2 THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1912 MAN'S ARTERIES. And Seme f the Causae That Tand Maka Tham Harden. "A uibd U at old aa hla arteries" la a common saying among physicians, which baa coma to b taken up by their patients. lr. Herbert C. Clapp of llohtou In tha New York Medical Record cornea forward with an article declaring that worry ta a common r a une of arteriosclerosis, the harden ing of the arteries la not Infrequently considered aa one of the customary and proper accompaniments of a ripe old age socnetlmea even of middle life it la not universally eo, and that even at fourscore years, aa proved by autopsies, tbe arteriea have been found to be perfectly Bound. He cites the case of the champion old man, Thomas Parr of England, who died at tbe advanced age of 152 and whose arter ies were found by Harvey who dis covered tbe circulation of the blood on examination after death to be per fectly sound Dr Clapp says that within certain limits tbe arteries do not harden be cause they are old. but are old because they are diseased. Among causes for arteriosclerosis he gives overeating, ex cessive muscular strain and excessive brain work. Worry produces func tional disturbances and undue blood pressure. This brinirs with It arterio sclerosis He holds that most wor ries are Indulged In without an ade quate reason, therefore, and cites the following quotation: "1 am an old man and bare bad many troubles, but most of them never happened." Do Your CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Early This Store is Headquarters for Christmas Supplies JEWELRY WE HAVE A SPLENDID LINE of jewelry, consisting of breastpins, bar pins, beauty pins, emblem pins for the different orders Rebekahs, Odd Fellows, Woodmen, Artisans ami oth ers, nher thimbles, bracelets, rings, hat pins, cuff bin tons of all kinds, stick pins, watch thains and watch fobs and many other unifies in this line that will make wry appropriate gifts. BEADS POPPING CORN. Why tha Haat Literally Turn tha Grain Inaid Out. A grain of popcorn Is filled with tightly packed starch grains. The in terior of tbe grain Is divided into a large number of cells, each of which may be likened to a tiny box, the falls whereof are sufficiently strong to with stand considerable pressure from with in. Upon the application of heat the moisture present In each little box Is converted into steam that finally es capes by explosion. To obtain a satisfactory popping there Is required a very high degree of beat This causes the greater part of the cells to explode simultaneously. The grain of corn then literally turns Inside out and Is transformed Into a 'relatively large mass of snow white starch. If com be old and dry It will not pop satisfactorily. A few cells near the center of the grain may burst, but the general result will be unsatis factory. At the base of the kernels, where they are attached to the cob, tbe cells appear to be driest, aud it has been observed that these cells are seldom broken in tbe popping. Practically all tbe popcorn raised for market in this country comes from New England. Great quantities of it are popped, buttered and packed for aale all over the United States. Harper's Weekly. An Offer Declined. Dr. Portal, the favorite medical at tendant of Louis XVIII. of France, was offered an unusual reward for his services. Having cured Vestris of a severe Illness, tbe famous dancing master said to him: "My dear doctor, I should never dream of offering you money. Between artists there can be no dealings except those of gratitude To demonstrate mine, I will give you a valuable bint as to your deportment I have eften noticed that you have a most ungraceful way of carrying your self. I can remedy that in a few les sons and teach you bow to enter a sick room in such a way as to please tbe most exacting patient We can begin now If you like," Much to the amazement of Vestris, Portal declined this offer and so lost, tbe esteem of bis illustrious patient Top Buttonhole of a Coat Tbe buttonhole In one's oat does not owe Its origin to tbe once univer sally worn Dower, but to ocr ances tors' bablt of buttoning their coats right up to tbe neck. Fashion changed, tbe coat was turned back, forming what tbe tailor calls tbe "lapel," and tbe buttonhole waa utilized for tbe flower, which old portraits tell ua was before this time tucked Into tbe waist coat near the waist, or If a belt were worn, in the belt Tbe primitive use of the buttonhole la still seen In the overcoat, wblcb has a companion but ton on tbe other side for use in rough weather London Chronicle. Plaatar Casta. Those who have plaster casts that they wlab to preserve may protect them from dust by brushing them with a preparation of white wax aud white soap, balf a teaspoonful of each boil ed wltb a quart of rain or other soft water. Use when cold, and when they are dried the casts may be wiped with a damp cloth without Injury. To hard en casts brush wltb a strong solution of alum water and brush with white wax dissolved in turpentine. Put the cast In a warm place to dry after using tbe latter, and It will have a look not unlike that of old Ivory. In endless variety, gold, silver, pearl, glass and in all combinations at 5c and up Gold glass bead?, ;rorl long strand of 53 beads Only 10 cents PERFUME We only carry perfumes of standard grade, principally Colgate's. Come in different sized bottles and of diffe rent flavors. You need not hesitate to give these for presents as the qual ity is first-class. THE BOTTIE 10c, 25c, 50c and up LADIES' PURSES AND HAND. BAGS We have a splendid assortment in this line, from the lowest-priced to the highest. All A1 values for the Money. Genuine leather Purse, full leather lined; 10-inch leather-covered frame with small purse inside. SPECIAL .. Only $1.00 GERMAN SILVER MESH BA3S. SPLENDID VALUES, FROM 75c up to $5 POCKET KNIVES A splendid lot for boys and n i n. Nothing pleases a boy more. Medium sized knife with buckhorn handle.one large and one small blade, full brass lined, only 60 Cents POCKET KNIVES- Medium-sized knife with buckhorn handle, three blades, full brass-lined, only f 50 Cents Small-sized knife for ladies, with neut shell handle, full brass lined, two blades 40 Cents Medium-sized, peurl-handled knife, full brass lined, three blades of best grade steel; a very neat kni'.e and a good one $1.25 Hoys' metal handle knife with chain attached, one blade 5 Cents RAZORS WE HAVE SOME SPECIAL BAR GAINS IN THIS LINE. Razors that are worth $2. each, made by W. H. Case & Son, bright, clean stock that we are selling SPECIAL AT ONLY One Dollar We also have a full line of Williams ar.d Colgates Shaving Creams, Soaps, Shaving Sticks and Powders. These are all first-class, aa a trial will prove. SHAVING BRUSHES Of all kinds and at a less price than you can buy them for elsew here.qual ity considered. BRUSHES AT 10c, 15c. 20c, 25c and up HANDKERCHIEFS Men's white and colored handker chiefs, good full-sized ones... EACH 5 Cents Fine Japanette handkerchiefs for men, silk-finished plain hemstitched and initial 10 Cents Pure linen handkerchiefs for men, neat hemstitched border 15 Cents Pure linen handkerchiefs for men, better grade, neatly hemstitched, Plain and with initials 25c, 35c and up Men's pure silk handkerchiefs, plain and with initials, good grade of silk, full-sized 25c, 50c and up hwimiiiuuiiiiiiiiii 9 iiiiiimuiuiuraiiiiiBi JWV lit (?) (T) V tit IvwiwJFy mP9 BRADLEY MUFFLERS We have a splendid line of these standard mufflers and they are always acceptable gifts, useful and appreciat ed. All colors In mercerized wool and silk for 25c, 35c, 50c and up FANCY HALF-HOSE Made of selected yarns or finest cot ton, mercerized wool and silk. Some are put up in fancy Christmas boxes with tie to match. Fancy and plain colors for 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c GLOVES FOR MEN Are always appreciated as a preset. '. and we have a nice assortment io; you to choose from for either work, driving or dress wear. Fancy gol' gloves with fleece lining; dress gloveb with silk lining; wool mittens, pood heavy ones, as well as extra htsvy knit gloves that will be fine for driv ing. We have these with and without the gauntlet. We have anything you can wish for In this line and at the lowest prices. GLOVES From 5c up to $250 pr. BOOKS Of all kinds, Including Standard Copy right Books, linen and non-fading rag Booka, Biblea, Poema, etc... These are marked at exceptionally low prices. Do not fail to look them over before buying elaewhere.. . You will save mo ney by so doing. HOLIDAY. .AND. .CHILDREN'S BOOKS SECOND FLOOR COPYRIGHT BOOKS ...1ST FLOOR LADIES' GLOVES In all kinds and suitable for any oc casion, in wool, silk and kid, long and short length. Any lady would be pleased with a present like this 25c, 50c, $1.00 and up LADIES' HANDKERCH'FS We have anything you could wish for in this line in lawn, linen, mercer ized and silk, plain, hemstitched, lace and embroidered for 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c and up Arm Bands, Suspenders and Ties Put up in nice Christmas boxes are always nice presents and very accept able. We have an exceptionately fine line of these goods in all grades. Arm bands from 5c up to all-silk ones with fancy ribbon bowa. Suspenders and Ties in neat Holly boJte8 for 25c and up NECKWEAR We have a tine line of Ludles'N'eck wear in all the latest novelties, Jewel Boxes, Fountain Pens, all kinds of Art Goods, Fancy Hose Supporters, Pillow Tops, Dresser Scarfs, etc., that are alweys nice for presents. TOY DISHES We have put in a largi line of Gra nite and White Enameled Dishes for little folks. These look well and will not break. We also have a fine lot of plain and fancy China Sets of every description and most reasonable In price. JUST .CALL .AND .LOOK THEM OVER. GAMES Of every description and kind from jack straws for 5c up to the best game boards, such as Base Hall, Crokonole Boards, Parlor Pool, etc. You must call and see them to fully appreciate the splendid assortment that we have and the reasonableness of the prices that we are selling them at Toilet sets, Smoking Sets, Manicur ing Sets, Military Sets, Shaving Sets. Ktc. Some of the very best values that you have ever been offered. Come and see for yourself. Christmas Tree Ornamehts, Santa Clans Masks, as well as the other kinds of false faces, Christmas Hells in fact any and everything that goes to make this the happy time that It should be. We also have a pice line of Furs and Fur Sets, Shirtwaists, Skirts, Coa's and Dresses for Indies, Overcoats and Smoking Jackets, and Suits for men. Comfy Slippers for Indies, Men and Children. All of these make nice pres ents and we will sell them to you at the right price. I THE WAIM Hood River's Largest ... And Best Store ... What Is Causing the Restless ness Among the People of the United States? By JAMES t. YOUNG. Professor of Public Administration. University of Pennsylvania Had to Creep. -Wby do you say 'A blush crept over tbe far of the fair plaintiff T " asks the editor. "Itecause." explains tbe society edi tor, "there wss so much powder on her face tbe blush bad to creep or else It w.u Id ! too mucb dustr Th. C'.v.r Ones. Or1gg-fm men are born great, other achieve greatness Brlggs-Ves; and others simply have tbe trick of making other people think theyr rat j TW TEVER since the civil war have we hn such an entire tran9 I formation of the political stage, such a complete UPSET- J 1 TINO OF THE DRAMA OF NATIONAL LIFE, ' both of men and issues, as during the last ten years. For this the PROBLEM OF .GOVERNMENT REGULATION IS CHIEFLY RESPONSIBLE. Our country is undergoing such a sudden change of management as usually comes but ONCE IN A CENTURY, and the central idea in this change is the extension of the GOVERNMENT CONTROL OVER ALL FORMg OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY. Are wo to interpret this aa an outbreak of hysteria, a MOMEN TARY INSANITY from which the nation will soon recover to pur sue its former paths? Emphatically no I THE ERA THROUGH WHICH WE ARE NOW PASSING MARK8 A NATURAL, CONSISTENT STEP IN ADVANCE, AND, THOUGH, LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE WE AMERICANS DO, IT 13 ACCOMPANIED BY 60ME EXTRAVAGANCE AND EXCESS, YET WE ARE BUILDING A SOLID FOUNDATION FOR A MORE PERMANENT, PROSPEROUS AND HEALTHY BUSINESS 8TRUCTURE THAN HAS HERETOFORE CHAR. ACTERIZED OUR 80MEWHAT ECCENTRIC METHODS OF MONEY MAKING. The "regulative era" means that we are definitely PASSING FROM THE OLD ORDER to a different and perhaps HIGHER STANDARD, to which our business and political system must bo adapted, just as to the higher cot of labor, the greater expense of raw materials and the high cost of living. The permanence of this new regulative system must be accepted. Start the new year right by sub- scribing to the News. U. OF 0, BOYS DRILL FOR VISIT HERE University of Oregon, Kugene, Ore. Under the direction of M. L. How inan, the University of Oregon Glee Club is fast pluming its wings for the 1 H til annual flight. Up-to-date songs with real music in them interspersed with rollicking college songs, sketches of college life and stunts form the program which the thirty members of the organization have been prepar ing in the nightly rehearsals since the opening of college. Since the close of the football sea son Robert Fariss, a Kugene boy, who has a rare tenor voice, has been prac ticing with the Club. Farias played guard upon the football team. He will be used as the hero In a sketch of college life in which Vernon Vas ter, a Medford lad, figures as the Un fortunate who was held away from the game with O. A. C. at Corvallis by posts from the faculty for low grades, Iloth Fariss and Vawter are beginning their fourth season on the Glee Club and have the experience and ability to make this portrayal of a college trag edy most grallic and amusing. Vaw ter has been worked In the stunts ev ery year. During the latter part of this month the Glee Ciub will give concerts in Astoria, Portland, Hood River, Hcp pner, Pendleton, ItGrande, Raker and The Dalles. The boys will gather in Portland on the 27th of December ami visit the towns in the order named. many friends in this community who had known her since girlhood. The funeral was held yesterday afternoon from the house. Rev. J. 11. Parsons of the United Rrethern church officiat ing. There was a large attendance of friends, attesting to the sincere sorrow felt at the untimely death of Mrs. Hammack. She was 27 years old and had been married litle over a year. She is survived, besides her mother and husband, by one brother, Howard, and one sister, Catherine. Six young men acted as active pallbearers at the funeral while six members of the J. IT. G. Club, of which Mrs. Hammack had been a member before moving to Portland, acted as honorary pallbearers. Congregational Church Services will be held as usual next Sunday. Tbe pastor will preach In the morning on "The Unpurchasable Gift." In the evening Mr. Harris will give an illustrated talk with the stere opticon on the life of the foreign and belated races in our land, from Alaska to Porto Rico. All are cordially Invit ed to these services. Unitarian Church The services next Sunday are as fol lows: Sunday School at 10; service at 11 with sermon, "The Attitude of Liberal Christianity in the Problems of Civilization" or "Liberal Religion applied;" at 6:30 the Young People's Religious Union will hold Its meeting with Lena Koberg as leader. An adv. will briug Christmas business. The News can give you the best In printing. I OBITUARY Mrs. Cladys Hartley-Hammack Mrs. Gladys llartley-llamniaek died Monday afternoon at the home of her mother on Slate street. She had been in failing health for several months. Her death, although not entirely un expected, fame as a shock to her I Let it be... STERLDNG SOLVIEIR When you buy Sterling Silver for your home, you are practicing economy. You never thought of it in that light perhaps, yet Sterling is everlasting. You may take pride in it year after year use it year after year and still it is as good as ever. Many of our customers are collecting Sterling Silver for the home. Wouldn't you ketodoi t too? Our stock is complete and our prices low Please step in and examine. Wo D. LAIR A WAY Hood River, Oregon