The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, September 18, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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ChurlcH S. SIiIcIiIm, Mfcretury nf t tie
Oregon Denial Titxfitiuti IeiiKii, nt
tarketl tlit Mingle tnx li-tf Uliil Ion to
Im Hiiluiiltteil to tin' Hoilt' of Ortxnii
tliU Fall In u titli ilt-llvereil lit tile
Ciiiiiinerrliil Cluli Krlilny evt'iiinj;.
4ft hiiIiI III piirt:
"SImkIi ttix In offi-reil to .Kin an a
tux reform, mm u ynteni nf luxation
tluit will relieve all the 111m uf muli-ty.
A a matter cif fiict It In not a H.VHtein
(if taxation at all ami far from IteiiiK
a tax reform. It liax lint one uliVct.
that ol ijeet Ih-Ink t lie reHtorliiK of pri
vately ow ned land liaek to tlietitate.
TaxeH Hhonlil lie imlil dy thnne who
have the w here-wlth-all. (irailuated
Hlntcle tax iKiioreH thlri.
" The urailnatert Hliiule tax in not a
revenue tetter anil will not lie a rev
enue Better," he iletl.iretl. The urail
tiateil nliitfle t iixerw h;.v It will lireak
up la re InililliiH, reduce the prlee of
land ami t r 1 1 1 -inlri ntH and home
Hi'ekern I iv the t IiimimhihIk to take ad
vantage of the low valued offered.
'All land valueH under uradnated
hIiikIi' tax miirtt and will decline.
The Intent of tlii'He nieamireH In to
deHtro.v land valueH; nnd when the
full rental value Ih taken, the onl.v
way In which the Mtate can raine
mnu".v for the purpniM-M nf ntale jruv
ernment Im liy priM'i'MM of leaning, for
there will Ik no value on which to
place a tax.
"If any of you ladieHiind Bntle
luen preHent are land owner, how
ever Hiuall or however larje, whether
you own a .VI foot lot or lift acre
fruit ranch, and I know of no more
lieaiitiful place to own a fruit ranch
than In the country HiirroumliiiB me
now. It will lie a cane of pay your
taxeH or K('t out. The Mtnte w III way
IIiIh to you and the Mate will mean
It, for Mingle tax Im only Sot'laliMin.
My SoclallMtlc frlendM are for It to a
mini, Mini we have only to read the
hiMtory of France to know what
laud MiM'iallMin and laud communiMiii
drought on t hat lieiiiit ifnl country."
Mr. Shield flimlly told of iiieaMtireM
put up liy the State Tux CommlMNlon
which not only kill wlnule tax hut
would provide a ti.VMtein of tax re
form. The iiiiiiiImtm of tlieMe men
iireM on t he liallot, he Maid, were ."HU
mill .iiiMii.ii lie nreil that every
voter .carefully tile tlnme iiumlierM
away In IiIm memory.
Hood Itlver county Illirnxy wan
opened Friday and Saturday for In
HpiH'tloti of book and reglMtratlon
of borrower. The room wan beau
tlfully decorated liy the library com
mittee of the Woinau's Club. 113 per
ilous applied for UMe of the library
ami HlKiiea regiHtratiou cnnin.
The library Im a county liiHtltutlon
for the free uie of every person living
In the county. There are about one
thoiiMand volume already on the
whelveM, It'iO of which were donated
'7 more are expected dally.
Some diHtrlctH In the county lielnx
remote. It In planned to entublUh
Btatloim throughout the county In
which are to tie placed a collection of
M or 00 IxiokM. For thin ptirpoMe tbe
library coiuiuImmIoii Iwim loaned Meven
traveling HlirarlcM.
llcMldeM thene bookM many niiiBa.
zlucy have been HUlmcrlbed for and a
IIhI will be puhllMhed next week.
Library Im open Mondayti. ThurM
da.vM and Saturdays from 10 to 1.' a.
in. and 1 to " to ! p. in; Sunday a 2
to ii p. in for read lug only.
The 8tut of Oregon but contributed
tbe tullext flutrpole lu tbe world to tb
l'auainu l'ucldc exjunction. Tb pole
la 'iH feet lung aud wait erected at
centennial held ut Astoria, Ore., last
uwiuer The pole baa aluce been put
la log raft and tuken to Sao Fraa-cUco.
The "rag" dance wan scored
local pulpit Sunday.
in a
F.ditor, the N'ewn: At the hint
mil ting of t he Commercial 'lull n In n
Secretary Scott wiim telling of IiIm
having adverllMing npplcM "on the
brain" and of IiIm plan I MtiggfMtcd
that I would preach a Mention on It.
I mIihII make good next Sunday
morning. He Iiiim the right idea
the ( ml v way to mcII our iipplen,"vent
1 1 it 1 1 v . Im to educate the coiiMiimer. I
iiImo have advertizing HIverHlde
church "on Hie brain" and w ill Hay
Homething of t hat too.
I u the evening I mIiiiII Hpeak on
"The I'.i'Mt InveMtnieiit 'o be Made til
Hood Klver." Mr Oxgood will nlng.
The evening Mervlce begiiiH at
The public Im Invited to ! heMCMcrvl cm
F.iiwaimi A. II A II KIM
A public meeting will be held at I he
court Inline Friday evening. Sept. -0
at M o'clock Hharp for the piirpnMc of
hI inlying and annhzlng the Hcveral
IiIIIm to be Hiibmit led at the coming
election. Tile people of I looil Klver,
men aud women, are Invited to be
I'ndiT the Oregon system every
i tllzi n Im a legiMlator and there Im no
cxi-UMc for rejecting a gooil or adopt
lug a bad meiiHiire.
Local lieinocnitM have iMMiied a
call for a meeting to be I it I I at the
court hoiiMe Sat urday afternoon at 1!
o'clock fur the piirpoMe of organi.iug
a Wood row WIImoii Flub.
All W IImoii men, regardleMM of party
atlillalloiiM, are Invited to lie prenent.
Milliner; opening ThurMilay, Fri
day and Saturday, NovciuImt 111, 211,
21. MImm M. II. I.iunli. It.
Underwood Chapel Annotation
It. It. 1'erkliiH, rellgloiiM nnd nocIiiI
director of I lie I'ortland V. M. V. A.,
Ih expected to inldrcHM the Fnder wood
Impel AMHoclation next Sunday af
ternoon, September 22, at three
o'clock, at the Mchool limine. Kvery
body Im Invited.
Money to Loan
Amount $."iiNI to $!."( Ml. FlrHtcliiHM
real entale security. Will nln buy
mortgage m for like nmoiintM.
IK life ItKK.II & IIkniikhmon.
Thay Have No Such Coin There, Yet
Still They Uae It.
Btraugers In foreign countries al
ways find some difficulty In getting
uhlh to tbe curreut coinage. In Eng
land they find themselves up ngnlnst
quite a number of problems, not tbe
leant of which Is the guinea, and tbe
difficulty ' la not leMseued by tbe fact
that the guinea Is practically obsolete
as a cola of tbe realm. Tbe English
pbystciun's fee Is always calculuted as
so many guineas, aud the same thing
holds good it a sale of pictures or
whatnot at Christie's salesrooms.
Tbe guinea Is a gold cola current for
21 shillings sterling, or about $5, but It
bus not been coined since the Issue of
the sovereign In 1S17.
The guinea habit has been defended
by some subtle dealers on the ground
that it olifuscute the "foreign visitors
to liritish salesrooms." On tbe other
band, those astute cambists have
been known to growl at it few thous
and sterling added to tbe price of a
valuable picture by tbe adhesion to tbe
guinea style of bidding. Tbe story runs
that tbe guluea whs ho called from the
pieces struck from the bullion captured
by Sir Harry Holmes In lfiOd from 160
Dutch sail iu Schelling buy, the bullion
being from Guinea. But Shakespeare
has an earlier play on tbe word when
be mentions "guinea hen" lu "Othello"
as regards the auction usage of the
guinea. There can be little doubt that
It Is a survival of the times when tbe
extra shilling was treated as a five per
cent commission, payable by the buyer.
Double commissions are, however, now
obsolete. Chicago Record-Herald.
There are yellow roses, panslea,
chrysanthemums and dahlias, but did
you ever see a yellow aster? Tbe near
est approach to tbe yellow variety la
one that Is far more white than yel
low and has to be labeled "yellow" In
order that It may be distinguished from
tbe white.
The luxuriance of tbe blossoms which
tbe chrysanthemums bear early next
winter will depend to quite an extent
upon the vigor and growth tbe plants
attain between now and that time.
Chrysanthemums are heavy feeder and
should be given generous fertilising
and frequent waterings.
Cows seem to be Just as hapless as
men when near deep water with a Jag
on. This Is made plain by tbe fact that
tbe other day, when eight Hereford
cows belonging to a farmer living near
Sterling, 111., got boozed up after Im
bibing too much silage Juice and went
to the creek to slake their thirst, six
of them fell In and were drowned. Tbe
moral of this tale seems to be, "fence
In the silage Juice or the creek."
An excellent drag or float for break
ing clods and for smoothing down
ridgy highways may be made by bolt
ing sectlous of three or four V shaped
hardwood posts to two strong two-by-eights
or tens at right angles, tbe bark
or wide edge of the post facing back
ward. Enough space should be left be
neath the sections, which are fastened
on the under side of the plank, so that
It will not collect dirt so readily.
August Is tbe best month In all tbe
year for girdling and killing trees like
the willow. This seems to be due to
the fact that tbe energy of the root
system seems to be largely spent in
the growth of limb and leaf up to
that time, and If tbe bark Is removed
for a space of a foot or more entirely
around the trunk it sort of leaves tbe
root system strapped and bankrupt.
If the girdling Is done In June or early
July there will be an effort on tbe
part of the tree to send out shoots be
low the point of girdling from dormant
A Virginia dairyman found one of
bis mild eyed bossies acting strangely
tbe other day. On reporting tbe cir
cumstances and symptoms somewhat
carefully to the department of agricul
ture at Washington, It was decided that
her aliment was a Jag Induced by
drinking the Juice from fermented
cornstalks which she got at tbe base
of a silo. Since this case was reported
there have been a number like It else
where. If the dairy cows go on a toot
like this It Is possible that tbe hired
men and proprietors may catch tbe
India Insects and Traaa
Produce tha Substance.
India is tbe home of the Coccus lac
ca, the Insects that produce the resin
ous substance known as shellac. Tbe
females puncture the twigs of several
different kinds of trees, among tbem
tbe bo, the hlhar and the butea, and
the twigs become lncrusted with a
hard, nearly transparent, reddish, res
lnous substance that serves tbe double
purpose of protecting the eegs end
finally furnishing food for the young
The lncrusted twigs are broken from
tbe trees before the young insects es-
cspo and are thoroughly dried In tbe
sun. These dried twigs are called
"sttck-lnc," and from them shellac and
a dye analogous to cochineal are pre
pared. "Seed lac" Is the resinous con
cretion separated from the twigs,
coarsely pounded and triturated with
water In a mortar, by which nearly all
of the coloring matter Im removed.
To prepare shellac the seed lac Is put
Into oblong cotton cloth bugs aud
wanned over a charcoal fire. When
the resin begins to melt the bags are
twisted, and the pure clear resin is
allowed to flow over fig wood planks
or the smooth stems of the banyan tree
and cools lu the thin plates or shells
which constitute shellac.
I'ure shellac Is very valuable. It Is
much harder than colophony and Is
easily soluble in alcohol.
Thay Have an 'Arbor.
A member of the London county
cou'icll was regretting the lack of art
sense displayed by his fellows wlicn
they placed an open space at the dis
posal of the people. He pleaded elo
quently for fountains, goldfish In orna
mental basins, lions and unicorns In
stucco nnd emerald green garden seats.
"Why," said he. In a splendid pero
ration, "we want something homely
and countryllke a little arlnir here
and there. If a foreigner ewme to this
country and osked to see one we've
never an arbor worth showing to
sbow him."
Then up nnd spake another member.
who. prior to nttainlng the height of
bts civic ambitions, had been n petty
officer In the navy.
"Oh, we 'aven't, 'aven't we? And
wot about Portsmouth nrbor?" Lon
don Strand.
Anyone having old books or maga
zines to give nwny will please phone
the Ladles' Aid Society of the M. K.
church. 2tW K. !W 4(V.
Crab grass or "five finger" la a weed
that is likely to cause considerable
trouble In the lawn if there Is a short
age In rainfall during tbe late sum
mer. It Is deep rooted, roots where
the Joints touch the ground and laughs
at both drought and sunshine, now
ever. It Is an annual and nothing but
th seeds survive the winter. To
check Its growth In the lawn, water
liberally and clip rather closely, using
the grass catcher, so that as many of
the seeds as possible may be removed
from the lawn. It Is tender, and the
first good frost kills It
Steers are still going skyward that
Is, tbe prices are. Within the past
month best grades have been quoted as
high as $10.50 on the Chicago market
This surpasses any prices that have
ever before been paid. Including the
was prices ef 18(11-435. If the present
high prices are due entirely to a short
supply and not to artificial manipula
tion there would seem to be good
ground for thinking that the prices
would mount still higher. Tbe situa
tion works a hardship upon tbe con
sumer of beef, but It's great pickings
for the farmer who sends them to mar
A llttlo seedling walnut on a neigh
bor's lawn the writer passes frequently
has tlirown out two shoots from the
same point that Is, It has a forked
head. It Is a good Idea when such
seedlings take this habit to cut off one
shoot The other will soon take an
upright position, and the tree as It
grows will not only have a more sym
metrical, but a much stronger head.
What has Just been said Is equally
true of practically all fruit trees and
of elm and some other shade trees.
Tbe best time to correct such a fault
Is In the first two or three years, pref
erably the first.
Several Wealthy apple trees on the
old home place of the writer's bovhood
days are this season nearly done to
death with the cedar rust, which ap
peared in irregular yellowish, red rim
med blotches on the leaves. And a
strange thing about It Is that tha
Wealthy shows much more damage
than any other varieties. Including tho
reach. Duchess. Patten Orecnlng and
several other varieties. A tHirtiesa
whose leaves touch a red cedar hedso
shows practically no Infection. This
susceptibility of the Wenltliy to tho
rust Is regrettable and means that
trees of this variety should not tie
planted near cedar hedges, or that the
hedge should not be set near the
Wealthy trees. Damage may lie check
ed somewhat by spraying with lime
sulphur, but the results are not satis-factory.
50c Per Doz.
3 Pair for 25c
The Bragg Mercantile
Everything to Eat and Wear
Our Fall Stock Is Now Ready for Your Inspection
Groceries, Dry Goods, Shoes, Ladies' and Children's Ready-to-Wear, Men's Furnishings, Hats, Work Clothes,
Sweet-Orr Trousers, Water-proof Clothing, Wool Blankets, Cotton Blankets. Comforts, Suit Cases, Bags.
For the, past year we have been earnestly and consistently trying to secure the best goods forihe lowest
prices, in all the different lines, and although it has not been easy, we are now able to offer you better values
iii- . , ' - : : - r.
in most an unes man ever belore, in spite of the advance in prices in many lines. One of the lines
we can-
not do better on is Shoes. We just had to pay more for good Shoes, ordo wjthout. In Ladies' and Chil
dren's Ready-to-Wear and MerFjgnishnngsjcj we could last year, because we had
time and opportunity to buy to the best advantage. In Staple Dry Goods we were also fortunate in buying
before the advance took effect this fall. We can give you only a few prices here. Come and see for yourself is the better way
We have secured the agency of a good many Ex
clusive Lines that Never Have Been Sold in Hood
River Before. We believe you will appreciate
them. Come in and see; ask about them - we will
let you judge.
New Tailor Suits for Ladies $10.00 up
New Long Coats for Ladies ... . 7.50 up
New One-piece Dresses for Ladies 7.50 up
New Long Coats for Big Girls 4.50 up
New Long Coats for Children 2.50 up
New Mackinaw Jackets fcir Ladies. ------- 5 0 up
New Ruff Neck Sweaters for Ladies 2.00 up
New Ruff Necks and Jerseys for Children, 1.25 up
New Fall Underwear, all ages and sizes.
New 12 l2c Outing Flannels, light and dark 10c
New Double F old Worsted Dress Goods 25c
Outings, 5c; Check Ginghams 5c; Calicos 5c
Cotton Blankets, 50c pair. Comforts. ..$1.00
I Th ST) WiImb 1 v4
I Untidy f I'J Wy I 7
To Every
Bring this advertisement to our
Notion Department not later than
one week from today and recive.
absolutely free, a regular lOccaJ of
Wi Ison D ress-kooks
These popular new Dress-hoolci are not ordinary hoolct and
eyei or inapt they will completely overcome your dreu-fastening
difficulties. The free cards are not samples but the same value for
which you would regularly pay 10c.
We make this most unusual and liberal offer as we are confident
you will find Wilson Dress-hooks the very thing you have always
wanted. They can't come unhooked or "pop" open accidentally.
They hold securely without bulge or pap, though you can unhook
them with perfect ease. Guaranteed not to rust or crush in washing
and ironing, and to outlast any garment ; perfectly flat and never show.
Don't neglect this opportunity to try the Wilson Dress-hooks
you have seen so widely advertised in the leading magazines and style
dooks. used by lashionable women everywhere
and endorsed by leading dressmakers.
Cut Out this Advertisement
and present st our Notioa Drpartment. Large and
small sij.'s; Gray. Blacn and White colors. On dozen
on a card. We can not give a card to any one who has
rfceiTed a card tree Irom anv merchant or tbe Wilson
DruH-book Co.. Cleveland, U. None given to children.
"Bragg Mercantile Company
ror rent Dowden Potato Digger
r IT 1 C 1 , l 1 1 I a
nas recuru 01 :ou uusneis per r
nour. i an nana worK oeat mat:
"or terms call Scott ; 'phone 111.
or bale Dry nine and oak
wood. Phone 320-X. 38-39p
Wanted By a man who under
stands orchard accounting as
well as planting, pruning, spray
ing, irrigation, cultivation, etc.,
wishes position as superintend
ent of orchard. Address Orch
ardist, care Hood River News.
llanted Man and wife for
If ranch work and to care for
extra help during harvest. Good
chance for right parties if they
act at once. Dickerson & Peck.
Phone 205K.
Farm Help and Horry Pickers
The Hood River Apple Growers
Union and the Davidson Fruit
Company have arranged with the
Y. M. C. A. Industrial Employ
ment Agency of Portland, to fur
nish all classes of farm help, in
cluding berry pickers, for the
farmers and fruit growers ot the
Hood River District during the
coming season. When you need
help either phono cr write the
Union or the Davidson Fruit Co.
and the calls will he promptly
forwarded to us and filled. No
charge to employers. 20tfc
Wanted To take contracts this
fall, to work apple orchards
next year. West bide orchards
preferred. My prices cheaper
than what it will cost you to do
the work yourself. W. T. Forry,
Phone 323-K 30-42p
Wanted -A rcliaMe person to
take contract for clearing ton
acres. Phono 1SS2-K. 37-38c
Pler Valley Orchardists I am
prepared to do a limited
amount of spraying with power
sprayer. A. H. Coulter, Phone
(Well 273. 37-4 1c
Wanted Position hy young Jap
anese as janitor for office
rooms, early every morning. Ad
dress P. 0. IUix 22. 38-3l)p
I here lire some very dculrable office
moms for rent in me ncimronncr
Itulldinif at from $10 to $15 a month.
or Sale Roan pony for either
riding or driving. Phone 2GG-
X. 33tfc
or Sale Single driving horse.
weight 1000 lbs., 7-year-old.
Cheap if taken quick. J. E.
Hall. Oak Grove. 37-40c
For Sale A good, fresh, yountr,
Jersey cow. Phone 1812-X.
For Sale- One black horse, six
years old. weight about 1200
lbs. Phone 200-M. 37-3Sp
or Sale-5-m o n t h-o 1 d colt,
Clydesdale and Porchon mare,
blocky build, gentle, halter-broke.
Will sell cheap if taken at once.
Call 3322-M. W. E. Cauller.
or Sale-Thorough-bred S. C.
hite Leghorn chickens, also
a few Rutf Orpington cockerels.
H. Glass. Phone 20S2-L. 38-3'
or Sale
Cheap Good 2-inch
Groat opporuinity - sunnysiope apple hauling. Phone 277-M.
fruit farm, one mile south of 34tfc
Mnnd T?ivpr Tlpicrhts has fnr kaIp -
leadine varieties of standard aD. Cor Sale -Oak pole wood, $4.50
Oakdale Greenhouses Geran
iums, salvia, verbena and other
bedding plants. See the roses
in bloom this summer and have
stock reserved for Fall or next
Spring. Plants and cut flowers
at Franz's. Fletcher & Fletcher.
Hood River. 19-tfc
ound-Pairof spectacles. In
quire at News ollico. 3S-31V
ost Potween Hood River and
Helmont Drive, one laprobe.
Finder please phono 20'.x. 37-3Sp
ost Rrown raincoat on road
from HWicher's station to Hood
River. Return to Franz Hani-
ware Company. Gus Wester
burg. 37-3Sp
pie trees. I have good Jersey
milk I can deliver on Hood River
Heights; also ripe peaches. I can
mow your hay. raise or move
your house. For prices phone
21SK. J. T. Nealeigh. 35tfc.
For sale - Chickering piano: may
be seen at Mt. Hood Hotel An
nex. Mrs. D. E. Puind.
I per
load delivered
Phone 20G3-K.
in Mood
or sale Seasoned wood.
oak. delivered.
fir or
J. J. Knapp,
phone 3232-X. 33tfc
For rent Three-room cottage.
Just right for two. Mrs. C. J.
Noble, West Sh'rm'n. PhoneSOlL
ine 7-room cottage on Cascade
Ave., west of 7th street, for
sale cheap, ii chambers and a
sleeping porch, bath, pantry, at
tic and basement. Inquire at
office of A. W. Onthank. 30tfe
ilanted To rent, a vacan lot.
If Phone George at 2JUL. 37-38p
or Sale Rig Elberta Peaches.
M. R. Tucker. East P.arrett
District. R. D. 2. 37-3Sp
'or Hire Disc drill for seeding
grain, clover or cover crops. J.
E. Hall. Oak Grove. 37-10e
or Rent Two pleasant front
rooms down stairs furnished
for light housekeeping: bath,
water, electric light and fuel; 3
blocks from business fiction,
714 Cascade Ave. 37
Sale or Exchange A baby
buggy in good condition.
Phone lol-K. 37-3Sp
For Sale First-class d' Anjou
pear trees, thrifty stock with
3-vear-old nxts. Phone 2102X.
Cutler Pros. 30-40p
For Sale Peaches $1 per hun
drod at the ranch. Firing box
es. Geo. C. Gladen. Oak Grove.
or Sale or Trade Rooming
house. Good location. Phono
For Sale Ten to 20 acres, sight
ly, good soil, two and one-half
miles from town, 1G from Hood
River, springs, close to school,
$3i) an acre, easy terms. Address
X, care News. 3o-38p
For Sale -At a sacrifice. 20 acres
orchard land in Willow Flat
district. For particulars see E.
Kline at Hood River Gas and
Electric Co. office. 24tfc
For Sale - 230 acres of land, from
$r0.00 per acre up. Will sell
20-acre tract with part in trees.
C. J. Calkins. Phone 50-K. tfc
For Sale -Eighteen acres Al
fruit or garden land, some
crop, 2 1-2 miles out. for $G30. at
$10 a month. lox 3o, Steven
son. Wash. 35-38p
ost - Heavy gold ring with one'
to F. Morrison. 110G State street,
and receive reward. 37-38c
or Rent Furnished house, nine
rooms, corner 12th and Eugene
streets. Phone 87-M. 38-3Hp
or Sale -20 acres East Side. 1
mile from Summit station, red
hot soil; 8 acres in 2-vear-old
trees. Price $200 an acre. For
terms see owner or phone 1X5
Odell. . :w:i,!L
To Trade Ten acres in the Oak
Grove district, 3 acres in 2 and
3-year trees, 25 bearing peach
trees. Price $2500. Will trade
for residence projierty in HihmI
River, or might consider good
automobile as first payment. Ad
dress "P" care of Hood River
News. IM-.'S'J
A Woman's Ik'nuty
I ii'l inN vit.v tinii'h 1 1 c i r i t ti- it
iii'.i rjiMii1 i if Iht Ii ill r. I iiiii .ri.nn.
to I n ; i ki cutiililimrt 1 1 1 1 tn J imr nnli-r
an. I to fornNIi Hwltrli.iM, pnfM ainl
ciirU in ot genuine human cut huir
III nny m 1 1 1 1 1 . il.wlri'il. Tin. Wrimit
MiTi'llM ill' til Will lit' .li','lM'i t'l
mIhiw tin-til .iiiil ulvi- prln-K Mr.
I'.vii W hi Kll.iirii, 1 1 1 1 f ) l it M
Still that i . ill. hi iiiiii.Iii'I .