The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, January 22, 1913, Image 1

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Highest Grade
Job "Printing
Get 'Results
Shepard Gives Opinion
of the Apple Market
Presents Figures to Show That Low Prices This Year
Were Due, Not to Overproduction, but to Fact
That Buyers Were Scared Early in the Season
Revised Marketing Hethods Advised.
Speaking before the Washington
State Horticultural Association at
North Yakima the last of the week,
E. H. Shepard of this place, editor of
Better Fruit, gave his views concern
lng the apple market and prices of the
past, present and future.
"Between 1900 and 1910 apple prices
took an upward tendency; consequent
ly an Immense acreage was set dur
ing this ten years, which in 1912 came
into bearing. " said Mr. Shepard. "In
1912 we had, according to estimates,
an approximate yield of 40,000,000 bar
rels, which means 120,000,000 bushels.
I do not believe, however, as do a
great many others, that low prices In
1912 were entirely due to the quantity
of apples produced, nor do I believe
at present the supply is in excess of
the demand. I do believe the supply
at present exceeds our system of dis
tribution and marketing methods.
"Present prices are not entirely due
to the size of the 1912 crop. In 1902
the crop was 46,000,000 ba: rels. In
1903 It was 42,626,000 barrels and in
1904 it was 45,360,000 barrels, whereas
in 1912 the estimate was 40,000,000
barrels, which probably will not be
exceeded and possibly may not be
reached. In 1902, '03 and '04 good
prices prevailed compared with the
prices of 1912.
Buyers Were Scared
"In 1912 the system of collecting sta
tistics was. so thorough and the meth
ods so reliable that the estimate In
dlcated In advance the actual quantity
that was harvested. This estimate
early in the season was so great com
pared with previous years that the
trade being unaccustomed to big fig
ures was fearful of the results. Deal
ers refused to buy at almost any price.
The trade, now being accustomed to
definite figures In advance, will not be
overwhelmed and pessimistic in the
"The prices on Northwestern apples
In 1912 have Buffered from our pursu
lng the same methods of distribution
as In the past. In previous years our
crop was light and we shipped practl
cally all of it to a few large cities, like
Chicago, New York, Boston and Phlla
delphla, which eagerly took our output
at satisfactory prices. In 1912 our
crop was much larger but we pursued
the same methods.
"We depressed these markets with
our quantity. You know that wh?n
apples are selling at $1.50 a box In
Chicago It is Impossible to sell other
towns at a better price.
"We have done nothing in tlm lavt
10 years to create a wider distribu
tion or greater consumption of apples.
"The estimated apple crop In the
United States Is 40,000,000 barrels.
Figure 400 apples to the barrel. It
means 16 billion apples; consequently
A little more than 20 inches of snow
has fallen during the pant week and
at the time of this writing there has
not been sufTlcient'y high temperature
to melt It. Sleighing has continued
excellent and sleighrides have been
popular among the young peoplo dur
ing the past few days.
The heaviest snowfall of the season
so far was Friday night, when nine
Inches fell between sunset and dawn.
On Thursday the fall was 6.775 Inches.
On Wednesday it was 1.75 inches and
snow also fell on the preceding days,
but In lesser amounts.
The temperature during this period
has not been low, ranging between
20 and 30 degrees above, thus main
taining pleasant winter weather.
The fall of snow is looked upon as
favorable to soil condition during the
coming season on account of the moist
ure thus conserved. The amount of
water in snow varies, but Is usually
about one inch of water to 10 of snow.
This is about the ratio in the present
As the snow has como intermittent
ly and at no time been excessively
heavy there has been no danger re
ported In the orchards as was the
case last year when a total of 42
Inches of snow fell during one storm
and many young orchards were strip
ped of their limbs. This was the case
where ranchers did not knock off the
accumulating now or where they had
not propped their young trees.
the United States per capita consumed
last year only four times as many ap
ples as bananas.
Advertising Is Useful
"The results obtained by Intelligent
advertising In building business are be
yond the comprehension of the aver
age individual. We can stimulate the
demand for our apples by using the
right kind of a brand.
"Apples are retailing today at the
same prices as they have in the past
A few days ago I received a letter
from a friend in Boston who said that
our apples were retailing there at 60
centB a dozen and some as high as $1
a dozen. We growers were lucky this
year to get $1.50; the freight is 50
cents a box; the dealer's profit Is 20
cents; making a total cost to the re
taller of $2.20 a box, yet the retailer
is selling these same apples at $6 a
box or more, a profit of 300 per cent.
"The remedy is public sentiment,
We can create a sentiment that will
be so strong that it will bring about
reasonable retail prices on our ap
"The high cost of living is a popular
topic. Let the fruit growers start the
ball rolling and it will gather force and
volume as It goes. The result will be
inevitable. Lower retail prices mean
greater consumption.
Marketing Is Wasteful
"Consolidation and concentration are
necessary to our future success. We
have created self competition at home
and self competition abroad and conse
quently we are getting less for our
apples than we are entitled to. We
are wasting money in marketing our
crop and we are marketing it in such
a way that our marketing agents are
cutting prices. - We must work to
gether. We must eliminate unneces
sary expense and unnecessary compe
"There is a movement on foot for a
greater selling organization. The
foundation of a greater institution will
depend on the success of the organ!
zation In each one of the districts. If
you want to do something greater, we
must begin the preparatory work at
home and concentrate our organiza
tion. A board of trustees has been se
lected for the North Pacific Fruit Dis
tributors. This board is composed of
our ablest, broadest and most exper
ienced fruit men and I believe they
will evolve a plan and perfect an or
ganization that will be of value to the
fruit growers of the Northwest.
Too Many Grades
"We are putting up an unnecessary
number of grades. I believe two grades
of commercial apples are all that are
necessary. If market conditions justi
fy another grade, let It be put up as
cooking apples, to be sold locally in
stead of being shipped Fast.
"We must put up a grade which Is
absolutely perfect In accordance with
the specifications for that grade, and
we must guarantee the grade. If we
will do It we will again restore confi
dence In our quality.
'There are two kinds of consumers
to whom we must cater In selling our
apples. One is the family which buys
by the box and the other Is the indi
vidual living in apartments boarding
houses, and hotels, who buys by the
dozen. To reach the second class, we
must put up our apples In email quan
tities, in attractive pasteboard boxes
holding a half a dozen or dozen in a
box. It must be fitted with a handle
so that the purchaser can conveniently
carry the package. The average man
or woman will not buy a dozen apples
put up In a paper sack when he has to
hang on a strap going home on a
street car.
"I do not believe it is possible to
eliminate the middle men, fruit Job
bers and commission men, but I do
believe In placing our fruits in such a
manner, so far as we can, as to main
tain prices in accordance with the con
ditions as they exist each year."
Butler Praised As Orator
Hood Hlver and Wasco counties
seem to have a faculty of sending ora
tors to the senate. Not only the home
of luscious apples and all kinds of
crops that lead, but the counties also
produce "sjlver tongues." Two years
ago they sent Slnnott, now In Con
gress, and at this sen ion have Judge
Butler, acknowledged to be one of the
best platform orators In the state.
Sleighing In the valley hns rarely
been better.
A settlement was reached last week
in the case of Vincent Saml against
K. J. Mclsaac of the Upper Valley.
The case was one of Importance on ac
count of the fact that it related to
the storage of powder, considerable
quantities of which are now kept in
the valley for land clearing.
Mr. Saml brought suit to compel
the removal of Mr. Mclsaac's powder
house from the vicinity of Mr. Sami's
home. An injunction was recently se
cured compelling Mr. Mclsaac to re
move the powder at once pending trial
of the suit and since that time several
tons of the explosive have been re
moved to a point about a mile and a
half from the store.
An agreement was reached before
Judge Bradshaw last week. The court
ruled that the powder must be kept
at least 1500 feet frm Mr. Sami's
house, or not less than 890 feet under
certain restrictions.
Commenting on the case, Mr. Mc
lsaac said: "In a sparsely settled
country such as that about Parkdale
where stumping powder is such a
necessity for the development of the
land I believe this distance Is alto
gether too great because It is well
known that In other places powder
houses are kept in close proximity to
dwellings. Inasmuch, however, as it
will hereafter be necessary to store
the powder at such a distance from
the store it is not likely that I
will continue to carry It. Heretofore
I have been able to secure it in carload
lots and at a reasonable rate for trans
portation, but this cost would be much
greater if it had to be shipped in by
local freight and handled in small
Trolley Line to Heights
Is Now Being Propose a
fleeting of Heights Citizens
Streetcar Line or Tramway--Commitfee Is Ap
pointed to Investigate
pany Hay be Organized
At a meeting of Heights citizens
held at the home of Dr. E. L. Scobee
last week and attended by over a score
of boosters a movement was lanuched
which it is hoped may result in the
construction of either a street car line
or tramway from the business portion
of town to the Heights.
Several propositions were made. It
was at first suggested that a tramway
be constructed from the Congregation
al church to a point on the Heights
near Dr. Scobee's house. It was also
proposed that such a tramway or life
might be operated from the head of
Second street to the Heights. Other
suggestions were made. One was that
a trolley line be constructed running
from the Depot up State and Eugene
streets to Twelfth and out to the ball
park. Another proposal was that such
line be operated up the Serpentine
Hood, running through the residence
section of the Heights and thence west
to Twelfth street and out to the ball
After considerable discussion a com
mittee of three was appointed to thor
oughly investigate the propositions
and report on w hich would be the most
feasible, also what the approximate
cost would be. It is stated that a
company may be organized and the
Npiv SnAnthntt threat alarm
11CWS OI14lllUI9 ,ne Atuullc
Of (he Week
Us Frank
M Johnston of Houston wns named
with a New York sbow girl and was
I WmmWW!e fe ii ip W
Origin of the unutfual fire which oc
curred In the Sears & Porter apple
storage house laBt week still remains
a myBtery, although A. W. Onthank,
who represents the companies carry
ing the Insurance, has been investigat
ing the loss this week.
The strange part of the fire is that
it broke out in the midst of the stor
ed fruit and generated sufficient heat
to cook a considerable number of the
apples almost to sauce. Many of the
other apples were scorched and taint
ed by the smoke, so that the exact ex
tent of the damage has not yet been
There were 4500 boxes of fruit in the
storehouse at the time and the fire
had probably been smouldering for a
long time. It broke into flame when
the air was admitted, but the flames
were extinguished by the farm hands
and neighbors. .
It has been determined that apples
absorb and are noticeably tainted by
the smoke, many of those in the
storehouse but not in close proximity
to the flames having been noticeably
damaged in this way.
Sunday School at 10 a. m., G. A. Par
tis, superintendent; sermon and morn
ing worship at 11; Juniors at 3, Mrs.
Brehterton in charge; C. E. at 6:30.
Last Sunday evening Ieon Noble gave
many practical suggestions on Endeav
or prayer meetings. Let us observe
them. 7:30 special music. By re
quest the pastor will preach on "Child
Labor." J. B. Parsons, minister.
The Commercial
much alive.
Club is still very
Discuss Need of Either
Probable Cost and Com
to Build Road.
necessary stock sold. In that case a
franchise would be asked for from the
council for the use of the necessary
streets. The committee is composed
of W. L. Smith, A. L. Day and A. F.
Howes. They are to report at a sub
sequent meeting.
It is stated that not more than three
men would be needed to operate such
a line and as there is now abundant
electrical energy to be had at reason
able rates it is the belief that such a
line might be operated on an econom
ical basis.
As an exchange remarks, it has
been a lucky person who had not some
kind of cold the past ten days. The
little germ devllkins which put the
tickle into your nose, chase the chills
up and own your spinal column, put
the croak in your throat and make you
feel raw and mean and don't care
whether Wilson will make a good pres
ident or not, have been exceedingly
Doctor You'll have to cut out some
of this wine, woman and song busi
ness; It's killing you.
Patient All right, doc; I'll never
sing again.
was caused by the report that the United States repair ship Panther was lost,
CoasL It arrived safely at Guantansmo, however George F. Baker, head
York, testified before the "money trust" Inquiry at
Chance signed to nmnnce the New York
as succeesor to Joseph V. Bailey as senator
not allowed to return to college.
Members of the Portland Snowshoe
Club, lead by J. Wesley Ladd, are
expected here this evening and tomor
row morning will go to Parkdale, leav
ing there for the ascent of Mt. Hood
to their clubhouse. They will leave on
their return trip next Monday.
Automobiles, street cars, railway
trains, bob sleighs, snowshoes and skis
will all play a particular part in the 90
mile jaunt from Portland to Hood
River, then to Parkdale.McRush Home
stead and finally the Snowshoe club
bouse, which nestles deep in the for
est in close proximity to Cloud Cap
Inn at the 5682 foot level.
"We have a beautiful clubhouse,"
said Mr. Ladd. "This mountain pal
ace is built of white fir logs. Is 40 feet
long, and 24 feet wide with gabled
roof and a six-foot fireplace. We have
stocked the place with all sorts of
provisions, and, as the boys will pack
fresh meat up with them, nobody
should starve to death.
"The slopes of Mount Hood are
beautiful at this time of year," added
President Ladd. "The snowfall aver
ages anywhere from five to 20 feet in
depth. Two years ago we had to tun
nel our way into the clubhouse owing
to the immense drifts."
In all likelihood the entire member
ship, which comprises some of the
most prominent business men in Port
land, will make the trip. The roster
shows: J. Wesley Ladd, president;
Elliott R. Corbett, Henry L. Corbett,
Walter B. Honeyman, David T. Honey
man, Roderick L. Glisan, Dr. H. S.
Nichols, Horace Mecklen, Brandt Wick
ersham and Jordan B. Zan. In addi
tion Guy W. Talbot and Victor John
son will probably go along as guests.
After disembarking from the train
at Hood River on the night of January
22, the Portland adventure seekers will
board the Mount Hood Railroad for a
twenty-seven mile run to Parkdale,
where they will spend the night.
Early Thursday morning a four-horse
bob sleigh will convey the enow
shoers six miles to McRush Home
stead, where they will bid adieu to civ
ilization and begin the six-mile upward
climb via the webbed-footwear over
the immense fields of crystal to the
club house on the east slope of Mt.
Once at the clubhouse the snow
slioes will generally be discarded for
the long pointed skis, which will also
be utilized for the downward return
trip to McRush Homestead. Two
guides, Mark Weygandt and William
H. Edick, will meet the party at Park
dale. A special cook will also be tak
en along for the week.
The services next Sunday are as
follows: Sunday School at 10 a. m.;
service of worship at 11; Young Peo
ple's Religious Union at 6:30 p. m.
The lesson in the Sunday School is
"Thoughtfulness" and poems and stor
ies will be given to supplement the
teaching of the lesson. At the morning
service Mr. MacDonald announces the
first of a series of two sermons. Next
Sunday the subject will be "The Re
ligion of Capitalism," and the follow
ing Sunday "The Religion of Social
ism." At the young people's meeting
the subject will be "Some of the Es
sentials of Success." The basis will
be a reporter's Interview with Dr. T. L.
Eliot of Portland. Several young peo
ple will make contributions to the ser
vice. All are invited.
Bachelors are out after Representa
tive Nolta's scalp.
Washington The Duchess of Cotmaught
American league bntieball team at a
from Terns. "Lefty" Flynn, Tale's
Recommendations Are
Made by Grand Jury
Twelve Indictments Are Returned by Inquisitorial
Body and in Final Report Several Phases of
County's Affairs Are Discussed Civil Cases Are
Still Being Tried This Week.
On Friday afternoon the grand jury
completed its labors after being in
session most of the week and brought
in the following report.
"We, the grand jury of the above
entitled court, respectfully report and
show that we have been in session five
days, that we have returned to this
court twelve true bills and one not
true bill, that we have thoroughly in
vestigated and examined into at least
15 other matters coming before the
jury in the first instance, and upon
thorough examination thereof we have
deemed it unnecessary to make any
further report thereupon to this court
"In the case of the State of Oregon
vs. Jacob Horn, bound over to this
grand jury on the charge of perjury
in making false affidavit for marriage
license will say that no witness hav
ing been secured and none having ap
peared before us and as we are in
formed that the complaining witness
has departed from Hood River county
and the sheriff of said county has been
unable to locate such witness and se
cure the evidence of this witness be
fore this grand jury we are unable to
act thereon.
County Books Experted
"That concerning the officers' books
of the county, such as the sheriff, clerk
and county treasurer, the same are
now being passed upon by experts and
as such experts report is not yet com
pleted we have not yet personally In
vestigated such books but leave it to
the final report of the experts, which
report we are advised will be in detail
to the county court within a few days,
and we would recommend that the re
port of the experts so made be publish
ed so that the citizens of the county
will know the true condition of affairs
existing as found by such experts.
Jail Is Inadequate
"That we have examined the city
jail of the city of Hood River, which
is also used by the county for county
prisoners, and on examination of said
jail find that said jail is unsafe, in ade
quate and needs repair, and needs more
cells for the accommodation of pris
oners instead of sending them to other
counties for safe keeping, and we re
spectfully ask the county court to look
into this matter without delay and
recommend that they place at least
Made by Mayor Blanchar
At the meeting of the city council
Monday evening Mayor Blanchar made
his appointments for the coming year
City Attorney A. J. Derby.
City Marshal Robert Lewis.
City Physician Dr. Jesse Edgington.
City Surveyor P. M. Morse.
Clerk of the City Water Department-
Miss Luclle Johnson.
Water Superintendent Hugh J.Smith.
Finance Committee James Strana-
nan, chairman, J. M. Schmeltzer and
A. C. Staten.
Fire and Water Committee J. .E Rob
ertson, chairman, E. S. Mayes and
W. II. Taft.
with 120 men. In the ga'e that swept
of the First National bank of New
became seriously ill with perttonl
reput.yl salary of t'.OOO a season. II
star fullback of the last seaaoo, eloped
two additional cells therein for the use
of the county.
Think Salary Too Large
"We also find from the inspection
of the county court records that the
fruit inspector for Hood River county
Is paid by said county more than Is
authorized by law and we hereby re
commend to the said county court of
Hood River county that It pay said
fruit inspector the salary as provided
by law and no more, and discontinue
the payment of the excess of the sal
ary now paid over and above the legal
fees provided for by the statute.
"We also find that the county poor
are being properly taken care of and
having finished our labor and no other
business appearing before us we ask
to be discharged."
The personnel of the jury was as
follows: W. H. Taft, foreman, U R.
Gano, W. A. Isenberg, Chas. L. Trout,
Oscar Vanderbilt, William Auhagen,
Albert Monosmith.
Civil Cases Are Tried
The civil cases kept the court busy
all week. In the case of E. O. Hall,
contractor, against Captain C. P. Mc
Can for $1250 and interest, being the
amount due on buildings constructed
for Captain McCan, the Jury found In
favor of Mr. Hall, bringing In a ver
dict of $1329.28 in his favor. Captain
McCan objected to paying the full
amount on the ground that the garage
collapsed under the weight of snow a
year ago. He maintained that It was
not properly constructed. The jury
that tried this case included A. W.
Isbell, W. F. Andrews, H. A. Messing
er, H. M. Vannier, Jesse Davidson, J.
M. Chitty, D. Sandman, John West,
Sara Freeman, A. S. Keir, W. M.
Stauffer and J. H. Ferguson. R. W.
Wilbur of this city and W. H. Wilson
of The Dalles represented Captain Mc
Can and Ernest C. Smith of this city
and H. S. Wilson of Portland appear
ed for Mr. Hall.
As a result of the investigations of
Deputy State Game Wadren L. S. Fritz
two local anglers, T. B. Kent and A.
W. Bishop, arrested while fishing un
der the dam of the Hood River Gas &
Electric Company, at the entrance of
the fish ladder, were fined $50 each by
Judge Bradshaw, By law one cannot
fish nearer than 600 feet of the fish
for Year
Streets and Public Property E. S.
Mayes, chairman, J. E. Robertson
and J. M. Schmeltzer.
Committee on Judiciary A. C. Staten,
chairman, W. H. Taft and E. S.
Committee on Health J. M. Schmelt
zer, chairman, James Stranahan and
J. E. Robertson.
Police and Public Printing W. II.
Taft, chairman, A. C. Staten and
James Stranahan.
After the appointments were made
a petition was read asking for the ap
pointment of John Castner as city
marshal at $80 per month and A. E.
Van Anda as street commissioner at
$60 a month. Close to 200 signatures
were affixed to this petition. Inas
much as the appointment of Marshal
Lewis had been made, no action was
taken on this petition.
The council decided to grant O. L.
and W. L. Kirkpatrick a license to con
duct a skating rink in the old Armory
building, the license to be Issued as
soon as the fire and water committee
is satisfied that proper fire escapes
have been provided.
A two-month leave of absence was
granted Councilman Taft, who left yes
terday on a trip to the Panama Canal.
Local Men Instructors
Walla Walla With nearly 100 fruit
growers of this section entered, the
second annual packing school under
the auspices of tho local commercial
club opened today in one of tho down
town store buildings and will contlnu
through the week. S. O. Campbell ami
Marsh Isenberg of Hood River are lhn
instructors and are delivering dally
lectures iu connection with the demon
stration. Tho subjects treated ar
picking, sorting and packing.
Jam Is now cheaper than butter aa
a spread for bread.