The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, April 30, 1913, Image 1

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'" ui.torie.l tod
Highest Grade
Job Trinting
Get Jesuits
Oregon '
Dickerson Vice-President and Hooker
la Elected Secretary Sieg and
Davidson Manager
Organization of the Apple Growers'
Association, the new co-operative fruit
marketing concern of the valley, was
practically completed at a meeting of
the stockholders Thursday evening.
Seven of the nine directors were elect
ed as follows: P. S. Davidson, W. li.
Dickerson, C. W. Hooker, II. F. David
son, J. C. Porter, L. E. Clarke and A.
W. Stone.
At the meeting of the board of di
rectors Immediately afterwards offi
cers were elected as follows: P. S.
Davidson president, W. 13. Dickerson
vice president and C. W. Hooker, sec
retary. The active management of tha new
organization will be undertaken joint
ly by WUmer Sieg, who was employed
as sales manager, and 11. F. Davidson,
who was employed as district mana
ger. Mr. Sieg's duties will Include
the mrrketlng end of the business
while Mr. Davidson will be in charge
of the local packing, inspection and
storage end. They will have uniform
power and the executive end of the-
organization will be handled through
consultation between the two.
The directors were elected to serve
for the year 1913 or up to the date of
the next annual meeting. The two
additional directors to serve this year
will be elected at a subsequent meet
ing of the stockholders. The organi
zation win start at once to prepare
for handling the strawberry crop but
no solicitors will be sent out to secure
contracts. Shippers should confer
with either Mr. Sieg or Mr. Davidson
of the new organization as soon as
posHlble. Arrangements are being
made to secure a handsome litho
graphed label for use on the straw
berry boxes this year.
In order to make it more conven
ient for all concerned, a number of
meetings have been arranged for this
week in order to give growers an op
portunity to get any desired Informa
tion about the new organization and to
Vigil up the contracts. As stated be
fore, seventy-five per cent of the
bearing orchards in the valley must
be signed up before the new organiza
tion can proceed.
Last evening a public meeting was
held at the Pine Grove Grange Hall.
This (Wednesday) evening a public
meeting for growers will be held at
Odd Fellows Hall, Odell, under the
ausplceg of the Odell Development
league at 7:30 o'clock.
Tomorrow (Thursday) evening two
meetings will be held. One will be at
the Park Grange Hall for growers liv
ing In the Belmont, Franklin, East
Itnrrett and Barrett districts. An
other meeting will be held at the Oak
Grove school house. Both meetings
will open at 7:30 o'clock.
Next Saturday a meeting will be
held at Mclsaac's Hall, Parkdale, for
the benefit of the Upper Valley grow
ers. This will also start at 7:30.
Representatives of the new organi
zation will be present at all of these
meetings and will be ready to explain
all details to the growers personally.
The signatures to the contracts will
be secured with Xhe understanding
that crop estimates can be furnished
The ladies of the Christian church
gave at the home of Mrs. Fred Howe
on Tuesday afternoon from 2 to 6
a farewell reception in honor of Mrs.
Hay ward and Mrs. N. C. Evans who
are going from the city.
A large gathering of the church
Iadlo8 and friends were present. Re
freshments were served and a happy
time was enjoyed by all present.
These two women go from our mid
st with the good wishes of all. While
we regret giving them up we know
other communities will be blessed by
our loss.
An enjoyable evening can be spent
Friday with Mrs. Basil Young, reader,
Mrs. P. 8. Davidson and Miss Beth
Kdglngton, soloists, Mrs. S. U. Ox
borrow, pipe organist, Dr.H.M. Sharp,
violinist), Thomas Hill, rornetlsts, at
the Anbury Methodist Epscopal
church. The program will commence
at 8 o'clock.
Head the News. It tells It all.
It is expected that the paving will
be started this week and that some
of the Hassam pavement which is
to cover the business district of town
will be laid before the end of the
week. Last week the curbs were re
paired and deepened on Second street
in readiness for the grading and pav
ing. The company will bring its
crew here from Portland this week
and the work will bo rushed. The
contract calls for completion of all the
pavement before the middle of next
Work on the water system is pro
gressing. The main pipe line, which
is to tap Tucker's Spring, has already
been laid about a mile and a half
south of the city, while the main lead
from the reservoir on the Heights to
the downtown section is also being
Considerable comment, not alto
gether favorable, has been occasioned
by the repeated attacks being made by
the Oregon Journal through the med
ium of its market page upon the move
ment for consolidation of Northwest
fruit districts. These attacks, coup
led with very palpable misrepresenta
Hons, have been directed openly to
wards the North Pacific Distributors
and also, but less directly, against
the consolidation of local shipping in
By what interests the attacks are
prompted is not altogether a mystery.
Hyman H. Cohen, who is market edi
tor for the Journal is also edi
tor of the new publication "The
Fruit and Produce Distributor." It
is commonly understood that the lat
ter publication is closely allied in Us
Interests with the Northwestern Fruit
Exchange, which some months ago
made an ineffectual attempt to gather
the fruit districts of the Northwest un
der Its maternal wings. Falling in
this, they have since lost no oppor
tunity to antagonize similar efforts on
the part of the growers themselves.
Hood River has not yet definitely
allied herself with the North Pacific
Distributors, but sentiment is strong
ly in favor of some such co-operation
between Northwest fruit districts and
the hostile attitude assumed by the
Journal through its market columns
doeB not commend itself to the great
majority of Northwestern growers.
Pasadena.Cal Theodosla Roosevelt,
so named because of her evident anta
gonism toward race suicide, said to
have been the oldest hen In America,
died at the home of her owner, Mrs.
Elizabeth Grinnell, of Pasadena, She
was 25 years old.
Theodosia numbered among ber
friends many of the notables who have
passed their winters In Pasadena In
the last quarter of a century, among
them Mrs. Russell Sage, who, on bei
last visit to this city made three calls
at the Grinnell home to pet Theodosla.
The aged hen laid approximately
4500 eggs in her long and useful life,
besides mothering many broods of In
cubator hatched chickens. Statisticians
figure that the eggs laid by Theodosla,
at the average price of only 25 cents
a dozen, were worth $93.75. The ac
cepted cost of keeping hen In these
parts Is $1 a year, making Theodosla's
net earnings $68.75. At a capitalized
value of $1.25, she has made 3000 per
cent on her valuation for her owners.
"No Woman Should Spend Her Days
With a Brute or a Sot."
Chicago. Compulsory divorce laws,
instead of laws to make divorce hard
er to obtain, were advocated by Judge
Gemill, who, In the court of domestic
relations hears perhaps more tales of
marital woe than any other judge in
the land.
"There are people, living together
today who should be forced by law to
separate," said Judge Gemill, "There
are women suffering untold misery
through a mistaken sense of the bind
ing quality of the marriage tie. God
never meant that a woman should
spend all her days with a brute, or a
President Wilson has attended four
of the five games of baseball played
at Washington since the season began.
Wilson also has his troubles.
Events Occurring Throughout
the State During the Past
Ralph Henry Is Free
Salem. Ralph Henry, who was ac
quitted of the charge of murdering
George Dodd In Linn county on the
plea of Insanity, and a few weeks ago
was committed to the state insane
asylum, has been discharged from that
"We kept Hnery under close obser
vation for a full month, and could not
detect the least trace of Insanity,"
said Dr. R. E. L. Steiner, superin
tendent of the asylum. "He was not
Insane when he was brought here,
and he was rot insane when he left.
Neither do I believe he was insane
when he committed the crime. This
opinion Is held by all the members of
our staff."
Father Returning Home Finds Family
In Throes.
Portland. In a moment of emotion
al Insanity Mrs. Lillian Strang, 26, liv
ing at 1489 Macrum street, administer
ed bichloride of mercury to two of her
three small children and herself and
then shot herself and two of the child
ren in the heads with a small rifle.
Recoverlns her senses, probably at
the shock of the bullet wound, she set
about administering emetics to the
children and was found at this occu
pation by her husband, returning
In one room at the Good Samaritan
hospital the woman, with a terrible
wound in her brain and her condition
further Imperiled by the corrosive poi
son, lies surrounded by her moaning
children, slowly sinking, but rational
and languidly remorseful for her mad
Mrs. Bourne Is Given Divorce
Portland. Affection for the two
elderly sisters of her husband and
the feeling that she owed the state of
Oregon a duty on account of tha hon
or of United States senator which
had been conferred upon her hus
band, was given by Mrs. Lillian Eliza
beth Bourne as her reasons for not
having sued Jonathan Bourne, Jr.,
while he was a member of the United
States senate.
Mrs. Bourne was granted a decree
of divorce by Circuit Judge Gatens.
Senator Bourne made no contest.
Chamberlain Offers Land Law Change
Washington. Senator Chamberlain
has introduced bills as follows:
To adjust claims of Serman county
settlers; making lands withdrawn or
classified us oil lands subject to en
try under homestead or desert land
laws; to make it easier to file on
mineral lands.
Finds Government Action Is Too Slow
To Get Results
Salem. Governor West is going af
ter the bootleggers on the Indian res
ervations in this state. He declared
he was going to see they were cleaned
out. In the past the question has
been raised whether it was the duty
of the federal government or the state
to apprehend and prosecute persons
guilty of selling liquor to Indians on
their reservations. The responsibility
has been shifted first on the shoulders
of one and then the other, with the
result that it is said bootlegging has
The question as to who should be
responsible was recently raised on the
Siletz reservation. The governor look
ed up the matter and found the state
should take just as active a hand as
the government. Therefore he Is writ
ing to district attorneys to get busy.
The matter will also be taken up with
the federal authorities so fhere may
be cooperation.
8. P. Must Again Raise Fill
Chemawo. For many years the
Southern Pacific company experienced
difficulty in crossing Lake Lnblsh, us
ing a trestle which was a menace,
one wreck occurring a number of years
ago and some lives being lost. Some
few years ago the company removed
the trestle work from the lake and
made a partial fill of gravel, which
has not yet solvid the difficulty. The
lowist part of the fill In the lake will
now be raised six feet. When the
partial fill was made a few years ago
the gravel used dropped from sight
over one niUit, which caused the wa
ter to rise on each side of the right of
S. W. Arnold returned from a visit
in Portland Monday.
J. W. Simmons of Parkdale, State
Deputy for the Mod m Woodmen of
America, passed through Hood River
Sunday enroute to Portland to wit
ness the final chapter in what is al
leged to be one of tl n most gigantic
swindles in Insurance history of re
cent years. It Is alleged that about
a year ago a man giving the name of
James C. LaFrance Jojied one of the
Portland lodges of Modern Woodmen
and a few days later was reported
as lost while fishing on the Clacka
mas River near Estacada. A search
was made and a body, found on
which were clothing, letters, papers.
etc., identified as those of LaFrance,
the face being decomposed beyond
recognition. Fifteen thousand dollars
of Insurance money was paid to
the supposed "widow," $3000 being
paid by the Modern Woodmen, $2000
by United Artisans and $10,000 by the
Postal Life.
Subsequent developments caused
Mr. Simmons to believe that a fraud
had been perpetrated so in January
last he began an investigation that
resulted In the arrests of both La-
France and wife at Coquelle, Coos
county, last Saturday.
They were taken to Portland, in
charge of officers and both parties
will stand trial on the charge of con
spiracy to defraud the respective In
surance concerns.
In their efforts to locate LaFrance
the Modern Wood men followed his
trail from Portland to Lake Charles,
Louisiana, thence to Texas, thence to
California and back to Coo8 County,
Vancouver, Wash. The Pacific
Highway bridge, spanning the Colum
bia river between Vancouver and Port
land, and joining Washington and
Oregon, is an assured fact, if the senti
ment expressed enthusiastically and
vociferously at the gigantic mass meet
ing held In the courthouse here is a
criterion. ' - -
With but one dissenting vote, resolu
tions were adopted demanding that
the county commissioners call a spe
cial election to vote on the proposition
to bond Clark county for $500,000, to
build " Washington's share of the
bridge, which will cost something like
$1,300,000. This election will be held
in July.
The county courthouse was not large
enough to hold all who wished to at
tend, most of them being farmers, the
city residents giving way to thera that
they might learn more about the
A. L. Miller, of Vancouver, a mem
ber of the committee, gave a brief out
line of what had been accomplished to
date, and said that the approximate
cost of the bridge would be about
$1,300,000, and that he believed that
the taxpayers in the county desired a
toll bridge. He added that he was as
sured by the people of Portland that
if Clark county would raise $500,000,
that Portland anil Multnomah county
would put up enough more to build
the bridge.
Stanford President Urges State to
Confer With Federal Officials.
Sacramento. Dr. David Starr Jor
dan, president of Stanford University
and a lender in the movement for In
ternational peace, rime to Sacramento
at the request of Secretary of State
Bryan to confer with the visitor from
Washington on t li pending alien land
Dr. Jordan is opposed to a land law
of any kind that would single out the
people of any nation, and particularly
the Japanese, witli whom he believes
the United States should be on most
friendly terms.
As an alternative to a rigid land law
barring those Ineligible to cltitenshlp,
which. Dr. Jordan declares, would be
unconstitutional, h suggests that if
California has a real grievance It
should provide for a commission to lay
the matter before the state depart
ment at Wnrh'"ifi--i f"d hiv tbo
troversy settled by means of a new
The Oregon Stati' Bankers' Associ
ation Is conferring with representa
tives of German colonies who are
looking for available tracts of land
upon which to colonize 3.500 Gerumn
farmers. Tructs in different parts of
the stale are now being looked over
with a view to purchase.
Don't forget to dean up.
Strong Pressure to be Brought
to Bear on Senate by
Washington. Opponents of the Un
derwood tariff bill are going to make
their great fight in the senate. The
manner in which the Democratic cau
cus of the house has stood by the ways
and means committee is. proof posi
tive that any effort to secure changes
during the consideration of the bill in
the house will be futile.
It appears that pressure will be
brought upon the senate by means of
petitions, letters, personal interviews
with senators and probably many so
called lobbyists will be employed by
different Interests to work for a
change In rates. But It is expected
that the most important results will
be reached by petitions and appeals
from constituents of senators. Not
only manufacturers, but worklngmen
employed in different Industries, are
expected to write to their senators
urging changes in the interest of
greater protection for the lines In
which they are employed.
Heavy artillery of the Republicans
and Progressives was trained on the
Wilson-Underwood tariff bill during
the most extended open debate the
measure has been given since its con
sideration was begun. The discussion
was chopped off short Monday when
"general debate" closed and the bill
taken up paragraph by paragraph.
Republican Senators Decide Policy
By unanimous vote the republican
senate caucus agreed there should be
no general reprisal on President Wil
son for the democratic holdup of the
Taft nominations in the last session
of congress, but that republican oppo
sition would be shown in the follow
ing cases:
In appointments to the consulaf ser
vice or the minor diplomatic posts,
such as secretaries of embassies or
legations, where the merit ryatem re
sorted to by ex-Presidents Roosevelt
and Taft was not followed.
Where vacancies are created by re
movals from office which carry fixed
tenure, unless made for cause, and
particularly where removals are made
from offices which require technical
or special knowledge.
Expert Arraigns Forest Service
A scathing Indictment of the present
day management of the forest service
is contained in a memorandum filed
with the secretary of agriculture by
Daniel W. Adams, who, after five years
as expert lumberman in the forestry
bureau, voluntarily retires to engage
in private business. Impracticability,
bad business management, improvi
dence, and an excess of bureaucratic
methods are the general charges he
makes. Mr. Adams gives names, cites
Instances and ref rs to records to sub
stantiate his chr-rges.
Railroads Gain Point
The commerce court upheld the In
terstate commerce commission's or
ders in the Shreveport, Tex., rate cases
and in many respects sustained prin
ciples which the railroads are asking
the supreme court to adopt in the 45
state rate cases now awaiting decis
ion. The powers of congress and the
Interstate commerce commission to re
move discrimination caused by a state
railroad rates lower than interstate
rates which have been held to be rea
sonable. Value of Railroads to Be Fixed
The interstate commerce commis
sion announced that it has about com
pleted the personnel of the board of
engineers, who will place a physical
value on all railroads.
Tentative values, fixed by the board,
will be submitted to the railroads, the
department of justice and the gover
nors of states wherein the properties
are located. If no protest Is filed with
in 30 days the value becomes final.
Where protests are filed, the inter
state commerce commission will make
public investigations.
National Capital Brevities
Important improvements and exten
sions are to be made In the postal
hank system, according to an an
nouncement made by the postmaster
g nrral.
Former Governor George Curry of
New Mexico, Is reported to have been
selected by President Wilson as the
first member of the new Philippine
Senator Jones of Washington has
Introduced in congress a bill for the
direct election of United States sena
tors in the same manner as represen
tatives are elected. It Is intended as
a temporary measure to tide over
until the states themselves enact di
rect election laws.
Cleanup Week! Let's make It a
Spotlesg Town.
Martin Hedman to II. H. Fewell lot
5, block 3, Idlewildo.
George Sharp to J. W. Wright, 15
acres at Trout Cretk, $1500.
John A. Davidson to II. K. Noble,
lots 6 and 7, block 32, Hood River
Proper, $450.
Frank R, Howard to Ruth N. C.
Howard, his wife, lot 7, block 2, Wln-
an's Addition.
Clara I. Darr and Margaret N. Quig
ley to Charles I. Thomas.
N. C. Evans to S. D. Stoufer, lots 6,
7, 8, and 9 and east half of lot 12,
block 2, Waucoma Park.
Jameg M. Chitty to C. H. Kravle, six
acres at Viento, $400.
Baltimore Orchard Company to
Hydro Electric Company all reparian
rights on 80 acres at Summit
Martin Hedman to R. C. Fewell, lot
5, block 3, Idlewilde.
Twenty-five members of Hood River
Lodge, No. 105, A. F. & A. M., went
to Portland Saturday afternoon and
were royally entertained by Washing
ton Lodge of that city.
The local Masons were met at the
station in Portland and taken In auto
mobiles to the Imperial Hotel,
a seven-course banquet was served.
They were then taken across the new
Broadway bridge to the lodge rooms
where work was put on. This was
followed by another banquet, after
which toasts were responded to and
musical numbers enjoyed. There were
250 present at the banquet in the ev
Those who went from here were as
follows: A. D. Moe, George R. Wil
bur, George R. Castner, E. C. Smith,
Charles Castner, A. C. Buck, F. H.
Blagg, J. O. McLaughlin, Harold Her
shner, J. W. Perigo, Frank Chandler,
E. O. Hall, Kent Shoemaker, C. H.
Stranahan, George Stranahan, W. L.
Clarke, Webster Kent, Frank Ginger,
Ralph Savage, Hubbard Taylor, O. H.
Rhoades, A. A. Jayne, O. A. Adams,
Mr. Dubois, E. T. Donaldson, P. D.
Brief News of the Week
By order of the secretary of war,
the 35 saloons In the Panam canal
zone will be closed during the coming
fiscal year.
When the Montenegrin victors enter
ed Scutari they were surrounded by
half-starved men and women clamor
ing for food.
The territorial legislature at Hono
lulu adopted a report tabling the reso
lution of protest against California's
proposed alien law.
The directors of the Panama-Pacific
international exposition have lined up
with the opposition against the pass
age of the anti-alien land bill In Cali
fornia. Eight California senators are urging
the adoption of their constitutional
amendment to abolish the present sen
ate and assembly in that state and to
substitute a single law-making body
of 40 members.
A youth of 18 and a girl of 19 climb
ed to the clock gallery in the tower of
the Notre Dame cathedral at Antwerp
arm in arm, and leaped to the ground
from a height of ISO feet. Every bone
In their bodies was broken.
The 675 employes of the Internation
al Harvester company, who walked
out of the twine mills March 21 at
Auburn, N. Y., have since rejected
every proposition made to them to
return to work. Further effort to
bring about to a settlement has been
abandoned by the board of mediation..
By a vote of 41 to 12. the assembly
of the California legislature turned
down a resolution to Invite the gov
ernors of Oregon. Washington, Nevad.i ! ,j
and Arizona to come to Sacramento to
confer with the lawmakers and Sec
retary of State William J. Bryan oa
the question of anti-alien land Ucis
At the meeting of the American
Society of International Law, held at
Washington, most of the speakers
agreed with Richard Olney, ex-secretary
of state, who held that this coun
try was entirely within Its rights, as
. V . t - 1 .
Ill'- owner in me I annum eauai, iu .
make w hatever rules regarding tne
canal it desired.
Archie Keir recently purchased a; of 'he I'pp.-.r Valley will preach at
Ford touring car from Messrs. How ej Pine (Irovo Sunday morning and at
& Ingalis. the local agents, and trout Odell at S In the evening. Mr. Car
in the local streams may now h ex- son will take Mr. Van Nuy' place In
pected to increase and multiply, Mr.1
K"lr having deserted the fishing rod
for thn t"erlng wheel.
Winter lingers In 'fc lap of Spring.
Plants Throughout the Valley Art
Now Blossoming Heavily, but
Season Is Somewhat Lata
Throughout the valley the fruit
trees are bursting into bloom and In-.
dications point to a crop which will
be as large and possibly somewhat
larger than last year when about 800,
000 boxes were produced.
During the past few days the buds
have swollen and there Is no mistak
ing the bloom from the leaves. Num
bers of farmers have been interview
by the fruit associations and their re
ports are encouraging. The bloom la
not as heavy as the valley has seen
but it is about equal to that of a
year ago. The season is somewhat
later than last year on account of the
continued cool weather.
The Spitzenberg crop was not large
last year, comparatively speaking, and
indications are that the crop of this
variety will be larger this year than
The Newtown crop was fairly heavy
last season and the bloom this spring
would indicate that the yield of this
variety w ill hardly be so great as last
year. The shippers are rather con
gratulating themselves upon the fact
that the heavy crop of Ben Davis
apples last year lg to be f ollowed by
a smaller yield this season. This var
iety comes into competition with the
same variety as produced in the East
and it la difficult to market it for
good prices.
The earlier varieties of apples are
already in bloom and the prospect for
a good crop of Jonathans is bright
The late blossoming season this year
relieves all fear of Injury by frost
Many of the ranchers.however, have
been delayed in their spring cultiva
tion and are now on the jump getting
the surface soil pulverized In order to
conserve the moisture before the
warm weather arrives.
Strawberries, like apples, axe a cou
ple of weeks later in blooming this
year than last but throughout the
lower valley the pacches are now
white with blossoms. There Is re
ported to be a uniformly heavy bloom
in all sections of the valley. Last
year the berry season started about
the middle of May, but it Is expected
that the first of the crop will not
mature much before the last of the
month this season.
A public conference of physicians.
educators and others, especially fath-
wlll be held at the Commercial
Club next Tuesday evening. May 6,
under the auspices of the Oregon So
cial Hygeine Society. A local branch
of the society has been organized and
this is the first of a series of confer-,
ences. This one is for men only.
It is expected that Dr. Calvin S.
White, Secretary of the State Board
of Health and president of the society,
will be present and speak on social
diseases and marriage. Leslie Butler
w ill act as chairman and the program
will srart promptly at 8 o'clock. It
will be as follows:
"The prevalency and general seri
ousness of social diseases and their
effect upon the Individual." Dr. Mal
leoli! Brouson: 'Present conditions
I among boys and girls" J. W. Crites;
Ten minutes open discussion; "The
;'oi:r sex lies" -Dr. E. D. Kanaga; "My
jpiuion regarding the cause" Rev E.
I V Harris and A. L: Crocker: open
sieu on "What are we going to
do about the whole matter?" led by
Rev. J. G. Tate.
The membership contest carried on
by the Ferguson Bible Class had a
nt i k-to-neck finish. The Reds won
over the Blues by the score of 1147
to 1121. Arc-hl" Moss captained the
ii-f lra :tinl .'.myrvn Tltit..u
IS SUV ........
vaii'iuNhed are to tender the
Reds a h.m jueL In the near future.
Rev. Van Nnyg of the 1'nlted church
Cpper Valley church
Who h. tter than-tli) silver-tongued
or-.i'r fniihl convince th Calif om
nium of ibt! error of thi Ir way?