THE HOOD RIVER "NEWS Highest Grade Job Vrlnting Ad-Vcrttscrs Get 'Results VOLUME 9, NUMBER 11 HOOD RIVER, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1913 SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 A YEAR CONSOLIDATION BEING PLANNED Four Local Shipping: Concerns Recommend That Mar keting Interests of the Valley Should be United and Agree upon a Proposition for Accomplishing This End Meeting Is Held and Resolution Mass Meeting for All Growers of the Valley. A general massmeetlng of all the growers of the valley has been called for next Wednesday morning, March 19, at 10:30 o'clock at Hellbronner Hall for the purpose or organizing a central selling and shipping associa tion with a view to properly distrib uting all the products of the valley. The call for this meeting Is made by the Hood Hlver Apple Growers Union, the Davidson Fruit Company, Hood Hiver Apple and Storage Company and National Apple Company all the shipping organizations of the valley. At the same time and place a spec ial meeting of all members of the Union has been called for the same purpose. Oificial announcements of both meetings appear elsewhere In this paper. Plans for uniting the selling Inter ests of the valley were undertaken at a meeting held Saturday afternoon at the Commercial Club when represen tatives of the shipping organizations and others who are particularly inter ested, including all of the local bank ers, met to consider a proposition for effecting unity in time to eliminate local competition as far as possible in harvesting this year's crop. The meeting was an informal one. It was originally planned to have it in clude only the dire tors and repre sentatives of the shipping organiza tions, but a few others were invited anl nearly a hundred were present. The meeting was the outcome of a number of conferences which have been held recently between the four organizations. All of these are now agreed that the competition which was this year established in the marketing of the local crop has been disastrous to the Interests of Hood Hiver and to every grower in the valley. The action towards unity does not originate with any one of the organi zations. It is rather the concensus of opinion which they have all been com pelled to accept following this year's experience and all are agreed that the move is Imperative for the future wel fare of the apple industry in this val ley. As a result of the conferences that have been held between the associa tions it Is now proposed that an orga nization be formed to market the pro duct of the entire valley. This orga nization would be formed by coalition of the Hood Klver Apple Growers' Union and the Davidson Fruit Com pany. The organization thus formed would purchase the cold storage plants and other marketing facilities of the National Apple Company and the Hood Hiver Apple and Storage Company Both the Union and the Davidson Fruit Company would retain their Iden tity as corporations, but would tease their property for a number of years, probably ten, with the understanding that an option to either renew the Dairying to Be Subject of Discussion Saturday If the cow can be made to co operate with the hen In supplying the farmer's larder and providing "mother" with some pin money the condition of the local ranchers will be more enviable than ever, according to not a few mem hers of the Commercial Club. With a view to bringing the cow into her own here in Hood Hiver an open meeting will be held at the club next Saturday for the discussion of this subject. Not long ago the Commercial Club Investigated the opportunities which await Mrs. Cow here by finding out how much butter is shipped into Hood Hlyer. Statistics were secured from the grocers, hotels and largest hand lers and it was found that the figure ran well up towards 2500 pounds a week. With these figures before them the directors of the club went over the matter a few days ago with Professor Kent, the dairy expert at the O. A. C. They say that he left in their minds some very valuable information which they are willing to pass along for the benefit of all. lease or to purchase would be In eluded. This plan is only tentative, but It is the one to which all of the four or ganizations have agreed as being the most feasible and the one which they believe it would be practical to work out with the least delay and with the smallest percentage of risk. As now planned, the affairs of the larger organization would be adminis tered by a board of nine directors, four of whom would represent the in terests of the Davidson Fruit Company and five to represent the Union. Mr. Sieg and Mr. Davidson would be as sociate managers of the new organi zation. Plan Meets With Favor All afternoon was spent in a discus sion of the proposition and there was a unanimity of opinion that it was advisable to submit it to a massmeet ing of local orchardlsts. Charles Hall made the motion at the conclusion of the discussion that It was the Bense of the meeting that the plan be endorsed and also that a tentative constitution and by laws be prepared by those who have had the preliminary plans in hand and that they be submitted to a massmeeting of all the growers of the valley. Chairman Dickerson put the motion and it was unanimously car ried. A. I. Mason did not agree with the proposition as submitted. He declared that the identity of all existing corpor ations should be merged into the new and larger organization and that both the Union and Davidson should be dis solved as corporations. He suggested that the larger organization should purchase all the other plants by means of a bond issue. His argument was that all possible factional feeling would thereby be wiped out and that the overhead expense of conducting the separate corporations would be materially decreased. Mr. Mason's suggestion prompted considerable discussion. It was the opinion of all those who spoke that Mr. Mason's idea was a good one to wards which to work in case the pro position first submitted proved suc cessful, but that it would be much more difficult if not impossible to ef fect, the bonding proposition being deemed impractical at this time, while both the Union and Davidson Fruit company -would thereby be burn ing all bridges behind them and also abondoning the brands which it has taken many years to establish In the markets of the world. Would Retain Brands Mr. Sieg took up the matter of the brands. He Bald that the advantage of maintaing the established brands of the Union and of the Davidson Fruit Company was fully realized and that It was the purpose of the larger organization to retain these brands until they could be abandoned for the "It's going to be an 'experience meeting,' " says Secretary Scott. "Ev erybody that's got a cow or more than one w ill be made welcome, while those who haven't will be duly Initiated into the mysteries of the cow game. Those who would like to own a cow or two and don't know how to get them will also be welcome. The directors have an idea that it is possible to get cows for those who wish them and who don't know how to get thorn, perhaps from a lack of ready money." When Dr. Wlthycomb of the O. A. C. spoke at the horticultural chautauqua last summer he was high In his praise of the cow and strongly recommended the keeping of small nerds by the or chardlsts, not only because of the val ue but also on account of the valuable fertilizer thus secured. All are Invited to the meeting Sat urday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. O. II. Marsh of Under wood were guests over the week end of Mr. and Mrs. George I. Sargent at Oak Grove. Passed Calling for I general Hood Hiver brands of the ' 1 ., .. 1 I DnU that they also fully realized that it would take time to establish such brands in the markets but that it was the ulti mate intention to make several brand so that three or four salesmen could be maintained In the larger mar kets handling the different brands of Hood Hiver apples. He also stated that it was the opinion that only the fancy brands should be continued and that the choice grade should be pack ed and shipped In a different manner. P. Davidson also spoke of the advan tages of having such a single organi zation, particularly because it could establish and maintain a uniform grade for all apples shipped from Hood Hiver, something which could only be accomplished when it was marketed by a single organization. C. H. Sprout of the National Com pany was among those who spoke. He said that be was entirely in favor of uniting the shipping interest of the valley and that his company stood ready to cooperate in making some such arrangement. M. M. Hill of the Hood River Apple and Storage Com pany said that he also was in favor of the movement towards consolida tion. Others who spoke in favor of the proposition included E. H. Shepard, J. L. Carter and Truman Butler. No "Trust" Planned Mr. Mason thought that Hood Riv er would put herself in the cla.s with the Steel, Harvester, Oil and other big trusts If the consolidation were effected and said that it might be In violation of the Sherman antl trust law. Mr. Sieg, however, put all fears on this Bcore at rest by stating that he had consulted the best legal advisers in Portland and was as sured that there would be no viola tion of the anti-trust law inasmuch as no restraint of trade was contem plated and only a small part of the product would be controlled. Davidson Favors Plan H. F. Davidson was unavoidably- absent from the meeting Saturday, but he declares that he is heartily In favor of the plan for consolidating the valley's marketing Interests. "I believe the proper time has arrived for this important step," said Mr. Davidson. "We have had a bad year, but I believe that we have now hit the low spot and that conditions will improve. There will certainly be a greater opportunity for Improvement if we can get together in this matter. It Is not an attempt to form any com bination or "trust" but simply an effort to unite the interests of the valley in order that we may market our fruit upon a more economical and advantageous basis. TAKE IRRIGATION SYSTEM ON OPTION Directors of the East Side Irriga tion District met Saturday and re ceived an option which the East Fork Irrigation Company gave to pur chase the system for the par value of the capital stock plus the indebt edness, but the figure shall not exceed $110,000. This option gives the district im mediate possession pf the entire sys tem. Not to exceed a year's time is given in which to consider the op- lon to buy. The system is turned ov er to the district to operate In the meantime without any cost except for maintenance. The district has taken possession. J. W. Mar Don aid was employed as superintendent and he is now engaged with a crew of men In cleaning out the ditches and flumes In order to have the system in readi ness for operation April 1. The district does not obligate Itself to buy the system and whether this will take place or not depends upon the success with which the Issuance of bonds meets. The directors expect to call a special election to vote on the Issuance of these bonds In the near future. Attorney George II. Wil bur Is now Beting as secretary and legal adviser for the district. HYDRO FORFEITS DALLESJRANCHISE The Dalles Chronicle of Friday had the following to say about the propos ed invasion of that city by the Hydro Electric Company: According to all appearances, the Hydro Electric Company of Hood Hiv er will not furnish electric power and light to The Dalles, Its franchise hav ing expired Wednesday. An ordinance which passed the coun cil December 5, 1911, gave the Hydro Company the right and privilege to op erate In this city. The company was given the franchise with the provis) that an acceptance be made within 60 days, the sum of $1000 to accom pany the acceptance. This much the company complied with. The ordinance further provided that work should begin within nine mon'I.s after the date of the passage of the or dinance, and that the plant should be in operation six months later. It wis stipulated that should the company fail to comply with the provision.) of the ordinance it would lose its fran chise and forfeit the $1000 filed with the acceptance. W. G. Chaffln was arrested inMosier the last of the week by Sheriff Levi Chrlsman on a charge of assault with a dangerous weapon. The charge was made by D. D. Hail. Chaffin states that Hall owes him wages and it is over this that the 'trouble started. Will Have an Election on the Library Proposition A special election Is to be called by the city council to vote on the library proposition. At the meeting Monday Councilman Staten made the motion that the Judiciary committee be direct ed to take the necessary steps tow ards calling such an election to give the council authority to purchase a library site. At the present time the charter places strict limitations upon the council's power and it has no au thority to purcha ftuch a site. No conclusion has been reached as to the exact amount of additional land which would be purchased, but 40 to 50 feet will probably be necessary in order to provide a suitable site for the library and this would also give room for a small city park. A petition was circulated Monday ARMED REBELS NEAR BORDER Douglas, Ariz. Encamped within striking distance of several border town, are 8500 constitutions troops while insurrectos among federal gar risons have strengthened materially the rebel forces. The last word received from the besieged city of Nacozarl wu from the telegraph operator, who flashed "too hot for me here," and left his key before all wires between Douglas and Nacozarl were cut. Open revolt and scenes of disorder have occurred among the 260 federal defenders of Agua Prieta, and the mil itary officials there gave warning to all Americans to leave the town. The best citizens of Agua Prieta generally fled to Douglas, while the drunken and rebellous soldiers pa raded the streets crying "Viva Made ro!" "Viva Maytorena!" and "Viva Diaz!" Brawls between politically es tranged companions in arms added to the confusion and terror which held the town in its grip. Opium Will Be Burned Pekin. The National Antl-Oplum congress, with a view to assisting China to suppress the opium trade. will nppeal to the Young Men's Christ ian association nnd missionary socie ties throughout the world to open funds for the purchase of as large portion as possible of the opium stock at the treaty ports. The stocks will be burned. Annexation of lila of Pines Desired Pittsburg. Announcement hat been mad by Thomas J. Keenan, president of the American association of the Isle of Pines, that a petition directed to President Wilson and the senate, requesting annexation of the Island will be put In circulation In this coun try and the Isle of Pines. Mrs. F. M. Norrls of Mason City, Iowa, arrived Saturday to visit Mr. and Mrs. George I. Sargent. She Is enroute home from a stay In South ern California. BODY OF UNKNOWN MAN IS DISCOVERED Section hands working a couple of miles east of town Friday discovered the remains of a man lying beside the tracks. The body was much the worse for exposure to the elements and the man had probably been dead for two or three years. A revolver lying beside his body told the tale of how he met his death. His identity has not yet been discovered and there are few clues to follow. Th man wore link cuff buttons which bore the initial "II". This gave rise to the belief that he might be John Hammond of White Salmon. Hammond came to Hood Hiver with his wife about three years ago. He left the hotel in the evening and has never been heard of since. Friends of Mr. Hammond's were called from across the river Saturday to see the remains but they stated positively that it was not he. The head was gone from the body and only the lower jaw remained. There was a stickpin found and the revolver was a 38-calibre. These remain so far as the only clues. The body was found In a fir thicket just south of the tracks about half way to Masier. Coroner Dumble took charge of them and they were taken to Bartmss' undertaking parlors. E. R. Moller has wired to friends here that his father died in Brooklyn before Mr. and Mrs. Moller were able to reach his bedside. asking that a site for the library be secured on the county court house grounds. This petition has been held up, however, following the action ot the council Monday and will be with held to await the action of the citi zens at the special election. The ordinance calling for pavement of the busines streets was passed and bids will be let on March 24. The contract for construction of balance of the water system was let ' Five bids were received. The contract for Division 2, which includes the headworks, was awarded to Gibish and Joplin of Portland. Their bid was $2,946. The contract for Division 5, which includes the reservoir, was awarded to E. O. Hail, whose bid was $11,220. Citizens in Clarke's Addition peti tioned to have a water main laid on Union Avenue to connect with the one on Wilson street. Residents in Stranahan's Third Addition asked for a water main on Fifteenth street. A petition was received asking for opening of C street from Thirteenth street westward. Residents in Winans' Addition ask ed for the creation of a sewer district there. A street light at the corner of Prospect and Eighth streets was ask ed by residents in that section ol the city. Architect R. R. Bartlett recommend ed that the city, instead of erecting a oO-foot fire bell tower on the Odd Fellows Building, erect a 60-fool tower on the city's property adjoin ing, reporting that the latter could be done at loss expense. SUMMER WEATHER ENJOYED THIS WEEK Weather during the past week has been more like summer than spring. According to the temperature an road by Professor Lawrence, local observ er, the mean temperatures for Friday. Saturday and Sunday varied only two degrees. The maximum temperatures were as follows: Friday 62. Saturday 64 and Sunday 63. The minimum temperatures for the same three days respectively were 34. 34 and 33. The mean temperatures were 54, 32 and 52. Th warm weather was accompan ied by bright sunshine and an atmo sphere that was clear as crystal and delightfully balmy. Residents in town have started planting their gardens, while the orchardlsts have been kept busy finishing up their pruning nnd preparing for spraying and the ether spring work. The months of February nnd the first of March have been remarkable for the small rainfall, but the earth was well soaked by the melting snow In January. Monday turned somewhat cooler and the orchardists were nut displeased as it will prevent the fruit buds from swelling too rapidly. Stranahan Explains the Local rjnanumz PnnnnH Schedule of County Salaries under New Bill Is Given Treasurer Will Hereafter Be Tax Collector , Neat Income Assured for Experiment Station Game Protected from Aliens. Hon, C. H. Stranahan returned the last of the week from Salem, where he represented this district in the Legislature. Mr. Stranahan, upon his return, conferred with the county court. On account of having been in close touch with the situation, he was able to explain the exact nature of the legislation which was enacted in behalf of Hood Hiver county. The bill raising the salaries of lo cal county officials was passed by the Legislature over the Governor's veto. The schedule of salaries as passed for this county is somewhat smaller than those of the Governor's equal salary bill. The latter measure was known as the Gill bill. The present salaries of local coun ty officials, those of the bill which was passed and those of the Gill bill, which was defeated, are given as follows: At Present New Gill Clerk $1200 $1600 $1600 Sheriff $1200 $1600 $1600 Assessor $900 $1300 $1400 Judge $300 $900 $900 School Supt. $400 $800 $900 Treasurer $100 $500 $500 At the present time the county commissioners receive $3 a day and their traveling expenses. Under the new bill they will recive $4 a day and traveling expenses. Under the Gill bill they would have received $4 a day with no provision for traveling expense money. So far as the duties of the various officials are concerned only one change is made ty the-new law. Beginning with 1914 the county treasurer will also be the tax collector, the sheriff being relieved of this duty, although he will continue to collect the delin quent taxes. - Alien Hunters Barred Mr. Stranahan, at the request of local sportsmen, introduced a bill to protect fish and game from the depre dations of alien hunters, by which Is meant all those who are not citizens of the United States. This measure was passed. It provides that all per sons not citizens must pay a hunting and fishing license of $25. Mr. Stranahan had also been re quested to introduce a measure pro tecting gray squirrels here. He found, however, that a special act had been enacted several years ago pro viding protection for these animals. The same is true of native and China pheasants, which are already protected. The bill for an experiment station here was the only one of 13 similar Thinks Hood River Will Be Mecca for Tourists That Hood River has all the at tractions which are bound to make it a Mecca for tourists and the summer home of hundreds of Portland resi dents, Is the belief of J. H. Heilbron ner, and he also believes that there is an exceptional opportunity for one or more up-to-date summer hotels in the valley. "From my own acquaintanceship with Portland people," said Mr. Heil bronner, "I know that there are many Portland people who would welcome the opportunity to spend some time every year at a summer hotel located on one of the many beautiful sites in the valley. At present they must go to the seashore with practically no other alternative, but there are many who would prefer to seek rec reation amid the beautiful surround ings Hood Hiver can offer. Here we have the beautiful scenery, good roads for riding and driving, bracing moun tain air and all Borts of places to which delightful outings can be taken. At the same time the people of the valley furnish a congenial society with which the tourists and summer visitors could mingle. "Conditions in the fruit business. as in every other, are bound to vary. There will be good years and poor ones, but with Hood Rier establish ed as a Mecca for tourists and a famous summer resort, as she well tan be, there will be an income whieh will never fail. Portland people real ize this. William McMurray. general passenger agent of the O -W. K & N.. has often remarked that Hood River measures which was passed, Mr. Stran ahan making a strong fight for this measure. It provides $3000 a year for two years. This money will be pay able quarterly and dates from the first of the present year. The fund will be administered by the Board of Regents of the O. A. C. and the local county court. Soldiers' Home Investigated Representative Stranahan also took a leading part in the investigation of the Old Soldiers' Home at Hose burg. He introduced the resolution calling for an investigation of the in stitution and was made chairman of the investigating committee They found that there was but one build ing, which would accommodate only 156 persons. There were 1S9 actual ly registered and nine applications w hich could not be considered. There were 35 of the old s ldiers, most of them very feeble, arbitrarily furlough ed for 30 days in order to make room and on their return 35 more are fur loughed. The committee reported these con ditions and Mr. Stranahan was re quested by Governor West to get an estimate of the cost of a new building. With this report he went before the ways and means committee with a bill providing an appropriation sufficient to build a home that would accommodate 100 more. An appropriation of $25,000 was made for this building. Mr. Stranahan, in commenting on the session, said: "All the measures Introduced in behalf of Hood River county were passed and I was much pleased at what I was able to accom lish for my constituents. So far as the county salary bill was concerned I was not personally Interested, but I received a strong petition signed by about 100 of the large taxpayers of the county and so used my best efforts to get the measure through. I believe it places the salaries of local officials upon an equitable basis. "The Legislature decided to place upon the ballot next year the propo sition of extending the legislative ses sion from 40 to 60 days and after my experience during the present Bession I hope the measure will meet with general support. A 40-day session was sufficient before Oregon grew to her present magnitude, but it is altogether inadequate now. It is proposed that under the new law no bills could be In- " troducd after the 20th day and the bal ance of the- session could then be de voted to a thorough consideration of all measures submitted." people have not yet come to appre ciate their opportunities in this line and he declares that his own friends would provide many guei's for a good summer hotel here." Mr. Heilbronner has been going ov er the matter for some time and he believes that the time will come when there will not be one but many such hostelries in this valley, soma lu the more settled portions and others secluded In the sylvan retreats of the hills and valleys where those who en joy nature in the rough can find rest and recreation. "It will also be a distinct benefit to the orchardists," he continued, "be cause the building of summer homes here by well-to-do Portlanders will follow and ttiere will bo a demand for small tracts for this purpose. Portland people are enthusiastic about the Hood Uiver Valley and many who prefer country to city life would main tain their families here a part If not u!l of t!.o year. This will bn especial ly true when the Columbia River road is opened, but we do not have to wait for that with the good train servlco between this city and Portland. When Hood Hiver awakens to her opportun ities in tills 1 i ii,i hhe U bound to le i (in " a Mecca for vacationists. W. ('. and I) U K'nry arrived Sat urday from Fort, Collins, Colorado, with tlnl r famillen to visit their brother. M I.. Kmry. If bad been nearly 2" years since they bad met. They mav locate here.