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About The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1912)
10 THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1912 ORCHARD.' ...... fr. F.E.TRICG (CENTRAL POINT ROGUE RIVER VACLEY OREGON CCBRCSPONDE 30LICITE Tbla matter must aot bo reprtnted with out special pormlaalon. No animal recovers ao slowly from low condition nor la ao apt not to re cover at all aa sheep. Prime fat lambs cannot be produced by alternate grass and grain. Tbey must be pushed to lay on fat from tart to finish. It will be a good Idea to see thnt the spray tank la well drained before the freezing weatber comes on, and the cylinders of the engine, too. If It 1 a water cooled machine. It la absolutely essential that sheep be provided with the Tery best of drinking water. A sheep does not like filthy water, and It will suffer thirst a great while before drinking It It can be taken as a pretty sure sign that fall is at hand when of an evening the houseflles take to roosting on the upper part of the kitchen screen door to get the benefit of the heat escaping from within the bouse. Experiments which have been made show that if a heavy residual oil is mixed In with the Ingredients usually used In the maklug of cement It Is ab sorbed by the cement and greatly In creases Its power to withstand damp ness. Some crop experiments conducted by the Italian government go to show that the application of Iron sulphate to the aoll at the rate of ICO pounds per acre tends to make crops produced more vigorous and therefore less sub ject to rust damage. Down In Topeka. Kan., there has been a pent of blackbirds, tens of thousands of them roosting In the shade trees in the residence section of the city and making a thunderous racket An attempt was made to scare the birds away by firing roinnn candles Into their roosting places at nigbt. but this produced little result In India the average span of the hu man life Is about twenty-five years. The reason why this average Is short er with the Hindu than with any oth er people Is due to ignorance of the laws of health and sanitation, and with out question to the further fact that be la still In large measure a victim of the agricultural conditions under which he Uvea. The sooner that bunch of cockerels that are not to be kept until next sea son for breeding purposes are fried or made Into chicken pie or sold to the poultry buyer the larger tbe caBb bal ance that will show on tbe year's poul try operations. Tbey have made their most rapid growth, and whatever they eat now la to far less purpose from the standpoint of meat production. The "fool that rocks the boat" has been put In tbe shade tbe past seasou by that other fool, the half baked driver of an automobile who seems possessed with tbe Idea of beating electric and team cars to a given crossing The similarity In these two types of fools Is further painfully carried out In that there are usually Innocent persons aboard boat or auto. who. wltb the "fool." have to auffer tbe consequences of bia folly. Synthetic rubber, that la, rubber that la made by putting Its elements to gether artificially, is said to be a pos sibility of tbe nesr future. If claims of European chemist may be relied upon. Ue contends that be bns dls covered methods whereby rubber may be manufactured chemically In tbe same way that a virtual stone cement Is made by mixing In proiwr propor tions the elements from wblcb natural stone la formed. It Is well to remember that tbe paint ing of shingles after they are laid con tributes little If anything to their life Id fact It la contended by some that shingles painted In this manner will not last as long aa shingles not painted at all. To be mot effective, whatever preservstlve treatment Is glveu. should be given before tbe shingle are laid sod be spplled to the whole surfare In stead of to that portion which la to be exposed to the weather. A series of experiments covering a number of years, conducted by the Ohio experiment station, has seemed to Indicate that tbe most satisfactory time for tbe sowing of winter wheat Is from the 23d to tbe 2Mb of September Sowed aa late as this tbe young planta ape In large measure damage by tbe llewilan fly. while It I at the same time sufficiently early so that the plant grt a nod "tart liefore freezing weather wt In. Of coiirMe the date given will vary wltb different latitudes and torailtles. yet It t well worth r-trmtwrlng. JSP There Is mighty little advantage-la fact often actual detriment In feeding K)lli'd grain or other feed. Tbe alight food value that mirb food may coil- taln Is often largely neutralized by put ting out of condition the system of the auliual or fowl to whUh they are fed. If there were no other reason for early fall plowing than that of getting It out of the way so that other farm work can be attended to would be auf flclent to Justify It. Added to this la the further fact that when the aoll la turned over early all kinds of weeds are disposed of and kept from matur ing seed. A New Jersey farmer reports to an eastern agricultural paper the de struction of his new alfalfa seediug of last year by reason of the green gar den worm. He found little damage waa done on that portion of the tract on which his hens ranged most freely, which aeems to point that hens and al falfa ought to make a pretty good com blnatlon. Perhaps no one of the minor consid erations in tbe selection of a horse for farm use or breeding purposes Is more Important than that It should have a broad, large and well formed hoof. Thousands of horses sell yearly for con siderably less than their other good points would seem to merit simply be cause tbey have hoofs that are narrow and contracted and lessen their useful ness aa roadsters and draft animals. It seems to be quite a falling of mi lady who la Injudicious enough to use face powder to excess that she seldom gets it on or gets It off evenly enough to conceal the deception. With eye glasses and looking glasses aa abund dant as tbey are, there would seem to be no real good excuse why a woman should look as If she bad Just been snaked out of a flour barrel after com pleting her toilet preparatory to ap pearing In public. Tbe following Is aald to have been Martha Washington's own recipe for canning pears: "The pears should be very fresh. Wash and put them into boiling lye for a minute, then remove and put them Into cold water. Next put the fruit into a prepared sirup of sugar and water. Cse half a pound of augar for every pound of fruit with water to dissolve. Cook for a quarter of an hour. Remove and put on plates to cool. Boll down sirup to one-half Its original volume. Put pears sirup into jars and add brandy. Seal while hot- Some experiments thnt have been conducted during the past two seasons by the Iowa experiment station show that quack grass can be completely and effectually eradicated by sowing sor ghum. Infested tracts were put In good tilth and broadcasted rather thick ly the latter part of May with sorghum This made such a vigorous growth that it swamped and smothered the quack grass so thnt not a bit of It was In business when the sorghum was cut for feed In the fall. The advantage of this sorghum method Is that there is no loss of a crop, the process that knocks out the grass giving a valuable and nu tritloua ration for the fnrra animals. There Is no use to which cement can be put that has more to commend it that when employed In the making of a feeding floor for tbe hogs. Years ago the Idea somehow got lodged In the mind of a good many farmers that hogs would Just as soon, or a little bit. rath er, eat out of a dirty trough, standing In six or eight Im-hes of filth or mire: but the truth Is that a hog not only prefers a clean dry place In which to sleep, but also appreciates a clean trough and a firm and reasonably clean floor on which to stand when eating. A good many of these cement feeding floors have leen put In and a whole lot more ought to be They make It cleaner for tbe pigs and a whole lot cleaner for the fellow who has to feed them. The Intematlnnl egg laying contest being conducted at Storm college. Con necticut, closed Its fnrty-firvt week the middle of August The first prize for the last week for best pen was award ed to n. P. Demlng. president of the Connecticut Poultry association, on a pen of single comb Rhode Island Reds which laid thirty eggs during tbe pe riod Tbe close of the forty first week of tbe contest showed F. CI. Yost's pen of White Leghorns In first place with s record of 8S4 eggs, which gives them a lead of forty-seven eggs over their nearest competitors. Second, fourth and fifth places are held by other pen of White Leghorns with s'-ores of M7. 830 and 829 eggs respectively, while third place was held by a pen of White Wyandottea with a score of 'CM eggs Conditions found In the wood lot give autllclent direction and auggestlon aa to tbe proper method of treating tbe nuts of the forest trees which are desired for seed purposes next spring. As these nuts fall Into the grass they settle gradually, and when the leavea fall a little later they are given a cov ering. The moisture which the nut absorbs from Its usually damp sur rounding, coupled with the winter frost splits the shell, and the germs find easy exit when the warm weather of spring cornea The conditions men tioned can be reproduced, if one de sires, by gathering the nuts, removing the bunks and storing them in a box of molKt sand and covering with earth lightly While freezing Is tiecesxiiry. Il Is lt to pnifei-t the Ihx o thnt there will not be riiented t tin wing himI freer. Ing. In the iinit the nut" li i ' t lie planted the desired illoiiiiee nmri in the tract where the Ireen sre ee ti-'l to grow. BUDDING PEACHES. One of the Hurst aa well aa most productive peach orch.inls lu the Yaki ma valley was propagated by the own er, buds being selected from a few older trees which have been marked as prolific bearers of fruit of excep tional size and quality. While bud ding la somewhat more difficult than grafting and requires more skill, one ir bo Is careful can get on to the proc ess easily. Tbe first requisite In the budding process la the little trees on which the buda referred to should be Inserted about the lat of August To get the seedlings the peach pits should be secured and planted lu nursery rows before the ground freezes. For this purpose It Is best where possible to get pits from trees that have shown the greatest hardiness, the quality of the fruit being of no concern, aa the top of the tree will be furnished by the bud to be Inserted next summer. The seedlings should be given good cultivation, so that they will make as thrifty a growth aa possible. At bud ding time the buds should be cut from the limbs aa needed, with email por tion of the cambium or life layer of the bark attached above and below, and this, with the outer bark carefully removed, should be slipped Into a lit tie opening In the bark of the seedling a short distance from the ground made by a cut lengthwise of the twig and another crosswise. The Idea should be to give It aa nearly aa possible a position which It would have bad If grown where Inserted. The wings of the bud should be slipped beneath the Inclosing bark of the seedling, and when In place the cuts made to re ceive it should be carefully sealed with grafting wax. When the bud geta a good start the seedling should be cut off Just above the point of union and shoots starting from the point of un Ion kept pruned off. THE TULIP BED. There are very few of the spring or early summer flowering plants that are more beautiful or attractive than tu lips, and the reason why more people do not have them is quite likely that the bulbs must be planted In the fall. six of seven months before the planta bloom. For outside use the bulbs should be planted early In October, though they may be put in any time before tbe ground freezes The bed which Is to receive them should be spaded to a good depth and made mel low and rich It should then be smoothed and firmed with a heavy board. Tbe tulip bulbs should be set about four Inches deep, and the holes to receive them may be made with a round stick a trifi larger than the bulbs. They should be set stem aide up, and after the earth has been filled In It should be pressed down. The bed should be given a good watering after the bulbs are planted and a mulch, which should be left for a covering during the winter and gradually re moved In the spring as tbe weather warms up. It is well to put over the bed also boards or other protection to keep the bulbs from getting too wet Tulip bulbs are not high priced, and tbe best that can be got will be found to give the greatest satisfaction. A POINTER IN PRUNING. While from the standpoint of the horticulturist tree pruning may be rightly termed an art there are, nev ertbelesa, one or two points In connec tion with the pruning process that even tbe Dovlce should do well to keep In mind and put Into practice. One of these has to do with tbe removing of large and therefore heavy limbs from shade trees, and consists In making a cut three or four Inches deep on tbe under side of the limb to be removed and at a distance of a couple of feet from tbe trunk. A cut should then be made somewhat farther from the trunk and on tbe upper side of the limb and to such depth that the limb will fall of Its own weight Tbe advantage of tbe under cut will then be apparent for in stead of splitting down and lipping a big chunk out of the trunk as la ao of ten the case, the splitting will atop when It strikes tbe under cut The stub left by this method of pruning should then be cut off close to tbe trunk leaving as small a limb projection aa possible for the adjoining bark to cov er In the healing process. If tbe scar Is soaked In a blue vitriol solution and when dry given a good coat of white lead, decay fungi will be kept out HAILSTORM DAMAGE. It may enable tbe orchard owner who has a valuable crop of fruit on the trees to sleep more soundly If he re members that a destructive fall of ball rarely accompanies night thunder storms Whether this la due to the fact that tbe night air for some dis tance from the earth Is of more uni form temperature than It la during the day after the sun has warmed It It would be difficult to say, but tbe fact noted baa been verified In the experi ence of many a farmer and agricultur ist One season several yeara ago be fore the writer got on to this fact he lay awake o' nights during a stormy spell wltb 000 barrels of apples on the trees and held hla breath the while for the fear that hall would ruin the crop. Tbe one destructive storm that be does remember, that made mush out of apples, pecked boles In green pumpkins, shredded cabbage and prac tically ruined a fine acre of onions for hlm-half In the windrows came at 10:30 In the forenoon. DECRIES WASTE OF THEPEACH CROP Colonel Allen J. Met hen. the veter- an editor of the Seattle Times, lu i speech delivered to LewMou buslnexs tneu last Thursday, mild: ''This Is my first trip Into this Inland Km pi re ami 1 tell you frankly If 10,000 mcu had told me of the wonderful things I have seen on this trip with my own eyes I would not have 1 lleved one- half their Htory. Whit I saw at North Yakima aud elsewhere and what I have Just seen today at Iew. Istou aud t'larkstou emphasizes my reverence for the statesmanship of Thomas Jefferson. One thlntf lin preHMCH me sadly, however, but I feel sure that the people who have car ried forward these great orchard en- terprtHes to their present success will provide the remedy for the conditions which I observed. You must provide the means, through canneries and dryer, for the preservation of the teach crop, hundreds of bushels of which 1 saw going; to waste In your orchards. It nee ins a shame, while so many of tbe world's people are lu a condition of famine, that such wicked waste hIioiiM exist Care for these crops, put them Into permanent preservation In cans ami barrels and you will fiud ready market for them throughout the world. I hope you will co-operate with Seattle. Tacoiua aud Spokane lu Hiifeuanllng; the mtpiit of your orchards." Christian and Missionary Alliance Sunday m-IiooI at IM.'i. II. C. IMetx, superintendent. I'rt-ju hing tit II a. in. Young; People's lueetliiK at 7:15 p in. I'.vaugellHlk- wr Ice Hi n p. in. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:45. Tlioe are full liofpel meetings. Our motto, .lesiin Inlv. All are Cor- ll.illy Invited Y. P. Kirk, Pastor. Hood River tippler the world' H'Kt. NEW SCHEDULE ttTcunt Kood RaiCroad Effective 12:01 A. M. Sunday. Srpc. tun -2 i - w t , a a. ' No. 2 No. 4 M.1 pn. No. J N. I STATIONS X.N. A.M. 8 00. 8 06. 8 15 8 30. 8 35 . 8 00. 8 05. 8 16. 8 SS . 8 40. 9 06 9 15 Lv. Hood Kiver Ar. Powerdale Switchback Van Horn Mohr Odell .... Summit II lour her Wtnana Dee Trout Crek . V ondworth Ar. Parkdakt Lv. . I 56 . .. I V) . X so Id 10 - 2 05 . 2 00 1 60 .. 1 43 1 S3 I SO .. .. 1 15 . . 1 06 . .. 1 on 6 00 4 66 4 30 4 10 4 06 4 00 60 3 46 3 83 3 30 3 16 3 06 8 00 8 60 9 00 9 05 20 9 15 J 9 46 . 9 S5 10 10 I 9 40 10 15 I 9 66 . 10 40 I 10 00 . 10 45 I A. WILSON. Agent. If it's a surface to be painted, enameled, stained, varnished or fin ished in any way, there's an Quality Kind to fit the purpose. Cash Groceries Libby's or Carnation Milk, 3 cans 25c New Crop Brazil Nuts, per lb 15c Your last chance to get Old Wheat Flour at $1.30 per sack or $5.00 per barrej. Special Prices on Fruit Jars Mason Pts. 55c, Qts. 65c, Half Gal. 85c Economy.. Pts. 85c, Qts.$1.00, Half Gal. $1.40 Schrams.Pts. 75c, Qts. 85c, Half Gal. $1.30 We sell cheaper. We are at no expense of delivery, bookkeeping or bad accounts. . We figure against Portland prices E. E. Kaesser I 'fe I H b hip Fall Painting Meant Winter Comfort Fall is the time to touch up shabby surfaces in the home, because winter is the time your home is used most. A little money spent now for paints and finishes will make the home brighter, cleaner, more attractive, more whole some, all winter long. ACME QUALITY PAINTS AND FINISHES refinish shabby surfaces at trifling cost. Expert advice at our store, by phone or mail. Let us tell you Five Strong Reasons for Fall House Painting. FKUMZ We make 23 styles of Doors which we show in our Catalog B-X PAVEL BOOKS Oimrnntwil. 15 nixes at... 91.40 CSAFT8MAX IKTEKIOB DOOKS Panels wjnnr Htin-k, K nt7.H at $1.75 C&AFTSXAV rSOBT SOOBS 19.00. 16.60. $.ii0. 35.00 and 93.00 COTTAGE HOST BOOBS Double Rtrrnxth A quality glass, 10 Btyles, at 15.00, 33.50, 33 on. 3 .75 anil 92.50 IirsiDE WIITDOW Tltll to match. In nets 9 -80 XirSIBE BOOK TRIM (for only on side) 9 .60 All mad. in our own mill. Onr Sah. Wlmluwa, K. I). Kramv. ltnWril, Miiulillnira at proiairtlonatrljr low pricaa, wlik-li are prluti-d plainly lu wur biff tllimtrnteri catfll. We rnamnrea aattfftrtln and anfe delivery. Don't fail to writa for cataior Mo. J2. Wa tall anrona and aaywhara. atimata of fraight chargaa furniabad. COIPM J. C. Johnsen Home of GOOD SHOES Where the Best Values Come From Fast fellers because they are of attractive design, fine workmanship and excellent qual ity, tvery piece ol Crockery in this collectionwhether it be plain or decorated --has Fomething special to recommend it. Many of them are of unique shape and others are most artistically decorated. Among the odd plates are some that are distinct ly novel and decidedly beautiful, yet li'oniy" toef! Cent's THE 5, 10 and 15 CENT STORE Heilbronner Bldg., Jrd and Cascade CP. SUMNER Opposite tnt rost Ottlca Horn. I'hone.20 Spray and Garden nose Plumbing Blacksmithing and Wagon Work Farm Implements and Logging tools repaired. Plow work a specialty. Howell Bros. 2 Two doors east of Fashion Stables lood River, Ore. Phone 22 7-X M. C JOHNSON Carpenter and Builder Third and State Sts. Phone Shop 5 1 ; Res. 87-L 'AS i)L HOOD RIVER POULTRY YARDS J. R. Nll.Kf LUN, Proprietor llrodtrot f. C. W. lagfcornt. W. P. Rack I nd 1. C. Rhod. Itlind Rtdt. Indian Hunnir Uucht Btrr,m and nmna mlnrk for aalo. Or nVr brmlteri now. Poultry varda I miloa wrat or city at Frank Ion, Phono 82X2-X. IN