The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, April 23, 1913, Image 2

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I Gorrc9Ponccncc
Mrs. E. H. Crwn spent Saturday ev
ening In Hood River.
Tom Matthews, who has been plan
er foreman for some time ,has accept
ed a position at Dallas. During his
stay In Dee he has made many friends
who greatly regret his departure.
Mrs. Hudson entertained the ladies
of IKe on two afternoons last week.
Mrs. Shannon returned from Port
land Sunday morning.
The second meeting of the Ladies'
Needle Club was held at Mrs. Era
men's on Saturday afternoon. This
club promises to provide much pleas
ant entertainment as all are enthus
iastic and each one makes an effort
to be genial and hospitable. The next
meeting will be with Mrs. Wfcst, who
lives on the flat.
Miss Rose Copple made an automo
bile trip to Hood River the last of
the week with Mr. and Mrs. Clark,
who have moved here from Parkdale.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bennett spent
Thursday, Friday and Saturday at The
Dalles attending the district conven
tion of the Christian Church.
Mrs. Bert Meserve, who has been
visiting her mother, Mrs. Mills, has
returned home. Little Lucille stayed
with her grandmother.
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Paddock have
arrived from Indianapolis to make
their home on the ranch for the sum
mer. Mr. Green returned to her home
In Portland Tuesday after a delight
ful visit with her sister, Mrs. J. J.
The young people of the community
went for a picnic dinner Sunday out
in the hills of West Barrett. They re
port a delightful time.
Mrs. C. E. Nesbit has been confined
to the house for some time but is
somewhat better.
Mrs. Stewart and little daughter,
Silvia May, spent Sunday with Mrs.
Stewart's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Forry.
Don't forget the Ladies' Aid Tea at
Mrs. Stauffer's Thursday, April 24.
The Queen Esther Circle will give
a "Three Cent Social" at the church
Friday evening. May 2. The girls are
planning a good time and everyone
is Invited to come and don't forget
the pennies.
a anybody else. If you get fixed up here
SUIT AND OVERCOAT, with a new hat
and some of our new shirts, a smart piece
or two of the spring neckwear, you'll feel
like a new man.
Let us show you our H. S. & M. Suits that
v.e have for . ...
$18, $20, $22 and $25
Or if you do not feel like putting that much
into a suit Just now let us show you what
big values we are giving In the CLOTH
anteed to be all wool and to give you per
fect satisfaction for
S10, $12, $14 AND UP
Bring the boys in and let us show you
how nicely we can fit them up with a nice
new suit either double breast Buster Brown
style, Sailor blouse style or Norfolk
$1.50, $1,75, $2 AND UP
We want you to visit this department if
you wish to economize on your millinery
for we certainly have one of the best
assortments that you could wish to select
from and we know that eur prices are be
low all others... We have one of the best
milliners in the state In charge of this de
partment and if you have an idea that you
wish carried out for your new hat she can
do this for you In a first-class manner and
to your entire satisfaction in workmanship
and price. We have a splendid assortment
of hats for children and misses as well as
for ladies. Anything you can wish for from a
neat little shade hat to the newest creations
in the dress line. Come in and look them
over. It will be to your advantage to do so.
Every week sees new arrivals of smart new
Suits, Coats and Dresses in our Suit De
partment. We have the largest stock of
the newest styles, weaves, and patterns, at
the very lowest prices. If they need chang
ing to make them fit we will do this for you
without any extra expense.
Special This Week
Not many of them left but they are surely
big bargains at the prices they are going at
Just One-Half Their Regular Price
S'eeveless, bleached, Jersey ribbed, with
2-inch wide lace bottom and lace shoulders,
full ribbid umbrella bottoms, sizes 4, 5, and
6, extra big values at the suit
A splendid assortment in dark and light
colors, slightly soiled, but in value worth
double what we are asking. Your Choice..
We have made a special effort to supply
your every need in children's dresses. Here
you will find an extensive variety of styles
and materials, in every desired size and
price... They are especially attractive val
ues ranging in prices from
45Cf 50c and up-2nd Floor
Copyrijbt Hart Sctufflxr & Mm
&he PARI
Wedding bells in Central Vale
Though her friends had been expect
lng something of the kind for some
time, they were all surprised last
Tuesday night to hear of the mar
riage of Miss Zena Miller to Roy
Mans of Portland. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. Troy Shelley at
the home of William Durham. As
sembled on short notice, about four
teen of the neighboring young folks
enlivened the occasion with bells
bonis, tin cans, etc., and were hospi
tably Invited In and treated. Mrs
Mans will finish her term at the Cen
tral Vale school and until that
completed the young couple will make
their home here, although Mr. Mans
will work at Green Point. All unite
In wishing them Joy.
The Priscilla Club was very pleas-
antly entertained last Thursday at the
home of Mr. Sheppard. As the day
was fine many were out and enjoyed
a pleasant time. The club will meet
next time with Mrs. Paul Hansen
It isn't every one who can begin the
day with a fire and end it with a wed
ding as Durhams did last week. The
fire which caught from the range, did
very little damage.
The Hansen family went to Hood
Kiver for the day last Friday.
Walter Niehans went to Hood River
Charlie Sheppard has been In the
Vpper Valley pruning for about a
couple of weeks.
Mrs. John Lenz spent a couple of
days last week visiting at Lelningers.
J. J. Jarvis and family of Pine
Grove and R. J. Jarvis and wife of
Willow Flat spent Sunday at the Hag-
ens home.
-- MM
For Sale
Fully-equipped Cadillac
30, 5-passenger touring
car for sale. Three ex
tra tires and four extra
inner tubes. Extra
Cii bi seei ai Garage of Columbia
Auto & Machine Compaq
I'hofM 55S2
The secretary of the Guild of the
Odell Federated church has sent the
following report: In spite of rainy
weather there was a very good at
tendance at the Friday night supper
and social. Thanks are tended the
ladies of the neighborhood who so
kindly helped in this venture. The
net receipts were $21. There are now
28 charter members of the guild.
Membership Is not limited to
members of the Federated church, but
all arec ordially invited to join.
Mr. Hargreaves will preach next
Sunday night. Christian Endeavor
was very pleasantly led by Vera Laf
ferty and Olga Plog at the Union
church. The succeeding meeting was
conducted by M. D. Odell and proved
of great interest to the crowded
house. Mrs. Gertrude Caughey sang
a solo with much charm. The Cen
tral Federated Committee met in tlie
afternoon at Odell and stayed over
for the night service. Drs. Robinson
and Ross of Mosier spoke, also Ix?slie
Butler from town. All were of inter
est. Rev. Mr. Jobnsoi., nlssiotiary
from Korea and a guest of Dr. Ross,
made an extended address on the
work In Korea. This was of great
interest and made a vital impression.
We were forcibly reminded how much
In advance of Christians in this coun
try were those new Christians that
at one meeting subscribed 2000 hours
in which as individuals they would
go out and carry the gospel to those
they met. This explains the rapid en
lightenment of this country.
There was a splendid attendance
last Sunday at the Ferguson Bible
Class and also at the entire school.
The 65 members of the Bible class
present were photographed. The con
test closes next Sunday with presen
tation of a loving cup to the winning
side and to the losers the privilege
of feeding the winners. Mrs. Fergu
son expects to visit- a rival class at
Oregon City this week.
Rev. Carson will preach next Sun
day night at the M. E. Church.
On Tuesday evening James Leroy
Mans of Portland and Miss Zena Mil
ler, the popular teacher at the Cen
tral Vale school, were united In mar
riage by Rev. Troy Shelley at the
home of the groom's cousin, W. A.
Durham. After the ceremony a ser
enade was tendered the newlyweda
by a crowd of their friends who learn
ed that the happy event had just been
Mr. and Mrs. Dane Kemp and
daughter returned Sunday from South
ern California and will make their
home at Mrs. Poole's for the present.
Mrs. Poole and Mrs. Crockett will live
at the postofflce, Mrs. Crockett hav
ing purchased the stock of groceries
from Claude Chapman. The latter
has also resigned as postmaster In
Mrs. Crockett's favor. She has gone
on a flying trip to Rupert, Idaho, Mr.
F'urdy acting as postmaster in her
absence. Mr. and Mrs. Chapman have
gone to live at Fossil.
Read the News. It tells It all.
- . .
and are not biased, you will at least want to buy one because
you can get more value for your money. Don't take our
word or your neighbor's...
Come and See Them
We also have a supply of Roche Harbor Lime, Bluestone
Lime, Sulphur Spray, Arsenate of Lead, Uuion Meat Co. 'a
Beaver Brand Fertilizer. Don't forget to advise your wants
in Apple Boxes, Berry Crates, Hay, Grain and Feed.
We can serve you best when you keep us advised.
lUad tha Ns II tells It all.
Hood River orchards and Farms
sold and Exchanged j
Carl Gove leaves this week for
Portland where he expects to locate.
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Kingdon have
moved into the Silliman house.
The little Buffam boy, who has had
scarlet fever, has fully recovered and
is able to be back in school.
Arrived, at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Mack last Tuesday a fine
baby boy, who has been named Frank
Miss Zena Miller is no more. She
very quietly stole a march on her
friends and was married to Mr. Roy
Mans of Portland last Tuesday even
ing. We all wish her much happi
ness In her married life.
The Turney girls spent the week
end In Hood River.
Next Sunday there will be services
in the morning but none in the even
ing. Sunday School as usual.
Several from here attended the
meeting held In Odell Sunday after
noon in the Interest of church federation.
Little Bobby Freeman was taken to
Portland and operated on for appen
dicitis last Thursday.
Mrs. Clark entertained at luncheon
Thursday in honor of Mrs. J. P. Thom-
sen, who expects to leave for her
old home in Denmark next week.
The Ladies' Aid Society will meet
at the home of Mrs. J. O. Mark next
Friday afternoon.
The members of the Sunflower
Class, who gave "Mr. Bob" last winter,
have been asked to reproduce it as
it was extremely cold the night It
was given before and a number who
wished to see it were not able to be
present. It will be given again In
the Pine Grove Grange Hall Friday
evening. May !, and In Parkdale Sat
urday evening, May 10.
The teachers and pupils of the
school are to have a May Day picnic
at the school Friday, May 2nd. The
parents are requested to come at noon
and bring a picnic lunch. The after
noon will be spent In winding May
poles and o;her similar sports. There
will also be an exhibition of the work
of the year on hand for the examina
tion of the patrons.
Friday evening a number of the
friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs.
J. P. Thomsen gathered at their home
without an invitation but after the
first shock wa over they were made
heartily welcome. A very merry ev
ening was spent and at the close they
wished Mr. and Mrs. Thomsen, Miss
Clara and Master Victor a bonvoyage
and consoled with Fred and Alfred
who will have charge of the home
place during their parents' absence.
arm Wagon
Itltulithic paving has been laid In
I'octtello on Fast and West Center
streets and North and South Main
streets and will be used In paving
South Arthur Avenue and the three
streets connecting that thoroughfare
with South Main street.
Before the paving question was de
cided In Pocatello the city made a
careful study of the paving materials
in use in different cities and Anally
chose bitullihic as being the one pav
ing material which seems to meet all
the requirements of prerent service
and wearing quality.
ad Q
John Deere Ironclad Wagons
"Ironclad Where There's Wear"
Careful consideration, when buying a wagon, must be given to mate
rial, workmanship and special features.
Material and workmanship determine durability and ipecial feature
Because good hickory la scarce and hard to get, many at tempt j have
been made to aubatilute some other wood for hickory in wagon axJee.
Nothing has been found, aa yet. that will compare with hickory for
strength and resiliency.
While oak, which la eoneeded best for hubs, hounds and spokes,. Is
more plentiful than hickory, there is a tendency to put wood of inferior
grades into wagons, on account of high prices of both hickory and oak.
Only selected air-seasoned hickory and oak are used In the gears of
John Ieere Ironclad Wagons. Tho supply comes from thousands of
acres of hardwooda, maintained by scientific and conservative cutting.
Long leaf yellow pine bottoms reinforced with five oak nil's or cleats
are used in the boxes. Hard and tough wood cantfuily aclucUfd and
tested for tho purpose forms the boa sides.
Good workmanship Is attsolutely necessary. Material alone wilt not
make a wagon dura Me. I'sfi munt ot contrmtd correctly as well as
proportioned right to stand tits eur and train put upon thm.
Only aflur a featuvi h b a thoroughly t.-fc J out and proven advaa
tageous. Is It put on Jnhn Deere Ironclad Wagons. There Is a practical
rtason for every part being made aa it in.
Tatterna and templates are ued everywhere In our shops.
Axles must have tho right amount of pitch and gaiher in relation to
the dish of the wheels. This insures light draft.
Felloes are connected with dowel pins at the iofnta. lVfore any l-n
placed on the wherla they are immersed in boiled linst! 01!. 1 1. j
fills pores and penetrates joints, making wheel urn proof.
Taint ing is done by experienced painters with paint ground and mixed
especially for the purpoau.
Special Feature
Tfn nine on axles ffour on th front gfar and six on the ivar tear)
distribute the load evtnly. This Dit uatreiiKtn.
Kxtra long, heavy and wi.lo wrought iron UoNut Hates cannot come
loose or break. Not furnished on ottur warun-t.
Wrought Steel Skeins, receiving practically full sizj ol axles, are set
perfectly tight. Hketns cannot como loose.
Patented King Bolt Hushing arts as a pivot fnr the gear and prevents
wear. A great improvement over the ol I stvh'.
Solid I leach Box, the Uesrh that will nevur wt-ar out, Speial Ironing
en the Box and the l&einforoid Topgue, arc noro of iSo aupurior Johu
puere Ironclad Features.
Remember, It's quality that r,vi
you ss" jsiu-cLioa n u. ctj 12 uo
Pictorial Drama "From Manger to
Cross" Shown at Gem Theatre
The agricultural department says
that the wages 0f farm laborers have
Increased 7 per rent In the last two
years. Hut It Is feared that the mov
ing pictures shows have absorbed the
Manager Dak In of the Gem Theatre
announces that he has succeeded in
securing the reels showing the won
derful religious drama "From the
Manger to the Cross" and will present
them to patrons of the theatre today
(Wednesday) and tomorrow.
The reels have just been attracting
much attention In Portland, where
they were shown at the Ilxlllg Thea
tre. The pictures are said to be won
derfully good, depicting as they do
the Ilible story in the original selling
of the Holy Iind. They depict the
customs and scenes of that country
and vizuallze many of the scenes de
scribed In the Hlble. From the an
nunciation, with Its wonderful sug
gestion of dawning realization in the
eyes of the predestined Virgin Mother
are shown in quick succession, the
manger, the shepherds, the wise men
and the flight Into F.gypt. In the
last-named scene a wonderful effect Is
produced by the figure of the all-mys-,terlous,
solemnly ImpnsHive Sphinx,
keeping guard, as it were. In the pale
moonlight over the group of the Di
vine Child, with Mary and Joseph ly
ing asleep beneath. Attention Is call
ed to Mr. Dakln's advertisement In
another column.
Christian and Missionary Alliance
Sunday School at 9:45, II. C. Dlntz,
superintendent. Preaching at 11 a. m.
Young People's Meeting at 7:15 p. m.
Evangelistic service at 8 p. m , Prayer
meeting Thursday evening at 7:45.
These are all gospel meetings. Our
motto: "Jesus Only." All are cord
ially Invited. W. P. KIRK, pastor.
I J'"'Siiinr 4
6 ,
I k v V .fv v " f
VVAV:: i
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frt- ry i i
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, V. lilt
I'asmore Trio, who Appear at Opera House
Tomorrow (Thursday) Evening.
G. H.Carrler, II. I). 1, or phone 8. W.
Arnold, 3102. 1417c
Regular Sunday excursion lo Park
dale. I'leHHanl trip for yourself and