The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, July 10, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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Thay Do All tha Hard Work Whila
Laxy Man Loll and 8moka.
The lot of wvuiurn lu I'ortuniil Is not
II -iiIhI! oiir. mi onllntc to Mr. All
Ihvj K. C lu-ll. mtio lu UU txxk. "In
I'm Intnl." tlnia df rlU's (be labor
(hat fulls to tlicir klmre.
"l'or(in;ut-e tutu are so notoriously
indolent tlin: it Is no exu.'i.vrution to
mj lliHt two itiinls of tbe work of For
liiKiil Is done by women. To ttiem the
I'oi'tuirueae word niourejar is really p.
'lli alle. hIik e. lu fai t, ttify work Ilka
Moors or slaves. Ttiej work la the
fields and npiar to Ih-ii ' the brunt of
the laUir
"In one flold the woman In the heat
f the day draws up bucket after buck- ' ut where was the professional photog
rt of water while the man sits perched i apber to be found who would ynder
In a nhady olive tree. In the neighbor- 1 xke to go Into Tborenu's country In
lug field a man watches six women at
work among the maize. In a third
a group of women stand working In
the summer sun while a group of men
itlt at the same work under a vine trel-
"Everywhere are to be seen women
with huge loud of Immense weight,
while the men accompany them empty
banded. The man lies In his ox cart
and must have a clgnrro and a cope of
wine or brandy after bis hard day's
work, or he sits at his counter and bids
bis wife go out Into the cruel sunshine
to fetch a heavy Miten of water or
other provisions. Women work In the
quarries. Women row heavy barges.
Wherever there is bard work women
are to be found."
It Datea From the Time That tha Erie
Canal Was Opened.
If we seek the original creator of
landed wealth in New York we must
look over the beads of Astor and the
Goelets to De Witt Clinton, the man
who in 182.1 pushed to completion the
Erie canal.
I'p to that time New York was not
Inevitably marked out for the Amer
ican metropolis. In 1S00 Philadelphia
was actually a larger city, and Balti
more, with Its splendid harbor and its
inland river communication, confident
ly expected to grasp the nation's com
merclal leadership
But the Erie canal changed the situ
ation in a twinkling It placed the city
In communication with inland New
York an agricultural empire In Itself,
whose wealth bad previously flowed
by way of the Susquehanna river to
Baltimore and New York became the
seaport for the agricultural states bor
dering on the great lakes.
Until the Erie canal was opened It
bad cost (88 a ton to transport wheat
from Buffalo to Albany. With this
new waterway the cost fell to some
thing more than $.Y A string of cities,
several of which became large ones,
sprang up along Its course, all tribu
tary to New York. Burton J Uendrlck
in McClure's Magazine-
Unconscious Bravery.
At a place called Anghln. about for
ty miles south of Bangkok, a China
man and his wife cultivated a small
sugar cane plantation The man bad
been greatly annoyed by having bis
cane eaten by bis neighbors' buffalo
calves. Coming borne one evening Just
at dark, he saw what be thought was
one of the marauders at work on the
cane. Stealing silently up behind It,
he struck It a mighty blow with a
heavy club. The animal dropped with
out a sound. The Chinaman told bis
wife what be bad done and added,
"That calf will steal no more of my
cane." In the morning he found that
the "calf" was a full grown tiger Fie
had killed It by breaking Its neck. Just
as the woman of Nam had done. And
John was so much impressed with his
own narrow escape that he took to his
led and was sick for a week. Youtb'a
A Glass Neddie Stiletto.
Aa diabolical a ceclirien cf r.mrder
ous Ingenuity as ever vas discovered
by the oll e is one day in the
lossertslon f s Chinaman who had
txen ft-erklug in a laundry In New Or
leans and who was believed to have
Intended using it Uxn his employer
It was a tiny stiletto, with a handle
about as thick as a carpenter's pencil
and a blade four Inches long of glass,
pointed as keenly as a needle. A tiny
groove bad been filed croiind the blade
close to the hilt Sup It was driv
en luto a man's body It would be cer
tain to brek off at the groove and
leave three Inches of glass deep In bis
flesh. What Is more, the puncture
would le so tiny that It would prob
ably clone at once and show no mark,
not even a single drop of blood
Wouldn't Havo Missed.
As a battalion was returning from
rifle practice at the ranges a shot was
discharged from the lending company,
apparently by accident, but the bullet
pjissed uncomfortably close to the colo
nel. "Iook here." he roared to the cup
lain of the company, "who fired that
sbotT" "Sir," replied the officer proud
ly, "It can't le a mnn of my company,
fer they are all Brut class shots." Lon
don (ilobe.
Refined Rooting.
The English root very politely
V'ben a cricketer lands a fly the
t, eacherites yell: "Oh, Jolly well
i-night! Oh. very well caught In
ai-ed!" Kometlmes when a player
llaya unusually well they write him a
(te the next day -Louisville Courier
i Well Satisfied.
' First Negro- I hwib that Andrew
Jackson Jones am run over by an an
lomol.lle I'ld he get any aatlsfac
tlouT hVootid Negro He suttlnly did
Me look de machine's numler. played
HU. y wif It an' won flO!- Hattre
tnd tha Peculiar Coineidanea by
Which It Was Solvsd.
Some years ago publishing bouse
raa preparing to lsnue a Dew edition,
f the writings of Thoreau, writes
"harlea 8. Olcott In Art aud Progrvaa
fhe bead of the bouse and a member
f bis staff were In consultation about
I he method of Illustration. It rJ
I igrtd tbat the pictures must be true
! t nature, but bow to pot them wa
tie problem. Artists who do book II
ustratlng could uot be expected to go
nto the woods and make pictures
i a-hleb would In any way assist the
I ext to reveal nature as Thoreau saw
! t. Photographs would be admirable.
tunsblne and rain. In summer and win
er, to catch all the pbasea of nature
thlcb Thorenu recorded in his "Jour
i ial7"
While the two men pondered a caller
tat Id the outer office with a large port
lollo under his arm. Five years before
e had read Thoreau's "Journal" and
lad taken up his residence In Concord
.hat be might visit the scenes there
lescrlbed. In all seasons and all kinds
)f weather he had wandered through
Jae woods and over the fields with
lis camera. Passionately fond of na
il re. he was no less devoted to art
I him photography was a pastime.
It was not bis profession. For the
pure love of nature and of art and
rith no thought of pecuniary gain he
lad accomplished the very feat which
.he two business men had thought so
iifflcult, and by a curious coincidence
ae appeared at the office to exhibit
:he result of his work at fie precise
lioment when Its desirability was be
ns discussed.
Horrible Custom of Japanese Prior to
Year 646 A. D.
Prior to the year 64tl A. D. the Japa
nese bad one of the most horrible bur
al customs that can be imagined that
f burying all the Immediate friends
ind retainers of a prince or other per
on of note In a standing position
iround the potentate's grave aud leav
ng them in the earth up to their necks
to perish of thirst aud hunger.
The custom cannot be said to have
seen general as late as the date given.
Tor the Japanese records prove that lu
:he time of the Emperor Sulnln i9"-30
B. C.) the burial rites of royal person
tges were so modified as to partially
ibollsh former cruelties. Speaking of
I young brother of Sulnln. who died
ind had his retinue burled standing
iround bis grave, the old record says:
'For many days they died not but
wept and cried aloud. At Inst they
lied. Dogs and crows assembled and
ite off their bends The emperor's
.ompasslon was aroused, and he de
sired to change the manner of burial
When the empress died, soon after, the
mikado Inquired of his officer If some
'ting in the way of a change could
aot be suggested, and one proposed to
make clay figures of men and burv
:hem as substitutes."
Tbat this did not entirely do away
with the former custom is proved by
in edict issued In the year (Vltl A I..
the dute given first above, whic h for
bade the burial of living persons and
provided a penalty for further adher
nce to the awful rite -St Louis Re
public. Old Time Personally Conducted Tour.
The campanile looked down upon the
3rst agencies for conducted tours of
which we have record. Five hundred
years ago Venice controlled the pilgrim
ruffle to the Uoly Land, and quite a
aumber of firms made a good tfiing of
t They bad their offices in St Murk's
iquare, with all the apparatus of ad merit hoardings, flags and com
missionaires. The contract'stipulated
bow much space aboard a ship and
what food each pilgrim was to get
ind the agents undertook not merely
to carry the pilgrim across the sen. but
to couduct him personally to Jerusalem
ind to take over all negotiations with
the For the whole Journey
the charge was 25 to 30 dticats.-n third
to be paid before starting, a third In
Palestine and a third after returning
home. Manchester Guardian
Written In Slang.
Matthew Henry's commentary on the
Bible was written for the common peo
pie and In the slang of the day In
?ommentlng on Judges Ix he says:
"We are here told by what acts Ablme
lecb got Into the saddle. He hired for
bis service nil the acum and scoundrels
)t the country. Jot ham was really a
3ne geLtlemun. The Sechemltes were
the first to kick him off. They said
11 the 111 they could of bim In their tu
tile talk. The; drank health to bis con
A Bold, Bad Man.
The phrase "A bold, bad man," now
worn threadbare and comic, belong to
Spenser, who applied It to the Archl
(oago of "The Fnerle Queene" (1. I, 37:
A bold, bad man that dared to call by
treat Gonron. prince of darkness and
dead night
"I suppose your chief creditor Is verj
I h."
"Well, I should say so But even a I
tbat be acta as though I were living
tbove his means." Fllegende Blatter
A 8afe Lover.
Perkins Ikies the young man who
la courting your daughter leave at a
reasonable hour? Poter-Yes; I have
00 reason to kick.-Boston Transcript
To see good In a heart that seems
evil la to beget food there -Wllllim
Henry Phelps
Causes That Induce It When We Are
Intently Listening.
Why do we opeu our mouths when
Intently llsteuliig?
There are three causes, entirely In
dependent of one another, but acting
In uuisou, for this action. There U a
passageway called the eustachian tutie,
couuectlug the back of the throat and
the middle ear, the part behind the
drum. When Intently llstenlug we
bold our breath, and this permits
sound waves to enter the mouth aud
reach the eustachian tube, and lu this
way they reach the drum and re-enforce
the sound waves that come
through the uatural channel, the outer
In concentrated attention the mind Is
fully engrossed in the one subject, and
It loses control over voluutary muscles
that are not directly affected by the
Subject or the process Involved In the
motor activity that accompanlea men
tal activity. The muscles are relaxed,
the lower Jaw drops, and this opens
the mouth.
The third cause ta referable to ata
vlsm, or the tendency to return In form
or action to an early type. Early man,
like the animals, was urged to action
by the fundamental Instincts, self
preservation and race preservation.
His two alms were to secure food and
avoid or destroy enemies. Like the
animals, when bis attention was at
tracted by a sound he placed himself
In the attitude for Instant defense, at
tack or securlDg food. In this attitude
bis mouth was open to grasp Instantly
what came In his way. The tendency
to open the mouth when Intently lis
tening still remains. New York Amer
English Army Methods In the Execu
tion of Condemned Spiea,
The ceremony of disposing of a con
demned spy In the English army al
ways follows a definite precedent
The unfortunate man Is surrounded
by a detachment of Infantry, and after
be Is provided with a pick and shovel
he Is marched off to a selected spot
and ordered to dig bis own grave.
This done, the tools are taken from
bim nud bis eyes are bandaged. The
attending chaplain reads portions se
lected from the burial service, and
from the ranks of the escort twelve
men are selected at random by the
officer In charge.
These men. having stacked their own
rifles, are led to where twelve other
rifles are awaiting them, six of which
are loaded with blank cartridges. One
of these is handed to each man, so
that no one knows whether the rifle
be holds contains a bullet or not and
none can say for certain that the shot
Bred by him killed the prisoner. The
firing party then marches to an ap
pointed position. The commands "Pre
sent!" "Fire!" are given, and almost
before the Inst word rings out the
volley Is fired and the spy falls into
the grave be has dug.
Nearly every man Is more or less af
fecti-d on being selected to form one
of the firing party, and many men
have been known to faint away on be
Ing singled out while others ore so
overcome as to be scarcely able to
pull the triggers of their rifles.
Carlyld's Bluntnats.
Thomas Carl;-le once took Lord
Houghton (Richard Mllnesi to task In
regard to the proposed pension for
Lord Tennyson. "Richard Mllnea." said
Carlyle. taking bis pipe out of his
mouth, "when are ye gaun to get tbat
pension for Alfred Tennyson?" Mllnes
tried to explain tbat (here were dilll
cuttles In the way and that possibly his
constituents who knew nothing about
Tennyson would accuse bim of being
concerned In a Job were he to succeed
In getting the desired pension for the
poet "Richard Mllnes." replied the
sage, "on the day of Judgment w-hen
the Lord asks ye why ye dldnn get that
pension for Alfred Tennyson. It'll no do
to lay the blame on your constituents
It's you that'll be damned."
Vulcan, the, god of ancient black
smiths and metal workers, was lame
In consequence of a pretty hard fall
he bad In his early days. Jupiter and
Juno had a row, and Vulcan sided
with his mother against the old gen
tleman, who promptly kicked him out
of heaven. He fell for a whole day
and lighted on the Island of I-einnos.
broke his leg and received as severe
a shaking up as though he hnd turn
bled down an elevator shaft Aescu
Inplua set his leg, but, having only Just
received a diploma, did a oor Job. and
for a long time Vulcna went on a
Beloved of the Gods.
Miss Mary Anderson (Mme. Navar
ro) In the play of "Pygmalion and f Jul
atea" once tuniL-d with outstretched
arms toward the audience. She was
supposed to I appcr.llng to heaven
"The gods will help me!" she cried
At once with one accord the "gods" of
the gallery roared reapome. "We will!"
A Belt and a Bull.
Sergeant Now, then. Murphy, what's
the trouble? Murphy I'm looking for
me belt, siir'nt. Sergennt- Well. man.
you've got It on! Murphy Thankee,
arnt If you hadn't told me I would
have gone out without Itl tatidon An
swers. Of Ne Value.
Bailiff (In artlst'e flati-H m. noth
Ing worth much here. What's In the
studio? Servant- still -nothing
but pictures -Fllegende Blatter
Lire Is the childhood of our Immor
Ullty - Uoethe.
Paint Your Own
you can do it yourself and at little expense.
It's easy to give it a beautiful, hard, brilliant,
varnish-gloss finish in black or rich appropriate
is made especially to give to buggies, carriages
and vehicles of all kinds, a tough, durable, glossy
finish that will look well and wear well. An
ideal finish for settees, flower stands, porch furni
yj f- ,.-5 g" - TT-'T t -o -
TH. R.minototv U M C Cubs
choose aSmgle-shotRiNe Arnirarv SafrJv I nw Prirp
Many crack marksmen, now
of eye and hand to one of theso single shot, take-down rillea.
W have made t!ie price for the No. 4 and No. 6 rides low
enough to permit everyone to become acquainted willi the
Remington-UMC qualities of accuracy and safety.
Both rifles Have case-hardened frames, walnut stock and fore
arm and rifle Lult pldles.
The No. 6 (.22 or 32 calltrr) has Remington-UMC
s'eel barrel, is accurately rifled and chambered fur caps,
shorts or lonps, end has new design open front, rear and
ting peep sights. F'rice $4.00.
The No. 4 (.22, .25-10 and .32 ealibren) has an ortagoa
Land of Remington-UMC steel, automatic ejector and
Sporting rear sihii. List price, 6.00
Ferriington'UMCthe perfect shooting comblnntlon.
Remindton Arms-l'nion Metallic Cariridde Co.
233 Crojdwuy ' New Yuri City
Window Trim
Ten Pieces lied
Bund e eady to
Up - No Waste . . ,
fnrt.pli'te set of Window Trim ronnlBta of CaitlnK, Heart 'nnln.K,
Fillet, I an MoM. Window Htorn. Htuol ad Aoron. Vou have your
rhoke of St Hull None and Jllanti r (
'"rimlite Set of timid" !oor Trim
C'aslr.K. Fillet, (ap Mold and Uaae Uloiks.
n aid only
D. . I II I 4 s ' mZT S I IT.
ture, garden tools and all surfaces
that must withstand exposure and
hard usage. Ready to brush on
and the label tells how.
7.1 .-lJL
f ; jl. J' W
j -j ---- -
world famous, owe their training
ronfllnta of
CanltiR. It'nd
iTlie for
rirst quality S-erost pana'
a?0". $1.40
Inspected grnaiantaad
Fifteen alsaa at th's prlea.
K. D. Ontalda Door Frame.
com plat 91.85
K. D. Inalda Door Frm..76c
X. O. Baih Framaa, with ont-
alda caslcf and alU 90c
X. D. Window Framaa, with
blind atop, pnllea In plaea,
pockata oat ei.25
Two-Uirht 94x94 window. 1.C9
We do not Nf-ll rouKh lum
t'r, etr., hut ai-tid In your lint
of any ottwr inatiTlal for e
tlriuitlnrr. Wi will ft-ll any
onn. Hhlp anywtier.
Bamd far Catalog Mo. 2 M.
Sash and Doors
1943 First Ave. S.
Seattle, U. S. A-
The Quality florc
Perigo & Son
6 acres in Apples and
Pears; house and barn; on
two county roads. Abun
dance of good water with
place; 1 mile from town.
Would consider trade in city property
H. M. PRINDLE, :: P. 0. Box 357
Washington Apple
A solid block of 1G0 acres
young apple trees; near
Goldendale, Klickitat coun
ty. Will make reasonable
price and terms on one
half or three-fourths. A
sightly location overlook
ing Klickitat valley and a
fine view of Alt. Hood and
Mt. Adams and I think the
most likely looking young
orchard in the Northwest.
W. G. DAVIS, Owner
Goldendale, Washington
Neiit Mini nutty Joh print Inn quick
executed At the New a ollli-e.
Water Works
for the
"Hello, Jim, whan did
7 dttZff C yoopa'm a waterworks
ki:v532 sy.stemf"
VAa.''VV.lKV: "About a month sra.
v'iVl hv? Charley, and 1 never
."'fH'T VVVSr3 ''lied before bow
-0 ,'t v -v niucn convenience and
' W'flJIff Km re1 enjoyment I've bees
mlsslnir all this time.'
sent lor a tree book I
advertised, called
r I Holved tha W.Uf
0Qnulr l'rtlblnm.' mrA is
J cponi-d my eyes, I tell yon."
, It convinced me that 1 could
f have running water on my place
as easily aa town people, ao I
ordered an outfit, aet It up my
self, and It works ta Derftflua.
It is called the
Water Supply
;J a-rjraiciii
I put In a bathroom, tiava hot
and cold water In the kitchen and
laundry and you see what a strong
pressure 1 have In this hose."
"How do you get that pressure,
Jim r"
"lt' very simple. Charley com
pressed air. You see, my windmill
pumps water Into a steel tank In my
basement (not the old-fashioned
clumsy, outdoor gravity tank). The
air In this tank, being- elastic. Is com
pressed Into the upper half as tha
water enters. This compressed air
then gives a pressure which forces
the water through the pipes all over
the house, the garden and the barn."
"1 can wash my buggies, clean out
the stables, water the gardens, and
pipe water to tha atock so easily. It
seems almost like a dream."
"Then I have absolute Are protec
tion, and that'a worth a great deal oa
the farm you know.
do you want a copy of tola
book. Mr. Reader?
It will show you bow easily thla
aystem can be applied to your
own farm, and what a time
and labor saver It will prove,
at moderate cost
Tt title of the bo. k U"How
I HoIyimI the Watxr
Hupply rrotiim." !
w jh. it Mhb to Mf DM
Intcmtad. IVnef writ Bow,
the rat.jtvt I. frfh Is youf
biIq.1. You II tufclj suluy ril
Unit. AUiM .
Apple Land & Orchard Co,
Office No. 9 Oak St. Phone 2 6 or 2002-K
' rr77 77 TV
F, n riujisini h
Opposite the Post Office
Home I'hone 20
Spray and
Garden Hose
and Wagon Work
Farm Implements and
Logging tools repaired.
Plow work a specialty.
Howell Bros.
J Two doors east of Fashion
I lood River, Ore. Phone 227-X
Wire Wound Continuous Stave
Kl.l.LY HKOS., Agents
4th St. lift. Oak and State
Phone 227-M flood River, Ore.
The Trim Looking Tenm
shown in the picture, nre evi
dently frtMid roadsters. In order
to keep them so, no pains
should he spared to keep them
carefully shod. As
Experienced Morscshocrs
we know the importance of
keeping them carefully shod.
Let us do your horseshoeing
work. You wont regret it.
Phone 63-X