The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, July 03, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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Christian Science Service
Christian Science services will U
held In the Commercial Club rooms
Sunday at H a. in.. subjevt, "Chris
tlan Sleuce."
Sunday school at 11 a m. In room
ii, IavldMi.n building. Wednesday
evening testimonial itnvtlng are
held In Davidson building All are
cordially Invited to attend these
Mervlees. Heading room n'n dally,
No. ), Puvldsol) building
J. C. Johnsen
Home of
Where the Best
Values Come From
Ilev. K. A. Harris preached on "The
New Americanism" lat Sunday
morning at Klverslde Church, outlln
ItiK what he conceived to lie the fund
anient u! principles upon which true
progresslven"ss lu politics In hound
to succeed. It wan a distinctive plea
for a Christian citizenship He mild
to part:
"The problem of the progressive In
polltlcti If not anew thing. We have had the conservative
and the radical with us. F.very nge
hai had 1 1 'troublers' In politico art
well ai lu religion Thc.r have blaz
ed the trail of progress. The tire
plauki) In the platform of the true
progressive ol today should lie
I. "Ktght Makes Might: We must
hare leader, ruling classes, prlvlleg
ed meu. Id the pant the? have been
first thorte of brute strength, then
those of possessions, then those of
family standing and heritage. To
day we recognize the power of the
moral Ideal. Permanent strength In
In the moral rectitude. It Is better to
be right than to be president. Only
those who are 'led by the spirit of
God' are fit to lead; only those who
are ruled by high moral Ideals can
rule; only those who best serve all
men are 'privileged."
" 'Kind hearts are more than cor
onets, Atid simple faith than Norman
II. "All men are brothers: Jesus
taught us to pray' Our Father' not
,My Fathor.' Society Is an organism.
Only as we work together do we
work successfully. F.very man's ties
tiny Is wrapped up with his neigh
bor's. Only ns Labor and Capital,
Liberal and Orthodox learn to pray
Mr. Automobile Owner
Bring your TIRR TROUBLES to
We make a specialty of vulcanizing and retreading and our
work is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We will save you
money and trouble. 413 Oak Street, Hood River, Ore.
Cash Grocery
Some of Our Prices This Week
Al Standard Corn and Tomatoes, per can 10c
3 cans Carnation, Libby and Pioneer Milk for.. 25c
Cream Rolled Oats in bulk, per pound 5c
Special Prices on Fruit Jars
Mason Pts. 55c, Qts. 65c, Half G., 85c
Economy Pts. 85c, Qts. $1.10, HalfG. $1.40
Shrams Pts. 75c, Qts. 85c, Half G. $1.30
Oregon Lumber L
Band Sawed Lumber on Hand
Estimates Furnished. Call on Either Phone
Groceries, Purnishings, Shoes, Hardware, I;tc.
Agents for Dane Wajfons, Kacine Hacks,
Bullies and Farm Implements
phone 20J2-M
line drove Orange Ituiltling VanHorn Station
iiiil live hn brother can we hoi to
move forward.
111. "Liberty In n Achievement:
Liberty Im not the property of royal
ty to I given as a gift or concession
toot hern. It U not a 'ermlsslon'
ol power. 'Ye shall know the truth,
ami the truth shall make you free'
wait the principle of Jesus. One of
the plausible falsehoods of the t Illicit
In that we are free because the Dec
Unit Ion of Independence says we are
no .created. We are horn slaves
slaves to nature, self, family and s.v
clety. We must atta'u freedom. Kv-
erv in ft it for himself must learn the
truth about htmttelf, (iod, nature,
business and society aud by Incom
ing obedient to that truth work out
his own freedom. Only so have we
any true personal or collective free
IV. "System must le for Man:
We must have institutions, systems,
machines and government. hether
It Is a state organization, a political
party, a church Institution, a busl
ness corporation, a traditional holi
day, an enacted law or a stated
creed, it must be for man ami not
mau for It. The test of the value of
any Institution Is lu what It Is ac
complishing for humanity. Nineteen
hundred years ago the Koinau gov
ernment was considered to be every
thing aud man nothing; the .lewish
temple was every thing and the wor
shipper nothing. Jesus announced
that 'The Sabbath was made for
man, anil not mau for the Sabbath.'
We need not destroy Institutions but
we can mend them and so Improve
them until they shall best serve the
greatest number.
"V. A mau Is a man: A just gov
ernment must guarantee to men
equal rights aud responsibilities.
The trouble for ages has U-en that It
has had Ps Jews and Gentiles, Greeks
and Iiarhurlans, Its bond aud free.
l'lie divisions of the people cruelly
accentuated the differences of ability
osltlon, uud circumstances and were
a great barrier to any practical fra
ternity. "At the cross of Calvary man did
find, however, a common ground, a
common blessing, a common hope
and Inspiration. Here prince ami
pauper could meet as one. Here was
shown a Father's love regardless of
stattou or rank. Here was a sacri
fice for the worst by the best the
sacrifice of self.
"Here Is the key to the long-dreamed-of
equality among men for
meu to stand with men, each con
tending that 'You are n s good as I
am.' Here Is the key for the solu
tion of our race problem to treat
every man as a man, regardless of
color, caste or cash
"The growth of these principles In
civilization will doom to Inevitable
defeat all reactionary politics and
usher lu 'that far-off divine event
towards which the whole creation
moves.' "
Women of Sahara Rule the Men With
Rode of Iron.
The Tunrrgs. found lu the vilayet of
Tripoli, are descended from the Auxo
rinnl of old. who In the fourth con
tury took Leptls from the Romans
after eight days' niece.
Among the Tuareg, writes Harms
Vlscber la "Across the Sahara." It Is
man. the brute, who by all the laws
of the country has to obey the women.
Descent Is traced through the mother.
Woman shows her proud face to all
the world, while the man goes veiled.
In the presence of a woman of noble
Mrtb men cover their faces and heads
altogether. The women give the chll
dren what little Instruction they have
and train them to respect and obey
The stick he carries and the great
wooden box Into which he puts what
his wife suffers him to have are all the
man possesses and all he retains If for
some reason his wife chooses to di
vorce him.
In Ghat when a man goes out after
sunset he Is usually followed by a ne
gro servant, sent by his wife to dog
his steps, and woe to hlra If he forgets
himself or comes home too late! He
will And the door shut and must count
himself lucky If he Is not put on to the
street altogether.
The young man who In spite of all
this wants to marry must pay a heavy
sum for the bride, to obtain which he
Is obliged to look for other means than
bis osual work for the Arab trader
Thus he Is forced Info taking part In
one of the annual rhazzlas.
The women decide when the right
moment has come, and the men sally
forth against some luckless caravan or
to the rich highlands of TlbestL-De-trolt
Free Press.
Christian and Missionary Alliance
Sunday school at 0:45, II. C. Diets,
superintendent. Preaching at Ha.
in. Young People's meeting at 7:1."
p. in. Kvangellstlc service at X p. in
Prayer meeting Thursday evening at
7:4.". These are full Gospel meetings.
Our motto, Jesus Only. All are cor
dially Invited. W. P. Kirk, Pastor.
First Christian Church.
Regular service at the Christian
church next Sunday morning and
evening. Come and hear about the
convention at Turner this week, and
plense don't forget to visit Wood's
store on Saturday.
Although the tennis players who
Journeyed to this city the last of the
veek from Prlnevllle were adepts at
the game, the local team which met
them succeeded lu winning half the
six series which were played. The
Rend men Included Messrs McCall,
Brewster. Howman ami Retchell,
while the l.x-nl team Included Messrs.
leWltt. Smith, Kpping, Mallard,
Kriiiu, Hellbronner. tram and
Wnugh. The scores were as follows:
McCall and Ilrewster beat DeWltt
aud Smith C 4. 4 , 3 6.
Hownmn and Hetcliell Wat Franz
and Hellbronner tl 2, U 3.
Kpping aud Italian! U-at McCall
and ltrewster "J 7. II 0. (I 2.
Cram and Italian! U'lit llowman
and Hetcliell ti I), It 2.
Howman and Itetchell Iwat IVWItt
and Smith (14. (ID.
DeWltt and Waugh lat llowman
and Itetchell 7 .". tf 2.
Regular Sunday excursion to Park
dale. Pleasant trip for jourself ami
A few years ag.) a local rancher set
ont seven crabapple trees In his or
chard. His neighbors ridiculed lillil
forgiving the trees room on such
valuable laud. When the trees came
Into hearing this man Invited these
same neighbors over to get some of
I he frill'. I he apples were good and
the nelgbors helped themselves. They
ncqtjn-d the habit of helping them
selves to this fruit, which they wonld
not raise themselves. Last wason
they were Invited over as usual, but
for some reason failed to show up.
Not wanting the fruit wasted, the
owner shipped a bushel basket of the
apples to a commission house In
Portland, as an experiment. The
house wrote lilin Immediately that
they would take all he had, and
quoted a price. The man ship
ped the entire crop from the seven
trees to Portland and received a
check for $215.or f 15 per tree. It is a
safe l't that this man's- neighbors
will receive no Invitation this year
to "come over and help yourselves."
To those who, planting
potatoes, expect a large
crop this fall, we ad
dress this advertisement!
(Apologies to Thanalopjis)
But to get down to business: If you have any
quantity of potatoes at all, we want to get in
touch with you. No, we are not buying potatoes
but we want to help you save money in the
harvesting. We want to show you the
Oorjden Potato Digger
It is one of the greatest labor-saving, most practi
cal and simplest machines on the market today.
An investment which the potato grower will find
yields him large dividends.
Send for Catalogue We'll Mail It!
And vehicle time is here, too. We have several
Studebaker Vehicles
which we will dispose of at a bargain. Top Bug
gies, Road Wagons, Spring Wagons nothing
wrong with them simply closing them out. We
won't spend much money in advertising a word
to the wise is sufficient. If you want to look them
over, call early. They won't be here long.
The NLWS tells It all,