10 THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27. 1912 ro), i -w.7 v,y r- - 1 I i I I The Woman Makes fee Home She makes it best who, looking after the culinary department, turns her back resolute ly upon unhealthful, or even suspicious, food accessories. She is economical; she knows that true economy does not consist in the use of inferior meat, flour, or baking powder. She is an earnest advocate of home made, home baked food, and has proved the truth of the statements of the experts that the best cook ing in the world today is done wth Royal Baking Powder. CHE bo called "railway question" h no longer one to be treated by press and public with indifference on the theory that any damage to the business is hurtful only to a few rich people. IT IS A GREAT NATIONAL QUESTION THAT MUST BE .DISCUSSED FULLY AND WITHOUT PREJUDICE, AND WHEN THE PRESS AND THE PUBLIC UNDERSTAND THE REAL FACTS IT IS TO BE HOPED THAT THEY WILL REALIZE THAT THE GENERAL WEL FARE OF THE WHOLE COUNTRY DEPENDS UPON HAVING SAFE. COMFORTABLE, REGULAR AND ADEQUATE TRANSPORTATION, AND TO HAVE IT THE NECESSARY PRICE MUST BE PAID. The press can do much to correct the impression that railways are "making" great sums of money, for the statement is not true. The railways are having a largo volume of business and show gross earn ings of very large figures, but the public mind is CONFUSED ON THE SUBJECT OF "GROSS EARNINGS" of the railways and the "making of money" by the railways. Too often the impression remains in the mind of the individual that because a railway has gross earnings of fifty or sixty or seventy millions of dollars this enormous sum of money has gone to a LIM ITED NUMBER OF RICH OWNERS of the property. As a matter of fact, after paying for wages, materials, taxes, rentals and a very modest return on the fair value of the property there is little or nothing left for those improvements which must be made day by day to keep the transportation machine in good order for today's business, let alone the very large investment that must be made to care for the GROWING BUSINESS and demands of this country. Your Holiday Buying GROCERIES new nuts No. 1, soft shell, very best, per lb 20c No. 2, soft shell, very best, per lb 15c Brazil's Best, per lb 15c Almonds, best, per lb i ...20c Mixed Nuts, per lb. 17Jc RAISINS AND CURRANTS Raisins, best 16 oz. package 3 for 25c Best 12 oz. package.. 4 for 25c We have all other ingredients for your MINCEMEAT Package Mincemeat 10c and 2 for 25c OTHER SUGGESTIONS- Dates, Fitfs, Bulk Raisins, Citrus, Lemon and Orange Peel, Canned Mincemeat, Pickles, (Heinz) Cranberries, Horse Radish, Banana3, Oranges, Pumpkins and Squash t Sec our Fancy Soaps and Cigars put up for Christmas Presents .jpf Remember We Deliver Order of a Reasonable Size E. E. KAESSER'S CASH STORE The NEWS For Printing. American Railroads Are Trying to Do What Is Right For the Public By HOWARD ELLIOTT. President of the Northern Piciflc Railway Company RATES OF PARCELS POST ANNOUNCED After January 1st special stamp will be nviuired on all fourth class mail matter, the new stamps being known as "Parcels Post" stamps. Postmaster General Hitchcock gives the following series of rules which will govern the parcels post: The rules which will apply January 1, when it will be possible to send packages up to 11 pounds through the mails follow: Parcels post stamps must be put on all fourth class matter beginning Jan uary 1, and that matter bearing ordi nary postage stamps w ill be treated as "held for postage." Parcels will be mailable only at po8tofflces, branch offices, lettered and local named stations and such num bered station as may be designated by the postmaster. All parcels must bear the return card of the sender; otherwise they w ill not be accepted for mailing. The parcel post rates are: Each First Add'nal Eleven pound pound pounds Rural route and city delivery S0.05 jo.oi $0.15 50-mile zone 05 .03 .35 150-mtle-zone 06 .04 .46 300-mile-zone 07 .05 .57 600-mile-zone 08 .06 .68 1,000-mile-zone 09 .07 .79 1.400-mile-zone 10 .09 1.00 1,800-mile-zone 11 .10 1.11 Over 1,800 miles 12 .12 1.32 The Postoffice Department will in demnify shippers for all goods dam aged or lost in the parcel post. Grace U. B. Church Sunday School at 10 a. m. Sermon, "The Wrestling That Wrought," at 11 a. m. Junior at 3 p. m. C. E. at 6:30. Special music and discourse on"Why the New Structure Became an Old Shack." Let us not forget that we re solved to do better work for the home land in the days that are just ahead. J. B. Parsons, Minister. Oh, Girls! Looky! You little misses, future housewives, how many times have you played housekeeping and had dinner parties only you had to use cold water for soup and for tea and most everything else because you had no stove to cook with. Now suppose you had a real and for sure Steel Range just your size, one that will cook 'and bake same as mammas, and with all the pots and skillets and pans to fit? Wouldn't that be dandy? Well, here's your chance to own' one. MR. FRANZ is going to give one to the best little cook in Hood River County, and to find out who is the best cook!! -Oh, what a task!!! Well, Mr. Franz is going to ask every little girl under 12 years of age to come to the store on... Saturday, Dec. 7, at One o'clock and mix up a pan of BAKING POWDER BISCUITS that will be baked in a Quick Meal Range in the store. He will furnish everything to do it with just bring two deft little hands, a happy face, an apron and a good recipe for baking powder biscuit. There will be three judges and to the winner of the contest will be GIVEN... A Genuine Quick Meal Steel Range and UTENSILS. It is" worth about $15.00, so you see some little lady is going to earn a mighty fine Christmas present of her own; and there'll be bush els of fun too. Important telephone to him. Do this as soon as you have decided you want to try for the Range- See the Range in the Window Now Remember the date, Saturday, Dec. 7th. Bring your mammas and papas along to enjoy the fun. E. A. FRANZ CO IIOOI RIVER, OREGON KEPT AN EYE ON THE HOUSE. A Neighborly Act That Roaultod In Comody of Errors. A Kntleumu and his wltt- occupying j it villa In a Loudon suburb asked a I neiKliltor to "keep au eye on the place" while they wero away on their an ! nun I holiday. The neighbor consented Hint on the drat night of bla caretak Inu uotlced a light In the bedroom of I he irvKimmbly unoccupied house and snw the light extinguished .i-coniHUled by a ollceman. the oclKlihor iniule a forcible entrance through the scullery window, and quiet ly the two men made their way to the liednxiiu The light of the constable's liul Key e disclosed the bead of a man lu I nil. and the policeman promptly drew his truncheon. As promptly the occupant of the bed sprang out. and a desperate struggle begun. Simultaneously a lady dashed across the room shrieking, threw open the window and at considerable peril cln inhered out. A second constable, pausing at the moment, concluded that the indy was bent on suicide and, en terlug the front garden, held himself in readiness to catch the woman, who apxred to be about to fling herself to the ground. The nelghlior, however, dragged the lady back into tbe room, and then the truth begun to assert itself. Tbe cap tured Invader of tbe empty bouse and the escaping lady were the occupant and his wife, who had suddenly chang ed their holiday arrangements without Informing their too vigilant neighbor. London Globe. Congregational Church Hans Hoerlein will give his third monthly organ recital next Sunday ev ening at 7:30. He will be assisted by Culver Osgood and Win. Chandler in a popular program. The pastor's third annual message to the church will be given at the morning service. The annual meeting of the church will be held Thursday evening, Dec. 5. Methodist Church Sunday School at 10 a. m. Preach ing service at 11 a. in. Theme, "Brok en Vows." Epworth Leage at 6:30 p. m. All are cordially invited to attend these services. W. B. Young, Pastor. Just one thing you must do come in before the day of the contest and tell Mr. Franz that you would like to enter it. He will give you your number which will ,be put in your pan of biscuit. If you live out of town FRENCH ZOUAVES. Those Fighters Wen Their Qroataat Fame In tha Crimea. One of the moat interesting class of soldiers of modern times has been the Kronen corps called the souavea. This body of during and picturesquely at tired fighters reached tbe heights of Its reputation during tbe Crimean war. The souave corps at that time was supposed to consist of Frenchmen. It was. however, quite International, since many during young foreigners bad Joined It, and It was known to In clude In Its ranks men from Oxford, Cottlngen and other universities It Is probable thut a majority of Its members were in It more for love of fighting than for any love of country. It Is not strange, therefore, that Its fame a a Hunting body should have spread throughout the world. When our war between tbe states broke out several corps of souaves, wearing the glittering oriental uniforms of the French corps or a modi Ilea tioo of them, were formed on both sides. On tbe Culon side the best known was that corps commanded by Elmer Ellsworth, a young ottirer from New York and the first killed on the Union side. In tbe Confederacy tbe most famous corps of Koiinres was that called the "Lou- Isluuit Tigers." While in American military life the souave uniform has practically disap peared. In France the souave name and uniform still survive. Harper's Weekly, Unitarian Ohurch The services at the Unitarian church next Sunday are as follows: Sunday School at 10 o'clock, subject, "Self and Social Self;" young people's meeting at 6:30 p. m.; lecture on Kt ligion and Science at 7:30. The sub ject of this fourth lecture Is "The Faith Basis of Science," and is de signed to show that both science and religion depend on faith and faiths, that the unseen figures in both, and that the fundamentals in each are transcendental. How many times have you mistak en Bulgars In the headlines for "Burglars?" The News can give you the best in printing. LOOK FOR YOUR TOY WANTS At the Big Store The largest, cleanest stock Hood River has ever seen. Prices are made to suit conditions -Our $1,000.00- TOY STOCK must move in the next 3 weeks. Every pur chaser gets the benefit of the sweeping reduc tions made to accom plish this. Can we count on you to pur chase... 20c and 25c Toys for . . . 15c 15c Toys for . 10c 10c Toys for . 5c Larger Toys in the same Proportion. Look for next week's Ad. for particulars A BATTLE IN THE SEA. Wanton 8laughtar Whan Bluafiah and Manhadan Moat. I 'Id you ever awe bluellsb charge a school of nivnbuden at seat Tbat la ionieihlim north seeing. The bluedsb Hi row llicir lines forward until they al iiiiiki kiii round the menhaden, and they attack them flank and rear. The men iimlcn fairly make tbe water boll In tneii efforts to escape, while all around i lie eueuiy is at them tearing relent lessly. Into all this commotion cornea a greut shark. It'a a picnic (or tbe shark, a achool of menhuden all herded up for his benefit It swims leisurely into tbe midst of them, open Its mouth ' and takes lu half a dozen menhaden at a gulp It swims around and bites out half a doien more from tbe school. It gore's Itself without effort But tbe menhaden are not nearly aa much disturbed by tbe presence of tbe monster swimming about among them as they are By the charging biueflsh. The shark takes half a dozen flsb or more at a bite, while tbe biueflsh only bites a piece out of a single fish, but there Is only one shark, while there may be thousands of biueflsh plunging and tearing Incessantly and killing and maiming at every stroke. Tbe shark's a brute, but under such circumstances the menhaden have lesa of fear than they hare of contempt for him. WONDERS OF BAALBEC. A Building Problem That Has Puzzled Modern Engineer. Ban I bee, or Baalbek, la tbe name given a ruined city lying In ancient Coele, Syria, forty-five mllea northwest of Daniuscus. There la nothing particularly re markable about a ruined city being found Id tbe locality mentioned, but tbe size of tbe blocks of stone used by tbe ancient builders of this partic ular city Is something that baa puz zled the modern engineers since the day when Baaibec was first made tbe Mecca of the oriental traveler. There are Immense atonea on every side of tbe visitor to this ancient pile of ruins, but the three most remarka ble blocks-said to be tbe largest ever used In tbe construction of a building are In a wall back of tbe temple of Baal These Immense atonea are respec tively sixty-four, sixty-three and sixty two feet In length and each la thirteen feet In thickness, but tbe most wonder ful thing In connection with them Is the fact they are at a place In the wall twenty five feet from the ground. How these Immense blocks of granite were ever raised to such a height Is a question that has never yet been an swered Tiger and Lion. "One time. In order to test tbe cour age of a Henna I tiger and a lion," aald a well known showman. we placed Chinese crackers In the respective cases and fired the fuses. As soon aa th fuses began to burn they attracted the attention of both animals, but in a widely different manner. The Hon drew Into a corner and watched tbe proceedings with a distrustful and on etiy eye. The tiger, on the contrary, advanced to the burnlug fuse with a firm step and unflinching gnze. On reaching the cracker be began to roll It over the floor with bis paw, and when It exploded beneath his nose be did not flinch, but continued bis exam Inatlon until perfectly satisfied. The Hon betrayed great fear when be beard the reirt of the explosion and for quite n time could not be coaxed out of bis den "-tendon Tit-Blta. Victoria and th Future. Queeu Victoria's childlike faltb In the future life is toucblngly revealed In her published letters to Dr. Boyd Car penter. The only fear that troubled her was lest those she loved who bad left tliis world before ber might have outgrown her companionship. "I feel only this doubt." he wrote to Car penter, "on account of my dear hus band, whose tastes were of a higher and different order from mine and who bad different Interests perhaps from mine. I am far more fit now to be bis companion than 1 used to be, but still I know that be must have soared higher than ma" Raiment of the Cottar, The English costermonger must be fearfully and wonderfully clothed. Judging from the following coster tailor's advertisement In a London paper: "A slap-up toga and kickslea builder, with npper Benjamins snipped on a downy plan, with moleskins of hanky panky design, with a double fakement down the sides and artful buttons at bottom, with ktcksles cut pegtop, half tight, or to drop loose over tbe trot ters, with fancy vesta made to flash the dickey, or to lit tight round the scrag." Domastio Joys. "Rosa, my motber-ln-law la coming for a long visit tomorrow. Here ta a list of her favorite dishes." ' "Yes, sir." "Well, the first time you give ua one of these you'll get a week'a notice." Fllegende Blatter. Not Abal. In a county court recently an Inquiry wan made as to why a defendant named C'aln was not present "Because ba Isn't able!" cried a voice from the back of the court London Mall. Th Bulldor' Lament. III Friend igaslng at new house) 80 this Is your last bouse? Builder (sadly)-Yea. last but not leased. London Answer. Christian and Missionary Allianc Sunday School at 9:45, II. C. Diets, superintendent. Preaching at If a. m. Young People' Meeting at 7:15 p. m. Evangelistic service at 8 p. m . Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:45. These are ail gospel meetings. Our motto: "Jesus Only." All are cord ially Invited. W. P. KIRK, pastor. Lost A Laprob Finder of laprobe with name of Fashion Stables inscribed on it please return. 47-48C Tbe Dally Callforulan state that a fossil skull 100,000 years old has been uncovered by the University of Cali fornia excavators at La Brea. Union services at the Christian church tomorrow. J. C. Johnsen Home of GOOD SHOES Where the Best Values ComeFrom 1 aV CP. SUMNER Opposite Iba Post Otlici Hum Phone 20 r m Garden llosc Plumbing A A Zl. t- XM.. V- A. ft Blacksmithing and Wagon Work Farm Implements and Logging tools repaired. Plow work a specialty. Howell Bros. Two doors east of Fashion Stables I lood River. Ore. Phone 22 7-X HOOD RIVER POULTRY YARDS J. R. NICKEUEN, Proprietor snider of S. C. W. Lighorns. W. P. Rocks and S. C. rthodi lilintf Htd). Indian Runnor Ducki Breeders and young otnek for (ale. Or. der booked now. Poultry yards IS mlka wt of city at f'rankUm. Phone 32K2-X. NEW SCHEDULE mount Kood Raifrcad KfTrctlve 12:01 A. M. Sunday. Sept. 8th 1U12 No. J .. n. No. I . ft 8 no 8 06. 8 16 H M. 8 40. 9 06 9 16 9 20 9 46 in in in 16. 10 40 10 46 STAT10N3 No. 2 No. .4 -'! . I 66! .. a 6o .. 1 3D . S lo . 06 . I 00 .. 1 60 .. 1 4.') .. 1 8.1 . 1 801 .. 1 I6 . 1 Oft . 1 no a.ft s 00 4 66 4 80 4 10 4 06 4 on I 60 I 46 a 88 8 .10 1 16 t 06 t 00 8 no s or. n ir 8 an H to M 9 on s On In M 40 9 56 10 on Lt. Hind River Ar. .. Pnwerdale Switi'M.a.-k Van Horn ...... Mohr Odell Summit . Mioucher Winana Itrm Trout Creekj Woodworth Ar. Parkdale I.r. . . n lev. r w A. WILSON, Agent.