THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 1913 CLASSIFIED ADS. EVERYBODY READS - OAKDALE GREENHOUSES We have a fine lot of Roses, Shrubs, Perennial Plants this spring. A few large Pieplant Roots. All at prices that you can not afford to send away for what you want. March is the best time to plant anything in the hardy line. Later we will have all the Bedding Plants and Cut Flowers at all times. FLETCHER & FLETCHER . Phone 5138 Hood River, Ore New Rates for Classified Advertis ing: One cent per word, first Insertion; Yz cent per word for each Insertion thereafter; 30 words or less 50 cents per month. No advertisement Insert ed for less than 25 cents. FOiSALEJRJXGHANGE For Rent Two and throe-room suites for light housekeeping. Modern con veniences. Apply Mrs. H. G. Frederick 1215 Sherman, or phone 69-L. 49tfc For Rent New store room 26x62. Good location on main street. Phone or call 3152. 2tfc FOR SALE Cheap, Edison phono graph, with forty records. Pete Shive ly. Phone 1404. Fine 7-room cottage on Cascade Ave, west of 7th street, for sale cheap. 3 chambers and a sleeping porch ,bath, pantry, attic and basement. Inquire at olllce of A. W. Onthank. 36lfc FOR RENT Three rooms and bath Phone 2682. lutfc LESSONS In China Painting. Fir ing done. Orders filled promptly. Phone 2232. Ruth H. Miller, 916 Col uuibia St. lltfc FOR RENT Two partially furnished living rooms above Reed & (lender son's office. Light, water and fuel fur iilshed. Inquire Reed & Henderson, lltfc FOR SALE Extra good strawberry plants from plants that have never borne. Also Early Rose seed potatoes. Fay Dinsmoor. Phone 5711. Iil5p FOR SALE 10-foot Fairbanks Wind mill. New. Price $25. Inquire Phone 6131. 1215c APPLE TREES Closing out entire stock, Newtowns, Spitzenbergs, Ort leys, 4 to 6 feet. Ten cents each, dis count on quantity. Telephone 5114. P. L. Tompkins. 1314c FOR SALE No. 2 Faultless stump puller, good as new. Has had only one season's use. Hooks, cable, etc. go with it. Price $110. U. M. C. Ranch, Parkdale Phone Odell 337. 13tfc WANTED Second-hand Moyervllle or Sludebaker Duggy, in good condition. Address giving full particulars and best cash price. A. 13., News office. 13 Hp FOR SALE 150,000 Clark seedling strawberry plants, A-No. 1. Inquire Raymond Markley, Dee, Ore. 13-14p TO TRADE Piano, good as new, for good work horse and farm wagon, or will trade on work team. Call at 409 Pine street or Phone 3442. 13-14p FOR SALE Seed Potatoes (Bur banks) Hill selected two years. Won derful yield. Odell 2X5. 13-14c FOR SALE 1911 Indian motorcycle, 5 horse power In good condition. G. DuV'al, Jr., Parkdale, Phone 7X1 Odell. 1314c FOR RENT 6-room house, all modern conveniences. Cheap. Furnished or unfurnished as desired. Call 1131. W. U Hodges, Jr. 14tfc FOR SALE Singer Sewing machine, drop head. Been used about 6 months. Less than half price. See the Star Grocery. ' .14-15o FOR SALE A good second-hand $6 disk for $12. G. II. Thomas, Osc, Phone Odell-14. 13-14,1 BUSINESS ADVERTISING For Sale Good lot on Prospect Ave. on Installment plan. Inquire of Har old Hershner. 3tfo For 8ale One and two-year-old apple trees Including Delicious, Winter Ba nanas, Ortleys, Newtowns, Spitzen bergs, and other leading varieties. Al so Hurbank potatoes. Write or phone J. T. Nealelgh, Hood River. Phone 218K. 8tfc "WANTED Men and women to learn watchmaking and engraving, few months only learning. Practical work from start. Positions secured for graduates. Practical trade not over done. Write for particulars. Watch making School, 210 Globe nulldlng, Portland, Ore. ' tf Read the News It tells It all. THE NEWS "WANT" ADS. EMPLOYMENT COLUMN Position Wanted By experienced stenographer good penman. Ad lrena Box 133, Hood Hiver, Ore. 8tf WE CAKE FOR ORCHARDS For residents or non-residents pruning spraying, cultivation, caring for crop References, First National Bank, J. J, Knapp & Son, Phone 5809. lutfc WANTED WUJ set your strawberry plants by the thousand or by contract. Phone 3264. 12lfc WANTED A good pair of second' hand ball bearing roller skates, men's size. Will pay a reasonable price, box 54, Dee, Oregon. 14c WANTED Ranch or orchard work by experienced Hood River man; married steady place preferred. Can take full charge. Have had good business ex perlence Local references given. Address S. R. McDonald R. F. D. 1, Oox 70, next place south of H. F.Lage's store. 13U: LIVE STOCK AND FOWLS Indian Runner Ducks English Stan dard, Pure white egg strain. $1 per setting, $6 per hundred. Single Comb Rhode Island Reds,' $1.5,0 per setting. Mrs. Ralph Reed, Cascade Locks, Ore gon. 9-17p For Sale High class Barred Plymouth Rock cockerels and pullets. The strain of birds: E. B. Thompson's famous Ringlet strain, Madison Square Gar den winners, last season a year ago, from M. J. Myers' flock out of the fore most breeders in this state. Eggs for sale. Gust Westerberg, Phone Odell 18. 9-17c Batten's S. C. Reds Are the hejvy w inter egg layers as well as show birds. If you are starting in Reilj why not start with best blood obtainable? I have three pens of grand breeders mated up for this season. Five judges have passed upon my birds a d pro nounce them the best in this Western country. - Eggs for hatching, $1.50, $3.00 and $5.00 per 15, fertility and satisfaction guaranteed. If you get good hatches tell others, if not tell lijt. Phone 5078. E. F. Batten, Hood River, Oregon. Dtfa FOR SALE S. C. Black Mlnorcas eggs, $1.00 per 13 from Black Beauty pen. S. B. Sutton, Parkdale. Phone 27X4. 12-15p TURKEY EGGS FOR HATCHING I wlil have a limited number of White Holland turkey eggs for sale. Applica tion for same may be made to under signed on Lewis & Brown ranch, East Side. Phone 5077, R. F. D. 1. Mrs. Arthur Lewis. 14 17c FOR SALE Fancy strain White Leg horns, Rhode Island Reds and Pekln Duck eggs, 10 cents each; fertility guaranteed. Robert Tazwell,"Menom- inee", Hood River. 13-14p FOR SALE Thorough-bred trapnest ed S. C. White Leghorns, Barred Ply mouth Rocks, S. C. White Orpingtons, Columbian Wyandottes and two incu bators. Owing to my house burning I am forced to sell. Address V. F. Beauregard, 1004 Eugene st Phone 3091. 13-16p FOR SALE Riding pony, T. A. Deck er, Phone Odell 149. 1314c FOR SALE Bay mare, sound, good condition, weight about 1100 pounds, age Ave years this spring, excellent roadster, fair saddler, not afraid of au tos, safe for ladies to drive. Will work single or lu three horse team. U. C. M. Ranch, Parkdale. Phone Odell 337. 13tfc, For Sale Big work team. D: H. Ar ena, Parkdale, Phone Odell 16!. yilj EGGS FOR SALE From pure bred White and Brown Leghorns and Silver Spangled Hamburgs at 75. cents per setting of 15. Phone 2044. lOtfc WHITE ORPINGTON EGGS $2.60 per setting. Stock brought direct from Kellarstrass Farm two years ago, $2 an egg strain. Mating; last y;ar with a cockerel of Cook's English strain; this year, with a cockerel from Phllo's coops. Hatchings for the two years have averaged 80 per cent pullets. J. O. McLaughlin, Phone 3354. 10-13c FOR SALE Bay team of gelding i. about 2500 pounds. Good harness. Felix Vonnegut. Phone 5227, R. . No. 1. 13 14c FOR SALE Bargain Laying White leghorn hens at 50 cents each to make room for young stock. Day old chicks at $15 per 100; eggs for hatching $1.50 per setting of 15 r $6 per 100. 90 per cent fertility guaranteed. W. II. Tobey, Phone 75 Odell. 14 17c FOR SALE White leghorns, Rhode Island Reds and Pekln Duck eggs, $1 per setting; fertility guaranteed. Rob ert Tazwell, "Menominee," Hood Riv er. Ore. 13 14n SPRING WEATHER IDEAL FOR CROPS Thus far the spring weather has been Ideal for the fruit crops of the Hood River Valley. The recent cold spell has checked the sap flow In marked manner and reduced danger from future frosts to a minimum. The strawberry fields are in prime condition for this season of the year and indications are for a bumper crop. The acreage will be practically the same as that of last season. Fruit trees bear every indication of a full crop and never appeared nore thrifty than they do now. Orchard ists are greatly encouraged over the season's prospects. Unitarian Church Next Sunday's services follow: At 11 o'clock the series of doctrinal ser mons will be continued on the sub ject "The Miracles of the New Testa ment." What is the attitude of mod ern Biblical scholarship toward the miracles? Is it of great importance whether or not Jesus performed mir acles? Does Christianity stand or fall on the fact of whether Jesus did mir acles? Are we Christians if we do not believe In the miracles of Jesus? The soul of Christianity. At the Young People's service at 6:30 spec ial music will be rendered by the young people. Will McGuire and Joe Johnson will render a violin-cornet duet and Miss Alberta Staten wit": give a piano solo. Good hymn singing w ill be the order of the evening. Mr. MacDonald will read a Scotch dialect story. These services will be made as attractive and helpful as possible. All are invited. Christian Science Christian Science services are held lu the Reading Room, Room 2, David son Building, Sunday at 11 a. m. Subject, "Unreality." Sunday School at 10 a. m. Wednesday meeting at 8 m. The reading room is open daily from 2 to 5 p. m. NOTICE We have a client who desires to secure a loan of $2100.00 on first mort gage on 40 acres of land about three miles south of Hood River. Will pay 8 per cent Interest. Phone 3183. 13tfc STARK & HAZLETT. Regular Sunday excursion to Park dale. Pleasant trip for yourself and friends. REAL ESTATE SECTION FOR SALE. .11 acres 5 miles out on West Side, about 8 acres in best com mercial apples, 75 per cent of which is in bearing, balance hay. Small, house and barn, beautiful building site. A paying proposition and you can buy it 1500 less than cheap, terms on part if desired. Address Box 79, Rt., 2, Hood River, Oregon. Phone 6886. lOtfc FOR SALE 147 acres at Wyeth has water right for Irrigation and a good power. It Is the Gordon homestead, will sell for $60 per acre. I think you will find this a snap. J. A. Eastes, Real Estate, Bend, Oregon. 1114c FOR SALE. .25 acres, part Improved, Upper Hood River. Some cash, part time or trade. Box 141, Viola, Kan sas. 1118c FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 10-acre ranch, 2 miles west of town, bear ing apple trees, cherries, peaches, berries, alfalfa, pasture. Good 8-room house and other buildings. Apply Mrs. F. Miller, 916 Columbia St. Phone 2232. 12tfc FOR SALE 120 acres choice irri- ated land, near Bend, 60 acres clear ed, 60 acres in crop, 355 acres set to clover and alfalfa, good 6-room house, rustic and sealed and nicely painted. nd about 10 acres of waste land. Ouly $4300. J. A. Eastes, Real Estate Investments, Bend. Oregon. 14-17c FOR SALE 160 acres irrigable land, 6Vi miles from Bend, 50 a ares set to clover and alfalfa, 90 acres In cultiva tion; new bungalow. All fenced and cross fenced. Will se'll this place at 1500 less than present owner paid for It a year ago. Compelled to sell. Only $750O. J. A. Eastes, Real Estate Investments, Bend, Oregonv 1417c FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE forunen cumbered real estate or town property in Hood River, grocery olock and store in Portland, location of store best on East Side, low rent, good lease. Price of stock about $4500. Phone 2372 or call at 1217 12th street. 14P TO EXCHANGE for Hood Rlverland, 80 arres.flne red shot soil In Washing ton, Just across the river? two miles from Underwood, 5 acres two-year-olds 15 acres slashed and burned, all enn be cultivated, county road. Mortgage $2000, 4 years. Will exchange for Hood River Property and assume. TRADES -We have several good trades for Portland property and East ern Oregon wheat lands. Reed and Henderson., Inc. ' l4tfo COLUMBIA RIVER ROAD NOW ASSURED Construction of the Portland-Hood River road without further delay was assured last week when the O.-W. R. & N. conceded the necessary right of way in Multnomah county, where the greater part of the construction work remains to be done. County Judge Cleeton of Multnomah county express ed himself as follows following the in spection of the proposed route: We are more than pleased with the generosity of President Farrell ana -nis associates, iney told Us frankly that they were going to give us the required space for the construc tion of the road If the thing were pos sible, and they kept their promise, We are now In a position to build the road with a maximum grade of 7 per cent, and we believe the expense eas ily can be kept within the estimate of $150,000." County Surveyor Holbrqpk is fully as enthusiastic as Judge Cleeton. "The concessions made by President Farrel yesterday will mean an expense of $150,000 to the railroad when they begin to double track the Columbia River system," he said. "That means real money to them, and it Indicates the extent1 to which Mr. Farrell was willing to go to help us. The whole project hinged on the attitude of the company would assume with regard to the situation at Old Tooth Mountain, Just east of Bonneville. The cliffs at that point drop off Into deep water and the railroad already has spent a large sum making a fill to the depth of 75 feet on which the tracks were laid. When the double track is built the railroad would find it most convenient to occupy tne space now left between the cliffs and tracks, rather than to make the fill larger. However, Mr. Farrell consented to give us the right of way next to the cliffs and to fill in the river to make extra room when it is needed. "If the railroad officials had refused us this concession, the only alterna tive would have been to go over the mountain at a 19 per cent grade, which would have been entirely im practicable and the project would probably have been abandoned." AH other points along the route had been practically conceded to the coun- by the railroad officials before the trip was made, Including the difficult rock work at Multnomah Falls and Oneonta. In all about five miles of the O.-W. R. & N. right of way will be occupied by the new road. MEN'S CLUB HOLDS BANQUET St. Mark's Men's Club, 30 members strong, enjoyed a supper and social evening at the Mt. Hood Hotel Monday evening. A delicious four-course sup per was served after which a short business meeting was held. A con stitution and by-laws were adopted and officers were elected as follows: D. E. Rand, president; A. P. Reed, vice president, and R. B. Bennett, sec retary. Murray Kay presided during the evening and introduced Rev. B. A. Warren of The Dalles, who gave an entertaining and helpful talk. This was followed by vocal numbers of Messrs. Rand and Sieg, both of which were much enjoyed. The next meeting of the club will ife on Monday. May 5, and will be In the nature of a reception for the new minister, Rev. Mr. McNamara. OBITUARY William Ehrck William Ehrck, aged 68 years, pio neer and wealthy apple grower of Hood River, died in Portland, Friday, March 28. Tin? remains were shipped to Hood River for Interment. Mr. Ehrck was bom in Germany and emigrated to America in 1872 and settled In Illinois where he spent sev eral years fanning. He moved to Ore gon and came to Hood River In Hie year 1871 and ' ok up a homestead at what is now known as Odell and en gaged in general farming and later entered the fruit growing Industry and by thrift ami economy forged rap Idly to the front and soon became one of the readers oi the valley. The de ceased was oin -if Hood River's most honored and rejected citizens. Mrs. Ehrck died about two years ago and there wre left of the union five children: Mrs. J.'H, Eggert, W. C. and O. H. I hrck of Hood River. Mrs. J. G. Hem. ti and Mrs. J. McFar land of Portland Mr. Ehrck was one of the organ, nlzers of the National Apple Company and a heavy stockholder In the con cern. He was ,. member of the Luth eran church an. lodge ef Elks. The funeral services were held at the Pine Grove church Sunday, under the auspices of the Elks' lodge.' Rev. Troy Shelley otlMated at the ser vices. Infertile;. t was made In Pine Grove cemetery. We have some good values In Cam as Pralr hay lands, n. E. Duncan & Co. 1314c ALBEE OUT ON BULL MOOSE TICKET H. Russell Albee, ex councilman and ex state senator, and a well known orchardist In Hood River, made the formal announcement last week that he had decided to run for mayor of Portland at the primary nominating election May 3. He will be a candl date on the Progressive ticket. Notice to Creditors In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Hood River County. In the matter of the estate of James R. Belshe, deceased. The undersigned having been ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Hood River Coun ty, Administratrix of the estate of James R. Belshe, deceased, and having qualified as such Administratrix no tice is hereby given to the creditors against said deceased, to present them verified as required by law within months from and after the da tit of this notice, which said date will be the date of the first publication of same, to said Administratrix at the office of John Baker, her attorney, at Rooms 9 and 10, Smith Block, In the City of Hood River, Hood River Coun ty, Oregon. ANNA BELSHE, Administratrix of the es tate of James R. Belshe, Deceased. Dated March 19th, 1913. 12-16 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Hood River. George Sheppard, Plaintiff vs. Alfred C. Farrel, Burt Van Horn and Willis Van Horn, Defendants. By virtue of an execution and order of sale duly issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Hood River, to me directed and dated the 18th day of March, 1913, upon a oint decree for the foreclosure ot certain mortgages and Judgment ren dered and entered in the above en titled court and cause on the 17th day of March, 1913, in favor of plain tiff and defendant, Willis Van Horn, and against the defendant, Alfred C. Farrel, in the sum of $4,000 with in terest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum from the first day of September, 1911; for the sum of $4u0 attorney's fees and for the sum of $20.00 plaintiff's costs and disburse ments in the above entitled suit and for the further sum of $10,303.50 with Interest thereon from the second day of January, 1913, at the rate of six per cent per annum; for the sum of $400 attorney s fees and (or tne sum of $10, the costs and disburse ments of defendant, Willis Van Horn, and commanding me to make sale of the real property embraced in said decree of foreclosure and hereinafter described, I will at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon on the 17th day of April, 1913, at the front door, at the county courthouse, in Hood River, Hood River County, Oregon sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand the following described real property, situated and being in Hood River County, Oregon, to-wit: Commencing at a point on the east line of Section 34 in Township 2, North of Range 10, East of Willam ette Meridian, 58 rods South of the Northeast corner of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 34, running thence South 22 rods, more or less, to the South east corner of the Northeast quarter of said southeast quarter; thence West along said South line 80 rods, more or less to the Southwest corner of said Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter; thence North 80 rods, more or less, to the Northwest corner of said quarter quarter; thence East on the North line of said quarter quarter 42 Vi rods, more or less: thence South 45 rods: thence East 17'. rods: thence South 13 rods; thence East 20 rods to the place of beginning, con taining twenty-eight (28) acres, more or less. Also two shares of the capital tock of the East Fork Irrigating Company. Also a certain tract described as follows: Beginning at a point on the hast line of the Wi of the Sh', or m-c. 34, Tp. 2. N. R. 1" E.. W. M.. lis o rods North of the South line of said Sec. 34: thence West parallel with the South line of said Sec. 34. 80 rods, more or less, to the West line of said wii nt SK"1. thence Norrn along tne said West line of W'i of SK4. 41.5 more or less, to the Northwest corner of said VV of SE': thence East along the North line ot saia vv of SE'i. 80 roils, more or ies. to the Northeast corner of said V'U of SEU, and thence South along the Vnuf line of said V Of tf.'. 10 rods, more or less, to the .place of be ginning, containing 20 acres, more or less. ' ' Also. a certain right or way ior in irrigation flume beginning ai. uie vnithonst corner of the Southeast quarter of Section thirty-four (34). In Township Two (21. North of Range Ten (10), East of Willamette Merl- lan; thence South along me r.i line of said Section ;m. anoui w ran. thence West 20 rods. The right of way hereby conveyed being tne same .a reserved in the certain deed to W. h. Butchart. dated August 2lh, 190'.' and recorded In the Peed Rocorus 01 , Hood River County, uregon, in noon 3, page 135. Or so much thereof as may be nee-- essnrv to satlsfv said judgment and : decree HI. costs and accruing costs s.ilit nronertv will be sold suojeci , to the confirmation and redemption as bv law provided. I Pated at Hou mver. uregon. im 18th day ot .viarcn. r.u.i. THOMAS F. JOHNSON' Sheriff, Hood River County, Oregon. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE In the Circuit Court of the State of uregon ror the County of Hood River. George Sheppard, Administrator. Plaintiff vs Alfred C. Farrel, Burt Van Horn and Willis Van Horn, Defendants. By virtue of an execution and order of sale duly issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Hood River, to me directed and dated lue xoia any oi Jiarcn, 113, upon a Joint decree for the foreclosure of certain mortgages and Judgment ren dered and entered in the above en titled court and cause on the 17th day of March, 1913, In favor of plain- tin ana aerendant, Willis Van Horn, and against the defendant, Alfred C. Farrel, in the sum of $16,000 with in terest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum from the first day of September 1911; for the sum of $800 attorney's fees and for the sum of $20.00 plaintiff's costs and disburse ments in the above entitled suit and for the further sum of $10,303.50 with interest thereon from the second day of January, 1913, at the rate of six per cent per annum; for the sum of $400 attorney's fees and for the sum of $10, the costs and disburse ments of defendant, Willis Van Horn, and commanding me to make sale of the real property embraced in said decree of foreclosure and hereinafter described, I will at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon on the 17th day of April, 1913, at the front door, at the county courthouse, in Hood! River, Hood River County, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in band the following described real property, situated and being in Hood River County, Oregon, to-wit: Commencing at a point on the east line of Section 34 in Township 2, Nortb of Range 10, East of Willam ette Meridian, 68 rods South of the Northeast corner of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 34, running thence South 22 rods, more or less, to the South east corner of the Northeast quarter of said Southeast quarter; .thence West along said South line 80 rods- more or less to the Southwest corner of said Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter; thence North 80 rods, more or less, to the Northwest corner of said quarter quarter; thence East on the North line of said quarter quarter 42Vi rods, more or less;thence South 45 rods; thence East 17 M rods; thence South 13 rods; thence East 20 rods to the place of beginning, con taining twenty-eight (28) acres, more or less. Also two shares of the capital stock of the East Fork Irrigating Company. Also a certain tract described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of the W of the SE4 of Sec, 34, Tp. 2, N. R. 10 E.. W. M., 118.5 rods North of the South line of said Sec. 34; thence West parallel with the South line of said Sec. 34, 80 rods, more or less, to the West line of said W of SEV. thence North along the said West line of W of SEVi, 41.5 rods more or less, to the Northwest corner of said W of SEhi; thence East along the North line of said WH of SEU. 80 rods, more or less, to the Northeast corner of said W14 of SE'i, and thence South along the East line of said WVi of SEVi, 41-5 rods, more or less, to the place of be ginning, containing 20 acres, more or less. Also a certain right of way for an irrigation flume beginning at the Northeast corner of the Southeast quarter of Section thirty-four (34), in Township Two (2), North of Range Ten (10), East of Willamette Med ian; thence South along the East line of said Section 34, about 45 rods; thence West 20 rods. The right of way hereby conveyed being the same as reserved in the certain deed to W. B. Butchart. dated August 20th, 1909, and recorded in the Deed Records of Hood River County, Oregon, in Book 3, page 133. Or so much thereof as may be nec essary to satisfy' said judgment and decree with costs and accruing costs. Said property will be sold subject to the confirmation and redemption as by law provided. Dated at Hood River, Oregon, this ISth dav of March. 1913. THOMAS F. JOHNSON Sheriff. Hood River County, Oregon. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the tin-: dersigned, executor of the w ill of j Nannie K. Clark, deceased, has filed, h w fimil arfitiint aa mrh ill I the County Court of the S;ate of Ore gon for Hood River County and that said court has fixed and appointed the hour of M o'clock In the forenoon of the h day of April. 1913, as the time for hearing said final account and the settlement thereof. All heirs, cred itors or other persons Interested In said estate are hereby required to ap pear on or before the day fixed for said hearing and to file their objec tions to said account or any partic ular item thereof, specifying the par ticulars of such objection. li-17 W. A. MERCER. Notice to Credrtors I No ice is hereby given that the un-1 dersigned. Minnie Fearl Krvine Thorn-j as, ha been appointed Administratrix of the estate of Marvin V. Howl.ind. ' deceased, by the County Court of Hood River County, Oregon. All persons having claims against the said estate or Marvin . HowlaiM. deceased, are notified to present the same, duly verified, to the undersign j ed. the office of C o. ge W. Cald i .!!. l'i Arlington nid.. rortuini. . in tireu.m. wunin six mi niomris iron jn,, t tnis notice, or no torewrj barn . I from making claim for auih , ,.iai,. I r " ,r , , . , !-" ,d River. Oregon. Mau-h i"-ti. i.mi omas MINNIE FEARl. KRVINE Til AdiuinUtra' rlx .yo w iwt.mVKU M rlington Hldg. IVrl.ind. Oregon. Vttoniev for Estate. I.' K t BABY CHICKS AND EflOS FOR MATCHING FROM S. C. White Leghorns W. P. Rocks S. C. Rhode Island Reds and Indian Runner Ducks ARE YOU PARTICULAR? WE ARE! That's why;our Chicks and Ducklings are in such demand. They Live! They Grow! They Pay! HOOD RIVER POULTRY YARDS J. I. NICKEL5E.1, Proprietor Set Poultry Tards at Fraoktoo. Pboni 5929 J. C. Johnsen Home of GOOD SHOES Where the Best Values ComeFrom KELLY BROS. HAY and OATS Rolled Barley, Bran, Shorts and Straw Phone 4443 Fourth Street between Oak and State CCLAL! Rock Springs COAL TRANSFER & LIVERY COMPANY Cottage Hospital Hood River's Medical In stitution. Open to the public for the treatment of Medical and Surgical cases. Rates on applica tion. Address, C0TTA6E HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WF FALL V. J. BAKER Real Estate Loans Insurance APPLE AND STRAWBERRY LAND A SPECIALTY Correspondence Solicited llir rilDMlOU CD 1 1 IT f Q I U 11 11 1 U tl I M U I 1 PICKERS AND PACKERS And All KliuN of 1- 1 hmployees... iNiuumA CC C(J. I'hone 2 4 11 I 4 I ast Onk Strerl IIimhJ Pivrr, Or. The News for fine prir.Miig I