The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, July 03, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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rn rn
Except Holeproof Hosiery, Royal Worcester Corsets, Silver Collars and Such Other Lines
as the Manufacturers Restrict to Regular Retail Price
ii m ii i i
r f m
We are thinking; of Fall Shipments and Hust Move Goods Quickly to be Ready
See Our
Watch for
Details of Sale
-7f-r nr. v-arz s-tzjo
Lime and Spray Kelly Bros., phone
X. ('. L'vans returned Friday, after
spending several days In Portland.
Furnished or unfurnished office or
housekeeping rooms for rent. Reed
& Henderson, Inc. 21tf
Mr. an.l Mr. I. Kelly of Portland
spent lust week u the guest of Mr.
nnl Mr, (ieorge W. Simon.
Hit a hull' event Jack Morrison'
shooting nailery. Jtint opened, nnd
you get a chance on a line piano, i'tf
J. A. Willi who liven at Dee and
huM lx-en employed at the mill there,
esis-ct to leave the last of the week
f.r Wallace. Ihaho, where he will
make an extended stay.
Mr. nd Mm. Frank I.. Hoof" of
Honolulu, who are In thlscountry on
their honeymoon, have lcen guest
at the home of Mr. and Mr. F. .1.
Patterson for tin- past week.
W X. Winter received a shipment
of 1J small chick fro'n Ohio the last
of tlie week. Although nearly four
day In transit all hut one of the
chicks were alive when they arrived
Mr. and Mr-. Dorsev I'.. Smith ar
rived Sunday to nj-n ( loud Cap Inn.
They were accompanied by the first
guest of the season, T. A. Ilochestcr
and Mr. and Mrn. (ieorge W. Ilowen
of Portland.
Joseph A. Wilson, who han lieen
spending the winter at Homer t'tty j
ami Cherry Tree. Ph., returned Frl-j
flay. Mr. W llson say he now lie. ,
longs to (he floating population, hut
Intend to upend a couple of wirku
K. T. l-ewl. the city marshal, left
yesterday morning for Stanford,
Ken., hl former home. He will lie
gone about a month. HIh place here
will tie taken ly William Junker.
Thin I Mr. IwIh' first trlj Kant In
five yearn.
The milt brought ly (illln rt Morse
against the Stanley Smith Lumber
Company for damages on account of
thelosflof the flngem from hl left
hnd did not come to trial at thin
M-amoii of the Circuit Court, the caw?
lotting tieen mttlsfactorlly willed out
of court.
Mis Aiiiih Saliiulst spent the week
end In the Hose City.
Buy a "Warren" for power, econo
my, comfort. F. J. Patterson, Agt.
Mr, o. L. Smith underwent an op
eration at the hospital Monday even
ing. "Warren 30," H."i(i bent car built
for the money. Come and wee. F. .1.
Patterson. Agt
Miss JMna Parker of I. a (irande r
the guest of the Misses Mary anil
Kuth Smith on the Height.
Two l.eautlful building lot front
Ing on Park Avenue nnd Tenth
street for sale. Imjulre Heed & Hen
derson, Inc. C7tf
Mr. and Mm. W. i. ( lerteuffcr of
Portland are spending a couple of
weeks with their daughter. Mr. F
Ithode loller.
Mind Ora Warren of Oklahoma In
visiting Mr. and Mr. I.. C. Simm
and ha taken a ponltlon with the
Home Telephone Company.
MImm Lillian ThompHon of Portland
whh the uncut of Mr. nnd Mrn. c. p.
Bonn Sunday while on her way home
from a vlnlt In Sherman county.
P. B. Lane of Bonton, who l
HpeiidliiMT the Bummer with Walton
Green In the Upper Valley, went to
Portland Saturday for a couple of
Lawrence M. (jerden, who recently
graduated from the pharmacy ile.
partment of the O. A. C , han accept
ed a dcnlrable pOHltlon with the Don
nelly Iiruif Company at The Dalle
Mr. and Mm. (i. W. Ingram of Mt.
Mood left the lant of the week with
t heir hoiiMehold kooiIh for I'ortland,
where they will make their home.
Minn Bona Wlnhart accompanied
All children who want, to ride In
the auto parade tomorrow xhoiild
Kather at the wenteru end of Cuncade
A venue bet ween nlnennd ten o'clock.
They will le nupplled with llai;n and
Bufun Lhlon CouiHtfK'k, the one
month-old Hon of Mr. and Mrx Lldon
ComotiK-k, died Saturday. I'uueral
nervlcea were held Sunday and were
In f liarfe of I'.ev. W. I'. Kirk of the
Christian Alliance.
For Bent Seven-room Iiouhc, $12
a month. Inquire of Beed & Hender
mm, Inc. .4 tic
Minn Bertha F.djiliitfton went to
Sinter, Ore., the hint of the week to
vlnlt relatives.
Mm. M. F. Taylor of Danville, III.,
arrived yenterday to vlnlt her hoii,
Lawrence Taylor, proprietor of the
De hotel.
.Jack Farrell, who Iihh been nnffer
Ini; from an attack of lumbago, w-ent
to Portland the last of the week for
a few dayn.
Mr. and Mm. Fujiene (j. Bexford
left Friday on a trip Fant, he Koin
to Colton, Utah, ami die to ludlana-
A marriage license wan Innued by
County Clerk HaiiHon lant week to
Shlrdan D. Wheeler anl Minn Xancy
Minn M. F. Frazler, who han been
teaching In Portland, arrived Satur
day to npend the Bummer with rela
tive here.
Win a piano on five cent. Hit a
buH'n eye at .lack Morrlnon'n nhoot
liK nailery on Second ntreet and you
net a chance. -"tf
Mm. II. M. Honick and daughter,
Minn Lou, arrived Saturday from
Chicago to npend the Hummer with
Mr. Honick on the Kant Side.
M1h Fllzabeth Cjulun, who han
been teaching nchool at Seattle, re
turned the lant of the week to npend
the nuuimer with friend here.
Mrn. L. F. Ireland and little daugh
ter, Bebecca, went to Mlnneapolln
Friday, culled there by the nerloua
IIIiichh of Mm. Ireland' mother.
Mr. nnd Mm. J. K. Hull went to
Portland Saturday, where Mr.
Hull Heiit the week end, Mm. Hull
remalnliiK 'or a more extended vllt.
D. F. Mc'Jee, chief eiinlnfr for (he
Paclllc Power & Llnht Company,
wa In town Friday Innpectlnn the
reconntructloii work belun done rn
the local nynteni.
S. K. Kimball, who ha been at
tending William College lit Wllllam
town, Minn, returned Friday to
npend the Hummer with hi parent.
Mr and Mrn. Waiter Kimball.
The delivery team of Pcrltfo & Son
In-came frightened Saturday mirn
Inn while It wa hitched at trie
freight depot and ran away down
the lane toward the paenger de
pot. There the team came Into col
IImIou with the corner of the ptatlon.
The buckakln broke It leg and had
to lie killed. The wagon wan broken.
Mm. K. B. Pooley visited her par
ent in Portland Friday. Mr. and
Mm. Pooley had work ntarted lant
week on a handsome nesv rcnldence
to be erected on their ranch.
Mm. C. S. Dewen of Calgary, Al
lierta, arrived the lat of the week to
vlnlt her parent. Mr. and Mm. (I. F.
Plnco, who are npending the nummer
on their ranch In the Upper Valley.
W. F liny, who ha lieen with the
Hood l!lver(ia& Flectrlc Company,
left the lant of the week to become
night manager of the Pacific Power
& Light Company' plant at Pronner,
An Illustration of the proline yield
of cherrle In thl vicinity wa given
the other day when Frank Dayton
brought to town a branch of Ox
heart 10 IncheH long which bore two
pound of IiicIoum fruit.
Dr. M. F. Welch left Saturday even
Ing for New Richmond. Wi., where
he will vlnlt hi Hon, who own a
newnpaper there. The doctor alo
Intend to vllt relative In Minnesota
and will be gone about three week.
Dr. M. F. Shaw, who ha been un
dergoing treatment at a Portland
honpltal, returned Friday for a nhort
ntay before leaving for Fantern Ore
gon, where It I anticipated that the
high altitude and dry climate will
benefit hi health.
II. B. Field of the Tire Shop an
nounce that on account of the In
creanlng bunlnen lie ha moved from
4I'l Oak ntreet to the biiMcmentof the
Hood Blver Banking & Trust build
ing, w here he will do vulcanizing nnd
nil kind of tire repairing.
F. W. Cherry, Brltlh connul at An
torla, accompanied by Mr. Cherry,
wa the guent hint week of Mr. and
Mm. .1. A. Fpplng. Mr. Cherry
thought that the ranch life In thl
net tlon wa pretty nearly Ideal nnd
wa enthusiastic over hi vlnlt.
Two young people of Cancade
Lockn, (ieorge Francl Boche and
Minn I mil Ine Yenslc k, were married
Wednesday In I hi city by Father
Plu of the Church of the Immac
ulate Conception. They were at
tended by Harry Farrell and Ml
Stelhi Farrell.
Among the Hood Blver people who
attended the baniilet given by the
Klk of The Dalle the lat of the
week were F F. McClaln, F. B. Pool
eo, A. W. Peter, Harvey Well, Han
Lag.-, ('. II. Cnnfnf r, A. Whlted, J. II.
Catner, J. II. Fredrley, F. L. David
Hon, ('. D. Bf ale, VV. W. Manon nnd
.1. L. Morrison.
The Mlssi Fpping entertained
Wednesday evening in l.:inor of their
girl friends who are visiting them
from Astoria. Tennis wa played
until dark ami then dancing ami re.
frcnhtuetit were enjoyed. Those
present Included Farl and Fdgar
Fra.iz. Paul Sosey, Marshall Plneo
nnd Will lluggln.
.lame Mcl'aln, formerly of thl
city nnd more recently of Lyle, Wash ,
died at a Portland hospital Satur
day. The remain were brought
here and Interment was mailelu Idle,
wllde Cemetery on Sunday. Rev.
.1. B. Hargreaven oflKlated at the
funeral si-rvlcen, which were In charge
of the local lodge of the Woodmen of
the World.
Flllott P.lackwllder of the U. S. ge
ologlcal survey department has been
npending neveral day In town. Can
gressinen have been no busy wa (idl
ing politic that they forgot to make
the Federal appropriation and
thousand of civil service men
throughout the count ry are tempor
arily out of a Job, Mr. ISInck wilder
among the number.
. Word wa received Saturday that
Mr. H. ('. Campbell, who accompan
ied her husband on hi trip to Chlca
gonna delegate to the Bcpnhllcan
convention, wa taken erlouly 111
on the train and stopped at Salt
Lake City for treatment. Mr, (ieo.
W, Simon nnd Ml (Vila Swlgert,
who ha been visiting her, left at
once to be with their Hlnter.
Mlsn Hazel M. Stanton, who han
Just graduated from the Slate Uni
versity of Xebraskn, arrived Thum
day to spend the summer with her
parent, Mr. and Mr. F. F. Stanton,
She wa accompanied by Ml Igerna
Montgomery, who will be her guest.
Dr. L. M. Shaw and son, Marlon, of
Onceola, Xeb, were guest at the
Stanton home lat week, Dr. Shaw
looking over the valley w ith n view
to locating, being much pleased.
Friend of Lynn Young were
norry to learn the lant of the
week that hi 'Injured leg was nm
putated lant Tuesday at a Plttn
burg, Pa., honpltal. The injury
wan received when Mr. Young fell at
Hie local packing plant a year ngo.
A the member did not Improve he
recently went Fast In order to re.
celve the best possllilesurglcal advice.
The surgeons at I'M tsburg found the
bone o badly diseased that It wa
necennary to remove the limb about
eight Inches above the knee. Last
report were that he wa rallying
nicely from the operation.
Cherrle for Sale Bo.val Anne and
Lambert. Phone Odcll lis, K F.
Cooke. It
Mr. .1. M. Cu!bcitoii has In-en
spending a week visiting friend at
Mr. iny Y. Fdward and Mr.
L. ('. Siinm went to Portland Mon
day for a few day.
Mi Molly Plferof Pittsburg, Pa ,
has arrived to make an extruded
visit with her brother, .1. W. Plf. r.
The Mlsse Dorothy nnd Margery
WlMshlnger of Mllwauktc, Ore., are
spending the summer with (heir mint,
Mrs. C. A. Bell, at the Mt. Hood Ho
tel. Rev. W. A. Pratt of Heppner, Ore.,
will preach at the Baptist church,
(the Heights) next Sunday. Mr.
Hargrea ve will go to Heppner this
week to assist Ii, an effort toward
church federation.
Fine chicken dinner at the Hotel
Oregon on the Fourth. 1 1 :".) toL"
o'clock and from ."i:.'!0 to ":.'I0 Price
fifty cent. A chicken dinner will
also lie served next Saturday from
ILIIO to 2 o'clock.
B. I. MacDowelland L. M. Thlelan
have rented the Dabney house, cor
ner of Fifth street and Sherman Ave
nue, and are keeping bachelor' hall.
They still retain their olllce with
(iny Y. Fd ward & Co.
Dr. and Mr. A. II. Lathrop are
expected from Creston, Iowa, next
week to visit their children. Mm F.
O. Hall and Albert Lathrop, for a
couple of week. Dr. Lathrop was
formerly pastor of the Methodist
church here.
j Busscll Clark crushed one of hi
. hands In the near of an automobile
I upon wlilcli he was working (lie last
of the week. T he engine st a r ted un-
ex pectedly.
Noticel Auto Owner and LlkM
Automobile owner w ho expect to
ship their machine to Portland for
the Flk' convention next week
should make reservation through
the local olllce of the Regulator Line
for passage on Bailey (iatzert or The
Dalle City. Phone Xo. .'! L.
Mens Clothes
Cleaned and Pressed
The work we do upon Men's
clothes is very much tietter
than that ou obtain at every
average pressing shop.
We really clean your clothes
not merely sponge them ov
er and remove, for a time,
spots by local treatment.
And we press your garments
as would a tailor. Make them
fit right, hang right and hold
hold their shape.
Our service may cost you a
little more, but it's cheaper in
the end, for its not required
as often.
Spaulding's Tailor Shop
Oldett, Large,!, Beit. FhnnH 13-X
insure with Reerj & Henderson, Inc.
Tire, Accident, Life, Automobile, Plate (Ha5s,
Burglary, Hmployer's Liability, including
Also Judicial, Official and Indemnity Bonds
Resident Agent for: Travelers Insurance Co.
Pacific Coast Casualty Co.
Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd., of London
Hanover Fire Insurance Co. of New York
Pelican Assurance Co. of New York
Rcat Estate Loans