The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, February 26, 1913, Image 8

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of Food
Made with different Baking Powders
From a Series of Elaborate Chemical Tests:
An equal quantity of bread (biscuit) was made
with each of three different kinds of baking powder
cream of tartar, phosphate, and alum and submitted
separately to the action of the digestive fluid, each
for the same length of time.
The relative percentage of the food digested is
shown as follows :
Bread made with
Royal Cream of Tartar Powder:
100 Per Cent Digested "1
Bread made with
phosphate powder;
68V Per Cent Digested
Bread made with
alum powder ;
674 Per Cent Digested
These tests, which are absolutely reliable and
unprejudiced, make plain a fact of great importance
to everyone : Food raised with Royal, a cream of
tartar Baking Powder, is shown to be entirely diges
tible, while the alum and phosphate powders are found
to largely retard the digestion of the food made from
Undigested food is not only wasted food, but it
is the source of very many bodily ailments.
Editor ,the News: Senator Bourne
wants to know what the people of
Oregon think about Federal aid in
the construction of roads according
to an article in the News of Feb
ruary 12. If you will accord me a
little space, I for one, will tell you
what I think about the road situation
so far as the National Government
is concerned: In the first place 1
am not In favor of the government's
going into the road building business.
It undertakes to do too many things
now that should be done by local fin
ance, too many things that are purely
state matters and altogether too many
things that are merely political agen
cies for keeping people In line with
the public aspirations of Congresmen.
In other words, th country is now
being taxed unreasonably for the sim
ple purpose of protecting the official
careers of many of our congressmen.
If any systems of doling out money by
appropriation for the purpose of pro
moting state or county or congress
ional district highways is begun, we
would get a species of graft and poli
tical robbery started which has never
been equalled in the hiBtory of our
You ask how? Are not our congress
men now scuring passeage of bills for
all sorts of local expenditure for the
Bole purpose of promoting their inter
ests with their constitutents Are
the constitutents not flooding the
malls continually with demands upon
their congressmen for assistance or
virtually its equal? Should we be so
unfortunate as to have congressional
action favoring the expenditure of
government funds on the public roads
of the country in any but a very lim
ited manner, the demand would be
out of proportion to the needs of the
country and the fate of our congress
men would still further embarrass
these officials In the performance of
their legitimate duties.
Pupils of Miss Carlisle Mak Credit
able Showing All from Memory
The junior piano pupils of Miss
Carlisle's class gave a most pleasing
recital on Saturday afternoon at Mrs.
Shipping's. The program, excepting
duets, was given entirely from mem
ory which is an unusual accomplish
ment considering the age of the pu
pils. Those who attended the recit
als last year noted a remarkable Im
provement In the playing, which,
showed as before, careful technical
training and Interpretation. The ad
vanced pupils will play in March.
The Saturday program was render
ed by the following: Beryl Clarke,
Florence Castner, Lena ('rum. Mar
Ian Huller, Marjorle Campbell, New
Ion Clarke, Alpha Sbrum, 11a Nichols
and Anna Mm Chipping.
(Continued from page 1)
5714 Stranahan, John
3641 Woodard, L. A.
2413 Young, K. J., Residence
Telephones Removed
Odell 14X Apple Land & Ore. Co.
5786 Auhagen, William
Odell 57 Barnett, William
5772 Beal. C. D.
5694 Beebe, C. Phillip
5651.. Bla lock. F. A.
5709 Bower, S. A.
1601 Coons, C. E.
3564 Davidson, Arthur
3111 Edwards, G. Y. &. Co.
5756 Candy, C. E.
5713 Hay, E. S.
2424 Hayward, J. E.
5948 King, W. J.
5926 LaMar, B. W.
3603 Lamb, Miss M. B.
Odell 158 May, Henry
5241 Miller, L. S.
3271 Phillips, J. C.
5562 Pregge, Herman
3251 Shrum. W. H.
2u02 Skinner, J. ('.
5236 Sproa C. H.
5658 Thomas, Earl
2733 Thomas, Roy
Odell 6X1 Warden, O. L.
5568 Wedemeyer, O. T.
Odell 6X1 Weygandt, Mark
5884 Davidson & Kill
New Telephones
5562 Beale, K. R.
3244 Berglund, C. A. L.
5772 Bywater, J. K.
5763 Crapper, Mrs. Ida
2194 Danforth, R. S.
Odell 38 Dimmlck, J. K.
5829 Evans, N. C, Ranch
2733 Frey, Mrs. G. R.
5604 Orant, K. M.
3271 Haines, J. C.
5148 H. R. Apple Growers Union
3503 Imholz, W. E.
2103 King, W. T.
2871 Koberg, J. K.
Odell 158 Kuntz, Charles
Odell 287 Masiker, R. G.
5236 Malloy, J. E.
5883 Margulis, W.
5651 McFarland, Carroll A.
5658 Metcalf, Will
5136 Reed, C. A.
3122 Reed, C. M.
1752 Reynolds, Alta M.
3111 Roberts & Simms
3603 Smith. Ila F.
Odell 66 Stanton, F. K.
3272 Waggener, Jr., Jas., Res.
5926 Wildln, J. F.
3644 Fredericks' Rooming House
5884- Davidson. William
2421 Price, F.
Wages In Japan have risen 50 per
cent In ten years and the cost c f living
hag Jumped 33 per cent.
Underconsumption and not over
production of quality apples Is a more
correct way to express It.
About one tenth of the electric
lamp made In the United States ev
ery year are used for advertising
I Correspondence i
The lectures given under the aus
pices of the WeBt Side Improvement
Club were very well attended and
many helpful things were learned.
Leonard Armstrong, who is in
Portland engaged in the motor truck
business, was up over (he week end
looking over his ranch.
G. H. Robbins was a business visi
tor in Oregon City last week.
J. C. Enimel of Portland expects to
spend some time witu his daughter,
Mrs. W. E. Cauller.
Mr. Dix of Lentz, who has pur
chased the McCabe property on Jer
leo Ijine, was here a few days. He
expeijs to move his family here the
first of the month.
Mrs George Forbes of White Sal
mon and Mrs. C. C. Kminel of Shoals.
Oregon, were guests at the Cauller
home over Sunday.
Valley Christian Church Regular
services next) Sunday. The series of
meetings closed Friday evening. We
ar sure much good was done by them.
Indies' Aid meets at the home of
Mrs. Kreig Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Wells went
to Portland Saturday.
Mibs Anna Godbersen spent the
week end with the home folks at Mos
ier. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Mark left last
week for British Columbia to visit Mrs.
Marks' sister, Mrs. Richardson.
Percy Hock returned from Spokane
the last of the week.
Sunday afternoon the song service
of the Sunflower Class was held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. George
Henry Lage spent Sunday in Port,
Ed Hawkes and daughter Helen are
visiting in Eugene.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Mohr
Tuesday, February 18, a seven-pound
Arthur Hale returned Tuesday from
Winlock, Wash., where he was called
by the last illness and death of his
Mrs. Dick Lester and children left
for Beaverton Saturday to visit her
brother and his family.
The Pine Grove boys who were
working on the White Salmon dam
have returned home, the work at that
place being near completion.
Mrs. August Kellar of Portland
spent the past week with her sister,
Mrs Hans Lage in Pine Grove.
The sick of our neighborhood Mrs.
M. M. Hill, Mrs. Wm. Starrett, Mr.
and Mrs. George Wells and Elmer
Wells are all Improving, also others
who have had minor ailments such as
la grippe, etc.
The Wells met with a severe loss
last Thursday night when one of their
team of fast driving horses died.
Mrs. Sam Campbell entertained the
membership of the Club last Wednes
day afternoon, it is needless to say
all who attended had a good time.
George Winchell had a narrow es
cape this last week. While working
with the spraying machine gasoline
got on his clothing and he afterward
went Into the blacksmith shop where
a spark from the forge set his clothes
on fire. Only quick wit and action git
his part saved him from being severe
ly if ndt fatally burned.
The repairs on the grade between
here and town is causing much in
convenience to the people of this com
munity. The mail carrier is forced
to come out by the way of the West
Side thus missing a number of the
patrons while the roads are too bad to
go to town -for the mail. We are
looking forward to brighter days in
the near future.
The members of Miss Zoe Newman's
Sunday School Class spent Tuesday
evening helping her spend part of
her 15th birthday merily. Miss Zoe
knew nothing of their intentions until
on returning home from her sister's
about eight o'clock she walked Into
a room full of young people. She en
joyed the evening just the same.
After returning from the class meet
ing last. Tuesday evening and while
telling what had been accomplished,
the door opened and very much to her
surprise Miss Anna Godbersen discov
ered that about 26 members had fol
lowed her home and entered without
an invitation. She was not allowed to
forget that she had passed another
milestone In life's journey and the
Sunflowers were present to help start
her on another year with good wishes
She was unable to remember the many
milestones she had passed, but prom
ised to write home to her mother and
ask. The class presented her with a
Waterman fountain pen with which to
write the letter, also to keep our min
utes as she is the worthy secretary
of the Sunflower Class. A very merry
evening was closed by a bountiful re
past furnished by the girls of the class.
Miss Ruth Clark visited Saturday
at the Sheppard home.
Miss Palma Hagen, who has been
spending the winter in Portland has
Miss Bessie Cameron has been, on
the sick list for some time. Miss
Delia is taking her place as central.
The Boles children of Odell spent
Sunday with the Cameron children.
Remember "A Case of Suspension"
at the school house Thursday, Febru-
Has Made Its Vay By the Way
It's Made
HEN we began marketing the Inter
national Commercial Car six years
ago the one idea uppermost was to
sell a useful car. That meant a
car for country roads, that would
safely carry a reasonable load, always get there
and back, and last long enough to be very
Some of those first cars are still doing an
honest day's work every day. All of them
paid for themselves. None of them was so
efficient as the car we sell today. Now is the
time to buy an
International Commercial Car
For the merchant engaged in any business
requiring much light hauling, or prompt deliv
eries; for the business man who wishes to
extend hi3 territory; for the man who wants to
cut down delivery expenses and at the sama
time be progressive and up-to-date, an Inter
national Commercial car is a good investment.
Simple, sure, powerful, it climbs hills, goes
through mud-holes and sandy stretches, any
where a team can travel at any speed from 3
to 18 miles an hour. Transmission is simple
and direct. Brakes are powerful. Bearings
are strong. A single lever controls the car.
Write for catalogues and ary information
International Harvester Company of America
Portland Ore.
ary 27. at eight o'clock, admission 25c
and 15c. Refreshments will be sold
after the entertainment The cast of
characters Is as follows: "Kathleen"
a Celtic maiden Zena Miller: "Jon
as" the Seminary man Lecll Allen:
Miss Ophelia Judkins of the faculty
Elizabeth Moss; Prof. Oliver Aler
non Edgertpn of the faculty Sumner
Cameron: Dorothy, Alice and Mildred
young ladles of the Seminary Mary
Sheppard, Florence Moss, Delia Cam
eron; Harold, Tom and Jack under
graduates of a nearby college Archie
Moss, Walter Nlehans, Charlie Shep
The Ladles' Aid of the M. E. church
of Odell are to be entertained at the
home of Mrs. F. Massee on Willow
Flat, Wednesday afternoon.
Miss Gertrude Hansen underwent an
operation at the Cottage Hospital Fri
day and is getting along nicely. Her
mother went in with her and will re
main for several days.
John Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Court
Allen from Hood River spent Sunday
at home.
Two new pupils have enrolled In
Miss Miller's room, the Powell boys,
whose people have recently moved to
the Watson place.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Roberts spent
Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Leln-inger.
WANTED Men and women to learn
watchmaking and engraving, few
months only learning. Practical work
from start. Positions secured for
graduates. Practical trade not over
done. Write for particulars. Watch
making School, 210 Globe Building,
Portland, Ore. tf
Christian and Missionary Alliance
Sunday School at :45, H. C. Dletz,
superintendent. Preaching at U a. m.
Young People's Meeting at 7:15 p. m.
Evangelistic service at 8 p. m . Prayer
meeting Thursday evening at 7:45.
These are all gospel meetings. Our
motto: "Jesus Only." All are cord
ially Invited. W. P. KIRK, pastor.
The United States postal depart
ment employs 60,000 postmasters,
who draw $28,000,000 yearly.
Pneumatic tires are being made in
France from paper chemically treated
and compressed.
Regular Sunday excursion to Park
dale. Pleasant trip for yourself and
i Play Ball!
What vacant lot but had t
its full quota of budding J
Wagners, Cobbs or
Greggs last Sunday. It's
!5??!?!?y a new batto J
throw at the " Limp. "
Base Balls
Wright & Ditson !
Tennis Nets
Next Best Fun
J. C. Wagner of Denver has combin
ed raspberries and strawberries in a
new fruit to be called resp-strawber-rles.
Two new British battleships will be
fitted with ant! rolling tanks, the first
war craft so equipped.
The Newt for fine priutlng.
Christian 8clenc
Christian Science services are held
In the Reading Room. Room 2, David
son Building, Sunday at 11 a. m.
SubJect,"Jesus Christ." Sunday School
at 10 a. m. Wednesday meeting at 8
p. m. The reading room Is open daily
from 2 to 6 p. m.
Read the News It tells it all.
AThEN Spring work starts, as it soon will, you
III should be prepared. This means that all
Vix your implements, wagons and machines J
should be in perfect repair. Look them over NOW t
and if you find anything that needs repairing bring X
it to us. We make a specialty of Repair Work.
GRUBBING TOOLS of All Kinds on Hand I
We have not let the grass grow under our feet dur
ing the winter months, but have been engaged in
manufacturing a complete line of Grubbing and Land
Clearing Implements. You can find here whatever
you may need in this line and of the best, most sub
stantial workmanship.
WAGON PARTS REPLACED -If you have a broken
shaft, pole or any other part of your wagon, don't
throw it away. Bring it here and we will make it
as good as new for half the price.
Phone 2611
i mm street, iorm oi cascade Ave.
Power Sprayers j
Spray Pumps
Before buying any Power Sprayers or Spray Pumpt,
investigate the H. L. Hurst machines and pumps.
These machines are the most durable and protected
by the best guarantee offered on the market. The
entire machine is made on simple lines, is of easy
draught, and the price is the lowest ask ed for power
Phone 4443
Fourth st. bet. Oak & State
1 he CJarden
Use only "Seeds that
As usual, you'll find a
complete stock at...
Special Demonstration
We wish to announce that we have secured an able
demonstrator to show the housewives of Hood River
a number of new and appetizing ways to prepare the
Famous "Otter Brand Clams"
She will be at our store three days, beginning
Monday, March 3rd
WQQd's Grocery
J. M. WOOD, Proprietor
"Uhe "Best Things to Eat"
White River FJour
Made from Oregon's Finest
Wheat by Oregon's
Finest Mill.
Now at Your Grocer's
A Dr. M. A. Jones
'it -. -.
'' , .vrw; V formerly of Hood klver, Is now J
. V-;-:. . w'-y, 1,1 located at 245 1-2 Washing f
ton St., Portlanp, Or.
; . V.;-:. , '.