THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 10. 1912 7 8 Washington ice cream When you are on State Street drop in the MODEL BAKERY and tret a dish of Washington Ice Cream. It is the fiest ice Cream served in Hood Kiver. All kinds of drinks served at our Soda Fountain GEO. ERTLE, Proprietor Phone 91-K f ourth and State Streets E C U R S I O N Don't miss the Launch Excursion on Wednesday and Sunday even ings at 8 o'clock. The greatest thing of the season. CAPT. O. I). TRKIDKU The Dry Season Is Nearly Here Look at your wagon wheels and see if the tires do not need tightening. Loose tires will cause loose spokes and otherwise damages the wheels. Better have this work done before you use the wagon to haul your crop of berries. Bring your wagon to us and let us put it in good shape for the coming dry season. W. G. SNOW (SurcvHMtr to SNOW & l.TSON) I'hone 62-k Fourth Street In the Race for Leadership "Benjamin" Clothes Always Win IN the busy marts of trade, in the social whirl, clothes may not make the man, but they are a big help. Appearances count for a great deal. The best dressed men of America "Wear A Benjamin," the clothes of the leaders. This leader wears an Avon model. A suit which is exceed ingly popular with the very M dressy. J. G. VOGT Gordon Hats for Men (ifwl) NORTH Have You Ever MAI) A Visit by the Sea OR A Run on the Sandy Shore AT BEACH WASHINGTON Did you know you could reach this delightful, care laying, health Riving, lun making SUMMER RESORT By taking the O.-W. R. & N. to Portland Then Down the Columbia River via Steamers T. J. Potter," "Massalo" and 'Harvest Queen" To MEGLER Where trains connect with boats for North llencli Points You Can You Should Ask any agent of the O.-W. R. & N. anil find out how little It will cost to leave care and dust and heat behind and have a real RUST BY TMl;iSl:A row further pamticulams apply to J. H. FREDRICY, Agent 0-W. R. & N. Tito NEWS For Printing. POETIC TRIBUTE IS PAID MOUNT HOOD Frank V. Stone of Vancouver, Wiihli., Iiiih penned the latent poem on Mt. Hood, mm follow. In the iltiwn of early morning, When the bonta of nljrlit have lied The mured of unen HcornliiKt Hood reurM IiIm Know-capped head Snlline and alone In liU Klory, (iuardliiK the valley below, ItiiKgeii am) Hk'i'd and hoary. Crowned with eternal hiiow. TowerlnK above the foothlllw, In a Hlilminer of rowv Huht, We feel HurccaHe of life's IIIh, And heed not time's rapid flight, An we gaze on the myHtlc, shading Of orange, and crimson and gold. And watch the shadows fading From crag and pinnacle bold. I)e'p seamed and thunder-riven, And gashed by glacial How. Shrouded In snow wraiths driven Ity lierce winds from below; While ever above the storm cloud, The summit, at break of day, Klses free from the mist cloud, Kellcctlng the sun's first ray. Kissed by the sun's first greeting, As bridegroom salutes the bride, Koreas and I'hoebus meeting, Ardor and chilling pride, Fainting the glaring lee fields, A marvelous rosy hue, Tints no human brush yields, (ilow and then pass from view. And when the dark Invaders, Steal upward through gorge and glen. The hosts of light, crusaders, Are forced to retreat again; On the crest of Hood white gleaming They make a last brave stand. Till o'er it dark cohorts streaming, Again night shadows the land. Hmplres may rise and perish, Seasons will come and go. The works of man we cherish, Will fade as they older grow, lint thou, majestic mountain, Like God's eternal truth, Of crystal streams and fountain. Art symbol of age and youth. H LOB MRCLIB "anriv Pout. G. A (t.-Mwti mt th K. of P. hall the vcond and fourth Saturdays of the month at Z p. m. l irowell, commander; S, F. Iflythe. adjutant. fmnhy W. R. C. No, 16-MwU wcond and fourth Saturday cf each month in K. of hall at 2 p. m. Mrs. A blue Baker, president; Mr, Kath ryn Uill. secretary. fVurt Hrxal River. No. 42, F. of A., meeta every Thuriwiay evening in K. of P. hall. Vinitirtfr rorcBtcrn always welcome. Wm. r lemming-, C.R.; r . U iiromua, t . S. tTnl River 1 ire No. 105, A. F. A A. M AAMeetn Saturday ewninjr on or before each full moon. Geo. Slorom, W. M.; D. Mclunald, secre tary. 1 1 nod River Camp, No. 7702. M. W. A.-MeeU in A AK. of P. hall finit and third Wednesday nights. C. S. Jones, V. C; C. U. Dakin. clerk. TT-iod River Camp. No. 770, W. O. W.-Meeta at A A K. of P. hall the second and fourth Wednesday nifrhts of each month. A. C. Staton, C. C; Kent Shoemaker, clerk. t Tom) River Valley Hjmane Society-Phone 2. 1AK. II. Hart wig, preeident; Harold Hershner, secretary; Leslie Butler, treasurer. Tdlewilde Ltwltre, No. 107. 1. O. O. F.-Meet in A Fraternal hall every Thursday evening at 7:00, at the corner of Fourth and Oak street. Visiting brothers welcomed. A. R. Crump, N. G.; G. W Thompson, secretary. L'emp Lodge. No. 1H1, I. O. O. F.-Meet in lvthe(dd Fellows hall at Odell every Saturday night. Visiting brothers cordially welcomed. O. H. Roadea. N. G.; F. U Kelso, secretary. T aurel Reheka Ixvlge No. 87. I. O. O. F.-Meets lirnt and thinl Mondays in each month. Lulu Corey, N. G.; Nettie Walsh, secretary. l fountain Home Camp. No.' S49, R. N. A. Meets at K. of l hall on the second and fourth Fridays of each month. Mrs. Lulu Cary, O.; Mrs. Klla Dakin, recorder. Qteta Awsembly, No. 105. U. A. Meet in their hall the tirst and third Wednesdays, work; second and fourth Weilnestlays, social. C. U. Henrichs. M. A.; W. H. Austin, secretary. Riverside I-odge. No. (W. A. O. IT. W.-Moeta in K. of P. hall the flrst and third Wednesday nights of the month. Visiting brothers cordially welcomed. Newton Clark, M. W.; Chester Shute, recorder. Vraicoma Ioilge. No. 30. K. of P. Meet in their Castle Hall very Tuesday night, when visiting brothers are fraternally welcomed. S. W. Stark. C. C.I Lou. S. Isenberg. K. f R. & S. yuna Temple Pythian Sisters. No. 6-Meets the thin) and nflh Tuesday of each month at K. of P. hall. Kat Frederick, M. K. C; Gertrude Stark. M. of R. A C. Dangerous Bleedings humetlaip. tnjktw VARltXilt YklNt Otir Wovro-to-Kit Silk Elastic Hosiery relieves at onee often cures. Stocking, Knee Cap, Anklet 8lf-imMurviitnl bi.nkoa ..pllratloa WOODARD, CLARKE CO. 1'ertlaod, Orra NEW SCHEDULE IHcunt Hoccl RaiCrcacl Time Table Affective June 18, 1912 Soutr6cunft Daily except Sundays Lv. Hood River 8 a. m. Ar. I'arkdale 10:25 a. m. Lv. Hood Kiver 1:13 p. in. Ar. Parkdale 3:15 p. m. Sunday only Lv. Hood Kiver 8 a. m. Ar. Parkdale 9:45 a. m. rXtfrlftf'cuno' Daily except Sunday Leave Parkdale 10:45 a. m., ar rive Hood Kiver 12 ni. Leave Parkdale 3:45 p. m., ar rive Hood Kiver 5:30 p. in. Sunday only IiOnve Parkdale 4 p. m., arrive Hood Kiver 5:30 p. m. A. WILSON. Agent. OREGON IS BEST STATE FOR CHERRIES According to recent O A. ('. 1ml letlu In no part of the I'nlted State are cherries grown to so high u le gree of erffCtlon as In the Btate of Oregon. Their nlze and dellcloiiHiu-HM huve given them a world wlile repu tation. In KuHtern Oregon In hoc li regloiiH hh The Dalles, Cove, etc. cherries are grown largely fur nhlp ping purposes; while In Western Ore gon and In the Willamette Valley es peclally they are grown fur both shipping and canning. Thousands of acres of fine cherry lands are lying Idle. The leading commercial vari eties are Itoyal Anne, Lambert and lilng; the Itoyal Anne being the stan dard caunlng terry and the I.atnlert and Blng the shipping varieties. Cherries should never be placed on soli that Is heavy or waterlogged, or, In short, should never suffer from wet feet. They do well on the light er loams and demand good drainage. Many of the rolling hill lands, such as one finds In Western Oregon, are admirably adapted to this fruit. They also flourish on some of the well- dralned sand and silt loams along the rivers. They are large growing trees, and will need at least X feet when reaching their mature size They should be given very good spring cultivation, although lu many localities It would be very desirable not to give spring preparation so early as to cause the sap to rise be fore the permanent spring weather. The ground should be thoroughly prepared and frequent cultivations lollow until tuld-summer. Cherries grow especially well in lawns and It may be that at some time the most successful cherry culture will lie prac tlced where cherries are placed In the sod of some growing crop, nud Irri gation water provided. There seems to be a notion preva lent that cherries should not be cul tivated or pruned. This Is an erron eous opinion and Is not based upon facts. While It Is true that guin- mosls kills off quite a large number of cherry trees especially those hav ing light llesb, nevertheless I am con vinced that more large cherry trees die from neglect than from any other cause. There Is a varied market for the output. They can le packed ami shipped east, canned, dried and pick led for Maraschino cherries. More attention should be given to this In dustry. Pre cooling plants should established for shipping points. The Industry offers an attractive Invest ment. The production at times Is extremely heavy, the yield reaching as high as from 000 to mm pounds of fruit on a single tree. One should fairly expect to net from $100 to JJ00 per acre on cherries, although uu- doubtedly at times much better fig ures arc realized, such as JiiOO to $700 per acre. WHITE SALMON (From the Enterprise) Miss Mae Cameron of this place was married to Charles Uaggerty of Aberdeen at the Catholic church of White Salmon Wednesday at 10 a.m., I'ather Francis officiating. F.Iks at the Portland convention will eat Mosler red cheek pippins, the committee setting out to buy the best apples possible at this time of the year. They found the pippins of our neighboring town In fine condi tion. (illlett State Hank paid Its second semi annual dividend of 4 per cent on July lst,tesldcs placing $."00 to the surplus fund. This shows a net arnlng of ti per cent since January 1. It also Indicates encouraging busi ness conditions throughout the district. Just when It was believed that everything was already to oil the streets, the matter fell through, the Koad Oiling Company, engaged at Hood Kiver, deciding not to risk the mssnge of their heavy truck to the ferry raft, though Mr. Dean was will ing to take the chances. The Stan- lard t Ml Company Is loat li to sell oil In barrels, nothing less than L0 bar rel tank ears, lluylng crude oil 'y the barrel, the company says, wo.iKl prove very expensive. A Woman's Hcauty Depends very much upon the np- IM'arance of her hair. I am prepared to make combings up to your order and to furnish switches, puffs and curls made of genuine human cut hair In any shade desired. The Itratiir Mercantile Co. will be pleased to show them and give pttees. Mrs. Woodburn, phone l'.'l M. Real Estate Bulletin Are You in the Market for a Snap? LOOK THESE OVER 1G0 acres in Upper Valley, near Mt. Hood store, cost to clear not to exceed $75 per acre. All good apple land. I under ditch. No waste. Price $50 per acre. Terms $3000 cash; balance to suit. 40 acres, 17 acres in 7 year old Spitz and Newtowns, balance partially cleared; very fine red shot soil none steep or rocky. 25 inches free water. Price for short time only $200.00 per acre. Terms i cash, balance 5 years. 5 acres close to town on West side, all in high class 2 and 3 year old commercial orchard. Fair house, good barn, etc. Price $4250. Terms on part. 10 acres in Belmont district, 9 acres in 4 year Spitz and New towns; 1 acre timber reserved for building site. On main road. Price $5500. Terms $1000 cash, balance to suit. High class central Oregon stock ranch, value about $15000, to ex change for Hood River valley property. This is not junk and is not plastered with a heavy mortgage. ...Insurance... Of All Kinds Written In Stand ard Companies Only 6, Y. EDWARDS & CO, Office Hotel Oregon Dldg. Phone No. 2XK A. V I (TROUBLE WITH OLD HARNESS A runaway mav cause more than trouble: Seriousinjuries and sometimes death are the awful results. An old Harness is often responsible, but a new Harness with weak spots in it is just as bad. The kind we sell have NO WEAK SPOTS You will get your money's worth if you buy harness of us. R. G. YOWELL & GO. Bell Building Hood River, Ore. MANY USERS IN HOOD RIVER VALLEY OF OXYPATIIORS TRY THIS MACHINE AND IF NOT SATISFIED RETURN (iuarantced to cure without drugs Paralysis, Rheumatism. Bright Disease, Liver 1 roubles. Nervous ness, Blood Poisoning, May Fever L. J. GATES, 2102 K BOAT LANDING CHANGED Beginning this week and continuing until about July 1 5 th, the Steamer TEAL will doclt at Underwood Ferry Landing, opposite railroad station. Steamer TEAL arrives from Port land and waylandings Sunday, Tues day and Thursday; leaves for Port land and waylandings Monday, Wed nesday and Friday. For further information and rates PHONU S. PAGE, Agent No. 226 When you feel rdt vous, tired, worried er despondent it i a sure siKn vou need MOTT'S NERVERINE PILLS. They renew the normal vigor and make life worth living Pe ur nd aid for Mott's Nerverine Pills l??, WILLIAMS MFC. CO., Propi., CUt.UdJ. Ohio For Sale by Carl A. Hath, Druggist Kent & Garrabrant Confectionery, Cigars Fishing Tackle Spaulding's Sporting Goods All Kinds of Soft Drinks Oak Strt. oioite Smith Hlock. Ilixxl Hirer Piles! Piles! Piles! Williams' Imllan 111.- Ointment will euro I Ullnil, Hlffilinir nn.l Itrlnnu 1'ilrs. It ab- j nirbs the tunnim. allays it.-liinir .it onre, nrts An a punltuv. ku' relief. Wllllmm' In.liim I'll.' Ointment l fre. , pared fur I'ilen nml In him; ef tin- j'rivata pirta I'rtiKKlM. tn ill ;'v nn.l $1 u. ; WILLIAMS MF& CO., Pro l.. CI.fHnd. OhH for Sale by Carl A. Hath, Druggist If You Are Thinking of Building the New Residence, See tf?i TTri TTFtTi SI l f T IT V v y :r y a- t f :i: -j v tt V g J Our Specialty Is Building Designs Hood River, Oregon The following amounts have been placed with us for investment in high grade First Mortgage Loans $ 600 500 700 500 900 600 1 000 1 000 1 300 1 250 1 200 Butler Banking Co Upper Valley People Will now be able to secure strictly FRESH MEATS throughout the summer. We have just installed a capacious cooler for use in connection with our meat market. ICE FOR SALE A complete line of goods to meet all the needs of the Upper Valley. R. J. M clsaac St Co. Parkdale, Oregon nil Special Prices for a short time on Wagons Buggies and Disc Marrows CJ Don't buy until you learn our prices. We can interest you if you need anything in these lines. Blowers Hardware Co. The Firm that "Makes Good" a It pay to advertise