f . Highest Grade Job Trinting Advertisers Get 'Results VOLUME 8, NUMBER 47 HOOD RIVER, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1912 SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 A YEAR THE HOOD RIVER NEWS Local Crop This Season About 70 Per Cent Full Exception Taken to Report of Department of Agricul ture, Which Gives Oregon and Washington Full Crops--arowers Find Conditions Favorable Mere for Heavy Yield Next Season. Although the crop report of the de partment of agriculture, JuBt publish ed, gives the apple production In Ore gon and Washington as 100 per cent ,of a full crop this year, local growers take exception to this phase of the re port so far as Hood ltlver Is concern ed, declaring that the crop this year la only between 60 and 70 per cent of a full yield. The crop reporter of the department of agriculture gives apple production 69.9 per cent of a full crop as com pared with 62.4 per cent last year and 51.3 for a ten year average. Quality is placed at 83, against 78.2 last year and 72.1 in 1910. Apple production In both Oregon and Washington equals 100 per cent of a full crop this year; California, 90 per cent; the far western group, 91.7, he says. In the average yield of all crops combined, Oregon Is 116 as compared with last year. Local growers declare that what a full crop for Hood River valley means was Illustrated two years ago, when the yield per acre averaged 425 boxes. This year the average will be materially less than this, the only one of the standard varieties to have a full crop being the Newtowns. Growers here are not lamenting the fact that the yield Is not a full one, however, In view of the fact that mar ket conditions this year are less favor able than they have been In other sea sons because of the unprecedented yield in all other apple producing sec tions. In view of the crop conditions here this year they are anticipating a more nearly full crop next season If weather conditions are favorable. Few of the standard varieties having pro duced a big yield this year, It is an ticipated that the trees will be in pro per condition to produce a large yield next season. C. It. Hone, one of the oldest growers In the valley, says: "In reporting a full crop for Oregon and Washington the department of agriculture has probably been reckon ing on the wrong basis by not taking Into consideration the considerably in creased acreage of bearing trees this year. These have been sufficient to bring up the total production but the yield In general has probably not been over 70 per cent. "Next year the prospects Bhould be favorable for a full crop, however, and I believe that the million-box crop predicted early this season may be come an actuality next year." That the apple crop In Washington has not come up to earlier predictions is Indicated by a report from Wen-, Huge Engine Clears Acre of Raw Land Every Day Something distinctly new and decid edly effective as a land clearing de vice has Just been put In operation for the first time In the Northwest by F. J. Patterson of this city, who is clear ing and developing a largo tract in the eastern part of the county about eight miles from town. The device, which is said to perform herculean feats In clearing the land of roots, stumps and brush, was Invented In Germany and a mechanic was brought from that country especially to construct the one which Is now in operation on. Mr. Patterson's place Simply stated, It consists of four huge plows mounted on wheels, the: whole weighing about 3,000 pounds. The plows are automatically reversible and are dragged back and forth across the tract by donkey engines stationed one at each end of the field. Some idea of the effectiveness and speed with which this device operates may be obtained when It is stated that It clears and plows approximately an acre a day. In preparing the land for treatment only the big stumps are removed. The brush and smaller trees are then Blashed and burned. This done and the machine is ready to do Its work. At present It Is working across a ten acre tract and Is clearing and plowing two furrows 660 feet In length. The four 16 inch plows are mounted in pairs, each of the pairs being on opposite sides of the axle. One set are right-handed plows, the others left handed. Upon reaching the end of ft furrow the plows are reversed by atchee which states that the apple crop of that valley this season will not exceed 3750 cars. Karly estimates placed the crop at 4500 to 5000 cars. The shipping season Is now practically over and less than 3000 cars of fruit have been moved. However, It Is esti mated by buyers that 700 or 800 car loads of fancy apples remain to be shipped. 'The car shortage on the Gret Northern Railway Is now Inter fering with shipping and rain has hurt harvesting operations for two weeks. An interesting statement was issued by leading shippers showing that more Wenatchee fruit went to foreign markets this season than ever before. England will use at least 350 carloads and Australia will receive over 500 carloads of Wenatchee apples. South Africa will take 300 carloads and Can ada 600 carloads. Practically half of this year's crop made up foreign ship ments as compared with less than a fourth any previous year. Wenatchee growers are now bending every effort to further cultivate a market In Eur ope, ahead of competing districts. LOCAL TRANSFERS OFjIEAL ESTATE Katherlne Vreelnnd find husband to A. Welch, eight acres south of town. I'nlted States to Alexandre Lcroux, lotsl, 2, H and 0, (homestead) near Mt. Mood. Davit) M. Jackson to John Elder, 120ncres on Kant Side. Humphrey Pugh to (). P. Dabney, lot A, South Addition, Hood River, $100. J. H. Ferguson to Willis II. I'ullen, lots 15 and 10, Mock 2. Park Addi tion, $ 4."i0. J. M. Culbertson Suggested The election of Woodrow Wilson to the presidency has caused great activ ity among local Democrats who have in view gathering some of the plums that are to ripen In Hood River with the terms of office now held. The poBtofllee job Is the most attractive, as It now pays $2600 annually. J. M. Culbertson, a prominent Democrat of the city, who led the fight for the election of George E. Chamberlain and Governor West, Is being groomed for the position. Oregon Journal. Mrs. O. T. Wedemeyer and children and Mrs. A. A. Wedemeyer left Friday for Palo Alto, Cal., where they wil spend the winter. the tension of the other cable and the donkey engine at the opposite side of the tract drags the device in that di rection. The apparatus not only uproots all trees and brush but plows furrows from 18 to 20 inches In depth. After the plows have done their work the cables of the donkey engines are attached to a large harrow. This not only smooths the earth, but re moves the roots and other debris, pre paring the land for planting. DEDICATION OF NEW CHURCH ON DEC. 8 The Asbury Methodist Episcopal church will be dedicated Sunday morn Decetnber 8. Dlshop Richard Joseph Cooke, D. D. LLD., the great scholar and orator of Methodism, will preach the dedicatory sermon. In the even ing Dr. Benjamin Young, pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal church of Portland will preach. Next Sunday the services will be held as usual. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Preaching service at 11 a. in. Theme: "Broken Vows." Epworth League at 6:30 p. m. All are cordially Invited to these services. Claude Thompson, who has been employed In the office of J. H. Hell bronner, lias accepted a position at the Oregon Agricultural College nnd will probably spend the winter there. TICKET PROPOSED BY HEIGHTS CLDB At a meeting of the Heights Devel opment Club held the last of the week a ticket for the city election to be held December 3 was proposed and accept ed. The ticket as a whole was pre sented to the meeting and on motion of Nell Evans that it be accepted a verbal vote was taken. Mayor E. O. ISlauchar was endorsed for re-election; George W. Dimmlck was endors ed as a candidate for city recorder and for councllmen the following were en dorsed: James Stranahan, W. II. Taft and W. J. Baker. Two of the candidates endorsed for councllmen are the same as those nominated on the Republican and Democratic tickets at the recent city primary election. These two are James Stranahan and W. 11. Taft. J. M. Schmeltzer was the third candidate for councilman nominated at the re cent primaries. For his name that of W. J. Baker was substituted by the Heights Club. Mr. Baker was ap pointed councilman several weeks ago to serve out the unexpired term of L. II. Huggins. For the position of city recorder the club endorsed George W. Dimmick. This places a new candidate in the field for that position, H. L. Howe, the present recorder, having been nominated on both Republican and Democratic tickets in the recent pri mary election. Resolutions were passed petitioning the city council to publish an itemized statement of all fees received by the city surveyor In the past two years on "lblic and private contracts for clt improvements. Marketing Agreement Is Urged By H. F. Davidson Co-operation in Supplying flarket'5 Demands Neces sary if Prices Are to Be Haintained at Growers' EndExtension of Retailing Season Recom mended in Order to Increase Consumption. Declaring that co-operation between the competing fruit districts of the Northwest Is absolutely necessary If demoralization of the markets Is to be avoided and good prices obtained for fruit in .future years, II. F. Davidson delivered an address at the Spokane Apple Show which struck a responsive cord. Other apple men spoke along the same line and the result was that an effort Is to be made next month to effect a working arrangement between the leading sections. In summing up his address, which is too lengthy to reprint In full, Mr. Dav idson said: "It is fair to assume that a financial success can be made in growing ap ples only by experts who have orch ards in favored sections; grow the right varieties and use scientific meth ods in growing and handling the ap ples and then market the fruit through the right channels, but no amount or kind of storage houses, neither can the transportation companies nor shippers save from financial disaster the many acres of apples already planted on land better adapted to growing hay, grain or other farm crops than for growing apples, and In order to win success in this business growers, Bhippers and transportation representatives must confer together frequently, work in harmony, and economize in every possible particu lar without sacrificing the quality of the goods nor the service rendered." Cost of Production Discussing the cost of production and the amount that must be netted back to the grower, Mr. Davidson gave some Illuminating figures as fol lows: "Down at Hood River It Is generally conceded that the cost of producing a box of first-class apples by economical growers and putting It on board the cars Is about 60 cents; thai land worth from $150 to $250 per acre raw and considered good orchard land stands the apple grower at $1000 to $1500 per acre with an orchard of eight years old capable of bearing average full crops of fruit and equip ped with necessary buildings for liv ing In and handling the crop and the necessary teams, tools and equipment, but to be conservative, put the valua tion at $1000 per acre fully equipped (which Is a price lower than the aver age orchardlst wishes to admit as the real value of his property) and with money worth seven per cent Interest and allowing a depreciation of three per cent by calculating thnt apple trees will bear not less than 33 aver WOMEN VOTERS HERE MUST BE SWORN IN In behalf of those interested in get ting out a representative vote of the women at the coming election, A. W. Onthank appeared before the council Monday evening and Inquired what ar rangements wer to be made to have the women register. It was some what of a surprise when City Attorney Derby gave It as bis opinion that ev ery woman who yotei next month must be sworn in by six freeholders. The registration books closed before the general election and cannot be reopened until two years hence, he stated. Arrangements will be made to swear In properly qualified women who care to vote. SWAPS WHEAT FARM FOR ORCHARD HERE D. L. Wylde of Culver, Crook coun ty, has exchanged his 320-acre wneat ranch located on Opal Prairie half a wile from Culver for the ten-acre im proved fruit farm of J. A. Hodges In the Belmont district The deal was consummated last week, at which time Mr. Hodges and family moved to Culver, while Mr. and Mrs. Wylde took possession of their new place here. The latter has seven1 acres set to trees and strawberries. Both places which figure In the ex change are Improved with houses and farm buildings . C. D. Thompson is spending the week at Portland, where he is assist ing at the Land Products Show. age crops. We have a charge of ten per cent on $1000 or $100 per acre. ; If the average crop of the lean and ! the fat years is 250 boxes per acre, I which must be had to keep the cost production down to 60 cents per box, ' and we then add $S8 per acre on a 250-box yield, or 40 cents per box to cover interest and depreciation, we have a cost of $1 per box before we have made provision for taxes, water, rent, insurance, gasoline for the auto, unexpected repair bills or spring clothes. Clothes, however, are not a necessary .charge, as we might fol low the precept of Father Adam and grow fig leaves to serve this purpose. With fancy and extra fancy apples costing the grower $1 per box f. o. b. cars and adding a 10 cent charge for loading and shipping, 15 cents for storage in the East or West, as the case may be, 50 cents for freight and 10 cents for refrigeration we have a total cost up to the point of delivery of practically $2 per box. "The Jobber who receives the fruit needs . margin of not less than 10 per cent, with perhars some cartage or other Incidental charges, and we have a necessary selling price, In round figures, of $2.25 per box to the retailer. This Is the class of traders who buy the apples now so commonly sold at auction ir the cities of the East at prices from 60 cents to $1.50 prevailing, and to call the average $1.25 per box Is liberal, making a net loss to be sustained by Borne one along the line of about $1 per box. Who is going to absorb this and continue on the Job Is the question. Can the grow er curtail this much expense and pro duce the fruit for nothing instead of at a cost of $1? No. Can the trans portation companies absorb It by re ducing their charges? No, because if they moved the fruit to market at no cost whatever there would still be an enormous loss. Can the cost of selling and hnndllng the fruit be re duced to offset the loss? No, because this charge covers but a small part of the loss. Then what Is the solu tion? Will a wid.i distribution ac complish the result? Select dealers in a hundred or five hundred cities; wire or write them a price on Wen atchee, Hood River, Yakima, or any other mark of apples grown in the well known apple producing sections of the Northwest, offering to supply them at a price that will net growers 25 cents a box margin of profit on the fruit, and If you are fortunate enough to get a reply It will bo that some shipping concern has offered them UNION NEARLY DONE AT WHITE SALMON The big 6Uxl00 building for the White Salmon Fruit Growers Union is nearly completed. It Is all en closed, and the elevator for lifting stock to the second floor Is being put In. The main ground floor supply room Is 00x52, with an ofllce at the northweet corner. Back of this sup ply room lrt the apple room, 00x32. with an average height of 20 feet. This Is a frost proof storage room, unless the weather should drop a few degrees below xero, when a heater or two could be moved In. It Is tightly sealed, double boarded, double pa pered, and has an air space. It Is well ventilated. With a second floor put In, which Is possible, the room has a capacity of 0,000 boxes. The second floor Is 60x52 and will be used for warehousing feed, hny and other supplies. The loading and unloading platform Is on the north Hide and is protected from rain. There Is also a door at the west front. Enterprise. fruit at 50 cents to $1 per box less or that they can buy cheaper on the auc tion market. "The transportation companies can not be criticized for this condition, for it would only Indicate that the fruit is already moving too rapidly to the markets. "Don't blame your neighbor because he is told that you are offering your fruit for less than he offers his and you are told that he is offering his for less than you offer yours, with the re sult that in the case of Jonathans and other early maturing varieties which must be marketed early there soon gets to be a scramble for orders, and when there are none, large shippers patronize the auctions, which are con sidered the dumping grounds for sur plus stocks; the prices realized are ad vertised to all the fruit world, and the business is demoralized at somebody's cost. Who? The grower. Shouldn't Hold Early Fruit "There is no question about the low prices prevailing having a big influ ence on the consumption of apples, and it will be necessary for the visible supply to be reduced to the extent that holders can Bee a prospect of sell ing their product at a material ad vance over present market prices if the original cost of the fruit is paid back to the growers on this season's crop "I am also of the opinion that to put the early maturing varieties in cold storage to hold them beyond their natural season, and later force them on the market in competition with the later maturing kinds only prolongs the agony, Increases the cost and will not benefit the grower, except In the sea sons of a shortage of the later keep ing kinds. "We also thoroughly believe that storage at the point of production is far preferable to storage In market centers, for the presence of large stocks of perishable goods in market centers has a very depressing effect; the goods are In sight of the dealers; they know that they must be market ed or perish, and that as an alternat ive to allowing them to decay, the cost cannot be considered and the fruit will be sold at any obtainable price to make the loss as low as possible. Must Extend Season "It has been estimated that the pos sible yield of apples in the U. S. and Canada from orchards now growing will exceed 100,000,000 barrels, or half a million carloads, a little more than double this year's yield, and in order to consume the crop each one of 100,0000,000 people will have to eat an average of about 2V& apples per day during the five months of the ap ple eating season. If this be accom plished, It can be done only by keep ing a sufficient quantity of apples In proper storages and let the consumer have a regular supply during the whole apple consuming season, and a very thorough and practical method of distribution. The Railroads' Duty "The railroad companies will need to make concessions in favor of the growers in order to encourage them to stick to the Job by giving them lower freight rates, which can be done without decreasing the earnings per car or Increasing the tonnage by providing cars that will be perfectly safe for shipping during the cold win ter season and hauling 40,000 pounds of apples for the same money that they now haul 30,000 pounds of apples and lit, 000 pounds of ice, saving to the grower 25 per cent of the present charge, which will on the large vol ume of business that Is bound to fol low represent the difference between he success and failure of many orch nrdlsts." Women voters are getting busy. Association Will Put Up City Ticket of Its Own Home Protective Organization Holds Meeting, En dorses flayor Blanchar and Recorder Howe, but Decides to Name Candidates for Other Places Want Stringeut Enforcement of Liquor Laws. At a meeting of the Home Protect tive, Association held at the Christian church Sunday afternoon It was decid ed to put up a complete ticket at the coming city election and also to peti tion the city council to pass an ordi nance drawn up by the association cal culated to effect a more stringent en forcement of the liquor laws in the city. Mayor Blanchar and City Recorder Howe were unanimously endorsed. Professor Gibson presided and Al bert Canfield acted as secretary. A. W. Onthank brought up the question of whether they would be justified In going before the city council and ask ing for an ordinance giving the city authorities greater power to enforce violations of the liquor laws. The meeting expressed itself as in favor of such action and the proposed ordi nance was read. It includes provis ions which are intended to compel en forcement and heavy penalties are at tached In case of violations. Short talks on the local liquor question were made by Leslie Butler, A. W. Onthank, W. S. NIchol, Albert Canfield, J. M. Wood, Mrs. J. J. Edg Ington, Mrs. R. P. Orr and others. The ladies of the W. C. T. U. main tained that the principles for which they stand should be represented on the city council. It was decided to appoint a com mittee to select candidates. This com mittee Is composed as follows: Les lie Butler, A. W. Onthank, W. S. NIch ol, and E. O. Hall. W. S. Nichol proposed that a regis ter should be kept by the drug stores and that these registers should show when and to whom each package of liquor Is sold, also the doctor Issuing the prescription. He also suggested that the registers should be left open for public inspection. A committee was appointed to wait on Representatives C. II. Stranahan KELLY BROTHERS BUILD WAREHOUSE Kelly Brothers have Just completed the construction of a large warehouse on a lot purchased by them and locat ed Just west of the vinegar factory. The bilding is constructed of corru gated iron and is 50 by 100 feet in size. Messrs. Kelly Intend to use It for storing their hay, grain, orchard and other applies and it will materially Increase their facilities for catering to their customers. Complete Reproduction of Valley Seen at Show Probably no other exhibit at the Pa cific Northwest Land Products Show- In Portland this week has attracted more favorable comment and admira tion than has Hood River's artistic display showing an exact miniature of the valley as viewed from across the Columbia River. The reproduction of the valley Is 12 by 14 feet In size and it Includes a landscape at once beau tiful and magnificent. It is striking ly effective. When the local Commercial Club undertook to compete at the show by entering an artistic display, the idea of reproducing the valley came as a happy thought and met with instan- eous response. Prizes offered In this class amount to $600 for the first prize, $300 for the second, $200 for the third and $100 for the fourth. The cost of the Hood River display was about $200 and this amount was guar anteed by local business men. The services of a competent and re sourceful artist were secured In Port land for two weeks and he has put all his time upon this artistic display. The reproduction of the valley is top ographlcally correct, showing the floor of the upper and lower valleys, the river, roads, orchards, surrounding hills, city and ranch houses, the latter all reproduced In small models. At the end of the valley, true to nature, Mt. Hood 'ears Its snow cap ped head. To complete the artistic impression automatically controlled lights throw varying shades of light upon the scene. The replica Is en closed on all sides and the impression and J. E. Anderson and Senator R. R. Butler In an effort to get them to pledge themselves to support Gover nor West in his fight for a stricter en forcement of the prohibition law In dry territory. It was declared to be the most im portant that a full vote of the women in the city should be polled In order to assist In the success o' the associa tion's ticket The question of where women should register was asked and a committee was appointed to confer with City Recorder Howe and get In formation on the subject. The executive committee, which will frame the ticket, will report at a call meeting to be held in the near future. ROADS MUST HAVE TIMETOJOVE GROPS Problems in storage and transpor tation was the principal topic dis cussed at the conference of fruitgrow ers in connection with the fifth Nation al Apple Show at Spokane. A feature was a communication from Howard Elliott, of St. Paul, pres ident of the Northern Pacific Railway, in which he urged that since it has been proved to be a physical impossi bility for railroads to transport fruit to market within a few weeks after harvest, the pressing question now for the growers is storage and how to make profitable as by-products such fruit as would not stand shipping. A school conducted by experts to teach up-to-date methods of fruit packing was one of the main features in connection with the apple show. J. D. Sears, who has been spend ing the summer here with John Weav er, left Friday for New York. Mr. Sears made many friends here who will hope for another visit, ' DR. DYOTT TO TALK FOR ASSOCIATION Another meeting of the School and Home Association will be held this coming Friday evening at the High School building at 7:45 o'clock. Dr. Luther R. Dyott of Portland will speak on "A New View of Boy Life." All the patrons of the school are cordially Invited to attend, and please remem ber that the dues for 1912-13 of 25 cents are payable at any time. conveyed Is remarkably lifelike. Crowds of persons have been con stantly before the exhibit In order to comply with the require ments of the contest an exhibit of Hood River apples U to be seen Just In front of the reproduction of the valley, the display representing the varieties especially grown here. Points are to be counted In this ex hibit on beauty of design, effective presentation of apples, color harmony, decorative material and general ef fect. The idea Is to show first the ap ples and then the valley In which they were produced. Secretary Scott of the Commercial Club has taken an active interest In this exhibit, having made several trips to Portland to supervise the various details and much of Its suc cess is due to his effort. MAYOR BLANCHAR WILL BE CANDIDATE A petition was circulated the last of the week asking Mayor E. O. Man char to consent to become candidate for re-election to the office. This peti tion was signed by all the leading busi ness men of thn city. There were MR names attached when It was present td to Mr. Blanchar the first of thn week. In view of the unanimous rv quest that he becouiH a candidate Mr, lllanchar expressed his willingness to accept the nomina'lou.