THE HOOD KIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18. 1912 M ' NURSERY STOCK In Standard Varieties to offer for the Season 1912-13. Also some Select PEONA BULBS C- D. THOMPSON Phone 3232-M R. R. No. 2 Hood River. Ore. HORSES WINTERED DON'T send your team to eastern Oregon to winter and get a skeleton back that isn't fit to handle your spring work. Keep it here in the valley where you can see it at any time and see what good shape it is in. It will not cost you much more. We have just put up some of the finest grain, timothy and alfalfa hay in the Upper Valley. We have a bipr stock barn and are prepared to care for a number of teams during the winter. We are making up our list now. If you want your team well cared for this win ter, you had better write or 'phone for terms at once COUNCIL OAK RANCH C. P. IVCS MANAGCK Telephone 2G8 Odell. Mount Hood, Oregon In the Race for Leadership "Benjamin" Clothes Always Win IN the busy marts of trade, in the social whirl, clothes may not make the man, but tht are a big help. Appearances count for a great deal. The best dressed men of America "Wear A Benjamin, "---the clothes of the leaders. This leader wears an Avon model. A suit which is exceed ingly popular with the very dressy. J. G. VOGT Gordon Hats for Men DaTideon fruit Co. Id now ready to tail? about Hppiee Call at office or phone ua and we will call on you. Apple Paper, Boxes, Twine, Spray, Ice, Etc. Davideon f rutt Co. fiood River, Oregon XSXXXX3;XXXHXXZXBZZX5XIZXHXX: Investment--not Speculation You take no chances when you buy your real estate through us-excent to win. Our intimate knowledge of almost every foot of land in the valley places us m a po sition to advise you where to find the REAL- BARGAINS NEWS NOTES FROM AROUNDTHE STATE Summer am Atx-rt I.akea Id i'vu- trnl Oregon are to Ik made to yield up the wealth of mil tain their water. A An Helen company with lurge capital Iiuh we u red a long lune on ns,X)0 uereM about theae lake and In building a refining plant (or evapo rating the water. It I estimated that uot le-n than lOO.OlM) tons of product will le ec u red annually. I'laiiH are well along tor plant a large I'ollHh colony lu Oregon The PolUh Society of Philadelphia la seeking from 5,000 to 100,000 acres of good land In a body suited for this purpose and hopes to bring about L'0 PoIIhIi families here within the coming year. The society Is In cor reHpoudeuce with Oregon people with a view to securing such a tract. I'ncle Sain proposes to be the big brother of the Oregon farmer. A movement has just been started whereby the Department of Agricul ture, the Salem Hoard of Trade and the Oregon Agricultural College will co-operate to maintain an agricul tural specialist In Marlon county and others will soon be placed. The ex pense Is dlHtrlbuted between the var ious Interests and farmers are advis ed as to the best methods. John W. Shattnck, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Shattuck of (ireshaui, Oregon, and two boy com panions, perltilicd of hunger and ex posure In the mountains near Ju neau. Alaska, and their bodies have tecn found A big threshing machine owned by the father of the vlwtlm crushed out the life of 8 year old Wilfred (Jasklll, son of Mr anil Mrs. Frederick (insklll. residing near La (irande. (. Inn-nee Diet, son of John Plcti of the famous Cameron dam case In Wisconsin, Is now living In Wedder- liurn. Or., and employed a( the mill of the Wedderburn Trading Com-paay. Despite the efforts of her aged grandmother, Mrs. K. J. Itworsback, who folded the 4-year-old child In her arms and tried to smother the blaze that was consuming her, little Doro thy Cochran, of 'M'2 Alblna avenue, Cortland, was burned to death by a tire of unknown origin. W. S. NICHOL WHITE SALMON (Fom the Enterprise) A. Ward and wife have taken charge of the Washington hotel, re opening for business the first of the week. K. Couper, formerly of the Cafe restaurant. Is cook. The McKarland Memorial I'resby. terlan church, the expelisu of which was borne by Mrs. McKarland, has been completed and pews placed. This church will be dedicated by K"v. Tate and Kev. ((rimes Sunday, Sept. 22, a I 11 o'clock. T. Wyers has contracted for the construction of three il-ton auto trucks In White Salmon. The ma chines will le used n his livery and freight business. lie believes that these lighter trucks will lie found practical for his work and will dis place a iuiiuIht of horses, Lloyd Knight has beet) at Trout Lake for some time surveying and suli-dlvlding about (too acres of J. E. Hey Holds' land for orchard pur poses. He Is also running levels to partially drain Trout Lake for the purpose of bringing It under cultiva tion. This calls for some skilled en gineering. The estimated cost of drainage of the lake Is $.'.000. I!. Field reports -that he has made land deals the past three months representing an aggregate of $40,000. A tract of 51( acres 1.1 miles north east of this place was traded to three families It) Colorado for (irand Val ley towu property, the trade valu ation being $.'10,000. The families from Colorado are people of means and are expected hem about the 20th of the month. Oregon Agricultural College This great Institution opens Its doors for the fall semester on Septem Ikt 20. Courses of Instruction In clude: (Jeneral Agriculture, Agro nomy, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Husbandry, llacterlology, ltotany and Plant Pathology, Poultry Hus bandry, Horticulture, Kntomology, Veterlnnry Science, Civil Knglueerlng, Klectrlcal Knglneerlng, Mechanical Kngltieerlug, Mining Knglneerlng, Domestic Science, Domestic A rt, Com merce, Forestry, Pharmacy, oology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, F.ngllsh Language and Literature, Public Speaking, Modern Languages, History, Art, Architect lire, Industrial Pedagogy, Physlclal Kducatlon, Mil itary Science and Tactics and Music. Catalogue and Illustrated lltera t tire mailed free on application. Ad dress: Registrar, Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallls, Oregon, SCHOOL YFAK OPENS SF.PT. 20. Tt l, twi::iv Mutual Inmirmnr at M IVr Ont of Old t.lna Hat. Klr lnuranc on HuiMlnga In CVrom of fonat ruction, Kr. ntt pernio. ih th hkkihtd STRAW VOTE FAVORS COUNTY, DIVISION The straw vote on the matter of Klickitat county division In the terri tory to te laid off resulted over whelmingly In favor of division last week at the regular state 'elec tion. 1032 for and 223 against. This does not end county division however. Division Is done by the legislature, und the same work will have to be done la that body that was done lu the last legislature when the bill was passed through thJ sen ate but killed la the house, largely through the efforts ol Representative Hornlbrook. Charles Spencer of White Salmon polled a larger majority against Hornlbrook than was anticipated. To several his election Is a surprise as It has been considered well tilgb Impossible to elect a west end man over a candidate from the central part. His total vote Is 1102, giving hlru a majority of 230 over Hornl brook. SIXTH LIST OF BOOKS FOR HOOD RIVER LIBRARY These lists. If preserved, will afford a complete catalogue of the new- county library. OKNEHAI. AND K I" ROPE AN HISTORY Adams. European history. Bartholomew, Literary and histor ical atlas of Europe. Delloc, The French revolution. Emerton, Introduction of the study of the Middle Ages. Forrore, Characters and events of Roman history. Goodspeed, History of the ancient world. Grlflls. China's story of art, myth, legend, and annals. Oullck, Life of the ancient (In-eks. Headlam, (ilsmark, and the ou il lation of the Roman empire. Sedgwick. Short history of Italy. Wheeler, Alexander the tireat. AMERICAN HIHTOKY AND THK WKHT Earle, Home life In colonial days. Flske, American Revolution, 2 vol. Flske, The leginnlng of New land- Flske, The ciltlcal period of Ameri can history. Flske, Old Virginia and her neigh bors. (irlnnell, Trials of tlie pathfinders Irving, Astoria- Irving, Adventqre of Capt Rotine- vllle. Lant, Pathfinders of the West. Llghton, lewls and Clarke. Parkman, Pioneers of France In the new world. Soafer, History of the Pacific Northwest. Sehouler, Americans of 1770. Turner, Rise of the new West. INIIIANN Geronlmo, Story of his life. (Irlnnell, The Indians of today. Loupp, The Indian and his prob lems. KKTION Abbott, Molly Mnke-lielleve. Allen, Kentucky cardinal. Andrews, Perfect tribute. Austin, Ntandlsh of Standlsh; tai lor. llachellor, Darrel and the blessed Isles; D'rland I; Elen Hidden. JIlaliac, Eugenie (irandet. Barclay, The rosary. Uarr, How of orange ribbon; The maid .of Maiden Lane: Strawlierry handkerchief. Ilarrle, Little minister. Bennett, t'layhenger; Hilda I yens- ways; Rurled alive. Benson, The Osbortics. Black more, Lorna Doc me. Bosher, Miss dibble Cault; Mary Cary. Booth, The post girl. Brown, Meadow Grass. Brush, Colonel's opera cloak. Burnett, That lass o' Laurie's. Durham, Dr. Latimer; Miss Prltch- ard's wedding trip; Sweet clover. Catherwood, Romance of Dollard. CharalMrs, The reckoning. Churchill, The Crisis; Richard Car- vel; Conlstou; The crossing; Mr. Crewe's career. Conner, Black Rock; Sky Pilot; The man from Glengarry. Continued next week. riie Hood River Apple Vinegar Co. Is receiving cider and vinegar apples, consisting of early varieties and windfalls of later varieties. Partnership Dissolution Notice To Whom It May Concern: Notice Is hereby given that the partnership firm of "Klnnnlrd & Klnsey" hereto fore conducting a general grocery and feed business lu Hood River, Ore., has this day Is-en mutually dis solved by Its members, T. J. Kln nnlrd and J. R. Klnsey, said J. R. Klnsey retiring from the business; and Klnnnlrd & La r wood will con tinue In said business and will col lect all accounts and bills due the firm and will assume and pay all obligations aud debts owing by the firm. Dated at Hood River, Oregon, this 21st day of August, l!U2. T. J. KlNNAIHK. 3.1 as J. It. KlNSKV. TELLS HOW TO GET FRUJTJULLETINS To the Fruit Growers: Inquiry Is frequently made relative to thesecur Ing of literature published by our State Experiment Station and the Called States Department of Agrl culture. The following Information will answer the Inquiries: 1 he publications of the State Ex periment Station may lie had by all residents of the state on application to the director. Permanent mailing lists are kept of all persens desiring the bulletins as they appear from time to time. Send your applications for bulletins or request to have your name placed upon the mailing list to Dr. James Witbycombe, Director Experiment Station, Corvallls, Ore. The I'ulteJ States Department of Agriculture publishes an Immense amount of Information, much of which Is valuable to the fruit grow er. In order that the public may keep track of the publications as they appear from time to time a clr cular known as the "Monthly List of Publications" Is mailed regularly to all who apply for it. Every person who Is lutereweed lu keeping In close touch with the rapid advances being made along agricultural lines should receive this circular. Names and ad dresses of parties are placed upon the mailing list on application to the Editor and Chief. Division of Publi cations, United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, I), c. The publications of the stateexper- linent stations can only 1 h id by writing to the directors of the sta tions. W. H. Lawhknck, County pathologist and fruit Inspector. For District Attorney I announce that 1 am a candidate for district attorney for Wasco and Hood River counties on the Indepen dent ticket. If elected, 1 pledge my self to perform the duties of the otlice to tlis best of my ability. paid adv. tf J. W. F. PRICE Wood Sawing (Successors to W. A. Brawn) Phone R. Depee, 278-M (TROUBLE? WITH OLD HARNESS A runaway may cause more than trouble: Serious injuries and sometimes death are the awful results. An old Harness is often responsible, but a new Harness with weak spots in it is just as bad. The kind we sell have NO WEAK SPOTS You will get your money's worth if you buy harness of us. R, G. YOWELL & CO. Bell Building Hood River, Ore. Kent & Garrabrant Confectionery, Cigars Fishing Tackle Spaulding's Sporting Goods All Kinds of Soft Drinks Oak Street, opposite Smith Block. Hood Hirer Piles! Piles! Piles! Williams' Indian I'ilo Ointment will cure mind, lllocdintf and lu-hmtf I'ili s. It ab inrt'S the tumors, allays itrliinir at once, arts as a poultice, gives Instant relief. Williams' Indian rile Ointment Is pre pared for files and tt lii n k of Hie private pnrts. Prnri;lsts. mail "aV and Si iXV VILLiAMS MFG. CO., Propi., Cletelane. OhK For Sale by Carl A. Plath, Druggist STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Butler Banking Company, of Hood River, Ore. At the Close of Business, Sept. 4, 1912 RESOURCES: Loans and Discounts $474,642.91 Bonds and Warrants 7,889.13 Office Fixtures and Furniture 5,542.97 Ileal Estate 4 257 22 Cash on Hand and in Other Banks 91.59C.0G $583,928.29 LIABILITIES: Capital Stock $100,000.00 Earned Surplus and Undivided Profits 22,118.97 Deposits 461.809.32 $583,928.29 ANNOUNCEMENT I WISH to announce to the people of Hood River that I have purchased the Grocery Stock of L. H. Huggins, and expect to con tinue the business in the same old way at the same old stand. I invite you, one and all, to call on us and get acquainted. Our motto: "Small Vrofits and QuicK Sale' Yours in business, KAESSER You'd Like Running Water I throughout your house and grounds, would you not? And not being in close proximity to the city water mains, you're wondering how to get it? Well that's easy, for a A- hi t tet Leader Wafer Supply System will furnish at all times, an ample supply of hot or cold water for your house, your lawn and your stable if desired. The Leader System U of vnequaled effi ciency and eccmomy in operation, and guaranteed to give complete satisfaction. Ask your dealer to tell you all about the Leader System or write to us for booklet. "How I Solved the Water Supply Problem." &pplc Larjd & Orchard CoripaTy Office No. 9 Oak St. Phone 26 or 2002-K MANY USERS IN HOOD RIVER VALLEY OF OXYPATIIORS TRY THIS MACHINE AND IF NOT SATISFIED RETURN ; (luaranteed to cure without drugs I Paralysis, kheumatism, Hrights Disease, l.iver Troubles, Nerous- 1 ness. Wood Poisoning, May I'ever : ml MTfCULAIt CAlk L. J. GATES. 2102-K When you feel vom, tirril, rrir! ir lfnon!i-nt it is a ure mcii vui n.-r,l MOTT'S NERVERINE PILLS. TIipv renew the normal vigor and make life worth living Ho inn tnd sk lor Mott'i Nerverine Pills RiSS WILLIAMS MFC. CO., Prop., CUnUad. Obi l or Sale by Carl A. I'lath, Druggist Upper Valley People Will now be able to secure strictly FRESH MEATS throughout the summer. We have just installed a capacious cooler for use in connection with our meat market. ICE FOR SALE A complete line of goods to meet all the needs of the Upper Valley. n w A K W R. J. Mclsaac 6c Co. Parkclale, Oregon exxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx