The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, September 18, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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List your places for special attention with
Upper Valley Real Estate .'. Insurance
Improved and Unimproved Orchard Land
hood kiver Connection
UUY Y. l:l)VAKLS & CO.
Ortley, Newtown and Spitzenberg
True to name nursery stock. One
and two years old; fine thrifty
trees; four to eight feet. It will
pay purchasers to inquire before
buying their spring stock.
1000 Cords, pine and fir, at head of Neal
Creek road. Yarded out. Inquire on
premises or PHONE 224-K
Piife, $2.25 a cord Rr, $2.00 a cord
Hood River Plumbing Company
Rr-iono 6SX
Sanitary Plumbing and Heating.
Tinning and Sheet Metal Work.
Repairing Promptly Attended.
HAVING purchased the entire interest of E.
Brayford in the Rockford Store about three
months ago, we are now in a position
to serve you with all the highest class Groceries at
reasonable prices. We invite your patronage and
will serve you to the best of our ability.
Transfer and Livery Company
Freight, Express and Baggage Transferred
Furniture Moved. Stored or Packed
for Shipment
mood kivi:r,
Well Drilling
Olhct. No. 9 Oik Street Phone. 28 or 2002-1.
Furniture and Tianos Mo-Vcd
All Kinds of Light and Heavy Work
Wood Yard and Feed Store in Connection
Office I 'hone 2
Residence 2JNK
Insurance ' Conveyancing
Surety Bonds
"Accuracy" is Our Motto
Office in New Mellbronncr IliilMinjf Phone 2.1 I loo J Klver, Oregon
Phone LI. C. M. Ranch, Parkdale
77-Odell Upper Hood Klver Yallnjr, Ore.
1013 State St.
ExpnES9 ANP Baggage
Vv U
Thla matter muot not bo reprinted with
out opecta! permission.
Keeping dairy cowa means produc
ing more food on fewer acres and con
sequently getting greater profits.
The farmer should make use of hla
porches and easy chairs on rainy days.
There Is no reason why he should not
enjoy some of these pleasures.
The problem of the middleman will
continue to be a live one Just so long
as the man who grows the things folks
eat gets but 35 cents out of every dol
lar which the consumer pays for these
same necessaries.
Soil in the average grain growing
sections contains far too small an
amount of humus to make advisable
the burning of straw. It should be
scattered If It cannot be converted Into
manure and later plowed under.
August Is an excellent time for the
killing of pasture and roadside weeds,
for at this time plants put forth their
greatest effort in the production of
seed with the result that the root sys
tem Is left In a condition of low vi
tality. Many an otherwise valuable horse Is
practically ruined by careless hired
help or proprietors striking them on
the head. Hit In this way, a horse will
throw Its head up for months after
ward whenever a quick motion Is made
close to It.
Two or three figs well chewed and
eaten at breakfast are recommended
by leading physicians as an excellent
yet gentle tonic for a sluggish sys
tem. Moreover, from the standpoint
of food value figs are worth nearly as
much as meat
A speaker before the International
Shippers' association stated that If
girls knew the real value of apples as
complexion beautlfiers they would be
eating them morning, noon and night
In fact, would have apples In their
pockets all the time.
In June time the writer Is Inclined
to the view that there Is no dish quite
equal to strawberries and thick cream,
but in August be Is inclined to have a
good deal the same opinion of a dish
of ripe, luscious sliced tomatoes and
some of the same kind of cream.
Reports have been coming In from
many sections of the corn belt the past
two or three weeks telling of extensive
damage being done to fields of corn by
the big white grubs, the lurvae of the
June or thunder bug. The grubs work
In the hills and cut and eat the roots
of the corn plants. In one Instance as
high as fifteen acres was reported
ruined by the grubs.
An old rooster (human) living near
Medora, Kan., provides his horses with
overalls, which they wear In summer
to keep off the files, and In winter for
warmth There Is a possibility, how
ever, that the winter use of these gar
ments is so the owner may not have
to use currycomb and brush. And it
would be Interesting to know whether
this old codger or his good wife laun
der these bifurcated horse furnishings.
The beads of early and medium cab
bage may be prevented from bursting
If one takes a knife and cuts the stem
a half or more through Just below the
head. This restricts the flow of nour
ishment from the root, and, while the
head will keep crisp and fresh. It will
not burst It Is especially advisable
to try this In case heavy rains follow
dry spells, when a second period of
growth sets In, tending to burst the
head already formed.
The spring steel "terror rat and
mice traps do not give satisfactory
service unless the halt used Is fastened
quite securely to the tongue of the trap.
The writer has found It a good plan to
tie the cheese or meat with which the
traps are baited with a piece of string
or, better still, fine wire, ns the rodents
will often cut the string in gnawing at
the bait. It Is a good Idea to keep
baited mouse and rat traps set all the
time, and when the rodents put In an
appearance they will forthwith get it
In the neck.
So seriously are the great fields of
sweet corn In some districts where big
canning factories are located Infested
with the corn ear worm that the sea-
ton's operations will be greatly reduc
ed. If In some Instances not entirely
prevented. The worm Is at work ear
lier than usual and In lnrge numbers,
with the result that the ears are so
badly eaten that they will have to be
pared severely by hand or thrown out
entirely. Spraying the fields with ar
senate of lend has been found an effec
tive means of killing the worms before
they enter the ear. but this Is too late
to do any good this season.
BY .W&Vri
The attest time to ugltate the seed
corn question U uot in March and
April, Just before the supply la needed
to put into the planter boxes, nor in
the fall after there have been several
bard freezes, but now while the corn
is denting and maturing. It is prob
ably a fair statement of the case that if
very farmer who lives In the north
ern portion of the com belt, where the
aeed corn question usually gives most
concern, would select his seed eurs be
fore Sept. 20, hang tbetn up In the sun
shine where there Is good movement of
air, finish drying the seed out if necessary-
by the sitting room stove and
tore it where it would keep dry, he
would not have any seed corn prob
lem on his hands next spring. Perhaps
in a majority of seasons In which the
corn ripens early and dries out thor
oughly seed ears may be selected as
late as busking time, but several sea
sons In the last dozen years have not
been of this kind, with the result that
a good deal of seed saved at husking
time was not worth a copper, ricking
seed corn early as suggested not only
Insures good seed, but early maturing
types of corn can be selected. In pick
ing the supply get 'four or five times
as much as you need yourself. This
will uot only give you a better selec
tion for the ears you usu for your own
planting, but your neighbor may want
It at J3 to (3 a bushel, as some farm
ers did last spring.
With rats doing a damage annually
which is put by the department of
agriculture at $100.0oO.CKJU, It is not
strange that a vigorous campaign Is
being waged In many quarters for
their extermination. While a good
deal of thla damage is borne by farm
en In damage done to corn, small
grain and vegetables, a very heavy toll
is also exacted from manufacturers
and wholesale and retail dealers In
cloth, leather and other goods. But
this financial loss is but a part of the
core against the rat The fondness
of rats for phosphorus Is said to be
responsible for many disastrous fires,
matches being carried by the rodents
into their runs beneath storehouses
and other buildings. A further reason
for the rat campaign is that they are
the chief carriers of bubonic plague
and other malignant dlseanes. The rat
Is a curse on the face of the earth,
and both old folks and children should
wage an unsparing fight against them
with poison, traps and other means.
There Is a time about now when the
birds of field and wood lot are strange
ly silent Whether It Is because court
ing and homemaklng days for the
season are over with most of them.
whether they make transient migra
tions to other haunts or whether they
sense the approach of fall and the
gradual failure of what has been an
abundant food supply we do not
know. Terhnps all three elements en
ter. Hut, whatever the cause, there Is
a sense of loss and lotiesonieness with
the rare June time music gone With
the song of robin and thrush and
meadow lark have passed the cheery
notes of the meadow frog, mid Instead
of these have come the monotone of the
crickets ami the pluiutive challenge of
the tree toad
Christian Science Services
Christian Science services nre
held In the Commercial Club rooms
Sundays nt 11 a. m. Subject, "Sub
stance." Sunday school at same hour
In Hooni 2. Davidson Hldgr. Wednes-
day meetings In same room 8 p.m.
Reading room open dally, 2 to 5 p. in
The Hoed Klver Apple Vinegar Co.
Is receiving elder and vinegar apples.
consisting of early varieties and
windfalls of later varieties.
Delinquent Tax Certificates
Notice ia hereby iriven that in pursuance of
Article 42. Chapter General Uwi of Oreiron,
Itelinauent Certificate will be iaaued to the coun
ty on the following deaenhed property:
C 8 True Bal.lwm- l.-t A.I.I. lota Sand 4 .1 4 14
I. M Baldwin. Balilw ina 2nd A.ld. lota 1 and 2 4 14
t'harlca Srhaer. I.IU wilde. lot 15. block 3 4 .VI
E f Durbm. K and W lat Add. lota 47 and 4S
block 10 4..
liana Krkert. E and W lat Ad.l. lota 45 and
4ii. Mock 2 40
Kobt K Krwin. E and W 2nd Add. loU 4. 5. 6.
St. 43. 44. 4ft and 4ii. block 2 6.1
A L Kverett. K and W 2nd Add. lota 6 and.
block 2 14
K Kppina;. Park Add. lota 13 and 14. block 2 - 7 20
M Dumaa. Park Add. lot 12. block 3 - 3 60
Culver Gordon. E and W lat Add. lota 31 and
32. block 6 ., 45
J W Heaviner.Est. S VNW 4. lie',,
See 15. 2n. ie W
M K Kodirera and M K Haakell. VoL 45, pit
252. Sec 33. 2n. 1'ie 6
A 1. Kaufman, Stranahana lat Add, lot 8,
block 2 19 SO
George Stranahan and Sam Mowers, Kiver
View Park, lota 23 and 24. Worn ft 13 aw
K M Hyde. E and W 2nd Add. lota 3 and 4.
block 5 14
Cynthia Jones, E1 1. 8W',, SW', NE'4. Sec
3. 2n. le !l
V Kelley. K and W. lat Add. lot 37 and SS,
block 2 45
J V K link. Waucoina Park Add. lota 3 and 4.
block 3 10
J A Knox. 23 acrea in Sec 3, In. 10 45 45
J K Krohn. SK'4. SK1,, Sec 2S, In. lie 4 20
IVr! Morton, N 25 acrea or n 1W1 aec
27. 3n. 11V 4 51
May Nichola. beirin at center of aectmn. w
SO rmta, aouth SO nla, e 2u nla. A n eaater-
Iv 9f cha to hfffin. aec 20. 2n. 10 7 50
W I, Nichola. 40 acre of w'a n'( aec 15,
2n. Hie 4S l
John W Gatchcll, Harrett A Sipma Add. M
hlk 11 4 t
Portland Ice fttmpany, a1 -j nw'. a1, ne'
see as. 3n - Hie 3 Ti
H C Kanaon, kit 3. aec 4. 2n. 10 e Ill 20
Elanor Potter, live and KVIOO acre in aec 3,
2n. 10 1R 0
C I , Riala-era. 100 acrea in aec t. 1 a. 10 e . . . 2.1 14
H S Kowe. Caacaile lawks, lota 3. 4. Mi. 7,
blk I: lota 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. I, hlk 2. lota 4, 5. 7.
H. f, blk 5; kta 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. blk 8; lota
S. 4. ft, 6. 7. H, it. 10. 11. 12. blk it; all of blk
(12 lota) 111 all of Nk (12 Iota) 11. allot
blk (5 Ma) 12: all of blk tti lota) 13 ...
24 00
J A Uunifonl. n' nw', aec 3:1. in. 9
France It. Stranahan, Winan'i Add. lot 3,
blk 7
3 15
4 50
John Andrewa, Miaul Hiver Proper, lot 5,
blk 25 . ...
II Vierhicker. K and W lat Add. kit. 47. 4H.
hlork ft
J W Wataon. 10 K by 10 K in no1, ae', ae'.
aec 27. 3n. 10 r;K a W 2nd Add, lota 1. Z.
7. . . blk 5: Ma 41. 42. 4.1, 44. blk 5: Ma 1
III) I? Ill IS. hlk H
2 K2
Gen Steinhauaer. 30 acre in l',lJ', aee 7,
la, 10 e 45
t L Wheeler, E and W 2nd Add, lot 45, blk I 07
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oreiron for
Hood Kiver County.
Gilford U Wuodworth. and Koaa Wood worth.
Standard Orchard Company, a corporation, Koae
K. Motrhkiaa. Anion W. Stone, aiJ O. U. Craven.
Uef eridant.
To Kim E. Hotrhkiaa, Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon. Vou are
hereby required to appear and anawer the Com
plaint tiled airainat you in theabuv entitled auit
on or before the laat day of aix eonaecutive werka
from the date of the ftrat publication of thia
aummoiia and if you fail ao to anawer, for want
thereof the plaintilfa herein will take a decree
axamat you for the Bale of the hereinafter de
acribed real proiierty situated in Hood Kiver
County: Orenon. for the foreclosure of that cer
tain mortiraire thereon, dated November 22, lHiW,
made and executed by Defendant. Standard Or
chard C'wnpany. a corporation, to the above nam
ed plaintitra to aecure the aum of Seven Thouaand
U.llara ($7lm0.0ul and interest, which aaid mort-a-Ke
was duly Hied in th office of the County
Clerk of aaid Hood River County, Oreiron, on Jan
uary is, lttHJ at V o'clock a. m. and recorded in
Hook 3 of Mnrtirajre on pairs 527.1 and V, pursu
ant to default made in the payment of interest
aecured by aaid mortnaire. and ail a follow, to
wn: 1. For judgment airainat th said Defendant,
Standard Orchard Company, for the aum of Sev
en Hundred Seventy Four and 47-1UO Dollara
($774,471. tocrether with interest thereon from July
27, 1912, and for the further aum of One Hundred
and Fifty Dollars (I150.UU) a and for attorney's
leea. together with plaintiff s costs and disburse
ment herein.
2. F'or the usual Hrrnw fop the foreclraniee nt
aaid mortinure and fonthelaale of the following
described real property aituate in the County uf
rioou niver ana state of oreo-on. to-wtt:
All that part of the Northeaat Quarter (N. K. )
of Section Twenty-nine to) in Townahip One
(1) North, Range Ten (10) East of Willamette
Meridian, lying weat of the right of way of the
Mt. Hood Railrisvl Company, and containing about
HO acrea, according to the United States Govern
ment Surveys thereof, by the Sheriff of Hood
River County, Oregon, according to law and the
practice of this Court: thot said sums aforesaid
be made a apecinc and aubaisting lien upon the
aaid real property attaching a of November 22.
I!i9, and prior and superior to any claim, right,
title or interest of anv or all of the above named
defendant or any or all persons claiming under.
Dy or through them or any of them; that the aaid
real property be Bold aa aforesaid to pay aaid sum
of 1774.47, together with the said interest thereon.
the said aum of S150.00. as and for attorney's fees.
and plaintiff's aaid costs and disbursements here
in; that upon the said sale, after deducting th
amount of costs and expenses of the sale, the
Sheriff pay the proceeds to the County Clerk of
said Houd River County, and that said County
Clerk apply the proceeds as by law provided; that
said defendants and each of them and all persona
claiming by, through or under them and each of
them be forever barred and foreclosed of and
from all equity of redemption from said sale, and
in and to said real property as by law provided;
that said plaintiffs be entitled to become a pur
chaser at said sale, and that upon such sale, the
purchaser be entitled to enter into possession of
said real property and hold the same aa by law
provided, and that plaintiffs be entitled to have
the said sale of real property confirmed by the
above named Court; that plaintiffs may have such
other and further relief as to the Court may seem
just and equitable in the premises.
You are hereby served by publication of this
summona by virtue of an order of the Hon. G. R.
Castner, Judge of the County Court of Hood Kiver
County, Oregon, duly made, granted and dated on
the Mth day of Auguat, 1112, for the service of
this summons upon you by the publication thereof
and in accordance therewith, and which order
prescribes that the time for publication there 1
shall be for six consecutive weeks, and the 21nt
day of August, 1SM2. as the date of the firnt publi
cation of this summons, and you are hereby fur
ther notified that said date ia and will be th date
of the nrat publication of this summons.
Dated August 12. 1H12.
L. A. A. P. Reed.
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
34-40 Hood River. Oregon.
Notice to Creditors.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Hood River.
in the matter of the estate of John G. John
ston, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has
been appointed Administrator of the Estate of
John G. Johnston, deceased. All persona having
ciaima against said estate are hereby required to
present them, duly verified, to the undersigned
at the office of John B"ker.
and 10 Smith Block. Hood River. Oregon, within
aix months from the date hereof, to-wit, August
30. 1H12.
36-40 Administrator.
Notice tor Publication
fOld No. 163231
IVpartment of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at Portland, Oregon.
August 2.1. r.H2.
Notice is hereby given that Charles Gray, of
Vi'veth. Oregon, who on September 3, 1HH7. made
Homestead Entry No. Ifi:ts3 and Serial No. 01549.
for N'... N W Section 2 ane N'sNEU. Section 3,
Township 2 North. Range!" Fast, Willamette Mer
idian, has filed notice of intention to make Final
Five Year Proof, to estuhhsh claim to the land
above described, before F. A. Bishop, a U. S.
Commiaaioner at his office at Hood River. Oregon,
on the 17th day of October, 1K12.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Harney Conlon. of Cascade Locks. Oregon;
Jamca Gorton. Nickolaa Stokke and Daniel Clarke,
all of W'yeth. Oregon.
H. F. H1GI1Y.
35-39 Register.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, in
and for Hood River County.
Nellie Lehman, Plaintiff va. Joseph E. Lehman.
To Joseph E. Lehman, defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon. You are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above named Court
and entitled auit. on or before the last day of six
consecutive weeks from the date of the first pub
lication of this Summona aa hereinafter atated.
and if you fail to ao appear and answer, for want
thereof, plaintiff will apply to thia court for the
relief demanded in her said comrlaint and will
take judgment and decree of this Court for a di
vorce from the bonds of matrimony on the grounds
of habitual drunkenes and of cruel and inhuman
treatment, for the care, custody and control of
her minor child. John William lhman, and for
other equitable relief.
1 ou are hereby served by publication or this
Summona by order of Honorable George R. Cast
ner. County Judire of Hood River County, Oregon.
de September 10. 1'.I12. w hich order prescnlied
that vou ahall appear and answer said complaint
on or before the lat day of aix eonaecutive weeka
from the date of the first publication of this Sum
mona, to-wit, Ortolier 23. 1H12, and the Uthday
T September. 11I12. as the date of aaid first publi
cation: and you are notified that said date is and
will be the first publication or this summons.
Plaintiff's Attorney.
7-'43 Hood River. Oregon.
Notice of Completion ol Prospect Avenue Im
provement, turns ana sidewalks,
Blocks 35 and 3b
Notice is hereby given that John G. Zolls,
contractor, has hied written notice this 10th day
of Sopteniber.lH12, of the completions of concrete
sidewalks and curbs. Blocks 35 and M, Hood River
Proper, under hia contract with the city hereto
fore made and entered into under Ordinance No.
3h5. and that the amount due for aaid improve
ment upon its acceptance ia hereby stated to be
And notice is further given that any objections
to the acceptance of said work under the con
tract with the said contractor on the part of said
City may be tiled in the office of the undersigned
City Recorder by any interested party at any
time within 15 dava from the date or the nrst
publication of said notice, to-wit. within 15 days
from the 11th day or .-.piemner, i.'i.
Thia notice ia puhri.'dicd in the ll.nsl Kiver
News for two consecutive issues thereof, the
late of the first publication thereof he'ng the 11th
day of September. l'.Mi H.I.HOWE.
37-;ts t-ity Keconier.
Completion ot .liradlnq ot Columbia Street,
Blocks z and j, lines hub
Notice is hereby given that IVhson A Hatch,
contractors, have liU-d written notice this l"th
day of Septemlier. I.il2. of the completion of the
grading of Columbia afreet at Blis-ks 2 and 3. I.lle-
wilde Addition, under their contract witn file i ity
heretofore entered into under Ordinance No. 37.
and that the amount due sai.l eontractora for said
improvement mon ita acceptance ia ticretiy stat
ed to he JJ27.iV)
And notice is further given that any ob;ections
the acceptance of said work under the contract
oh the aaid contractors on the part of said City
may be tiled in the otl'ire of the undersigned City
Recorder by any interested party at any time
ilhin IT' .lava from tliedateof the first publication.
to-wit. within Kidavafrom thellttiday of Sep
tember, T.II2.
Tina notice is publi- hed :n the 11. ml Kiver News
for two cisisecutive issih-s thereof, the date of
lirat publication thereof being the Uth day of
Septemlier. li'li
ll. I., m ' 'v r..
S7-:W City Recorder.
Copy for advertisement MI ST be
in the office by .Monday NOON.
Star Orchard
Ladders... Are
And best of all r .u 4.
the PRICE IS Klgnt
Steadily increasing demand for them
is good evidence that the STAR is a
winner. We unhesitatingly recom
mend them to Orchardists'who want a
ladder that is not heavy or clumsy but
strong enough for any ordinary use.
Blowers Hardware Co.
The Firm that "Makes Good"
. M.-l f.y fa
filling all prescriptions, avoiding all possibility of a
mistake. We use the best of drugs; thus making
your medicine when finished the test that can be secured.
" We Give Green Trading Stamps"
Keir &c Cass
Pettable "Druggists
Contains absolutely NO
artificial coloring.
A hotuthold
All kinds of Preferred
i--T2bu. ii it "rav v--ii
J. M. WOOD, Proprietor
For Lime, Cement and
House Plaster
K J V,
"K?i I ,?VS
4th & State St.
IN r
We buy, sell and exchange everything
in Mouse l?iiri.bhiiis, Campers
Supplies, etc.
Don't f oruettlic plticr-Cor. 'till S.
is what you have a
perfect right to de
mand in the filling of
a prescription. We
use "extreme care in
Stock Catsup, in
class, is manufactured
especially to order for us
by the most approved methods
Preferred Stock Canned Goods
rack Warn tas Bni sr. Orowa
are uniform in their high quality and purity.
ntctstitj PrtferrtJ Sttxkfnm your Grocer
Wholesale Grocers, PORTLAND, OREGON, U.S.A.
The old reliable visible type
writer with new printype ami
other improvements. The ma
chine that writes print that is
print and is always ready for
business. For sale or rent on
easy terms.
100 Oak St. Mood River, Ore.
Phone 24HK