THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1912 ARROGANT EDINBURGH. And Itt Old Holyrood CaitU, Fameua In Sootch Hutory. Built OTer ierle of ridge rnd vl !, It would l Impossible to luiag Id nythiuu more graud!y arrogant than Edinburgh. Originally the plao couHlatttl only of the huge fortress on the castle rook, built there by Edwin of Norfhunibrla, aDd hence kuown as Edwla'e Uurgo. But gradually there grew up a long. etratgUng town, a mile or o In length, that wended along the rocky saddle backed ridge which was the only approach to the castle entrance. In the twelfth century Holyrood pal ace was built at the foot of this long street, which has been vuriously known In history as "the Royal Mile" and "the Cockpit of Scotland." In the vernacu lar of the town during the middle ages, though. It was always referred to as "the Causeway." Traditions of Mary, the 111 fated queen; of Rizzlo, whose blood, legend ays, still stains the wooden floor of the tiny chamber In Holyrood where be sank beueatn the daggers of his assassins; of the stern, proud Douglas- es. whose ambition led them to hope to usurp the Scottish crown; of Iron John Knot and Jenny Geddes. who threw her stool at Dean Hanna (one Is sure Jenny would be a suffragette today, and a militant at that); of the great Mon trose, of Bonny Prince Charley and of , all the other principal figures In Scotch history rise up before the visitor. Argonaut FLEET FOOTED CARIBOU. They Can Trot Faster Than a Grey hound Can Run. In Maine It Is contended that the cari bou can outrun any other animal. Ac cording to the testimony of one woods man, caribou left behind a greyhound that bad been matched against them. A guide succeeded in starting the dog after some caribou a herd of four standing like statue- on the ice of one of the big ponds in the region along the west branch of the re nob scot. Now, the caribou trots, instead of running, like most other wild animals. In the present case there had been a plentiful fall of snow, a rain which bad formed a thick crust and then an other fall of snow, ali of which con stituted the very finest surface where on to hold a race of this description. When the greyhound was loosed Its owner confidently expected that It would outrun the caribou. When the caribou woke np and bic their pace It was a Bight to see them They did not appear to be proceeding with much s(eed. but as the hound drew up on them they Increased their pace. The hound was doing his very best, but made no headway against th caribou at alL The dog stuck to it with courage, but before It was half way across the pond the caribou had reached the other side and disappear ed in the woods. New York Press. The Stnsitiv Razor. "There is no sensatlou in matter," remarked a man over the -luncheon table to the man of science, who thought it was a suggestive saying. "But what about my razors?" be asked. And then he described the razor which had been with him round the world faithfully and wanted only stropping day by day a wonderful razor. But when It came back to a London flat It refused Its office. The razor wouldn't work more than one day without going to the hospital. "Do you mean to tell me that that razor doesn't feel," said Its owner "doesn't feel the difference of climate, tempera ture? Why. If you know anything about razors you know tbey ore the keenest and most sensitive things In the world." -London Chronicle. One Line of Reasoning. A promoter from some Indefinite sec tloo out west was trying to sell a Penn avenue clerk a few shares of stock, but the clerk was not anxious to Invest "Why should I buy stock in our mine?" "My dear man, we're right next to the Skinned Cat which Is producing fabulous wealth." "Yea. and I live in a boarding house which la right next to the mansion of a steel millionaire, but that doesn't make me worth anything." Pitts burgh Post Reminiscent. The author had written one success ful story, and he never grew tired talking of it "Dou't you know," said one of bis friend to another one day, "niter al ways reminds me of a pleased dog?" "That's odd. How does he?" "He's always wagglDg his tale." No Friend of His. Mrs. Mulcahey What frind helped ye borne, ye drunken baste? Mulcahey Faith, It's do frlnd be was, k no win' tbe rayceptlon O'ld recalve. Boston Transcript Out of Fashion. Pbyelclan What is your trouble, madam? Patlent-I bate to tell you. doctor; It la something which was popular over a year ago. New fork I'ress. Making a Record. Ella Tou aay ahe baa driven two men Insane? Bella-Yen. She jilted on. fclla-What about the other? Bella -8 lie married hi ml Club Fellow. Distant Relative. "I bare only the most distant rela tive." ' "Has tbe family died out?" "No; they have all Uooma A DIES Purses and hand Bags, black and colors, some splen did values in the lot. Choice. Price 1 Copjrr!li Hut Scimfar It Uui NICE line of Ladies' Outing: Suits and Skirts 2nd Floor Mens and Boys' SUITS You will find it to your advantage to look over the many big" socials we are offering on our line of Men's and Boys' Suits. All Kood, this season's styles and patterns -nothing at all undesirable in the lot. We simply have to pet all the room that we can for our fall line that will soon be in, and are making this in ducement that we may induce you to buy now and save some good money rather than wait later and pay more. This stock includes such makes as Hart Schaffner & Marx, Clothcraft and others AU Suits at a Reduction except Blues and Blacks From 10 to 50 The boys will want a new suit for school and it would surely be economy to select one of the many suitable pat terns that we are offering at this reduc ed price right now. Look them over when you are in and you will see where we are right. Men's Hats 50c If you jut want a Hat for rough wear in order that you may save your better one. Get one of these Zftn special bargains at OUu Men's Soft Collar Shirts Soisette material, special only. 75C Men's Every Day Work Sox 5c This lot includes one of the very Sox for the money that we have been able to get hold of. We bought them at a special price and they are surely bargains, the pr... best ever 5c Men's summer weight I'albriggan Undershirts and Drawers, the nr garment Zuu Misses' and Children's Lace Hose, our regular Lc grade, special the pair 10c Ladies' Purses and Hand Hags, black and colors, some splendid values in the lot. Your choice . . 1 -2 Price AUIliS' Canvas Oxfords with low and me dium heels. Oxfords that are worth from $i up to $2 a pair, your choice, pr 50c Misses' and Ladies Iice Hose, very pretty patterns, our regular 25c grade, hne lisle thread Hose, special the pair 15c Ladies' sleeveless Vests of good qual ity, shaped body, taped neck tn and arms, your choice Illu Books Before you start on your vacation do not fail to visit our Book Department and supply yourself with some good reading matter. Books that usually $1.50, we sell for from IOC TO 50c Boys' Wash Suits Sailor and Military style, also sailor blouse style with knicket bocker pants. A splendid assortment to choose from, ages 3 to 10 years, made of percale, linen and Madras for 50c, 65c, 75c. S1.00 and up Wash Dresses We have a splendid line of these and can supply your every need when it comes to Wash Dresses and Aprons for children and Misses made up in the latest styles of percale, madras and linen, well made and neatly trim med, ages 3 to 16 years for 25c, 45c. $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and up Men' and Boys' Straw Hals 10c We have placed upon our bargain table a bunch of Straw Hats that are a little soiled, and of which we have not a run of sizes, values up to in. $1, special your choice Uu Special price on all ladies' Suits and Coats -2nd Floor. Ladies' Washable Suits from $5 to $10 values (1 AQ reduced to.. uli4d We have a few of those big bargains left in Ladies' Laundered Shirt Waists, values up to $2, your choice 58c 6 he PARI FAIR HOOD RIVER'S LARGEST AND BEST STORE SHIVELY WINS FROM CIRCUS AGGREGATION When It was announced that IVte Shivcly's baseball aggregation ivii to play the Kit Carson nine on circus d.iv in 1 1 1 I Hlver, the betting went up to M to 1 on IVte. This Immedi ate high temperature of the betting thermometer was largely due to the fact that a great crowd of sports Witnessed Pete's tleet-footedliess on the Fourth of July, when he won the fat man's race against Portland' sporting lilood. Kit ''arson never had a look-In at the hall game and IVte gave them a goose egg an a souvenir to enrry away with them. Nobody know w hat the score might have liven If IVte had desired to go the limit with the in-torn. NEW CHURCH RUSHED TO COMPLETION A large crew of men in at work on the new Methodist church building and the edifice w ill Ik-rushed to com pletion. The frame work of the structure Is of wood, w hich will he veneered with red lirlck trimmed with cement lirlck. The arcliitectur al plans indicate that the new build ing will have a very handsome up. pearnnce when completed. It Is cal culated that thechiirch w hen finished and connected with the old stnn-t lire will have the largest auditorium In the city. First Christian Church. Just to remind you that If you are not attending the services at the Christian church both Sunday morn tngs and evenings j on are missing an Intellect ual feast and the association of a kind and generous people. You will receive the glad hand by all pres ent and a treat that Is worth while. The Sunday School Is cont inning to do Kood work and every member Is registered to bring one witli tliem. Won't you be one that will be brought? The singing Is line mid I feel sure that you will enjoy a treat along that line. Come and see. The ladles of the church w 111 feed you to the full on Thursday evening, July on the church grounds. Come and brln your big appetite and net satisfaction at that time. I'elieve me there will be something doing at that time. Miss Med a Curler left last Thurs day to spend about two months' vacation at her homciii Mt. Pleasant, Itah. FOUNDATION LAID FOR TELEPHONEJUILDING F. (. Mall, who lias the contract for the erection of the new telephone building at the corner of state nnd Sixth streets, '. busy laying the con crete foundation of the new lirlck structure. The building will be of handsome design and an ornament to the city. (has. I lull, president of the company, who has been In the Fast for hc vi ml weeks, has return ed home. It I ii o ' ! r-1 . 1 that a new iiuto system w ill Is Installed that will make phoning a delight md a pleasure. The new plant will be one of the most up-to-d I 'e on I he ci inst , MANAGER SIEG PLANS WHIRLWIND CAMPAIGN ( Mi Th urn dry of this week Wilmer Sieg, manager of the Hood Kiver Ap ple Growers' Futon, leaves for the east to perfect certain arrangements pertaining to the marketing of the crop. Mr. Sl-g has planned an Itin erary that would do credit to a globe trotter In point of the number of titles to It- visited In li brief trip of three weeks. The more Important distributing points will lie visited and a large number of the leading apple buyers called upon. Postmaster Lucas Is putting in loan hours these days but has registered no complaint about the volume of correspondence eminnting from Mr. Sleg's ollh-e. A speak lilt; acquaintance with over a thousand apple dealers of the country places Mr. Sleg In the ranks as a "Hello I'.lll" who knows every one who Is anyone. 'Will you be with us"ls t he Inquiry of many of the trade who will as semble at Chlcano on August 7 to at tend the convention of the Interna tional Apple Shippers' Association. Needless to say, the Futon's manager will be there to meet the representa tive apple people of the country and It Is hinted that Hood River's lead illg enthusiast w ill be culled Upon t in iki- one of his justly famous speeches, which we are told have helped make Milwaukee famous. The Fnloii Is anxious to have the growers slt!ii up for their apples be fore Mr. Sieg noes east. Farly ap ples and pears will soon lie ripe. Call up 117, the Fnlon lias Homethint! 1m portant to tell yon about this mat ter. lo It now. APPLE UNION BEGINS BUILDING The Hood Kiver Apple Growers' I 'iiloii has hen ii n work on the erec tion of t he la rite cold storage plant to be built, adjoining the present plant on the east. The new annex III be Imi feet In length and 4U feet In w idth and will have a capacity of about 1 IU.IMMI boxes of apples. The work on the new brick structure will be ru-heil to completion and will he Mulshed In time for the fall rush of apples. The union will Increase' the refrigeration power to t w Ice the pres ent capacity. A new engine will be install. -d to replace the smaller ma chine now In use. Unitarian Church Fast Sunday at the Fnltarlnti church service the congregation was greatly pleased with the special inu-le. including a solo by Mrs. Mel lon with violin ohllgnlo, and n violin solo by Mile. I'.lanclie Kosset. Nex t Sunday t he subji-ct of the ser vice will Iih "The Itooinler Fnlverse." All are cordially Invited. Van Allen Home Destroyed. I In- home of II. ('. Van Allen In the Pine irove district was destroyed by fire Sunday tilnht at 10 o'clock arid all of the household effects were lot. There wim no one home at the time the lire started and the origin of the blar.e Is a mystery, liefore the lire was discovered It was completely beyond control. The loss Is esti mated at $JouO. MT. HOOD HOTEL COMPLETES LOBBY After several weeks of labor by car penters, painters and paper hangers, the spacious lobby In i he Mt. Hood hotel has been completed ami In Its tirand new dress of paint and paper presents a most metropolitan ap pearance. The stairs leading to the first Hoor have been changed to the south sectlou of the lobby and the clerk's desk has been moved from the east to the west side of the waiting room. By the removal of a partition, the lobby lias been Increased to double Its former size which gives ample room for the lu-couimodatlon of the traveling public. The pro. nresslve spirit of the proprietor Is worthily wrought la the improve ment. BATTLE" GROUND YIELDS CURIOS That the entire river front oppo site Hood Kiver was 'it one time the battleground of con tending Indian forces Is beelnt! verified from time to time by the discovery of tangible evidences to prove the fact. Matt !! inkier canni into the News ollice Saturday with a pocket full of Indi an arrow heads that he had found just west of the city. The specimens of Hint points picked up In different places are mute testimony of the llyliil! arrows exchanged between hostile tribes. One of the spear points was fully four Inches in length and of perfect construction. Congregational Church The new church organ was given a try-out by I'rof. F. W. Goodrich of I'ortl'iud. Ore., Mou-lay night, before Its acceptance by the committee and was found to be all that was hoped for. The church and Sunday school hold their annual picnic at the old Coun try Inn site Thursday. The start Is to be made at ten o'clock. A good program Is arranged. Fverybody come. Sunday morning we have a special service In recognition of our choir. A request program of four numbers will be sung and the pastor will speak on "The Ministry of Music." I-t your attendance be u token of esteem and appreciation. Wednesday evening, July 21, we will hold nil old fashioned experience meeting at the church at p. in. Get ready for this and plan to come. Fiiw. A. 1 1 H ids, past or. WENATCHEE WILL INVADE CALIFORNIA The apple growers of the Wenat eliee valley will In vnde California t Ills year and make nn attempt to have the Washington big, red apples crowd some of the golden skinned California fruit off the market This Invasion of territory has le-en made possible by the great reduction of freight rate on fresh fruit. The fruit rate n few days ago from Wenatcljee to San Francisco was $1 o:i per hun dred and the cut has reduced It to 40 cents per hundred pounds. Hood Kiver has long had an open market In Southern Cu 1 1 f o r n I a, here large quantities of Oregon Keds and Bald wins are sold ever year. , I CHURCH NEWS JN GENERAL The World's second Christian Clt Izeuship conference Is to be held in Portland next summer. Ir. Henry Collin Minton, president of the as sociation, stated: "I am delighted with Portland ns the gathering place for the leaders of the best and most advanced thought of the world. We shall have the world's big men here mid many na tions will be represented, but we shall also find then that the Ameri cans are the world's best speakers. This was a discovery at the great meeting In Glasgow some time ago." The Pacific Coast Convention of Baptist Young People's Societies be gan Its annual session Friday morn ing In Portland at the White Temple. "The American Baptist Year Book." recently Issued, gives the fol lowing Baptist statl-t1es for ( iregon: Number of nssociat Ions, 1J; churches, l.Vi; ordained ministers, 1'ti; total membership, lt.l.'iil; Sunday schools, IB!; otlicers and teachers, l.lsii; scholars, 10, Christian Science Services Christian Science services are held In the Commercial Club rooms Sundays at 11 a. m. Subji-ct, ''Fife." Sunday school at same hoiirin Koi-m '2, Davidson building. Wednesday meetings In same room s p. in. Head ing room open dally, to ." p. in. Baptist Church Kev. Hargreaves announces that the subject given out for last Stnday evening at the church on the Heights namely, "The Patrlut In Politics" will be discussed next Sunday even ing. WRESTlhNGMATCH RESULTS IN DRAW According to a iiiiiiiIht unin vited friends who appeared upon t he scene of bat t le before t he close of t he contest, Fred Bell and Harold In galls had engaged In a wrestling match of the Intense kind last Fri day night about 10:::o on the beau tiful young clover lawn in the rear of the city jail, la addition to the spectators n few hoot owls were present to w Itness the lovefeast. It Is evident t hat I he pi ize light rules of tin- Baltimore and Chicago conven tions were quite closely followed. Fred has it few scratches on his face between his whiskers while II, in. Id Is in about t he same li X with a pants leg minus. MARRIED Orlc McMelns and Daisy Itelgel of Hood Kiver were married at the home of John Walters on Cascade ave., Monday evening, July 1.1, l!d'. Kev. .1. B. Parsons, pastor of the Fulled Bret hertj church olllclated. Methodist Church Sunday school at 10:00 u. in. Preach Ing services at 1 1 :00 a. in and H p. m. Kev. K. F. Spa aiding will occupy I lie pulpit Sunday morning. Theme for evening service, "Face to Face" or "Come and See." Fpworth league Hi 7:hi p. m. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening at :00 o'clock. All are cordially invited to attend these services. Strangers made wel come. W, B. Young, Pastor. LOGGER KILLED CHURCH FEDERATION AT DEE PLANT SPIRIT DELIGHTS John Beck, of South Moorehe.-nl, Minn., was struck by a log w hile at work In a logging camp at Dee Mon day and instantly killed. Beck was an experienced loader and while working at the roll way a log that was passing down the chute rode a smaller log on the way ami the end of the large log skidded around and struc4v the deceased in the b'-east ami before lie could be taken to camp life expired. Those who witnessed the accident state that the company was In no way to Ida inc. The deceased was I'll years of age. The body will be taken to Moorehead where his parents reside and Interred in his home city. PORTLAND BOOMS JAND SHOW Preliminary plans nr.- going for ward for making the Pacific North west Land Products Show, to be held III Portland November Is j:t, the biggest and most successful land show ever given west of the Kocky Mountains. The management is getting In touch with commercial bodies and individual exhibitors of the territory tube represented nnd promises of liberal support are being received. Fvery district of the Norl h w -est sta tes has an opportun ity In this "dirt show" for valuable exploitation. The News tells It all. - , The Kev. W. A. Pratt, pastor of the llepimer M. F. church, made a trip down the Columbia last Satur day, preaching for the Federated church at Muster Sunday morning and for the Baptist church of Hood Kiver Sunday night, in exchange with Kev. Hargreaves. who preached here. He expresses himself as much taken with tl perathiH of the Fed erated church at M osier. Kev. Hargreaves of Hood Kiver addressed a mass meeting of the churches In I leppner on Sunday after noon In the Interests of federation. Hc Is pastor of the Federated church at Moslcr. Is an Intelligent speaker, and his address was well received Gazette-Times. Fd I .age, while driving home, up set his wagon on tin1 rock pile op posite the National A pple company 's plant. Mrs. I. age was thrown to the ground nnd badly Injured. Walter McDougal. member of the grain shipping linn of Knight & Mc Dougal, of Chicago, arrived la Hood Kiver Monday and will remain for a few weeks to look after his line apple orchard. The News acknowledges a pleasant call. Mrs Koberg, her daughter, Lena, and t he baby had a narrow escape the latter part of the week while driving down the Koberg hill. The team became frightened and plunged down t he grade t hro wing the occu pants to the ground with a violence w hich caused them to sustain severe Injuries. We A r e EVANS NOVELTY & MACHINE WORKS Mt. Hood Ironing Cabinet Evans' Ideal Shirt Waist Boards Also: The Ideal Nailing Press 4- After the Doctor-- THIi DRUOOIST The doctor's work is only half what has to bo done for the pa tient. And if the druK'st he lacking in ability and care the prescription misfit as well have never been written. Hut we make a special study of each case and our own medical knowledge is thorough enough to lie of great use to us in those sometimes occurring- cases when the doctor, in his haste, makes a slight error. A CIIAS. N. CLARKE I'll