f HEZHOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18. 1912 HOW APPLES ARE DRIEDEXPLAINED So many letters asking how to dry apples have lufii received by the Ore Kn Agricultural C 1 l"ir division of horticulture recently that F. C. Brad fori of the rewnrvh laboratories has prepared Information on the subject to part an follow: Most of the ipple drying In Oregon la done la rone dryers, probably be cause these are available. In New York atnte, where apple drying lo done extensively , evaporator much like the hop kiln here are used. In fact some apple are dried In hop dryers, In Oregon. Truue dryer are fairly well adapted to tnl work and have the advantage of being avail able for drying several crop. The let fruit I ieeled, cored and put on tray. An experienced ojier ator with a hand machine will pare 50 busliela a day If the fruit I not too small. It 1 usually ex poed then to the fume of sulphur for a few min ute to bleach It, or keep It from turning dark. It 1 Important that It le bleached a sc. on a possible after paring and slicing. A simple form of blent her I a tight compart ment with cleats to accommodate a number J trays at a time at the bot tom of which a pan of sulphur is burning. Slicing usually follows, but may precede the bleaching. Slice are cut a )iiarter of an Inch thick and w beli ever possible should beat right angles to the whole whence the core w as re moved The proportion of ring govern the grading of the fruit to a considerable extent. The fruit should dry until there I little or no visible moist nr.- on t lie surface. A test sometimes employed Is the squeezing of a nmiiU-r of slices together!!! the hand. Properly dried slices will separate at once upon be. lug released. After It Is taken from the drier the frrut should le allowed to "sweat" on a clean floor, a prunes are shoveled over from time to time. This make the fruit more uniform as to moisture. The drying of apple I discussed In much greater detail In Farmers' Kill letlti '.Dl, from which much of this matter has been taken. It can be secured by writing members of Con gress or the Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, I. ('. WHITE SALMON CLUB TO ENTERTAIN LOCAL LADIES The Hood Kiver Woman's Club will be entertained by the White Salmon Woman's Club at t lie home of Mr. Aggers Thursday afternoon, September UHh. The launch will leave Itean's landing at 1:15 p. in. sharp. Around trip rate of 3."cents will lie charged. Transportation on the White Salman side will be pro vided for not over .VI cents for round trip. All club members are urged t go. Begular Sunday excursion to Park dale. Pleasant trip for yourself and friends. THEY WILL LOOK LIKE NEW WHEN WE GET THROUGH Don't throw away your soiled clothes or hang them up to be moth-eaten and for gotten. Bring themjto us. We make a specialty of cleaning and pressing clothes F. F. ANDERSON 1219 12th Street On the Heights Phone 225-L CLUB R.ATES WEEKLY 0RE60NIAN AND HOOD RIVER NEWS 0 C For One Year.... P.0 SUNSET MA6AZINE AND HOOD RIVER NEWS " -? ET For One Year .. The regular subscription rate of each of these publications is $1.50 a year. CALL AT THIS OFFICE WOOD SAWING Having purchased the wood saw and patron age of VV. A. Brown, we are now prepared to do all kings of Wood Sawing. Satisfaction Guaranteed Frederick Price Phone 147K. 1114 Wilson Street SEEDER FOR HIRE Arrange for Date NOW Call W. G. E. SMITH . . . Phone 1912-K FUN AMUSEMENT INFORMATION INSTRUCTION The Annual Wasco -Hood River County Fair will be held at The Dalles, October i, 2, 3 and 4, 1912 This Exhibition will comprise horses, cattle, sheep, swine, poultry, farm products, fruit, flowers, merchandise, machinery, manufactures, woman's work, art, children's exhibits of art and irardeninjr, sieed contests, novel attractions and entertainments that will tickle you very muchly. Come and have the best time of your life and you will live fifty years longer. DON'T FOftGET THE DATE. JUDD S. FISH, Secretary Trcmiumj $1500. 00 'Races $3000. 00 ANTHRAGNOSE IS . DANGEROUS PEST While h majority of the applt itrnweni tire familiar with anthrae mwe mill It cunt rol. It In evident that either through a laek of Infor mation or neglect, thin disease litis spread In some of the orchard, oaus ing serious and lasting damage to many tres. Weather condition have been Ideal for the development of the (II eae till season and an epidemic I apt to occur till coining Autumn, Should h uc 1 1 an epidemic occur hun dred of liearlng trees may lie ren dered very weak, since the fungus causing the disease attack the body of the tree, directly threatening It destruction. Badly damaged tree do not recover for from two to sev eral year after the disease ha run It course. ; 1 Owing to the destructive nature of nnthrncuose and the rapidity with which It spreads, anil especially up on young tree, great precaution should be takeu to locate and treat, very thoroughly, every specimen that show one or more canker. The disease can be eliminated by thorough spraying, inn J the plan of coating every tree on the ranch, to protect the healthy one and prevent further attacks, I the method that will give the results. ' i Recent Investigations show that anthracnose fungus cause a rot of apple In storage. At the time of picking there Is no Indication of de fects In the fruit. It Is apparent that the spores of the fungus which' are discharged from the cankers during the summer and which later lodge noon the fruit, adhere to It. later germinating and causing a decay of the fruit, after the same ha hew In storage for several weeks or in oralis lu combatting the disease two kinds of sprays may be used. Bor deaux mixture is recognUed a ! the more effective and Is recommendetl lu all cases where scale or other Insect pests do not occur. Spraying (Jl,r lug the Fall with either lime-sulphur or Bordeaux mixture before the fruit has been gathered evidently does not Injure the fruit and preveuts the at tack of authracnose and other fungi to a large degree at least. Strong mixtures leave a residue on the fruit that Interferes In the coloring of red varieties and for this reason If Is generally more desirable to apply the weaker sprays. If Bordeaux mixture Is applied 4 4 ."0 strength should be used before the fruit Is gathered while (1-4 50 Is better for application made following the picking of the fruit. Spraying before the Fall rains begin Is very essential since the dUeiiHd not only attacks the tree Immediately thereafter, but the conditions for spraying of any kind sooti becomes very undesirable. The same recommendations hold true rel ative to the use of lime-sulphur (sum mer strengt h ) to be used previous to picking, while the winter strength should follow picking and especially where Insert pests or miles are pres ent. Puling most seasons the time be tween the last plcklug of the fruit and the beginning of the Fall rains Is so short that It Is Impossible to do the spraying as suggested. In sections where the tains during the summer are light spray lug during early spring and before t tie buds begin to swell Is sometimes practiced. This method has given perfect results and Is ad vised where r all spraying cannot lie done. For the Spring spraying Bor deaux G 4 .") should be used unless the trees are also Infested with scale In which case lime-sulphur winter strengthj may tie substituted. . H. I.awrk.vik, ( ounty pathologist and fruit Inspector. SPRAYING CALENDAR IS TOJE ISSUED A spraying calendar Is being pre pared In the olllce of the pathologist and fruit Inspector and will be ready for distribution at an enily date. This calendar gives the list ol pests to be found In the orchards during the year. The pests are grouped, show ing the number and kinds of sprays necessary to combat them. The groups are also arranged, showing the sprayings to lie done at different easons of the year. The grower,wlll find this calendar useful and may have copies by ap plying for them at the olllce of the association handling their fruit or by calling at the olllce of the fruit Insdector, Boom 1!), Ilell bronner Building. The olllce Is oen on Saturdays. Christian and Missionary Alliance Sunday school at 9:4."., II. C. Dletz, superintendent. Breaching at II a. ni. Young People's meeting at 7:1." p. m. Kvangellstlc service at p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:4" These are full tlospel meetings. Our motto, Jesim Only. All are cor dlally Invited. W. p. Kirk, Pastor. Some money to loan or Invest In good real estate security. K. II. Hartwlg. . .'Kitfc ' Announcement by DK Dutro Ir. Dutro ha removed his jwl-1 deuce to Odell In the II. K. Iw(s house, where he will 1st found at night and lu the forviuon, Olllce hours lu the Smith Building, Hood Hirer, ouu to four p. m., ami by ap pointment. Charges In Hood IMver aud Odell I at till times) the usual fee for town vUlts. In Hie country mile age will lie figured front whichever place s nearer to the. put runs. Hood Blver office phone 71. Residence phnue Odell ItU c When you get ready for a bog; nailing machine. ee Howell Bios. They hae them In stock. 100,000 BOXES OF EXTRA FANCY SPITZ ! Prices having Is-en solicited on the local Splttenburg crop this year, the four shipping Association of the val leythe Apple (i rowers' 1'iilou, Da v. Idson Fruit Company. Hood Biver Apple and Storage Company and Na tional Apple Company met last week In order to estimate what the prolKiblecrop of extra fancy Spitzen burgs of four tier and larger w ill be. Alter comparing and totaling their estimates It was decided that the yield of this grade fruit will be about llMt.OOO boxes. Tne findings of the shipping asso ciations diH's away with the Impres sion which has been obtained by some that the crop of extra fancy Kpltfthls year would be close to a quarter million boxes. The hit ter es timate was based, probably, upon the fact that In Bill) there were 175.IKH) boxes of this grade. Keasont given for the proportion ately smaller number of extra fancy Spltzen burgs this year Is that the fruit set unevenly owing to the rains during the pollination season. Many of the trees set with a heavy crop on one side and little or none on other As a result there Is a pri tloniitel.v larger number of small up pies. This Is particularly true of the Spltx, the .Newtown and other var ieties having set more satisfactorily Although lacking somewhat In size the Spin crop Is said to bo clean ami of extra good quality. Money to Loan Amounts $.KMI to $1.VM). Flrstcbn real estate security. Will also bo mortgages for like amounts. ; li i ifc IiKi& HknukkmonA Regular Sunday excursion to Park dale. I'leasant trip for yourself and friends. A big stock of Studebaker and land. Wagons await Bring your team down the wagons are ready for the road. your selection. Our Cleanup Sale on Vehicles and Oliver Plows is still going on. Call and look over the bargains. See the FRUIT CLEANERS and SORTERS. Lots of i interesting things all over the store. SlflPLEtM 0, Phone 58 301 Ca5cade Avenue Mood River, Ore. ..or- .f 4