3 THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1912 V V LOCALS ANDPERS0NAL5 AlU-rt Sutton t.nt wv.-rnl ilny InHt Met-k In I rt lit ii mi IhimIiu'kh. Mr M I.nvlnon of Portland In vlnltlinf bt-r iliiuchtcr, Mr. J. H. Hellbronner. lHrut.v llntrlit Attorney John Maker went to Steveimon. Wnnh., on h-gn lumlne Thurxilny. Mr and Mr. Floyd Arnold hnve H their tfiiewt Mr. Arnold- nlwter. Mln Kl-le Mutrle of Nlnloik. Wand. M1n Meliuffey. who ha In-en vlelt- ng lier brother In the I per tlley. returned to Ohio the lant of the week. Mm. H. I, KordliiR left Thursday for ii vlnlt In ChKnkro ami New York. She will Ik (tone about two uioutho. Mr. anil Mr. K. K. Moller went to Portland Saturday and remained overlabor Pay with Mrs. Moller'e parents. MIhh Gladys and Km lie HomliiK of Corvallln spent last week an the Kiiewta 'f their aunt, Mr. ('. P. Thompson. J. V. Morton and daughter re turned to Salem Saturday, after hav ing spent several day vlxltlnj; with friend here. Mr. and Mr. I'. A. Can, who have leen spending several week on their place near irenhain. returned lie last of the week. Mr. S. M. Kelr and children ar rived from Ylroqua, Wine , on Thurs day to spenil the winter and perhaps to locate permanently. J. S. Loughary and wife of rack wood, Iowa, were guest at the home of their niece, Mrs. .1. L. Ilersh ner, last week. Ml Elizalieth M. Zaph of Cleve land, ()., who ha been visiting Y. H. Marshall In the I'pper Valley, re turned East Sunday. William P. Seott and the Misses Scott arrived from St. Louis. Mo , the last of the week to visit the for mer' son, Julian I'. Scott left the list (f days' trip to Se; the ttle A. J. Nelson week for a few and Tncoma. Mr. and Mr. I" K. Kobbin of O ik drove are receiving congratulation upon the birth of a on Friday. Mrs. Y. I, Taylor of Indlanapoll arrived Saturday evening for a short visit with her son. Kobert Carter. If you war t any entitling peaches. earlvorlate Crawford or Allverta, call il K. J. T. Nealelgh. Mood Hlver. :tiK- Mrs Ellen liryant of San Francisco arrived Saturday to spend a few week visiting her brother, Charles O. Kobert. Ponald McCIalu arrived frtmi Greenfield. O , Monday to spend a couple of weeks with hi brother. K L. McClaln. Mrs. C. M. lioxberger of Kansas City visited her brother. !. A. How ell. last week while en route home from California. Mrs. Lugton of Pee, who has been undergoing treatment at the hospi tal, expects to be able to return home this week. Mrs. George Stranahan Is enter taining this afternoon and evening, wtiist being played tills afternoon and bridge this evening Mrs. A. .1. Derby and Lynn Young, who have been spending the summer with relatives at Washington. Pa., returned Monday evening F. M. Ienberg returned the last of the week from Seaside. He say the recent cold weather has caused a stampede from the beaches. M. M. Lapham, Inspector In charge of the soli surveys west of th Kock les, will lie here earlv this month to Inspect the work done this sum mer In the Mood Klver and White Salmon valleys, the soil survey maps of which sections are now being pre pared here. Dr. M. A. Jones DENTIST Formerly of Hood River, is now located at 245 1-2 Washing ton St., Portlanp, Ore M. S. DENTAL COMPANY FOR SALE will sacrifice house and two lots on 7th and Pine Streets, just three blocks from the High School; small barn, chicken house, an abundance of berries and fruit, and the largest rose garden in Hood River. Will give liberal terms. If you are looking for a home or an invest ment, this is a bargain. See... E . E C O A E in: -i:vi:ntii JSTiiici-rr SEEDER FOR HIRE Arrange for Date NOW Call W. G. E. SMITH Phone 1912-K J-RH'rrr'rl . irlArir;i GSZB We make 23 styles of Doors which we show in our Catalog $1.40 1.75 6-X P1REL DOOM-'I'mnnlfM, 11 fl7. Ht CBAFTBMAH IHTERIO DOORS I'am lH r i- i.iii k. ; h t CKAFTSMA FROBTT DOOEi-l'HIN li.G. ., on I", on nixl $3.00 COTTAGE rEOHT DOORS Ixitibl- clr-nih A" iiuMlilv kI.ihh, 10 ftylff. Ht IT. oil, :i.5n. :! ni I ' ;s and 13.60 tVSIDE WIUDOW TRIM to Tunl.li. In hoik t -80 in MID E DOOR TRIM fr only on f- i I 9 -60 Ail mad la our own mill. Our K-ti. WIimIiiw. h l. Hmnra. ll-.l.Hril. MonlilltiKa at .r-.-Tlli.imt-ly low prl.-s, nlti.li art' rliili-l plnlnl)' to our l.ltr llhi.lrt fH.I intHl'K Wi rMr:iiiti... phi l-fnf'l"n anil mf- i1ill-rv. n.,1 f.il 19 writ for cataloa Ho. 'J. W tell anyxne ana aaip anywhere. Lalunata 01 Iiaigm caargea lurniaoao. Jm t - " IW. Avon was born to Mr. and Mrs Fred V heeler f this city Sunday. Mn. S. XV, Arnold and Miss Marion XX'alliM'e left jesterday for Newport. Mis Agnes Bench of Oregon I'ity Is the guest of Mrs. I,. A. Henderson XX'. II. Smith and wife returned Monday from 11 week's stay In l'ort land. II ('. lVIti left yesterday to nttend the photographers' convention at Portland. Some money to loan or Invest In good real estate security. K. II llartwlg. :itfe Mrs Kverett 1". Tawney of Seattle has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Al U-rt I', lieed. Mr. and Mrs. J. X'. t'rltes moved Into their new home 1111 upper State street t rlday. Mrs. William Somervllle, one d the old residents o tlie valley, Is serious Iv III with nephritis. Mrs. J. I'. Luca and Mrs. XV. K Hanson returned Sunday after camp Ing at Cascade Locks. Colonel and Mrs. Tucker went to Portland Monday to spend a couple of days and to set "The Mikado." Mrs. Haute M. Castuer went to Portland Monday to attend the Spl rellu Training School for a few days, Mrs. C. I). HUtIcIis left Monday fcr Portland, where she will atteud the opera aud spend the rest of the week. Miss Eva I?rock expects to leave about the middle of the month to enter the I'ulverslty of Oregon at Eugene. Frank Lucas, who has been spend ing the summer here with John Weaver, left yesterday for Shelby, vlile, Ind. Mrs. T. A. Schall arrived from Portland yesterday to spend the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred IMtz Mrs. A. A. Couch of Latiramle ar. rived the first of the week to spend a few weeks with her daughter. Mrs. .). E. Kobertson. A. XX'. (Joodmau, now of Centralla, Wash , but formerly In business here, will return Friday evening, having accepted a position In Moduli's store. Miss Luella Hawley, who has lieen spending the summer with the Misses Seabrook.left yesterday for Portland, where she will take a business course. Charles T. Early Is convalescing satisfactorily at Portland from his recent attack of typhoid fever atid Is I expected home the latter part of the j week, j Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kohler of Buf 1 falo, X. Y who have lieen spending the summer with Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Marshall, left Friday to pass the winter In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. XV. E. King went to Portland yesterdi.y to spend a couple of weeks. Mrs. Logan of Long Ucitch, Calif., who has been their guest, accompanied them en route to her home. XX'. L. Stewart has sold his Inter est In the (iilbert Implement Compa ny and has purchased an Implement business at Brownsville, Ore. He expects to leave for his new location this week. Mr. and Mrs, A. S. Kelr moved the last of the week Into their new home on Cascade Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bishop and M rs. Campbell have taken the house on State street va cated by Mr. and Mrs. Keir. Joe I). Thomlson left Monday evening for a visit at hl-t home Iti Fayettevllle, Tenn. He will make the trip East over the Canadian Pa cific, returning in about six weeks by way of New Orleans and California. The I'nltarlan Alliance will meet at the home of Mrs. Shoemaker Friday for an all day meeting. All the ladles In any way Interested In the church are urged to lie present to help make a good beginning, and to come early In the forenoon. Mrs. J. M. XX'augh and daughter Martha returned the last of the week, after having spent the summer In Cleveland, O. The den-tor surprised Mrs. XX'augh by presenting her wfth the new home which he purchased in the valley, adjoining the E II. Shep ard place. IMchard Pooley gave a dinner par ty at the Mt. Hood Hotel Siuidn.v evening In honor of Miss Horothy Moulton of Portland, who li.is been visiting the Pooleys and Biltterliel Is. Those . present Included the Mi-ses Bates, Peters aud Sllberb, and David Currier, Jr., anil Oeorgi' Koss Hop kins. Morris Cays, the boy who accident ally shot himself In the head, has so far recovered tii.it he will probably be discharged from the hospital this week. He Is practically normal again although the bullet Is still In his bruin. While not unlipie, the ciisi- Is an unusual one In the medical world. ' Young man, get a piece of land" for sale by the owner at bargain price and liberal terms and time. E'glit aeres guild garden truck and if. Ii.ird laud three lull's out. Attor E H Ihutttln, Mnllh I'.l'M'k. Im.d Itlver. Oregon .'M!lfc l.ime and Spray Kellj Bro., phone Two Leautiful building lots front ing oil Park Avenue ami Teuth streets for sale. Inquire Iteed & Hen derson, Inc 27t The Hood Hlver Apple Vinegar Co. is recelvlug cider and vinegar apples, consisting of early varieties and windfalls of later varieties. Miss Penule Looney of Boise City, Idaho, and her sister, Miss Ella Looney of Los Angeles, visited their cousin, L. Wells, here last week Jesii Hutson, who has beeu work ing at the Huthton planer, suffered a broken nose last week and has been under treatment at the hospital. Several additions ha ve been made to the conveniences at the hospital, Including a new bathroom aud addi tional equipment for the surgery. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Mlchell. who have lieen spending the summer at Sen view. Wash., returned the last of the week aud may spend the winter here. Buy a business block In down town city property at a price and terinx that suit you. Address Attorney E. II. Hartwtg or A. A. .layne. Hood Klver, Ore. .tOtfc Miss Eva Coshow, who has been spending the summer at her home here, baa gone to Berkeley, Calif., where she will teach In the school for the blind. John R. Shelton, who has been spending a couple of months at To peka, Kansas, called thereon account of the Illness of his wife's mother, returned Saturday. J. II, Ulmmlck, formerly of Hood River and now of ilreenwood, B. C.. expects to leave In a couple of weeks I on his return trip, after spending the summer In the I'pper Valley. I I. It. Acheson and family left Thurs day for a few days' vacation, return-, Ing the first of t he week. Mrs. Ach-i eson visited In Portland while he spent the week end at Albany. Karl Onthnuk left Saturday morn ing tor saiem, atternaving spent a couple of weeks with his parents here. After spending a short time at the State Fair. Mr. Onthank will return to the F. of O. Ieslle Butler left Thursday for a visit to the Vosenilte Park, nfter which he will go to Detroit, Mich., to attend the meeting of the Amerl- 1MM AT, That are really Rain Proof, for Men, Women and Children, at prices within the reach of all Rubberized Silk, extra light weight Rain Coats 0 0 r( for Ladies colors grey or tan. Price OOiOU Rain-proof Caps to match $1.35 Ladies' Tan Wool Rain Coat, warm and rain- Jjj gg Same coat in Misses size $7.50 Ladies' Tan and Grey Poplin Rain Coat, medium PC cfl weight 00. OU Caps to match '. g qq Misses' Tan and Navy Poplin Rain Coats, 15 to 19 $5.00 Ladies' Tan Ruberized Cloth Rain Coats $4.00 Children's Rain Capes, Red, Navy, Tan $2.65 to $3.40 Men's Rain Coats $4.50 to $15.00 no higher-no better Boys' Rain Coats $3.50 to $8.50 -made like dad's This line of Rain Coats is exceptionally good. We cannot recommend them too highly can Bankers' Association to be held from September ! to 14. 'Jeorge H. H lines of Portland, as sistant secretary of t lie Orgon His torlcal Society, and Kobert . Held, clerk of the circuit court, spent Sun day and Monda visiting Samuel F Blythe and other friends here. S E. Buck, who has been employed at the local express otlice, left Sun day for Taeninn, where he will work for a month as substitute depot ex press agent. Afterwards he expects to enter a Portland business college. Mrs. Jennie Crulkshank of Olympla Wash., accompanied her daughter- in-law, Mrs. I. (i. Crulkshank of this city, who returned Monday from a month's vacation which was spent at Olymula and with her mother In I'acoinii. Mrs. John Bust of Portland, Misses Mary and Jessie Bust, Alliert Bust and Mr. and Mrs. Kobert XValstrom, all of the middle valley, and Mrs. K. L.Lawrence of Minneapolis made a trip to Cloud Cap Inn Thursday and climbed Cooper's Spur. Attorney E. H. llartwlg attended to professional business, at Lyle, XX'ash.. t lie latter part of the week. Mr. llartwlg practiced law at (jold- endalr with Senator XX'. B. Presby before beginning Ills practice In Hood Itlver nine years ago. Miss Hazel Smith, who has been employed by the Butler Banking Company for about two years, ex pects to attend tlw Willamette I'ul verslty this Fall and will study run sic Miss Benson, who has been with the Stanley-Smith LnmberCom puny, takes Miss Smltn's place ut the li.'ink. When you meet a stylish turnout that is in trood repair, you may wish to know where the best horse shoeing is to be found. You may need the... Services of a Horseshoer any day, We do that work ex clusively and with the great est skill. Come here when you require our services. Our charges are moderate. SHIVELY & DRISCOLL Phone 63-X Of Interest to the Ladies: Our New SUIT and COAT H0DELS Are now in and read for your inspection and selection BRAGG MERCANTILE CO. The Hood Klver Apple Vinegar Co. Is receiving cider and vinegar apples, consisting of early varieties and windfalls of later varieties. T. F. Matthews, foreman at the Oregon Lumber Company's mill at Dee, is convalescing from a severe Illness at the hospital and expects to be able to return home this week. T. Iadls, also of Dee, who Is at the hospital, Is reoorted to be recovering nl'.-ely. Another Dee man 111 here Is D. XV. Olsen. Miss Bessie Henry and Miss Emma B. Park, who have been spending the summer on Miss Henry's ranch at Odell, returned to Colorado Springs the last of the week. Miss Henry says she Is delighted with the development of her place during the present season. She expects to make her home here eventually. Kev. nnd Mrs. J. H. Crooker of Kedlands, Cal., formerly of Boston, spent several days here last week and visited with E. L Smith, with whom they had been acquainted back East. Through the courtesy of V. C Brock they were given an automobile trip through the valley, with which they were most favorably Impressed. Mrs. Frank Cram entertained Fri day tifternoon from three to six o'clock In honor of her sister. Mrs. Fred Wilson of Walla Walla, About 200 were present. The house was prettily decorated for the occasion and tasty refreshments were served. Mrs. George K. Sloctim, Mrs. C. It. Bone, Mrs. P. S. Davidson and Mrs. Frank P, Friday assisted In the din ing room. The punch bowl was In charge of Mrs. S. W. Howard and Mrs. B. E. Duncan Mrs. Truman Butler, Mrs. C. N Kavlln and Mrs. J. H. Hellbronner assisted In the draw ing room, while a Iwvy of young ladles. Including the Misses Howard, Kelsey, Brock. Klnnalrd and Hersh. ner, assisted In serving. Announcement by Dr. Dutro Dr. Dutro has removed Ids resl- deuce to Odell In the H. S. l-wls house, where he will be f iuml at night and In the foren ton. oillce hours In the Smith Building, Mood Klver, one to four p. m , and by ap pointment. ( barges In Hood Klver and Odell (at all times) the usual fee for town visits In the country mile age will be figured from whichever place Is nearer to t he pat run- II.kmI Itlver oillce phone 71 Kci-lil.'m-e phone Odell P.l.'l. ,'li .-,!V Money to Loan Amounts $.ilH) to $1.VHI. First class real estate security. XXIII iiIai ,uy luortmigts fur like muioiiuIh. IMIlfc l.'KKII & IlKNIIKItMON There are some very desirable office rooms fur rent In the Hellbronner UuildiiiK at from $10 to $13 a month. !HJi Reed & Henderson, Inc. Fire, Accident, Life, Automobile, Plate 0la55, Burglary, Employer's Liability, including FARMERS and ORCHARDIS TS. Also Judicial, Official and Indemnity Bonds Resident Agent for: Travelers Insurance Co. Pacific Coast Casualty Co. Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd., of London Hanover Fire Insurance Co. of New York Pelican Assurance Co. of New York Roal Estate Loans In-Vostmcnts APPLE RACKS TE ARE now building AppleRacks and JLhave several completed. You will bVTn need of one to haul that bumper crop of ap pies. Place your order early. We maks a Specialty of Tightening Wagon Wheels W. G. SNOW (Surcexaor to SNOW & UPSON) Phone 62-K Fourth Street THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL iiffprn FRF.F., with th xoptlon of cunt of pimtaite on papf-rn nd coat of thr tlnirrniily Fx-ti-nnion Bulletin, to CITI.KN8 OK OKKOON, forty tINI VKItSlTY COIIKSK8 ly MAII," Ability to profit by the courwa kIvI I la the only rrtjuirpmpnt for enrollment in the Corre aiwimlence Department. Couraea are ofTereil in the ilepartmenta of llotany. Dettatinir, Kronnm Ira, K luration. Klectririty, Engliah Literature, Kna-liah Compneition, llialory, Mathemattra Mech anical Drawinif, Physical fcilucation, PhyHica. Physiology, Paycholoiry. Koriolofry, and Hur veyin. Write tn the Secretary of the Correeponilenc School, University of Oregon, rluirene for Information and caUloarue. COUHSKS IN KKSIIlKNCK at the Unlveralty prepare for the Profrnalona of KNCINKFK IN(i. JOURNALISM. LAW. MF.DICINK. and TRACHINfl. Fall aemeeler npenn Tuesday. Sept. 17. Addresa the Reg-lntrar for ralaloRiies descripllve of the Collee of F.nKineerinir the College of Liberal Arta, theSchoolaof Education, Commerce, Law, Miflicine and Music. Auto Livery ct Pcirkdalo Will carry parties to any part of the Valley, or Cloud Cap Inn. ('alls promptly answorcd. P h on O d oil I 88 J. M. CLARK 2ltf