THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1913 RECONSIDERATION OF SITE IS ASKED Such wui the reversal of opinion at tar the result of the election last Thursday became known that there wan an urgent request by taxpayers that certain BtatemenU be made through the local papers and that re newed efforts be made to secure addi tional ground (or the library site Therefore the following facts are stat ed as plainly as possible: The question at issue Is not that of library or no library. The Carnegl Commission gift has been practically accepted awaiting only the decision of the site. The question has nothing to do with the running of the library. The ex penses will be practically the same wherever the building may be placed A plot of ground Is now available, 40x200 feet and this the county com mlsBloners have agreed to accept if no more is secured. Hut this was agreed to only after a convincing argument by Miss Marvin, the state librarian, that It would be possible to build a library and a good one on such a piece of ground, but it was not deemed ad visable to do so unless It meant the loss of the building. A long, narrow and steep strip of land on which to erect a fine, artistic building would prove a most difficult proposition, hampering extremely the design for beauty and usefulness. The basement plan for public auditorium and club rooms would suffer largely No one can tell how soon business buildings might be built on the cor ners, leaving the library squeezed in between. Do you want a $17,500 building plac- ed on such a site? Have you considered the advantage of having a park with fine trees, with benches and a band stand for public gatherings? Do you realize how such a building as is planned, amid such surroundings would impress strangers? Our country friends have a right to ask that the county library be as convenient as possible both inside and out for rest and comfort. The Carnegie Commission cannot be kept waiting. The present park site will be for feited if not used before October, 1913. A new building should be under cover by September 15. The question now Is whether, as a business proposition, the city can af ford to lose the opportunity of secur ing a certain number of feet of the adjoining property so that the library building may be placed to the best advantage and be surrounded by at least a small park. The financial stress in city and valley has been con sidered, yet this case seems sufficient ly urgent to ask every citizen to con sider it carefully and to endorse any plan which seems reasonable to se cure at least a part of the tract offer ed. BY COMMITTEE. DIED Mrs. L. C. Baldwin Friends of Mrs. L. C. Baldwin were shocked to learn of her sudden death on Wednesday, April 9, at Long Beach, Cal. She had been In poor health for some time and went to a hospital there last November In hopes of .re ceiving benefit. Neither her friends nor family here suspected that her Condition was serious and news of her death therefore came most unex pectedly. The remains were brought lie re and the funeral was held Monday afternoon at lmmanuel Church on the Heights, Hev. J. It. llargreaves offlc tlng. Mrs. Baldwin was born at The Dal les 26 years ago. She lived there un til her marriage, which occurred 10 years ago next June. Since that time she has lived in Hood River. Besides her husband, she is survived by her mother, Mrs. Ellen Koontz, little daughter, Marion, one sister, Mabel, and three brothers, Ilea, Frank and Lyndon. ELKS MAY HAVE A TEAM Several local Elks may become can didates for the Elks baseball team which It was decided to organize at a meeting of the local lodge at The Dalles the lust of the week. An at tempt to form a team InBt year failed to materialize on account of the lack of material. This year, however, new material Is available and the organi zation was perfected last week by the election of officers. F. M. Phillips was chosen manager and J. A. Mcln erny will pilot the team as captain. Suits will be purchased and practice will begin at once. The suits will be purple and white, the Elks' colors, and the players will make a neat appear ance when they come out for the first time, which will probably be played with the Fortland Elks. A soft answer may not turn away wrath, but It saves a lot of useless talk. WOULD KEEP THE COLLEGES DISTINC Special interest baa been aroused here in the attempt to refer to the people the appropriations for the two state universities. Inasmuch as a num ber here are working In behalf of the movement and want to consolidate the two universities If possible. decided opposition has been aroused to this attempt to defeat the appropri ations and a state-wide fight against it will be made. Those who want to see the appropriations kept Intact will meet In Portland at the Chamber of Commerce next Saturday at 2 p. m Invitations have been Issued to prac ti ally all of the leading organization of the sia,te to participate in the move, not only to fight the referend urn, but eventually to establish a con strucilve plan for an economical ad ministration of the affairs of the high er educational Institutions. In a formal statement Colonel Hofer of Salem outlines the plan In part as follows: "There is universal sentiment against holding a special election this fall to refer Hie university appropria tions for the new buildings. The business men of the state are not only opposed to the expense of the special election, which, with the woman vote, would cost from 175,000 to $100,000. but are opposed to holding up the ap propriation of a sum like $175,000 that is badly needed for buildings at the Sfate University, accordng to the tes timony of every person who has ever bee if over the grounds and equipment at Eugene. 'The proposition to hold up this ap propriation on the ground that there is a demand for consolidation of the University with the Agricultural Col lege is too far fetched for the practi cal man of affairs to consider serious ly. In the first place there is no cer tainty if the special election were held that the people would sustain the referendum, and then there is still ess certainty than the people would vote to consolidate the two institu tions." BRIEF NOTES FROM AROUND THE STATE Artesian water has been struck In Crook county and it is believed it will be of great benefit to farmers and stockmen. The flow was struck at a depth of 197 feet. Farmers in the Molalla-Canby dis- rict of Clackamas county have a plan to market their produce directly to the consumer in Portland by bringing it into the city on auto trucks and cut ting out the middlemen. They hope to save 40 or 60 per cent In the pres ent) cost to the buyer. Loganberry culture Is profitable when this delicious fruit produces as it did for a fruit grower on Mission Bottom, Marion County, yielding 12,- oo pounds to the acre last season These were the weights given by the cannery where he marketed his fruit. le was paid 4 cents per pound, or $488 per acre. About $360 of this amount was net). Upon his promise to resign the of- ce of Mayor of Troutdale Immediate ly, S. A.- Edmonson, a saloonkeeper of that village, was released from the county jail Sunday after spending the ight in confinement on a charge of selling liquor to a minor. Although the crop of cereals in Wasco and Sherman counties this year will not surpass the crop of 1912, owing to the fact that the acreage is less because of the summer fallow ing, reports received by the Business Men's Association indicate a yield per acre that will break all records for that sectloiv The fruitgrowers are also looking forward to a harvest of record-breaking crops of cherries, peaches, pears, apple prunes, grapes and other fruits. Several hundred ac res of cherries will come into bear ing this year. A petition was presented to the city council of The Dalles at Its meet ing Monday night asking that the lo cal picture shows, theatres and bil liard and pool rooms be closed on Sun day. Another petition will be submit ted praying the aldermen to pass an ordinance compelling the saloonkeep ers to so arrange their places of busl- ess that any person passing on the idewalk may be enabled to see the hole Interior of the rooms. Congregational Church Next Sunday morning the pulpit will be occupied by Rev. II. L. Sny der of Chanute, Kansas. In the even ing Rev. Miles B. Fisher. Sunday School expert for the Congregational ism denomination on the Western 'oast, will speak. The public Is es pecially Invited to hear these visitors. The News for fine printing. DEDICATION OF OAK GROVE SCHOOL HELD Dedication of the handsome new Oak Grove school was held Saturday afternoon in connection with the coun ty teachers' conference held there that day. Rev. J. R. llargreaves de livered the dedicatory address and the school was formally accepted. It was designed by Albert Sutton and its many modern conveniences have al ready been described in these col umns. The conference of the teachers was largely attended. In the morning program was given by the school chil dren. President Ackerman of the State Normal School then gave an ad dress. A bountiful lunch was served by the women and in the afternoon State Superintendent Alderman gave an adress on habit building. U. T Wedemeyer gave a vocal solo which was enjoyed and the exercises of the day closed with the singing of "Amer ica." UNDERWOOD After spending a few days In Port land last week C. E. Broughton of Chenowith returned home Wednes day. Harry Stickney was In Hood River last week. Mrs. W. G. Detwiller and little daughter, Jane, enjoyed a very pleas ant day with Mrs. C. E. Broughton last week. Sheehy, Haran & Company are set ting out 23 acres of trees. Charles Graves, who was recently married at Los Angeles, has returned with his bride. W. M. Kollock went to Stevenson on business Monday. Mrs. H. A.'Hussey was hostess at a luncheon given the first part of the week for Mrs. George Hewett Mrs. II. S. Adams, Miss Katherine Hewett and little Hazel Adams. Mrs. E. J. Cummins and little son, Ellis, arrived last Tuesday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Cummins for some time. The members of the Utili Dulce Club were entertained by Mrs. E. M. Cum mins this week. UNDERWOOD NOTICE (Corrected) You are cordially invited to hear Lawrence Todmen of the Portland Y. M. C. A. preach next Sunday, April 20, at 3 o'clock p. m. at the school house. You will be asked to vote upon plans for the chapel building It is planned to hold the regular- monthly meeting, hereafter, the first Sunday of the month. , PROGRAM COM. WHITE SALMON (from the Enterprise) Wild strawberries are putting forth their blooms, which means blooming of the tame berry. All indications point to a full crop of the latter this year. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Dunnicliff and children left for Portland Tuesday, from which place Mrs. Dunnicliff and children will leave for Minnesota to isit her parents. A. J. Brunqulst, expert pruner of lood River, finished work the latter part of last week on the Charles Spen cer and Mills & Sheldon orchards. B. R. Richter of Troutlake has pur chased in Illinois 24 head of thorough bred Holsteln cow-g for his dairy farm n Troutlake Valley. The animals ere shipped from Gilbert, 111., Tues day night and should reach here with in ten days or two weeks. Dr. Dean, dentist, packed up his ap paratus thlg week and will probably locate at Toledo, Wash. He has a eal on for the trading of his choice White Salmon property and Trout- ake land for income-producing prop- ty near Lodl, Cal. The family ex- p ct to leave In the course of a couple of weeks. The Apple Growers'Unlon at Under wood held Its annual meeting for election of officers last Saturday. There was considerable discussion about Joining the Hood River federa tion of unions, the concensus of opin ion being that it is the proper thing to do if the requirements for member ship are satisfactory. ENSON NOW FIGHTS WHISKEY S. Benson, millionaire lumberman of Portland and donor of the $10,000 for building that portion of the Columbia River Road around Shell Rock In this county, Is now fighting the liquor traffic. Mr. Benson, who has been taylng In Long Bea h, Cal., for the Inter, will endeavor to procure leg islation by Congress prohibiting the anufacture of whiskey In the United States. Mr. Benson has set aside $50, 000 to further the project and his attorney Is now drafting a bill that Mr. Benson wishes to have passed at Washington. The busier a man Is the less time he as to complain of overwork. mm Ail ifnis&j iS-t Gingham We Give STAMPS SAYS MOUNT HOOD IS GLACIER LADEN (Oregonian) There has been so much snow in the Cascades and along the slopes of Mount Hood during the past winter that it has become packed into a glac ial mass, is the report of Fred Lund, a prospector and trapper. Mr. Lund came down to order some supplies for his camp on the south fork of the Up per Clackamas and declares that nev er before has he seen such conditions. The snow on the mountain is pack ed into a solid sheet of snow-ice at least four feet thick. The surface meltings have congealed and formed an almost unbreakable crust on top of the drifts and from my camp I traveled entirely above the trails, be ing "unable to break through the drifts." Mr. Lund had intended to freight In a large amount of material early this Spring, but, owing to conditions in the mountains, has abandoned all such plans until summer. M. E. Church Services Sunday School at 10 a. m. Preach ing services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Themes: morning, "The Methodist Parliament;" evening, "As We Have Sown." Epworth League at 6:30 p. m. Prayer meeting on Thursday ev ening at 7:30 o'clock. All are cord ially invited. W. B. Young, pastor. IGNORE THE KNOCKERS Did you ever notice of course you have that the men who have proved successful scarcely notice the knock ers, who are always abroad in the and. Ignore this class and they will soon take the hint. Automobile For Sale Fully-equipped Cadillac 30, 5-passenger touring car for sale. Three ex tra tires and four extra inner tubes. Extra springs. C, C. LEMMON Phone 55 3 i BUSINESS ADVERTISING WANTED Position keeping books or other clerical work. Address F. D., care W. T. Hull, It. D. 2. 15 16c For Sale Good lot on Prospect Avo. on Installment plan. Inquire of Har old Hershner. 3tfc For Sal One and tw-o-year-old apple trees including Delicious, Winter Ba nanas, Ortleys, New-towns, Spltzen bergs, and other leading varieties. Al so Burbank potatoes. Write or phone J. T. Nealelgh, Hood River. Phone 218K. 48tfc Qddrcn's Presse ".TJ T HY spend your time sewing for V V for thelittle ones when you " " ' can buy for the col of the material a well made Gingham or Per cale Dress and save the worry. Fine line of Percale, Gingham or Linen Dresses in good fast colors sizes6 to 14 at - 49 to $1.50 White Near-Linen or Pique Dress, sizes 6 to 14-at $2.00 to $2.75 Petticoats (wiw.''tor)- 35 Put the needle away and bring the little in and fit them out at MORLAN'S CLASSIFIED ADS.f EVERYBODY READS THE New Rates for Classified Advertis ing: One cent per word, first insertion; J, 2 cent per word for each insertion thereafter; 30 words or less SO cents per month. No advertisement insert ed for less than 25 cents. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE For Rent New store room 26x62. Good location on main street Phone or call 3152. 2tfc Fine 7-room cottage on Cascade Ave. west of 7th street, for sale cheap. ! chambers and a sleeping porch ,bath, pantry, attic and basement Inquire at office of A. W. Onthank. 36tfc FOR RENT Three rooms and bath. Phone 2682. lOtfc LESSONS In China Painting. Fir ing done. Orders filled promptly, Phone 2222. Ruth B. Miller, 916 Col umbia St. lltfc FOR KENT Two partially furnished living rooms above Reed & Hender son's office. Light, water and fuel fur nished. Inquire Reed & Henderson, lltfc FOR SALE No. 2 Faultless stump puller, good as new. Has had only one season s use. Hooks, cable, etc. go w ith it Price $110. U. M. C. Ranch, Parkdale Phone Odell 337. 13tfc FOR RENT 6-room house, all modern conveniences. Cheap. Furnished or unfurnished as desired. Call 1131. W. L. Hodges, Jr. 14tfc FOR SALE Cream or milk at Ziliacus Dairy. Phone 5794. lotfc FOR RENT Six-room house, barn and chicken house. Located on Belmont Road. Phone 6446. 1516p FOR RENT Two and three-room suites for light houskeeping. Modern conveniences. Apply Mrs. H. G. Fred erick, 1215 Sherman, or phone 1352. FOR SALE A 14-foot apple rack, only been used one season, also several sacks of Jerusalem artichokes, good for pigs. Phone 524:!. 15-16p FOR RENT Two front rooms, down stairs, furnished for light housekeep ing. Hot and cold water, light and bath, very pleasant and near to busi ness section. 714 Cascade Ave. 15-16p WANTED Second hand buggy of standard make in good condition with brake. Address giving full particulars and best cash price. R. New o!txe. lotfc WANTED-Will set your-strawberry plants by the thousand or by contract. Phone 3264. 12tfc FOR SALE Eggs for setting. Single Comb R. I. Reds. $1.00 per setting. W. B. Tewkesbury, East Barrett Dis trict, 15-16p TURKEY EGGS FOR HATCHING I will have a limited number of vVliite Holland turkey eggs for sale. Applica tion for same may be made to under signed on Lewis & Brown ranch, East Side. Phone G077. It. F. D. 1. Mrs. Arthur Lewis. 14 17c Then for the Babies there are Creepers, Rompers and Play Suits in good quality- Shirtings or Ginghams NEWS "WANT" ADS. LIVE STOCK AND FOWLS WANTED One good cow, must give 12 to 14 quarts milk daily; also 1 horse 1100 to 12U0 lbs. Write partic ulars to Box 21, Dee, Oregon. 15-16c WANTED Mare, 5 to 7 years old, sound and in good condition, weighing about 1050 lbs, safe for lady to drive and ride. Address giving particulars and best cash price. R, News office. FOR SALE Bay team, five and six years old, weight 2700, good in orchard work, sound, gentle and true. Can be seen at the Transfer & Livery Com pany. 15-18p FOR SALE Roan team, weight 2500, seven years old. Well matched, true good, heavy harness. The outfit at a bargain if taken at once. E. L. Mc Clain, R.l. Phone 5097. 15tfc. HAY TO TRADE For hogs or young milch cow. Henderson & McKay, R 2. Phone Odell 345. 15 17c Indian Runner Ducks English Stan dard, Pure white egg strain. $1 per setting, $6 per hundred. Single Comb Rhode Island Reds, $1.50 per setting. Mrs. Ralph Reed, Cascade Locks, Ore gon. 9-17p For Sale High class Barred Plymouth Rock cockerels and pullets. The strain of birds: E. B. Thompson's famous Ringlet strain, Madison Square Gar den winners, last season a year ago, from M. J. Myers' flock out of the fore most breeders in this state. Eggs for sale. Gust Westerberg, Phone Odell 18. 9-lTc Battn'sS. C. RedsAre7 the "hejy winter egg layers as well as bIio birds. If you are starting in Reda why not start with best blood obtainable? I have three pens of grand breeders mated up for this season. Five judges have passed upon my birds a .d pro nounce them the best in this Western country. Eggs for hatching, $1.50, $3.00 and $3.00 per 15, fertility and satisfaction guaranteed. If you get good hatches tell others, if not tell ax. Phone 5078. E. F. Batten, Hood River, Oregon. jtfo FOR SALE Thorough-bred trapnest- ed S. C. White Leghorns, Barred Ply mouth Rocks. S. C. White Orpingtons, Columbian Wyandottes and two Incu bators. Owing to my house burnine I am forced to sell. Address V. F. Beauregard, 1004 Eugene aU Phone 3091. 13-I6p FOR SALE Bargain Laying White Leghorn hens at 50 cents each to make room for young stock. Day old chicks at $U per 100; eggs for hatching $1.50 per setting of 15; $6 per 100. 90 per cent fertility guaranteed. W. II. Tobey. Phone 75-Odell. 14 17c FOR SALE ltig work team, $.M0. May be seen at work on Willow Flat road above Odell. E. H. Arens, above Booth Hill. Phone 165 Odell. 9tfc FOR RENT Furnished rooms. 1013 Columbia street. Mrs. McClain. 1617c WANTED Reliable- party to lease 24 acres of strawberries near Mohr Sta tion. Apply to F. H. Klngdon. Phone 50S1. 1-5-Kp ml "i in '.u.Ylu 1 i'.k kv- r- 50 ones We Give STAMPS OAKDALE GREENHOUSES We have a fine lot of Roses, Shrubs, Perennial Plants this spring. A few large Pieplant Roots. All at prices that you can not afford to send away for what you want k March ig the best time to plant anything in the hardy line. Later we will have all the Bedding Plants and Cut Flowers at all times. FLETCHER & FLETCHER Phone 5138 Hood River, Ore EMPLOYMENT COLUMN WE CARE FOR ORCHARDS For residents or non-residents pruning, spraying, cultivation, caring for crop. References, First National Bank, J. J. Knapp & Son, Phone 5809. lOtfc WANTED ANY kind of day work and plain sewing. Mrs. M. E. Had ley, 1221 Thirteenth street. 16-17p WANTED Ranch or orchard work by experienced Hood River man; married steady place preferred. Can take full charge. Have had good business ex perience Local references given. Address S. R. McDonald R, F. D. 1, Box 70, next place south of H. F.Lage's store. 13tlc REAL ESTATE SECTION FOR SALE.. 11 acres 5 miles out on West Side, about 8 acres in best com mercial apples, 75 per cent of which Is in bearing, balance bay. Small house and barn, beautiful building Bite. A paying proposition and you can buy it $1500 less than cheap, terms on part it desired. Address Box 79, Rt, 2, Hood River, Oregon. Phone 5S86. lotfc FOR SALE.. 25 acres, part improved. Upper Hood River. Some cash, part time or trade, Box 141, Viola, Kan sas. ll-18c FOR SALE Oli EXCHANGE 10-acre ranch, 2Vi miles west of town, bear ing apple trees, cherries, peaches, berries, alfah'a, pasture. Good 8-rooin house and other buildings. Apply Mrs. J. F, Miller, 916 Columbia St. Phone 2232. utfc FOR SALE 120 acres choice Irri gated land, near Bend, 60 acres clear ed, 50 acres in crop, 35 acres set to clover and alfalfa, good 6-room house, rustic and sealed and nicely painted, only about 10 acres of waste land. Only $4300. J. A. Eastes, Real Estate Investments, Bend, Oregon. 14-17c FOR SALE 160 acres irrigable land. 64 miles from Bend, 50 acres set to clover and alfalfa, 90 acres in cultiva tion; new bungalow. All fenced and cross fenced. Will sell thlg place at $1300 less than present owner paid for It a year ago. Compelled to sell. Only $7500. J. A. Eastes, Real Estate Investments, Bend, Oregon. 14-17c TO EXCHANGE for Hood River land. SO acres, fine red shot soil In Washing ton, Just across the river, two mile from Underwood, 5 acres two-year obis 13 aeres slashed and burned, all can be cultlva'ed, county road. Mortgag" $200ii. 4 years. Will exchungn for Hood River Property and assume. TRADES We have several god trades for Portland property and East ern Oregon wheat lands. Reed ami Henderson., Inc. 14tfc Ill w