Image provided by: Hood River County Library District; Hood River, OR
About The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1913)
THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1S13 SUITS $10.00TO $25.00 Our Coming Men Will Wear Norfolk Suits For the Season of 1913 Our Stock Complete AH the New Models Every cor rect fabric. Let us show you. PRICED. THE You Owe It . To Your Boy To Dress Him in An Up-to-Date Suit COATS $5.00 TO $20.00 SHOE Boys' and Girls' Priced $1.95 Proner Material Fit l-v. M, i N J X-J .V - ;. If J ' v 1 i h hi mi '3 : I' I It J . $7.50 to $20.00 FITFORM FITFORM -It starts him right and costs no more. Priced $3.50 to $8.90 FREE! Jrhc. & lRorSe FREE! FRANK A. CRAM lie 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 f - 4 : j. n. nenoronner oc co. J 4 444444444444444444444444444444444444 W ANTED! Bearing Orchards Centrally Located In Exchange for City Property in Port land and Hood River. 7 rag7 7 v vin LOCALSPERSONALS TT 1? x A Lime and Spray Kelly Bros., phone 4443. Buy your coal of Taft Transfer Com pany. Ttfc Miss Margaret Nickelsen visited friends In Portland last week. Mrs. S. B. Carlisle left Friday for a few days trip to Eastern Oregon points. $926.00 to loan on first-class Im proved farm land security. E. H. Hartwig. 12tfc Miss Viola Nickelsen, who is spend ing the summer in Portland, visited at her home here last week. Miss Hazel Phillips, a student at St. Helens Hall in Portland was the guest recently of Miss Ma(ud Car lisle. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Van Anda went to The Dalles the last of the week to attend the funeral of A. II. Curtis, a pioneer resident of that city. NOTICE Before ordering your Bur bank and Vermont Gold Coin seed po tatoes you had better call the U. C. M. Kanch, Phone Odell 337. 11 18c Four residents of the valley were naturalized at the term of court last week by Judge Rradsha'. They were William Gluke of the East Side, a native of Germany, William Fernyhough of Odell, an Englishman, J. P. Thomsen of Dukes Valley, a Dane, and ' Hans KollandHrud of Mo sier, a Norwegian by birth. Will buy well secured first mort gages. E. H. Hartwig. 14tfc Coal or Wood delivered on short no tice. Taft Transfer Company. 7tfc HOME PIANO TUNER G. H. Car rier, R. F. D. 1, or phone S. W. Arnold, 3102. 1417c Byron Robertson and family, who have been living at Prosper, Oregon, returned to Dee to make their home a few days ago. W. Kennedy of Vancouver, Wash., formerly of Hood River, made ship ment last week of four registered Duroc Jersey brood sows to W. R. Hoover of the West Side. Another of the series of dances giv en by the ladies of St. Mark's Guild will be held at Heilbronner Hall next Friday evening. The patronesses will be Mrs. C. R. Bone, Mrs. Etta Ban croft, and Mrs. E. H. Shepard. Oregon's apple crop last year was worth $7,000,000 according to the esti mate of W. K. Newell, chairman of the Slate Board of Horticulture. He says the production of apples has about doubled in this state in two years. Among those who left last week for distant points were the following: R. G. Masiker to Nam pi, Idaho, G. M. Coleman to Payette, Katy Smith to Kuna, Idaho, Anna M. Williams to San Jose, Cal., C. C. and W. E. Mills to Opal, Wyoming, and Anna Elliott to Twin Falls, Idaho. Motorcycle for sale. A bargain, see G. L. Emry. 16-17p Attorney John Baker was a visitor in Portland Friday. W. L. Clarke spent several days in Portland last week. Mrs. L. C. Simms and son spent Monday in Portland. Carl Vaughan left for San Diego, Oal., Sunday on a business trip. For Rent Three furnished light housekeeping rooms. Phone 2653. tf A. E. Anderson and wife of Chicago, were guests last week of their neph ew. Rev. E. A. Harris. If you want Insurance In companies that pay losses promptly and in full call on A. W. Onthank. John Copper, who is a student at the University of Washington, has been spending the past week here. Rev. H. L. Snyder of Chanute, Kan who is visiting relatives here, preach ed at the U. B. church Sunday even ing. Rev. E. A. Harris went to Portland yesterday to attend the meeting of the Portland Association of Congregation al churches. Ernest J. Bloom, who was associat ed until recently with George Slocum has opened a photographic studio in the building at the southeast corner of Second street and Cascade Avenue. Guy Sailing, formerly ticket clerk and operator at the O.-W. R. & N. station here, is now employed as agent) at the Mt. Hood station. He takes the place of Ashley Wilson, who was recently promoted to be asistant superintendent W. T. Pat terson was transferred from Albina to take the place made vacant by Mr. Sailing. The Davidson Fruit Company ship ped their last carload of apples Fri day. They were of the Ben Davis variety. The company has shipped during the year approximately 130,000 boxes. Inasmuch as the company has become a part of the amalgamation it is possible that this was the last car of fruit which will be shipped un der the name of the Davidson Fruit Company. Oak Grove residents were parties to one of the cases tried before Judge Bradshaw in the Circuit Court last week. Kinoshita, a Japanese, sued Alfred Cox. Kinoshita had a quanti ty of wood burned last year and he charged Cox with having burned it. Testimony was taken and the Jury brought in a verdict for the defendant. E. ('. Smith appeared for the defend ant and L. A. & A. P. Reed for the plaintiff. . A motto, for qrchardlsts Wajtch and spray. v John Weaver was up from Portland over Sunday. Can deliver coal or wood promptly. Taft Transfer Company. 7tfc P. A. Clancey and family returned Monday from Portland to their ranch at Fir. H. C. Allen and Mrs. W. B. Allen returned last week from a trip to In dianapolis. Mrs. Paul Hughes of Oak Grove underwent a second operation at the hospital Sunday. Earl Dietz underwent a serious op eration for acute appendicitis at the hospital Saturday. A. Welch and wife came up from Portland Monday to look over their property Interests here. Dr. Charleg Chamberlain of Port land was called here Friday to assist in an operation at the hospital. H. L. MacLeod of Portland, who bought a tract at Summit, has been spending several days on the place. Howard Gates, who is engaged in developing a large tract on the Little White Salmon, spent Saturday here. Frederick S. Stanley and A. W. Whitemere of Portland wers business visitors In town the last of ths week. Victor Johnson, who recently under went an operation for appendicitis, was able to leave the hospital Sunday. Three prominent residents of Trout Lake Christ Guler, J. E. Reynolds, and O. J. Smith spent Friday In the city. R. F. Weniiling and D. H. Steven son came from Portland Saturday to make a short stay at the former's ranch. C. H. Merchant, employed at the Stanley-Smlih mill at Ruthton, sus tained an injury to his face and eye Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. J. K. Locke of Port land were guetits of Dr. and Mrs. Mal colm Branson for a couple of days the last of the week. Edward H. Taylor, consulting engi neer employed by the city to assist with the plans for the city water works, came up from Portland Mon day. Wallace MtCamant, a Portland at torney, was here the last of the week in consultation concerning organiza tion of the central shipping associa tion. I. D. Parkins, formerly of this place, who went to Agusa, Cal., returned the last of the week and says California hasn't anything that looks as good to him as Hood River. 3 CAMAS PRAIRIE HAY LANDS There is money in Hay and Cows and this is the correct time to get into the business. We have some good farms equipped with buildings and the prices are right and the terms will suit your pocketbook. B. E. DUNCAN & CO. ? .y-.;; wimtmim E. H. Arens expects to leave next month for Chicago to engage In news paper work there. Mrs. W. D. Rogers was called to Salem Sunday by the serious illness of her father, I. C. Sutton. R. W. Arens has been promoted from corporal to sergeant at the O. A, C. as a result of a recent military examination. Miss Martha Garside, who has been spending the winter at the U. C. M ranch in the Upper Valley, returned to Brooklyn Saturday. Mrs. E. R. Pooley and little son have returned from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Pooley are planning to move to their ranch in a couple of weeks. Mrs. C. J. Crandall of The Dalles was the guest of honor Friday at silver tea given by the ladies of St. Mark's Guild at the home of Mrs. A P. Reed. Mrs. Charles Swenson and daughter of Portland spent the past 10 days In Hood River with Mr. Swenson, who is foreman on the waterworks con struction. Ward I. Cornell, the Upper Valley real estate man, was in town Satur day. He received his new Indian mot orcycle from Portland and made his first trip to Parkdale, A. W. Harper and L. E. Roberts, two Minneapolis business men who are promoting the Hood River-Green Point Orchards Company, spent last week here looking over the-tract. Mrs. R. C. Scott and two children, who have been spending the winter at their former home in Indianapolis, re turned Monday. They were accom panied by Miss Nelle Hewitt, who will be their guest. G. D. Wood worth is building a new ra nch house on the Loomis-Wood worth ranch in the Upper Valley I'lans are also being made for the con struction of a new road to the Chau tauqua grounds. Miss Eva Brock came home Friday from the University of Oregon for a week's vacation. Chester Huggins Is also here. Karl Onthank was here over the week end and Donald is spending the week. W. C. Smullin and family of the Upper Valley, who have been spend Ing part of the winter in Pennsyl vania, returned the last of the week. They were delayed for a week In Indiana by the floods. Chief Engineer D. F. McGee of the Pacific Light & Power Company, D. C. Henny, another engineer, and A. Clog- her, a New York financier, havp been spending several days looking over the company's developml nt project now under way here. F. G. Church returned from Walla Walla Saturday, having been in at tendance at the parliament of the M. E. Church held April 9,10 and 11. He reports a very interesting and helpful session. "God's Kingdom Is moving on and a mighty forward movement In the church Is a certainty," declared Mr. Church. Frank Davenport, Jr., and K. W. Sinclair enjoyed a fishing and hunting trp in Central Oregon last week. Mr. Sinclair had the misfortune to get his thumb Jammed in the recoil of his shot-gun and the bone was splint ered. He cut the trip short but Mr. Davenport remained the rest of the week and secured a fine catch of fish. C. N. Clarke's young stallion, Ort ley, was left standing on Columbia street Saturday and ran away when frightened by a small boy. Near the Columbia Auto & Machine Company's garage the buggy was dashed Into a pole and completely demolished. 'The horse turned around and ran back up the street. He was stopped by Noah Bone. The horso was unhurt. Mrs. C. D. Hlnrichs has been quite ill for the past few days. Mrs. R. N. Young's mother, Mrs. Congdon, came up from Portland Sun day for a visit. C. C. Paddock and wife of Indiana polis arrived Monday and will make their home with their son on the West Side. J. D. Dammon and wife, who are to take charge of tho hotel and railroad Btation at Parkdale, passed through here Saturday on their way from Port land. Miss Lois A. Peironnet, accompan ied by Miss G. E. Jones, arrived Sat urday from Wheaton, 111., to spend the summer with her brother, J. L. Peironnet, In the Upper Valley. On Friday evening, April 18, at 8 o'clock at the Asbury M. E. church a reception will be given to those who have recently united with the church. The members and friends of the ! church are cordially invited. Mrs. Etta Bancroft has been on the sick list for the past several days. A son was born last week to Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Dunn, who live on the Heights. Mrs. F. B. Moses returned last Week from Southern- California much Im proved In health. The stork brought a daughter Sat urday to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Maynard in the Belmont dis-. trict. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Bailey of the Upper Valley were in the city the last of the week, their two children under going minor operations. Members of Hood River Lodge, No. 105. A. F. & A. M., will be the guests of their brother lodge, Portland-Washington, No. 46, of Portland on Satur day, April 26. J. F. Patterson expects to move to Portland the first of the month when ' Mrs. Patterson and the children re- iturn from Honolulu. r ;i tae with Reerj& Henderson, Incj Fire, Accident, Life, Automobile, Plate Glass, Burglary, Employer's Liability, including: FARMERS and ORCHARDISTS. Also Judicial, Official and Indemnity Bonds I Resident Agent for: U. S. Fidelity & Guaranty Co. V XT 1.1 A 1 t i lNormem Assurance o., 01 i-ionaon Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd., of London Hanover t ire Insurance Co. of New York Pelican Assurance Co. of New York "Real Estate Loans Investments ? A .. I Alt I A. C Are You in the Market for a Snap? If ho we hve a very IiIkIi cIiimh younif orchard on county roml with in 7 mlli-H of town, In h proven dlHtrlct for the ridiculously low price of $:!".". (X) (ier Here. Good buildings. NEW EXCHANGES THIS WEEK 2i)S0 ftcreK In llentrn County, WiiHhliiKton, nltoiit H'H) hitch In crop; MM) ncreH more tine tillable linl, Imlnnce let piiHture. No rock, (travel or lininh, koo1 luilldlnitH, wit bin 7 in I lew of irooil town of ISMH). Price $4.1,000. Morttfiure $1(,MH) at 0 per cent which can run at will. Will take good orchard property here of Hiune value. This In n line farm. K) ncreH In Mt. Hood illntrlct on main county road, 2M acre In cnlll vntlon; 0 ncreH liearlnn orchard, Imlnnce hay. Uooil IiiiIIIIiii;m, com plete equipment of tooln; tenin, cowk. plgi clilckenH, etc. TIiIh Ik mi blenl fruit and dairy proportion. Value $1(MM). Kqulty $tl,fi00. Will tnule for mnnller place In lower va!ley; city property, or what have you to offer? Have fL'0,000 worth of liliflr cIjihh vacant lot In rapidly growing (11m trlct In Portland t exchange for ranch property here. Insurance In the If yon want roMPLKTK I'R()TK( TI'JN Fire companies that pay their lose promptly, hcu ROBERTS & SIMMS SUCCESSORS TO G. Y. EDWARDS & CO. PHONC3111 HOTEL OREGON BUtLDINQ .4.4.. A. ' " ll's Sure to Be Right jj - . . If the watch comes from here, no matter if you;; buy the cheapest or most : : expensiveKvery watch we sell is a... Guaranteed ISimcKcc per Arthur Clarke Jtwmhr and Optician Opp nutlm't ltnk