THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 27. 1912 5 ELKS WILL GIVE A CHARITY BALL Id sympathy with the Chriutmaa spirit which will soon prevail, local members of various Elks' lodges will give a charity ba'l on Thursday, De cember 12, at Hellbronner Hall. Tractlcal philanthropy is ono of the articles In the Elks' creed. Last year local members contributed to a Christ mas purse which totaled over 200. This was expended for articles of clothing and Christmas baskets, which were judiciously distributed and UPPER VALLEY NOTICE List your places for special attention with WARD IRELAND CORNELL Upper Valley Real Improved and Unimproved OrchardLand Hood River Connection GUY Y. UOWAKUS & CO. 12 ol NURSERY STOCK In Standard Varieties to offer for the Season 1912-13. Also some Select PEONA BULBS CD. THOMPSON Phone 3232-M Good Things for Thanksgiving Dinner We have just received a fresh supply of Nuts, Raisins, Candies, Cherries, Candied Cakes, Cran berries, Etc. for Thanksgiving Day. Place your orders early and get the best. atr J. R. KINSEY cme grocery FREE DULIVIIRY: East 9:30 a.m., West 8 a. m., 10 a. m., 4 p. ri1i.m.u.m.M.i.i P. B. SNYDER 1 Hood River Plumbing company Phono 68X Sanitary Plumbing and Heating. Tinning and Sheet Metal Work. Repairing Promptly Attended. ESTIMATES FURNISHED CASCADE AVENUE TrTV.'iriYiYiviYiviYiiwryrn HAVING purchased the entire interest of E. Brayford in the Rockford Store about three months ago, we are now in a position to serve you with all the highest class Groceries at reasonable prices. We invite your patronage and will serve you to the best of our ability. GIVi: US A TRIAL MERCER & CO. PHONE NO. 5 Transfer and Livery company Freight, Express and Baggage Transferred Furniture Moved. Stored or Packed for Shipment HOOD RIVER, DRAYING Furniture and Tianos MoxJod All Kinds of Light and Heavy Work Wood Yard and Feed Store in Connection Office Phone 29 Residence 2J8K TAFT TRANSFER CO. . -- a fi, . - f- -eta :-xr a For Lime, House See STRANAHAN & CLARK which brought with them to many lo cal homes Christmas cheer of a sub stantial kind. This year the proceeds of the ball will be devoted to the same purpose. A Privilege It Is a privilege of fathers and mothers who have children backward In development and learning to have these defects corrected. Mouth breathing should not be permitted. See Dr. Edmunds, the Specialist, on Friday and Saturday, November 29 30 at the Hotel Oregon. Glasses sci entifically fitted. Read the News. It tells it all. Estate I nsurance Phone U. C. M. Ranch, Parkdale 77-Odell Upper Hood River Valley, Ore. R. R. No. 2 Hood River. Ore. oicre phone23 3:30 p. m.; we SMC m. Give STAMPS B. B. POWELL WAREHOUSE ON PIRST STREET OREGON. I XPRES9 AND BAGGAGE jsta jcxraJB Cement and Plaster LOOK TO SEE THE MARKET STRENGTHEN In a circular sent out by the Grand Junction association the grower are advised that the car shortage Is the most serious In the history of the United States, and there Is no possi bility of relief In sight for the present Apple shipments are now cut down to about 10 cars per day, which Is the limit of the rolling stock obtain able. For the past week growers have been advised to hold their ap ples and the stock has been refused at the various platforms which are still loaded up. After stating that the apple situa tion Is not serious, and that the as sociation expects to realize satisfac tory prices on all varieties of good apples, the circular letter states: "We wish to urge all growers to furnish storage protection for all ap ples still on hand until the car short age can be relieved, and such storage must be frost-proof. It Is very evi dent that sufficient cars cannot be se cured during the next two weeks to move the balance of the crop and un less the growers take Immediate steps to provide necessary storage, consid erable loss may result. "The apple market In all consuming territory is in an unsatisfactory con dition, which, however, we believe to be only temporary and as soon as the large quantities of cheap bulk and bar rel stock from Kansas, Missouri, Ar kansas and other producing districts which are fairly flooding the markets, Is consumed, the demand for boxed stock will Improve." I - J I r -fr - - Rev. E. H. Hicks It is announced that Rev. E. H. Hicks, one of the ablest evangelists in the state, will deliver a series of sermons at Immanuel BaptUt church (formerly the Heights Baptist church) in this city on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, December, 2, 3, and 4, at 7:30 o'clock. Mr. Hicks Is personally known to the writer as a strong, convincing speaker and one who will merit large congregations. Advertised Letters Advertised letters at the local post office this week are as follows: H H Abbott, H C Adams, Elmer P Adams, Jack Asher, S Assade. Mrs Ella Brown, T W Badden, A M. Bryant, W A Burham. J C Cameron, Mrs Carden, Mrs. Thomas M Carpenter, Mrs G L Clark, J M Card, B Carson, J D Carter, M C Carter. J W Chamberlin (2), G Cham berlin, C C Chapman, II C Closow, C N Cochran, J Connors, W Coopen. J Dasher, Mrs A T Dodge, C M Davis, C E Davidson, O Dennitt, D Delong (2), Walter Dixby Dick, Mr Dixby, W J Dobson. W G Earmalce, M Enright L Fischer, J Fisher, G A Foraberg, F A Fren. C Gastner, Lewis Gibson, E II Green (2), J S Gulnther. Elin Hagman, A E Hale, C E Hamil ton, W G Ilarmslee, J Hanneman, And ers Hansen, P P Hanson, C F Hatch, A Hatch, C L Illman, Horace Holllns head, H Homer, Jamie Hoopder, F A Hughes. E T Imison, II M Irwin, A Isbandor. F W Jackson, Mabel S Johnstone. Kobt Knott N Lark, Alex Lorona. C Marly, H B Martin, I McClain, F A McQuiston, E Mcllott (3), Jeremiah Meyer, O C McGowan (2), F McGraw (2), R L Mclntyre, O II Mclntosh.J Mlckleson, G Miller, John Mitchell (2), J McKay, G Moore, J A Moore, F D Morgan, W Mont. J F O'Reilly, J L Oser, E C Owens. E E Page, L I Pape, Anton Paulson, J II Pepperson, J II Phillips, F II Pough. I Ransey, F G Reynolds, Q A Rlch ter, Geo Rleben, Frank Robinson (2), J II Rose, E L Rood, L C Royce. Mrs J II Shepard, Mrs Lola Smith, W II Sanders, Mr Schrorder, Albert Schobe, R Service, L Sllliman, O W Smith, II W Smith (3), II G Smith, D I Stone (2), Verne Stater, E I Stewart. E A Thompson (3), Ellsha Thomas. I Van Osten, Chas Van Valkenburg, I N Walter, C E Ward (2), W II Wells, Geo E Wells, E B Welch, J M Wilson, M J L Wood, Mltchel Wood. Alfred Yaskey. J. P LUCAS, P. M. 422.000 POUNDS OF . . BERRIES CANNED The Seattle P. I. says: - Senator W. H. Paulhamus, president of the Puyallup and Sumner Fruit Growers' Association, gave a lecture last night at the Y. M. C. A. on the question of marketing fruit at a profit The association has handled about 200,000 crates of berries this year. Its cannery, valued at $50,000, this year canned about 3,422,000 pounds of ber ries, which were all disposed of throughout the country. The associa tion Is used as a bank for the farmers. They bring their berries Into Puyallup and are given a receipt for them. They are then canned and shipped to the best market. The only expense to the farmer is the cost of shipping. One scheme of the association to stimulate the market is to regulate the price charged to the people. This Is accomplished by making a contract with the retail grocers in which the price to be charged is stipulated. Notice to Creditors Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, Minnie Pearl Ervine Thom as, has been appointed Administratrix of the estate of Mate A. Howland, de ceased, by the County Court of Hood River County, Oregon. All persons having claims against the said estate of Mate A. Howland, deceased, are notified to present the same, duly verified, to the undersign ed, at the office of George W. Cald well, 610 Arlington Bldg., Portland, Oregon, within six (6) months from the date of this notice, or be forever barred from making claim for such credits or claims. Dated at Hood River, Oregon, No vember 20th. A. D. 1912. MINNIE PEARL ERVINE THOMAS, Administratrix. GEO. W. CALDWELL, 510 Arlington Bldg, Portland, Oregon, Attorney for Estate. 47-51 NOTICE TO CREDITORS I, the undersigned having been appointed executrix of the last will and testament of William R. Starrett and letters testamentary having issu ed to me as such, notice is hereby giv en to all persons having claims against the estate of William R. Star rett, deceased, to present them with proper vouchers and duly verified as required by law, at the office of Ernest C. Smith In the McCan Building in the City of Hood River, Oregon, within six months from the date' of this no tice. This notice is dated and the first publication thereof Is the 20th day of November, 1912. ALICE M. STARRETT, 47-51 Executrix Notice of Completion of Construction of Cement Curps and Gutters .Thirteenth Street Improve ment District Notice is hereby given that John G. Zolls, contractor, has filed written no tice this 18th day of November, 1912, of the completion of cement curbs and gutters, Block 1, Clark's First Ad dition, under his contract with the city heretofore made and entered into un der Ordinance No. 366, and that the amount due said contractor for said improvement upon its acceptance is hereby stated to be $63.49. And notice is further given that any objections to the acceptance of said work under the contract with the said contractor on the part of said City may be filed in the office of the undersigned City Recorder by any In terested party at any time within fif teen days from the date of the first publication of said notice, to-wit, with in fifteen days from the 20th day of November, 1912. This notice Is published In the Hood River News for two consecutive issues thereof, the date of the first publica tion thereof being the 20th day of No vember, 1912. II. L. HOWE, 47-48 City Recorder. Election Notice ..Notice is hereby given that pursu ant to the order of the Common Coun cil of the City of Hood River, Oregon, that the regular City Election will be held in the City of Hood River, Ore gon, in the City Hall therein, on Tues day, the 3rd day of December, 1912, for the purpose of electing one Mayor; three Councllmen; one City Recorder, and one City Treasurer. J. II. Gill, John A. Wilson and Mrs. J. P. Lucas have been appointed Judges of said Election by the Common Council and J. M. Culbertson, Mrs. Chas. Castner have been appointed Clerks of said Election. Polls will be opened at the hour of eight o'clock a. m. and remain open until the hour of seven o'clock p. m. of said date. Pursuant to the order of the Common Council, two weeks' no tice Is given of said Election by pub lishing the same in the Hood River News for two successive Issues and posting notices thereof In three public places In the City of Hood River. Dated Monday, November 18, 1912. II. L. HOWE, City Recorder. 47 48c Nolle, it final In tha County Court of Hood River County. State of Omrou. la tha matter of tha null of Pater Detlef Hin richa. Dornamd. Motico ia haraby riven that the ondaraiariad axaeutnx of the last will and aatal of Hetvr Det lef Hinncha. deccaaod. haa haratofura filed her final account and eettlesnent in the above entitled Court and causa, and that the Hon. U. R. Caatner, Judireof the aaid County Court, baa appointed r rulay the Z2nd day of November. A. D. 15(12, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of aaid dar. in the court room of the County Court Houee in the city of Hood Kiver. Orecon. aa the tune and place for hearing- on and Anal eettlement of aaid account. Any interacted pereon bavins objectuma thereto may then and there appear and nreeent the aame. or be forever barred from making aame. Date of firat publication thia )rd day of Octob er. 1U12. MAKGARETHA MAGDALENA HINRICHS. Executrix. E. H. Hart wis. Attorney for Eatate, Hood Kiver, Orevon. 4MT Notice of Hearing ioFloil account In the County Court of the State of Oravon for Hood Kiver County. In the matter of the Estate of William H. Tbomaa. Deceaaed. Notice la hereby riven that the undernamed aa Adminiatrator of the Eetata- of William H. Ihotn- aa. deceaeed. did on the 16th day of October, 112. duly file hia final account aa auch Adminiatrator. with the Clerk of the County Court of Hood Riv er County. Oreiron, and that on tha 16th day of October, 1912. the Judae of aaid Court duly made and filed an Order fixing a day for the hearine; of objectiona to auch Final Account, and the Settle ment thereof and the releaaa and diechara-e of aid Adminiatrator and Bondsman, and fixing the 22nd day of November, A. D- 1U12, at 10 o'clock a. m. at the Court Houee in the City of Hood Riv ef. Hood River County, Oregon, aa tha tiro and place of auch hearing. Now therefore, ail peraona Interested in aaid ae tata are hereby notified to appear at aaid time and place and ahow cauae if any they have why aaid Final Account ahould not be allowed, and in all thinga approved and confirmed, and the aaid Ad miniatrator and hia Bon daman diacharged. and the aaid aetata be declared aettled and cloaed. The day of the firat publication of thia notice will be October 23rd. 1912. Iated October 17th. H12. ELISHA M. THOMAS. Aa Adminiatrator of the Estate of William H. Thomaa, deceaeed. L. A. A A. P. Reed. Attorneys, Hood River. Oregon. 4S-47 Summon! In the Circuit Court of Hood River County, Ore gon. Leander Francia Smith. Plaintiff. VI Clara Belle Smith, Defendant. To Clara Belie Smith. Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed airainat you in the above nam ed Court and entitled suit, on or before the last day of aix consecutive weeks from the date of the first publication of thia aummona aa hereinafter stated, and if you fail to ao appear and answer for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to thia court for the relief demanded in hia aaid complaint, and will demand judgment and decree of thia court for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony now exiating between him and you, on the greunda of your wilful deeertion of him for more than one year laat past, and for other equitable relief. You are hereby nerved witn thia aummona rjy publication thereof, by order of the Honorable G. R. Caatner. County Judge of Hood River Coun ty, Oregon, made October 21st, 1912, which order nreacribed that you ahall appear and anawer aaid complaint on or before the laat day of aix consecu tive weeka from the date of the firat publication of thia aummona; and you are notified that Octob er 23rd. 1912. ia and will be the date of the firat publication of thia aummona. ObUJlbE, K. niLDUB, Plaintiff'a Attorney. 43-49 Hood River. Oregon. Summons In the Circuit Court of tha State of Oregon for the County of Hood River. Manning U Howard, f lalntirr, va Adoipn lirodt. Bertha Grodt. Christian Frederick Grodt. Doris Grodt Kahl. Dora Grodt, Dorothy Grodt, Emma Grodt, Frederick Grodt, Frederick Grodt, Guatave Grodt, John Grodt, John Ditlef Grodt, Johann Detlef Frederic urodt, jonanna uoremea oroat, (Insane). W. Wulf. Guardian of Johanna Dore thea Grodt, Neta Grodt, William Grodt, William Grodt, John Kahl, and Guatave Grodt. William Grodt, and Frederick Grodt for the benefit of the heirs of Charlea Grodt, deceased. Defendants. To Adolph Grodt, Bertha Grodt, Christian Fred erick Grodt, Doris Grodt kahl. Dora Grodt, Dor othv Grodt. Emma Grodt. Frederick Grodt, Fred erick Grodt, Guatave Grodt, John Grodt, John Ditlef Grodt, Johann Detlef Frederick Grodt, Jo hanna Do re thee Grodt (Insane), W. Wulf, Ouard ian of Johanna Dorethea Grodt. Neta Grodt, Wil ham Grodt, William Grodt, John Kahl. and Gua tave Grodt, William Grodt and Frederick Grodt for the benefit of the heira of Charlea Grodt, de ceased. Defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon. You are hereby required to appear and anawer to the txxn nlaint filed airainat you in the above entitled suit on or before the expiration of aix weeka from the date of the first publication of thia Summons hereinafter stated, and if you fail ao to answer, for want thereof the flamtitf will ap ply to the Court for the relief prayed for in hia Complaint, to-wit: For a Decree determining all claims adverse to plaintiff which you. or either or any of you. may have or claim to have, in any estate or interest in that land situated in the County of Hood River, State of Oregon, described aa follows, to-wit: The northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section Fourteen (14). Township Two (2) North. Range Ten (10) East of the Willamette Meridian. That by aaid decree it may be adjudged that you or either or any of you have no estate or in terest, whatever, in or to said land and that the plaintiff is the owner nf the title to aaid land in fee simple: that you. and each of you. be forever enjoined and debarred from asaerting any claim whatever in or to aaid land adverse to plaintiff: that plaintiff may recover hia costs and disburse ments and have auch other relief as to the court may seem just and equitable. You are hereby served by publication of thia Summons in accordance with an order of the Hon. W. U Bradshaw, Judge of the above entitled Court, duly made and entered on the 10th day of October, 1912, which order prescribes that you shall appear and answer said Complaint on or be fore the expiration of Six Weeks from the date of the date of the first publication of thia Summons: the date of the first publication hereof ia the 16th day of October. 1912. ERNEST a SMITH. 42-48 Attorney for Plaintiff, Notice to Creditors Notice Is hereby gtven that the un dersigned, Mary A. NoMe, has been appointed Adniinlntratrlx of the es tate of Frank Noble, deceased, by the County Court of Hood IUver County, Ort'Kon. All persotiM having claims against the s.'tld estate of Frank Noble, de ceased, are uotltied to present the name, duly verllied, to tne under signed, nt the otlice of E. II. Hart wig, ut rooms 7 and S, Smith Block, Third Street. In Hood Kiver City, within six months from the date of this notice, or be forever barred from making claim for such credits or claims. Dated nt Hood Kiver, Oregon, No veiuberfith, A. I. l!li. Mary A. Nohi.k, E. H. Hautwki, Administratrix. Attorney fur Kstate 4." 4'. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Hood River County. In the matter of the estate of M. F. Shaw, Deceased. The undersigned having been appointed executor of the last will and testament of M. F. Shaw, deceas ed and letters testamentary having Issued to me as such under an order of the County Court of Hood River County, Oregon. Notice is hereby given to the credit ors of and all persons having claims against said estate, to present them duly verified as required by law, at the ofllce of Ernest C. Smith, In the McCan Building, City of Hood River, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, which date Is November 13, 1912. J. D. McCFLLY, Executor. 4G 50 Star Orchard Ladders... Are And best of all ry 4. the PRICE IS Klgnr Steadily increasing demand for them is'good evidence that the STAR is a winner. We unhesitatingly recom mend them to Orchardists who want a ladder that is not heavy or'clumsy but strong enough for any ordinary 'use. Blowers Hardware Co. The Firm that "Makes Good" The Hood River Volunteer Firemen respectfully request the pleasure of your attendance and support at their Annual Fireman's Ball to be given in Heilbronner Hall, Thursday, Nov. 28th Dancing from 9 o'clock to 12 4th & State St. 0. P. DABNEY & SONS FURNITURE, FURNITURE, FURNITURE, STOVES AND RANGES We buy, sell and exchange everything in House Furnishings, Campers Supplies, etc. Don't forget the place-Cor. 4th & State No Old EvervtM Arthur Clarke's The Jeweler S. E. BARTMESS Funeral Director and Practical Embalmer ESTABLISHED 18 YEARS MOOD RIVER, OREOON Strong Light Durable Vogel's Orchestra NEW MODEL OLIVER The old reliable visible type writer with new printype and other improvements. The ma chine that writes print that is print and is always ready for business. For sale or rent on easy terms. A. VV. ONTHANK, Agt. 109 Oak St. Hood River, Ore. Phone 248K Stock at New