The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, October 02, 1912, Image 4

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Attorney A. E. Clark, nomine? of
the Koonevelt Progressive Tarty for
United States Senator, I scheduled to
make a campaign peevh here next
Saturday evening.
(lark opened hU campaign at the
1'endleton Round l'p hint week ami
afterward visited most of the Im
portant point In Eastern Oreiron He
I scheduled to apeak at Arlington
Friday morning and at The Ihille lu
the evening. After returning to
Portland he will make a trip through
Southern Oregon.
"The speaking campaign ho f ir
mapped out I somewhat strenuous,
but the snort time remttlntcig make
It ueeessary to visit twi or three
place a day, especially In the more
sparsely settled districts," mild Mr.
Clark. "I canuot afford t.i carry on
an extenHlve publicity catnpiilgn, and
would not If I could. We have a law
In thin state limiting the expeuditiireH
of a candidate lu the general election
to 10 percent of his first year' salary
1 Intend to comply with both the
spirit and letter of the law ami limit
my expenditure accordingly."
Fish Warden it. E. Clanton ha its
turned from Hood Klver, where he
Investigated condition regarding
the flnhwaj there, alout which
Home complaint ha Ixt'U made. It
wa complained that the water at
the foot of the Hull way wa no turbu
lent that It was Impossible tor the
tlh to tlud thetr way up over the
waterfall. Warden Clanton will re
commend that piling le o driven In
the stream that the force of the uu-
dertow from the water falling over
the dam will be broken, thu making
a quiet pool at the lower end of the
way. An Investigation wa also
made at what I known aa Punch
Bowl waterfall. The water has a
drop of about 10 feet, und there Is no
place when the fish can get pant.
Warden Clanton will recommend
that n channel be blasted up pant
the fall at one Hide, connecting the
river above and below.
Money to Loan
Amount $."00 to $1."H). First class
real estate security. Will also buy
mortgage for like amounts.
30lfc KKKll & HKNitKUHON.
"I'll bet you a dollar I can save the price of that packing table in
one season!" Well, we didn't take t he bet. Not becau se we are afraid
to take a chance once in a while, but because we know it would be a los
ing bet. Haybe the man w ho made us this offer will recognize his own
w ords we are not at liberty to disclose his name. We have heard a lot
of favorable comment very similar to the above about the Sykes Sorting
and Packing Table. We say to you frankly that we are not experts at
packing fruit. We never packed a box of apples in our livesbut we
hear enough talk about it, and see it demonstrated enough to know that
we've got a mighty good packing table.
With a fine of $10.00 and $3. 2 o added for court cos ts (this for
speeding on the macadam) fresh in our minds, we don't want to get
pinched for gambling, but we would be willing to gamble that if you ever
tried one of these tables you wouldn't give it u p unless you could buy
another one. We sent several out on trial and made a memorandum
charge against the purchasers. Every one has phoned us he would keep
the table. "It's a dandy"that's what they all say.
We could go into detail and fill a page or two explaining the ad
vantages of the table and telling you what different people have said
about it--but you wouldn't read it, anyway. The best way for you to
find out is to come in and see it. We try hard to keep one set up on our
floor all the time, but sometimes we can't keep them long enough. Any
how we can tell you about it if you call. But don't wait until you are
half through packing.
The orice of the table is not $500. and it isn't $400 either.
$42.oo--get that in your head--$42.oo. That won't break you--and if
it doesn't save you its price in one season, then we miss our guess.
While you are here in the store, you might as well look around a
bit. (Sounds like an Englishman, doesn't it?) We advertised a while
ago that we were having a September "Clean-up" Sale. This doesn't
mean that we have a lot of old shop-worn stuff that we want to pan off
on you. We explainedjbefore in our ads. that we intend to handle the
John Deere line straight throughJohn Deere Buggies, John Deere
Plows, John Deere Implements, etc. So that is why we sent you that
circular letter last week, quoting such low prices on Studebaker Buggies
and spring wagons and Oliver plows. We want to get rid of all our
stock of these goods.
listen the price we quote is rock bottom
less. They can't bethat's why.
That's why you can buy cheaper now. But
they won't be cut one cent
Implement Company
A lecture on Christian Science waa
given at the Commercial Club last
week by Clarence C. Eaton, a mem
tier of the board of lectureship of the
Hrst Church of Christ Scientist In
Boston. Me wa Introduced by It,
E.Scott. Mr. Eaton' lecture was,
lu substance, a follows:
1 ne remarkable betterment
wrought In the temperament, char
acter, habits, and deeds of men by
Christian Silence I the direct result
of the costing out of evil or devils
Tula evidence of obedience to the
Master' command I attracting
more attention today, perhaps, than
mere physical healing. The latter I
an Incidental experience on the way
to the ultimate of reformation and
transformation. The most precious
gift of Christian Science are to be
designated us peace, contentment,
satisfaction, Joy experience and
condition for which we crave and
which can become our only through
the casting out of evil and the ac
quirement of enlarged spiritual un
derstatullng. By a proper appllca
tiou of scientific and demonstrable
knowledge of spiritual truth, error
In lielief which throng one' con
Bclousues are cast out, dissolved,
and .dissipated, u naturally, Helen
tlhcally, and Inevitably a light de
stro.vs the darkness. Isually the
first errors to yield to one' mentali
ty are thMe which have found ex
presslon In physical lufirmltles, but
this Is not the goal which Christian
Science urge us to Heek. We f honld
strive for and wJn a consciousness
thoroughly purged of evil, and so we
press forward, a Mrs. Eddy has ho
aptly put It In our text book, "uulil
tiou lid lens thought walks enraptured.
aud conception uiieouftned Is winged
10 reacn me niviur glory. .Science
and Health, page 3Zi)
For sixteen centuries mental thera
peutic a Instituted by the Master
remained dormant, but in these hit
ter day Christian Science represents
the restoration and re-establish men t
of Its practice. I-ss than fifty years
ago only one person on earth realized
what Christian Science In this respect
mean to the world. Today many
thousands are vividly conscious thut
it is wholly due to Its teaching aud
practice that they are alive and aide
to say they are healthy aud happy
If In less than half a century, much of
which time wa neccessarily spent In
overcoming the prejudices of mortals
and dealing with the many prolile ji
Incident to the formative period of
earthly undertaking's; If during these
trying yenia of I lie re establishment
of a religious practice which had
been entirely neglected und lu disuse
for upwards of sixteen hundred
years; If notwithstanding the almost
universal and persistent practice of
ignoring (jod a the healer of the
sick aud seeking material means for
relief and healing, no matter how
utterly Inadequate or futll? If In the
face of all this Christian Science has
adequately proved equal to the task
of releasing from the bond of sin,
suffering, and disease hundred of
thousands of people, are we not Jus
tilled In saying there has come to
tlitlr realization the fulfillment of
Jesus' prophecy: ' lie that belleveth
on me, the works that I do shall he
do also; and greater work than
these shall he do; ts'cause I go unto
my Father." "And theseslgn shall
follow them that Is-lleve: In my
name shall they cast out devils; they
shall speak with new tongues; t hey
shall take up serpents; and If they
drink any deadly thing, It shall not
hurt them; they shall lay hands on
the sick, and they shall recover."
When Mr. and Mrs. Ilockman of
Frankford, Ind., read description of
the famous Hood Liver Valley they
took with them a few grains of salt.
more than half convinced that the
truth wa considerably stretched by
the western booster spirit. Last
week Mr. ami Mr. Ilockman got off
the train here to visit her old
school friend', Mr. N, E. Ilurtmes.
They had read much of Hood Klver
and were anxious to see the valley.
An automobile wa secured and they
were taken by Mr. and Mr. Hurt-
mess for a spin to Van Horn through
the "pnrlor district" of the vulley.
Mr. and Mr. Ilockman were d
lighted at the Might of the thousands
of acre of tree laden down with
bright red and yellow fruit. The
day wa perfect and to them Hit val
ley wa a veritable paradise.
'Before coming out on our present
trip," said Mr. Ilockman, "we had
read much of Hood Klver, but never
until we saw It with our own eyes
did we believe that such a beautiful
spot existed. What we have read
wa not.exnggerated. On the con-
trary It rather fell ahort of the whole
truth. are going hack East and
tell our friend that what the? read
about Hood Klver I true, every
(Tom tho ttnteriria)
O. F. Jewett li,is returned from a
Hlx weeks' visit with friend and rela
tives lu Ohio aud Michigan.
Mr. J.C. Machine add Mrs. J. 1
Sutherland have lieen spending a few
day In Hood Klver, the guest of Mrs.
A. L, T!htettM. who ha lieen em- the Kafter Hard ware Store
ha gone to Hood Klver where he
ha been given a position lu theStew
art Hardware Store.
The toot of a locomotive whistle
will mingle with those of the don
key lu Fpper Carson valley In a
short time. The Wind Klver Lum
ber Company have commenced the
construction of their logging rail-
road, which will beghi at the Wind
river dam, traversing the east bank
of the Wlud river for nearly two
miles, and will then cross and go up
the other side. Several branches
will Ikj built on each side.
Hood River Apple Vinegar Co will
pay 8 per ton for this grade in sacks
delivered to factory. Sept. 25, 1912.
Mr. LI n a McCann make all klml
of hair goods from comblug. I'hone
107-X. 3 4ip
The first meeting of the Hood Klver
Woman' Club was held Wednesday
afternoon. September 20th, In the
Commercial riu'o room.
Several new name were handed In
for membership. At the close of the
business meeting, Mis Nortliey, the
llbrarlau for Hood Klver' new libra
ry, gave a very Interesting talk on
library work aud how It would ben
efit the public In general. She said
that SO book were drawn the first
A song wa rendered by Mr.
Alkeu, accompanied by Mr Kana
ga, after which a social' hour was
spent In the nature of a reception
given by the new officer to the club
member. Dainty refrehmeut were
served and a very enjoyable after
noon piiHsed.
For District Attorney
- I announce that I am a candidate
for district attorney for Wasco and
Hood Klver counties on the lndceu
dent ticket. If elected, 1 pledge my
self to perform the duties of the olllce
to the tiest of my ability.
paid adv. tf J. W. Al. I.K.N.
Dr. M. A. Jones
Formerly of Hood River, is now
located at 245 1 -2 Washing
ton St., Portlanp, Ore.
Don't throw away your soiled clothes or
hang them up to be moth-eaten and for
gotten. Bring themjto us. We make a
specialty of cleaning and pressing clothes
F. T. am);rson
1219 12th Street On the Heights Phone 225-L
T" WISH to announce to the pub
lie and all my old patrons that I
have bought a complete line of new
and have opened my store in the Bell '
Building. Everybody is cordially in
vited to call and inspect my goods.
Gfite grocery Store
J. R. KINSBY - Phone 231.
FRLE DLLIVLRY: Last 9:30 a.m., 3:30 p. m.;
West 8 a. m., 10 a. m., 4 p. m.
We give S & H (ireen Stamps.
Arrange for Date
Gall W. G. E. SMITH
Phone 1912-K
For One Year 3)4.40
For One Year
The regular subscription rate of each of these
publications is $1.50 a year.
wont or it. ami that much more
oiild be said In side "