The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, July 10, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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The New s In In receipt of I Me follow
ing letter from II O. I-robnch, until
recently secret nry of the Ashland,
' ire.. Commercial Club ami a former
resident of Minneapolis:
"1 wish to congratulate llooil 1 1 1 v -er
lu getting Wllmer Sleg a the man
ager of the Apple lirowers I'nlon.
,-I have known Mr. Sleg for many
year and must nay that Hood Hlver
ha gained one of Milwaukee's in out
Influential and public spirited men.
1 have only one regret In Mr. Slew's
coming to the Went and that 1 le
canse he In not located lu the Hogue
Hlver Valley. Such men an he Is, Is
what In most needed here.
"The endowed clippings were taken
from the F. veiling Wisconsin (July 1)
i nd they show the respect he had of
lils fellow associates In Milwaukee."
J. C. Johnsen
Home of
Where the Best
Values ComeFrom
Mr. Automobile Owner
Bring your Tip R TROUBLES to
We make a specialty of vulcanizing and retreading and our
work is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We will save you
money and trouble. 413 Oak Street, Hood River, Ore.
Cash Grocery
Some of Our Prices This Week
15 lbs. best Fruit Sugar for ....$1.00
2 cans Jersey Queen Milk for.. 15c
3 cans Carnation and Libby Milk for... 25c
Diamon, Crown and High Flight Flour, sack ..$1.45
Per Barrel $5. GO
Special Prices on Fruit Jars
Mason Pts. 55c, Qts. G5c, Half G., 85c
Economy Pts. 8.5c, Qts. $1.10, HalfG. $1.40
Shrams Pts. 75c, Qts. 85c, Half G. $1.30
Oregon Lumber
Band Sawed Lumber on Hand
Estimates Furnished. Call on Either Phone
The clippings follow:
More than l. members of the Mil
waukee Athletic it'll attended a fare
well banquet ou Saturday night for
Wllmer Si. 'g who, alter twenty-five
years a secretary of the A. tirossen
bach company, left on Sunday for
Hood Hlver, Oregon., to assume his
duties as mnnagerof the Hood Itlver
Apple Cirowers' Association.
Judge Joseph tS. ltonn.lly was
toastniaster. He paid a trltmte to
Mr. Sleg's fellowship and business
ability, llev. James O istU r deliver
ed the Invocation. Addresses were
made as follows: II. J. IVsmond,
"His Social Organizations;" ( A. A
Mctiee. "Ills Fraternal Affiliations;"
Omar i. Hryant, "Ills Itustness He
latlons;" John (i. tircgory, "The
1'ress." Itev. V. T. Dorward ex
pressed the thanks of Mr. Sleg for
the club farewell.
A cabinet of gold was presented
Mr. Sleg at the close of the program.
The following poem was read:
Wllmer, we are sad to say to you,
Now you're off, a long good day to
We would like to have you here with
Always, for you make good cheer
with us.
But, to speak In sober verity,
We'd not hamper your prosperity.
All that's best in life's the stuff for
We can't wish success enough fory on.
j Where you go you enrry jollity
You're a man of extra quality.
You can leave us with Impunity.
Sure to please your tiew community.
For, (iod bless you! you've a way
with you
That where'er you go will stay with
And endear the folks who meet with
You will find they'll all be sweet
with you.
But when you may want a holiday
Come back here 't will be a Jolly day
We will kill the fatted calf for you.
We will drink in half-and-half for you.
We will hug you and will shout for
Turn Mil waukee Inside out for you.
We will here's a pledge of bliss for
Have another time like this for you.
Hegular Sunday excursion to Park
dale. Pleasant trip for j ourself and
So far iih cherries areconeerned the
present Kcnunii In proving nil unusual
'iu In thin respect that there ha
been a big crop In nil cherry-produe-lug
sections the country over Kv
cry Mt'tloii of the country which pro
duces cherries reports large supplies.
Some have not the quality which In
found tn the more favored sections of
the Northwest, hut all have the
quantity and as a consequence the
marketH have lecii glutted during
the past few days.
The local I'nlou in accepting cher
rtes. Including Htngs, Lamberts Hoy
al A tinett and I Hack Republican, all
In bulk with the stems on. They re
port Home dltllculty with the pack
ing made by the growers where
they; have only put on one face
row and have not made the rent of
the pack sutlielently solid to hold the
face row In position. When this
happens the cherries become jumbled
and there Is no market. It Is advis
ed that there Is no market for pnek
ed stuff. Only the best of this will
move and farmers are advised not to
pack their cherries except for private
Although cherries retail for appar
ently high prices In the F.astern
markets, producers In this section
cannot expect big returns for the rea
son that the express and packing
charges are necessarily high. At the
present time, It Is pointed out. Hood
Hlver does not produce enough
cherries to make shipments In car
load lots. Shipments lu less than
carload lots entail large express
charges and as a consequence the
production of this fruit Is not yet on
a good commercial basis In this sec
tion. Notice!
All claims for service and supplies
furnished for the Fourth of July cele
bration must be tiled with C. If.
Vanghau at the Hutler Hanking Co.
on or before Friday, July 12, 1912,
nud must lenr the approval signa
ture of the member of the committee
by whom ordered.
The committee desire to express
their sincere appreciation for the
generous aid given them by the cltl
zens In funds, tlni", grounds, auto
mobiles, etc., which resulted In a suc
cessful celebration. Signed
K. (). lilnnchar,
C. F. Gilbert,
Carl II. Vaughan,
(ieorge Thompson,
Frank A. Cram,
J. tl. llrllbronner,
(J. A Clarke,
Fugene, Ore. Hood Hirer Is an
Ideal rural community, declared Ir.
Joseph Schafer, In a recent lecture at
the Summer Session of the University
of Oregon.
The question was asked during a
discussion of the relative Influence of
rural and urban communities on the
movements of history, whether an
Ideal rural community had ever ac
tually existed. Dr. Schafer replied
Instantly that Hood Hlver Is one. He
said that he hail Just visited the
place and to his mind the Hood Hlv
er district formed the ideal rural com
"The people of the town and coun
try are of the same social level," he
said. "They have practically the
same Interests and are at perfect
peace and harmony with each other.
Churches, postofliees and grocery
stores are scattered about conven
iently. Telephones, electric lights,
rural delivery, water supply, good
roads for the automobiles In which
nearly every one may run to town
In a few minutes have developed a
community In which there Is very
little difference bet ween the town and
the country. The schools are good,
the people are Intelligent anil pro
gresslve and work together harmon
iously. This seems to me to be an
Ideal community."
Christian and Missionary Alliance
Sunday school at 9:4."., H.C. Met?.,
superintendent. I'renchlng at II a.
m. Young I'eople's meeting at 7:1.
p. in. Evangelistic service at X p. m.
Prayer meeting Thursday evening at
7:4."i. These are full Gospel meetings.
Our motto, Jesus Only. All are cor
dially Invited. W. I. Kirk, Pastor.
J. R. AICKELSIN, Proprlntor
Bntdcr of I. C. W. Uohornt. w. P. Rock I
nf I. C. shed Kltni fftdl.
Indlin Rvnntr Ducks
lffpHrf rwt younff ifwli for mI. Or
dVrt booked now. Poultry yrdi 1 S mile
weat of city at FrankUm. Pbon 32&-X.
Some observations that have been
made lately by hog raiser in the
Tlclnlty of Penver seem to show that
cholera has teeu much more preva
lent In herds which have received lit
part of their rutlou hotel and restau
rant awlll. The fact has beeu noted,
but Just why It la so has not been de
termined. One of the greatest sources of disin
tegration and corruption In a govern
ment such as our own lies In the In
difference and apathy of the so called
"good citizen," who has to be hauled to
the polls to vote by those Interested In
the principles of representative gov
ernment or those actuated by corrupt
or selfish motives.
$10,000 LOSS TO
Keports from Snake river, Whs!).,
orchards show that much damage
was done to fruit by the wind storm
which swept over that country re
cently. Many fruit trees were up
rooted, others were split by the
wind and none escaped the loss of
some limbs, while thousands of
bushels of fruit were blown from the
The Alpowa Orchard company suf
fered a serious loss. This company
We have on our floor a new Dowden Potato
Digger which we want you to see. It is worth
close investigation', and our line of Vehicles is
also worthy of your attention. We have sev
eral Studebaker Buggies and Spring Wagons
on which we are willing to sacrifice. We are
closing out this line of goods. Nothing cheap
about them they are exceptional bargains.
Everyone guaranteed. If you are interested,
take our hunch and call early.
owns the l.u Kollette orchard of 2,r0
acres and estimates Its loss at $10,
(MX). M 8. Johnson, of the Lyhecker
farm, suffered the loss of a large por
tion of the fruit from his trees and
had many trees blown out by the
roots and others split and wrecked.
From all orchards on the river come
reports of serious damage. The wind
storm was the worst ever known.
For live minutes the weather obser
vatory of the state college registered
a velocity of (5.1 miles an hour and
for more than an hour the velocity
was Ik) miles.
Huy a "Warren" for power, econo
my, comfort. F. J. Patterson, Agt.
U.S. Nlchol has made the sale of
the Thomas Shere place lu the liar
rett section of the valley to F.. C.
(iandy of Portland, consideration
Mr. (iandy, wife and daughter are
here and have taken possession of
the place. Mr. Shere will move to
Portland, ns he took some property
there as part payment.
The News tells It all.
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