The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, December 11, 1912, Image 1

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    THTune' Society.
Highest Grade
Job Vrinting
Get "Results
New Church Dedicated;
Large Amount Raised
Impressive Ceremonies, in Which All Denominations
of the City Unite, Hark Opening of Structure
Just Completed by Asbury fl. E. ChurchBishop
Cooke's Appeal Brings Generous Response.
Under the most auspicious clrcunv
stances the new Methodist church was
formally dedicated Sunday. At both
services the building, which has a seat
Ing capacity of about 700, was well
filled and the ceremonies which mark
ed the opening of the new church were
Impressive and Inspiring. Voluntary
contributions received at the two ser
vices totaled $4500, which removed all
debt from the church except a part of
the amount which will be paid for the
pipe organ.
The morning service opened witn
Instrumental preludes by Mrs. Hazel
W. Hlorichs. Rev. H. O. I'erry led In
prayer, after which Miss Beth Edging-
ton, accompanied by Mrs. lllnrichs
and with Dr. Sharp's violin obligate,
sang "The Angel's Serenade" very
beautifully. Rev. E. A. Harris read
the Scripture lesson. The offertory
solo, "The Pilgrims," was rendered by
Mr. Osgood In a very pleasing manner.
BUhop Richard J. Cooke, D. D., LL.
D., then delivered the dedicatory ser
mon. ' This was a powerful oratorical
effort and the bishop held his audi
ence from beginning to end. At times
the emotional Intensity of his words
brought teiirs to the eyes of many of
his listeners.
At the conclusion of his sermon the
bishop made a strong appeal for con
tributions with which to pay off the
remaining debt on the church. This
met with a generous response.
At :he evening service the church
was again filled and Dr. Ilenjamin
Young 01 Portland, brother of Rev. W.
D. Young, delivered a strong sermon,
taking as his text the words "Hlessed
are the pure in heart for they shall
see God." Mrs. P. S. Davidson con
tributed to the musical portion of the
program by rendering "I Heard the
Voice of Jesus Say" In her usual ef
fective manner. Another opportunity
was given at this time to make con
tributions to the church and the
amount given brought the total contri
butions of the day up to 14500. In
cluded in this was $100 which was giv
en by "Billy" Sunday, the well known
evangelist, who wired this sum to Mr.
Young Just previous to the morning
services. Other non-resident church
men, Including T. S. McDuniel of
Portland, made contributions to the
All who saw the church were de
lighted with its beauty and comfort,
both Interior and exterior being com
plete and attractive In every way.
Chief among the adornments of the
building are the memorial windows of
stained glass. There are two large
windows. One was given by Mrs. O.
L. Stranahan in memory of her hus
band and Is entitled "The Resurrec
tion Morn." The other, In front of the
church. Is entitled "Rock of Ages" and
was given by W. S. Nichol in memory
of his parents. William lioorman
gave another window entitled "Ascen
clon," while Mrs. Humphrey Pugh and
her late husband gave one represent
ing the "Good Shepherd." The pulpit
was the gift of the pastor's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Young of Spo
kane. IS Architecturally Beautiful
The building Is brick veneered with
trimmings of grey pressed brick. It
is 60 by 92 feet in size, making it one
t of the largest church buildings in the
county. It is designed with Gothic de
tails and among the attractive details
are a number of handsome memorial
art glass windows. -
There are two vestlbuled entrances,
both surmounted by towers. In one of
which the church bell is hung.
In the main auditorium the pulpit
and organ occupy a place In one cor
ner and the floor is bowled toward
them, giving a circular seating ar
rangement designed to conform to the
contour of the floor, with aisles rad
iating out in a convenient manner.
The old portion of the building,
which was moved to the rear, now con
stitutes an annex to the main audi
torium and has been entirely remod
eled to conform with tho new portion
of the building. It is connected with
the main auditorium by horizontal
rolling curtains which shut the an
nex off except on special occasions
when the seating capacity of the
church may bo materially Increased
by rolling up these curtains. At oth
er times the old building Is used for
Sunday School purposes and meetings
of other church organizations.
There Is a steam heating plant
which serves both old and new pRrts.
Electricity Is used for lighting and
the indirect system Is used, reflector
being encased in large composition
pendants, tho colors of which carry
out the color scheme used In the dec
orations of walls and ceilings. These
give a bright but mellow light through
out the room.
The auditorium Is well ventilated
with ventilators in the windows and
there Is also a large ventilator placed
in the central part of the celling and
covered with an art glass square.
Both the Interior and the exterior
of the edifice are decidedly pleasing to
the eye and they are alBO designed
to give a maximum degree of com
tort and convenience. The structure
was designed by R. R. Bartlett, archi
The church was organized here in
October, 1892 with nine members,
who formed a separate organization
from that of Belmont M .E. Church
with which they had been affiliated.
The first church building was. known
as "The Barracks," as It was built of
rough wood and left unfinished. This
building has since been remodeled to
serve as a dwelling and Is owned and
occupied by Rev. J. VV. Rigby, the
first pastor of the church. It was 24
by 32 feet in size.
The first services were held two
months after the organization of the
new church. That was December 31,
1892, and Mr. Rigby was in charge.
When the increasing congregation
outgrew "The Barracks" the second
church was built in 1895 and this has
served the congregation until the pre
sent edifice was opened. The church
now has 160 members Instead of the
original nine and the new building is
equipped with a seating capacity of
700. The cost of the structure, toge
ther with the remodeling of the old
one, was $15,000.
Among the ministers who have been
In charge of the church were W. C.
and Nathan Evans,. J. W. Rigby, J. M.
Denison and Messrs. Lathrop, Ford,
Young, McOmber, Hines and Spauld
ing. Rev. William B. Young, at pre
sent pastor of the church, has been
indofatigible In his efforts towards
securing the new building and his con
gregation has cooperated with him
with a degree ot zeal and self-sacrifice
which has successfully overcome all
Pretty Miss Lucile McKlttrick, who
has been a resident of Hood River for
several months went down to Port
land recently to avoid Richard Mosley,
a rejected suitor from her old home in
Oklahoma. In that city the last of
the week the Interrupted romance
was resumed in a dramatic manner
which secured for Miss McKittrlck
considerable newspaper publicity.
The romance started in Oklahoma,
It is said, and Miss McKittrlck went so
far as to become engaged to Mosley.
She moved from Oklahoma to Hood
River a few months ago, and from
here she wrote to Mosley that she
had reconsidered his proposal of mar
riage. Mosley made no reply but came to
Hood River and when tho girl heard
that he had arrived, she went to Port
land and engaged a suite at the Alex
andra Court, 53 Ella street, where
Mosley located her. He persisted In
paying her attentions and Thursday,
he is said to have visited her and an
nounced that she would never leave
Portland alive unless she married him.
Frightened at the youth's determina
tion. Miss McKittrlck made hurried
rnrangements to leave for Ixs Ange
les with a pnrty of friends that were
stnying at the St. Charles Hotel. Mos
ley heard of the planned trip and cnll
ed Miss McKittrlck by telephone.
"I am coming to see you," he snid.
'and If you won't mnrry me today, I'll
kill you."
Under the protection of Patrolman
Coulter, Miss McKlttrick and her
friends arrived at the Alnsworth dock
an hour before the vessel sailed and
Coulter took her to her stateroom and
cautioned her not to appear until after
the boat hnd left the dock.
At the last moment. Just as the crew
was hauling In the gangplank, Mosley,
hut In hand and running fnst, flashed
by Coulter before tho latter realized
that his man was passing, and was
dragged aboard by the crew.
Big girls and little girls, fat girls
and thin girls. In fact little misses of
all sizes and varieties flocked to the
Franz Hardware Store with their
mothers Saturday, each and every one
determined to bake a pan of biscuit
that would be so flakey and fluffy, bo
delicately delicious and so becoming
ly browned that they would capture
the prize, which was a complete work
ing model of the Quick Meal Range.
From 10 o'clock In the morning un
til four In the afternoon the cook was
kept busy pushing the pans In and
pulling them out of the oven, while all
the little misses etood around with
their hearts In their mouths for fear
something might mar the perfection of
their product. There were nearly
100 pans of biscuits mixed by as many
contestants during the day and they
were all so perfectly delicious that
the judges were Just at their wits'
ends in trying to decide which was
the very best. At last they awarded
first honors to little nine-year-old
Naomi Carter, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. M. C. Carter and granddaughter
of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Carter, because
they believed that her biscuits were
just one mite nearer perfection than
those of any of the ninety and nine
other little cooks..
Local Shippers to Aid
in Co-operative Plan
Representatives from Hood River Associations Will
Go to Spokane for Conference of Northwest Fruit
Growers Which Will Undertake to Formulate
Plan to Lessen Competition in Marketing.
Local shippers and growers are vi
tally interested in the conference of
Northwest shippers, fruitgrowers and
railroad men which will be held at
Spokane Monday for the purpose of
discussing ways and means for effect
ing a marketing agreement between
the box apple sections of the North
west and representatives of local ship
ping organizations will be present at
the meeting.
In order to prepare for such an ar
rangement and with a view to mak
ing it effective if consummated, repre
sentatives of the local organizations
will hold a meeting this week and con
fer with reference to devising some
working basis whereby the competi
tion that has prevailed among the lo
cal organizations may be done away
with before oanother season.
Monday's meeting at Spokane Is the
outcome of the unanimous sentiment
manifested at the Spokane Apple
Show last month that some such co-op
eration should be secured if the apple
growers of the Northwest are to pro
tect their Interests In the markets of
the world In the coming years when
the output will be greatly increased.
H. F. Davidson of the Davidson
Fruit Company was present at the
Spokane meeting and, in common
with many other leading fruit men of
the Northwest, he was Impressed with
he necessity for Borne such co-opera
tive arrangement. Since returning
here he has given the matter much
thought and has advocatd that all the
local organizations unite in working
for some such end as will prevent the
ruinous competition between different
u v, rjrvvN -tt l ?l t.r if x . w J i if. J i
I'lmtrw ot Naim I'asha and UolT b Ain. ruun I'ix-hs A.s.mocIhIIoil
NtV nxnxhniv 'ne ,r't',"r,"s Balkan allies drove the Turkish troops from Sulonikl and Tiimtaldja, and the fall of Const' ntlnople was ex
I1CW3 OnapSUUiS tKtel. Nazlm pRslia, the lender of the Turkish field forces, wms rerted killed or captured. President Kltvt Woodrow Wilson
Of the Week
men accused of the murder of Herman
tried together at their own request
David Eccles, president of the Ore
gon Lumber Company and owner of
a controlling interest In the Mt. Hood
Railroad, died suddenly of heart trou
ble In Salt Lake City last week.
Mr. Eccles and his associates went
Into the lumber business In Hood
River In 1888 and have operated ex-
tensively in and near Hood River
ever since. Although Mr. Eccles was
a resident of Utah, he spent a great
deal of his time in Oregon and was
well and favorably known In Hood
River and around the state. He was
in' Portland recently and had just ad
vised the management of his Hood
River interests that he would be here
to .visit them this week.
Few men, if any, have contributed
more to the development of Hood Riv
er county and the State of Oregon
than Mr. Eccles and he had many per
sonal friends in this city who feel his
death keenly.
Besides his interests here, Mr. Ec
cles was president of the Amalgamat
ed Sugar Company and of the Sump
ter Valley Railroad. He was presi
dent of several banks in Utah and
was also interested In the Ogden
street railway compuny and other
electric lines.
The funeral was held yesterday af
ternoon. organizations in the same district and
between the competing box apple dis
ricts. Mr. Sieg of the Apple Growers'
Union Is heartily in accord with the
movement and if the olans can be
worked out on a satisfactory basis he
believes that it will redound to the
lasting benefit of the Northwest grow
ers. He is likewise in favor of a simi
lar arrangement between the local or
ganizations. Mr. Davidson in discussing this vi
tal question said in substance as fol
lows: "One of the purposes of the meet
ing to be held Monday is to eliminate
a lot of duplications in the marketing
expenses. For example, all of the lo
cal shipping organizations have to
maintain their representatives in the
Eastern markets and other sections do
the same. Through a co-operative
marketing arrangement there is no
doubt that the cost of marketing could
be materially reduced per box. I be
lieve that such an arrangement would
result in the saving of approximately
ten cents a box ami with a crop such
as we have this year it would mean
a saving of about million dollars.
This can easily be figured out when It
is known that the crop of the North
west this year will be about 15.000
"In addition to materially reducing
the cost of maintaining our markeiJ
as at present established such a co
operative arrangement would als.
make it possible to greatly extend oui
system of distribution and in this way
two of the things which are absolute-
and Chairman MeCombs of tho Democratic national committee reveived many congratulations for the stuvrssful campaign
that they had carried on. It Is said that Mr. McComtw is slated for a position In the new cabinet The trial of the four gun
Rosenthal at tho direction of former
ly necessary for the maintenance of
the apple Industry of the Northwest
on a profitable basis would be accomp
lished. "Another thing up until this year
the production of extra fancy apples
in the Nortnwest was only suttitieru to
supply the stands and dealers in thi
extra fancy fruit. With the increas
ed production of the present year,
however, a large proportion of the ex
tra fancy stuff must go Into general
consumption. This brings it into com.
petition to a certain extent with the
Eastern apples and a new factor enters
which can be dealt with most satis
factorily through some such market
ing arrangement between the box dis
tricts as is now contemplated.
"In all the apple-producing sections
of the Northwest we find the various
organizations, both private and co-op
erative, competing with each other
and driving down the prices in an ef
fort to underbid other sections. Buy
ers use this competition and quote
prices, either real or fictitious, from
other sections in an effort to force
down the prices still further. This is
a condition which can be remedied on'
ly through co-operation on the part of
the growers. By the harmonious
working together of these separate or
ganizations a more thorough and econ
omical distribution could at the same
time be effected. None of them lose
their identity.
"In recent conversations with ship
pers from the different districts I find
that it is the earnest desire of them all
that such an organization of growers
and shippers be brought about and
that their mutual suspcions might be
allayed. All are confident that if the
competing sections are frank and hon
est with each other every section will
be able to reap the reward of its own
peculiar quality and at the same time
profit by the co-operative organization
in distributing their fruit.
Keep Fruit Off Auctions
"In conclusion I wish to say that not
the least important among the things
to be taken into consideration is the
effect which such co-operation would
have upon the auction markets. Pro
ducers of barrel apples keep their
product off the auction market be
cause they have learned to protect
their interests. It is the box apples
that are dumped into the auctions ear
ly in the season which demoralize the
prices. This was particularly true
earlier this season and should be
guarded against by every possible
Manager Sieg of the Union said he
was heartily in accord with the move
ment and that in his opinion the sin
gle aim of the local organizations as
well as of those throughout the North
west should be to get to gether, forget
their differences and deal openly and
aboveboard in a united effort to pro
tect themselves in the market.
0,-W, R. & N. WILL
That the shifting sand banks be
tween Mosier and The Dalles on the
bank of the river .w hich are constant
ly threatening Its tracks, may be con
trolled through the liberal use of sand
is now the hope of the O.-W. R. & N.
Company. These sand banks are con
tinually shifting as the wind blows.
and unless carefully watched, will in
a short time cover the rails, causing
much loss of time by impeding or
stopping traffic. Various methods
have been tried to overcome this ex
pensive nuisance, generally with poor
success. The company has now de
cided to experiment with the oil, and
it will be sprinkled over the sand for
a distance of 250 feet on either side of
nxe track
Police Lieutenant Becker began bvfore Judge Goff In New York. They went aU
Sieg Finds Good Klarhct
fos Local Fruit Abroad
Order for 50,000 Boxes for Shipment to Australia
Next Year Is Received by the Union and Duplicate
Orders Come from European MarketsFirst Di
rect Shipment of Box Apples Sent to France.
Wilmer Sieg, manager of the Apple
Growers' Union, is optimistic over the
opportunities which he has discover
ed for marketing Hood River apples Vn
foreign countries.
Realizing the need of wider distri
bution, Mr. Sieg has made a specialty
of finding and cultivating the foreign
field and he has met with a signal and
encouraging success. During the past
week contracts have been made for
shipments to be made to Australia
next year of between fifty and sixty
thousand boxes. These will be hand
led by one of the largest commission
houses in that province. They have
had some experience with other
grades of fruit but after investigation
decided that Hood River produced the
most marketable goods and according
ly placed their order here. Shipments
will be made as the fruit is ready for
the market. Contracts have already
been made for steamer space.
As an Indication of the reception
which has been accorded Hood River
apples in other foreign markets Mana
ger Sieg has just received orders from
Genoa, Amsterdam and Christiana,
Norway. These are all duplicate ord
ers, shipments having been made to
these places for the first time earlier
in the season. In every instance they
acknowledged that the fruit had ar
rived in the best of condition.
This week the Union Is making a
carload shipment to Paris, France,
said to be the first direct shipment of
Northwest apples ever made to that
Hood River at the Head
"Growers of this section must take
with a few grains of salt the newspa
per stories which occasionally appear
from other sections," said Mr. Sieg,
"Ninety per cent of them have been
published with a view to bolstering up
local conditions. In no sections of the
Northwest have any pools been divid
ed or any returns made to the grower.
In such statements the wish was fath
er to the thought.
"While this will doubtless be a lean
year, not only in apples but in all ag
ricultural products , on account of the
excessive crops everywhere, Hood
River is fortunate in the fact that we
have established an identity and will
stand well at the top when compara
tive returns are considered. Indeed,
on pears, Uravensteins and Kings
Keen Interest
in Diversified Farming
A strong sentiment In favor of en
couraging more diversified farming in
the valley was manifested at the an
nual meeting of the Commercial Club
Monday night. The advantage of hav
ing some income throughout the year
and the need of fertilizing the orch
ards through the by-products of poul
try, cows or other farm animals was
emphasized This topic brought forth
an interesting discussion and it is like
ly that action may be taken to encour
age diversified industries among the
ranchers of the valley
That there are important services
i CHAIR-NAN f; fl PKtSiprtlVf LtCT
Hood River will exceed any other sec
tion in net returns.
"On Jonathans the prospects are
poor because Jonathans were poor
and of small size. The off varieties
Baldwins, Greenings, Starks, Ben Da
vis and other common kinds will
bring small returns. However, the
finer grades that belong here, such as
the Spitzenburgs, Newtowns, Ortleys
and Arkansas Blacks, are bound to
bring fair returns.
"The time is here when every man
who is interested In his future will
commence to graft the better varie
ties onto his common trees because
the heavy production in the North
west, increasing every year, will ren
der it impossible to secure favorable
returns for these common varieties.
They don't belong in this section and
as the output of the better varieties
increases they will become more and
more a burden to distribution."
John Parry to Grace E. Gray, 15
acres near Bloucher, $1500.
Grace E. Gray to Maggie Howell,
north half of same 15 acres, $750.
R. J. Mclsaac to Nicola Bonaduce,
lot 3, block 1, Parkdale, $175.
David D. Brewster to W. W. Hard
inger and E. A. Baker, 7 acres In East
Barrett district.
Jeremiah F. Davenport to Carl R.
Davenport, 5 acres at Odell.
C. H. Sproat to W. C. Keck, 1.75
acres at Pine Grove.
E. H. Green to L. F. Parker, lot 59,
Riverside Park Addition, west of
C. R. Masiker to G. F. Purdy, 6
acres at Odell, $2100.
G. F. Purdy to C. R. Masiker, 10
acres at Odell, $2000.
add realty
L. M. Karstetter to William Horn,
25 acres south of Summitt, $2000.
C. L. Lerry to Clifford M. Rugg. 6
acres in Belmont district, $7750.
E. T. Folts to G. F. Purdy, lots 5, 6,
7 and 4 acres in Folts Subdivision at
G. F. Purdy to E. T. Folts, 6 acres
at Odell, $2100.
which the Commercial Club can play
in the development of city and valley
despite the fact that the real estate
boom is ended so far as his valley is
concerned, is the opinion of Secretary
Scott as voiced in his report delivered
at the meeting.
Manufacturing plants are among the
things which Mr. Scott believes the
club could get here and he reports
that there are now prospects which
concern a regrigerator factory, cream
ery, fir novelty factory, flouring mill,
cannery and fir chair factory. He ad
vises that the city council pass an ordi
nance exempting new manufacturing
concerns from taxes for a period of
The establishment of one or two
summer hotels in the valley when the
Hood River Portland road is opened Is
another project- iu which Mr. Scott be
lieves the club could help greatly
I-ack of gardens and chickens in the
valley was deplored and he suggested
that a public hatchery be established
where young chicks could he secured.
When - the chicken business was
nroai'lieu a lively discussion was
cipituted. some declaring ill it I lie
erage farmer could not nuiUe it
and others defending the industry.
Mr. Si'ott also sugfii-st'-d rlinf
rill!) give a couple of en'eriaintiie
during the winter.
Ills report showed a
ed Improvement during the past year
Tile following were limseii directors
of the club: Charles Hall. J. It. Put
nam, W. 1.. Clark and J. II. lleilbnui
ner. The retiring members are ('has
Clarke, It. J. Mclsaac and Albert Sot
(iiristmas social and bazaar to be
given hy the laidies A d or trie al
ley Christian church ut Mr. ami Mm
McCabe's Friday evening