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About The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1912)
THE HOOD KIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2. 1912 5 UPPER VALLEY NOTICE List your places for special attention with WARD IRELAND CORNELL Upper Valley Real Estate Insurance Improved and Unimproved Orchard Land Hood River Connection UUY Y. LDWAROS & CO. Ortley, Newtown and Spitzenberg True to name nursery stock. One and two years old; fine thrifty trees; four to eight feet. It will pay purchasers to inquire before buying their spring stock. MOHR BROTHERS PHONES 2052-X AND 205-X HOOD RIVER, OREGON CHEAP WOOD 1000 Cords, pine and fir, at head of Neal Creek road. Yarded out. Inquire on premises or PHONE 224-K Pine, $1.75 a cord Fir, $1 50 a cord RALPH ROOT, EpxncnaxzaaxzxE F. B. SNYDER : Hood River Plumbing company Phona Sanitary Plumbing and Heating. Tinning and Sheet Metal Work. Repairing Promptly Attended. ESTIMATES FURNISHED iYvrTTTTT,lI'riTTrTTTTTTT HAVING purchased the entire interest of E. Bray ford in the Rockford Store about three months ago, we are now in a position to serve you with all the highest class Groceries at reasonable prices. We invite your patronage and will serve you to the best of our ability. OIVH US A Tit I A I MERCER & CO. I'HONI: NO. 5 Transfer and Livery Company Freight, Express and Baggage Transferred Furniture Moved. Stored or Packed for Shipment MOOD RIVLR, Well Drilling done with a STAR WELL DRILLING OUTFIT FOR PARTICULARS ADDRESS APPLE LAND & ORCHARD COMPANY HOOD RIVER, OREGON 0c: H: I Oak Strut Phonsi. 26 r 2002 B DRAYING Furniture and Tianos Mo-Vcd All Kinds of Light and Heavy Work Wood Yard and Feed Store in Connection Office I'hono 29 Residence 2J8K TAFT J. M. SCHMELTZER HOOD RIVER ABSTRACT COMPANY ABSTRACTS Insurance Conveyancing Surety Bonds "Accuracy" is Our Motto Office In New Heilbronncr IWilKJInjr I'hone 2J Hoed River, Oregon Phone U. C. M. Ranch. Parkdale 77-Odell Upper Hood River Valley. Ore. 1013 State St. B. B. POWELL 6SX CASCADE AVENUE j fyrTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTnr WARUMOUSli ON FIRST STRUET ORHUON. Quick Successful Satisfactory Expres3 an baggage TRANSFER CO. F. A. BISHOP I! "fi'- a SOFT SHELL CRABS. They Don't Remain 8oft Vtry Long After the Shedding. The supply of soft crabs (or market la obtained by catching bard crabe and keeplug them until they ahed their sheila. For this purpose large rectangular floats, made of laths and planking, are employed, and three or four timea every day the stock on hand Is care fully Inspected, all the soft crabs being picked out and packed without delay. They are put Into shallow boxes of moist seaweed, from ten to thirty-Are dozen In a box, according to the size of the animals. When the packing Is done carefully the occupants may be kept alive from sixty to seventy hours after leaving the water. Crabs nave been shipped all the way from the Chesapeake to Canada, arriv ing at their destination In good condi tion. In summer, of course, Ice Is used. But where soft crabs are concerned It Is necessary that they shall reach the market quickly, because their new shells harden with great rapidity. At the end of twelve hours the shells are like parchment, and In three or four days the crab Is as bard as ever hence unfit for use In the form most highly approved by epicures. New York Herald. DICKENS AS HE WORKED. During Long Walks He Evolved the Plots of His Storiaa. Every Christmas and every summer for twenty years Marcus Stone, R. A., the English paloter, used to visit Charles Dickens at his various homes, especially at Gaduhill, near Rochester. . "Dickens," says Stone In his remi niscences, "was one of the greatest and kindest men I ever met He was imbued with the true Christian spirit What particularly struck me at Oada- hlll was the atmosphere of calm and comfort one felt at once on entering the house. "At 3 o'clock every afternoon we used to have a twenty mile walk In the country round. Dickens spoke but little while walking, and this after a time led me to discover the secret of his amazing Industry. lie sat only for a few hours at bis desk, and I always wondered how be could be so prolific an author. "Well, owing to his taciturnity In our country walks I began to suspect that It was then he evolved most of the plots of his novels. Ills brain was ac tive all the time and the task of repro ducing on paper the things be Imagin ed and thought about became more or less a mechanical process." Russian Discipline. During the review of the army re cruits in VUna some years ago the gen eral In command, turning to one of the new soldiers, asked him, "What Is mil itary discipline?" "It Is that a soldier has got to do Just what he's told by his superior officer, only nothing against the czar," was the answer. 'All right, then, lou take your cap, bid your comrades goodby and go and drown yourself ' in that lake there. Look sharp T' Tears glistened In the soldier's eyes. lie gnzod earnestly and prayerfully at his commander, turned suddenly about and rushed off to the lake. lie was on the very brink before be was over taken and stopped by the sergeant sent to prevent the Involuntary sui cide. Reault of Intense Emotion. A young cat was seen to catch his first mouse. As he was carrying It in triumph to the house he suddenly be came pnralyzed In the hind quarters and for an hour remained stretched on the ground. Then movement returned, but It was observed from the way he knocked himself against the furniture and made no effort to take food which was given to him that he was blind. For two hours he remained In this con dition. Finally the blindness suddenly vanished, and pussy was himself again. Ills was a case of hysterical paralysis, brought on by the Intense emotion of his first mouse. Qood Ladiea' Horse. 'You told me he was a good ladles' horse," angrily said the man who had made the purchase. "He was," replied the deacon. "My wife owned him, and she Is one of the very best women I ever knew." Ex change. Not Again. Hlns (who has been punished sev eral times for malicious mischief, reading on the Are alarm box, "Break the glass T') "No, no! You can't fool me!" Fllegende Blatter. Couldn't Listen Continuously. "John, you never listen to half the things I say to you," she complained. "Well, dear," he repllod, "I have to work part of the time." Chicago Roe ord Herald. Consolation. "They tell me the baby looks exactly like me." "But babies, you know, often out grow these likenesses." Baltimore American. Rather 8trong. TJnele Blllbab (who' tins unwisely sampled the "Ida dish of Roquefort cheese) By gum! That butter ain't in no trance! Judge. Work Is not hard, art afraid of It It Is the eyes that To Exchange 1000 ncre Eastern Oregon wheat farm; MK ncn-e mniiinir tallowed ready ti heed; Mg crop nnsiired next year, will nearly puy urclwiw price from thin one crop, will t r.i.l.' for small, well-Improved (aim. 40 acre red shot soli, unrlfnred, 1-' mllt-H from town, .1 nillcn from Willow Flat. A money maker for niue one. Will trade.for lioue and lot la town. Value $XHH). Flno I'ortluud retdileiice for kiiiuII Hood Itlver farm. AdilresH E-:i, care News. 3!).40 Notlca ot Completion ol street Grading Prospect Avenue Notiea is hereby riven that Dobson A Hatch, contractor, have filed written notK-t thi. 23ni day of September, 1912. of the completion of grading1 street and sidewalk area from the west curb tins of Second street to the Kant line of Eighth street on Prospect Avenue under their con tract with the City heretofore made and entered in to under Ordinance No. 3H5, and that the amount due said contractors for said improvement upon its acceptance la hereby stated to be fvs04.8o. And notice is further given that any objections to the acceptance of said work under the contract with the said contractors on the part of said City may be Hied in the otneeof the undersigned City Recorder by any interested party at any time within 15 days from thedateof the first publication, to-wit, within 15 days from the 2ith day of Sep. tember. 1912. This notice is published in the Hood River News for two consecutive issues thereof, the date of first publication thereof being the 25th day of September, 1912. H. L. HOWE. 86-40 City Recorder. Notlci Calling for Bids for Construction ol Incompleted Walks Id the 13th Street Improvement District Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the ac tion of the Common Council of the City of Hood River. Oregon, Sept. 8. 1912 and by authority of the provision of Section 20, Ordinance No. 114 of raid City, in matters pertaining to street improve ments in which permits have been taken out by property owners who havefa'led to comply with the requirements of said perm i in, the undersigned City Recorder has been instructed to advertise for bids for the construction of cement curbs and walks in front of the following described property: Lot 8, Block 2. Stranahan's 1st Addition, J. T. Holman, 60 feet of walk. Lots 33 and 84. Block 1. Stranahan's lut Addi tion. C. S. True, 200 feet of walk and curb. Lot 24. Block 1, Clarke's Addition, K. B. Clark. 115 feet curb. The above was ordered In place by Ordinance No. 366 passed by the Common Council March 1M, 112, and approved by the Mayor, March 22, 1912. The said bids will be received by the said City Recorder up to 12 o'clock noon, October 7. 1H12. and shall be opened by the Street Commit tee as soon as practical after the time fixed for receiving the bids, and the several bids, together with the summary thereof, hall be reported to the Common Council at its next regular meeting thereafter, to-wit: on the 7th day of October, 1912. at the County Courthouse in aid City, at which time said bids will be considered. The work of constructing said sidewalks and curbs shall be let in one contract and shall be re quired to be completed within 30 days after award ing the same. Notice is further given that any interested par ty may file his objection to the letting of said con" tract within the time specified for receiving bids. and that the same will be transmitted to the City Council along with said bids fur their considera tion at said meeting. The person firm or corpora tion to whom the contract is let will be required to enter into an agreement to the effect that said contractor shall look alone for payment for mater ial and work to such particular portion of the fund to be assessed upon the property liable to pay for such improvement and paid into the City treasury for that purpose, as shall be assented to the property in front of which and to the charge of which a particular part of the improvement to be done by the successful bidder is to be made and collected and paid into the City treasury .and such contractor shall in no event require the City of Hood River or any of its officers or agents to pay the same, except out of such particular portion of said funds so assessed or collected into the City treasury, and for such portion of said improve ment, nor seek to enforce payment of the same or any part thereof against the City of Hood River or any of its officers by any legal process or other wire, except out of such particular fund. All bids must state price for constructing said curbs and sidewalks, which work shall be done in the msnner and form provided for in General Improvement Ordinance No, 194 of the City of Hood River. No bids will be received which spec ify more than one price on said work chargeable to one block in length. A bond for the faithful performance of the contract to an amount equal to 25 per cent of the estimated contract price will be required of the successful bidder, the Council reserving the right to reject any and all ids. Dated and first published September. SW. 1912. H. L. HOWE. 39-40 City Recorder. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Hood Kiver County. Gilford D. Wood worth, and Rose Wootfworth. riaintitTs vs Standard Orchard Company, ft corporation. Rose h. Hotchkisa, Anson W . Stone, and O. U. Cravens, Defendants. To Rose E. Hotchkis. Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon. You are hereby required to appear and answer the Com plaint filed airainst you in the above entitled suit on or before the last day of six consecutive weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof the 1' Lain tills herein will take a decree against you for the sale of the hereinafter de scrilied real property situated in Hood River County; Oregon, for the foreclosure of that cer tain mortgage thereon, dated November 22, 1909, made and executed by Defendant, Standard Or chard Company, a cor,Mrat ion, to the above nam ed plaintitTs to secure the sum of Seven Thousand ik liars (ITOOU.OO) and intni, wnirn said mort gage wasduly filed in the office of the County Clerk of said Hood Rivrr County, Oregon, on Jan uary 18. 1910.J at 9 o'e'ock a. m. and recorded in Book 3 of Mortirages on inure ttft. and 9. pursu ant to default made in the payment of interest secured by said mortgage, and all as follows, to wit: 1. For ludirment nint the said Defendant. Standard Orchard Company, for the sum of Sev en Hundred Seventy r our and 47-100 Dollars 77447. totrether with interest thereon from July 27. 1912. and for the fur' her sum of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars !'- . ns and for attorney's s. together with plamtui s costs and disburse ments herein. 2. Knr th usual decree for the foreclosure of said mortraire and for the sale of the following described real property situate in the County of Hood River and State ol Oregon, to-wit: All that part of the North, at Quarter (N. fc. '4) of Section Twenty-nine lV in Township One (1 North, Range Ton Uut East of Willamette Meridian, lying west of the right of way of the Mr Hood RAilnaad Comnai'Y. and containing about 80 acres, according to the I'mied States iiovem ment Surveys thereof, by the Sheritf of Hood River County. Oregon, aemnling to law and the practice of this Court; that said sums aforesaid be made a specific and sulfating lien upon the said real property altachir.k' as of November 22. 19H. and Prior and superior ' "y claim, right. title or interest of any or all of the Uwe named defendants or sny or all persons claiming under, by or through them or any "f them; that the said real property be sold as afm-said to pay said sum of $774.47. together with the said interest thereon, the aaid sum of $150.00, as snd for attorney's fees, and plaintiffs said cost and disbursements here in; that upon the said sale, after deducting the amount of costs and expenses of the sale, the Sherttf pay the proceeds to the County Clerk of said Hood River County, snd that said County Clerk apply the proceed as bv law provided; that said defendants and each of them and all person claiming by. through or under them and each of them be forever barred and foreclosed of and from all equity of redemption from said sale, and in and to said real property n by law provided; that said olaintitfs be entitled to become a pur chaser at said sale, ami that upon such sale the ourchaser be entitled tn entr into possession of said real property and hold the same a by law provided, and that plaintm ne entitled to nave the said ssl of rest nroiHTty confirmed by the shove named Court; that plaintiffs may have such other and further relief s to the Court may seem just and equitable in the premises. You are hereby served by publication of thi summons by virtue of an order of the Hon. (i. R. Castner, Judge of the County Court of Hood Kiver County, Oregon, duly made, granted and dated on the Hth dav of Auirust. V.-W. for the service of this summons upon you by the publication thereof and in accordance therewith, and which order prescribe that the time for publication thereof hall be for six consecutive weeks, and the 2!t day of August, 1912. a the date of the Hrst publi cation of thi summon, and you are hereby fur ther notified that aid date is and will be the date of the first publication of this summons. Dated August 12, 1912. 1. A. A A P. Keel. Attorneys for Plaintiff, 84-40 II. id River. Oregon. Notice of Sberim Sale Br rtrtuc of an execution laaud out of and un der th of th Circuit Court of Hood Kivr County, Orrffon, upon ft judgment rendered in the JuMtice Court of Hood Hiver District, Hood Kiver County. Oregon, and afterward traneeripted to and docketed in eaid Circuit Court, ou Auiruat 1st. VJ12. in an action wherein P. C, Youna im plaintiff and Oscar r redenbur ia defendant, in favor of the said plaintitr. and airatnet the said defendant. for the sum of JS.U6, with interest thereon at the rats of lu per cent pr annum from r ebruary 1st., U12, and t.W costs and disbureementa. which execution was directed and delivered to me as Sheriff in and for aaid county and state, 1 have levied upon a!l of the riffht. title and interest of the said defendant, Oscar Fredenbunr. in and to the following described real prooerty. to-wit: The south went quarter of the southwest quarter or section twenty-one in township one, north, range ten, Kaat of the Willamette Meridian. Nut ice is hereby given that 1, the undersigned. Sheriff as aforesaid, will sell the above-described real property to the highest Kidder, for cash, at public auction at the north front door of the Court House in the City of Hood Kiver, in said county and state. on the 24th day of October. A. D. 1112. at 11 o'clock a. m. of that day. to satisfy the said execution, interest, costs and disbursements, and accruing costs, expenses and disbursements. Dated September 25, 1112. THOS. F. JOHNSON. Sheriff of Hood River 3-43 County, Oregon. Notice of Sheriffs Sale In th Circuit Court of th State of Oreeon. for Hrmd Kiver County. Washington County Abstract Title and Trust Co.. a corporation. Plaintiff, C. A. Heath. Eliza J. Heath. E. F. Heath. Mas Kie M. Heath. L. A. Heath. Caaaie M. Heath, i. Adrian Kpping-. Emma Lpptna and J. P. I hom sen. lefeniiants. Notice ia hereby given that a Writ of Execu tion and Order of Sale was issued out of the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oreiron for Hood River county on the lth day of September. Iil2. upon a judirment rendered on the 9th day of Septem ber. If 12. in favor of the plaintiff and airainst the defendants, which said execution and order of sa!ea is to me directed and commanding- me to sell thelproperty hereinafter described for the pur pose of satisfying- the judgment of plaintiff in aaid cause for the sum of S-U46.94. with interest thereon at the rate of eight per centum per an num, from the Hth day of February. 1911. and for the further sum of $250. attorney's fees in said cause, and the further sum of S24.70 costs, and the costs and expenses of said sale incurred upon said Writ of Execution snd Sale; That in compliance with said execution and or der of sale. 1 will on the 25th day of October. 1912. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. at the front door of the Court House in Hood River county, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bid ber fur cash in hand, for the purpose of satisfy ing the judgment above named, the following described real property, situated In Hood River county, Oregon, to-wit: The north one-half (n1) of the southwest quarter (swVh) of section thirty 130), township two (2) north, range eleven (11) east of the Willamette Meridian, except a right-of-way for an irrigating ditch to the East Fork Irrigating Company, described on page 121 of volume Y of the records of deeds of Wasco county, Oregon. Iated.this 25th day of September, 1912. THOS. K. JOHNSON. Sheriff of Hood River County. 39-43 Oregon. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, in and for Hood Kiver County. Nellie Lehman, Plaintiff vs. Joseph E. Lehman. Defendant. To Joseph E. Lehman, defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon. You are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above named Court and entitled suit, on or before the last day of aix consecutive weeks from the date of the hrst pub lication of this Summons, as hereinafter stated, snd if you fail to so appear and answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to this court for the relief demanded in her said complaint and will take judgment and decree of this Court for a di vorce from the bonds of matrimony on the grounds of habitual drunkeness and of cruel and inhuman treatment, for the care, custody and control of her minor child. John William Lehman, and for other equitable relief. You are hereby served by publication of this Summons-by order of Honorsble George K. Cast ner. County Judge of Hood Kiver County. Oregon, made September 10, 1912. which order prescribed that you shall appear and answer said complaint on or before the last day of aix consecutive weeks from the dste of the first publication of this Sum mons, to-wit. October 23. 1912. and the 11th day of September. 1912. as the date of said first publi cation; and you are notified thst ssid date is and will be the first publication of this Summons. GEORGE R. WILBUR. Plaintiff's Attorney. 37-43 Hood River. Oregon. Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Hood River. In the matter of the estate of John G. John s'n. deceased. Notice is hereby given thst the undersigned has btcn sppointed Administrator of the Estate of John li. Johnston, deceased. All persons hsving claims against said estate are hereby required to present them, duly veritied, to the undersigned at the otfice of John Kker. Attomey-at-Law. 9 and 10 Smith Illock. Hood River, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof, to-wit, August 30. 1912. HARRY B. JOHNSTON. 36-40 Administrator. Notice lor Publication Department of the Interior V. S. Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon. September 24. 1912 Notice is hereby given thst John C. Owens.of Mount Hoed. Oregon, who on October 30, 19ii. made HomesU-d No. 1&3.-2. Serial No. 04022. for W' NW',. SENWV and NW'.SWV Sec tion 2S. Township 1 North. Range 10 East, Willsm ette Meridisn. has tiled notice of intention to make Final Five Year Proof, to establish clsim to the land above described, before r. A. Hishop. U. S. Commissioner, at his otfice at Hood Kiver, Oregon, on the 6th day of November. 1912. Clsimsnt nsmes as witnesses: Armand L. Patereau. William M. Craft. Edmond C. Miller, James C. Simonton. all of Mount Hood, Oregon. C W. MOORE. 40-44 Register. Delinquent Tai Certificates Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of Article 42. Chapter 2t. General Lawa of Oregon. Delinquent Certificates will be issued to the coun ty on the following described property: C 8 True Baldwins 1st Add. kits 3 and 4 .$4 14 I. M Baldwin. Baldwins 2nd Add. lots 1 and 2 4 14 Charles Schser. ldlewilde. lot 15. block 3 4 50 E F Durlnn. E and W 1st Add, lots 47 and 48 block 10 46 Hans K.'kert, E and W 1st Add. lots 45 and 46. hl.H-k 2 45 Rnbt R Krwin. E and W 2nd Add, lots 4. 6, 8. 9. 43. 44. 45 and 46. block 2 63 A L Everett, E and W 2nd Add. kits 6 and 6. b ock 2 14 V. Kpp'ng. Park A. 1.1. lots 13 and 14. block 2 7 20 M Dumas. Park Add. lot 12. block 3 .... i 60 Colver G irdon. E and W 1st Add. lots 31 and 32, block 6 45 J W Heaviner Est. S 'a. NW '.ae ne'., Sec 1.'.. 2n. 9e 8 00 M K R.xlgersand M R Haskell. Vol. 45. pg 252. Sec 33, 2n. le a 29 A L Kaufman. Stranahana 1st Add. lot 8. block 2 19 SO George Stranahan and Sam Blowers. River View Park, kits 23 and 24. block 6 13 50 E M llvde, E and W 2nd Add. lots 3 and 4. bloek r. 14 Cynthia Jones. E. SW',. SW',. NE'. Sec 3. 2n. lOe 4 M V Kelley. E and W. 1st Add, lots 37 and 38, block 2 45 J F Klink. Waucoma Park Add. kits 3 and 4. block 3 H J A Knox. 23 seres in Sec 3. In. lOe - 45 45 J K Kmhn. SE'4. SK'.. Sec 2S. In. lie 4 20 Pearl Morton. N 2o acres of n iiti sec 27. Sn. lie 4 61 May Nichols, begin at renter of section, w Hil nuls. south N rds, e 20 rds, A n easter ly 25 chs to begin, sec 20. 2n. 10 e 7 50 W L Nichols. 40 acres of w', nw', sec 15, 2n. Ille 48 00 John W GaUhell. Barrett 4 Siptna Add. kt fi blk II 4 68 Porl land Ice t onipany. a j ns't, s' ne' see 26. 3n. liv 85 77 H C Hanson, kit 3. sec 4. 2n. 10 e Klanor Potter, five snd 65-100 acres in sec S. 19 20 2n, 10 e 15 09 23 44 C I, K..lger. Ml sores in sev 9. I a, 10 e ... . H S Kowe, Cascade Locks, lots 3, 4. 6. . 7, blk 1; lots 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. S. blk 2: lots 4. 0. 7. 8. 9. blk 5: lots 2. 3. 4, 5. 6, 7. blk f; lots S. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. blk 9: all of blk (12 lots) 10: all of l.ik tl- lotslll. all of blk (.'. lots! 12; all of blk (6 lots) 13 52 96 24 00 J A Rumfonl. n', nw', sec 33. 2n. 9s.... Frances B. Stranshan. man a A oil. lot ,1, hllc 7 S 15 4 50 John Andrews. H.iod River Troper. kit i. blk 25 B Vierbirker. E and W 1st Add. lots 47. 48. hl.-kS .... J W Watson, 10 R by 10 R in ne' , se' se'4 sec 27. 3n. 10 r: r. ff W anil A.I.I, kits 1. i. 7, 8. 9. blk 5: kits 41. 42. 43. 44. blk 5; lots 1 to K 4Li to 4s. blk 8 2 i Geo Steinhauser, 30 acres ini'jr"( wt, ii e 45 7 J L Wheeler. E and W 2nd Add, kit 4 blk S Star Orchard r Ladders... Are Durable And best of all r .u -the PRICE IS Klgnt Steadily increasing demand for them is good evidence that the STAR is a winner. We unhesitatingly recom mend them to Orchardists.who want a ladder that is not heavy or, clumsy but strong enough for any ordinary use. Blowers Hardware Co. The Firm that "Makes Good" Mirr-Vm filling all prescriptions, avoiding all possibility of , a mistake. We use the best of drugs, thus making your medicine when finished the bestithat can lie secure! " We Give Green Trading Stamps" Keir & Cass Pcltable Druggists SMITH BLOCK HOOD RIVER Contains &$oitylZO '?"" - - uSll ftt yTJL lEvjj. especially to order for us M VtA35 by the most approved methodj Y5Sio VwisllsawSS Preferred Stock Canned Goods I y2Skvv JpjSs sc4 Wksrsvsrtasaaetaraarswa re uniform in their high quality and purity. I 7 J' A hoiuthold niciuity PrttrrtJ StoctJrtm your Crtctr 1 m AIXBH A U WIS, Wholesale Grocers, PORTLAIfD, OREGOIf, U.S.A. All kinds of Preferred WQ2d's J. M. WOOD, Proprietor For Lime, Cement and House Plaster See STRANAHAN & CLARK 4th & State St. 0. P. DABNEY & SONS FURNITURE, FURNITURE, FURNITURE, STOVES AND RANGES We buy, sell and exchange everything in Mouse Furnishings, Campers Supplies, etc. Don't forget the plncc-Cor. 4th S Steit Strong Light The Utmost Care , is what you have a perfect right to know mand in the filling of a prescription. We use extreme care in Stock Goods NONE BETTER Grocery NEW MODEL OLIVER The old reliable visible type writer with new printype and other improvements. The ma chine that writes print that is print and is always ready for business. For sale or rent on easy terms. A. W. ONTHANK, Agt. 10 Oak St. Hood River. Ore. Phone 248K