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About The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1912)
THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER II. 1912 3 I Qorrcepondcncc i ODELL The JupuiieHH, Iwatsukl, whose ukull was fractured in a runaway at his place near Udell, U doing remarkably well. Our resident doctor attended him. The case w as very serious as 20 or 30" small pieces of bone were re moved, but it now seems certain that he will recover. Mr. and Mrs. lloyt and sons have re turned to Hood River City for the winter. Mr. Hoyt is the efficient in spector at the Union warehouse here. Mr. and Mrs. Friday will occupy the Otten house in Hood River during the winter while Mr. and Mrs. Otten ere in Southern California. Saturday waB moving day. Mr. Purdy moved Into the house recently purchased from Mr. Folts so as to be settled before the Christmas rush at the store. Mr. and Mrs. Folts moved Into their new home, though It is still unfinished. Miss Bell is staying with her sister at Duke's Valley and Miss Reed Is at the doctor's until Sunday evening. Rev. Carson will preach at the M. E. Church at 11 a. m. next Sunday and there will be special music. The Sun day School, which was dared by Mr. Knapp to attain to the 100 mark, did that and 5 better. The attendance was 105. Mrs. L. A. E. Clark is their effi cient superintendent. Dr. McKee preached at the Union Church and received two Baptists by letter from the Heights Church. He also preached at night. A telegram Sunday night to Harry Connoway said that his mother at San Francisco is steadily failing. She had taken pneumonia and her condition is such that Mr. Counaway may leave at any time to go to her unless she rall ies. M. D. Odell will lead the Christian Endeavor meeting next Sunday. Come and help him as he is going ou his va cation soon, tiring the song books. A get-together meeting will be held this (Wednesday) evening at Will Kemp's. The subject la "Peace."- The ParentB' and Teachers' Circle will meet next Friday at 2:30 p. m. at the schoolhouse. Please come, all those who are interested, men and wo men, to the Union Church Friday a. m with your dinner and help prepare for Christmas by fixing the horse racks, and cleaning up. A good time is as sured all day. Both churches will have "doings" on the Christmas holidays, but on differ ent nights to be announced next week. A Christmas Bazaar will be held (Wednesday) afternoon at three and continue through this evening at the Odd Fellows Hall. Hot supper will be served at five by the M. K. Ladies' Aid. It is announced that, an Informal re ception will bo held at the library rooms Friday evening to mark the opening of the Odell Publio Library, ff you have magazines or books to do nate to our branch, bring them for everybody's use. MIbs Northey will l here. Light refreshments will be served. I. N. Williams has come to make his home with his father-in-law, Dr. Dutro. In answer to Inquiries we HtaU.ou authority that the Union chuVch has neither disbanded or federated. A f.-w of its prominent membeers have uiit ed with five former BaptistB from Lie Heights church In a federation In sup port of Rev. J. R. Hargnaves as preacher. Services next Sunday at 8 o'clock. Sunday School at 10:30 a. m. Endeavor 7 p. m. Special music. Virginia Dutro and Laura Foils con tended fcr the Frani biscuit pria ard Laura almost got it. Try again girls. ChaB. Davis has gone to California and other members of the family ex pect to Join him there Boon. Mr. Chapman has returned frcm Sa attle and 1b superintending clearing on the Sherrard and Chapman ranch near Neal Creek. He has a force of four Japanese and R. R. Lewis Is running the grubbing machine with his teeam and C. Knapp is plowing with J. M. Shelley's team. Good weather for the work. Mrs. S. Talmage writes from Sandy that Mrs. Blanche Shelley was the first woman to cast her vote in Sandy and Mrs. Talmage was the second. The women elected one of the council men. Liquor was the issue at Sandy Mr. and Mrs. Sherman have gone to California. UNDERWOOD Underwood The Union Chapel Association in vites all its members and friends to hear Rev. Edward A. Harris of River side church, Hood River, preach next Sunday, December 15, at three p. m The Franz store has recently Inaug urated delivery service to the dam. Many teams have been added to those drawing supplies to the dam and the barns are now full. A force of mpn is now employed unloading the heavy machinery Including dynamos, water motors and the like. The hutching season is now on at the local hatchery and thousands of fry are making their appearance every day." Captain Treiber is carrying many passengers from across the river and has made arrangements to do this for the same fare charged for the trip across the river. Twohy Brothers, contractors, hav ing completed the fill for the railroad here, have moved to Cooks, where they are to make another large fill. Wanted Men nnd women to lenrn wntchtnnklnK nnil enjjni vlnjf, few tnontliM only learning. Practical work from start. PohUIoiih secured for Kri'lu"teH. Practical trade not overdone. Write for particulars. Watchmaking School, 210 (ilohe Building, Portland, Ore. 4-!tfe Apple market 1b Improving. LANDSCAPE ARTIST WILL PLAN HIGHWAY Acting on a suggestion contained In a letter received from L. J. Goldsmith, secretary of the Taxpayers' League, the county commissioners of Multno mah county have notified Samuel C. Lancaster, scenic road builder, that they might find It necessary to call for his services In connection with the construction of the proposed Hood River road. Mr. Goldsmith strongly recommend ed Mr. Lancaster as a consulting engi neer, and said his services as such could be secured at the rate of $100 for each mile of road built under his supervision. Following the receipt of the Gold Smith communication, Philo Hol brook, county surveyor, and 11. B. Chapman, road supervisor, held a con ference with the commissioners, and said they favored the employment of Mr. Lancaster later, but did not need the services of an expert at this time, due to the fact that only the prelimin ary surveys for he proposed road are being made at present, br ook, Ch aps ai xzvb fflxvc se CENTRAL VALE Elmer Areson was a Portland visit or last week. Walter Nlehans went to Hood River Friday to attend the basketball game. Charlie Jensen came from Pine Grove Sunday to visit his sister, Mrs. Paul Hansen. Mr. Niehans went to Hood River Monday. " Of the 15 in fttendance at the M. E. Sunday School In Odell Sunday, 24 were from this neighborhood. Walter Niehans went to see the dam at Underwood Sunday. Miss Zena Miller returned Sunday from a week end visit with her parents in Pine Grove. There will be two weeks' vacation at Christmas time this year. J. S. Lester ard ian.ily spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lebter o' Pine Grove and celebrated J. D. Les ter's 34th birthday. Option Expiring -I have an option on some exceedingly valuable real proper ty which yields a constant and large income, fully protected. I cannot hold it because of lack of cash. If anyone will furnish reasonable sum, will share profits. Thorough investigation per mitted. An absolutely safe invest ment or I wouldn't be In it myself. Address at once "B" care News office. ltc "Good morning, Mrs. McCarty!" said Mrs. Ryan, as the friends met at the market."How's all the folks get tig along?" "They be all doing well," replied Mrs. McCarty, "except me old man. He's been enjoying poor health for some time, but this mornin' he com plained of feeling better." BELMONT Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey of Belmont were guests at the Shipley home In Underwood last Sunday. Mrs. Ram sey tells us that Mr. Shipley's have built them a beautiful bungalow whose hospitable doors are ever open to re ceive their many Hood River friends. Mr. Isbell and George Gallaway have finished packing apples for this season. Sum Eby has made decided improve ments on his ranch. He has built a novel little log potato house and a new chicken house and park. Mr. Nunamaker did not make the trip he planned to make last week but went Tuesday of this week. Quite a number of the Belmont peo ple attended the dedicatory services of the new Methodist church in Hood River Sunday. Miss Lula Rakestraw, a former stu dent of the Frankton school and teaching over In Washington, spent Sunday at the Stout home. Mr. and Mrs. Kettering shipped their household goods to Portland the first of the week where they intend to make their future home. They will be missed most by those who knew them best. W. M. McConnell and wife from Spokane dined at the hospitable board of Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey last Friday. The music club met at the home of Mrs. Dr. Post Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Winter were callers at the Ramsey home Saturday. F. Massee was a visitor at the Gallaway home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kettering spent the evening at George Callaway's Friday evening. Dressmaking Elizabeth Ware plans on being in the city from December 22 to January 5. She will help or do sewing for you In your home. Write her at 765 Oak street, Eugene, Ore. 47-50c Christian and Missionary Alliance Sunday School at 9:45, H. C. Dietz, superintendent. Preaching at 11 a. m. Young People's Meeting at 7:15 p. m. Evangelistic service at 8 p. m . Prayer meeting Thursday eveuing at 7:45. These are all gospel meetings. Our motto: "Jesus Only." All are cord ially Invited. W. P. KIRK, pastor. Regular Sunday excursion to Park dale. Pleasant tflp for yourself and friends. Notice of Dissolution Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between T. J. Kinnaird and Fred Y. Larwood un der the firm name and style of Kin naird & Larwood, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, T. J. Kinnaird continuing the business, pay ing all bills and collecting all accounts due the firm, and assuming its liabili ties. Dated this 10th day of December, 1912. T. J. KINNAIRD, FRKD Y. LARWOOD 50-52C PRACTICAL PRESENTS SUITABLE FOR ALL SIZES AND AGES Are Here at Reasonable Prices In no instance have we advanced the price. In many instances we have reduced the price. Christmas Boxes, 5c to 25c, Free with Purchases' of Mexican Handmade Lace and Drawn Work, Handkerchiefs, Collars, Center Pieces, Scarfs, Doilies, Etc., are most acceptable and useful gifts and surprisingly low in Price HERE. , I I ' Suit Cases Baps Hand Bags Purses Bead Bags Silver Mesh Bags $1.75 to $15 $3.50 u, $13.50 75c to $10.00 25c to $1.50 75c to $5.50 75c to $5.00 ocuris, iNecKWCUi, out iiu&u, rviu, oui uuu tvuui vjnuvtrs, ou&peuuexfc, ouuus, ouctv, 111- V fants' Hoods, Bootees, Mittens, Socks, Gowns, Coats, Sweaters, Knit Rompers, Moccasins m i it 111 Table Linen Table Sets Fancy Towels Napkins Ladies Waists Umbrellas Barret tes Bar Pins 50c to $3 yd. $3.50 to $25 25c to $1.50 $to$7dz 75c to $7.50 $1.00 to $6.50 10c to $1.50 35c to $1.50 Our Handkerchief Stock was never more complete, ranging in price from 3c to $3.00 each. Ladies' Plain Linen, 5c to 50c. Embroidered Linen, 25c to $1.00. Linen Lace Handkerchiefs 75c to $3.00. Silk 25c to 75c. Ladies' Dainty Linen Weave Initial Handkerchief, G in box, Special 75c, or each I5c ......... BBA gg m ECANT LE w m m mm am A large supply of CHRISTMAS GOODS has just arrived from Japan. Now is a good opportunity to purchase Ghristmas Presentf Beautiful Sets, Dishes, Flower Vaces Artistic Articles, Toys, Etc. Our store is too small to accommodate all, so we have just opened another new store in the southeast corner of the...' Bell 'Building Japanese Dry Goods Store C. NIGUHA COMPANY, 14 Oak St. P1 IE Try the New WHITE R IVER FLOUR Made from Oregon's Finest Wheat by Oregon's Finest Mill In compliance with the pure food Lawa XThcrcforc not bleached for color, but made To Sait the Taste Hades Better, icjfiter Bread" JVow at your Grocers Some one asked a Kentucky Colonel If there was any cure for a nake bite exeet whiskey. "Who fares whether there U or not?" awked the colonel. S. El. BARTMESS Funeral Director and Practical Embalmer KSTAIU.ISIIKI) U YKAKS MOOD RIVER, OREGON The Idle always have half a mi ml to do ooniethitiK. 1