G THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1913 r1 'KfyAtl it t & SmMf Another Horticultural Triumph The "J. H. HALE" Peach My mw bok denrrih what la detine.l to be the irTvateht nuney-mukirt? peach in America. It discovered an ! prr.t- ? atari to perftM-ii hy J. H. HAl.K, ' I he Vach Kin:." of South tilaNtimhuty. Conn. The fruit is S to S Wrcr than K.lcit:i; nmootti, thick kin, a ptnk u t'-t tu:r; pertect fnt?.t'ine. i:h luicy, ti-nJcr. nieit ine yet solid rirsh. So. id 'nn :i t sl ip in barrels, like apples: extremely brilliant in color. The most delicious rx-uch flavor you ever taMed. Superb for cmiin, and rri ftervfntf- Tree u vigorous, hardier tlutn Kl berta, Carman, b ox ur tti;er hrd ar;:u'; an abundant bearer. Mr. Haiti It. is truited It successtullv for? v ear in over 3.iMipUnt lnt. and deems it the cr wnmtf triumph of his great career as a peach grower Be First in Your Section to Reap Early Profits Remember what nioney-niiiker-; the frt Elbert a wer? et here t a peach larger, William P. Stark Nurseries Station M 2 Stark City, Missouri 1840 GARS SHIPPED BY NORTH YAKIMA The annual report made the last of the week by Manager Robbing to the meeting of the North Yakima Val ley Fruit Growers' Association, repre senting 22 districts in Yakima and Benton counties, showed that 1840 cars of fruit were shipped by the organiza tion in 1912. Settlement has been made for 1470 cars. This, according to his report, is a greater tonnage than was ever before handled by any North west 3hlpper. Spray, wrappers, boxes and other supplies to the value of 1204,000 were purchased for the mem bers. At no time during the season was it necessary to borrow money on the business of the association and it indebtedness is now $20,000, for which funds are in the treasury, out side of the surplus fund, which con tains $35,000. When cars, now in the hands of the association are settled for, the sur plus will reach $50,000 and the $40,000 worth of collateral notes given by members at the rate of $10 an acre will be canceled. Two hundred of the 700 members of the association were In attendance. Son Why do people say, "Dame Gossip?" Father Because they are too polite to leave off the "e." Sugar Notice these quotations on i X X X X i X DEL MONTE 80LIO PACK TOMATO 2 Can for 25c Dozen 91.30 Case .' $2.50 8tandard Tomatoes, can 10c Fancy Maine Corn, dozen 91.60 Case 93.10 Standard Corn, 3 for 25c Case 9195 8trlng Beans, 2 for 25c Dezen 91.25 Cat 92.40 Canned Peaches, dozen 91.75 Dont' forget our 93.50 Canned Milk. Remember We Deliver Orders of a Reasonable Size j E. E. KAESSER'S CASH STORE j jm in X z jfl " S r 1 7 Fruit-Growers! Write for Your Copy of My Newest Tree Book I want every fruit-erower and tree I !a:iter in this section to receive a copy of my 1913 book, "William P. S:urk Trees and Their Fruits." I believe it is the best book I have ever published. It Contains the net results of my 30 years' experience as a suc cessful nurseryman and fmit-crower, and is full of fratin-al information for either the beginner or the expert. 100 p:ies, beautifully illustrated. tweeter, hardier, a better shipper, a bettor canttvr. more profitable thew. V iVi that J. H . Ha e. the iea. U kin,:," ha ever felt worthy of bearing hi name. ).) cim gst thf ifH-uMf "J. If HALF" pk ts mwkf' hut from H tit am J, SJdtJt Amwhi, Stak O'r, Mimmrt, I Save You 53 Per Cent by Dealing Direct frcn Nrrserie I employ no agents or initl iietiu n. All fruit and ornamental troeji. shrub, vine, etc., decritH-d and priced in my new book are sold direct from t.ie pur-iencs, thus sa in,; ou t! e 10 per cert r :.L.:-iiy paid to agents, besides ensuring you tiv satisfac tion personal dealing ai wa s bi":t:gi. 1 am ready to help uu uh suggestions and advice. I sell you only strong-rooted. dependable trees and guarantee every one J true to name by strongest guarantee any nursery makes. Write me today for prices and detaiis. (l.fj Mail This Coupon for Free Book William P. Stark Nurseries Sta. M ?, Stark City, Missouri Please send me your newest book, prices and description of "J. H. HALK' Peach. .'umt.... ..... Ft Addrtsi. T. HOME, NOT SCHOOL HELD RESPONSIBLE That the home, and not the school is responsible for the children's recreation and entertainment outside of school hours was the opinion of the Woman's Club and others who were present at an interesting discussion held by the club last week. The feature of the afternoon was the debate on this subject. The affirma tive was taken by Mrs. Monroe and Mrs. Rodwell, while the negative was sustained by Mrs. McLaughlin and Mrs. Booth. These proved themselves able debaters and the question was most effectively argued on both sides. Following the debate a general dis cussion was invited and several took the opportunity to express their opin ions. Then a vote of all present was taken. This gave the victory to the affirmative by a large majority. The afternoon was one of the most delightful that the club has enjoyed. It was an informal 'at home." Mrs. W. L. Stewart and Mrs. J. P. Lucas acted as the reception committee. The rooms were prettily decorated for the occasion and dainty refreshments were served during the afternoon. Chicago is going to have an egg parade. The Washington Post says: "Good gracious! Are the Chicago eggs old enough to walk?" $6.00i new crop Canned Goods: r Alt A t k DENTIST Formerly of Hood River, is now 4 located at 245 12 Washing ton St., Portlanp, Ore. M. S. DENTAL COMPANY 4- CALIFORNIA IS ALL RIGHT" H. C. COE II. C. Coe, a pioneer resident of Hood Kiver and now living in South ern California, does not altogether agree with his old friend, Robert Rand, who recently wrote the News a letter about that sunny land. Captain Coe writes as follows: "Editor News: I hav just returned from an all day's outing along the ocean front, through Del Rey, Venice, Ocean Park, Santa Monica to Port Los Angeles, and out to the end of the S. P. K. It. mile-long wharf. It has been a perfect southland day and over 10,000 visitors, mostly tour ists, have thronged the Venice piers and beaches. "This evening I took up the News and read it through, including my old friend Rand's letter, and then shiver ed a little as I read how Councilman Ld Mayes wanted the two feet of slush and snow shovelled off the walks never would nave believed that a California pioneer of '49 would have so fully repudiated his first love as Brother Rand did had I not seen it in print. Yes, I did tell him, in strict confidence, that I believed the Al mighty had forsaken the land, that is turned it over to the rule of Mammon the King of Dollars; that the morning invocation of the Southlander had been somewhat revised from the orthodox original, thusly: 'Give us this day our daily stranger, and lead them Into temptation, forget our debts, and de liver us from cold snaps.' Yes, the frost hurt some but will make no per ceptible difference in the general pros perity of the country for the coming year. I remember, as if but yesterday, a winter in Hood River many years ago, when not only the fruit, but ev ery peach tree in the valley was killed to the snow line. A hard blow to the few isolated farmers then struggling for an existence. But that did not condemn the country. No, far from it. Hood River is all right and Dame Na ture's lavish band has made it incom parably beautiful, but in this South land the hand of man has transformed the arid wastes into an earthly para dise. True, the Frost King has laid a heavy hand on beauty's bower and the graceful palms are drooping, but a few months of cloudless skies will cure all the ills wrought by his frozen breath and the 'crop of tourists' never fails. They are our bread of life. They bring their dimes and Mollars by the millions and pour them out at our feet They come by the thousands daily and tax the hotels and rooming houses to the utmost. Over five million dol lars will be Bpent the coming year in hotels alone. 'Building statistics show that over five lineal miles of buildings wera erected in Los Angeles county during every month of 1912 and the building permits for January, 1913, were over two million dollars. 'Los Angeles today has over 500,000 inhabitants, 30,000 automobiles, 7,000 motorcycles and 3,000 motor trucks. The streetcars hauled over seventy million passengers last year. "Land deals running up as high as $1,500,0000 to $2,000,000 are of fre quent occurance. 'When the new townsite of El Se- gundo, adjoining the Standard Oil Works, was opened a year ago, $80,000 worth of lots were sold the first day and not a building on the tract. Bus! ness property on Broadway and Spring streets in the city sell at $2,500 to $3,000 per front foot on 8th street four blocks from the heart of the city. The resources of the Security Trust & Savings Bank are over $47,000,000 and those of the First National Bank are still larger. Brother Rand is right again about the papers (the Times and the Exam iner each have a daily issue of 80.000) When I want to get news outside of Los Angeles I buy the Oregonian or Journal. But to conclude this lone let ter the climate is responsible for all our prosperity. While not absolutely perfect, it is as near so as can be found on God's green foot stool. came here filled with rheumatism. aches and pains. They are all cone now. Was never better in my life. In conclusion, as a bona fide resident of this state and county, I wish to thank the Hood River contingent, now touring in our midst.for their generous contributions to the general fu.id of prosperity in the shape of room rents, board bills, car fares and the nirklen and dimes donated to soda, pop, Ice cream and pop corn stands. Ic all helps. H. C. COE." True-to-Name Nursery has opened an office In town on corner opposite from Oregon Hotel and samples of trees can be seen In tree yard adjoin ing office. Mr. Galllgan will be at the office Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days. WANTED Men and women to learn watchmaking and engraving, few months only learning. Practical work from start. Positions secured for graduates. Practical trade not over done. Write for particulars. Watch making School, 210 Globe Building, Portland, Ore. tf MIDWINTER TRIP UP ML HOOD DESCRIBED Rodney L. Glisan, a member of the party of Portlanders who recently made the trip up the slopes of Mt Hood to the clubhouse of the Portland Snowshoe Club, has described his trip in a most interesting maimer and the description is herewith given in part: At Hood River a special car took the party to Parkdule near the head of the Hood River Valley at the end of the local line. The mountain was In plain view, the sky being clear, giv ing promise of good weather and good times. About 7:30 the next morning a four- horse bob sled took the party about five miles, the driver intending to go to the MacRush place but the snow in creasing to five feet deep proved too much for the hardworked horses and in spite of the laudable efforts of sev eral of the party who tipped others over into the deep snow to lighten the load, the horses finally came to a standstill near the entrance gateway of the National Forest Reserve. The packers, anticipating trouble for the horses had come down the road to meet us and appeared with the snow shoes as some of the party were test Ing the snow, floundering over waists deep. With snowshoes adjusted they start ed up the deep sunk, evenly trodden trail In the center of a road of abso lute whiteness leading through walls of green timber, the branches bend Ing with their snowy mantles, far more attractive to look up to than to shake off when the accumulated weight shift ed its burden onto the passerby as it did occasionally by accident or design. Scenes Are Wonderful Wonderful vistas opened at every turn. Stepping over the telephone wire as it crossed the road or walking over a log under wnicn the autos glided in summer, watching tracks of animals, their travels recorded in the snow as in a book, the party leisurely passed through the forest over enor mous snow drifts on China Fill and Ghost Ridge, arriving about 2:30 at the clubhouse on the ridge just below Cloud Cap Inn at an elevation of near ly 6000 feet. Tunnel 30 Feat Long Making their way through a tunnel In the snow over 30 feet in length to the door we entered the clubhouse and found a blazing fireplace and were wel comed by the chef with visible signs of his skill as master of the range. Every -minute was used to good ad vantage on skis and snowshoes trying slides and jumps on Ghot Ridge just below the clubhouse or trying other slopes, penetrating the deep and silent forest, venturing up to the Seracs on Eliot Glacier or climbing the ridge to Cooper's Spur. The enormous depth of snow filled crevasses and deep hollows among the Seracs, so conspicuous in summer a.d even the ice pinnacles were covered, only the higher ice walls and shafts of greenish blue appearing above the snow. Beautiful Panorama Seen From all viewpoints wonderful pan oramas were secured. Adams, Rain ier and Helens were in full sight, The frozen, snow-covered surface of Lost Lake was visible and where In summer only three snow peaks are seen, Larch Mountain and lesser peaks had joined the snow brigade, making the timber ed Columbia Basin a second Switzer land. Mt. Hood was naturally the most prominent and absorbing object, al ways Impressive whether dimly visible In gusts of snow the first day or later in full view in clear sunlight or a sil houette as the moon passed on and left It In the shadow. Snow Predominating Feature The one predominating feature was the purity of the winter sno.w On the mountains It filled every hollow, the rocky ridges emphasizing the absolute whiteness. Piled in drifts high above the ridgeboard of the Ladd cottage, forming high banks on the east end of Cloud Cap Inn where the wind swept by the corner and cut the drift forc ing the snow up In the mountainous ridges. Here and there a white bark pine checked the drifts or, snowed under, defiantly thrust sinewy branches through the snow white blanket. SOUND COUNSEL We cannot, of course, all be handsome, And it's bard for us all to be good; We aro sure now and then to be lonely And we don't always do as we should. To be patient Is not always easy, To be cheerful Is much harder still; But at least we can always be pleasant If we make up our minds that we will. And It pays every time to be kindly, Although we feel worried and blue; If you smile at the world and look cheerful. The world will soon smile back at you; So try and brace up and look pleasant, No mitter how low you are down; Good humor Is alwaya contagious, But you banish your friends when you frown. Boost for the experiment station. What is a house without some kind of muBlc in it? What will a Music Try the Made from Oregon's Finest Wheat by Oregon's Finest Mill In compliance witb tbc pure food Lawa Therefore not bleacbed for colorbut made To Sait the Taste iTlafics Better, igriter Bread" JVow at your Groccro IL: St Our Rates For Light and Power Get Our And Be Hood River lcme PHONE 55 House be 'n Hood River without your patronage? Waggetmr's Music House New WHI TE RIVER FLOUR Allows you to have all the Electrical En ergy you want at the lowest possible price. Service Happy A phone call will bring one of our to care for your needs immediately, lines cover both City and Valley. Gas & Electric Co. of St-RVICC at LOWEST Third has the goods, and, Waggeuer wants your trade." If men Our COST" and Ca5cade Ave.