The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, February 12, 1913, Image 9

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Opens Monday, February 1 7th, and Closes Saturday, March I st
jjjjjgods will be included in this our Annual Showing of the new offerings in White.TSilks, Dress
Goods, Wash Goods, Netts, Laces, Embroideries, Ribbons, Gloves, CorsetsUnderwear7 Sheetings, Muslins,
Table Linens, Towels, etc. Everything White will be offered at SAVING PRICES DURING ; OUR TWO WEEKS ANNUAL; WHITE FAIR
,' The New Season's White Goods are More Attractive than Ever
fists KrAljRth
illffl tev.i:f WlllwMi
1913 Under Muslins
This line is better than it was last season and that is
saying a good deal. The designs are simple, the ma-
terials soft and firm, the trimmings are chosen for their
washable qualities, as well as their dainty effect.
All Priced Lower Now
$1.00 27-inch White Corduroy 83c
75c 27-inch White Corduroy 63c
3s 97-inrli Mewonurt riremo 97c''
WW mm u V il va V A V S 9 mm w a
25c 27-inch Mercerized Crepe 19c
20c 27-inch Serpentine Crepe 15c
35c 27-inch Mercerized Crepe 27c
75c 44-inch Linen Suiting 63c
50c 36-inch Linen Suiting 43c
35c 27-inch Ramie Suiting 27c
45c 26-inch Ratine Suiting , 37c
35c 27-inch Wide Wale Pique , 27c
35c 27-inch Fine Rep Pique 27c
20c 36-inch Nero Suiting - 16c fusing UNION
25c 32-inch Plain and Figured Flaxon 18c SUITS ON SALE
a ;
One lot assorted patterns, nainsook body, new raised
figure effects, dainty and durable. White Fair
Price 83c
Dainty Swiss Flounces, 27-inch, plain and scalloped
edges, eyelet effects, sheer and soft. White Fair
Price 68c
75c 27-inch Embroidery Flouncing 53c
65c 45-inch Embroidery Flouncing. 48c
45c 27-inch Embroidery Flouncing 37c
One Lot Embroidery Edging and Banding, 12l2 to
17c Values 9c
One Lot Embroidery Edging and Banding, 8 to 12yx
Values, White Fair Price 5c
One Lot Torchon and Valenciennes Laces and Inser
tions, narrow and medium widths, White Fair
Price 4c
New Goods Received This Week by Express
Exclusive Designs New MaterialsDress Lengths
Brocaded Charmeuse Spot Proof Foulards
Bordered 42 inch Voiles
Brocaded Charmeuse
Brocaded Mes5a1ines
Silk Maruisette, Plain
Wo Have Secured the Agency for Dent's Gloves
fefiw km
J.C.C. Corsets
All Corsets will be included
in our White Fair, at Saving
Prices. Brassiere's Corset
Covers, Corset Waists, Etc.
week for the first time the Oak
drove school convened in the hand
some new school house, complete and
commodius In every detail, which was
recently completed.
Oak Grove residents are justly proud
of their new school building, for In i!
are embodied the latest Ideas In pro
viding for the comfort and convenience
of teachers and patrons. It is a sub
stantial and attractive brick building
Including one story, a large basement
and also a sub-basement. There are
four large, well lighted school rooms,
also a library and a teachers' room. Il
has accommodations for about 175 chil
dren. There are now enrolled about
75 and the building therefore gives
ample provision for the future growth
of this enterprising district. Ninth
grade work is being given at the
school this year for the first time, Miss
Hazel Stanton having taken charge or
this grade.
Albert Sutton was the architect who
designed the building and L. P. Hoyrd
the contractor.
The building is comfortably heated
at all seasons, a battery of two hot-air
furnaces being used, a uniform tem
perature being automatically maintain
ed by the use of a thermostatic at
tachment. Forced ventilation is secured by the
use of an electric motor. There are
two drying rooms in the basement
where the children's wraps can be
hung If necessary. In the main hall
is a long bench In front of which are,
a line of foot warmers. Oak Grove
children will therefore have no excuse
for getting "cold feet."
Anothr feature of the building is a
largo assembly room that Is provided
with a stage and may be used for en
talnments or community gatherings.
There are also two large playrooms In
the basement, provision being thereby
made for the children's recreation as
well as education.
The building cost about $20,000. Al
though now occupied, It Iibb not yet
been officially accepted. The s hool
board, under whose direction II was
built Includes II. A. Cunning. 7.. Annala
and ('. W. Ueed. II. M. Francis, clerk.
A man of 110 In good health may ex
pect to live 40 years longer; a man of
40, 27.
Kvery six minutes a naw human be
ing la born In New York.
Snow Banner of trie World's Most Im
pressive Mountain,
Travelers declare that Mount Shasta
Is the most impressive mountain In the
world, for It stand solitary and alone.
Unlike Tikes peak and ninny other of
the world's great mountains. It Is not
surrounded by a number of lesser ones,
and Its tremendous height 14,1-10 feet
-is appreciated by the eye.
It Is sublimely grand and yet grace
fully beautiful. Against the blue of a
California sky its curved outlines seem
to sweep In the perfect segments of a
clrcla from the apex of the cone to the
Far up on its base the dark green of
the timber line Is met by the virgin
w hiteness of Shasta's snow, and then
on, up and up, far past the summer
clouds, imiIiiIs the alabaster pyramid.
Shasta is an extinct volcano and has
two large glaciers. The Whitney gla
cier is visible from the rnllroad. It
looks like a narrow streak of snow, but
It Is over a mile In w idth nnd Is seam
ed with great tlssures and crevasses.
At (lines a natural banner Is unfurled
from Shasta's peak. This Is called the
"snow banner of Shasta." It only oc
curs when the gale attacks the summit
nnd blows the snow In great gusts
"streaming against the sky," as the
railroad book has It. The banner la
seen most frequently In November.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Militarists Consider EnverBey
Too Ambitious and Plan
to Curtail Power
A Parrot and a Russet Cob That W era I
Well Provided For.
The making of queer wills is a sub
ject proline of good stories, and some
remarkable examples are given by Vlr-:
gll M. Harris In "Ancient, Curious and
Famous Wills." One Caroline Hunter, j
an elderly plnster, left 1,000 In trust J
for her parrot. The money was to pro-1
vide It with a home nnd to guarantee It ;
attention at the bauds of a custodian,
who had to be of the femnlo sex and '
had to undertake not to leave England. 1
The will Included this clause: 1
"I w ill nnd desire thnt whoever tries
to frustrate these my Intentions shall
forfeit whatever I have left him, her '
or them. I owe nothing to any one. !
Many owe me gratitude and money. I
but none hnve pnld me either."
A rustle of Toulouse nbout 1781 wrote
n brief will In these terms:
"I deelnre that I appoint my nmset
cob my universal heir, nnd I desire that
be may belong to my nephew, George."
This was contested, but wns con
firmed, ns It was clear that the said
George In owning tho horse would
have control of the money; also he
would not be nblo to transfer or dlssl
pato the ensh for the simple reason
that he would require the horse'a con
sent, which would bo difficult to obtain.
Constantinople. Gravest apprehen
sion of further and more serious dis
orders Is felt throughout Turkey.
There Is a well-defined rumor that a
counter-revolution was planned to
overthrow the committee of union and
progress that seized the sublime porte
after assassinating Nazlru Pasha, commander-in-chief
of the army
It Is a matter of common knowledge
thnt many of the most Influential offi
cers of the Turkish army are bitterly
opposed to Enver Bey and his bigh
handed methods and the newest revo
lutionary plot is said to have the back
ing of the soldiers now at Chatalja.
The militarists credited with plan
ning the counter revolution fear the
Influence of Enver Bey. They believe
he is too radical as well as too ambi
tious. They believe that he means to
make himself absolute dictator of Tur
key, If possible, and that practical an
archy would follow the success of his
Adrianople clearly Is the paramount
Issue of the Halkan war In the Otto
man mind, and It Is believed that re
fusal to give up the city would be Tur
key's eventual answer to the powers
and to the allies, no matter how many
revolutions, counterrevolutions and
ministers succeeded themselves on the
kaleidoscopic pane of the Ottoman empire.
London. The Balkan plenipotenti
aries, who have received full powers
from their respective governments, ap
pointed a committee to draft a note to
the Turkish plenipotentiaries, explain
ing why the pence conference must
now be considered broken off.
Wilson Observes Landing of Aliens
New York. Hundreds of aliens,
many of them still clad in the gnrb of
distant lands, stood before the Immi
gration officials in Ellis Island, seek
ing admission to the country, while
Woodrow Wilson, president-elect, ob
served with a scrutinizing eje the
manner of their welcome.
Boiling water poured over apples
will loosen their skins and make par
ing an easy matter.
I -VV i. ,r ' "7
O 1813, by American Fress Association
Fola La Folette, daughter of the
Wisconsin Senator, who aided the gar
ment worker In their strike in New
Judge Renders Verdict in State's Fav
or in Forty Cases.
San Francisco. In 4'i simultaneous
decisions here Judge Suirtevant of the
superior court upheld the constitution
ality of the state corporation tax law
of 1911. The court also found that the
good will and dividend earning capa
city of a corporation conferred by the
state when It grants a franchise may
be taxed by the state.
The corporations had argued that a
franchise orth millions could be Lix
ed for only the actual amount It cofc
the company to obtain It not more
than a few thousand dollars.
By agreement nil the test cases In
the t-tate were gathered together and
argued before Judge Suirtevant. Tho
companies were suing E. D. Roberts,
the state treasurer, for taxes they had
paid under the law, aggregating about
New Rates for Classified Advertis
ing :
One cent per word, first insertion;
2 cent per word for each insertion
thereafter; 30 words or lets 50 cents
per month. No advertisement insert
ed for less than 25 cents.
For Rent Two and three-room suites
for light housekeeping. Modern con
veniences. Apply Mrs. H. O. Frederick
1215 Sherman, or phone 69-L. 49tfc
For Sale seasoned wood. Oak or
fir... Phone J. J. Knapp, 3232-X.. .50tfc
For Rent New store room
Good location on main street,
or call 283-L.
For Sale Cream or miik at Zilliacus
Dairy. Thone 5794. 5tfc
For Sale High class Barred Plymouth
Rock cockerels and pullets. The strain
of birds: E. B. Thompson's famous
Ringlet strain, Madison Square Garden
winners, last season a year ago, from
M. J. Myers' flock out of the foremost
breeders In this state. Gust Wester
berg, rhone Odell 18. 5 8p
A wireless station has been built
near New York that is expected to
have direct connection with a similar
station near Berlin when the latter Is
From spruce wood pulp a French
inventor has made a fabric resembling
cotton and equally capable of bleach
ing and dyeing.
In 16 years conflagrations in Russia
have destroyed 3.000,000 buildings
worth more than $800,000,000.
There are 1S0.OO0 drygoods stores in
the I'nited States, and of these 27,000
are department stores.
Earth excavated from the Panama
Cannl Is sufficient to build 6.1 pyramids
the size of Cheops.
Philadelphia reports its mortality
rate reduced seven per cent this
venr. The health board claims credit.
The News for good printing.
! India passd laws governing airships
In 1911, before any airships bad enter,
ed the country.
Wanted Position on ranch by married
man. Am experienced orchardist.
Phone 5704. 6.7p
Wanted To take contracts this fall,
to work apple orchards next year.
West Side orchards preferred. My
prices cheaper than what it will cost
you to do the work yourself. W. T.
Forry, Phone 323-K. 51 63p
For Sale Good lot on Prospect Ave.
on installment plan. Inquire of Har
old Hershner. 3tfc
..For Rent House of 5 rooms, good
condition, within 5 minutes of post
office, $10 per month. See John Baker
Smith Block. 3tfc
Oakdale Greenhoutes Geraniums, sal
via, verbena and other bedding plants.
See the roses in bloom this summer
and have stock reserved for Fall or
next spring. Plants and cut flowers
at Franz's. Fletcher & Fletcher.
Hood River. 19tfc
For Sale Saddle pony. Young and
sound. Price $35. A. L. Crocker,
Phone 4331. 6-9c
S. C. Rhode Island Reds A few very
fine cockerels. Prizes Portland Show:
1st and 5th cockerels; 2nd, 4th and 5th
pullets; lot on best pen of Reds; $50.
silver cup for best pen of Reds and
sweepstakes for best pen In show, all
varieties ompeting. Eggs for hatch
ing after January 1. E. F. Batten,
Phone 2012-M. 61tfc
For Sale Best team of horses in coun
ty for the money. Weigh 2600 pounds,
5 and 6 year-olds. Well broke. Wag
on and harness If wanted. Call and see
them. W. J. King, Spriugdale Farm,
R. F. D. No. 3. 5-8 p
For Sale Pure bred White Leghorn
and Plymouth Rock cockerels. Also
choice table potatoes. W. H. Furrow,
Phone 5838. 5-8p
For Sale One and two-year-old apple
trees including Delicious, Winter Ba
nanas, Ortleys, Newtowns, Spitzen
bergs, and other leading varieties. Al
so Burbank potatoes. Write or phone
J. T. Nealelgh, Hood River. Phone i
218 K. 48tfc
Lost Between State street and Pine
Grove, silver mih bag containing'
bunch of keys and money. Badly In i
need of keys. Suitable reward offered
for return of same to Sinnex & Fisher,
or News office. 6.7p j
... .1
The to friends were exchanging
confidences. "Whatever Induced you
to accept Toady Johnson?'' said Ann
ette. "Oh why well." said Mabel,
"you see Toady put his arm arounj
I iiiv waist, and to tell the truth, 1
yielded under pressure.
Hood River Valley, west 80 acres, Or
chard City Ranch, adjoining Holsteen
Station. First clrss Orchard stump
land, little cleared, corners in river
with natural power site; Littlefield
Ranch, 20 acres about mile from
Mohr's Station, 12 acres bearing, bal
ance younger trees, about acre waste
land. Mt. Hood Valley near Dufur: 13
acres, two- ear old, standard variety.
Will accept Hood River residence pro
perty, not to exceed $.!uoo as part pay
ment, balance reasonable terms, bar
gain. Inquire Fred S. Holsteen, Bur
lington, Iowa, or G. M. Wilson at
Orchard City Ranch. 5-8c
For Sale 147 acres at Wyeth has
water right for irrigation and a good
power. It Is the. Gordon homestead,
will sell for $60 per acre. I think you
will find this a snap. J. A. Eaxlcs,
Real Estate, Bond, Oregon. fi 9c
For Exchange Forty acres, unimprov
ed, twenty acres slashed, eight Inches
of perpetual water, unincumbered. Ex
change for city property. Inquire of
W. S Nichols, Phone 2n"2. 6tfc
Fine 7 room cottage ou Cascadu Ave.,
west of 7th street, for salo cheap. 3
chambers and a sleeping pon h ,bath,
pantry, attic and basement. Inqulr
at oillce of A. W. Otithank. 3if:
European skirmishes now take sec
ond place to the buMb s ( It.g fought
at Salem