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About The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1912)
THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 11, 1912 THE HOOD RIVER NEWS rt'BUUUID ItliNHUlT MoaNlNGa IT MOOD RIVER NEWS COMPANY, Inc Hood Kiveb. Oaaoo R. B. BENNETT Editob U . BENNETT. BcaiNSsa Subscription, $1.50 a Year in Advance KnUrad u aecond-claaa matter. Frh. 10. 1909. t Ux past afflc at Hood Rim. Oreroa. under tbm Act of March a. NORTHWEST'S OPPORTUNITY An opportuity full of possibilities for the apple grower of the North went will present itself at the confer ence to be held at Spokane next Mon day. As announced In another col umn, an effort is to be made at that time to perfect a working agreement between the box apple districts of the Northwest with a view to marketing the fruit more economically, with less competition between sections, and with a unity which would give tremen dously increased strength iu the mar kets of the world. It is believed that representatives of all the local shipping organizations w ill be present at this meeting and so far as their sentiments are known they will be in favor of some such an agreement. Hood River as one of the largest districts must take a leading part in this effort and all districts must forget as far as possible the local jealousies and suspicions which might otherwise render futile the ef fort which .a now being made to sub stitute a mutually helpful cooperation for a competition which is every year becoming more disastrous to the in terests of the individual districts. Inasmuch as the plan does not con template that any section or organi zation should sacrifice either its iden tity or its independence it is to be hoped that a spirit will prevail at the coming meeting which will result in a harmonious marketing agreement between the apple-producing districts of the Northwest. THE CLUB'S NEW FUNCTIONS With the closing of another year's work by the Commercial Club atten tion cannot fail but be drawn to the changed functions which the club is now called upon to perform. These new functions have come with the change in conditions during the past year. At the time the club was organized . and for the past several years the call of the West was strong. Thousands of colonists were being drawn to the North weBt and Hood River was seek ing to secure her share of these new comers in order to insure the settling of the valley and the development of wonderful resources. In giving wide publicity to the resources, natural at tractions and financial opportunities of this favored section, the club per formed a function the value of which to the community was recognized by all and the support which was given the club was practically unanimous. This was as it should be, but with the rapid settling of the valley and the great influx of new citizens the club now faces new responsibilities which, although not so readily recog nized, are hardly less Important. The club can no longer be a promo tion bureau for real estate men, at least-not to such an extent as it has been in the past, but it can serve as the civic center of the community, as the agency through which plans for the development of the city and valley can be carried out most effectively In this capacity it deserves the sup port of all public-spirited citizens for ' its functions, although new, are no less Important to the full and contin ued development of the community along the proper lines. BRIGHT PROSPECTS AHEAD As the present year is drawing to a close and as attention is being turned to the coming season, it promises to be the most fruitful one in the history of Hood River. Certainly it will be one which will see the greatest ad vance in the way of civic improve ment. Close to $100,000 is to be ex pended in the construction of the new- water system; thousands of dollars will be spent for fhe paving of the city streets and these two items alone, aside from bringing vastly improved conditions, will put tens of thousands of dollars into circulation and busi ness conditions are bound to benefit In proportion. The apple market, which was demor alized earlier in the season by the dumping of large quantities of infer ior fruit onto the market, is now showing signs of strengthening and Hood River fruit, always at a pre mium, will bring good returns. In addition, the possible completion of the Hood Riverl'ortland road is one of the greatest projects which react to the benefit of both city and valley. The new year holds much In store for Hood River and the feeling of opti mism which pervades the community gives bright promise of continued pro gress and prosperity. A YEAR OF PROGRESS With the dedication of the new Methodist churc h Hood ICiw r adds an other to her growing number of sub stantial, modern and architecturally attractive buildings. The present year has seen a number of such buildings completed and they have marked the continued growth and prosperity of the city. In addition to the Hell Ruilding. which was completed early iu the sea son of 1912, the Imposing Congrega tional church was finished and the handsome new building now being constructed by the Home Telephone Company is rapidly approaching com pletion. Three of these buildings stand on State street and the improve ment in the appearance of that thor oughfare in consequence of these ad ditions is noteworthy. In addition to these structures, the present year has seen the erection of several imposing residences, so that the building of homes has kept pace with the growth of the business dis trict. Altogether, it has been a year which has witnessed a most gratifying growth for the city and one which augurs well for the future. INJUNCTION SUIT QUASHED Most welcome news during the past week was the announcement that Cir cuit Judge Bradshaw had quashed the injunction suit brought by the rail road company to stop work on that portion of the Hood River-Portland road In Hood River county. This ef fectually ends the possibility of the railroad holding up for an indefinite period the work on this important undertaking. At the same time Multnomah county is undertaking the necestary prelimi nary work in readiness to improve that end of the road next summer. It is reported that $100,000 has been appropriated for that purpose and it is definitely announced that the pre liminary surveys are being made. The possibility of using county and state convicts on the road next summer in large numbers will insure rapid prog ress and that the opening of the road may be made possible at no very dis tant date is a hope which has the best of chances for realization. TAXPAYER WRITES OF IMPROVEMENTS To the Editor of the News: As a taxpayer and a citizen Interested in the welfare of Hood River I would like to see a public movement behind the incoming city administration in re gard to pushing civic improvements such as paved streets in the business district, more extensive street light ing, an economic installation of the new water system and other works of a public nature. In the minds of many citizens the matter of most urgent consideration at the present time is that of street light ing. First, because additional lights are a necessity at this time of year and second because it is possible for the city to enter into a long time con tract for lighting while we have com peition at a much cheaper rate than would otherwise be the case. As I understand the situation the obstruc tion to securing such a conract is the injunction suit brought by J. F. Hatch elder restraining the council from let ting the public lighting to the Hydro Electric Company at a higher rate than could be- secured from the com peting company, without advertising for bids. This being the case it would seem that the matter could be easily adjused by prevailing on Mr. Batch elder to have the suit dismissed through an agreement of the city coun cil to properly advertise for bids, the lowest bidder to be required to fur nish bond for the faithful performance of the contract. This solution of the matter ought not only to result in se curing more and cheap light but also do away with spending any more of the city's funds in litigation that even if favorable to the city would re sult in its paying more for light than it does now. As to the court order secured by Captain McCann holding up the street paving I am informed that Mr. McCan is not opposed to the paving, but rath er to the half-way measure in which It was proposed to be done. In other words he wanted the pavement to be of approved materials and a contract let for the whole district instead of piecemeal. With proper procedure there is no doubt Mr. McCan will, in this matter as In all others with which he has been identified, show the pro per public spirit and withdraw his suit. I am satisfied- that- the- city council will receive the support of every progressive citizen in closing up these Important public matters and for this reason have directed at tention to them through the columns of the News. PROGRESS. He Advertised at Last There was a man in our town, And he was wondrous wise, He swore (it 'was his policy) He would not advertise. But one sad day he advertised, And thereby hangs a tale, The ad. was set In quite small type And headed ".Sheriff's Sale." Start the new year right by sub scribing to the News. RAILROAD LOSES INJUNCTION SUIT By au order Issued by Circuit Judge Bradshaw the last of the week the temporary Injunction restraining the county from working on the Shell Rock road was removed and a perma nent injunction was denied the rail road company. The order, which blocks the effort of the railroad company to prevent the county from going ahead with the work, was a source of great satisfac tion to the county officials and others interested in the completion of this important piece of road. The court's ruling was made upon a demurrer to the railroad company's amended complaint. This demurrer was sustained and the case ruled out of court. County Judge Castner says that, so far as his knowledge extends, the convicts are still stationed at Shell Rock and work will be resumed at once. WHITE SALMON (From the Enterprise) William Rafter and bride returned Tuesday from their honeymoon trip to California and have begun house keeping in the Herbert Day residence. Earl Coe, who recently went to Minneapolis, was married to Miss Miller, a former classmate, on Nov ember 20. Earl and bride will return in the spring to White Salmon and oc cupy the new bungalow on the young man's property northeast of this place. Village election resulted in the sel ection of the following: A. II. Jewett for mayor, George Purser and J. W. Millsap for members of the council and M. J. Van Vorst treasurer. The vote was as follows: Jewett 99, Miss Torrey 5, J. C. Mclnnis 3. Mr. Jew ett was the nominee of the caucus and the others were not candidates. Purser received 73 votes, Millsap 67, Colburn 48. T. Kelley 33. Van Vorst, with no opposition, received 114 votes. As there was no fight the vote was light. Redshot soil over 100 feet deep is what Boss & Rogers, the well drillers, report of the Dodson place several miles northeast of White Salmon. The farther down they went the redder be came the soil until at a depth of 10S feet water, was struck. It was com monly known that the redshot of all the country to the northeast was deep, but that it goes down to over 100 feet in much of the area is a matter of agreeable surprise. Herbert Day writes from Southern California that Hood River apples are retailing at $2. to $2.50 a box for Jan athans, Spitzenburgs and so-called Oregon Reds. There are markets, he says, down there for the very best fruit, and it might be wise to cultivate it. California grows apples, but not of that quality which appeals to those who know the very best apple grow;n. A White Salmon woman who is en gaged in orcharding recently paid $2.25 for 40 boxes of extra fancy Spitzenburgs to be sent to a Califor nia hotel. Mr. Day says there is a charge of 25c a box by boat from this place; from Portland in carload lots 28c per cw t. or about 14c a box. The average woman's view of dom estic economy is to darn her hus band's socks and buy herself new ones. Australia likes our apples. Braman's Stomach Powder Will afford POSITIVE RELIEF in nearly all cases of Stomach Dis orders occasioned by. Indigestion or Chronic Dyspepsia Also good for Sick Headache and Constipation, Bloating, Belching of Gas, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Ca tarrh of Stomach or intestinal tract and Nervous Dyspepsia Also effective in restoring the stomach to normal tone following excesses of eating or drinking. IT HAS NO EQUAL I or sale at ALL DRUG STORES Wire Wound Continuous Stave WOOD STAVE PIPE KLLLY BROS., Agents 4th St. Bet. Oak and State Phone 227-M Hood River, Ore. M. E. JOHNSON Carpenter and Builder Third and State Sts. Phone Shop 5 I ; Res. 87-L DIVIDED WE FALL & .v . KELLY BROS. MAY AND OATS Rolled Barley, Bran, Shorts nd Straw Phone Fourth Street between Oak and Stmts ROBT. T. NEWHALL Telepboni 277-N Hood River, Oregon REPRESENTING MILTON NURSERY CO. THIRTY-THKKK YEARS OK RELIABLE TREES C. d VAN TRESS Public Stenographer AND Notary Public ELIOT BLOCK Phone 308-L W. J. BAKER Real Estate Loans Insurance APPLE AND STRAWBERRY LAND A SPECIALTY Correspondence Solicited WE FURNISH FRUIT PICKERS AND PACKERS And All Kinds of Employees... NIGUMA & CO. Phone 160 1 4 East Oak Street Hood kiver, Or. COAL! Rock Springs COAL TRANSFER & LIVERY COMPANY Cottage Hospital Hood River's Medical In- stitution. Open to the public for the treatment of Medical and Surgical cases. Rates on applica tion. Address, COTTAGE HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION dent & Garrabrant Confectionery, Cigars Fishing Tackle Spaulding's Sporting Goods All Kinds of Soft Drinks Oak Street, opposite Smith Block. Hood River When you meet a stylish turnout that is in good repair, you may wish to know where the best horse shoeing is to be found. You may need the... Services of a Horseshoer any day, We do that work ex clusively and with the great est skill. Come here when you require our services. Our charges are moderate. SHIVELY & DRISCOLL Phone 63-X UNITED WE STAND J. F. WATT, M. D., Physician and Surgeon Office, Hume Phone SO Ree. SO-B Hood River :: Oregon Dr. M. H. Sharp Tr. Edna li. Sharp DRS. SHARP Osteopathic Physicians Graduate of the American School of Oatoupathy, Klrksville. Mo. Office in fcliot Buiklina; Phone-L'rtice If. Keeitlence 102-B. Hood River. Oregon E. D. KANACA Physician and Surgeon Office in National Bank Building Phone. Office 35 Roe. SS-B Hood River. Oregon H. L. DUMBLE Physician and Surgeon Call promptly answered in town or country, day or mirht. Telephones Rjki en c 611. Mem 615. Ottic in the, broaiua Building. DR. E. O. DUTRO Physician and Surgeon Office in Smith Building Houra 1 to 4 p. m. by appointment phone Tl Hem. Lewia Houae. Odell-Phone Odell 13 Calla promptly answered in country day or night DR. MALCOLM BRONSON Physicians and Surgeons Eliot Block Phone 34 Hood River, Oregon C. H. JENKINS, D. M. 'D. Dentist Office. Hall Building, over Butler Banking Co. Office phone 28. Resilience phone 28-B ' Hood River, Oregon H. Dudley W. Pineo, D. D. S. Dentist Office 4. 6 and 6. Smith Bldg. Office Home phone 131. Reaidence Home 131-B Hood River, Oregon DR. JUSTIN WAUGH Eliot Building EAR, EYE, NOSE AND THROAT M. E. WELCH Licensed Veterinarian Hood River, Oregon JOHN BAKER Attorney at Law Rooms 7-8, Smith Block Office phone lttt-K ii . r; rw Houae phone SS-X iiwu iuvci, vie, STEARNS 8i DERBY Lawyers Fintt National Bank Building Hood River, Oregon Phone 309 Rooma 9-10. Smith Block GEORGE R. WILBUR LAWYER Hood Klver - Oregon ERNEST C. SMITH LAWYER Roomi 14 and 15. Hall Building Hood River. Oretron L. A. & A. P. KEED ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW Two Doora North of Poetofllee Phone 41 Hood River' Oreg-on MURRAY KAY CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR Phonb 32 Brobius Building Hood Rivaa L. A. HENDERSON Surveyor and Civil Engineer Formerly U. S. Land Surveyor Philippine lalanda Two doora north of doM office. Phone 41 P. M. MORSE City Engineer and Surveyor CITY AND COUNTY WORK Heilbronner Building Hond River, Oregon A. C. BUCK Notary Public and Insurance Agent Room 12. Broalua Block Hood River, Oregon C. M. IIURLBURT SURVKYOR Telephone 3342-M R. R. BARTLETT ARCHITECT Heilbronner Building HOOD RIVER, OREGON Phone 1 Oregon Lumber L WHOLESALE and RETAIL LARGE Band Sawed Lumber on Hand WHICH WILL BE SOLO AT REASONABLE FIGURES CEDAR POSTS CEDAR SHIP LAP and SHINGLES Estimates Furnished. Call on Either Phone DEC, OREGON Hood River Banking & Trust Co. . Extends a cordial invitation to you, personally to call and open a checking account. Any amount will open an account in our savings department. We pay 3 per cent interest, compounded semi-annually. We promise the best of service and satisfaction. M. M. Hill, W. W. Remington, R.W.Pratt, President, Vice President, Cashier C. H. Stranahan, Wilson Fike Capital $100,000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK HOOD RIVER, OREGON FASHION Livery, Feed wk VI) Stank?- Wholesale and y Retail Lumber. C4-1 Lath, Shingles vJlilUD Etc. Lumber delivered to F limhrV anypartof the UmVZT GIc arc now taking orders for Hpplc Boxes StcrnCey-Smitl'i um6ei Co. )(ccfi Hirer, Oregon Pftena 134 STOCK OF Surplus $30,000 WE DRAW ATTENTION to the character of this Institu tion. The officers and directors are men whose standing is a guarantee that the affairs of the First National Savings Dept. are ably managed. Its financial sol lidity is assured by the charac ter of its Investments of the de positors' savings. We suggest that it would be well for you to have an account there. STABLES and Draying STRANAHANS & RATHBUN HUOO RIVER, OREGON I Iorses bought, sold or ex changed. Pleasure parties can secure first class rigs. Sbecial attention given to moving fur niture and pianos. We do everything horses can do. 3