THE HOOD KIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8,1913 5 No Old Goods on We have a Complete Line of I re sh Groceries, Vegetables, Fruits, Etc. We Invite your inspection (C'L cuie grocery ovorc phone 231 IRU12 DUI.IVLRY: Last 9:30 a.m., West 8 a. m., 10 a. m.. 4 p.m. UPPER VALLEY NOTICE List your places forspecial attention with WARD IRELAND CORNELL Upper Valley Real Estate .. Insurance Improved and Unimproved Orchard Land Hood River Connection (JUY Y. liDWARDS & CO. Phone 77-Odell A Choice Lot of NURSERY STOCK In Standard Varieties to offer for the Season 1912-13. Also some Select PEONA BULBS C. D. THOMPSON Phone 3232-M F. B. SNYDER Hood River Plumbing company Phona 68X Sanitary Plumbinc and Heating. Tinning and Sheet Metal Work. Repairing Promptly Attended. ESTIMATES FURNISHED CASCADE AVENUE nAVING purchased the entire interest of E. Brayford in the Rockford Store about three months ago, we are now in a position to serve you with all the highest class Groceries at reasonable prices. We invite your patronage and will serve you to the best of our ability. c;ivi: US A TKIAIj M E R C E R & CO. PMONU NO. 5 Transfer and Livery Company Freight, Express and Baggage Transferred Furniture Moved. Stored or Packed for Shipment MOOD RIVLR. ft CD A I J (1 Furniture and Tianos Molded All Kinds of Light and Heavy Work Wood Yard and Feed Store in Connection Office Phone 29 Residence 238K For Lime, House See STRANAHAN & CLARK The NEWS For Printing. our Shelves J. K. MINSliY S a ? s f 3:30 p. m.; Wt Vfc' . JJ" jJ yl. STAMPS" U. C. M. Ranch. Parkdulo tpper Houd liver Valley, On. R. R. No. 2 Hood River, Ore.' r-uwcLi. WARLHOUS1: ON FIRST STREIET ORUC10N. Express and Baggage Cement and Plaster NEW MODEL OLIVER The old reliable visible type writer with new printype and other improvements. The ma chine that writes print that is print and is always ready for business. For sale or rent on easy terms. A. W. ONTMANK, Agt. 109 Oak St. Hood River, Ore. OR (mm F.ETRIGG CENTRAL POIMT ROGUE RIVER VALLEY OREGON CCPRCSPONOE 30UC1TE lThi matter muat aot be reprinted wim- out special permiHiuu.j Id portions of Germany potato vlnee re burvested and used for forage pur- poses, tneir vaiue ueiug about one half that of clover hay. There la now and then a horse which l-Lia needs a gas bit. but It is a niiguij Mm substitute for more oate ana nay to five au appearance of ginger and life. if twr are any farmers who failed to get their corn In crib In the fall be fore the bad weather set in u canuui be charged to not having a long and favorable season for husking. From a manuscript found In the ruins of the city of Philadelphia, Egypt, It is evident that the high cost of liv ing and exorbitant freight rates were live and stirring issues 1.800 years ago. It is a very sensible Idea during the winter mouths, when fires are kept go in.? at a nrettv lively pace, to keep a close watch ou the stovepipes and flues to see that there Is no danger of the house catching Ore from tnem. If Is with the dual purpose cow a good deal as It Is with the dual pur thnt such a breed Is not o crno,i m Is either extreme. Beef ex cellence Is bad at the expense of milk i, .n niiri nza of bird means a loss In egg production. Some Idea of the factor that the Argentine Is coming to De in me world s beef trade Is Indicated In the figures, which show that the value of her exports of dressed beef for the year 1010 was $25,480,000. while the exporU of the United States totaled but $12,190,000. At the New York land show there was consiueraoie surprise utu hibltors from New Jersey walked off with the bulk of the best prizes Folks hud somehow got the Idea into their heads that about all that New Jersey was good for ' was the incubation of niosauitoes nud trusts. Such will nave to revise their opinions. Belgium has 104 head of cattle per square tulle. ieumarK m, i"t;iutri lands 135. while the United States has but twenty-three head of cattle for the same area. The ngures snow iue ex tent that the cattle business might be developed in this country were any where the same number raised that are to be fouud in the countries named. The writer recalls with mixed pleas ure and regret the days in the ran a good many years ago when tne Darrei of sorghum molasses was got from the nearby caue mill nud stowed away In the cellar. The taffy and molasses cakes that the children had following the arrival of this barrel will remain very bright spots in the memory of childhood days. The advantage of keeping no hens over a year lies In the fact that If the pullets are hatched by the 1st of May they will be laying before cold weather sets in and with proper care keep at It through the wluter, while the ben that is in her second year seldom gets through molting until late after a sum mer's laying and usually takes more or less of a layoff during the winter months. A new rat trap has lately been put on the market thnt is quite different from anything In this line heretofore Invented. It is of good size. Is self setting, and the rat is flipped Into the cage at one side of the runway upon putting Its foot on one of the two little plates which are on cither side of the depression which holds the bait The trap Is relatively high priced, but it looks as if it were a winner and well worth the money. Agricultural land Is considered worth far too much In old world countries to squander hundreds of thousands of acres of It to the production of road side weeds, as Is the practice followed In this country. In many sections of Ernuee the fences are done away with, and no more land is set opart for a road than Is actually needed for It, and this road Is a road and not a con tinous mudhole or streak of sand, which Is too often the condition of many of our so called roads. A friend who has recently returned from one of the northwestern Canadian provinces tella of seeing thousands of acres of wheat that was burned over without any attempt being made to cut It. In some cases this wheat did not get ripe; In others It was ripe enough, but no help could be got at the right season to cut it. This Is a feature of the Cnnndlnn wheat growing situation that any farmer who Is under the stars and stripes would do well to look Into thoroughly before he pulls np slakes and moves to the Canadian northwest AW VA I I I mf M Mf "Where elderly people who live In Borth, central and eastern states have the time and uieaua they an hardly to be blamed if they board a limited train when a northerly blizzard U howling and hie away to eouthern Cal ifornia, to Florida or winter resort on the gulf. Carrots make an excellent ration for dairy cows, being succulent and hay ing the same advantage In this partic ular that silage and sugar beets do. However, pound for pound, they are worth only about one-half aa much as silage from the standpoint of nutri tive content When the cold weather comes the enemies of poultry, such as skunks, weasels and cats, are deprived or tneir natural prey of field mice and make extra efforts to get at tne cnicnens. Roe that your fowls are shut np sareiy each night or some morning you will find some of them missing. A cheap as well as effective dope for rats may be made by making a flour or cornmeal porridge and Just before it Is done stirring in one part or barytes (barium sulphate) to eight or nine parts of the material used. The poison acts slowly, and after eating It the rats usu ally leave their runs In search of water. A simnle way to ventilate the sleep ing room Is to let the upper sash of the window down from the top ana iasieu a piece of muslin over the opening. Rv tacking the muslin to the upper part of the window frame and the up per part of the sash it will be In place ready for use whenever the window Is lowered. During changeable weather fowls are apt to contract colds, which, if left un attended to, may develop into roup. The affected fowls may be noticed by their sneezing, also by having their nostrils gummed up. The first thing to do Is to clean out their nostrils, then dip their heads In a brine of salt and water or pure cider vinegar and then anoint their heads with a soothing oil or ointment. That Is surely a very commendable ncries of rivalry which Is being in ,iUroA in hv the Kansas veterinary H-nnrtment in its activity In furnish in i? Iowa farmers with hog cholera serum at the same price It Is charging farmers of the Sunflower State. Two Mir nhinments have already been sent to tbo Iowa department from the Kan- ci vatarlnnrv di'Dnrtnient. and It Is likely that others will follow. What seems to be a new world's nnmhnsklne record was made recently by J. II. Alldredge of Leon, la., who Is also champion wrestler of the southern nart of the state. He husked in ten hmir 282 bushels, the corn being care fully welched by Judges. Alldredge's speed as a busker Is said to be in part due to the great strengin oi u n. which enables him to pick an ear and husk It In practically one motion. The annual congressional free seed fiasco is to be pulled off as usual In the coming weeks. An army or cierts Is at present encaged In the work of dividing COO tons of garden and flower seeds of a very mediocre quality into 00,000,000 separate packets prepara tory to distribution with the opening of the new year. It Is to De nopeu that the administration that was in dorsed ou Nov. 5 will put an end to this wanton waste of public money. While the cultivation and exportation of flower bulbs have been carried on in Holland since 1750, the present volume of trade has been the growth of the past thirty years. About $4,000,000 worth of bulbs are now exponea an nually, being produced by some 3.000 growers who are organized Into a fed eration. A paper Is published by the federation, there are Judges to pass on new varieties, while a council, named for the purpose, settles all disputes arising among members. If the tireless cooker did no other cooking well it would be entitled to a place In every up to date kitchen sim ply for the way in which it will cook oatmeal. The cereal is put on the stove In a double boiler at supper time and cooked ten or fifteen minutes. It is then removed at once from the stove and placed in one of the compartments In the cooker and the cover slipped on. In the morning it Is perfectly cooked, being tender und toothsome and the kernels of the grain keeping their shape nicely. At the International live stock show held recently at Chicago the world's championship for the best beef steer was awarded to Glenmaruock Victor, a twoyenr-old grnde Angus steer be longing to J. D. McGregor of Brandon, Manitoba. The winner was fattened on a ration consisting of barley, oats and hay and did not receive a mouth ful of corn during the fattening proc ess. Second prize In the competition was won by Black Rock, which was Inst year's champion and Is the prop erty of the Iowa Agricultural college. A report of the commissioner of agri culture for the year 18(12, which fell Into the writer's hand the other day, contain, as do similar reports of the de partment now. a large amount of in teresting matter. Among the Interest Ing woodcuts which Hdorn the publi cation Is one showing Constitution, a grade Shorthorn ox, five yenrs old. bred by John Sanderson of Bernardston Mass , thnt w eighed 3.851 pounds; also one showing Sweepstnkes, a pure bred Spanish Merino ram. bred by E Hammond of Mlddlebury, Conn., thnt weighed US pounds and whose heavl wt fleece weighed twenty -soveu pounds. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Hood River. Manning L. Howard, Plaintiff, vs. Adolph Grodt, Bertha Grodt, Chris tian Frederick Grodt, Doris Grodt Kahl, Dora Grodt, Dorothy Grodt, Km ma Grodt, Frederick Grodt, Frederick Grodt, Gustave Grodt,, John Grodt, John Ditlef Grodth, Johann Detlef Frederick Grodt, Jo hanna Dorethea Grodt (Insane), W. Wulf, guardian of Johanna Dor elbea Grodt, Neta Grodt, William Grodt, William Grodt, John Kahl, the unknown heirs of Charles Grodt deceased, and also all other persons or parties un known, claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest In the real estate described in the Complaint herein, Defendant. To Adolph Grodt, Bertha Grodt, Christian Frederick Grodt, Doris Grodt Kahl, Dora Grodt, Dorothy Grodt, Emma Grodt, Frederick Grodt, Frederick Grodt, Gustave Grodt, John Grodt, John Ditlef Grodth, Johann Det- lef Frederick Grodt, Johanna Dorethea Grodt (Insane), W. Wulf, guardian of Johanna Dorethea Grodt, Neta Grodt, William Grodt, William Grodt, John Kahl, the unknown heirs of Charles Grodt, deceased, and also all other persons or parties unknown, claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Interest in the real estate described in the Complaint herein: ' In the name of the State of Oregon, you ana eacn oi you are nereDy re quired to appear and answer to the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the ex piration of six weeks from the date of the first publication of thia summons, which date is hereinafter stated, and if you fail so to answer or appear for want thereof, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in his Complaint, to-wlt: For a decree determining all claims adverse to Plaintiff which you or either, or any of you may have or claim to have in any right, title, es tate, lien or interest in that land situ ated in the County of Hood River, State of Oregon, described as follows, to-wit: The Northeast quarter (NEVi) of the Southeast quarter (SE1) of the Southwest quarter (SWU) of Section 14, Township 2 North of Range 10 East of the Willamette Meridian. That by said Decree it may be de clared and adjudged that you or eith er, or any of you have no right, title, estate, lien or interest whatever in or to said land, or any part thereof, and that the Plaintiff is the owner of the title to said land, and to every, part thereof, in fee simple; that you and each of you be forever enjoined and debarred from asserting any claim whatever in or to said land adverse to Plaintiff; and that Plaintiff may have such other relief as to the Court may seem equitable. You and each of you are hereby ser ved by the publication of this sum mons in accordance with an order made by the Hon. G. R. Castner, Coun ty Judge of Hood River County, Ore gon, duly made and entered in the above entitled cause, on the 23rd day of December, 1912, which order pre scribes that you and each of you shall appear and answer said Complaint on or before the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons; that the date of the first publication of this summons was fixed in and by said order as the 25th day of December, 1912, and the date of the first publication hereof is De cember 25th, 1912. ERNEST C. SMITH, 51-57 Attorney for Plainiff. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Hood River County. In the matter of the estate of Hum phrey Pugh, Deceased. The undersigned having been dub- appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Hood River Coun ty, Executor of the estate of Hum phrey Push, deceased, and having qualified, notice is hereby given to the creditors of, and all persons hav ing claims against said deceased, to present thorn, verified as required by law, within six months after the date of this notice, which said date will be the date of the first publication of the same, to said Executor at the otfice of L. A. & A. P. Reed, his attorneys, at No. 190 Second Street in the City of Hood River, Hood River County, Ore gon. TRUMAN BUTLER, as Executor of the estate of Hum phrey Push, Deceased. Dated December 11th. 1912. 50-54 NOTICE OF ELECTION Hood River Irrigation District Notice Is hereby given that an elec tion will 'jo held in the Hood River Irrigation District at Mercer's Store therein on the 2nd Tuesday in January 1913., to-wit: the 14th day of said month, for the purpose of electing the following olllcers for said District for the ensuing two years, to-wit: Aboard of live directors, an asses sor, a collector and a treasurer. Said olllcers to bo elected at large for said district by the qualified electors there of. And notice is further given that the Board of Directors of said district by order, dated the 9th day of November, 1912, has appointed the aforesaid place as the place for holding said election; and further by said order has appoint ed Frank Fenwlck, Jack Hicks, and A. O. Anderson Judges of said election. The polls will be opened at one hour after sunrise on the morning of said day and will be kept open until sunset when the same will be closed. Dated and first posted this 19th day of December, 1912. R. W. KELLY, 52-64 Secretary. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Hood River County. In the matter of the estate of Jessie Grace Woo J worth, deceased. The undersigned having been ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Hood River Coun ty, Administrator of the estate of Jessie Grace Wood w orth, deceased, and having qualified, notice is hereby given to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against said deceased, to present them, verified as required by law, within six months after the date of this notice which said date will be the date of the first publication of the same to said Ad ministrator at the office of L. A. & A. P. Reed, his attorneys, at No. 190 Second Street in the City of Hood River, Hood River County, Oregon. ROY N. WOODWORTH, As Administrator of the estate of Jes sie Grace Woodworth, deceased. Dated January 8th, 1913. 2-6 Sugar Notice these quotations on DEL MONTE SOLID PACK TOMATO 2 Cant for 25c Dozen , $1-30 Case .' $2.50 Standard Tomatoes, can 10c Fancy Maine Corn, dozen $1.60 Case 3.10 Standard Corn, 3 for 25c Case $1.95 String Beans, 2 for 25c Dozen $1-25 Case $2.40 Canned Peaches, dozen $1.75 Dont' forget our $3.50 Canned Milk. Remember We Deliver Orders of a Reasonable Size E. E. KAESSER'S CASH STORE An Appeal to Common Sense Will prove that honest values are much more satisfactory than exaggerated val ue claims. You will be wise and do well to come here, where honest prices are quoted and common sense price asked T.J. KINNAIRD Cor. 2nd and Oak Sts. I TT TV 1 i over 1 riea a... Red Cough Cough Plaster- Used in conjunction with our K. C. Mentholat ed 'White Tine and Tar it is very effective. They make an excellent combination for breaking up coughs and colds. We have all the seasonable household remedies and medicines. Let us supply your wants. We yi2f TRADING giv U, STAMPS Keir &. Cass Pcltabtc "Druggists SMITH BLOCK HOOD UIVER NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Hood River County, Oregon. In the matter of the estate of K zlah S. Walton, deceased. Notice is hereby given in compli ance with law that the undersigned have been appointed Executors of the Will of Kezlah S. Walton, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present the same, duly verified as required by law, to the undersigned at the office of George R. Wilbur, Esq., 14 and 15 Hall block, Hood River, Oregon, with in six months from the date hereof, to-wit. January 8, 1913. WALTER H. WALTON. TRUMAN BUTLER, 2-6 Executors. "I understand you have Just bought an automobile?" "Yes. I saw seven of them chasing one pedestrian the other day, and I de cided that I was on the wrong end of the sport." Don't sprinkle salt on the tail of temptation. Wire Wound Continuous Stave WOOD STAVE PIPE KELLY BROS., Agents 4th St. Bet. Oak and State Phone 227-M Hood River, Ore. T. 1. TWEEDY Mutual Insurance at 60 Per Cent of Old Line Kate. Fire Inauranee on Huildina-a in Course of Construction, Free. NOTARY PUBLIC OH THS HEIGHTS $6.00 new crop Canned Goods: Phone 78 i Dr. M. A. Jones DUNT1ST t ormerly of Hood River, Is now located at 243 1-2 W anning ton St., Portlanp, Ore. .M. S. DK.NTAl. COMPANY