Image provided by: Hood River County Library District; Hood River, OR
About The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1912)
3 FREE! EREE!! Remember the Entire Cash Receipts of One Day During this Sale will be Handed Back in Cash THE HOOD RIVER NEWS,',, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20. 1912 LJ Ld OC Ll CO O CO B o z l r z D U) hi D Z H- Z O o hi to CO I h- OC UJ m UJ UJ QC 11 REFUND DAY will fall on some day in November On this day every person who has made a Cash Purchase will have the amount of their purchase REFUNDED IN CASH. No one knows what day will be Refund Day That will be decided by a disinterested committee having no connection with the Store. J few of the many Good Things we are offering in addition to your Money Back for a goods bought onrej-und day SALE ENDS NOVEMBER 30 Women'sand Misses' Sweaters worth up to $3, for $1.00 15 cent Ginghams 10c 25 cent rmts for Women and Children 10c a pair $1.75 Women's Kid Gloves 98c 50 cent China Silks 29c yd. 35 cent Pillow Tops 19c 15 and 20 cent Cotton Hose F?or Women and Children 10c the pair Winter Coats for women Winter Suits for women There are Coats in various styles at these moderate prices and hardly two alike, thus giving an exclusiveness rarely found in so large a stock. $15 to $25 Suits Priced at $12.50 The various models are developed by Serges, Zibelines, Heavy Diagonals and Reversible Tweeds, on lines that are designed for winter comfort. $15 and $18 Suits Priced at $12.50 Every man has need of a fall and winter Suit, and at a saving of several dollars with the opportunity of having your money handed back to you, no hesitation should be made. The materials are Tweeds, Serges, and Fancy Worsteds. Coats are made from the latest models collars fitted, shoulders well built, pants are semi-peg style, some have belt loops and 010 cn side straps, and splendid values at $15 to $18. Special Refund Price... mIZiuU Then we have Special Values at - - $15, $18 and $20.00 The Boys Haven't Been Forgotten We've prepared for them during our search for Winter Clothing. Mothers, we believe, will wel come this bit of underprice news on youngsters' suits. We've priced them at $2.50, $3.50 and $4.00. All made of good sturdy Tweeds in the popular shades of grey and brown, in all the newest styles. Bring in your boys from 5 to 15 and see what vou can select in our Bovs' Suit Department at $2.50, $3.50 and $4.00 DURING THE REFUND SALE Yes, YOUTH'S SUITS are Included in This REFUND SALE $15.00 to $18.00 Youths' Suits priced at $12.50 $12.50 Youths' Suits priced at... 8.50 $10.00 Youths' Suits priced at 6 ! 50 These are long-pant, three-piece suits; cut in the up-to-the-minute style, in Tweeds, Fancy Worsteds and Navy Blue Serges Wool Underw'r For Women, regular $1.25 Now 98c 50 cent Dress Goods 23c $1.25 Flannelette Gowns 98c $1.50 Men's Wool Shirts and Drawers 98c ARE YOU READY FOR WINTER? HOW ABOUT AN OVERCOAT? Have you a good, warm, top coat that you are proud of? Better come into our men's store if you haven t. We've plenty of good OVERCOATS here that you'll be eager to wear when the air is biting cold and the wind blowing. Tuck up inside one of our warm overcoats and you'll go about with less worry in your face. Warm your body, and take the wrinkles out of your disposi tion. Come in and try on some of these. Priced at $18.00 and $ 2 0 . 0 0 WITH THE OPPORTUNITY Of HAVING YOUR MONEY HANDED BACK TO YOU Heavy Outing Flannel 8c the yd. Women's Rain Coats Sale Price $5.00 25c Men's Wool Socks 19c KENYON'S RAIN-PROOF SLIP-ON GOATS REFUND SALE PRICE S7.50 TUT ..y..iJ.r..jA.o Ami EVERY CENT TAKEN IN ON THE DAY SELECTED BY THE COMMITTEE AS REFUND DAY WILL BE PAID BACK TO THE PURCHASERS IN CASH