THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1912 10 Double Stamps given Saturday on Ladies' Suits r-n Double Stamps given Jvil Saturday on Ladies' 2 -Piece Underwear Saturday, October 26, Is Hed Letter Day Come and bring your HooK. and get Ten Free S tamps Double Stamps Will be given Saturday, on all Ladies' Two-Piece Underwear sold from Table of regular $1.25 Qftc values at... - These are Wool Garments and good new Stock. Don't Forget We have a complete line of Under wear in Cotton, Wool and Silk and Wool, and at prices that are right. All sizes from baby to grandmother. Ladies' at 50c to $3.50 per garment Children's at 2 5c to $1 . 2 5 per garment Comforts To suit all tastes with cotton or wool batts, in fancy or plain ma terials. A fine assortment of colors $1.50 to $6.50 Blankets These cool nights remind us that you will want some nice, warm Blankets. We have them in cot ton, wool or woolnap at from $1.00 to $10.00 Raincoats Just received a fine line of Crav enettes and English Slipon Coats. Also have line of Rubberized Coats and Capes for the little folks $3.00 to $20.00 CI IDCWe have now received our complete line of Furs, and Iv-7 such beauties and at prices within the reach of all. We Give STAMPS UV7U a We Give STAMPS When Women Co-operate With Men Suffrage Problem Is Solved OWEVER rightly and intelligently women may vote, we cannot now nor will we ever accomplish prac tical good for the people un til we CEASE TO USE THE FRANCHISE IN PART ONLY that s, the election to office of men who we believe will bring about legislation ameliorating existing conditions U but a step. We must not only elect men to office, but we must give those men laws by which they can BETTER CONDI TIONS. The executive for whom I voted could assist me if an unsympathetic legislature would not make laws prohibiting child labor. I believe that more good will result from women's CO-OPERATION WITH PRACTICAL MEN IN POLITICS than by their antagonism to these men antagonism engendered by the mere desire of the franchise. t t I BELIEVE THAT A 8Y8TEM BY WHICH THE WOMEN CO OPERATE WITH THE MEN IS A SOLUTION OF THE SUFFRAGE PROBLEM. f.j Photo by American Press Association. Mr. J. BORDEN HARR1MAN By Mrs. J. BORDEN HAR RIMAN. Suffrtflst Have You Seen the New Victor-Victrolas? There are three New Styles, placed on sale September 15th, Price $75. $100 and $150. They are beauties. Call i nd see them. We have other styles from $15 to $200. We also sell the Edison and Columbia Machines, and Records. We represent the Baldwin, Ellington, Hamilton and Howard Pianos, and deal direct with the factory. Easy terms if desired. When you want anything in Music, call on us; if we haven't it, we will get it. "WAGGENER WANTS YOUR TRADE" WAGGENER'S MUSIC HOUSE APPLE RACKS E ARE now building Apple Racks and have several completed. You will be in f one to haul that bumper crop of ap ples. Place your order early. We make a Specialty of Tightening Wagon Wheels W. G. SNOW need o: (Sue. to KNOW A UrSGN) Phone 62-K Fourth Street Gom9Ponccncc BARRETT Lester Mnrpliy went to Portland Sundiiy to visit tils friend, Lynn Youn. Mr. and Mrs. Kirge are upending the week end In Portland. Mr. Smith of Portland wan the nuent of hU sinter. Mr. Sweaney, a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs A. A. Bennett tvere nuests at Mr. Cuuller'u for dinner on Monday evenlni:, Oct. 14, In honor of Mr. Bennett's hlrthdny. Laterlnthe evening they were Informally enter tained by Miss Gibbons and Miss Shoemaker at their bachelor head quarters In town. Mr. Klvers of Baker, Oregon, U a Kiiest at the Forry home. Mr. ami Mrs. C. Paddock left for their home In Indlannpolls, I ml, Mon day. They have spent several months with their sun, A. L. Paddock Miss Lini ra (irlgnard returned home Sunday from a two weeks' vis it unions friends In Portland. Don't forget the wedding at the VhIIi-.v Christian church, Friday, Oct 2.", at eight o'clock. BELMONT Mrs. 'earl Chub and children are spending a few days under the par ental roof of Mr. ami Mrs. Summer vllle. J. F.yre made use of his homestead right last Wednesday when lit went over Into Washington where he lo cated and filed on n claim. The social given by the division of the Ladles' AM, consisting of Mrs. (ilass, Mrs. Ramsey, Mrs. Nicholson, and Mrs. ltoane, at the home of Mrs. Dutch Bulbs I Ntey J T U l tba time l 1 to order f J - I Trees 1 j I and If J'lantt 11 Ton l I Gain 1 Whole 1 Tear by ' I Planting Portland for Winter Blooming nd EarHaat Spring Flowere Hrdr, Eaaily grown and ear to bloom W. Import dlraoa fro tha ImI frowsr th. larcMt, mnat eonplat mtrK crrit an thia it. ftlVtnp-root tH.f thaflnaataaal Ur mmi oar arlaaa or low. Tha bH .lain offtroa OA-wuoro. Our 64 Page Autumn Catalog O f BCt-M. B o a a. rcn a a Tlb TllH, b I , T t a a. Fiaira ill H o o a a Fliiti u tbo m a t OOloplOtO avo rr to wn, llatlna a I r oaok varlotlot aa at proroa aottafatorr. la will Una tola Ootoloa a aofo oo4 4apaa4ahlo told to root aoraliaaaa, Mallad free oa raqaaal Aik for Cata log No. VI. Seed Co. Front end Yamhill Sta. PORTLAND. ORE. Glass, was well attended In spite of the dark and stormy night. A fine program was given, consisting most ly of musical selections. A dainty lunch was served and all enjojed themselves. A nice little sum was added to our treasury. Miss Pearl Eby has returned from her trip to the Coast and reports a very pleasant outing. The Ladles' Foreign Missionary society will meet at the home of Mrs Peter Nelson the first Wednesday In November. All are Invited. The bad weather is delaying the shingling of the parsonage, but noth ing puts a, stop to the efforts the in dies are making to secure the necess ury funds. Our Sabbath School is planning for a rally day v To Excell Our Bread is i-imply impossible. To equal it is nearly so. This is a pret ty broad claim and we don't ask you to take our mere word for it. Try our bread for a week or so and prove for your self whether our claim is jus tified. We believe you will extend your trade definitely. Six loaves (or 25c. Ask (or tickets. MODEL BAKERY Good Service, Reasonable Rates, No Discrimination FOURTH AND STATE HOOD RIVER, ORE. Ian Paint Your Own Carriage you can do it yourself and at little expense. It's easy to give it a beautiful, hard, brilliant, varnish-gloss finish in black or rich appropriate colors. ACME QUALITY CARRIAGE PAINT (Neal's) is made especially to give to buggies, carriages and vehicles of all kinds, a tough, durable, glossy finish that will look well and wear well. An ideal finish for settees, flower stands, porch furni ture, garden tools and all surfaces thnt rrmst withstand exnosure and nam usage. Keaay to orusn on and the label tells how. f ifrtTTIz i A. FHAf 7 CLYDE B. AITCHISON (Chairman of Railroad CommiMion) Direct Primary Republican Nominee for Re-election RAILROAD COMMISSIONER SECOND DISTRICT Blacksmithing and Wagon Work Farm Implements and Logging tools repaired. Plow work a specialty. Howell Bros. ; Two doors east of Fashion Stables (ood River, Ore. Phone 22 7-X EC P. SUMNER Opposlti tba Post Otllci Horn. I'honel20 &LtaVX. Spray and Garden Hose Plumbing zr-av--er ?r A "A X ,,A HOOD RIVER POULTRY YARDS J. R. NICKELSEN. Proprietor Bre.d.r al S. C. W. Ltghorm. W. P. Rocki mnt S. C. Rhode Island Kadi. Indian Runnar Duckl Mraeflera and younc a lock for aala. Or dora bonked now. Poultry yartla Vt milra wnl of citjr at Frank ton. Phona 32X2-X. NEW SCHEDULE fHoutit Kood RaiCroarl No. 1 a. n. m ft on In R .10 I m 8 50 9 on nr is HA ( 40 M No. I n.n' R 110 8 OA S I A 8 8A. 8 40. 9 OA 9 IA 9 20 9 4A 10 10 10 IA 10 40 10 00 1 10 4A KnVctlva 12 01 A. M. Hunday. Nrpt. 8lh 1V12 STATIONS Hold Klvrr Ar. I'owwtlal. HwltrhWk -Van Horn ...... Mnhr OiUII ... Hummit Hlmirhwr ....... Winana ir Trout ( ror-k Wnoil worth Ar. I'arkilal. Ly. No. 2 1 AO f 1 10 2 OA I on . 1 fin . 1 4.')l , 1 8.1 . 1 I IAl 1 OA 1 00 No. 4 an. I on 4 AA 4 80 4 10 4 OA 4 no 1 AO I 4A 1 u I sn I 15 5 OA I 00 A. WILSON, Agent.