The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, December 11, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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Lime and Spray Kelly Bros., phone
Charles F. Batchelder of Boston
visited his father here last week.
Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Accordions,
Harps, etc. at Waggener's Music
If you want iunurance lu compiinles
that pay lownen promptly and lu full,
tall on A. W. Onthank. "
Mrs. H. E. Newton of Seattle and
Mrs. M. A. Shockley of Portland
were here to attend the Shockley-
Simmons wedding.
Mrs. W. C. Brown of Lakewood, N.
J., who has been spending several
weeks with Mrs. W. K. Starrett, re
turned East last week.
Mrs. J. B. Welch and daughter of
Mt. Hood were recent guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Gerdes. Mrs. Welch has left
to Epeud the winter in Eureka, Calif.
A. B. Billings and wife of the Upper
Valley spent Thanksgiving with her
son, E. V. Gribble, at Cascade Locks
and the latter returned with them
for a visit.
Keed and Henderson recently made
the sale of W. C. Trigg's remaining
25 acres to Hans L. Kasmussen. Mr.
Trigg will return to his home in Ken
tucky on account of poor health.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kies. who were
former residents of the Upper Valley
and who moved to Eugene after sell
ing their place, have returned and ex
pect to make their home in the city.
A Christinas social and bazaar will
be given by the Ladies' Aid of the Val
ley Christian church next Friday, at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. McCabe in
Jericho Lane. A good time to select
your Christmas presents. Refresh
ments 15 cents.
A new orchestra comprising some
of the well known musicians of the
valley has been organized and will be
known as the "('handler Orchestra."
Its members include William Chand
ler, Hans Hoerleiu, E. A. Kincaid and
Arthur Clarke. The orchestra has se.
cured a large repertoire of the latest
dance music, and has already received
many orders for the approaching so
cial season. All are talented and ex
perienced musicians.
!HJi Reed & Henderson, Inc.
Fire, Accident, Life, Automobile, Plate Glass,
Burglary, Employer's Liability, including
Also Judicial, Official
Resident Agent for: U. S.
Northern Assurance U)., 01 ixmaon
Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd., of London
Hanover Fire Insurance Co. of New York
Telican Assurance Co. of New York
Rcat Ejlale Loans
James Hunt underwent a serious
operation at the local hospital Monday.
A son was born Thursday to Mr. and
Mrs. Henry F. Smith of the Barrett
R. H. Coshow underwent a serious
operation at the local hospital Mon
day evening.
Mrs. James Waggener, Jr., of St.
Johns spent the week end with her
husband here.
J. R. Nickelsen left Sunday for Cor-
vailis, where he will take the poultry
short course at the O. A. C.
H. L. Rasniussen of the Oak Grove
district leaves Monday to spend the
winter at Gold Hill, Oregon.
E. W. Birge and wife leave Wednes
day to spend the winter in New York
They will return by way of Southern
The Kensington of the Ladies' Aid
of the United Brethern church will
meet with Mrs. George Partis Friday
afternoon. All are cordially invited.
J. M. Culbertson has moved his of
fice this week from the basement of
the Eliot building to the corner of
Third and Oak street, having office
room with the Boneboro Orchard Com
pany. Rev. E. T. Simpson of St. Mark's,
with his Bon Rodger, are attending
the farmers' week at Corvallis this
week and are also visiting their many
friends in that city, where Mr. Simp
son and family lived at one time.
Among those who have left recent
ly for distant points have b-.-en the
following: A. W. Halverson for Val
ley City, X. D., Rudolf Jensen for In
ison, Iowa, Fred Gesell for Connors
vilie, Ind.
Messrs. Gilbert and Clarke added
another to their theatrical successes in
their skit at the Electric last we k for
he benefit of the library fund, sorn" of
their local jokes being especially ap
predated. Little Leslie Maguire has
also distinguished himself as a vocal
Money to Loan
Amounts $500 to $1500. First class
real estate security. Will also buy
mortgages for like amounts.
and Indemnify Bonds
Fidelity & Guaranty Co.
McKibbin Furs
Down Comforts
Fine Wool Blankets
Dents' Cape Gloves
Silk Hosiery
Holeproof Hose
Shopping Bags
Manicure Sets
Linen Handkerchiefs
LaVogue Cloaks
Hundreds of Other Gifts Just as Desirable
W. H. Rodenheiser of the Upper Val
the last of the week.
A fine assortment of Music Rolls at
Waggener's Music House.
Mrs. Floyd Arnold returned today
from a visit to her parents at Win
lock, Wash.
Mrs. P. Schrader returned from a
visit with her parents in Portland th
last of the week.
Mrs. C. A. Plath and daughter Cor
inne have been spending the past
week in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Moseley and D. F.
Moseley left the last of the week for
Xorman, Oklahoma.
W. C. Smullin of Mt. Hood, who is
working near Gresham during the win
der, has been spending a few days
John W. Weaver, who is working In
Portland, has been spending a few
days here storing his household goods
in town.
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Batten left Mon
day for Portland, Mr. Batten having
an exhibit of fancy fowls at the poul
try show being held there this week,
r, II suo Ha atta k vcs shretaoln
What could give you or your family
more pleasure than a victor, Edison
or Columbia and a few records for
Christmas? See Waggener's Music
House about it right away. Price same
everywhere. Trade at home.
Riverside church held Its annual
David Currier, Jr., left Saturday for
Portland. From there he went to New
York City, where he has accepted a
position on an engineering project. He
will visit friends in Cincinnati enroute
East. Mr. Currier expects to return
about the middle of next summer,
meeting last Thursday evening at
Ahich there was a large attendance.
Reports of the various officers and so
cieties showed a good year's work and
plans were laid for a more varied ac
tivity than ever next year. The fol
lowing officers were elected: trustees,
C. T. Roberts and C. K. Marshall;
.Sunday Srhool superintendent, W. H.
McClain; Deacon, H. L. Howe; Dea
coness, Mrs' V. C. Brock; treasurer,
V. C. Brock; clerk, I. R. Acheson;
Chief usher, R. R. Bartlett.
Teachers' Examination
Xotice is hereby given that the
County Superintendent of Hood River
County will hold the regular exami
nation for applicants for state papers
at the High School In Hood River as
Commencing Wednesday, Dec. 18,
i:12, at 9 o'clock A. M. and continuing
until Saturday, Dec. 21, at 4 P. M.
Wednesday A. M., Writing. U. S.
History, Physiology; P. M. Physical
Geography, Reading, Composition,
Methods In Reading, Methods In Arlt
metic. Thursday A. M., Arithmetic, His
tory of Education, Psychology, Meth
ods In Geography; P. .M., Grammar,
Geography, American Literature,
Physics, Methods In Language, Thesis
for Primary Certificate.
Friday A. M., Theory and Practice,
Orthography, English Literature; P.
M., School Iaw, Botany, Algebra, Civil
Saturday A. M., Geometry, Geol
ogy; P. M., General History, Book
keeping. L. It. ALDER MAX,
Superintendent of Public Instruction.
4 CO
Record Cabinets at Waggener's Mu
sic House.
11. C. Peters and Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
Peters left Saturday for Cincinnati,,
where they will spend the winter.
Get a bunch of Edison Wax Records
while they are cheap. Four-minute
attachments for sale at Waggener's
Music House.
On Saturday afternoon and evening
December 14, at the Grange Hall, Van
Horn, there will be a sale of articles
suitable for Christmas. A chicken pie
supper will be served from five till
seven. Adults 35 cents. Children 25.
Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Oliver and son
Edward of Walla Walla spent Monday
and Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. R. G.
Yowell. They re on their way to Port
land to spend the holidays.
Captain Treiber reports that the fish
are hatching rapidly at the Underwood
hatchery anu that it Is a sight worth
seeing. He has arranged to carry pas
engers to the hatchery for the next
four weeks at the same rate for which
he now carries them to Underwood.
George P. Hitchcock gave an elab
orate dinner to a few of his friends the
last of the week at the Hotel Oregon.
Those present Included Captain and
Mrs. McCan, Phillip Carroll, Banks
Mortimer, Miss Lenore Adams, Mrs. J.
H. Sutthof, Miss Constance Hender
son, R. VV. Kelly and Mr. Osgood.
An interesting program has been ar
ranged for the meeting of the Wo
man's Club to be held next Wednes
day, December 18. Mrs. W. F. Laraway
will preside. Mrs. W. W. Rodwell will
give a talk on the Hawaiian Islands
and Mrs. Edmund Trew Simpson on
the Philippines. Miss Lelia Radford
will give a violin selection.
Just as we expected, Wilson was
elected, the town went dry and Wo
man's suffrage carried and now indig
nation meetings are being held all ov
er the valley by the bed bugs because
Mr. Bartmess will persist In selling
Iron Beds.Vermin Proof Springs and
Seeley mattresses that are not tufted.
There is absolutely no chance for an
Industrious bug to make an honest
Do not wait. Photos make
deal Christmas gifts. And re
membor we mutt have time to
do you first class work. Make
your appointment now at
The Deitz Studio
Read the Xews It tells it all.
Sweater Coats
Men's Bath Robes
Smoking Jackets
Silk Mufflers
New Overcoats
Men's Pajamas
Fancy Vests
Silk Umbrellas
Warm House Slippers
Fine Neckwear
Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Moody of the Up
per Valley spent the week end in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Sieg were vis
itors in Seattle the last of the week.
W. M. McConnell, now of Spokane
and formerly of this city, was a visit
or the last of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Lenx of Odell en
tertained a few of their friends with
refreshments, music and dancing the
last of the -week.
Guy Y. Edwards and family went
to Portland Saturday. Mr. Edwards
will remain for several weeks to un
dergo medical treatment.
Have insalled an up-to-date picture
Heights, Ilia Pine st. See my line of
framing machine in my shop on the
samples. A. B. Cash, Phone 285-X.
G. M. Uptegrove of the Upper Valley
and his sister Mrs. C. W. Holmes, left
the last of the week to spend the wtn
ter in New York. They went by
the Southern route.
Mrs. Mason has arrived from New
York to spend the winter with her son
at the U. C. M. ranch.
Dr. E. D. Kanaga, W. B. Allen and
Attorney E. C. Smith have been spend
ing several days goose hunting in
Eastern Oregon. They had fair suc
cess and a splendid outing.
An embroidery club was organized
recently at the home of Mrs. Arthur
Howell. They met Wednesday at th.
home of Mrs. Lawrence Driscoll. The
ladies are all congenial and intend to
organize a permanent club to meet
every two weeks.
The entertainment given by the
Pythian Sisters last week was a suc
cess in every way. There were about
175 present. Sixty-eight gentlemen
were measured as to helghth, each
paying five cents per foot up to five
feet and a cent per inch thereafter,
netting a neat little sum. A short
program was rendered, consisting of
four numbers: A piano selection by
Mrs. Dumble, comic reading, by Mrs.
bynn, a recitation entitled "Kentucky
Philosophy" by Merle Frederick Is de
serving of special mention. Closing
the program was a piano duet by Mrs.
Kern and Miss Stella Brace, after
which a fine luncheon was served.
One of the most successful bazaars
ever held In this city was that of the
Indies' Aid of the Unitarian church
last week. The goods offered for sale
were of extra high quality and found
ready purchase. The ladies report
that they cleared about $235. A
splendid gift was given them by Ed
war dlltll, the local artist, who donat
ed them a beautiful picture valued at
$75 which will also be sold.
Among those who have already ac
cepted invitations to attend the anni
versary services at St. Marks church
next Wednesday In honor of the fifth
anniversary of the consecration of Rt.
Rev. Robert L .Paddock, D. D., Bishop
of Eastern Oregon, are the following:
Bishop and Mrs. Scaddlng of Portland,
the venerable Archdeacon Chambers
of Portland, Rev. and Mrs. Qulnney of
Pendleton, and Rev. and Mrs. Warren
of The Dalles.
Come and shake a leg at that mid
winter dance, Saturday, December 14,
at Mt. Hood Hall. Music by Arena
Mrs. W. F. Shannon of Dee has been
spending a few days in town this
Miss Louise Jam me has taken a
position with the Associated Charities
in Portland.
Miss M. Garslde has arrived from
Brooklyn to spend the winter at the
U. C. M. ranch in the Upper Valley.
Charles Steinhauser left the last of
the week for New Y'ork. He made
the trip by the way of the Panama
Miss Pearl Hoover of Wabash, Ind.,
arrived the last of the week to spend
the winter with her cousin In the
Upper Valley.
Addison Bennett, veteran special
writer for the Oregonian, was here the
last of the week, a guest at the Mt.
Hood Hotel, gathering material for
special stories.
Among the Upper Valley visitors in
the city over the week end were Mark
Weygandt, the veteran guide and
mountain climber, H. H. Tomlinson, C.
C. Sparks and W. E. Jones.
M. D. Jenks and family, who have
made their home at Oak Grove for
the past couple of years, left Saturday
for Brownsville, Ore., where they will
locate. They will first visit his par
ents at Vancouver, Wash.
J. J. Knapp and daughter Miss Fern
left yesterday for Cleveland, O. They
will visit there and at Mr. Knapp's ror
mer home in Michigan. After three
atonths they will return to Hood Riv.r
by way of Southern California.
Mr. and Mrs. John Otten expect to
leave today for Southern California.
They will travel from San Francisco
as far south as San Diego, but will
spend most of the winter at Los An
geles, returning about April 1. Mr.
and Mrs. F. P. Friday of Odell will oo
cupy their home ourlng their absence.
up their joyous annual greeting. If
the holiday spirit has not yet captur
ed you, come and look at our display
of exceptionally attractive 5, 10 and 15
cent goods.
We are making a specialty of holiday
Booklets and Post Cards
One sight of the values here for
so little money will inspire you with
the good feeling belonging to the sea
son. You will be glad to find that
your money will go farther than you
expected. For we have a splendid
variety and assortment of the dainti
est, prettiest and most atractive cards.
You can remember every friend with
a Christmas greeting and every gift
should contain one of these beautiful
Come and see them.
THE 5, 10 and 15 GENT STORE
Meilbronner BWg., 3rd and Csscsde
Some Wag.
Proud Father In the sweet garden
of mir home. sir. my daughter la
blushing rosebud. Waggish Visitor
And you. of course, are the poppy.
Rultliuore American.
Hittorio Pnarsalia.
It was on his way to the battlefield
of Pharsalla that Cnesnr uttered the
famous saying to the fishermen. lie
had come down to Brlndlsl to cross to
Dyrrachium and, finding no galley,
commanded the owner of a small sail
ing boat to pnt him across the Adri
atic. On the voyage a violent storm
occured, and even the experienced
mariners were terrified. But the great
captain said: "nave no fear. Yon car
ry Caesar and his fortunes."
Xmas Candies
Just jarrived, all new and
fresh. Come and see them.
New Oranges, Dates, Fjgs,
Perigo & Son
J. C. Johnsen
Home of
Where the Best
Values ComeFrom