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About The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1913)
V - THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 5. 1913 THE HOOD RIVER NEWS niiunn witwMOiT hokmimoi bt MOOD RIV ER NEWS COMPANY, Inc. Hood Rivbb. OmsooH ft. B. BENNETT L. &. BENNETT . Busini fcorroa I Manages Subscription, $1.50 Year in Advance Batorad aa second-class Sutter. Fab. 10. 190. at the poat office at Hood Rhrer. Oraron. ndar tba Arte March i. 1ST. THE INAUGURATION Yesterday saw the inauguration ot Woodrow Wilson as President of the United States. President Taft Is now a private citizen. The event took place quietly and the reins of govern ment were passed over to President Wilson unaccompanied by any of the trim forbodinxs which werj so fre quently heard at the time of the cam paign. Although there is no denying that the change Is a radical one and fraught with great possibilities, it is a fact that the business conditions of the country have not registered the disturbance which might have been ex pected. This fact is largely due to the eminently sane, and conservative attitude which President Wilson as sumed following his election and pre vious to his inauguration. He has ob served a silence which has inspired confidence in his wisdom and discre tion and has given his enemies no opportunity to draw alarming deduc tions. It is to be presumed that the pledges embodied in the Democratic platform will be his guide, but he has made no announcement that any radical measures calculated to disturb the business or economic conditions of the country are contemplated. President Taft retires with honor from the highest office of the land and he will continue to be highly re spected by his countrymen on account of the able and dignified manner in which he has administered that office. If he has erred It has been on the side of conservatism, but conditions have been maintained upon a firm and substantial basis and President Wilson takes office with the support of a unit ed people behind him. Factional and party differences now are forgotten and the country rests easy in the hope of continued prosperity. T H ELOST LAKE ROAD Portland is making every effort to extend the Bull Run Reserve to the shores of Lost Lake, thereby shutting off for all time communication between the Upper Hood River Valley and Port land except by the long route south of Mu Hood. A protest was made by Hood River residents some time ago and a conference was held between Superintendent Dodge of the Portland Water Board, City Attorney Grant of Portland and local citizens. As a let ter written by Superintendent Dodge and reprinted in another column shows, however, it is not their inten tion to make any concessions to Hood River county but rather they would render It forever Impossible to estab lish any means of communication over the range north of the mountains, It is to be expected that Portland would take every possible precaution to protect her water supply. In this instance, however, it is the opinion here that she is losing sight of import ant facts which should enter into consideration. One is that the two townships which Hood River would have reserved do not lie on Portland's but on Hood River's watershed. It is also a matter of common knowledge here that many persons cross the re serve every year with little danger of being baited. As has been pointed out, if this traffic could be confined to a single highway the latter could be policed and the proper sanitary regu lations maintained. Portland also de Clares that passengers through the re serve would Increase the Ore danger and yet the section Is now almost inaccessible on account of lack of a proper road. Maintenance of an im proved road would greatly diminish the fire danger, Hood River residents maintain by giving fire fighters ready access. While Hood River is fully alive to the importance of preserving Port' land's water supply from all possible pollution, local citizens cannot but re alize the loss It would be to forfeit all hope of securing this important high way and every effort is being made to convince the Forestry Department and Oregon's congressmen at Wash lngton of the reasonableness of Hood River's request. wards the forming of consumers' un ions or purchasing associations. In Europe, especially in Germany, such organizations of consumers have reach ed a position of great economic Im portance and from being purely local in their nature have developed along more general lines, there now being In Germany one central union with more than 2,00 branches or local un ions. In that country it has proved to fill an Important economic need. THE PATH OF SUCCESS A New York minister wrote to seven prominent men a series of questions as to their rules for success In life. Among the secrets of success men tioned were honesty, loyalty, absorp tion in one's work, dependability, in' vention, earnestness, enthusiasm, ten acity of purpose, and hard work. As to whether It is hard work or worry that breaks men down all agreed that hard work would not en danger anyone's physical or mental health, and two said that hard work is a tonic. Among the causes of failure were mentioned intemperance, immorality, untruthfulness, cigarette smoking. making a drudge of oneself and get ting into debt. A majority agreed that a college education is not necessary to success, though it might help the right sort of man. If not the right sort it might prove a detriment. All agreed that religion is an asset, but one added that it must be "real and not lip cant or hypocrisy." " These men have tried out their mottoes in actual life and every one succeeded, some of thorn in an emi nent degree. Timber prices are reported to be steadily advancing and the industry is said to be in better condition than in several months. Prospects for a prosperous season for this one of Hood River's most important indus tries are now bright. 'General" Rosalie Jones and her suf fragette "army" might better be home keeping house and minding the chil dren rather than wearing out shoe eather on the hike to Washington. SEES FEDERATION COMING WHAT THE UNION IS DOING With a view to Increasing its aer vice to patrons, the local Apple Grow era' Union has recently increased Its facilities for supplying ranchers with such goods as hay, grain, fruit boxes, spraying machine, spray materials and the like. It is the opinion of the director of the Union that this form an important part of the duties of such an organization and hereaf ter they will not only undertake to dispose of the rancher' product on the co-operative basis but will also supply blm with hi material In the am manner. This policy of the Union I In line with movement which are being not ed In many Americas communities to- A church federation movement has started at Hood River. Federation is bound to come as the laity more and more realize that small towns especially, is costly, es tranges Christians, belittles preach ers and robs the missionary box. Do you think that if Christ were to re appear he would go to one particular denomination and say, "Ye can come unto me through this church only?" White Salmon Enterprise. PLAN A TRAMWAY TO WHITE SALMON White Salmon is planning to con struct a tramway from the station up the steep bluff to the town. At a re cent meeting of the Commercial Club of that place, Frank Walsh, engineer for the Northwestern Electric Co., sug gested the feasibility of the project and it was the opinion of the club that it would greatly increase the accessi bility of the town. The club has now appointed a committee to make a pre liminary survey and collect data. The bluff is about 600 feet high, al most perpendicular part of the way down, and is now scaled by means of a stairway of 600 steps. HOW ABOUT THIS NEW WOMAN? This is the age of women. We find all the vocations, professions and trade of life opening their door to admit the enterprising woman. Some are going into their own and some are going into other people' business. In our admiration for the new woman there is danger of forgetting the wife and mother and woman' true sphere as a homemaker. When in need of printing remember the New. Wire Wound Continuous Stave WOOD STAVE PIPE KELLY BROS., Agents 4th St. Bet. Oak and State Phone 4443 Hood River. Ore. Sugar $5.75 We Sell Tbufft SZL Co.'s Premium Hams and "Bacon Premium Lard in 5 and 10 lb. pails Silverleaf Lard in 5 and 10 lb. pails Jewel Compound in 5 and 10 lb. pails Have you tried it? If not, why not? Try it and if you like it tell others if not tell us. We also sell Morse CL Co.'s f1a.nda.rd Xeeds In vegetables, garden and flowers in all varieties ! PREPARE FOR BLOSSOM FETE Preparations for the blossom festi val at North Yakima are under way, though the date cannot be definitely set until the trees are further along. Princesses for the festival are to be chosen from each o( the valley districts. A queen will be chosen from among these. The coronation cere mony is one of the pretty features of the festival. The parade will be even more elaborate this year than last with special prizes. Lumber Company Re-organized The Dufur Lumber Company, which has been doing business in Dufur for several years past, has re-organized and Messrs. Bert and Jack Schreiber and Levi Stafford, owners of the Scnreiber & Stafford saw mill near Friend, have taken stock in the new- company and their saw mill property added to that of the old Dufur Lum ber Company. APPENDICITIS BOOK FREEl The Adler-i-ka book, telling how you can EASILY guard against appendi citis, and how you can relieve consti pation or gas on the stomach IN STANTLY, Is offered free this week by Charles N. Clarke, Druggist. r JOOOlk mmm 6 1 r; i A a. J PRESSED GLASS Is a close second to cut glass in point of beauty, and quite as useful. An inspection of the crystal loveli ness shown here will be a treat to feminine eyes. Nothing sets off a table so well as GLASSWARE Our variety Includes some unusual ly pretty shapes and designs which sell at 5, 10 AND IS CENTS The Cruikshank Co. Hood River, Ordgon Remember We Deliver Orders of a Reasonable Size E. E. KAESSER'S CASH STORE 4444 i Who's Your Tailor? FACTS THAT COUNT If your clothes do ,not fit you perfectly, they will not hold shape; and if they do not hold shape they will not wear. That's the whole argument in a nutshell. Garments will only fit and retain their shapeli ness when they are cut, fashioned and tailored from your individual measurements from your own form. Why then spend your money for clothing that are not made for you when, for nearly the same amount we will study your build, take your meas ure and deliver you a suit your suit made by ED. V. PRICE & CO., Chicago, The Largest Tailors in the World of Good Made-to-Order Clothes Spauldings' Tailor Shop Phone 1124 J. F. WATT, M. D., Physician and Surgeon Offlea, Home Phone 1081-Rea. S6T1 Hood River :: Oregon Dr. at H. 8 harp Dr. Edna B. Sharp DKS. SHARP Osteopathic Physicians Grailuataa of tba American School of Oataopathr, a-irtiviiM. ho. Office in Eliot Buildinc Pbone-Otrice WL Residence 1661 Hood River. Orecoa E. D. KANAGA Physician and Surgeon Offica la National Bank Build in Phone, Offlea 4211 Ree. 1811 Hood Blrer. Orecon H. L. DUMBLE Physician and Surgeon Calla promptly answered in town or country, day or nicht. Telephones-Residence 1031. Jffiee 1241. Otttca In tha Braeiua Buildinc. DR. E. O. DUTRO Physician and Surgeon Offica in Smith Buildinc Houra 1 to 4 p. m. by appointment phona 1571 Res. Lewi. Haul. Odall Phona Odoli 1US Call, promptly answered in country day or nicht DR. MALCOLM BRONSON Physicians and Surgeons Eliot Block Phona 4151 Hood Rirer. Oregon J. H. McVAY, M. D. Diagnosis, Consultation and Surgical Diseases a Specialty Phone 2274 . . Office hours 3 to 6 C. H. JENKINS. D. M. D. Dentist Offlea. Hall Buildinc. over Butler Bankinc Co. Offica phona 202. Reaidenca phono 1831 Hood River, Oncon H. Dudley W. Pineo, D. D. S. Dentist Offica 4. and . Smith Bide. Office-Home phona 1SL Reaidenca Homa 131-B Hood River. Oregon DR. JUSTIN WAUGH Eliot Building EAR, EYE, NOSE AND THROAT COLONIST FARES WESTBOUND J March 15 to April 15, 1913 I SEND FOR THE POLKS While the Fares are Low The Low Fares apply from the following and many other points in the East, to any section on the O-W. R. & N. in Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Atlanta, Ga... $49.80 Baltimore, Md. 54.75 Boston, Mass... 55.15 Buffalo. N. Y.. 47.50 Charleston, S.C 53.90 Detroit, Mich.. 43.50 Fort Worth,Tex. 40.75 Minneapolis... 30.00 Louisville Ky. .$42.85 Memphis, Tenn. 42.50 Mil waukee.Wis. 36.70 Montgomery.AI. 50. 1 5 Muskogee. Ok. 35.20 New York City 55.00 New Orleans.. 48.05 St. Paul. Minn. 30.00 Chicago $38.00 Oklahoma City $35.25 Philadelphia.Pa. 54.75 Pittsburg, Pa... 47.00 St. Louis, Mo.. 37.00 Denver.Colo... 30.00 Omaha, Neb. . 30.00 Kansas City.Mo. 30.00 Leavenworth,K. 30.00 PREPAID ORDERS Tickets will be delivered without extra charge to any body at'any point where Colonist fares apply, upon deposit with any O-W. R. & N. Agent of the amount. For full particulars drop a card to J. M. FREDRICY. Agent O-W. R. & N. f Hood River, Oregon. ti M. E. WELCH Licensed Veterinarian Hood Rirer. Orecon STEARNS & DERBY Lawyers First National Bank Buildinc Hood River. Orecon Phona 3671 Rooms t-10. Smith Block GEORGE R. WILBUR LAWYER Hood Hlver Oregon ERNEST C. SMITH LAWYER Rooms 14 and 15. Hall Buildinc Hood River. Orejron j Oregon Lumber L WHOLESALE and R ETA I L LARGE STOCKZOF IBand Sawed Lumber on Hand WHICH WILL BE SOLO AT REASONABLE FIGURES CEDAR POSTS t ! CEDAR SHIP LAP and SHINGLES: Capital $100,000 Estimates Furnished. Call on Either Phone DEC, OREGON Surplus $32,000 YOUR CHECK STANDS GUARD acrainst the loss and often- time the useless spending of X your money. A check on this bank will many times prove of much more than mere convenience. It will X save you from possible loss. ? Ask us to illustrate how. ! FIRST NATIONAL BANK! HOOD RIVER, OREGON t Mt Hood River Banking & Trust Co. Extends a cordial invitation to you,r personally to call and open a'checking account. Any amount J will open an account in our savings department. We pay 3 per centinterestcompounded semi-annually. We promise the best of service and satisfaction. M. M. Hill, W. W. Remington, R. W. Pratt, President, Vice Presidenl, Cashier C. H. Stranahan, Wilson Fike I FASHION STABLES! Livery, Feed and Dray .rig STRANAHANS & RATHBUN f HOOD RIVER, 0RE60N Horses bought, sold or ex- changed. Pleasure parties can I secure first class rigs. Sbecial attention given to moving fur- niture and pianos. We do everything horses can do. L. A. & A. P. REED ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW Two Doors North of Poatoffica Phona 1331 Hood Rirer. Oraffon MURRAY KAY CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR Phons 1301 Baoarua Builoiho Hood Rivaa L. A. HENDERSON Surveyor and Civil Engineer Formerly U. 8. Land Burrejror Philippine Islands Two doors north of poatoffica. Phona 1331 P. M. MORSE City Engineer and Surveyor CITY AND COUNTY WORK Heilbronner Buildinc Hood Rirer. Oreexm A. C. BUCK Notary Public and Insurance Agent Room 12, Broalv Block Hood Rirer. Orssjoo C. M. HURLBURT SURVEYOR Telephone" 5648 R. R. BARTLETT ARCHITECT Heilbronner Buildinc HOOD RIVER, OREGON Phone 1891 999999 Wholesale and Retail Lumber, Lath, Shingles Etc. Lumber delivered to any part of the Valley Stanley Smttb Lumber Ca 4.4 44 -4tHfr4v-ai) de arc now tahing ordcro for Hpplc Boxes Stanfey-Smitft umuer Co. J(oer) nivr, Oragen PAen 4131