THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, 'WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1912 CLASSIFIED ADS. EVERYBODY READS THE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Tor Sale- Good buggy horse, ex- Icellent for cultivating; is sad dler, weight 1100. J. I. More- land, R.D.3. Phone 35-K. 29-30p For Sale Fir and oak wood. George C. Gladen, Oak Grove. Phone 33G-K. 2Jtfc. Tor Sale Studebaker 3-inch I wagon, good as new Plow, cultivator and other small tools Phone 320-X. 18tfc Tor sale-First-class 4-foot fir wood at $4.50 a cord, immedi ate delivery, and Oak at $5,50 for Fall delivery. Shrum Bros, 24tfc For bale inree wagons, one heavy and two light. Address L. E. Look, 15th and Taylor Streets.27.30p For sale- Seven-room house with modern improvements; two lots; on easy terms or will rent on long lease. Corner fith and Sher man Ave. Phone 243K. 28-31c For Sale - One top buggy, cheap. Phone 147-K. W. A. P.rown. 30-31-p If you want Blackberries by the I crate, phone 3.532m 3()-31p Tor Sale - Fine jieaches at a cent I a pound on the place. No or der for less than fifty pounds. 'Phone 2182-x, Howard Peeler. 30-31p Tor Kent Six-ro o m modern I house, close in. Inquire of Jones, in care k ranz Hdw. Store. 30-31c LIVE STOCK AND FOWLS For Sale One gray horse, weight 1300, sound and true. Address George Monroe, 3 miles south of Parkdale. i)-32c. For Sale Some choice O. I. C. young pigs. Phone 325-L, S.G. Oxborrow, end of Belmont road. 29-30c For Sale or Exchange for Wood One farm team and harness, one Mitchell wagon, one buggy. Phone 21). Taft Transfer. 27-30p For Sale A large, dark bay work horse, eleven years old, sound, about 1300 lbs. $115. Box 18 R. F.J). 1. 2!-30c For Sale Some choice thorough bred White leghorn Pullets. Phone 2182-K. 28-31 p For Sale Good fresh cow. Ad dress Homer A. Ropers, Park dale; telephone Odell 317. 30-31 p For Sale Team of Mares, 0 and 7 years, 1350 each, practically mated, sound, gentle, easily kept, always worked together, drive, ride, line pullers; together with good double harness to fit. Owners are going away for the winter. This is the best team of mares in the Upper Valley. Red Cross Orchard Co., Parkdale, Oregon. Phone 2X Odell. 30c Don't send your team to eastern Oregon to winter and get a skeleton back that isn't lit to handle your spring work. Keep it here in the valley where you can see it any time and see what good shape it is in. It will not cost you much more. We have just put up some of the finest grain, timothy and alfalfa hay in the Upper Valley. We have a big stock farm and are prepared to Ctire for a number of teams during the winter. We are mak ing up our list now. If you want your team well cared for this winter, you had better write or 'phone at once for terms. Ives & Frev, Mt. Hood, Or., or 'phone Odell 208. 30-31c REAL ESTATE SECTION "or sale-20 acres. Willow Flat " district. For particulars see . Kline at Hood Kiver Gas and Electric Co. office. 24tfc For Sale -230 acres of land, from $50.00 per acre up. Will sell 20-acre tract with part in trees. C. J. Calkins, Phone 50-K. tfc Real Estate For Sale or Ex change 20 acres good valley land, easily cleared, with free water. Fine, rich bottom land, right at station on Mt. Hood K.K. 1 will sell at a bargain on easy terms, or take house and lot, might consider good auto. I have 2 good lots near High School will sell on easy terms. Will build to suit parties, or will trade on your house and lot. See owner N. T. Chapman, 819 June Street, Hood Kiver. Ore. 27-30c For Sale -5, 10 or 20 acres, cleared or .uncleardd, in Oak Grove district. Red shot soil. Must sell; price cheap. Frank E. Forsberg, Ii. D. 3. 28-30p. NEWS "WANT" ADS. EMPLOYMENT COLUMN llanted-Competent girl for 1 1 cook and general housework All modern improvements. Tw in family. John W. Palmer, Phoue 216-X. 29-30p Hood Kiver Employment Co. Al .1.. e i i p . . , uiurius oi neip iurnisnea on short notice (free to employers Phone 114-M. 11 Cascade Ave. W. F. Lewis, prop. 22-tfc Tarm Help and Berrv Pickers The Hood Kiver Apple Growers Union and the Davidson Fruit Company have arranged with the i. M. C. A. Industrial Emolov ment Agency of Portland, to fur nish all classes of farm help, in eluding berry pickers, for the farmers and fruit growers of the Hood Kiver District during the coming season. When you need help either phone or write the Union or the Davidson Fruit Co, and the calls will be promptly forwarded to us and filled. No charge to employers. 20tfc W I Man and team to plow larrow 25 acres on my place, at: 14 Sec. 25, Tp. 2 N.. Kange 9 East. Koads via Sut ton s or via winans . Also, man wanted to put few acres in straw berries, on shares. W ill be on place 'till Sunday night. See me, or address Geo. W. McCoy, 304 North 20th St., Portland. 30 If y I Wi you nave an oiu house you ,ani raised or moved, see or 'phone J. T. Nealeigh, Hood Riv er, Oregon. 30-tfc Ml IF handle reliable article. Bond required. Address, George F, (Jove, General Delivery. 30-31p W inted -Totake contracts this fall, to work apple orchards next year. West Side orchards preferred. My prices cheaper than what it will cost you to do the work yourself. W. T. Forry, I'hone 323-K 30-tf BUSINESS ADVERTISING H me Baking - white and brown bread, rolls, pies, cookies, doughnuts and cakes. Tuesdays and Saturdays. Orders solicited. Prompt delivery. 'Phone 2122-L Mrs. M. M. Morrison, Avalon Way. 30-310 N otice To those who intend can ning rhubarb for winter it may be of interest to know that I have for sale a large quantity of ex tra choice stock. Now is the time to get it. S. G. Oxborrow, Belmont Road. Phone 325-L. 29-30c 0 akdale Greenhouses Geran iums, salvia, verbena and other bedding plants. See the roses in bloom this summer and have stock reserved for Fall or next Soring. Plants and cut flowers at Franz's. Fletcher & Fletcher, Hood River. 19-tfc LOST AND FOUNO ADS Lost A white embroidered crepe shawl Wednesday evening at Commercial Club rooms or be tween there and Sherman Av enue. Telephone 2-13-X. 2!)-30p Notice to Creditors. In tri County Court of th St( of Oreirnn for the County of Hooil Kiver. In the niMttnr of the estate of William Henry William, tltveaftetl. The unilermfrneH hnvinr ten appointed by the ( ounty l ourt of the .state or Ureyim for the C-ntinty of Hoik Kiver, ndminiMrittrix of the es tate of William Henry Williams, decease, notice in tierehy given to the. ere) i torn and all ermni hnvinff claim airainnt aiil diTeaned to pnwnl them, verified an required by law. within nix month aftor the publication of thin notice, to Nnivt William at her place of residence at Wveth, Hood Kiver county. Oregon LoUVISA WILLIAMS. Administratrix of the estate of William Henry William, deceased. I'hI.iI this 241 h dny of July. 1012. Pate of find puhhration July 2Uh, 1912. Oateof laM publication Aujrust Hth. lit 12. Nolle lor Publication our.2 IVpartmrnt of th. Interior II. S. ljinil Office t The Dnllen, Oreiron. July 22. lul'i Notice in hereby iriven that SuMn C Mr Intoeh of l'arkdnle. Oreifon. who. on June 9. l'.KW. mmle Ilomo8tin1 Serial IMI.'I. No. 1V.S. for NK',, Section IS. Townahip I S. Kanire ! KaKt. Willam ette Meridian, ha tiled notice of intention to make 1 hree Y ear I roof to eHtahhsh claim to the land .liove described, before the Kejrinter nd Received at the II. 8. I .ami (Mice. The Ihlllea. Oreiron. on the 2Tth day of AuiruaU Claimant namea an witnewea: John I'ortena Oioper, Alvia M. Anderaon. Charlea K. Mclntoah. T. A. Harvey, all of I'ark dale. Oreiron. C. W. MOORK. Remitter. A Woman's Beauty i( M inln very niiit'h upon tlie -lfiirii!i'f of Iiit linlr. I am prcpiirt'il to miike comltliiKH up to your tinier llllll to fll Til (Mil HWttdl.tM, puffx ntnl t'urlH untile til (tenulne human cut hair In nny Hluitlf tlcHlrod. Tlx Iti-nnir Merrnntllt' Co. will lit' plt'UHfil to hIiow tlicm ninl lvt' prlct'H. Mri. I'.vn Wooillitirn, phone lilt M. There are some very desirable office room a for rent In the llellbronner Bull Jinx "t from $10 to $15 a month. 2ltf Correspondence CASCADE LOCKS ine Methodist church 13 un dertroinjf repairs. worK was begun on the new sidewalk last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wickland spent Sunday in Portland. Mrs. Thompson of Cheboygan Mich., is visit ng Mrs. Collins. Mrs. Jennie JUauuen has re turned from a visit in Portland Mr. and Mrs. John Dunlap are rejoicing over the birth 01 a daughter. A. 0. Adams, P. M., made a flying trip to Underwood last Wednesday. Mrs. uark 01 liood Kiver is visiting Mrs. H. W. Taylor 0 this place. Andrew Vanstrom of Portland spent Sunday in this place with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Burrows are spending a few days with Mrs. Frank Wait. Myron Smith of Underwood, Wash., spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. A. O. Adams, of this place. D. W. Chamberlain of Port land spent Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Adams of this place. The Epworth League will hold an ice cream social on the church awn Friday, July 19. The pro ceeds will go towards the repairs on the church. Rev. and Mrs. H. C. Clark at tended the fourth quarterly con ference of the Methodist church at Carson Saturday, July 20. A large number 01 town peo ple attended the play, The Oir of the Golden West," which was held Saturday in a large tent, placed near the station. The Epworth League held very successful ice cream social on the church lawn Friday even rig. The proceeds of this social are to go towards the repairs on the church. Good progress on the building of the new sidewalk has been made within the last two weeks and it will, in all probabilities, be completed before long. The sidewalk is an improvement that has long been needed and is greatly appreciated by all who were accustomed to the old one, Rev. Hoskins of Ritzville, Wash., is spending a few days with Mrs. G. N. Hall. He work ed in this place at the time of the building of the Locks and conducted religious meetings. which resulted in the building of the church. He preached in the church Sunday night and the service was largely attended. OAK GROVE Mrs. R. F. Marquis and child ren of Spokane, Wash., arevisit- ng Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Stanton Mrs. J. H. Sutthoff left last week for Seattle where she will pend several weeks. Helen Sutthoff is visiting Miss Edna Jackson in Portland. Miss Frances Nelson of Albany visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. R, Moller. About thirty were present to help Charlie Sherrell celebrate his birthday last Sunday. Miller s gasoline baler was at oe Hall s several days last week waling up his big crop of hay. E. E. Stanton celebrated his birthday last Tuesday evening and we understand he received some valuable presents. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Gladen en tertained a jolly crowd with a amp fire party last week. Mrs. Shinn of Albany, who as been visiting her son, R. E. Shinn, returned home Monday. John Weaver and Frank Garth Aicas returned last inursuay from a trip through Central Ore gon. Mrs. C. M. Ravlin entertained he West Side Bridge Club Tues- ay afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. King spent several days last week in brtland. Bob Shinn is still somewhat excited over his encounter with he bear, but says being in the melight more than repays for is temporary nervousness. Cartl of Thanks We licri'tiy (U-wIre to tlinnk nil who tillered klmlly nwHlHtnnee tliirtiiK the lllncHu ninl ilenth of otirilii tighter 11 ml Mter, Horn Wnml.i llotiiK'irilner. peelnl tliMtikM lire due to Mrs. Met- n, Minn rreeinnii. Hev. Yotintf nnd i.iNe who liirniMiien aiiioiiioinieH lor lelr timely Nervlce. Mil. ami Muh It. I. Oltll A Ml I'' A Mil. V. The NUWS tells It all LOCAL AND PERSONAL M 1mm I del Woodworth In ttpendliiK the week at the (iladdea home. A. S. Kler and wife left Ttiurmluv for a few days' visit In Portland. Air. anil Mm. Ku re well were pan. MengerH tor The I)alle TueHday for a brief vllt. I). McDonald and funilly left Tlium day for Cannon Beach to remain hcv- eral weeks. Thomas Avery, who hits leeu spending a few days In Portland re turned Tuesday. Mrs. V. A. Tipton and son Warren, of Elkton. 111., are TlsltliiK with Mr. and Mrs. V. F. Andrews. Mrs. J. It. Crosby and daughter returned from a trip to l'oxt Mou day. Clareuee Post of South Bend uccompnnled the visitors to South ern Oregon. Lawrence (Jerdes, who recently graduated from tne ti. a. ( . as a pharmuclnt and who Is now employ ed In the Donuell drug store at The Dalles, visited his parents Sunday in this city. The following amounts have been placed with us to Invest In first mortgages on Improved Hood Kiver properties: $100, $1300. $juoo, $$M, .7H, $12."al, fUlOO, $20iM, 74.-, $.-0(, $700, $VK). Bt'Tl.KK U.lNKINIi Co. It David Kccles, accompanied by his wife, spent several days In Hood Kiver the latter part of the week looking over the railroad and lum bering plants of which he Is the head. Mr. Eccles Is well pleased with the progress of local Interests under the sole management of Chus. T. Knrly, who has both mill and railroad un der his general supervision. Councilman J. E. Kobertson was kept on the jump Monday afternoon setting up the cigars ou account of the fact that the stork left a big nine-pound girl at his home. Coun cilman James Stranahan, who has had a recent arrival at his home, nnd Councilman Kotertsou engaged In quite a vociferous argument at the council meeting Monday night as to which had the most youngsters. The ouncll took no action In the matter. Clarence Gilbert, Miss Va net team :. M. Culbertson and wife left Mon day for a two weeks' trip to Elk 'reek on the coust where the time will be spent in camp life. "Jack" came in to have the News sent to lilm right to camp so that he might keep n touch with all of the live things that are happening at Hood Kiver. We reminded Clarence that there were snakes In that section ami he told us that he was fixed for 'em. Later ami latest: Well, the reporter s upagalnst It. Since the above was set to type Clan nee was discovered boarding the Pullman 011 the Spo kane Fiver west bound In company with Ms companion, ami L. E. Tuft wns as busy as neranberry merchant tacking an old pair of shoes on the Ide of the car. Well, ns the train tilled out Clarence yelled that he bought Taft didn't have much to he gootl to brag about by the looks if things these days. Well, draw your own conclusions. BARRETT Mr. Hodges spent the week end in Portland. Miss Beatrice Boyce is visiting friends and relatives in Portland. Messers. Fred and Sanford ate and families are away on a two weeks' camping trip. A. Smallwood and sister of Bellingham, Wash., are the guests of their cousin, Mrs. F.M. 'uegh. Miss Vernis Bobbins returned home Saturday from a visit with her grandparent in Oregon City. She also attended the Elks Car nival. Mrs. Arthur Barendrick and son, Billey, and Mrs. Ben Mor row and daughter, Alice, left for their homes in Portland alter a week's visit with their aunt, Mrs. J. J. Gibbons. FRANKTON Mrs. W. L. Price and Mrs. lichard Bellamy were quite ill the latter part of the week. The Four Iaf Clover Club will meet at 2:30 Thursday after- . m ,t T -v It 11 noon with Mrs. i. iiouen- beck. Mrs. J. M. Elliott and mother isited in Wyeth Sunday. A large delegation of Frank- ton's fair young ladies spent a elightful day out of doors last hursday. 1 heir picnic was held in M. K. iNobie s woods. A number of neighbors and riends of Robert Tazwell walk ed into his home unannounced ast Friday evening and informed him that they had come to assist 1m over another milestone which he had now come to in fe's path. The refreshments for the evening were ice cream and cake. The New a tells It nil. Statistics compiled by the depart ment of agriculture show that the pop ulation of the country, as well as lta number of dairy cows, baa doubled within the past thirty five yean, the present Dumber of the latter belnt( put at 22.000.000. It Is a matter for Inter estlnif conjecture Just where the 44, 000,000 dairy cows are going to come from In the next thirty five years If the process of elimination continues as a result of applying the Uahcock test However, there won't be so many cowa needed If the star boarders are eliminated from the herds of the rountry. A good deal may be done toward aug meutlng the output of feed from the Held of corn by sowing rape either Just before or Just after the last cultiva lion at the rate of about five pounds to the acre. If the summer Is very dry the seed will be slow In starting, but the plants will grow runldlr wltb the moisture and cooler wentLer of the early fall. The rape paw hi re Is es pecially good to those who practice bogging down tbeir corn or turning sheep Into the field South of latitude 42 cowpens may be used .more ad vnntageously for the same purpose. baring this advantage over rape that they not only furnish good feed, but enrlcb the well at the snnie time NOTICE Pronertv ownprs of HnnH Piv. er County (outside the city limits 01 tne citv ot Hood Kiver arp hereby notified that it is unlaw ful to Dermit the following weeds to grow on their premises until they shed their bloom or form seed: Russian thistle, the Can ada thistle, the Chinese thistle, or sisymbrium altissum (called white mustard). cocklfhttrf known as the dagger cocklebur, atris plex argenta (called silver salt bush). It is made the durv nf the road supervisors of the coun ty to observe if there are nnv of these weeds growing in the coun ty, and they have been instruct ed to ascertain if the law is be ing complied with, and, if neces sary, to destroy these weeds at the expense of the property own ers. THE COUNTY COURT. The News for good printing. Copeman Automatic Electric Fireless Cooker Investigate Trice and Flat Hate obtainable from Tobver Company 4 A'-- S -V ilTTTiWWMMtfMIIIUi m i1ftftfl All Electric Wiring & Supply Co. First Rational TianK. Hldg. Vhonc JVo. 3 Only One Man Makes Money Without Advertising.... He does it at afford to try. keep business HOOD RIVER NEWS PHONE 81 .Here They Are Another Lot of SAMPLES at WHOLESALE PRICES Mens and Boys' Shirts Mens & Women's Underwear You know how samples come, only one of a kind, no two alike. The Underwear comes in medium and large sizes Mens Shirts-15, 15 and 10. Boys' Shirts one size only-1 3 The Underwear consists of Union Suits and sep arate garments for Men and Women Summer Weight. The Men's Shirts are the soft, summer weights, regular and Auto Collars, and come in Silk, Mercer ized and Cotton, and a few Flannel ones. Boy's Shirts are Soft, Regular or Auto Collars. You Know There Is a Real Saving Here Bragg Mercantile Co. - r IIP' i-mi 1m l. "iii nr .trum i in i r x 1 W.v;; Y TTT1 J Z r vt'?- r'i L ilirf-j),- -AhM the U. S. Mint. No business man can An advertisement in the News will coming your way. 1 w 3- Tf n i I J That's Your Uncle Sam! CO., Inc. HOOD RIVER, OREGON