The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, July 24, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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jali Price
$40.00 LaVogue Suits, now
1 0.00
nils, Half Price
Our entire stock of new and strictly
7p-to-T)a1e Clothing is now on sale
as follows
$35.oo, $30.oo and $25.oo Suits, now $15.oo
24.oo, 22. 5o and 20.oo
18.oo, 16.5oand 15.oo
12.5o, lO.oo and
Duttenhoffer Ladies' Summer Shoes, regular
$3.oo to $4.5o values; a fine assortment
of summer shoes in all leathers -
lll Florsheim Jhoej in Tans, Blacks
and Patents, including our entire stock
of Oxfords in Button and Lace
All Ready toWear
Goods on Sale
Half Price
H. Fitch, of Kureka, Ftah, 1h a
Hood Klver visitor.
Hurry Tan h whs a visitor to l"n
derwood the latter jiart of the week.
J. L. Blouat and wife left Friday
for a few days stay 1n the Kose city.
I K. Tuft was a business caller at
the metropolis the latter part of the
Miss Florence Welnhelmer. of Buf
falo, N. Y., Is visiting friends In the
Miss Mae Smith left Saturday for
Wasco where she will remain during
the summer.
A. A. Ilaker, of I)ecorah, Iowa, has
lieen srf-ndlnK several days In the
valley looking over the country.
K. E. I'aterson and I. A. Holtz, of
Chicago, have len sojourning In the
valley fur several days looking over
orchard lands
lr. P. ('. Kroslus, whf has lieen
swnd1ng several weeks ojoiirntng
In California, returned home Wednes
day, N. C. F.vans, president of the
Hydro Fleetrle company, was a liusl
ness caller In Portland during the
W. K. King and wife, of the Oak
rove district, spent a few days In
Portland the latter part of the week
TIip Misses Viola Wilson, Jennie
Hall and Viola Fisher, who have
IsH-n visiting at The Dalles, returned
the fore part of the week.
M. H. Nlckelsen and wife, who
have lsen spending several weeks
visiting relatives In the Willamette
valley, returned home Thursday.
Prof. Lawrence left Thursday for
Portland and other valley points
where he will attend to liuslness
matters connected with his office.
Mrs. Flls-n and daughter. Anita, of
Kan Francisco, arrived In Hood Klv
er Wednesday to spend a week visit
ing Mrs Ktlietl cousin, John (Jerries.
Mis. Hattle Coimw, long distance
operator at Th I'ullea, arrived In
Hood Klver Friday and Is visiting
her parents In the Fast llarrett (lis
le t. 1
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Kted spent
Thursday and Friday In'Poriland.
V,'. L. Lamoreand wife, of Paris,
III., spent several days In the city
last week.
Win a piano on five cents, lilt n
hull's eye at Jack Morrison's shoot
ing gallery on Second street and you
get a chance. -t f
Judge M. C. (ieorge of Portland,
accompanied by his wife, is spending
a few weeks In Hood Klver. They
will join the Mazamns In their camp
at Mt. Hood.
Six hundred mllltla regulars from
Idaho Falls passed through the city
Thursday enroll te for tiray's Harbor
where the hoys will go Into camp for
several weeks.
I'.uruett Duncan hoarded the train
Thursday with a tish pole In each
hand nnd tipped It off to the reporter
that he was going on a liuslness trip
to Tillamook.
President Homan, of the Willam
ette University, Is spending several
weeks In Hood Klver. Mr. Homan
has an orchard tract on the Fast
Side that he Is Improving.
Everett SterllDg, ofSan Francisco,
was In the city the fore part of the
week Visiting with Carl iloss of the
Oregon hotel. Mr. Sterling und Carl
were railroad hoys together.
Hon. J. W.Morten, who owns ex
tensive property Interests In Hood
Klver, and who Is now practicing
law In the Capital city, has been In
Hood Klver visiting old friends.
II. 1j, Pitt's k, of the Oregon!. in,
accompanied hy his wife, arrived In
Hood Klver Thursday and nre spend
ing a few weeks In camp with the
Mazamas at the base of Mt. Hood.
J.K.Johnson, who was formerly
Interested In Hood Klver land hold
ings, arrived In the city Wednesday
from Victoria, 15. C. Mr. Johnson
will remain In Hood Klver several
Jos. Wilson, one of Hood Kiver's
old time residents, who has lieen
pending the winter In Pennsylvania,
returned to Hood Klver for a few
weeka' stay just In time to get the
hot weather.
Two beautiful building lots front
ing on Park Avenue and Tenth
streets for sale. Inquire Heed & Hen
derson, Inc. 27t1
F. S. Stanley, president of the
Stanley-Smith Lumber company and
president of the First National I'.ank
of Hood Klver, accompanied by At
torney A. C. Spencer, of Portland,
transacted business in the city
Kurt Jayne returned Saturday
from a trip to Walla Walla, where
he went to take a twist at the
threshing business. He states that
old Sol got to fooling too near the
earth ami a number of the boys pull
ed out.
Dr. A. H. Lithrop, former pastor
of the Methodist church of this city,
who has been visiting his children,
Mrs. E. O. Hall and Mr. Albert La
th rop, lift Friday for Eugene where
he will visit with his daughter, Mrs.
Dr. Edmunds.
Mrs. H. M. Wheatcroft of Milwau
kee. Wis., and Mrs. Kate Murphy of
New York City are guests at the
I'iider home this week. The visitors
are on a trip thru California ami will
visit Alaska before going to the Can
adian Kock les for a brief stay. Mrs.
Wheatcroft is an aunt of A. C. lend
er. Harry Fnrrell, who has lieen chief
shipping clerk at the Hood Klver
Apple lirowers' union, left Friday
for a few weeks' vacation. Harry
was headed for Clatsop Kcach where
he will join the state mllltla encamp
ment. The young man Is a member
of the Portland contingency of mili
tiamen, Company H.
Miss Carrie Popple, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. S. Popple of this city,
returned Friday from a 2-year so
journ In (iermany. Prior to going
to (iermany, Miss Cople was em
ployed as teacher In one of the Port
land schools, and after touring sev
eral of the old countries went to I'.er
II ii, (iermany, where she took private
lessons In vocal and Instrumental
music. Miss Popple was delighted
to return to Hood Klver.
Kev. J. E. Acheson, pastor of the
Third I'nltcd Presbyterian church of
Portland, returned home Friday af
ter a visit with his brother, I. K.
Acheson, assistant cashier of the
Kiltler Hanking company. Kev. J.
Wlllard Acheson and wife were also
visitors during the week. The latter
clergy man Is a cousin of I. K Ache
son and has Just won a f'VMi scholar
ship In an eastern theological semi
nary for making the highest grade
In his class.
P. O. Huelat and wife returned
Saturday from a trip to Portland.
Mrs. (i. a. Moulten Is visiting rela
tives nnd friends at the Capital city.
Jim Parker made a Hying trip to
The Dalles the forepart of the week.
O. E. Henderson, formerly of the
Kamo hotel, has opened a furniture
store on the Heights.
The engagement of A. W. Peters to
Miss Mllllken of Portland, has been
publli ally announced.
Kev. T. E. Eliot, of Portland. Is
making arrangements to spend the
summer In Hood Klver.
Mrs. M. A. Wright, of Olivet, Mich.,
Is enjoying a visit with her daughter,
Mrs. Koliert T. Newhall oil Prospect
Mr. and Mrs. S. Popple accompan
ied by their daughter, Miss Carrie,
left Monday for a few days stay In
The Eadles' Aid society of the
Congregational church will meet
next Friday with Mrs. ('has. Castner
at 2:'-') p m.
Kobert Kami, accompanied by his
son, William, and nephew, Clyde,
have been spending t heir time In the
mountains fishing and hunting re
cently. The Misses Elizabeth Jones, Doris
Smith and Erralne I'.ean of Port
land, who have been visiting at the
Van Horn home, returned home
II. F. Davidson, who has been In
the Eastern Oregon country superin
tending the packing of several cars
of cherries, returned home Saturday,
accompanied by Mrs. Davidson.
( has. Castner, who has been spend
ing several weeks In and around
Cove, Or., bossing the cherry pack
for the Davidson Fruit company, re
turned home Saturday.
E. It. Manning and wife, who have
been visiting In the llend country.
stayed over Sunday In Hood Klver,
returning to Portland Monday,
where E. It, Is running in auto truck
M. E. McParty left for the East
Monday to purchase a large stock of
goods for the Paris Fair. Mr. Mc
Party makes a trip to the East each
year and purchases goods for the
Hood Klver house.
John Otten has purchased the city
lot on State street between the F.
E. Jackson am the Jas. St Tamilian
properties nnd will build a fine resi
dence. Mr. Otten has extensive
property Interests in Hood Klver
and bell'-ves In the town.
Miss McPulley was a passenger for
Portland Monday to visit friends.
Dr. 11. D. W. Plneo spent last week
visiting at his father's home at Park
dale. Miss M. I.. Metcalf Is visiting
friends In Portland and Vancouver,
lyee Morse spent the forepart of the
week transacting business In the me
tropolis. Miss Melllsa Hill, sister of Mrs. E. II.
Hugglns. came up from Portland
Monday and Is visiting In the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. lYnzier Sr., left
Shturday for a lsit with their
daughter, Mrs. (ialllgan, at Dufur.
Miss Mary Dabney left Saturday
for an extended visit with friends at
(iresliam, Vancouver ami Portland.
Attorney A. P. Keed spent Thurs
day and Friday In Portland nnd
Hillshoro on professional business.
Wm. Harnett, of Wasco, capitalist
and banker, spent several days In
Hood Klver the latter part of the
Mrs. Prossman, of Iierkley, Calif.,
who has been 'a visitor at the home
of Kev. and Mrs. Young, returned
home Saturday.
Mrs. M. P. Shaughessy and Mrs
Jas. Flint! and daughters, who are
vlsli.lng her, were guests at the (ilad
den home recently.
Mrs. II. F. (iray and son, Earl,
came up lhursilay from Portland
and will spend a few weeks on their
ranch In the I'pper Valley.
H. C. Oliver, traveling passenger
agent for the O.-W. K. & N., was In
the city Mcnday and the News no
knowledges a pleasant call.
Dr. M. F. Shaw of Hood Klver, who
Is a patient at The Dalles hospital,
Is Improving rapidly and w III soon
be able to leave the Institution.
Mrs. C. 11. Dewls, of Culgary, Al
berta, Is visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. (1. E. Plneo, at Parkdale.
H. D. Plneo, of Victoria, It. P.,
nephew of (1 E. Plneo, Is a visitor at
the Plneo home at Parkdale.
Judge Derby ami W. E. Clark, who
have been spending several days fish
ing oi upper Hood Klver, returned
the latter part of the week. Truman
Kiltler and P. S. Davidson were In
camp with the boys a few days. 'The
four nlmrods report a large catch of
Proposals for the sale ami remov
al of the old Congregational church
building will be received up until
August .1, Kill', by P. Morse at his of
lice. Pews, furnace ami bell reserv
ed. Hood River to Get Savings and
Loan Money
The First National I'.ank has taken
thengency of the Provident Savings
nnd Euan Association of Portland
for Ileal Estate loans on Hood Klver
residence property.
The Association Issues an excep
tionally attractive seven-year seven
per cent bond, which will be placed
on sale to local Investors this week.
In amounts ranging from flan to
f ".hm. The secretary, F. K. Cook,
will be at the First National Hank
Friday afternoon and all day Satur
day, to explain the details of these
bonds and receive subscriptions.
All money placed with the Assocla-j
Hon by Hood Klver people w ill be :
loaned out on Hood Klver property.!
Men's Clothes
Cleaned and Pressed
The work we do upon Men's
clothes is very much better
than that you obtain at every
average pressing shop.
' We really clean your clothes
not merely sponge them ov
er and remove, for a time,
spots by local treatment.
And we press yourgarments
as would a tailor. Make them
fit right, hang right and hold
hold their shape.
Our service may cost you a
little more, but it's cheaper in
the end, for its not required
as often.
Spaulding's Tailor Shop
Old t,t, LargiMt, BtMt. Phone 13 1
t 1 Hi . JM
Receives deposits on investment contracts, which it loans on
improved real estate, returning such funds to investors at a
guaranteed definite date, with definite guaranteed earnings
thereon. An Oregon corporation. Ample Reserve Fund. Under
State supervision. Backed by Oregon business men.
JfAimians ft Pi.att. of Ptoet Piatt. Aturaara
F O. CSAWmnn. V. P. T.umhrmn Nat. Hank J. P jAa. of Jaacar Rm, Jawatar
llHT A.SonaxT. P ('. Mfr.. HimonaMf Oo. W. Ii. MiipHakaoB. pnw. W II. Mophataoa Co.
I hank K. IxxjLf . V P. lllbarnla Sa.ln. haak H. (1. OoLTOS, Mur. Man. Mutual Lit lua. (Jo.
t. ft. COOS. BnrUl7
Money to Loan
Amounts $.Vni to $.'hNI. First class
real estate security. Will also buy
iiiortKaes for like amounts.
IlOtfc. Kkkh i Hkmikiison.
tae jh dee( & Henderson, Inc.
Fire, Accident, Life, Automobile, Plate Glass,
Burglary, Employer's Liability, including
-o, Also Judicial, Official and Indemnity Bonds
Resident Agent for: Travelers Insurance Co.
Pacific Coast Casualty Co.
Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd., of London
Hanover Fire Insurance Co. of New York
Pelican Assurance Co. of New York
TKcat Estate Loans