THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 30, 1913 A, I, MASON WRITES OF REFERENDUM Kdltor, the News: It lg not neces sary, neither do I tk'Blre at this time to make a reply to the many unjust criticisms and misleading statements now being made by the public press relative to those who are signing the referendum petltlong against the U. of O. building appropriations, which are to be followed with an Initiative bill consolidating the U. of O. and O. A. C, but I feel it my duty on behalf of those who are so willingly assist ing ub In this work, and for the bene fit of those who perhaps do not really understand the law relative to the special election, which 1b supposed to be held this coining November, to off er a few words of explanation. There Is a big howl now being made by many newspapers throughout the Btate against those who are signing any referendum petitions on account of throwing the state Into an expense of 1100,000 for a special election. Let ug see who is to blame for this and ascertain if this accusation Is true. The last legislature created several laws. One of them provided for a special election to be held this fall and to this law was attached the emergency clause. Hut this special election was not to be called unless some one of these bills was referred by the referendum. Why was the emergency clause attached to this special election bill? It was done so that the people couJd not stop the holding of thig special election. And now we are told we are to blame for It. Notice the injustice of such a law. ICS sole object was to thwart and abridge the referendum powers given to us by our state constitution. In other worls, If you do not like any or all of the laws created by our last legislature you are to be accused of costing the state $100,000 for using the constitutional right It's a $100,000 handicap on our referendum laws. And though this vicious legislation was slipped over the people by our last legislature, yet such acts will have the opposite effect desired by their promoters. It was my pleasure to attend a meetting of the executive board of the Oregon Higher Educational Bet terment League held In Portland a few days ago. At this meeting were three of Portland's best attorneys and all of them were of the opinion that a special election this fall was not necessary, wag a needless expense and would be entirely illegal. Our state constitution gives the power of calling a special election to the legislature only. There is no spe cial election called as yet and no act of the people does not give them (rhe people) the power to call such special election. The Higher Educational Betterment League, by a unanimous vote, ha8 in structed Its executive board to secure legal assistance and enter suit against the holding of a special state elec tion this full. The referendum peti tions now being circulated on the U. of O. appropriations provide for the referring them at the regular elec tion to be held in November, 1914. There are now being circulated 6 referendum petitions on at least six different bills passed by our last Leg Is lature and if we cannot knock out the special election to be held this fall we shall have an extra expense of $100,000 forced on u8 by our last legislature and not by those who are signing any referendum petitions for they are simply using their constitu tional rights. If our last legislature violated its duty and tried to abridge the state constitution, should our loy al cliizens be blamed for their acts. At some future time when It be comes necessary I shall write again, Justifying the acts of those who are signing the D. of O. referendum peti tions with the. sole object of con solidating our two stnte colleges. In conclusion I desire to say to my fellow cltliens that if there Is a -single act of our last legislature on Mffcich a referendum la being Invoked and you feel that such meets your approval, you are not doing your duty as a citi zen if you do not sign It, for It Is Just ag much your saored duty to assist In correcting a public wrong by signing a rferenftom petition as It Is to cast your vote at any general election. Yours sincerely, A. I. JvlASO.V. ATTENTION B. P. O. E. Of HOOD RIVER1 Kindly uend your name, present ad dress and "where you belong" to 0. It. Vaughan. Hood Hlver, Oregon. Some thing doing In the near future that . none can afford to miss. Do not de lay. Do It now. 18 19c- NOTICE We have a client who desires to secure a loan of $2100.00 on first mort gage on 40 acres ot land aliout three mlleg south, of Hood River. Will pay 8 per cent Interest. Thono 3183. 13tfc STARK & IIA7XETT. Tho Njwi for fine printing. We Give STAMPS NEW BOOKS NOW ON LILRARY SHELVES New books at the library include the following: Cobleigh Handy farm devices and how to make them. Helpful and miggestive, describing labor-Having contrivances which range from milking stools to house water supplies, with Introductory chapters on tools and use of steel square. Eaton Oregon System. Hest analysis of the working of the Initiative and referendum in Oregon which has yet appeared. Each measure Is described separately, showing tho popular vote on it, the Influence for and against it, the ad vantages of the use of direct legis lation and the abuse present In the particular case. The author is In favor of direct legislation but points out serious defe ts In the present Oregon system and gives the Im pression that It is by no means the unqualified success which its advo cates have led us to believe. Edvi rda rPanama; the canal, the country and the people. Lively journalistic account of last ing interest because of its history of colonization, piracy, easy travel on the Isthmus and history of canal enterprise. Civ g a vivid picture of Americanization and of the success of the P nama Canal commission. Burrell Ejsy Entertaining. Menu and suggestions for dinners, luncheons and suppers on special oc casion, picnic lunches, outdoor teas, stag dinners, etc. Most of the en tertainments planned can be carried out by the housewife of average means and experience. Hughan American socialism of the present day. Although the subject is not exhaust ively treated, this dispassionate and scholarly work Is suited to the re quirements of the reader whose know of economics is rudimentary nd is one of the most valuable of recent contributions to the liter ature of socialism. Munro Initiative, referendum and re call. These fifteen papers ably present both sides of each subject, are up-to-date and rich In concrete Inform ation. They constitute the best single book for the general reader. Watts Vegetable Gardening. Excellent textbook and valuable ref erence book for vegetable growers. About half the book Is devoted to specific cultural directions and good illustrations from drawings and photographs. MUCH BITULITHIC PAVING BEING LAID IN MONTANA TOWN Ilozcman, Montana, is busy making preparations for extensive work In street paving being planned this sea son by the city council. About, a mile and a half of street Is to be paved. Ordinances providing for this work were passed during the winter and tho Warren people who have the con tracts hnve their force on tho ground and equipment prnctlcnlly ready to commence work. - II I IB V Jiff mm READY-MADE DRESSES AT REASONABLE PUICKS $1,25, $1,75, S2.25, $2.50, $3.50, $4,00, $5.00 4MAVE you seen them? Aren't they beauties? Made in nifty styles of Gingham, Percale, Poplin, Linen and Voile. All the latest creations in Tub Dresses both for street and indoor wear. " These cool days remind us that you must have a Spring Wrap. Here is one that is well made of good material and d fl C QO in the latest style and at the very low price of . . Jj) J 3 i Other numbers in stock, all this spring styles, made of the newest novelty materials-SPECML FOR SA TURDA Y. Big variety of Fancy Ribbons, values up to 35c, Only ... 1 9c F. H. MORLAN 4.H. CLASSIFIED ADS. EVERYBODY READS 4 New Rates for Classified Advertis ing: One cent per word, first Insertion; Y2 cent per word for each insertion thereafter: 30 words or less 50 cents per month. No advertisement Insert ed for less than 25 cents. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE For Rent New store room 26x62. Good location on main street. Phone or call 3152. 2tfc Fine 7-room cottage on Cascado Ave, west of 7th street, for sale cheap. 3 chambers and a sleeping porch ,batb, pantry, attic and basement. Inquire at office of A. W. Onthank. 36tfc FUR SALE Two-seated hack in good condition or will trade for saddle pony. George llewett, Uunderwood, Wash. 18c FOR SALE 5 inches Farmer Irrigat ing C'o.'g water at a discount. Phone 5622. 18-21p TWO BARGAINS Strictly new mod ern 6-room house with basement, bath Modern 5-room bungalow, all conven iences, 11th st., Coe Addition. Price $;10ti0. Investigate this. See owner, Phone 1103. ,18-21p FOR SALE Nearly new bicycle, cheap or will trade for row boat. Tel ephone 2442. 18-19p FOR RENT Three rooms and bath. Phone 2682. lOtfc FOR RENT Two partially furnished living rooms above Reed & Hender son's office. Light, water and fuel fur nished. Inquire Reed & Henderson, lltfc FOR SALE No. 2 Faultless stump puller, good as new. Has had only one season's use. Hooks, cable, etc. go with it. Trice $110. U. M. C. Ranch, Parkdalo Phone Odell 337. 13tfc FOR SALE Cream or milk at Zillacus Dairy. Phone 5794. latfc FOR RENT Two and three-room suites for light houskeeping. Modern conveniences. Apply Mrs. H. G. Fred erick, 1215 Sherman, or phone 1552. FOR RENT Potato planter. Inquire of A. L. Crocker at the Apple Growers' Union. 17-20c El'REKA ROOMING HOUSE, Corner 5th and Oak st. Very desirable first floor rooms, also upstairs rooms for rent by night or week. Two rooms for light housekeeping with private entrance. Come and see my rooms and get prices. You will be pleased. Mrs. J. W. Dickinson. lOtfc FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS of G. A. Peck English Oak dining room set (10-ft extension table), dark oak libniry table, oak wicker ni;d leather rocking chairs, sanitary couch and cover; writing desk, leather couch, birdseye maple bedroom set, d'shes, kitchen furnishings, vacuum cleaner, Singer chaln-stltch sewlii't machine, etc. Call at Dickernftn & Peck ranch, East Side, telephone COM. r THE NEWS "WANT" ADS. WANTED Second-hand, ono-horse farm wagon. C. I. Moody, Parkdale. Oregon. 17-18c. STRAWBERRY PLANTS For .:.; from one year old set. L. M. Kar stettter. Phone 123-Odell. 17-18p WANTED A second-hand runabout. Must be light in weight and in good condition. Address Box 54, Dee, Ore gon. 17-18p WANTED A good, light runabout buggy. Must be a bargain. Box 54, Dee, Oregon. 17-lSc WANTED Second hand Phone 3742. cook stove. 17-lSp LIVE STOCK AND FOWLS FOR SALE Bay team, five and six years old, weight 2700, good in orchard work, sound, gentle and true. Can be seen at the Transfer & Livery Com pany. 15-lSp WANTED Young pigs. Phone 5575. 1718c FOR SALE Roan team, weight 2500, seven years old. Well matched, true good, heavy harness. The outfit at a bargain if taken at once. E. L. Mc clain, R.l. Phone 5097. 15tfc. Batten's S. C. Reds Are the heavy winter egg layers as well as show birds. If you are starting in Kedj why not start with best blood obtainable? I have three pens of grand breeders mated up for this season. Five judges have passed upon my birds a id pro nounce them the lest In this Western country. 'Eggs fur hatching, $1.50, $3.00 and $5.00 p. r 15, fertility and satisfaction guaranteed. If voir get good hatches tell others. If not tell 11 1 . Phone 5078. E. F. I'.atten, Hood River. Oregon. .'tfj FOR SALE I!ig work" team, $;!00. May be seen at work on Willow Flat road above Odell. E. H. Arens, above Hooth Hill. Phone 165-Odell. 9tfc FOR SALE Good fast saddle puuv. nine years old. Telephone '?o-Odell, or write P. O. Hex 93, Hood River. 17 ISp WANTED TO 1!I V Good cow, .T. r- sey preferred. I.. M. Kars'elt'r. Phone 123-Odell. 17 lSu EMPLOYMENT COLUMN WE CARE FOR ORCHARDS For residents or nou residents pruning, spraying, cultivation, caring for crop. References, First National Hank, J. J. Knapp & Son, Phene 5809. lOtfc WANTED Ranch i.r orchard work by experienced Hood Kiver man; married steady place preferred. Can take full charge. Have had good business ex perience. Local references given. Address S. R. McDonald 11. F. D. 1, Box 70, next place : outh of H. F.Lage's store. 13t;i: DRESSMAKING iloiie"at home. Kates reasonable. Apply Rose llendricksoti at Spangler house on East Sherman Avenue. ISL'lp it. G STAMPS T0AKDALE GREENHOUSES We have a fine lot of Roses. Shrubs, Perennial Plants this spring. A few large Pieplant Roots. All at prices that you can not afford to send away for what you want. March is the best time to plant anything in the hardy line. Later we will have all the Bedding Plants and Cut Flowers'at all times. FLETCHER & FLETCHER Phone 5138 Hood River, Ore REAL ESTATE SECTION FOR SALE. .11 acres 5 miles out on West Side, about 8 acres in best com mercial anules. 75 Der cent of which is in bearing, balance bav. Small house and barn, beautiful building site. A paying proposition and you can buy it $1500 less thaj cheap, terms on part if desired. Address Box 79, Rt., 2, Hood River, Oregon. Phone 5886. lOtfc FOR SALE.. 25 acres, part Improved, Upper Hood River. Some cash, part time or trade, Box 141, Viola, Kan sas. 11-lSc FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 10-acre ranch, 2Va miles west of town, bear ing apple trees, cherries, peaches, berries, alfalfa, pasture. Good 8-room house and other buildings. Apply Mrs. J. F. Miller, 916 Columbia St. Phone 2232. 12tfc FOR SALE 10-acre tracts in Under wood ( just across the river from Hood River) land lies level, easily cleared, finest red shot soil. Terms $100 cash, balance long time. Apply George Hewett, Underwood. Wash. 1S-20C WANTED -4" to 50 acres, suitable for diversified farming. Not over 20 acres in fruir.. 10 ready for hay. Must be in Hood River and right price. Nothing else considered. Answer giv ing full particulars. Address H. U. Crosby, c-o II. R. News Co. lS-19p BUSINESS ADVERTISING FOR RENT Phone :i';i:!. Piano to reliable party. 16tfc For Sale Good lot on Prospect Ave. on installment plan. Inquire of Har old Hershner. 3tfc For Sale One and two-year-old apple trees including Delicious, Winter Ba nanas, Ortleys, Newtowns, Spitzen bergs, and other leading varieties. Al so Uurbank potatoes. Write or phone J. T. Neuleigh, Hood River. Phone 21S K. 48tfc WANTED Reliable party to lease 2'a acres of strawberries near Mohr Sta tion. Apply to F. H. Klngdon. Phone 50S1. 16-17p FOR SALE -ltargaln Laying White Leghorn hens at 50 cents each to make room fir young stock. Day old chicks at $15 per 100; cgps for hatching $1.50 per setting of l."; $' per 100. 90 per cent fertility guaranteed. W. II. Tobey, Phone 75-Odell. 1417c LOST AND FOUND ADS LOST One lapivbe. Kinder please return to Huberts & Siiiims. IS l!o LOST I'air ef eye glassed, "Garret son" case. Mrs. A. It. Jones, l'liono 1'7J:!. 17-lSp We I j GRUBBING TOOLS of I We have not let the grass grow under our feet dur j: ing the winter months, but have been engaged in t manufacturing a complete line of Grubbing ana Land Clearing Implements. You can find here whatever I you may need in this line and of the best, most sub '. stantial workmanship. : WAGON PARTS REPLACED -If you have a broken : shaft, pole or any other part of your wagon, don't : throw it away. Bring it here and we will make it : as good as new for half the price. POWLR BLACKSMITH AND WAUON MIOP J Phone 2611 .... Third Street, North ot Cascade Ave. t it Have It Done at Home I Screen Doors : Screens Furniture : Doors ALL KINDS OF MILL WORK i t What Do You Want Hood River Phone 3454 No Old Goods on our Shelves We have a Complete Line of Fresh Groceries, Vegetables, Fruits, Etc. We invite your inspection CC:t- 13 i?iue irocfcsru FREE DELIVERY: East 9:30.a.m., 3:30 p. m.; Wa Vf " ? West 8 a. m., 10 a. m., A p. m. - Clv J 8. 4r4 UPPER VALLEY NOTICE List your places for special attention with WARD IRELAND CORNELL Upper Valley Real Estate .. Insurance Improved and Unimproved OrchardjLand Hood River Connection Phone 337-Odell GUY Y. EDWARDS & CO. 'AVING purchased Brayford in the Rockford Store about three months ago, we are now in a position to serve you with all the highest class Groceries at reasonable prices. We invite your patronage and will serve you to the best of our ability. GIVIS US A TRIAL. MERCER & CO. F. B. SNYDER Hood River Plumbing Company Phone 1544 Sanitary Plumbing and Heating. Tinning and Sheet Metal Work. Repairing Promptly Attended. ESTIMATES FURNISHED CASCADE AVENUE t 4"4- A Choice Lot of In Standard Varieties to offer for the Season 1912-13. Also some Select PEONA BULBS CD. THOMPSON Phone 5908 R. R. No. 2 HoodJRivcr. Ore. t White River Flour Made from Oregon's Finest Wheat by Oregon's Finest Mill. Now at Your Grocer's All Kinds on Hand We Will Hake It Planing Mill 9th and Cascade C J. R. KINSEY? oicre Phone445i V. C. M. Ranch, Parkdale Upper flood River Valley, On. t the entire interest of E. B. B. POWELL NURSERY STOCK 5 i r