2-year-old trees, all Newtowns; one acre 1-year-old Commercial pears; one and a half acres in hay. Balance pasture and small creek. New 5-room mod ern bungalow; small barn. Price $9,000.00. Will exchange for acreage for diversified farming, principally raising hay and stock. For Reliable Insurance See ROBERTS & SIMMS ucccisona to ' G. Y. EDWARDS &. CO. PHONE 3111 HOTEL OREGON BUILDING Regular Sunday excursion to Park dale. I'leasant trip for yourself ami friends. It's Sure to Be Right If the watch comes from here, no matter if you buy the cheapest or most expensive--livery watch we sell is a... Guaranteed UimcKccpcr Arthur Clarke Jewtler and Optician Opp nutln'i Hank iff,. ,f , w ( '; py.vwy 'v, '