THE HOOD RIVER Nffi? Highest Grade Job Vrintfng storical Soci Adxferffjcrj Get Hcjults VOLUME 9, NUMBER 9 HOOD RIVER, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1913 SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 A YEAR Both Local Measures Passed by Legislature Bill Providing for Experiment Station Gets Stamp ot Approval from Both Houses--Act Authorizing Counties to Employ O. A. C. Extension Bill Two Hood River bilU panned the legislature the last of the week. One of t'uem creates a fund and provides for the establishment here of an ex pprlment station to carry on research work In local orchards. Th second Is work in local orchards. The second Is an enabling act giving counties pow er to employ an expert pathologist for research work. The latter measure was framed es pecially to meet the emergncy which has arisen because the county found it had no authority for paying Professor I. w nice morethan $3 a day. This bill gives any county power to pay Buch an expert. It will go into effect in 90 days. It is believed that Governor West will sign both bills inasmuch as both are of vital importance to this county. The bill providing for extension work throughout the state by the Ore gon Agricultural College was also pass ed. Just what the effect of these three measures will be on the organized hor ticultural research work in this coun ty is not yet known. The experiment station bill gives Hood River an annual appropriation of $5,000 a year from the state. The extension bill provides that the col lege will expend In each county an equal amount to that appropriated by the county for the work in that par ticular district, white the enabling bill as above stated gives a county power to hire a horticulral expert. "The county court Is not yet able to announce what action it will take In this line," said County Judge Cast tier. "It remains to b seen Just how the different bills will be worked out so far as the work in Hood River county is concerned. The matter will come before the court at its March term which will be held next Wednesday." Word was received the last of the wek from Salem that the bill provid Ing for the establishment of an ex periment station in Hood River has passed the House. This Is the bill which provides for extension of the research work here and an annual appropriation from the state of $5000. The matter was brought up before the directors of the Commercial Chili at their meeting Thursday evening and It was decided that it would be worth while to send a representative to Salem to work. In behalf of the meas ure in the Senate. The club elted C. I). Thompson for this purp n." Mid he loft for Salem Saturday. The directors also discussed the mat ter of providing hitching rai-ks for farmers. J. K. Robertson r'poi'.ed that the council had not yet tuKeii any action on the offer of J. H Hell bronner to rent the city the north RETURNS FROM TRIP TO PANAMA CANAL IeBlie Hutler returned Saturday from a trip which included the Pana ma Canal. He left Hood River or. January 14 for New Orleans. From that place he took shp for Jamaica After a visit there the excurslonls's sailed for Colon. There they took passage on the Panama Railroad, a thoroughly modern road run and op erated by the government. This took them along the entire route of the cannl. Mr. Butler was at the famous Culebra Cut shortly after the, big Elide which carried thousands of tons of earth into the canal and retarded the work to a considerable extent. On account of this Mr. Hutler does not think It will be possible to turn the water Into the canal early this sum mer as had been hoped. He was much Impressed with the work which is being done there by the govern ment. All the most modern machinery Is being used and splendid discipline Is maintained among tho thousands of workmen. Under the direction of Colonel Goethals all the graft and poor inanngement which chararteriz rd the early part of the work has been done away with and the work Is being prosecuted In a thoroughly competent manner. After visiting the canal Mr. Butler palled for Cuba and took a railroad most Interesting. Returning to New Orleans he traveled north, visiting friends In Oklahoma and Idaho be fore returning here. Horticultural Expert and Also Pass half of his block for this purpose. Objections have been received from some persons in business in the east end of the city. The matter w-s dis cussed and it was suggested that the 1 racks might be erected on Statj rtreet between First and Second strej. Mr. Robertson was appointed to present this suggestion to the council. The matter of danger from fire at the Park street school was discussed and it was stated that the furnace should be moved from Its present lo cation beneath the stairs. President W. L. Clarke of the club was appoint ed to present the matter to the school board. A proposition concerning the pos sible establishment of a woolen mill here by an Eastern Oregon man was also discussed. Applications for membership were received from F. A. Bishop anu Dr.' J. H. McVay and were both accepted. Saturday saw the passage by the Senate of the bill providing for an agricultural experiment station in Hood River county. The bill was in troduced in the House by Represent ative SI Tamilian and was submitted by the ways and means committee without recommendation. It passed the House and was then passed along to the Senate last week. The bill passed under novel cir cumstances and credit is due Sena tor Hutler for the prompt and favor able action It was agreed to permit each one of the 30 Senators to se lect from the grist of House bills one bill each to be given preference and and receive Immediate action Sena tor Butler selected this measure to be given the preference and the Senate passed it. The bill now lacks only the signature of Governor West before be coming a law. Indians Caught Killing Deer on Lindsay Creek Four Indians were arrested at Lind say Creek this side of Shell Rock Sat urday evening charged with killing deer out of season. Three carcasses were discovered at their camp and it is not known how many more they had killed during the hunt. The men were arrested by Game Warden Fritz, Sheriff Johnson and E. S Olinger. The Indians arrested Included Gus George. Wesley J. Coon, Martin Stahi, and Martin Frank. Game Warden Fritz of The Dalles was Informed of the Infranctlon of the law by the Indians and made a trip to their camp Saturday morning. The Indians were all out hunting at the time and the game warden search ed the camp, finding the evidence o;' the Indians' activities, he phoned here for assistance and the local offi cers made the trip down the river in a launch. They waited for the In- SPLIT IN MILTON UNION A. C. Denny Heads One Organization and H. D. Lamb Another. A. C. Denny, elected on the board of directors at the annual meeting of the Milton Fruit Growers' Union, has been selected as manager of the organ ization and II. L. Durrle selected to fill the vacancy left on the board. Mr. Denny will assume charge of the un ion Immediately. The action was tak en at a special meeting of the direc tors. It was also decided to reduce tlie commission on prune sales charg ed the growers from 6 to 5c a crate and to reduce the commission on ap ples and pears from 10 to 8c a box. The reductions will be effective for the 191.1 crop. During the. year the growers will be charged 20 per cent over the f. o. b. cost of all supplies sold them. This is the same rate effective last year. One faction of the union met a few days ago at which time a new organi zation to be run in opposition to the old association was effected. H. D. Lamb, former manager of the Milton Union, was elected manager of the new organization.. This talk about a married man being bossed Is nil bosh. A married man can make his wife do anything she wants to. PHONE PATRONS TO BE KEPT INFORMED For the convenience of Its patrons the telephone company will hereafter publish each week a list of the changes made during that week, Including tele phones removed, numbers changed and phones Installed. It Is Intended that patrons should make these nota tions in their directories for their own convenience. When a phone Is re moved anyone calling receives the buzz and unless be revises bis book to conform to the published lists much Inconvenience Is likely to result. The first list follows. Hereafter it will ap pear each week on the last page of the paper. Telephone Numbers Changed 5564 Fenwick, Frank 3442 Gibson, Mrs. W. R. 3524 Harmon, A. J. 2022 H. R. COUNTY LIBRARY 5237 McCulIy, J. D. Odell 3X1 Perkins, George 1734 Pineo, Dr. II. D.W., Residence. 3534 Simms, L. C. 3183 Stark, S. W., Office 3593 Stark, S. W., Residence (Continued on page 10) BOY SCOUTS WOULD IMPROVEJHE PARK Anxious to put their hands to a work of practical value and one for which their training particularly adapts them the boy scouts propose to improve the tract of land south of town which Dr. T. L. Eliot of Portland donated to the city several years ago for park pur poses. The land Includes a pictur esque and rustic site, but one which Is now difficult of access and unimproved. Indian Creek runs its entire length. The boys petitioned the city council Monday to have the tract surveyed and the necessary trails laid out un der the direction of the city engineer. They would then cut trails, build rus tic seats and otherwise transform it in to a pleasant retreat for local citizcis during the summer months. It Is 1 so proposed to open up a trail frtt.. near the bridge on State stjreet. dians and when the latter returned singly from the hunt they were taken Into custody and brought to this city. Monday they were arraigned before Justice of the Peace Buck. All four admitted killing deer, but maintained that as Indians they had a right to kill venison whenever they wished. The court did not concur in this con tention and each of the redskins was fined $50. Not being able to pay the fine they were taken to The Dalles Monday to Berve 25 days in jail. LOCAL TRANSFERS OF REAL ESTATE Vilma V. Kaufman to E. W. Monroe, west "0 feet of lot 2, block 4, Park hurst, $4500. Sinison Bolton to A. E. Lake and Fred W. Wilson, 40 acres in Middle Valley. Joseph F. Nibley to Oregon Lumber Company, 45 acres west of Dee. Fred Mottishaw to Hugh V. Smith, lots 34 and 35, block 10, Stranahan's Third Addition, $400. E. T. Folts to Mark Cameron and Oeorge Sheppard, lot 14, Folts sub division at Odell, $800, also lots 12 and 13 . Melville J. Foley to A. C. Staten, west half of lot 11, Adams' Paradise Acreage. A. C. Staten to Melville J. Foley, 20 acres south of town. Robert Ordway to Earl Ordway, lot 4 and south four acres of lot 2, Ordway tract south of town. Howard C. Berrian to L. E. Clark, half interest in 10-acre tract at Pine Grove. G. J. Gessllng to Fred P. Zwelgeirt, lot 100x135 feet In lot 2, block 5, Park hurst, $750. II. D. McCabe to A. T. Dlx, 20 acres in Barrett district. Bishop Paddock Will Preach Bishop Paddock has arranged to bo In charge of tho services at St. Mark's Church next Sunday morning and will deliver the sermon. It is expected that the new pastor will bo able to take charge of the parish soon after Lent and the bishop Is anxious to present him with as strong and un ited congregation as possible. THREE DISAPPEAR THROUGH RIVER ICE Three men fell through the ice above Lyle a few days ago and were drowned. Who the men were is not known but It la presumed that they were laborers crossing the river on the Ice with a view to seeking work at the Northwes'sni dam. Several men nad walked across dur ing the lay as the floating Ice froze into a field at that point. The tunnel man at Lyle heard a voice call from the river asking how the ice was nearer the shore. He looked up and saw the three men. A moment later he said they disappeared from view and nothing more was Been of them. The ice had given way and like many other tramping laborers they went to their death with no one concerned about them. Many men who are seeking work at the dam across the river are being disappointed as they are laying off men, the work being practically com pleted. Quite a number of the men are finding employment on the Paci fic Company's project here. Collins Springe Hotel Sold The Collins Hot Springs Hotel at Stevenson was sold at Sheriff's sale on Wednesday to satisfy a second mortgage, held by the Eastern Oregon Banking Company and purchased by the bank for $8500, the purchasers assuming the first mortgage of 12000. At the sale trouble arose between attorneys representing different In terests, and two deputy sheriffs were left in charge of the property until the difficulty could be settled. CAPT, McCAN MAY MAKE AlNEW TRADE 'the staging of a Fall harness race program of the North Pacific Fair Ab sociation and matlne e jy r .Ui l'n u. Club cm 1 : Uu :. - i l ie !-Vr.!-. wnve. h.:t teiiv ;riik.. ,. :; r with the t;ui' ter - t'-y Korvsl ai'i ii:o. . -il in 'i-.J Hill iii-ij ti. l.u' '.! i...- 4.i l". V. M Jii;i :'.... .) l !, ,..:. ..lit.i.'.iii uaetrt - K ".th ' lie directors of the Washington County Fair Association, w hich owas ilie For est Grove track, and If sa'ist.ictciy lerms can be secured he will purchase the property. As vice president of the itivuva'.de Driving Club Captain McCan ie anx ious to secure a suitable track lor the holding of matinees durin the summer and Fall. As owner it the Bondsman Stock Farm, whic'i at pie ueiit comprises 140 acres at Rainier, Oregon, he would like to establish his racing stallion and training ,:tablu ri a more central racing location, while as uu enthusiastic horseman Captain McCau is anxious to give tho puolic of Washington and Multnomaj coun ties a first-class harness speed meet ing next Fall. 'Ihe property ot the Washington County Fair Association, 2i miles irom Portland, comprises 25 acres of laud, on which are a half-mil.! race track, well-built stalls and boiral lair buildings. Such a move on the part of Captain McCan will be oi inestimable value to the horse breeding industry of Washington and adjoining counties. The Bondsman is one of the most noted stallions in the West, while McCan is gathering together a for midable stable for campaigning in the Northwest. Oregonian. ROAD BILL IS PASSED Creation of Highway Commission and OnHalf Mill Tax Contemplated The Legislature at Salem last week passed the state aid highway bill drafted by a special committee con sisting of Senator Day and Represen tative Gill, and which Is indorsed b the highway committees of both houses. The bill provides for the ere. ation of a highway commission, to con sist of the Governor, Secretary ol State and State Treasurer, who art empowered to appoint a highway engi neer. The needed fund is to be created by utilizing tie automobile fund and by levying a tax of one-half a mill. Two thirds of the fund is to be dlvldec among the counties and the other third is to be used by the state on building state highway!. Provision Is made that, should a county fail to use the money apportioned to it in build ing roads, it is to revert to the state highway fund and he used on state highways. HAVE JOLLY TIME AT COSTUME BALL It was a distinctly cosmopolitan as semblage that gathered at Hellbron ner Hall Friday evening for the mas querade ball given by the Assembly Club. Many countries and every walk in life was represented In the cos tumes. There were several colonial person ages In keeping with the occasion. A Turk of noble lineage and impos ing appearance, who is now an ex ile from his country following the Balkan war, also graced the occasion with bis piesence. He appeared fol lowed by his harem, which Included three handsome ladies who followed docilely at his heels. In private life the Turk is known as Burnette Dun can while Mrs. Duncan and Mr. and Mrs. Derby figured as the queens of the harem. "Buck" Kelly as a win some miss broke several hearts be fore the hour for unmasking came. There were also a number of High landers, witches, tramps, a couple of Chinamen, Indians and eowboys. The music was furnished by Chandler's orchestra assisted by C. H. Henney of Portland. N, C. EVANS SELLS OLD HOME RANCH N. C. Evans has sold his 20-acre ranch south of town to Mrs. L. N. Russell of Portland. The deal was made through the firm of Roberts and Simms. The consideration is said to have been $35,000. Mrs. Russell Is the widow of the Mr. Russell who was one of the proprie tors of the Russell-Gilbert Candy Com pany of Portland and is a sister of U. S. Senator Harry Lane. She is now spending the winter In Southern California, but will come here soon to make her summer home on the place. The latter Is all in orchard, a large part of which is in bearing and is well improved with buildings Mr. Evans had owned the place for about 30 years. Small City Springs Up at Power Company's Site About 75 men are now at work on the site of the Pacific Power & Light Company's dam on the lower Hood River south of town. These men have been engaged in laying out the camp, erecting the necessary build ings and preparing for the active work on the dam which will begin about the middle of next month. Five bunkhouses have been erected, each large enough to accomodate 25 men. Additional bunkhouses will be built as they are needed, those now up being sufficient for the present force. A dining room has also been built. Water has been secured from a spring above the dam site. This water has been piped to the power DR. J,R. WILSON WILL ADDRESS TEACHERS Another meeting of the Hood River County Teachers' Conference will be held at two p. in. next Saturday at the High School building. It Is announc ed that Dr. J. R. Wilson, principal of the Portland Academy, will be the speaker. Dr. Wilson has a reputa tion as a scholarly speaker and it is hoped that a large audience will greet his appearance. The musical num bers will be an added feature of the afternoon's program to which the pub lic is cordially invited. ORGAN RECITAL SUNDAY Hans Hoerlein Will Give Program of Choice Selections Hans Hoerlein, the talented organ ist of Riverside Church, will give his fourth monthly recital next Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The program herewith given Is oneof special merit. 1 Offertolre In E Minor Batiste 2 Romance Sans Paroles. . .Deshayes 4 Sextette from Lucia. . . . . . Arr by F. Lester Trice 5 Vocal Solo Bright Star of Ixve Holmud Mrs. C. H. Henney 6 March Potitifleale.F de la Tombelle 7 (a) Cradle Song MaxOesten (b) The Mother's Prayer. .Oesten 8 Pilgrims' Chorus Wagner-Liszt The organ numbers will be Inter spersed with short readings from the writings of Joaquin Miller. Hassam Pavement Is Chosen; District Named Paving Expert Employed by City Makes Report and Action Is at Once TakenOrdinance Will Be In troduced Next Week and Work Will be Prosecut ed with as Little Delay as Possible. Plans for the pavement of the busi ness section of the city are being pros ecuted with all possible dispatch by the city council and at the same time every care is being taken that the work be undertaken in the most satis factory manner. F. N. Bingham, the paving expert employed to advise the city, has submitted his report. After thoroughly considering the local con ditions and studying the grades on the cross streets, he has advised the use of Hassam cement concrete pave ment. The street committee submit ted a report to the council Monday evening advising. that this pavement be used and favorable action was tak en. The street committee also reported on the district to be paved. This has been revised somewhat from the dis trict as laid out last year and Includes the following streets: Oak Btreet from Front to Fifth, Cascade Avenue from Front to Fifth, Front street from State to Oak, First street from State to Oak, Second street from State to Cascade, Third street from State to Columbia, Fourth street from Oak to Columbia, Fifth street from Oak to Cas ade. The Hassam pavement is composed almost entirely of crushed rock. This rock is first applied and rolled to as compact a surface as is possible. The mixture of sand and concrete is then applied to bind the rock. It is recom mended in preference to th j so ( tilled "batch mixed pavements," whic'i ghr a smoother surface and more easily crumble and disintegrate. The Has sam pavement also gives a better foot hold for horses, an important factor in this city where the grades are heavy It being reported that the county house and from there is pumped to a tank on the side hill above the camp, being conveyed from there to the distribution system which will supply the camp. All supplies are be ing taken into the camp on the Mt. Hood Railroad as the spot is difficult of access by team and probably no road will be built to it. Team work will not be necessary to any extent. Many persons walked to tne camp Sunday. Already more than a dozen buildings have been erected and a large gang of carpenters is being kept busy. The office building has been completed and the headquarters will be moved this week from the tempor ary quarters in the Heilbronner Build ing. The bunk houses have been built on the flat by the river, while the oth er buildings have been perched on the hillside overlooking the gorge. The men already employed at the camp will be given an opportunity Sunday to hear Bishop Robert L. Pad dock, who will talk to them at that time. FIND EXTREMES OF ALTITUDE Highest and Lowest Points in U. S. Only 90 Miles Apart A U. S. Geological bulletin Just is sued announces that the maximum dif ference iu elevation of land in the United States is 14.777 feet, according to the United States Geological Sur vey. Mount Whitney, the highest point, is 14.501 feet above sea level, and a point in Death Valley is 27t feet below sea level. These two points, which are both in California, are less than 90 miles apart. This difference is small, however, as compared with the figures for Asia. Mount Everest rises 29.002 feet above sea level where as the shores of the Dead Sea are 1.2SU feet below sea level, a total difference in land heights of 30,292 feet. Mount Everest has never yet been climbed. The greatest ocean depth yet found Is 32, OSS feet, at a point about 40 miles north of the Island of Mindonao, in the Philippine Islands. The ocean bottom at this point Is therefore more than ll'v mill's below the summit erf Mount Everest. The difference In the land heights In Europe Is about LVSi'.S feet. is willing to assist in Installing addi tional cells in the city jail, the police committee was directed to Investi gate the cost of putting In three addi tional cells. It was decided that there should be a deputy city marshal on the Heights while the city Improvement work Is in progress and Marshal Lewis will make the appointment when necessary. The proposition submitted by Scout master Harris for the Improvement of the city park, as described in another column, was referred to the park com mittee and the city surveyor was di rected to survey the proposed trails and make a report. SCORES SHIPMENT ON CONSIGNMENT That the apple growers of the Northwest are demoralizing the mar ket by shipping on consignment is the declaration made by a prominent grower and dealer ot the Middle West who has written to the St. Joseph, Mo., Fruit Grower and Farmer as follows: "The apple growers of the North west are the ones largely responsible for the present condition of the apple market. I saw this in a large number of Southern cities I recently visited to try to sell some of my apples. I could not sell an apple at any price. Dealers simply would not buy, because they were getting more apples than they needed on consignment, and they were getting them from the North west. In one city I found that the dealers had a few barrels of Winesap Black Twigs and Yorks from Virginia, which were very fine, and which were bought before the consignment stuff came in. "These dealers were not trying to push out this fruit, because the market prices would not let them In. Instead, they were selling consigned apples and the dealers in all the cities visited seemed to vie with one another in making low prices on another man's fruit. On some markets I played the role of buyer, and after the dealers would quote me one price they would promptly make a lower price; then they became desperate and informed me they had the stuff to sell and ask ed me what I would give. I could have bought these consigned apples at my own price. "The reason I know Northwestern men were responsible for this condi tion is that I followed four of these men through the Southern States. These men had manifests for 100 or 2u0 cars of apples pinned together. and would let the dealer select the one w hich suited him and they were sent to him on consignment. "Now, of course, these dealers are not going to buy apples outright; they take the fruit on consignment, and I can see no hope for relief until the consigned stuff Is either sold or dumped, or until the growers get over their scare and refuse to consign any more apples." LECTURE ON GANAL NEXT SATURDAY L. M. Lepper's lecture on the Pan ama Canal will be given at the Com mercial Club next Saturday afternoon at two o'clock. Mr. Lepper was for merly an engineer on the construc tion of the canal. Stereopticon views will be given. The public is Invited and the lecture will be free, being given under the auspices of the club. Mrs. Winans' Children Here A number of the Winans family ar rived the first of the week to at tend the funeral of Mrs. Edgar W. Winans. The Misses Fair and Mary Winutis arrived from Salem, where they are attending Willamette. Uni versity. aNo Audubon Winans, Jr, who is attending the Capital HiihImi'si Colli go at Halt-in and Linnaeus, who is at n luting public school In the same city. Other re Mr. and Mr L. Winans from Portland, Mm. F. H Spauldlng of N'-z Perce, Idaho, A. Spaiilding of N'ei Vre, Idaho, A. Win aim and wife are aleent In St. lniiM, Mo.