The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, October 16, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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Kev. Jesse W. Klguy aud Mrs. Mary
Jane Kf merer were united la mar-
i sure ami reau i nan. .v Clarke's Huge Friday evening ty Hev. V. B.
remarkKt.le offer on page 2 Youn,f ut the Methodist parsonitge.
Mnt.ll.ll. 1 1 Hillock and iiou left The ceremony was a very quiet one,
yestemlay for Oklahoma City. Mr. I Young and her mother actlug
lu ths prune orchards Dear Puyallup,
Wash., large muslin umbrellas are
used to protect the fruit at ripening
time from the rain, which would cause
the prunes to swell and burst When
the crop Is harvested the umbrellas are
put away for use the following season.
Iladlock rental us a tiliort time
1'rofeHsor J. W. ('rites took I1I14
physics class across the river Monday
and they paid an Instructive visit to
the North wen tern dam.
Oipt. Braiee, who recently re
turned from service In the Philip
pines, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
('. ;M. llurltnirt Heveral days laHt
Mrs. J. 1). Sleret and daiiKhter,
Miss lleltn. arrived from Cbicugo
as witnesses. Mr. and Mrs. Klguy
have taken up their temporary resi
dence lnMr. Itlgtiy's house on Seventh
street, but expect to make their per
manent home lu his bouse on the cor.
ner of Seventh aud Oak streets.
Mr. Klgby Is one of the pioneer
preachers of the valley, having or-
ganlzed the Methodist Church In
noon uiver ji years ago. He was
pastor of the church for two years
before retiring from the mtnlHtry.
Mrs. Kemererarrlved Thursday from
Minneapolis, Minn. Her former bus-
Friday to visit the former's son, baud was In the Methodist ministry
Arthur, for a few days while en route and It was through their church re
lations that Mr. and Mrs. Itlgby be
came acquainted.
If the supply of sjd corn la picked
from the field before Oct 1, thoroughly
dried out and kept dry during the win
ter It will be entirely unnecessary to
go to the trouble of testing It next
spring. Corn gathered and cared for
In the above manner cannot help bat
A rape pasture Is not only a mighty
desirable proposition for the growing
pigs, but for the bens and growing
chickens. If It Is allowed to get a
good start before letting the poultry
In It will keep them supplied with,
green food all summer and will do
so until the latter part of November.
Don't Say Underwear-Say Munsingwear
to Southern California.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Toulsou of
Portland were week end guests of
Mr. and Mrs. K It. M oiler. Mrs.
Midler's brother from the North
western dam, was also a visitor
Miss Itegtna Walil, who has been
night nurse at the Cottage Hospital,
Is visiting friends In the l'per Valley
this week before leaving for San
IHego, Cat., where she will take a
posj graduate course.
On account of the death of their
mother, Ouy Wood worth will make
bis home with his grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. G. I). Wood worth, and
Clifford will live with bis aunt, Mrs.
K. K. Aldredge, at Oregon City.
The Taft-Sherman Club has ar
ranged with Hon. S. B. Huston to
give a political seech at the Com
mercial Club tomorrow (Thursday)
evening. Albert J. I,oel, a Progres
sive speaker, addressed a meeting at
the Commercial Club Monday even-1
The many friends of Uev. and Mrs.
Kdmtind Trew Simpson will Iks sorry
to learn that he un tendered to
Bishop Paddock his resignation as
rector of St. Mark's Kplscopal
church, to take effect January 1.
Mr. Simpson Intends to retire from
the ministry, temporarily at least.
In the presence of Immediate rela
tives. Miss Idel Woodworth and Boy
F. Dean were married at the home of
the bride's parents, Mr. aud Mrs.
0. I. Woodworth, Wednesday morn
ing. Bev. J. B. Parsons performed
the ceremony, following which the
bride uud groom left for Los Angeles,
where they will make their home at
JUw2 Larlssa Drive after a few weeks'
A large circle of friends will wish
Mr. and Mrs, Dean much happiness
In their new relations, but will regret
their departure from Hood Blver.
Mr. Dean, who has leen a trusted
employe of the Hood Blver Gas &
Klectrlc Company, expects to enter
the same business In his new home.
A very praiseworthy type of munic
ipal benevolence la to be put into op
eration In the near future In Chicago.
The city will buy cowa and pasture
them In a newly Oiled and made por
tion of Lincoln park, furnishing pure
milk at bare cost to the baby sanitari
um and to poor people who will go to
the milk station for It
Chicago baa a cat as well as a rat
problem. A census recently taken
hows that the Windy City baa 8,000,-
000 cats, of which number 1,000,000 are
vags and hoboes, having no regular
boarding and lodging place. These
tramps are considered a prolific means
of spreading disease, and a plan la be
ing made to exterminate them.
A quiet wedding was held Satur
day noon when (ieorge B. Evans and
Marie K. Smith were Joined In wed
lock. The ceremony was pei formed
by Bev. Mr. Swift of the Christian
church. After the ceremony Mr. and
Mrs. Kvaus took up their residence
at Tucker's bridge, where lie Is em
ployed at the Hydro power plant.
A bald fact that many a young man
ahould remember who "can take a drink
or let It alone" Is that not even a sa
loon keeper cares to hire a man to
tend bar who himself gets drunk. If
saloon proprietors won't put up with
such help It can be taken aa a pretty
safe assumption that employers In
other lines of business don't want them
A very pretty wedding took place
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
aud will take up his residence on a Swift on the Heights Saturday night
300 acre ranch which they own near at 8 o'clock when Carl Hagen of
Vancouver, Wash. They may leave Klickitat and Miss Hagbom of New
Is fore the first of the year In case the York City were pronounced husband
place can be filled Is-fore that time. d wife.
Aside from his work for the church. The ceremony was performed by
Mr. Slmusou has taken an active In Kev. J. H. Swift of the Christian
terest In civic affairs and boy scout church In the presence of a few friends.
work. Both he and Mrs. Simpson After the ceremony the happy couple
have made many warm friends who left '' I nderwood where the groom
The writer has found that a Tell of
mosquito netting stitched to the nnder
side of the rim of a straw bat and two
or three Inches out from the band pro
rides an excellent screen to protect
one'a face when working In damp and
shady woods. To make the protection
complete the shirt sleeves ahould be
rolled down and a pair of gauntlet
leather gloves used.
Children' 9 Munsing Union Suits
Ladies' Munsing Union Suits
Are Munsing Union Suits Better?
They are knit from carefully selected yams.
They are made to fit and the fit does not
wash out. The button holes, seams and edges
do not wear ragged. They do not shrink
when properly washed. They are made un
der sanitary conditions. The prices are reas
onable, the best for the money. There's a
Munsing Union Suit for every need. The best
people wear them the best stores spII hrm
50c to $1.50
75c to $3.50 Asabout the Molly Munsing Cut Outs
Ladies' good weight, fleeced Union Suits, well made 50c to $1.00
Ladies' Union Suits in wool and part wool $1.50 to $3.50
Ladies' Union Suits, winter weight, low neck, sleeveless, high neck, short sleeves
Ladies' good weight Vests and Pants, nicely finished, fleece lined 25cto75c
Ladies' Vests and Pants in wool and part wool, white and grey 75c to $1.50
Children's fleece lined Union Suits, all sizes 45c
Children's fleece lined Vests and Pants, white or grey, all sizes 25c
Men's winter weight, fleece lined Union Suits, $1.00 to $1.50
Men's ribbed wool and part wool Union Suits, $2.00 to $4.50
Men's heary fleece lined, ribbed, bit Shirts and Drawers(,2,)50c
Men's ribbed wool and part wool Shirts & Drawers(,.) 75c to $2
We show Men's heavy ribbed, knit, natural grey, part wool Shirts and Drawers at 75c
Our Oregon Flannel Overshirts are all-wool and best made $1.50 to $4.50
will regret to learn of their Intended
Dancing Classes
Miss Alice lluekeumeyerof Portland
announce the opening of dancing
classes for the season, commencing
Octolier 10. r.)12,at llellltronner Hall
Wednesday evening, Beginners'
class from N:IK) to!l:.'tO; Informal danoe
fioui ::t0 to 11:30.
Tluirtiday evening. Advanced class
from H:K) to USUI; Informal dance from
U:.'W to 11::H).
t'hlldien's classes Wednesday aud
Thursday afternoons from 4:00 to
f:00 aud from TcOO to C:00. I'rivate
classes can lie made liy appointment.
Those desiring to Join any of the
classes telephone No. 27. 41 1 f
First Christian Church.
The regular services next Sunday.
Squday .School at !:" to which you
are Invited. Preaching services will
follow the communion at 11 o'clock.
( nne with us If you are not attend-
lug church elsewhere and we will do
you all thegood we ran. The Young
People's Si K'lety Is doing fine work
now and we urge you to attend at
0::i0. Sister l.yrely will lead next
Sunday night and will expect you
there and we are sure of a good time
the Victim Is Fed, Than Tlrsd
Into Giving the Signal.
An execution In Slum Is an extraor
dinary business, according to a corre
spondent of the Chronique Medlcale.
The doomed mnn, awakened at dawn.
Is led In chains to the temple, where
candles are lit around him. lie la ex
horted to think of nothing to disasso
ciate bis tnlnd from mundane affairs
and Is given the best meal of his life,
the menu being carefully chosen ac
cording to the social status of the crim
inal. There are two executioners. One k
hidden In some brushwood, while the
other, dressed In vivid red, conducts
the criminal to the place of sacrifice,
bidding him be seated on banana
leaves "In order to be entirely aep- fully eat the Insldra out of the beams
rated from earth." of the wooden houses and recently ate
The condemned man Is then put Into the sheet lead on top of the Pyducy
Is employed ns an electrician aud
where they will make their home.
These young people have the good
wishes of all who know them and
start lu life with bright urosiiects.
Christian Science Services
i nristian Science services are
held In the Commercial Club rooms
Sundays at 11 a. m. Subject will
lie the "Doctrine of Atonement.
Sunday school nt the same hour
lu Itocm 2, Davldsou IMdg. Wednes
day meetings In same room 8 p.m.
Heading room open daily, 2 to 5 p. in.
A Woman's Beauty
lesnds very much upon the np
pea ranee of her hair. I am prepared
to make combings up to your order
and to furnish switches, puffs and
curls made of genuine human cut hair
In any shade desired. The llragg
Mercantile Co. will ls pleased to
show them aud give prices. Mrs.
Kvn Woodliurn, phone l!4-M.
They Eat Up Woedtn Beams and Even
Dins en Lsadsn Roofs.
The following extract from an Aus
tralian dlury will give an Idea of the
ravages of the ants in that country:
"About noon It got too hot for any
thing, and I took a well earned swim
In a secluded creek, amid shoals of
Osh. lurge and small, who apparently
resented my Intrusion from the way
they came and s tared at me.
"I found on emerging from the wa
ter that a host of blue brown ants bad
taken possession of ray clothes, and
when they were shaken out they re
venged themselves by biting my bare
feet tn a way which waa exceedingly
"There are thousands of ants every
where. Some of the ant hills are three
feet high aud alx feet across, but ex
cept for a sharp nip at the time the
ordinary ant's bite Is not noticeable,
nut If a soldier ant or a bull ant or a
green head (an ant about one and a half
Inchea long with a green head) bites
you It Is not to be forgotten because
they take quite a big piece out
"Then there are the white ants (not
really anta, but termites), which cheer-
There la as much difference between
a piece of steak that la properly cooked
broiled or fried In a hot spider and
turned frequently and one that is
cooked In fat until It la done to death
and tough aa leather, aa there la be
tween daylight and darkness. And
there Is just aa much difference In
nutritive value of meats cooked In
these two waya aa there Is In their
An Interesting bit of bird lore comes
from Utah. It has to do with the pro
tection which Is afforded by law to
seagulls, which In the early daya
aaved a grain crop for the Mormon
settlers by devouring a horde of grass
hoppers which were on the point of
making short work of It In addition
to the protection by law which pro-
Dims, it is said that a
soon to be erected In their honor.
rarm HelD and Berrv Pickers
The Hood River Apple Growers
Union and the Davidson Fruit
Company have arranged with the
Y. M. C. A. Industrial Employ
ment Agency of Portland, to fur
nish all classes of farm help, in-
vides heavy penalties for killing the ciuding berry pickers, for the
muuuiutui IB ,-, m-H fViiif rrrnnnro tho
laiuicio mil iiuib .i j va
Hood River District during the
Th. i. o ,.k K.n coming season. ucn vou neeu
Doetrv in th rontpntinn tht h hteh help either phone or write the
cost of living is not due so much to the Union or the Davidson Fruit Co.
high price of foodstuffs and other ne- and the calls will be promptly
cessities as to the cost of a type of life forwarded to us and filled. No
that Is expressed In the phrase high charge to employers. 20tfc
living hiring other folks to do what 7r"Ti n u jT r
we formerly did ourselves and buying llPPer Valley Orchardists I am
luxuries of one kind and another that U prepared to do a limited
our parents and grandparents would amount of spraying with power
almply have considered out of the quea- sprayer. A. B. Coulter, Phone
tlon In view of the condition of the Odell 273. 37-44C
family bank account
1 Remarkable Offer 14 lts in
H center of the city
A. W. Onthank.
for $1800,
For Sale At a sacrifice. 20 acres
orchard land in Willow Flat
district. For particulars see E.
Kline at Hood River Gas and
Electric Co. office. 24tfc
Nature In plant life does not take
kindly to any attempt to defeat ber
reproductive process. This was shown
tn an Interesting manner in the case
Wanted To take contracts this
fall, to work apple orchards
next year. V est bide orchards
preferred.' My prices cheaper
than what it will cost you to do
VV. 1. rorry,
of a field of oats situated In Gregory tho .,. vfmrs1if
county, a D., which It waa thought P.A. n04 v
W. . n,lnS h. h.ll ., ..!,- I tlull 1-J n
" " i uiitm t.n.i wluv nirT0 nan.
The oats perked up so that a very
good crop of hay was later cut while
following this a second crop or stand
of oats sprang up that now promises
a yield of thirty bushels per acre If
the frost holds off a sufficient length
of time.
Lost Heavy gold ring with one
diamond. Finder please return
to F. Morrison, 1100 State street,
and receive reward. 37-38c
For Sale 230 acres of land, from
$50.00 per acre up. Will sell
20-acre tract with part in trees.
C. J. Calkins, Phone 50-K. tfc
or sale 250 acres in White
Salmon Valley in the Trout
Lake neighborhood. About 100
acres cultivated and irrigated.
Water free and abundant Best
of soil. House of 8 rooms, well
built and nearly new, is heated
with Bovnton furnace. Hot and
cold water, toilet and bath, large
barn, hog house and other build
ings. An ideal farm. Equity of
$17,000 to exchange for bearing
orchard in Hood River valley.
Owner. 288 Washington street.
Portland. 42c
For Sale 3 1-2 gallon milk cow.
Also household goods. Call on
Sunday. J. F. Boles, care Groff
brothers tents. 42-43p
For sale Oak wood and some
pine for the making and 75
cents additional per cord. About
50 cords available. Location
about one mile east of Oak Grove
store. Phone 1812x. Hans Hoer
lein. 41-42c
For Sale cheap One skeleton
road cart, good as new, $12.50
One canvas cover, 10-ounce duck
24x28, good as new, $15. Apply
Lawrence Stevens, 911 12th st
llanted Suite of three unfur
II nished housekeeping rooms.
Address A. S.
care News office,
or Rent Plastered housekeep-
ms. furnished orunfu
1 HI Wilson street. 43p
I ost Between top of east side
Lgrade and town, a pair of eye
That the telephone may be used In a
very practical fashion by the farmer
Is shown neatly In an Instance which
came under the writer notice a few glasses in case. Finder please
daya since. A farmer who lived on the nhone Mrs. I,. E. Ireland. 1U7X
euge oi one lown ana naa a nice Duncn
Of bogs to sell phoned to buyers In his
own and a neighboring town distant
some six miles. On that particular day
bogs were worth 40 cents per hundred
more In the more distant market The
result waa that he loaded up 1,000
pounds of hogs and received $720 for
ith name engraved on silver
mounting. Return to Better
F ruit Suitable reward. 42p
I ost Small pigskin
Lost Wicker telescope basket,
somewhere on road between
the haul, which he made easily In half , u Stanton's and Hans Lage's
a day
position, awaiting the ax. Earth Is put
In bis ears. For two hours or more
nothing happens. Siamese low de
mands that the criminal shall bow his
head voluntarily to the ax. This he
does finally from sheer exhaustion, and
Immediately headsman No. 2 rusbee
from his hiding place and does the
rest. The execution"!1 are then spray
ed with holy water and otherwise puri
fied from contact with the victim's
aoul. Porls. Onr. New York World.
Mood Itlver apples the world's
museum. The city fathers thought
this waa going a little too far, so now
the ants are preserved Inside the mu
seum mith samples of tho half con
sumed lead as a warning to all who
would allow their appetites to run
away with them." Ixmdon Gentle
man. Business BloclTfor Sale
liny fi business block In down town
city property nt price nnd terms
thnt suit you. Address Attorney K.
II. llnrtwlg or A A. Jnyne, Mood
Hlver, Ore. .Mltfc
The problem of keeping the boy con
tented on the farm Is pretty nearly
aolved when the farmer takes his boy
with blm and spends three or four
daya at the state fair, which provides
an admirable combination of Instruc
tion aud entertainment The boy who
thus sees with his own eyes the Im
portant place that agriculture occu
pies In the interest and attention of
the most wide awake people of his
state will not exchange the possibili
ties of the old home farm for the
vapid and Insipid Job of clerk tn a
store In the large city, a Job that
doesn't hold a candle to agriculture la
the development of either brawn or
or on Dethman road. Suitable
reward for return toMrs. C. T.
Rawson, Parkdale. 42-43p
For Sale Good driving horse,
7 1-2 years old. Can be seen
at Arthur McCreery's ranch near
Summit or at Fashion Stables.
Phone 85 Odell. ltp
Wanted To buy dilsvery horse.
Weight about 1000 pounds. J.
M. Wood, phone 7. 42-43c
For Sale White Leghorn pullets.
Head the News. It tells It nil.
for rent Dowden Potato Digger
Has record of 260 bushels per
hour. Can hand work beat that?
For terms call Scott ; 'phone 111.
"or Sale Furniture and house
"hold goods. Address W. O.
vlasasen, care of J. L. Carter,
R. D. No. 1, Hood River. 41-42p
For Rent Three housekeeping
room3 furnished. Phone 234M.
Fine 7-room cottage on Cascade
Ave., west of 7th street, for
sale cheap. 3 chambers and a
sleeping porch, bath, pantry, at
tic and basement. Inquire at
office of A. W. Onthank. 36tfc
or Sale Cheap Five-passenger
Knox automobile. Would sell
on terms. Phone Odell 188 or
address J. M, Clark, Tarkdale.
For Sale Cheap Four room house
with bath, located on Pine St.
Lot 65x150. -Phone 113-X 40-43p
or Sale Cheap-Good 2-inch
wagon. 2 horse, suitable for
applp hauling. Phone 277-M.
n V t .
or sale-in ew jumno stump
puller. Bargain if taken at
once, ror particulars address
Box 56, Dee. 42-48p
For Sale Plymouth Rock and
Rhode Island Red cockerels for
breeding purposes. Bred from
big producing stock. Price $1.50
apiece. Call early for best selec
tion. F. E. Matt Jericho Lane
flakdale Greenhouses Geran
Uiums, salvia, verbena and other
bedding plants. See the roses
in bloom this summer and have
stock reserved for Fall or next
Spring. Plants and cut flowers
at Franz's. Fletcher & Fletcher,
Hood River. 19-tfc
Great opportunity Sunnyslope
Fruit Farm, one mile south of
Hood River Heights has for snle
leading varieties of standard ap
ple trees. I have good Jersey
milk I can deliver on Hood River
Heights; also ripe peaches. I can
mow your hay, raise or move
your house. For prices phone
218K. J. T. Nealeigh. Sotfc.
For sale Seasoned wood, fir or
oak, delivered. J. J. Knapp,
phone 3232-X. 35tfc
Qood Service, Reasonable Kates, No
(Chairman of Railroad CommiMion)
Direct Primary Republican Nominee
for Re-election
''Young nmn, get ft piece of land"
for snle by the owner nt liargnln
price nnd lUernl terms ami time.
Ktght ficres good garden t ruck nnd
orchtird land three miles out. Attor
ney K. II. Hart wig. Smith Itl.xk.
Hood Itlver, Oregon. ItUifc
Notlci of Sheriff's Salt
In th Circuit Court of the State of Orceoo for
the County of Hood River.
Warinir Thomaa. Plaintiff, ra. F. R Brydle and
Mair Brydle. his wife. Kate Bart hoi p. Anna Naah.
C. H. Jackaon. Andrew Bohrer. H. B. Miller. M
T. Kretchner. H. E. Williama. C. J. Robrk. K. P
Strathern. J. R, Rmm. Chaa. Hamstadt. J. F.
Janaen. Florence Keech. L. J. Farmer. K. F. Wer
thenbach. W. B. Decker. Robert Palmer. G. O.
Guru her. Hood River Commercial Orchards, a cor
poration, and Northern I rust Company, a corpor
ation. Defendanta.
By virtue of an execution, judgment order, de
cree and order of aale iaaued out of the above en
titled Court in the above entitled cause, to me di
rected and dated the Uth day of October. 1912. up
on a judvroent and decree rendered and entered in
aaid court on the 7th day of October. 1512. in favor
of Warms Thomas, plaintiff, and against the
above named defendants, for the sum of fcOO.Uu.
with interest at the rate of seven per cent per an
num from the 4th day of Aurust, 1910. and the
further sum of I2SO.00. with interest at the rate
of six per cent per annum from the 7th day of
October. 1912. attorneys' fees, and for the further
sum oi fcis.aa. costs and disbursements, with in
terest at the rate of aia per cent per annum from
the 7th day of October. 1912. and the costs of and
upon this writ, command i nR- me to make aale of
the following- described real property, to-wit:
South half of Northeast quarter 1SS of NEM
of Section 4 4 J, in Township one 1 J North, of
Ranire ten .10 East of the Willamette Meridian,
in Hood River County, Oreiron.
Now therefore, by virtue of amid execution,
judgment, order, decree and order of sale, and in
compliance with the commands of aaid writ, I
wilL on Friday the 15th day of November. 1912. at
10 o clock A. M., at the front door of the County
Court House in Hood River. Hood River County.
Orearon. sell at nuhlic auction rmkwi re
demption to the hurhest bidder for cash in hand.
an me njnt, title and interest which the within
named defendanta lor either of thMnl hmA m th
6th day of Auirust, 1910. the date of the mort
gage executed by defendants F. R. Brydle and
Mary Brydle, his wife, to the plaintiff on the land
herein described, or since that date had. or now
have in and to the above deaenbd nronertv. or
any part thereof, to satisfy aaid execution, judg
ment, order and decree, interest, coats and accru
ing coats.
Dated this 16th day of October. 1912.
Sheriff of Hood River County. Oreron.
First issue Oct. 16. 1912. Last Issue Nov. 13. 1912.
In the Circuit Court of the State of (Wmi tar
the County of Hood River.
Manning L. Howard. Plaintiff, va Ariolnh r.mlt.
Btrtha Grodt, Christian Frederick tirodt. I Kir is
Orodt Kahl. Dora Grodt Dorothy Gndt Kmma
Grait, Frederick Grodt, Frederick Grodt, Gustave
l.roat. Jonn Grodt. John DitJef Graft, Jnhann
Detlef F'rederick Grodt, Johanna Dorethea,
I Insane!. W. Wulf. Guardian of Johanna Dnrs.
thea Grwit, Neta Grudt, William Grodt, William
Grodt. John kahl. and Gustave Grodt, William
Grodt, and Frederick Grodt for the benefit of the
heirs of Charles Grudt. deceased. Defendanta.
To Adoli.h Grodt, Bertha Grodt. Christian Fred.
erick Grait, Dons Grodt RshL Dora Grodt, Dor
othy Grodt. Emma Grodt. Frederick Grait. Fred
erick Grodt. Gustave Grodt. John Grodt, John
Ditlef Grodt, Johann Drtlef Frederick Grait. Jo
hanna Dorethea Grodt (Insane). W. Wulf. Guard
ian of Johanna IVirethea Grodt. Neta Grodt, Wil
liam Grodt, William Graft, John kahl. and Gus
tave Grodt. William Grait and Frederick Grait
for the benefit of the heirs of Charles Grodt. d
ceased. Defendanta:
l the name of the State of Oreiron. You are
hereby required to appear and answer to the Com
plaint Hied you in the above entitled suit
on or before the exptratHm- of six weeks
from the date of the first publication of thia
Summons hereinafter stated, ami if you fail eo
to annwer, for want thereof the Plaintiff will ap
ply to the Court for the relief prayed fur in hia
Complaint, to-wit:
ror a leeree determining all claims adverse to
plaintiff which you. or either or any of you. may
have or claim to have, in any estate or interest in
that land situated in the County of Hunt River.
State of treiron. described as followa, to-wit:
The northeaat quarter of the southeast quarter
of the southwest quarter of Section Fourteen 1141,
township Iwo (21 North. Ranae Ten 1101 ICaat
of the Willamette Meridian.
That by said decree it may he adjudged) that
you or either or any of you have no estate or in
terest, whatever, in or to aid land and that the
latntilf la the owner of the title to said la mi In
foe simple: that you, and each of you, be forever
entolned and debarred from a-uwrting any rlaim
whatever in or to said land adverse to plaintiff,
that plaintiff may recover his owta and Jistiurse
ments ami have such other relief aa to the court
may seem just and edmtahle.
tou are hereby serve.1 by publication of this
Summons in accordance with an enter of the Hon.
W. L. Hradihaw, Judge of the above entitle.!
imrt. duly made and entered on the loth day of
October, r.MJ. which order prarrihee thai you
hall appear ami answer snkI Complaint on w he
re the expirat ion of Six V. seks f nm the date of
the service of this the date of the hrl.
publication hereof m the l'in day of f letotwr. IsU.
4-'-4M Att.irney for Plamtiif.
There are some very deairsnka offke
rooms for rent in the Mcllhronner
Building at frtim $10 to SIS a month.
Hallowe'en 1"ll at I'arkdale,