The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, November 27, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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H L l:
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Store Closed All Day
Thursday, the 28th
State School Money to loan at 6
per cent. A. J. Derby.
Sauer kraut at Mciulre I5ron. Try
Home and te convinced.
Place your order now for a fine
young turkey. C. K. Sutherlin, Odell
Rev. and Mrs. Edmund T. Simpson
spent the last of the week In Port
land. Mayor Blanchar went to Portland
Friday to attend the Land Products
Mrs. A. C. Buck went to Portland
Thursday to visit her children for a
few days.
Attorney H. M. Cake of Portland
was a visitor in the city the last of
the week.
E. L. Smith and Dr. and Mrs. Watt
went to Portland Thursday for a few
days' visit.
If you want Insurance In companies
that pay losses promptly ami In full,
call on A. V. Onthank.
R. A. McCully went to Albany last
week to attend the football game be
tween O. A. C. and the U. of O.
Mrs. Frank Davenport, Sr.,'returned
to Portland the last of the week after
having spent a couple of weeks with
her son here.
A. I. MaBon was among those from
here who attended the meeting of the
State Horticultural Association In
Portland last week.
Mrs. J. M. Sutthoff has rented Ralph
Root's house on State street for the
winter. Mr. and Mrs. Root expect to
fipeiid the winter in the Kast.
Mrs. A. Killer, who has been spend
ing several weeks with her daughter,
Mrs. M. O. Boe, in the Upper Valley,
left Friday for Tacoma where she
will upend a few weeks before return
ing here. Mrs. Filler will probadly
make her home in Hood River.
Mrs. Bert Stranahan left Friday for
Rufus, Oregon, where she will spend
Thankngiving at her former home. Mr.
Stranahan will join her this week.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Pooley were
guests of Mrs. Pooley's parents in
Portland last week. The latter re
turned with them to spend Thanks
giving here.
!seJi Reed & Henderson, Inc.
Fire, Accident, Life, Automobile, Plate Glass,
Burglary, Employer's Liability, including
Also Judicial, Official' and Indemnify Bonds
Resident Agent for: U. S. Fidelity & Guaranty Co.
Northern Assurance Co., of London
Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd., of London
Hanover Fire Insurance Co. of New York
Pelican Assurance Co. of New York
Heal Estate Loans
J ' Orrr Sincere Meae
We are thankful to the people of this community for their loyal support during the last year, for the
kindness and good feeling: manifested to us and to our faithful sales force by our long list of patrons.
We wish to extend to you our cordial regards and good wishes.
Milestone for sale by the Davidson
Fruit Co.
Trimmed hats at below cost at Miss
M. B. Lamb's.
State School Money to loan nt 6
percent. A.J.Derby.
Ward I. Cornell and P. L. Reals
were among the Upper Valley visitors
at the Land Products Show in Port
land last wee.
Our welner sausage nre good.
Why? Because they are inaile to
comply with the pure food and druc
act. McUuire Bros.
Those planning to give entertain-
ments are reminded to kindly post the
dates In the directory of entertain
ments at the library.
The present issue of the News was
set up entirely on the new linotype
and the bright, clear appearance of
the type la a great improvement.
Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Dickerson went
to Portland Friday. Mrs. Dickerson
will submit to a slight operation, after
which she expects to spend the bal
ance of the winter there.
Chris R. Greisen, formerly assistant
editor of "Better Fruit'," was In the
city Saturday. Mr. Greisen attended
the Spokane and Portland shows and
went from here to San Francisco and
Los Angeles.
A large attendance is expected at
the fifth annual University Club
dance, which is to be given at Heil
bronner Hall Friday evening. Many
guests will be present from Portland,
Underwood, White Salmon and The
Dalles. It is expected that close to
100 couples will be lii attendance and
the affair promises to be one of the
most successful that the club has yet
A housewarming was held at the
new home of Messrs. DuVal and Wert
gen at Parkdale last week when a
number .of their friends surprised
them and spent a merry evening.
Those present included Mr. and Mrs.
M. O. Boe, Mr. and Mrs. Mcintosh,
Charles Steinhauser, Mr. Peironnet,
Miss Filler and her mother, Mrs. A.
Filler and Master Arthur Boe. Re
freshments were served and the occa
sion w as a moBt enjoyable one.
Lime and Spray Kelly Bros., phone
227-M. . .
Big sale of trimmed hats at Miss
M. B. Lamb's.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Skinner spent
Saturday in Portland.
State School money to loan nt C
iwreenf. A. J. IH-rby.
Mrs. Eliza J. Ballard left the last of
the week for Westville Okla.
Chester Huggins and Will Cass
went to Albany Friday to attend the
football game between the U. of O.
and O. A. C.
Messrs. Frank and Asa Cutler went
to Portland last week for the winter,
although they will continue to spend
some time on their ranch here.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Peters and Mr.
and Mrs. Wilmer Sieg were among the
Hood River guests at the Hotel Port
land in Portland the last of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Y. Edwards, who
have been spending several weeks at
Chicago and other eastern points for
the benefit of his health, are expected
back tomorrow.
With ThnnkfKivlnjr near at hand
remember we will have Home very
tine turkeys for our ThanksglvInK
trade. By ordering early you can
jjet the choice of these bird. Don't
forget the place. Call 4 and place
your order. McUuIre Bros.
E. F. Batten, the local poultry fan
cier, is planning to enter some cocker
els and pullets in the poultry show to
be held at Portland next month. Mr.
Batten has raised some extra fine
stock this year and Is hopeful of car
rying off some of the desirable prizes.
Wanted Men and women to learn
watchmaking and enravtnjr, few
in out tin only learning. Practical
work from stnrt. 1'onltlotm secured
for Kraduates. Practical trade not
overdone. Write for particulars
WatchinnklnK School, 210 Slole
ISuildiriK. Portland, Ore. -title
It transpires that before Enoch
Brayford of this place left for England
recently he made a gift to Philomath
College of $5000 for its endowment
fund. Mr. Brayford was an old friend
of Dr. Drury, president of the college,
and chose to put this sum Into the in
stitution in order to aid in the educa
tion of worthy young people.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Moller went to
Portland this week to spend Thanks
giving with her parents, Mr. and Mra.
W. O. Oberteuffer. Miss Helen Driver
of Tacoma will accompany Mr. and
Mrs. Moller to Hood River and will at
tend the University Club dance Fri
day. The party will then return to
Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Moller are
planning to spend Christmas In the
East with Mr. Moller'a parents.
Friends Of Misji Florence Avery
were pleased to learn that she has
been elected president of the choral
society at the U. of O. Miss Avery's
vocal ability has been a source of
pleasure to her friends here. She has,
however, never been heard In public
and it is now being suggested that
she render a solo at the coming con
cert of the U. of O. Glee Club. It Is
possible that It may be arranged, and
should add an attractive feature to th
Money to Loan
Amounts $500 to $1500. First class
real estate security. Will also buy
mortgages for like amounts.
Big sale of trimmed hats at Miss
M. B. Lamb's.
The Davidson Fruit Company has
I1 lien tone for Kale.
Salmon, ballbut, clams and crabs,
at Mcdulre Bros.
Hugh Mellon and family left the
last of the week for Waterloo, Iowa.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
William Montgomery of Pine Grove
the last of the week.
Mrs. Robert Walstrom of the Upper
Valley was a visitor in Portland lust
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wiley of The
Dalles spent Sunday with relatives
Mark Cameron and wife of Odell
were visitors In Portland the last of
the week.
The annual bazaar of the Unitarian
Alliance will be held December 6-7.
Watch for the announcements.
Paul Poison, an employee of the
Oregon Lumber Company at Dee, sus
tained a broken leg last week.
There are some very desirable office
rooms for rent In the Heilbronner
Building at from $10 to $15 a month
Miss Dorothy and Marjorie Wlssing
er of Milwaukie, Ore., are spending a
week with their aunt, Mrs. C. A. Bell
Miss Gertrude Thomas of Oregon
City spent the last week as the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Shay.
J. T. Bagley and wife of Portland,
former Hood River residents, spent
the last of the week visiting friends
Ralph Sherrieb submitted to an op
eration at the local hospital Sunday
morning, from which he Is recovering
A. Ruhnke, formerly of this place
and more recently of Portland, has
taken a position with the Mt. Hood
Special Harvest Dances will be held
at Heilbronner Hall every Saturday
night from 9 to 12 p. m. Everyone
welcome. 39tfc
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Harmon who
live near Tucker's bridge, are receiv
ing congratulations upon the birth of
a son Friday .
Please remember to post the dates
of proposed public gatherings In the
directory of entertainments at the
public library.
C. W. Wilmeroth, the apple man re
presenting Simon & Simon of New
York and London, visited the city the
last of the week.
11. D. Emery and wife of Summit
were among the Hood River visitors
at the Land Products Show In Port
land last week.
The school meeting for the purpose
of levying the tax l called for Tues
day, December 3, at 3:30 p. m., at the
Park Avenue building.
C. G. Roberts left Monday for Port
land. After a visit there he will go
to Vancouver, B. C, where he expects
to spend the winter with his son, E. A.
Last Thursday about a dozen young
ladies who have enjoyed some good
times together met and organized a
social club which will meet during the
winter. The members include Miss
Lottie Klnnaird, Misses Florence and
Catherine Bragg, Miss Mollle Pifer,
Miss Leila Hershner, Miss Leila Kel-
sey. Miss Viola WlKon, Miss Flora
Furrow, Miss Hazel Hollenbeck and
Miss Ann Vanaett.
Regular Sunday excursion to Park
dale. Pleasant trip for yourself and
You don't know how jjond
id I uce meat l until you try It.
McGuIre Bros.
Loan Agency. Loans offered $300
$500, $700, $1000. Loans wanted $200
$250, $400, $600, $800, $1000. Apply to
A. W. Onthank. 45 tfc
Mrs. Horace Mecklin and daughter
of Portland and the former's sister.
Miss Marion Slate of New York, spent
the past week as the guests of Mrs. J.
J. Gibbons.
J. R. Crosby shipped a carload of
Spitz, Newtown and Winesap apples
to Redmond, Ore., this week, having
found a market for the fruit among
the retail trade there.
H. A. Mosler of Portland spent the
week end at his ranch here. Theo
dore G. Williams of Portland also vis
ited his place in the Upper Valley, ac
companied by A. L. Su meruit.
Edgar A. Shockley, physical director-at
the University of Oregon, ar
rived the first of the week and it Is
understood that he will take back with
him one of the attractive young ladles
of the Upper Valley.
Thanksgiving services will be held
at the Valley Christian church tomor
row morning at 10:30 o'clock. Rev.
J. A. Bennett, the pastor, will conduct
the services and a cordial invitation
to attend Is extended to all.
C. W. Edmunds, M. D., the well
known Eye and Ear Specialist, will be
In Hood River Friday and Saturday,
November 29-30, 1912, at the Hotel
Oregon. Remember the date and
place. Glasses scientifically fitted
Also in a good location.
Miss Ruth Harris, who has been suf
fering for a couple of weeks with ap
pendicitis, submitted to an operation
at the hospital Saturday morning. She
is reported to be progressing satisfac
torily and her many friends hope for a
speedy and complete recoveery.
E. A. Taylor, consulting engineer
engaged by the city In connection
with the construction of the local
waterworks system, was here the last
of the week and visited Tucker's
spring to make final determination of
the work to be done at the headworks.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney G. liaLioun of
the Upper Valley spent a few days
last week in town, accompanied by
their two small sons, the younger of
whom a Hood River baby Is as
husky a youngster as could be found
a typical Hood River product.
Mrs. D. H. Thorn of Pine Grove
took first prize at the I.and Products
Show for the best canned fruit. Mrs.
W. W. Rodweell took first prize for
the best apple butter. The second
prize of $7.00 for the largest pyramid
of apples went to George I. Sargent of
Montague Farm.
An Interesting and scholarly talk on
some "New views or Childhood was
given by Dr. Luther Dyott of Port
land before the School and Home As
sociation Friday evening. There was
a large attendance and Mr. Dyott's
address, In which he made use of
many personal Illustrations, was lis
tened to with close attention. A piano
solo by Mis Isabelle King was thor
oughly enjoyed. It is expected that
President Foster of Reed Institute at
Porland will address the asociatlon at
Iti meeting next month.
Store Closed All Day
Thursday, the 28th
Give your order for corn beef to
McGulre Bros., for It's the bent In
Mrs. H. Swanson is building a bun
galow on her 25 acre tract near Van
Horn and will make her home there
with her two children.
Dr. J. K. Locke of Portland was
here over Sunday. He Inspected his
ranch and also assisted Drs. Bronson
and Waugh in a serious operation at
the hospital on a workman from the
Northwestern dam who had sustained
a spiral fracture of the leg.
Perhaps fatally Injured, a workman
from the Northwestern dam was
brought to the local hospital for treat
ment Monday. He had fallen from a
scaffold, landing on his bead and was
In a critical condition.
just as we expected, Wilson was
elected, the town went dry and Wo
man's suffrage carried and now Indig
nation meetings are being held all ov
er the valley by the bed bugs because
Mr. Bartmcss will persist in Belling
Iron Beds.Vermln Proof Springs and
Seeley mattresses that are not tufted.
There Is absolutely no chance for an
Industrious bug to make an honest
Unitarian Bazaar and Bake Sale
The Unitarian Bazaar and Bake Sale
will be held Friday and Saturday of
next week, December 6 and 7, In the
building east of the Franz Hardware
Store. Suitable gifts for Christmas.
A specialty of home-made candies.
fruit cakes, plum puddings, mincemeat
pies and cakes.
Don't fail to see the Xmas Novelties.
No cutting of prices the last day.
For Christmas
The Philatheas will help you solve
the question. In aprons we have ev
ery style plain and fancy for the
little folks and grown-ups.
Then there are bags of all descrip
tions, luncheon sets, towels, caps,
handkerchiefs, kimonas, etc.
During the afternoon tea and rakes
will be served and a class of girls w ill
have an "Art Loan Collection."
Held at the Congregational Church
Friday, November 29.
helps make a happy home. That de
light Is always Intensified when It re
sults from the possession of
like we sell. There are all kinds of
candy some good and some bad.
There's but one kind though, can be
had of us, and that's tho best. It's
pure, wholesome and cheap. Buy a
box or bag and make the little ones
THE 5. 10 and 15 RFNT STflRF !
heilbronner Bid j., Jrd and Cascade
See the Hotel Oregon's menu for
Thanksgiving Day dinner on pago
Christian Science Services
Christian Science services are held
In the Commercial Club rooms Sun
days at 11 a. m. The subject will be
"Ancient and Modern Necromancy,
Alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism De
nounced." Sunday School at the same
hour in Room 2, Davidson Building.
Wednesday meetings In same room at
8 p. m. Reading room open daily, 2
to 5 p. m.
A Privilege
It Is a privilege of futhers and
mothers who have children backward
In development and learning to have
these defects corrected. Mouth
breathing should not be permitted.
See Dr. Edmunds, the Specialist, on
Friday and Saturday, November 29
30 at the Hotel Oregon. Glasses sci
entifically fitted.
Do not wait. Photos make
uleal Christmas gifts. And re
member we must have time to
do you first class work. Make
your appointment now at
The Deitz Studio
With That Turkey Yon Will Want
Celery, Cranberries,
I Sweet Potatoes, Raisins,
Nuts, Dates Figs and
Fresh Oysters
Remember to get them at
"6000 muss to Er
Perigo & Son