10 THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30. 1912 IBsttUQ) iff) Jjk AbsoIufelyPure TheonTK Baking Pmvdermade Mjjk, Jj froni Rcyal OraCfgam cJTartar 3kT ! American Slangf More Serv- I iceable Than Old Language : : " t By Dr. G. HANORF. 4 Professor of Languages of the University of Copenhagen ' I t MERICAXS are the ROMANS OF THE FUTURE. 1 They are the authors of a new tongue which will take the J place of Britain's English. AMERICANS HAVE RELEGATED THE OLD ENGLISH LANGUAGE INTO THE BACKGROUND, BURIED IT AND SUBSTI TUTED A LANGUAGE OF THEIR OWN UNIQUE IN ITS BREVITY AND ITS SLANG. THE SO CALLED SLANG OF THE PRESENT AMERICAN TONGUE IS FAR MORE POETICAL, PICTURESQUE AND SERVICEABLE THAN THE ENGLISH OF SHAKESPEARE'S TIME. H at H The new American tongue, like the new American music rag timehas the CLASSICS BEATEN TO A FINISH and down and out. Your authors of today will give Shakespeare and his fellows the count tomorrow. A few hundred years from now they will be speaking American over in England instead of English. The Americans of the future, like the Romans of the old world, will BRANCH OUT AND BY CONQUEST ABSORB MANY OTHER LANDS. Canada and Mexico in a few hundred years will bo a part of the United States. I firmly believe that Ireland of her own accord will also come under the wing of the United States on the breaking up of the British empire. ENGLAND MAY BECOME A STATE OF AMERICA in time to save herself from rule by Germany. The great war of the future will be between Germany and the United States. The victor will have to combat China. Have You Seen the New Vi c t o r-Vi c t r o I a s? There are three New Styles, placed on sale September 15th, Price $75, $100 and $150. They are beauties. Call &nd see them. We have other styles from $15 to $200. We also sell the Edison and Columbia Machines, and Records. We represent the Baldwin, Ellington, Hamilton and Howard Pianos, and deal direct with the factory. Easy terms if desired. When you want anything in Music, call on us; haven't it, we will get it if we "WACJOENER WANTS YOUR TRADE" WAGGENER'S MUSIC HOUSE APPLE RACKS E ARE now building Apple Racks and have several completed. You will be in need of one to haul that bumper crop of ap plea. Place your order early. XV c maKe a Specialty of Tightening Wagon Wheels W. G. SNOW ALLEGED WHITE SLAVER ESCAPES W. II. Wilson, who wit arrested her a coujile of weeks aKO on a charge of white slavery, wan oue of four prisoners who escaped from the Wmhoo county Jail at The Dalles Sun day afternoon. The quartet of prisoners made their escape by punching a hole through a lrlck wall above the cell house door with an Iron bar which was wrenched from the door. Those at large, besides Wilson, are Jack Allen, held on a highway robbery charge; Uus Anderson, held for a stabbing n f fair, and Hoy Itolau, ar rested for robbing a local store. Uolan was formerly a convict at the Oregon penitentiary and was pa roled by Governor West. The olllcers are senrchlug for the quartet which pulled off the Jail delivery, but have no clows. The old Jail has been In adequate and unsafe for some time, and the new court house and jail, to cost l.'rtl.OOO, are now tinder con structlon. Wilson was sent from here to The Dalles for safe keeplug. BIG CROWD HEARS DEBATE ON SINGLE TAX MEASURE (Continued From Pure 1) lar without working for It amino man shall produce a dollar of value without getting It. The full applica tion of Heniy George's philosophy would not uccompllsh this end, al though I believe It would help a great deal. "This graduated single tax amend ment Is drawn with the express pur pose of reducing the tax very greatly on men who work for what they get, at the same time Increasing the tax on the fellows who get what the other people work for. "There nre about 23,000 of these monopolies In Oregon and I count that this umendment will make them pay two-thirds of the state and local tuxes, which Is twice ns much as they are pnyltig now " Both speakers were frequently ap plauded. To Vote For Orange Bills To vote for the Grange road bills, which have lieen approved by the Mood Hlver Commercial Club, vote 324 und 3215 Yes and vote no on all other proposed road measures. Good Service, Reasonable Rates, N Discrimination CLYDE B, AITCHISON (Chairman of Railroad Commission) Direct Primary Republican Nominee for Re-election RAILROAD COMMISSIONER SECOND DISTRICT Vote for Millage Bill Number 320 X Yes It provides six-tenths of a mill tax for support of Agricultural College and Uui emity of Oregon, giving tbem perma nent support and taking them out of politics. It also provides one Board of Ki-gents, thus solving the problems of eo-operation, consolidation, division of courses and economy of management. It does not Increase the average rate of taxation. It repeals the 9800,000 Univer sity appropriation bill. The Bill is endorsed by Governor West! "This Bill is in the interest oi good business and should pans." By L R. Alderman, State Superin tendent ftiblio Instruction: "Experience in other states shows millage bill prin ciple to be correct." By Will H. Da'y, President, Oregon State Federation of Labor : "No argu ment can snrressfiilly combat the benefit to the state that will follow the adoption of the millage tax plan." Endorsed by Portland Tax Pay ers League. Bill prepared by committee of Gover nor's Commission, Hoards of Regents, and administrative officers of the tws institutions. W. K. NEWELL ciiairmax or governor's Commission (paid ndvt) Blacksmithing and Wagon Work Farm Implements and Logging tools repaired. Plow work a specialty. Howell Bros. Two doors east of Fashion Stables food River, Ore. Phone 22 7-X MR. VOTER: The future welfare of Oregon and its deve lopment is in your hands. Can you afford to jeopardize your state's best interests by send ing to Washington as your representative in the U. S. Senate any man other than Jona than Bourne During the past six years he has accomplished more and secured greater re cognition of Oregon's needs from Congress than any other man preceeding him. As chairman of the committee on postoffices he drafted and fought to its successful passage the parcels post law effective Jan. 1 , 1913, and which will give to the citizens of Oregon, es pecially in the rural districts, the privilege of sending through the mails I I pounds of matter at a cost of 1 5 cents. A vote for Jonathan Bourne, the popular government candidate for U. S, Senator, means development of Ore gon, also appropriations as wanted. paid adv. Refinishing Marred Furniture IS EASY AND INEXPENSIVE Shabby, scratched pieces of furniture that are unsightly and a discredit to your home can be made to look bright and new at slight ex pense and you can do it yourself. ACME QUALITY VARNO-LAC stains and varnishes at one operation, giving to all kinds of surfaces the elegant effect and dur- finished oak, mahogany, walnut or mj i i srv.ii ro omer expensive woous. van iui color card. M 1 I I (an Mi P i To Vote For Orange Bills To vote for the Grange road bills, which have ttren approved by the Hood IMvfcr CommenMul t'lut, vote 3J4 aud Sl'O Yea and vote no ou all other proposed road measures. There are some very desirable office rooms for rent in the Heilbronner Building at from $10 to $15 a month. 2ltf Household Crockery the Crockery that does duty every day in the week is the kind that has to be most frequently re plenishedand it is the kind of Crockery we carry a large stock of. We are showing a very com plete line of Decorated Ware, too, which is very strong and yet in expensive and, of course, the better grades of China. NOTHING OVER 15 CENTS THE 5, 10 and 15 CENT STORE Heilbronner Bldg., 3rd and Cascade J. C. Johnsen Home of GOOD SHOES Where the Best Values ComeFrom r rz c mjaicn 0 l. r.auriNLK Opposite lbs Post Office Horn. Phon20 Spray and Garden Nose PlumDlng K jl. jl z x. -y- jr. x. x. a. a. in 1 HOOD RIVER POULTRY YARDS J. R. NICKELSEN, Proprietor Bretdar of I. C. W. Laghorna. W. r. Rock! and S. C. Shod. Island Rdi. Indian Runnsr Ducat llreedera and young stock for aaln. Or der, booked now. Poultry yard. 1 mile, went of city at Frankton. i'hon 32X2-X. NEW SCHEDULE mount Mcctl Railroad No. 1 Jo.T ..n. .n." no. sno. S 06 8 0B. 8 ID 8 16 8 30 8 US 8 SA 8 40 . 8 AO 9 06 (00 16 (06 20 16 46 86 10 10 9 40 10 16 9 66 10 40 10 00 10 46 EfTxctiv. 1241 A. M. Munday. HrpU 8th I'Jli STATIONS I.y. Hood River Ar. rown)ftto ..... Hwitchhark Van Horn Mnhr Odall ... Summit Hloucher ... Win.n. lrm Trout Vrrrk WonHworth Ar. r.rkd.le L.V. Pf No. 2 p.n. . I 66 .. 601 .. I 80! .. 8 10 .. 2 OA . I 01)1 .. I Ml .. 1 4.T .. 1 83 .. 1 801 . 1 16 .. I 061 .. 1 00" No. 4 f.n. . i oo . 4 66 . 4 80 4 10 4 06 . 4 00 . t 60 1 46 . I 8.1 . 8 80 . 8 16 .. I 06 . I 00 (81 to SNOW A UPSON) Photie 62 -K Fourth Street A. WILSON, Agent.