The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, November 20, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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Mr. Han Lage returned Friday
from a week's visit in Portland.
Mr. Ricketts of Parkdale la visiting
at the McDonald home.
Miss Paula Kellar la up from Port
land for a visit with relative.
The Radford are entertaining com
pany from their old home at LeKoy.
H. F. Lage spent Sunday In Port
land. Mini Allene Clarlt, who has been
visiting her sister In White Salmon,
returned home Saturday.
Rev. Theophilus Schoenberg, field
Missionary of the Pacific Lutheran
Synod, gave a very Interesting talk to
a well-filled house Sunday morning.
The solo by George Carbalt was much
enjoyed by all.
Miss Jessie Wells is quite ill with
throat trouble.
A. I. Mason is at the Apple Show at
Spokane this week.
At a called business meeting of the
Sunflower Class Miss Allene Clark
was elected delegate to represent the
class at the Sunday School Convention
held in Hood River this week. It was
also decided that the class attend the
convention Tuesday evening in a body
instead of the regular session in the
class room.
Joe Porter, who is spending the win
ter In Portland, is up looking after
his apple crop.
There will be preaching services at
the church next Sunday morning.
Everybody welcome.
Miss Northey, the county librarian,
is to meet with the Pine Grove people
Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the
schoolhouse to discuss ways and
means of arranging for a branch li
brary at this place. All who are in
terested In this work are earnestly re
quested to be present The pupils of
the school will furnish a short pro
gram and serve light refreshments.
Come and bring your friends.
The Ladies' Aid Society will give a
chicken supper and social evening at
the Pine Grove Grange Hall Saturday
evening December 14. Supper will be
served from five till seven. A pro
gram will be given. Useful articles,
Christmas presents, Christmas can
dies, etc. will be on sale throughout
the evening. Everybody come and
have a good time.
The Sunflowers met at the church
Saturday evening for the purpose of
planning for the Psychological Read
ing Circle. Friday evening was chos
en as the evening for meeting. "Im
manuel" by N. N. Riddell is the first
work to be taken up. Next Friday
evening it will meet at the lecture
room of the church to do some pre
liminary and introductory work while
waiting for the text books to arrive.
All who wish to join please 'phone to
H. F. Lage at once so he can order
your text book.
On Thursday afternoon was held a
social event at the M. E. parsonage
when the ladies of this community
gave the pastor's wife a fruit shower.
They also brought with them refresh
ment which were served and which
helped to make this social occasion
one long to be remembered by those
Mr. Forden attended the apple show
at Spokane last Saturday.
Mis Smith entertained the Frank
We know that we have a hat that
will suit you In color, style and In
price. We have over ?r.i different
style and price for you to choose
from In all the newest blocks and
materials. Hats for men for $1, $1.25,
II. SO and up to the best of John II.
We have some special values lu
some drummers' sample hats that will
pay you to investigate. These are
good 1 3. hats made up special for
display purposes and are good ones.
About any color or style, sizes "4 and
7V only. Your choice
Boys' heavy sanitary, fleeced under
wear. Separate garment. Good win
ter weight. Special, the garment....
Let us supply you with your needs
for Thanksgiving. We can save you
money on all of these purchases. Li
nens, fancy china and cutglass. We
have fine assortment for you to se
lect from.
We have a few extra big special
price on men' heavy work shoes
with 8, 10, 12 and 14 inch top.
Medium heavy cruising shoe that
formerly sold for $3. now
Men's medium heavy cruising shoe
that formerly sold for $6.60 now....
$7, now-
heavy logger, with outside
15-inch top, former price
j fu'l of high top
o $6 per pair. V
One table fu'l of high tops for men,
values up to $6 per pair. Your choice
Another table of Work shoos for
men, suitable for this time of year.
Values up to $4. Your choice the
Then in the line of dress shoe for
men we have a drummers' sample
line that are sure all right it you can
wear the sites that they come in
Sizes 6 to 8. These sample are all
made up by special workmen of the
very best of material and, besides, we
sell them to you at special bargain.
About any style and leather you can
wiBh for in this lot. It will pay you
to look these over.
Try a pair of Queen Quality Shoe
for dress or street wear. There is
satisfaction in every pair.
..Ladle,' misses' and children' un
derwear In separate garment or in
union suit. Some woolen garment,
otheis fleeced, your choice the gar
ment .
Nemo corsets for ladies. The best
made, most satisfactory corsets on the
market Guaranteed not to break.
Wo know you will want a new suit
or overcoat for Thanksgiving and we
also know that if you buy a Hart,
Sshaffner and Marx or a Clothcraft
make you will surely have some
thing to be thankful for... You can
not make an Investment that will
give you more satisfaction than one
of these. Made of all wool material
as they are, and sold under one of the
very strongest guarantees that can be
attached to any garment, it is little
wonder that wo are so positive that
you will buy no other make after
once giving these a trial. Come in
and let us show you how nicely we
can fit you out with either an over
coat or a suit and at such a reason
able price.
Hart, Schaffner and Marx suit for
$18. and up.
Clothcraft suit $10 and up.
One of the best assortments of
overcoats in the city all this year's
patterns and styles, for $10 and up.
In the line of boys' suits we know
you cannot do any better anywhere
than here. One and two pair of
trousers with the suit. Suits for
$1.75, $2., $2.50 and up.. .All age and
latest patterns.
Visit our rug department for the
best value in the city.
CopjrrifM Hmn tchhf Ic Mara
ton High School girls at a house party
given by her mother, Mrs. Sawyer,
last Saturday and Sunday. Of course,
they toasted marshmellows and did all
the things which belong to the mirth
ful nature of the High School girl.
There will be a Bible reading given
at the home of Mrs. Nicholson con
ducted by Rev. Anderson next Thurs
day evening. All are invited.
Miss Eby played the organ for the
morning services last Sunday.
Mr. Manord and family have recent
ly moved into the Wood worth house
on the corner east of the parsonage.
M. D. Odell announces a meeting at
two o'clock Friday afternoon at the
Union church. All those interested
in federation will meet to elect of
ficers and transact other business.
Miss Leta Bowerman leads C. E.
next Sunday. Thanksgiving service
at seven o'clock. M. D. Odell and
Pastor Shelley have donated wood and
a warm place of worship is now assur
ed. Miss Susie Crapson, who taught at
Odell last year, was at Christian En
deavor and was warmly greeted. She
spent Sunday with Miss Rush at Mrs.
At a dinner party given Sunday at
Clarence Knapp's the following were
entertained: Mrs. Anna Lenz, Mr.
and Mrs. Hansen and children of
Duke's Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Clark
and Mr. and Mrs. Will Lenz. An en
joyable time was had.
The banquet given by the Ferguson
Bible Class was a most enjoyable af
fair. Electric lights were used and
decorations were red and white chrys
anthemums. Delicate hand-painted
place card were used. The Ladies'
Aid served a delicious supper.
Mr. Sherman has a very fine new
storehouse on the track below Lenz
station and furnishes storage.
Mr. and Mrs. Carson C. Masiker
have gone to Grants Pass to stay until
the first of the month.
Guy Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Weber
have gone to Portland to attend the
Land Products Show. Mr. Smith has
an exhibit there.
The approaching marriage of Miss
Gertrude Crosby and Harry Caughey
to be celebrated Sunday was the mo
tive for a wedding shower given the
bride-to-be Thursday. Arrangements
were in charge of Mrs. Crockett and
Mrs. Young. Miss Crosby has grown
to womanhood in Odell and is one of
our most popular young ladies. Her
beautiful voice has been a source of
enjoyment and she has been helpful
to the community in many ways. Her
friends will miss her and wish both
her and Mr. Caughey every happiness
in life.
Clms. X. Clarke denerves pralxe
from Hood River people for Intro
ducing here the simple buckthorn
linrk nnd glycerine mixture, known
mm A dler I k u. 1 his Hlniple (iernian
lemeily first liecmne fnmoiis l.v cur
HiipemllcItU, and It has now leen
discovered that A SIXiLK DOSE
relieves sour stomach, teas on the
stomach ami coustlnatloti IN
Regular .Sunday excursion to Park
dale. Pleasant trip for yourself ind
We deliver orders of $4.00 or over.
give us a trial delivery.
Notice some of our prices .and
Pay the deliveryman
CANNED MILK-Libby or Pio
neer, 3 cans for 25c
Astor brand, 2 for 15c
Per case $3.50
MEAT We handle Swifts' Break
fast bacon, per lb 22c, 24c, 2Cc
Salt pork, per lb 15c
Backs, per lb 17c
Hams, per lb 21c, 22c
LARD Swifts' Silver Leaf,
Per bucket, 85c, $1.70
Premium, per bucket 90c, $1.80
COTTOLENE-Per bkt....65c, $1.60
FLOUR-Dalles Diamond, White
River and Crown Best, persk..$1.30
Per bbl $4.80
SUGAR 15 lbs $1.00
Per sack $6.25
BUTTER -Best creamery, per roll, 85c
COFFEE-M. J. B Arlington
Club, Golden West and Schill
ing's Best, 3 lb tins $1,05
Try our package coffee 30c
POSTUM-Per package 20c
TEAS Tree tea, all grades,
One-half lb pkg 25c
One lb pkgs 50c
We make a specialty on case goods.
Our prices cannot be beat on solid
pack tomatoes, on corn, peas, beans
and canned fruits.
CEREALS -We handle the best
and guarantee them to be fresh.
10 lb sack oat3 45c
10 lb sack cornmeal 30c
10 lb sack graham 30c
Cream of Wheat, 2 pkgs 35c
Shredded Wheat, 2 pkgs 25c
ard grades, 1 lb cans 45c
Citrus Powder 20c
Borax Chips 10c, 20c
SOAPS -White Borax Naptha, 6
bars 25c
Sunny Monday, 6 bars 25c
Fels Naptha, per bar 5c
Special Laundry, 10 bars 25c
STARCH -4 pks 25c
These are only a few of our many
bargains. No, we are not selling out.
We offer these prices all the time.
A meeting of practical significance
was held at the Baptist church (the
Heights) last Wednesday night, when
a set of articles, an adaptation to local
conditions, prepared on the basis of
the Mosier Federation', was consider
ed. The meeting was of interest in
the spirit manifested and in the gen
eral unanimity on the question under
consideration. On Sunday night the
church by official vote adapted the ar
ticles as prepared and thus made it
self a constituent element of the fed
eration therein described. By this act
a definitely organized form is given
to the class of work which, to some
degree, has been !i progress during
the larger part of Mr. Hargreaves'
ministry. The congregation has
adopted for its name "Immanuel
Church" (Federated), under which
cognomen future announcements will
be made.
A meeting for election of officers
will be held Wednesday night. At
present Mr. Hargreaves is in charge
of three centers working on a slmi
lar basis and for the balance of the
year expects to be assisted by Rev. Dr,
McKee. In this arrangement regular
morning services will be resumed in
Hood River, the program for Sunday
November 24 being as follows.: Sun
day School at 10 o'clock, Morning wor
ship at 11 o'clock, sermon by Rev. Mc
Kee; evening praise esrvice at 7:30,
when Mr. Hargreaves and Mr. Simp
son will be in charge. The subject
will be "The Christian's Relation to
Twenty carloads tf Immense red
apples from the Yakima Valley are
being shipped to Mexico City by the
Ulc hey & (iilliert Company of Top
peiilHli, ali., a rush order lor a
new territory opened to .Northwest
fruit. Besides this shipment, other
carloads are (colng to Ragle I'ass
and Laredo, Texas, for distribution
In the northern section of Mexico.
"The territory Is absolutely new
to Washington fruit, and Is being
supplied beennse the (Jrand Junction
apples are not of proper size and
color this year." aald Charles W.
Urantof the Hlchey & Glllwrt Com
pany. "The demand In Mexico City
Is for apples that are four-tier and
larger In lw, and of the reddest
color. That's what wc are sending."
Besides these shipments, Toppen
trth Is sending a dozen carloads each
day to Eastern markets and to Eu
rope. Shipments tP the Urleut are
about ennded.
All shipments will be under the
care of a man sent with each car
from now until the end of the winter,
so that the fruit will be proerljr
Christian Science Services
Christian Science services are
held In the Commercial Club rooms
Sundays at 11 a. m. Tlio subject
will be "Soul and Hod y."
Sunday school at the same hour
la Room 2. Davidson IMdg. Wednes
day meetings In same room H p. in.
Heading room open dally, 2 ton p. m
Lost A Laprobs
Finder of laprobe with name of
Fashion Stables Inscribed on it please
return. 47-480
In reply to the criticism of the
Washington state tax commission In
its action in taxing fruit trees, de
spite the fact that the legislature of
1908 passed an exemption law cov
ering such trees, the commission jus
tifies itself on various decisions of the
supreme court which hold that
private property, which it defines,
cannot be exempted from taxation,
and holding that the fruit trees come
within that definition, just as cows or
plows. The commission, in a letter to
the various county assessors, written
last February, says: "We advise you
that fruit trees, being private prop
erty, are not exempt from taxation in
this state. You ought to assess the
land upon which fruit trees stand with
regard to its value. Whatever value
is added to the land by its fruit trees
being thereon must be included. This
rule has been followed in some of the
fruit-raining countries and disregarded
in others, and we desire now to make
this a specific instruction to all asses
sors to the end that the property of
each county will be uniformly and
equally assessed and taxed."
I, the undersigned having been
appointed executrix of the last will
and testament of William R. Starrett
and letters testamentary having Issu
ed to me as such, notice Is hereby giv
en to all persons having claims
against the estate of William R. Star
rett, deceased, to present them with
proper vouchers and duly verified as
required by law, at the office of Ernest
C. Smith in the McCan Building in the
City of Hood River, Oregon, within
six months from the date of this no
tice. This notice Is dated and the first
publication thereof is the 20th day of
November, 1S12.
47-61 Executrix
Thanksgiving Dinner
We have a fresh supply of nuts, figs, dates,
raisins, cranberries and mincemeat. Order
your Groceries of us and enjoy a fine dinner
on Thanksgiving day.
WQQd's Grocery
J. M. WOOD, Proprietor
MV ? Wirt
mi St - r - -i
After the Doctor
The doctor's work is only half
what has to be done.for the pa
tient. And if the "druggist be
lacking in ability and care the
prescription might asj well have
never ( been written. But we
make a special study of each case
and our own medical knowledge
is thorough enough to be of great
use to us in those sometimes oc
curring cases when the doctor,
in his haste, makes a slight error.
Hood River is making a hit at the
Land Products Show,
The NEWS For Printing.
I Let it be...
When you buy Sterling Silver for your home, you arc
practicing economy. You never thought of it in that
hgjrt pepy You may take
pride in it year after year use it year after year -and
still it is as good as ever. Many of our customers are
collecting Sterling Silver for the home. Wouldn't you
like to do it too? Our stock is complete and our prices low
Please step In and examine.
Wo 0
Hood River, Oregon