The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, November 27, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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HPHIS is the store that
-1L gets the new things first
We are now showing many new
and stylish STETSON HATS a
Hat for every face for every taste.
Uhehomeof Benjamin Clothes
is what you have a
perfect right to know
mand in the filling of
a prescription. We
use extreme care in
filling all prescriptions, avoiding all possibility of a
mistake. We use the best of drugs, thus making
your medicine when finished the bestthat can tie secured.
"We Give Green Trading Stamps"
Keir & Cass
Fc! table Druggists
A Complete
Lineof... f"PCSfl
At Honest Prices
Can always be found at this Up-to-date Store
Kinnaird & Larvvood
Cor. 2nd and Oak Sts.
Phone 78
ON'T send your team to eastern Oregon
' to winter and pet a skeleton back that
isn t ht to handle your spring work. Keep it
here in the valley where you can see it at any
time and see what good shape it is in. It will
not cost you much more.
We have just put up some of the finest prain, timothy
and alfalfa hay in the Upper Valley. We have a bipr
stock barn and are prepared to care for a number of
teams during the winter. We are making up our list
now. If you want your team well cared for this win
ter, you had better write or 'phone for terms at once
Telephone Odell-63 Mount Hood, Oregon
Insurance Conveyancing
Surety Bonds
"Accuracy" is Our Motto
Office In New Heilbronner RulMIng Phone 23 I loo J River, Oregon
Local orchardUta secured a large
uliare of the prizes In the plate dis
plays of apples at the Land Products
Show last week. Awards were mad
as follows:
Arkansas Black W. N. Yost. Boise,
Idaho, first; H. P. Ashby, second.
Bailey Sweet Mrs. W. W. Kodw
lliuwl Wlvcr.
Baldwin W. N .Yost, Boise, Idaho,
first; II. P. Ashby. BoiBe, Idaho, sec-
Ben Davis Charles W. Reed, Hood
River, first; II. P. Ashby, Boise, luano
Black Twig Sears & Porter, Hood
River, first; Mrs. W. W. Rod well,
Hood River, second.
Blue Pearmain J. E. Butler, Lew
iston, Idaho, first; Winfred M. Pier
son, Appleton, Wash., second.
ii..iw w,na w. N. Yost. Boise. Idaho
first; H. P. Ashby. Boise, Idaho, sec-
Duchess F. A. Gregory. Portland
Fallawater J. K. Carper, Fallawat
er, Oregon.
rtalm Cove Orchard
nnfiir. Oreeon. first: J. E. Butler,
lululnn Idaho. RPCond.
Fameuse C. E. Holtgrieve, Port
land, first; F. A. Gregory, Portland
Gano W. N. Yost. Bole, Idaho
first; H. P. Ashby, Boise, Idaho, sec
r.olden Russett-Fran Fenwick
Hood River, first; J. E. Butler, Lew
(utnn 1lnVirv arniid.
Gravensteln Mrs. W. W. Rodwell
Hood River, firBt; Balm Cove Orchard
Dufur, Ore., second.
Grimes Golden William Olsen, Hu
sum, Wash., first; J. E. Butler, Lewis
ton, Idaho, second.
Hoover H. G. Rarabaugh, Albany
first; Winfred N. Pierson, Appieton
Wash., second.
iivrin'H Kine Montague Farm
Hood River, first; Sears & Porter,
Hood River, second.
Jonathan W. N. Yost, Boise, Idaho
first; H. P. Ashby, Boise, Idaho, sec
King David J. E. Butler, Lewiston
Kin Tnmnkina L. J. Reynolds. Sa
lem, first; B. Leis, Beaverton, Wash.,
Lawyer Mrs. W. W. Rodwell, Mood
River, first; J. R. Pittenger, Asniana
Mcintosh Red J. K. Carper, Prom
Ise, first.
Missouri Pippin J. E. Butler, Lew
iston, Idaho.
Northern Spy C.J. TidcomDe ,scap
poose. Ore., first; Charles W. Reed
MruiH River. Rprond.
Red Cheek Sears & Porter, Hood
River, first; J. E. Butler, Lewiston
Irinhrv Rernnd.
u I crppnlnj Spars & Porter.
Hood River, first; Winfred M. Pierson
innlplnn Wash., second.
Rome Beauty H. P. Asnoy, uoise,
first; W. N. Yost, Boise, second.
Senator William Alsen, tlusum,
Knitzenhpre Spars & Porter. Hood
River, first: Charles W. Reed, Hood
River second.
n.ilm Pove Orchard . Du
fur, first; J. E. Butler, Lewiston, sec
Twenty-ounce PlDoin W infred M,
Plprann Annlpton. Wash., second.
Vanderpool Red H. u. KamDaugn,
A Ihonv
Wagener H. G. Rambaugh, Albany,
rst; J. E. Butler, Lwiston, secona.
whlio Winter Pparmain Sears &
Porter. Hood River, first; J. E. Butler,
Lewiston, second.
Winesap-Carl Wodeckl, The Dal
les, Ore.
Winter Tin nun a It. Field. White
Salmon, Wash, first; Winfred M. Pier
son, Appleton, Wash., second.
Wolf River C. E. Holtgrieve, Port
land, first; J. R. Pittlnger, Ashland,
Yellow Bellflower Winfred M. Pier
son, Appleton, Wash., first; D. Geck
ler, Boise, second.
Yellow Newtown Frank Fenwick,
lood River, first; R. Field, White Sal
mon, second.
York Imperial William Olsen, Hu
mm. Wash., first: C. E. Holtgrieve,
Portland, second.
Miriam Hubbard, da ghter of Fra
Klburtus Hubbard, Is the most perfect
girl, physically, ever to enter the Uni
versity of Michigan, the physical di
rectors of the girls' gymnasium have
The description Is as follows: Tall
and slender without very great
curves, weight, 131.5; height, 66.7
inches; lung capacity, 218; strength
test, 1,819 pounds; lungs and heart in
perfect condition. The director adds
that as she Is young, the next few
years undoubtedly will give her a
physical beauty equal to her present
bodily perfection.
"long ago I learned that one can
not kppp well unless one works In the
field and gains health from the sun
shine," said Miss Hubbard. "I have
taken all the exercise consistent with
my years and strength. As I grew
older I assumed harder tasks, but I
always have been eager for this
kind of life. I love the open, and all
my life I have walked great distances,
across country roads, and I have rid
den horseback ever since I could sit
on a horse."
At last all the state, here at home and
Whore the skies have been blood
shot and murky,
Can assemble In peace, while the hea
vens applaud,
And enjoy the partition of Turkey.
Host wishes for Thanksgiving.
Residents of Dee are looking for
ward with pleasure to the presents
tlon of "Engaged," a burlesque com
edy, at the school house in that place
next Sunday. Some of the host local
talent will take part and the cast of
characters Includes the following
Sam Raymond as Cheviot Hall, C. W
Burgess as Major McGillcuddy, Mil
dred Eramett as Angus Mc Alllster,
Anna Wilson as Belinda Tn-herne,
Marian Emmett as Minnie Sympher
son, Mrs. C. W. Burgess as Mrs. Me
Farlane, Irma Yates as Maggie McPar
lane, Cecelia Ford as Parker, and "In
cog n I to" as Belvawney
The play is In three acts and tells
a love story In an effectively humor
ous manner. Mr. Raymond has been
drilling the cast and there is every
reason to expect a most successful
The proceeds will be used for the
improvement and adornment of the
school building.
(From tha Enterprise)
Lydia Jenson, vhfi has been one of
the assistant postmistresses at Bingen
the past two years, left on Wednesday
for her home at Dennlson, Iowa.
Mrs. M. E. Grimes and son and Mr,
Burdick and wife left for Minnesota
recently. Mr. and Mrs. Burdick live
In Madtlla and had spent the summer
on the ranch northeast of this place.
Mrs. Grimes will spend the winter in
Wm. Fordyce and wife, who reside
on a fruit ranch near Husum, celebrat
ed their golden wedding at the Odd
Fellows Hall Wednesday afternoon.
Nearly one hundred guests were In
attendance, for Mr. and Mrs. Fordyce
are old settlers.
Mrs. Mary K. Britton of The Dalles
wag in White Salmon Tuesday. She
was considerably wrought up over the
burning of her house on the place she
bought of Mrs. Smelser just north of
Husum. The fire was of incendiary
M. B. Hawley last week sold 45
acres of what is known as the Walker
homestead to Mr. Hale of White Sal
mon. Mr. Hale and family have mov'
ed into the bungalow which Mr. Haw
ley built on the Edwards place. Part
of the 45 acres is under ditch.
Fire destroyed the stable, carpenter
shop, chicken house and shed of C. T
Dewey and son on their ranch near
town last Saturday afternoon. The
loss will reach close to $3,000 or more,
for in one of the buildings was stored
all the elder Dewey's good furniture
and Mrs. Gray's, the most valuable of
which were some Turkish draperies.
At the last meeting of the county
commissioners, the White Salmon Riv
er road, or better known as the A. H,
Jewett road, was established and ord
ered opened. This road leaves the
Trout Lake road at the corner of John
Anderson's, crosses the White Salmon
river on the land of Johnney Quemps
and follows north on the west side of
the river.
The Underwood Union Chapel As
sociation is giving a series of enter
tainments this winter. The first was
a vaudeville show, very successfully
carried out by the young folks of Un
derwood in A. J. lla nes' big apple
The next is to be a piano recital
given by Mrs. L. W. Chambers of
Portland, assisted by Underwood vocal
soloists, at the residence of Mr. and
Mrs. P. I. Packard. Mrs. Chambers Is
an accomplished pianist, having stud
ied in Berlin and other foreign music
centers. The people of Underwood
are fortunate In being able to have
a recital from her.
Writing from Odell, a lover of na
ture sends us the following description:
Sunday, looking up Neal Creek
Gorge, through which w inds the road
to the Upper Valley, appeared this pic
ture: In the foreground the pale yel
low leaves of the apple orchards;' next
the dark green of the fir and pine
stretching across the mouth of the
canyon; then on the mountain slopes
to the left the dark brown of the oaks
made crisp by the autumn frosts, be
yond this a bank of white fog sitting
low in the gorge; and beyond all this
the mountains farther away were col
ored with bluish purple; on top of the
mountain rested a long narrow cloud
through which a spot of sunshine had
The coloring was beyond all efforts
of camera or painter's brush to catch,
or pen of man to describe.
It will be man's dangerous privilege
to challenge the fair sex at the polls,
nd. If he wants to be real mean, make
each feminine voter declare her ago.
Peter Kuehnling of The Dalles, who
has been working in conjunction with
Samuel Hill in the interest of the Col
umbia River road, was in the city the
last of the week on his return from a
conference with the Multnomah coun
ty officials In Portland and declared
that about 100 prisoners are to be put
to work within a short time building
that portion of the road in Multnomah
county. Mr. Kuehnling said:
"Mr. Hill and I bad a conference
with Judge Cleeton of Multnomah
county this week about the uncomplet
ed portion of the road in that county
and I am happy to be able to proclaim
the good news to our people here that
that road will be started Immediately.
The only reason why Judge Cleeton
has not started the work before this
was on account of the Injunction
which was served on the Hood River
county court by the O.-W. R. & N. Co.
He thought ,or was of the opinion,
that if that road could not be finished
no other road could be found around
that locality. In a talk which I had
with Mr. Kay of Hood River some
time ago he assured me that it was
not difficult to find a road there and
that it is merely a matter of expense.
Upon hearing this the judge made up
his mind to Immediately start the ball
rolling and within a short time we
shall see about 100 prisoners from
the Multnomah county jail at work
on the road through one of the most
magnificent valleys In the world. Mr.
Hill has personally located a road
which at no time will have more
than a five per cent grade and in addi
tion has offered them the services of
his engineer, Major Bowlby, free of
charge. Mr. Bowlby is perhaps, next
to Mr. Hill himself, one of the best
road experts In our western country.
If that road is not ready within one
year from this date then I shall be
very much disappointed."
Any Land Clearing to Do?
We make Grubbing Hooks, Chocker Hooks,
Stump Shovels, Etc. We place a guarantee
behind our Sledges and Wedges. Special
Tools and Forgings are right in our line; also
Woodwork and parts on Wagons.
Wagons and General Blacksmithing
Phone 62-K
Fourth Street
Eat hearty and be thankful.
Tubercular Remedy
The greatest Tonic, Alternative, Ex
pectorant and Tissue Builder in the
The result of 21 years' earnest study
and research of a prominent ethical
If you have friends suffering or even
threatened with tuberculosis be sure
to tell them to send for free booklet
on "Interesting Facts Concerning Tu
berculosis," and "How to Live." It
may be the means of saving their
We will send you Case Report to fill
out for our regular Consulting Physi
cian to examine and he will forward
you his suggestions free.
Examination free
Write for our testimonials of promi
nent people.
Agents wanted in every locality.
Special inducements to traveling men.
510 Hippodrome Building
Cleveland, - - Ohio
fanny Post. G. A. R.-Mwta at the K. of P.
hall the second and fourth Saturdays of the
month at 2 p. m. Geo. P. Crowell. commander; S.
F. Blythe, adjutant.
Canby W. R. C. No. 16-Meets second and fourth
Saturdays of each month in K. of P. hall at i
p. m. Mrs. Abbie Baker, president; Mrs. Kath
ryn Gill, secretary.
("Vurt Hood River. No. 42. F. of A., meets every
Thursday evening: in K. of P. hall. Visiting
Foresters always welcome. Wm. Ftanming. C.R.;
F. C Brosius, F. 8.
lood River Indira No. 108. A. F. A A. M.
1 Meets Saturday ewninv on or before each full
moon. Geo. Slucom, W. M.; D. McDonald, secretary.
Hood River Camp. No. 7702. M. W. A.-Meets In
K. of P. hall first and third Wedneedav niirhis.
C. S. Jones. V. C; C. U. Dakm. clerk.
Hood River Camp. No. 770, W. O. W -Meets at
K nf P hall th. uvntwt nrf Innrtk
iirhts of each month. A. C. Staton. C. C: Kent
Shoemaker, clerk.
lood River Valley Humane Society Phone 2.
AE. H. Hartwiir. president: Harold Herahner.
secretary; Leslie Butler, treasurer.
dlewilds Lodire. No. 107. I. O. O. F.-Meets in
Fraternal hall every Thursday evenino at 7:00.
at the corner of Fourth and Oak streets. Visiting
brothers welcomed. A. G. Frohn, N. G.; G. W.
Thomson, secretary.
Kemp Lodire. No. 1S1. I. O. O. F.-Meets in
tha Old Fellows hall at Udell every Saturday
liffht. Visitinr bmthers cordially welcomed.
O. H. Roadea. N: G.; F. L. Kelso, secretary.
aurel Reheka t-oriirs No. 87. I. O. O. F.-M.ts
'first and third Mondays in each month. Lulu
Corey, N. G.; Nettie Walnh. secretary.
Mountain Home Camp. No. 349. R. N. A.
Meetn at hi. of IV hall on the second and
'ourth Fridays of each month. Mrs. Lulu Cary.
O.; Mrs. F.ila ltekin. recorder.
Oleta Assembly. No. II. IT. A. -Meets In their
hall the first and third Wednesdays, work:
second and fourth Wednesdays, social. C. I).
Hennchs. M. A.; W. H. Austin, secretary.
Riverside Lodge. No. M. A. O. t'. W.-Moeta In
K. of P. hall the first and third Wednesday
niffhtsnf the month. VisitinK brothers cordially
welcomed. Newton Clark. M. W.; Chester
Shute, recorder.
V'auenma Ixie. No. SO. K. of P.-Meeta in
' theirl'aatle Hsll sjvery Tuesday niht. when
vifi'injr brothers are fraternally welcomed.
W. Stark. C. C; Lou. S. Isenbertr. K. of K.
Vfauna Temple Pythian Sisters, No. S- Meststhe
' ' third and fifth Tuesday of each month at K. of
P. hall. Kate Frederick. M. E. C: Gertrude Stark.
M. of R. A C
A. M. Chapter No. 27 - Meets first and thsir
Frslsy of each month. V. B. Brock, Sec.: J.
I arson. II. I .
Columbia Auto & Machine company
Automobile Storage and Repairs
SFirst Class ffiacfiine 8ficp in Connection
Phone 109 : Sixth and Columbia Sts.
Don't throw away your soiled clothes or
hang them up to be moth-eaten and for
gotten. Bring themjto us. We make a
specialty of cleaning and pressing clothes
1219 12th Street On the Heights
Phone 22S-L
Investment not Speculation
You take no chances when you buy your
real estate through us except to win.
Our intimate knowledge of almost every
foot of land in the valley places us in a po
sition to advise you where to find the
W. S. N I C H O L
ButJer Banking Co
Established Nineteen Hundred
Capital One Hundred Thousand Dollars
Safe Deposit Boxes
Savings Department
Leslie Butler, President
Truman Butler, Vice President
C. H. Vaughan, Cashier
We are
To supply your wants
for the coming: winter
Our stock is Our prices are
Our goods are
R. J. Mclsaac.6c Co.
Parktlale, Oregon