The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, July 10, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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Now on in every department of this modern store. A few contract lines alone are excepted.
and have decided to refund 20 cents in cash for every dollar spent here during this Refund Sale
1 PIT'S A iD & IT 0
because many seasonable lines are almost unbroken, due to the cold, backward season.
BUT NOW THEY MUST GO to make room for the aTl Shipments coming
loo Can t Make Money ' Faster
II I J, . . , ,1
. onii' ami ni'i
Hoy ('. P.rock has purchased a 40
horse-po wer Velle nutomolille.
Tor Kent Se ven-room house, $12
11 month. Iti'iilre of Peed & Hender
son, inc." .'4uc
County Clerk Hanson Issued a mar
riage licence Satunlay t Jesse J.
Jackson anil Kdna O. Cask.
Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Seufert of The
Dalles spent the I'nurth here, making
the trip In their nutomolille
I!. 11. I'.cnnett rif the Xi'-B leaves
tomorrow for a couple of weeks va
cation. Ill place will Is' taken ly
C. 1. Mekelsen.
Win a piano on five cent, lilt n
bull's eye at .lack Morrison's shoot
In gallery on Second street and you
tret a chance. i!."tf
Nathan Mackett and daughter,
Mr. V. H. Iiunn, went to Portland
Saturday to visit lilr ton, M. A
Hacket t, for n couple of week.
Mr. Clyde P.. Altt hUon, w ife of the
state railroad cotnmlswloiier, wan In
town on the Fourth, accompanied
liy Ml" latiny Struck of Spokane.
I". I. Kaly. II. X. and C. I".
Collins of rortland and William
Thurston of M osier were recent
Kuen'x (f II. I'. Italy at M oriilfi;sMc
Ham h.
Artlilen of Incorporation of the
(illiraltir I icvelopmciit Company
were lilecl here the last of the week
l.v c. hethnian, William Khrck and
John II KoImtk
Anionic those from The l;ie who
spent the I ourth here were Mr. and
Mr. K. ). McCoy and eon, Tom, Mr
and Mrs. II. S. Klce, Mr. and Mrs. I:,
K. Morse and Mr. and Mr ien
Mr I'. I. Hall of Portland and
Miss P.cssle Oevelandof Sim f'ran
i'Iw'ii, wlm nrt'iciK'plH ii( Mr. and Mrs.
('. I. Ileale for t he summer, went to
Portland Saturday to spend a couple
of week
Mis (iertrude Franz and A. T.
l.Nl!ler left Friday for the Kant.
Miss I rum returns to her home In
liolirevllle, X V., after liavlnic visited
her brother, K. A. Krunz. for several
lu.intliK, while Mr I. (Miller icoex to
hi former home la Hhode Inland, to
spend a few Weeks
Mrs. C. W. Burgess of Pee spent
the week end In the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Oily Y. Kdvvnrds
went to Portland Monday for a few
MIhm Jane Pawls of Indianapolis
arrived Saturday to visit the
Rev. H. li. House arrived from
Spokane Monday to spend a Hhort
time on li 1m ranch here.
Mr. and Mrs. I. M. P.entley and
Mr. (). C. licnn went to Portland
Monday to lie present at the P.Ik's
Two I eautlful liullilini; lots front
Inn on Park Avenue nnd Tenth
HtreetM for nale. Inulre Peed & Hen
derson, Inc. 27tf
Professor Kastnussetl of the College
of Applied Mathematics, I'ntverstty
fif Nebraska, was a vlMltor In the city
the laHt of the week.
Mrn. H. P.oetzkes and daughter.
Miss Ottllle, of Seattle nrrlved the
last of the week to spend a short
time ami to Inspect their ranch near
It. X. I'.yerly, formerly local editor
of the XewH and now connected with
a St. Johns pulillcatlon, Im spending
a couple of week with IiIh daughter.
Mrs. tjeorice Lynn.
Mr. Fpteicrfive of the I'pper Valley
fent the week end In the city and
was pn-Ment at the reception tender d
W llmer Sleic at the Commercial Cluli
Saturday evenlnic.
S. T. ItolM-rtx, an expert account
ant of Portland, arrived lant week
and Ih working on the new HVMtem
of liook-keeplnic to lie liiMtalled In the
city recorder', office.
II. W. Chipping hax filed Hiilt
.itraltint the Hood Piter Mineral
Spring Company to forerlone a morf
icaice idven (IcIoIht l!)ll.for $17,
"17 the tltc for the proponed
The ra p!d falllmc of the Columhla
river ha ne eHnltated he niovliiic of
the two NteaniHhlp d'M-k from op.
poxlte the railroad etatlon hack to
the low wafer landing. The ferry
hoatxctlll make the IiIkIi water laud-
Sydney F. McCreery of New York
In here vlnttliiu hi lirother, Arthur.
MIhm Ruth Wl.drlck of Portland U
vlMitlnic her wlnti r, Mr. C. I). Ilin.
Frank Mencfee wan up from Port
land over the week em) to Innpect li if
Cherries for Sale Poyal Anne ami
I.amhert. Phone Odell 14s, K. F,
Cooke. It
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Henderson
spent the week end vlsltlnjc relatives
at W'ashotiical, Wash.
Mrs. ,1. M. Manlen of The Dalles
came to Hood Klver Saturday to
visit her daughter, Mrs. W'. F. Han
son. Mrs. C. P. Sonnlidisen sient the
Fourth of . I illy at Hillshoro, where
her hiiHltaml Is employed on the Indc
A. I. Mason returned Sunday even
lnic from a three weeks tour of the
state In the Interests of the Uranice
j;ood roads lillU.
Mrs, (ie once l. Freeman and daugh
ter, Mlss.1. i:. Freeman, arrived the
last of the week and are icusts of
Mrs. K. L Cook at Willow Flat.
County Clerk Hansen reports that
there was more btifilness In the re
cording department last week than
during any other equal period this
A special feature of the services at
the I'ultarlau church next Sunday
morning will le a violin solo l,v Mile.
Itlanche KosHet, Mrs, Sli t ton will
slnic. All are welcome.
MIhh Hazel Cartan, w ho has been
taktnic the domestic art course at
theO. A. ('., will do tieat dressmak
ing at a very reasoiialile price. Phone
or leave work atL'.Vi M. 'js :!iip j
A palntlmc of Mt. Hood hy Fd -I
ward Hill reproduced on a plaiie I
hy II. L. Fordlntc forms an attrac-i
tlve souvenir rif the Flk's (era ml lodice i
schsIoii at Portland and has junt '
Is-en placed on the market there.
Mr. anil Mrs. Paul Nelden of Salt
Lake City
"Warren l).
f' r t he money
Patterson, Aict."
Mrs Wyers of l!lnt;en N at the lo
cal hospital recovering from an oper
ation which was peiformed Friday.
Mrs W P. I iit ton and Mrs. .1. W
Welch of Portland spent the wet
end as i;tiMtri of Mr, and Mrs. i. A
ftir. ami .Mrs. ! . .. Ulshop am
Mrn. F. F. Campbell expect to leav
tomorrow for a trip to Portland to
attend the Flks' festivities.
W. M. Kalile of ( hlco, Cal., a f irm
er resident of Hood Itlver, arrived
Saturday and will spend some time
here renewing old acquaintances.
i,rry Kohler of P.uffalo, X. Y
spendlnit the summer at the home ol
C. K. Marshall. C. I!, duly of Port
land was Mr. Marshall's icnest Sun
Tomorrow having been declared n
leical holiday In this state by (Jov
ernor West In recognition of the
Flk's convention, all the local banks
will be closed for the day.
i' reii i owierol lilte.Milmon, Mrs
T. W, Itoblnsori and daughter, Mrs
HcHsle . Lit wrence, ami MIhh Har
riet Male of Minneapolis were Ktients
over the Fourth at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Wnlstrom In the
Middle Valley.
Prof. .LO. McLauichlln Is nttend
IniC lectures at Uw Summer Session
of the I'nlverslty of Oregon, partlcti
larly the series itl veil by llr. Adolf A
P.erle, the noted lioston educator,
on t he 'Intensive F.ducatloii of Chil
dren lu the Homo."
Mrs. Matilda .lacobson arrived
from Fairfield, Mass , the last of the
week. Her mission here Is to can a
considerable quantity of cherrfes for
Miss A. M. Spring nt the old Rooth
place. MIhh Sprlnic believes that
Hood Hi ver cherries are unsurpassed
as a table delicacy and Is preparing
to iclve her friends In the Fast a treat.
An "insane Fourth" wascelebraled
nt. Fk'k'ermont under the direction of
arrived the hint of the ti. i nn..r cilin- ii,.iih I
wwk ami have taken possession rf ti.) McCnllys. An old fashlom
i tie .li,. jonnson place mar Park- ourt h of July spread was nerved nt
uaie, winch they nave purchased. , ,, ,,, HM, m ku,.m(s. Afterward
Mr. Nelden Is an ex railroad man. n m.r,- of ss ctacular field and track
Mr. and Mrs. .1. P. Rnldttln of ' events were held. Knt IiiimI.ihiii was
Chlcnico were iCueHts at the Mt. Hood aroiined ton hlich pltih, especially
hotel the last of the week and took a j when W. F. Klnic lead the rest of the
trip throuich the valley. They were j field In the jcreasci plic chase and
dellifhted and declared that no Fast-1 capt ured the porker. At six o'clock
erner coulil 'ifford to miss seeing llicht refreshments were served and
Hood River while
tourliiiC tin- Nort li
the day' events concluded with a
musical program.
car built F. L. Smith left vesterdav
I''. .1. i ini; on a trip to Portland.
I Mr. and Mrs. C. It. Williams of chl
cauo are spending I heir vacation on
tlielr ranch here.
Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Fordlnu have
taken apartments for a few weeks at
the Villa Saint Clair, Portland.
Miss Rose Swindells, who has been
on the tiiirsim; staff of the Cottage
hospital, has irotie to Portland to
Mrs. Fuji, who keeps the Japanese
boardlilic house next to Nlicuma's, is
quite 111 and Is undericolnic treatment
at the hospital.
A sou was born last week to Mr.
and Mrs. (). L. Craton at M osier.
Mrs. Cr.iton was formerly Miss llnl
ilah llltirlchs of this city.
A piano for a nickel, if you net the
lucky iilimtHT at .lack Morrison's
shooting icallery on Second street.
A chance with every bullseye. L'.'itf
For Rent Dowilcn potato diicer.
Saves the cost of dliriclnjc. Will
dliC several acres a day. liets your
crop lu In a hurry. For terms call
Scott, Phone 111. istfc
The Flks' special from Ladrande
stopped here about 7 o'clock Mon
day mornltiiC for breakfast. There
were about. I .VI of the antlered herd
aboard and they took breakfast at
the Hotel) recoil.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lara way, who
have been spending several weeks In
Southern California, are here for a
few days. Mr Larawny Is to take
his brother, Seth's, place at lOuene.
while the latter icocs to New York to
buy stock for his store and Ids fath
er's store here.
Much Interest has been taken this
wek In the passage of the Flks' spec
ials through the city. The schedule
havbiic been announced la advance,
many were at the station to icreet
old friends from the Fast who are In
attendance at the icrand lode ses
sion lu Portland.
Ir. Charles Montgomery, one of
the board of alderman at St. Paul
and a prominent resident of that
Ity, was In town Saturday with
Fred Ininnlcllff, eiFtor of the White
Salmon Fnterprlse. ir. Monticom
ry was taken out Into the valley
ami was loud In Its praises. Mr.
Ilunnlcllff, who Is also secretary of
the White Salmon Commercial Club,
has adopted the policy of showing
their visitors Hood River valley first
In order to iclve t hem an Idea of what
he believes the valley across the riv
er Is coining to.
lilt a bull's e eat .lack Morrison 'h j
shootliiic iC'illerv. Just opened, and
you icet a chance on a line piano. J.".tf
William Powers, elect 1 1. i 1 1 1 fur the
mill at Pee. spent last week In Port
land. Mrs. Powers accompanied
hi in
For Rent Howdeli potato dlicicer.
All you do Is sack them. The dinner
does the hard work; will save you
money and time. For terms call
Scott, Phone 111. ;L'Stfc
Mr. and Mrs. .losepli W. Went of
Dee were In town Sunday accom
punylnjc her sinter and family, who
were ret uridine to Onden after a visit
The lumberliiic plants of the Oregon
Lumber company at Dee and the'
Stanley Smith "ompmiy at ( recti '
Point, started tip Monday iiioriiln I
after several days' layoff for the I
Fourth. "
Mrs. V. A. Wlllan! of Albany. X.Y.,
Mr. and Mrs. ,1. R. Collord of Sprlnic-'
field, Mass., and I'ster I! Jeffries of
Spokane arrived yesterday to visit i
Mr. ami Mrs. F. C. Smith and Mr.
and Mrs. F. I'. Deem entertained
last i vciiliui In hi r of Mrs K.ithcr-
llie I (liver McCoy . Mrs McCiiv Is all
entertainer of note :itnl uave Home
reading In a delightful manner.
Anions the w..inen who accoin
panled their husbands or friends to
Portland yesterday inornlnic were
Mrs li. II Stelnhoff, Mrs. Charl.s
Cast tier and daughter Frances, MIhh
Stella Richardson, Mrs. C. p. Rohh.
Mrs. .1. M. CullM rlHoii ami Mrs. T. II.
I J. Jeffries on the
Mr. and Mm
Fast Side.
Mr. and Mrs. If. li. Cotton, their
daughter. Miss (iretchen, and icnest. !
Miss Fllzabeth Roles of Xevv York, j
came from Portland the last of the I
week and after Inspecllnic their ranch I
went to (loud Cap Inn for a short!
Harold and Leila. Hemliner left on
Friday for" California, where they
will spend their vacation. They will I
visit Los Aiueeles, San Francisco,!
and other places or Interest. They
took the steamer at Portland on
Saturday for San Pedro.
Mens Clothes
Cleaned and Pressed
The work we do upon Men's
clothes is very much lietter
than that you obtain at every
averaKe pressing shop.
We really clean your clothes
- not merely sponge them ov
er and remove, for a time,
spots by local treatment.
And we press your garments
as would a tailor. Make them
fit ritfht, hanjr rijrht and hold
hold their shape.
Our service may cost you a
little more, but it's cheaper in
the end, for its not required
as often.
Spauldings Tailor Shop
OMent, Lar get, Be.t. I'hnnfl I3 X
insure with Reefj & Henderson, Inc.
Fire, Accident, Life, Automobile, Plate (la5.,
Uurglary, Hmployer's Liability; including
Also Judicial, Officfal and Indemnily Bonds
Resident Ai'ent for: Travelers Insurance Co.
Pacific Coast Casualty Co.
Commercial Union Assurance Co., I Ad., of London
Hanover Fire Insurance Co. of New York
Pelican Assurance Co. of New York
Heal Estate Loans