The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, July 03, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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List your places for special attention with
Upper Valley Real Estate .'. Insurance
Improved and Unimproved Orchard Land
Hood River Connection
(iUY Y. liOWAKUS & CO.
Ortley, Newtown and Spitzenberg
True to name nursery stock. One
and two years old; fine thrifty
trees; four to eight feet. It will
pay purchasers to inquire before
buying their spring stock.
White Salmon Ferry
We wish to announce to our
secured a landing just north
side of the.river.
DEAN & SHEPLAR, Ferrymen.
F. B. SN YDfcR
i Hood River Plumbing company
Sanitary Plumbing and Heating.
Tinning and Sheet Metal Work.
Repairing Promptly Attended.
QAVING purchased-the 'entire interest of E.
Brayford in the R"ockford Store about three
months ago, we are now in a position
to serve you with all the highest class Groceries at
reasonable prices. We invite your patronage and
will serve you to the best of our ability.
Transfer and Livery company
Freight, Express and Baggage Transferred
Furniture Moved. Stored or Packed
for Shipment
Well Drilling
r.-vjir WITH A
Officf. HO. 8 6s. Slr.el ft"""- 002"
Furniture and Tianos Mo-Vcd
All Kinds of Light and Heavy Work
Wood Yard and Feed Store in Connection
Office Phone 29
Residence 2JNK
f l
Insurance Conveyancing
Surety Bonds
"Accuracy" is Our Motto
Office In New lleilhronncr Ituildlnjc Phone 2.1 Hood River, Oregon
Phone U. C. M. Uanch. Parkdale
77-Odell Upper Hood River Valley. Ore.
patrons that we have
of the station on this
r I m . - -w ' - . 1
While It Is luiKHKihlt' to forecast tbm
wefltlier or tell Just how large the dif
ferent crops will be, there need be no
guetrnwork on the queHtlon of files. It
In safe to take It for grouted that there
will be the usuul number of the dirty
petrts. It In true there nre not b many
of thein about rlubt now as there will
be In eight weeks, but It la none too
early to begin waging a vigorous cam
palgu agalnxt them. The fight against
them should be waged along two gen
eral lines first, reducing their breed
ing places to a mlulmum, and, next, to
destroy them with traps and poison as
soon as they put In an npiearance.
The several prepared fly dopes are ex
cellent, but care should be taken to see
that they are kept out of the reach of
little children. Another dope that Is
not harmful to the human Is made by
addlug a couple of tablespoonfuls of
formalin to a pint of water and placing
this in shallow dishes where the flies
gather. A little sugar and a few-drop
of vinegar will serve to Increase lta
drawing power. The most effective
trap Is made by Inserting a cone made
of wire screen with a small hole in
the tip In the bottom of a barrel or
smaller receptacle with wire sides,
made fly tight This should be put
where the files gather, raised three or
four inches on supports ond a dlsn '
some sweet stuff placed beneath to
more effectively draw the flies. They
will creep up this cone Into the trap,
and the more flies there are trapped
the more will want to get Into it
Now that the season of cheaper
eggs Is at hand there may be some
readers who will want to preserve
some for fall and winter use. One of
the best methods of a good many that
have been tried is by the use of the
water glass solution, or sodium silicate.
This chemical costs about 30 cents a
quart and can be got at most any drug
store. This should be thoroughly mix
ed with water that has been boiled and
cooled at the rate of a quart of the wa
ter glass to nine quarts of water. The
best receptacle to use is tin earthen
ware vessel, whh h should be scaided
out before being used. Only clean,
fresh and uncracked eggs should be
put down. The Jar containing the
eggs should be put in a cool place
and covered with sacking or a board
cover to prevent evaporation of the
solution. Experience shows that eggs
laid In April and May will keep longer
than those secured In other months.
Briefly, the philosophy of the advan
tage of clover growing Iks In this fact
-that, while a ton of clover bay takes
from the soil about $S in fertilizing
elements, there is added to the soil
through the root systems, which take
nitrogen from the air. about the same
volume of fertilizers. This means that
one can grow clover and Just about
keep even. However, If one feeds this
clover hay on the farm and returns the
manure to the soil the farm will be
the gainer by approximately $1 worth
of fertilizers for every ton of hay pro
duced. It Is due to tills fact -that sec
tions where dairying Is carried on and
where cattle and sheep are fed become
more fertile and prosperous as the
years go by.
Folks living in security on the high
land watersheds, far removed from
the Missouri and Mississippi river bot
toms, wonder sometimes why folks
jiersist in l'lvlug where the water level
in these rivers Is higher than the beds
they sleep In at night and where In
time of spring freshets they are likely
to le drowned out of house and home.
The secret of this persistence may be
accounted for In part by the fact that
many of these people are of limited re
sources and have not the wherewithal
to buy land elsewhere, but in larger
part lecaiise these lowlands, overtlow
ed'as they nre with the silt laden .va
ters at floodtlme, are as fertile and
productive as was ever the valley of
the Nile.
The good work which Is being done
along the Hue of nniuinl husbandry in
the Wisconsin State Agricultural col
lege nt Madison la being spread abroad
In the southern and western pnrts of
the state this spring by means of the
running of live stock specials, ofllolula
of the soveralyrallroiuls co-operating in
admirable fashion with representatives
from the college. Not only are lec
tures on the advantage of raising im
proved breeds of stock given, but rep
resentatives of the several kinds of
domestic animals are taken along as
object lessons to drive homo the argu
ments presented lu the talks. It is a
good work that Is lelng done and
meaus benefit for all parties concerned.
Willie gardeners in many sections of
the country have been hoping that
there would bo a letup in the cutworm
pest this spring, indications olnt to
the contrary. Gardeners who have
made early hotbeds find the worms al
ready at work and doing much dam
age. If one Is compelled to wage a
campaign against the worms there Is
no better way than moistening bran
or clover or alfalfa hay in a solutlou
f pnrls green and scattering tho bait
along rows of newly set plants. As
the worms do most of their work at
night, the bait should be scattered Id
the evening. They will feed on It dur
ing the night and kick tho bucket the
next morning.
Bids for Wood
The underpinned w'" receive Mil
for IK) cords jjood sound fir wood, .'J
foot wood preferred. To be deliver
ed nt Pine drove school Ii.mikc unci
piled ill bilHemeut, HOI later thitu
Septemlsr 1.
WW. Kkik.
t'lerk of School Dlittrlst No. 7.
Notlci to Creditors
In the Couutv Court of the Stat
te of
Oreiron for Hood UlveM oiintv
In the mutter of the estate of Phi
t lie
RollttM, deceused.
The undersigned having been
uninfect bv the County Court of
w:...... . . 1 Ipuimn f i ,r llmiil Iff
nunc wi - - - ......
County, Administratrix of the extute
OI 1 illlip Ivoiihh, ijeceuoeu, nuu nuv
U (JUIlillietl, lioiice in in-l-ii, n
to me crecuiom Ul, uuu 1111 jinm
k..nln.. nliilmy nirnlnut antrl 1.i.iiu
iinviiiviiiiiu - . ..........
to present them, verified as reiiilr
hy IttW, Wimill hi luuimm iiuer i
.1.... - I 1,1.. .w-.1U Wll1l Mlllll ll-l
IJlllOI llliri 1IW11LL, .(.l.l r...... .((
...ill l... . V... ilntuf.f tint tirjl in Ktli.
Will irr mr uiiiv i ...-
tlon of the same, to said AdinliilstrH
trlx at me omce oi ij. . oc a. i .
Heed, her attorneys, at No. l'.w Sec-
. . . I ,. . t II 1 111
onil streei in ine i uy ui mum nut
Hood Illver county, Oregon.
Ma KM Tiikkksa Kom.ah,
as Administratrix of the estate
of Philip Kollas, deceased.
I'ated J une lUtu, 1U1J. 2.1 1".)
Notice ol Hearing on Final Account
Kfarybeth S. Crowell, Executrix
In tlieCounty Court of theStnte of Or
egon for the County of Hood Illver.
In the matter of the ltate of Ueorge
P. Crowell, Deceased.
Notice is hereby tflven that the un
dersigned as Executrix of the Estate
of George P. Crowell, deceased, did
the l!th day of May, l'Jl-', duly tile
her final account as such executrix
with the Clerk of the County Court
of Hood Illver county, Oregon, and
that on the l'Jth day of .June. I'JU',
the Judge of nnld court duly made
and filed an order fixing a day for
the hearing of objections to such fi
nal account and the settlement there
of and fixing the 2."th day of July,
l!U- at 10 o'tlock a. in. nt the court
house In the city of Hood Illver,
Hood Illver county, Oregon, as the
time and place of such hearing.
Now therefore, all persons Inter
ested In said estate are hereby noti
fied to appear at said time and place
and shoiv cause. If any they have,
whv said final account should not
be "allowed. In all things, approved
and confirmed and said executrix din
charged and said estate be declared
set tied and closed.
Thedavofthe first publication of
this notice will be June Ltith. VMi.
Dated June 24th, 1U12.
Maryukth S. Ckhwki.i.,
As Executrix of the Estate of
George P. Crowell, leceased.
I.. A. & A. P. Keed, MOOO
Illver, Oregon. Attorneys. 2'!-30
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the
County of Hood River.
Jeese W. Kiirby. plaintiff, vs. W. H. Buskirk;
J. 1'. Buskirk: Annie Buskirk: S. O. Buskirk: J. K.
Buskirk: Sarmh Buskirk: Kate Arnold; W. H. Ar
nold; Martha Winans: Audulwn Winana: Spence
Mc Boirira: Mary E. Boiriri; J. Nickelaen; J. P.
Wataon. 1. Nickelsen and W. H. Bishop, aa Trus
tees of and for the Methodist Kpiscopal Church in
the I'nited States of America: Columbia Kiver An.
a1 rrnmnM nt the Methodist Kpiscopal
Church, a corporation: Trustees of the Methodist
Episcopal Church, a corporation; also an oiner n. n.rtiM imknnvn. claiming any ruzht.
title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate de
scribed in the complaint herein. Defendant
To W. H. Buskirk. J. f. HusKirK. Annie Dun
kirk. S. O. Buskirk. J. K. Buskirk. Sarah Buskirk.
Kate Arnold. W. H. Arnold. & pence Me iKWirs,
Mrv K. Hoirirs. J. R Watson aa Trustees aa
above named. Columbia Kivi-r Annual Conference
of the Methodist Episcopal Church, a corporation:
Trustees of the Methxllst fcpiscopal cnurcn. a
corporation, also all other persons or parties un
known claiming any right, tine. eiate.uen. or in
terest in the real estate described in the complaint
herein, and each of them. Llefendanta.
in th. name of the State of Oregon: You are
hereby reuuired to appear and answer the com
plaint Pled against you in me auove emiuvu un
on or before the last day of six consecutive weeks
tmm the Hate of the first publication of this Sum
mons, and if you fail so to answer for want there
of, plaintiff will take judgment and decree against
you aa follows, to-wit:
1. That he is the owner in roe simple oi ine
following described real property situated in the
County of Hood River. State of Oregon, to-wit:
I,ot One (1) in Block two izi oi meiownoi
Vt aucotna. now an addition to the City of Hood
Uivr according to the map or plat thereof, now
on file and of record in the office of the County
Clerk of Wasco County. Oregon, and transcribed
and recorded in the office of the County Clerk of
Huoil Kiver County. Oregon, and that he is entitled
to possession of the same.
2. That the above named defendanta and each
of them have no right, title, eatate. interest or
lien in and to said real property, and that aaid de-
fondantn and each of them be forever barred from
asserting any claim whatsoever in and to aaid real
3. For his costs and disbursements herein, and
for such other and further relief aa shall to the
Court seem equitable.
You are hereby served by puoncaiion or tnis
summons by virtue of an order of the Hon. G. R.
Castner. Judge of the County Court of Hood
tv. Oregon, duly made, granted and
dated on the 2!Hh day of June. 1H12. for the service
of this summons upon you by publication tnereot.
and in accordance therewith, and which order
prescribed that the time for publication thereof
shall le for six consecutive weeks, and the 3rd
,l.v nt Jnlv 1M12. as the date of the first publica
tion of this summons, ami you are nereny lunner
notified that said date is and will be the dale of
the first publication of this summons.
Dated June th. l'.'li
L. A. A. P. REED.
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
27-33 Hood Kiver, Oregon.
Notice for Publication
I'nited Slates land Office
The Dalles. Oreg.-n. June 24. 1912.
Notice is hereby given that the Northern Pa
cific Hallway Company, whose r wtothce address
is St. Paul. Minnesota, has this :2nd day of June,
lHli!, filed in this office its api-lu.vion to select un.
dor the provisions of the Act of Congress, ap
proved July t. IS'.h. CtO Slat f"'.'i. S". as extend
ed hv the Act of Congress approved May IT, ll,
the NW48VV', Sec T. 1 N.. K 10 East, W. M.
Usri.l K.t. tlllUfiT.
Anv snd'all nersons clnmiinir adversely the
lands described, or desiring to object because of
the mineral character of the land, or for any
other reason, to the disposal to applicant, should
file their aibdavils of protest in this office, on or
before the 6th day . r August, r;. MOORy
J7 -;t2 Register.
The News tells It all.
..ait., r - . .1
J. R. Mlhlism. Proprietor
Brttdsr ol f . C. W. Itqhorns. W. P. Rocks
and I. C. Shoo Island ass's.
Inillin Hunnsr Uurks
Breeder and young stuck for sale. Tr
der booked now. Poultry yards I', miles
west uf city at Frank ton. Phone 3N1-X.
Notice ol Sale el Land
By Administratrix.
In the County Court of th Stats of Oregon, for
l.oud Kiver County.
In the Matter of th Estate of Charles P. Odeli,
Not I re. is hereby ffiven that tuniua.nt fn an nr.
derduly male and entrfsd bytheJudir of the
sbuve entitle! Court on the Srd day of June, A.
i'. ivii, I, the umlerniffneil, duly appointed, riuaii
Hed and artinir Adrniniatratrix of the Kstate of
('harkn F. Ixjell, dec-e.), shall from and after
the Uth day of July. A. I I'JlZ. proceed to sell
ftt private sale, for f lWJu.OO or more rash in hand
and balance to be paid cn the terms hereinafter
set forth, all of the follow inn den?ribed real oroih
erty situate near .Udell, Hood Kiver County, Ure
fin, to-wit:
Htvinnina; at a point 653 feet north of the
southeast comer of the northeast quarter of the
southtwt quarter of Section 2i in Township Z
isorth. ol Kantre 10 hast of the Willamette Merid
ian, and cn the east boundary of said section
thence runninic south Ti decrees 10 minutes west
l i feet, more or leaa. tj a noint on the wat
boundary line of the said quarter quarter sec
tion, and beinr 14.6 feet north of the oouth weeit
rorner of aaid quarter quarter section; thence
north along the west boundary of said qaarter
quarter section l'JS feet to a point; thence north
4J decrees 21 minutes east 660 feet to a point;
thence north f& decrees 6J minutes east 242.T feet
to a point; thence north 75 deirreea 29 minutes
eaat to the intentectioo of said course with the
south line of the present county road: thence
easterly along the south boundary of said road to
a point on the west boundary of a certain one-half
acre tract belonKina to U. H. Khoadea; thence
south 7 degrees 10 minutes east along the west
boundary of said half acre tract, 210.4 feet to a
point: thence north 82 degrees 50 minutes eaM
lM.5feettoa point on the ea&t boundary of said
section 2b; thence south along the said eaitt
boundary 12. 6 feet to the place of beginning,
containing 10.65 acres, more or leas.
Also one and two-thirds U i shares of Stock
in the Last Fork Irrigating Company, going with
ua land.
The terms of sale will be as follows:
Cash in hand at time of sale $lou0 or more
Three years after date . . . 11000.
balance of purchase price payable on or before
five years after date of sale. All deferred pay
ments to be evidenced by the note and mortgage
of the purchaser, secured by the said land, and
bearing interest at the rate of (7) per cent per
annum, payable annually.
Hula will be received until one o clock p. m. on
the 13th day of July, 112, at my residence ad
dressed to Rose Udell, Hood Kiver, Ore.. K. I. No.
1. liox 101; or to b. ti. Hart wig, 7 4 (J Smith Block.
Hood Kiver, Ore.
Sale will be made to the highest and best bidder
and subject to confirmation by the Court.
Dated this 12th day of June, 112.
24-28 Administratrix.
Notice of Final Account and Settlement
Estate of Albert Schiller Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned.
executrix of the last will and testament and es
tate of Albert Schiller, deceased, has filed in the
county court of Hood Hirer county, State of Ore
gon, her final account as executrix of aaid will
and estate, and that said court, by an order dated
June 6th. 191Z has fixed and appointed Friday,
the Uth day of July, A. D. 1912, at 10 o'clock in
the fosenoon. at the court room of said court in
the county courthouse in Hood River city and
county, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing
of any and all objections to such final account
and settlement, and all persons having objections
are hereby notified and required to present the
same on or before said date.
Dated this 12th day of June, A. D. 1912.
24-28 Executrix of Last Will of
Albert Schiller. Deceased.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Hood Kiver.
ViarinK Thomas, Plaintiff, vs. F. R. Brydle and
Mary Hrydle. his wife, Kate Bartholp. Anna
Nash. C. H. Jackson. Andrew Bohrer. H. B. Mil
ler. M. T. Kretchner. H. t. Williama. C. J. Kobek.
V. R Strathem. J. R. Ream, Chaa. Hamstadt, J.
F. Jansen. Florence Keeeh. L. J. Farmer, R. F.
Werthenharh. W. B. Decker. Robert Palmer. G.
O. Gunther. Hood River Commercial Orchards, a
corporation; and Northern Trust Company, a cor
poration. Defendants.
To F. R. Brydle and Mary Brydle. his wife. Kate
Bartholp. Anna Nash. C. H. Jackson. Andrew
Bohrer. H. B. Miller. M. T. Kretchner. H. E. Wil
liams, C. J. Robek. F. P. Strathern. J. R. Ream.
Chaa. Hamstadt. J. F. Jansen. Florence Keech. L.
J. Farmer. R. F. Werthenbach. W. B. Decker.
Robert Palmer and G. O. Gunther:
In the Name of the Stata of Oreiron:
You. and each of you, are hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint hied ajrainst
you in the above entitled cause, on or before the
fth day of Auirust. 1H12, which date is subsequent
to the expiration of six weeks from the date of
first publication of this summons, to-wit: the 2tth
day of June, 112. and if you fail to answer, for
want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief demanded in his complaint, to-wit:
a judgment atrainst defendants F. K. Brydle and
Mary Brydle. his wife, for the sum of C50U. with
interest thereon at the rate of seven per cent
from Auirust 4th. 1910: for S2o0. attorneys fees.
and his costs and disbursements; for a decree
foreclosing the mortfrajre in said complaint re
ferred to. to-wit: the mortmure executed by F. K.
Brydle and Mary Brydle, his wife, dated August
4th. lain, recorded August 6th. 1910. in book 4 at
pare 4M. record of mortgages for Hood Kiver
county. Oregon, on the following described real
property, situated in said county and state, to-wit:
South half of Northeast quarter of Section four
(4). Township one (1) North of Range (10) East
of the Willamette Meridian, and directing a sale
of said property as upon execution at law, and
the application of the proceeds of such sale to the
payment of the aforesaid judgment, costs, etc.,
and for a deficiency judgment against defendants,
F. R, Brydle and Mary Brydle. his wife, f the
proceeds of such sale are not sufficient to pay
aaid judgment, costs, etc.. in full; for a decree ad
judging each and all of the defendants in said
cause named, and all persons claiming or to claim
by, through, from, or under them or either of
them, to have no right, title or interest in or lien
upon said mortgaged property herein described,
or any part thereof, and that each and all of aaid
defendants be forever barred, foreclosed and en
joined from setting up or claiming any right, title,
claim or lien in or to aaid property, or any part
thereof, and fm such other snd different relief as
the nature of the cause might jusfiiy or as may
to the court seem meet snd just in equity.
This summons is published in the Hood River
News, a newspaper of general circulation in Hood
River County, On'gon. pursuant loan order of the
Honorable W. la Bradsliaw. Judge of the above
entitled court, made and entered on the 19th day
of June. 1912. which provides that the summons
snsll be published for six consecutive weeks and
HMiffutud June 2t'th. 1912. as the date of first
publication, and August 7th. l9li as the dste of
last publication.
2U-31 Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notlci of Filing ol Supplemental Articles of
Notice is hereby given that the Hood River
Apple Growers' I nion has this day tiled Supple
mental Articles of Incorporation with the County
Plrk nf Hood Kiver county. Oregon, and the Sec
retary of State of the State of Oregon, amending
Article II of the original articles ol incorporation
to read as follows:
The objects and purposes of this corporstion
shall be to educate the apple growers of Hood
River Valley and vicinity up to the highest
standard of excellence in the growing, grading,
packing and marketing of their fruits; to secure
sll possible advantages in the marketing of their
fruit of all kinds, andto that end to establish
agencies, rent, lease, build, own and real
estate and personal property of sll kinds neces
sary therefor, and to build, lease, own and con
trol cold storage, ice making plants, box factories,
lumber mills, drying kilns, fruit drying and rack
ing plants, canning plants, cider mills and vine
gar factories: to buy. lease, sell. o n or control
wafer and water power plants, electric plants
gas plants, and any and all necessary artificial
energy for the promotion and consummation of
the purposes hereinbefore set out; to manufac
ture, buy. sell and generally deal in all kinds of
fruit growers' supplies, such as si raying mate
rial, packing paper, apple snd other fruit boxes,
strawberry crates, spraying machinery and all
kinds of farm and agricultural Implements, and
to do anyan.faall things not inconsistent with
the general laws of the Stale of Oregon, or the
purposes for which this corporation is formed as
hereinabove set out. necessary snd proper to pro
mote the best interests of the corin.rat ion.
By order of the H.,rd i'.
II S"cretary
NotlciToi Completion ol Street Improvement
Notice Is hereby given that Charles W. Connor
and Son. contractors, have tilni written notice
this 2Mh day of June. 1912. of the completion of
cement curbs and sidewalks on M.ntello Avenue,
in front l!kck :C. Hood Kiver Proper, under their
contract with IheCitv heretofore made and entered
into under ordinance No and that the amount
due said contractors for said improvement upon
its acceptance is hert hv slated to he $794. . 4.
And notice is further gnen that any objections
to the acceptance of said work under the contract
with the said contractors on the part of said t oy
may be tiled in tne i.llice of the undersigned t ity
Koe.Tder by anv interested party at any tune
within lifteen days fnn the dste of the first puo-li.-stK.n
of this noti. e. via June 2tj, 1912.
This notice is published in the Hood Kiver News
for two consecutive issues thereof, the date of
the Aral publication thereof being the day
of June. 1912. ... HOWE.
2fi.27c City lllecordcr.
Kill the Aphis!
Whale-Oil Soap, or Formaldehyde Tree
Soap, are recognized as the best things
that can be used for this, We have
them both for sale, Our price is right,
Keir & Cass
Pettable Druggists
10 Icres mostly
Darn ana outDUiiaings, located m tne 010 flfin flfl B
heart of the valley for.. plZ,UUU,UU jj
Can be bought on easy terms. It's $1,500 less than
cost. Estimated crop this year will be over 3,000
See us about it right atvay
Heilbronner Building
Investment not "peculation
You take no chances when "you buy your
real estate through us except to win.
Our intimate knowledge of almost every
foot of land in the valley places us in a po
sition to advise you wnere to find the
For Lime, Cement and
House Plaster
4th & State St.
We buy, sell and exchange everything
in Mouse Furnishings, Campers
Supplies, etc.
Don't forget the plncc-Cor. 4th & Stnte
Atlsntic City Illl.tW . $ "J ') (Whs I '
Baltimore .... 1T."-1 lluluth Hi ' l'hila.lilihia .. I'M '
tkistrtn . HO.rtW Kansas City " ltttsbrsj l W
Buffalo . Sl.!s M.lwaukw . ':: St. Ihiis '
t'hicairn T;.M Mmnratiia St t'aul '
t"ol..ra.loSinnKS .'AIM M .ntrral loft m l irimto . l '
lVnvr M.t Srw I" Washintftun
Mav I. 3. 4. . 10. II. 17. 1,
June 1,0. 7. H, IJ. 14. 15. 17.
July 2, J, f. 7, II, 12, 15, lo,
August I, 2. J. ft. 7. 12. 15, If.,
September 4. 5, ft. 7. . II. 12,
Stopovers and choice of routes
I Inal return limit October J I,
IMails of shclule. farsa, tc, will bm
w. K ( OV.A.N.
llon'l IVn-ucht ami 1'aaa. Ant.. I'urtlaml. Or.
in bearing, with house,
Hood River, Oregon
I C H O 1
The old reliable visible type
writer with new printype and
other improvements. The ma
chine that writes print that is
print and is always ready for
business. For sale or rent on
easy terms.
109 Oak St. Hood River, Ore.
Phone 248K
On the date given below, round trip tickets will
be sold to the points in the l.ast shown below,
and many others, at greatly reduced lares quoted :
Through Trains Iast
4, 2.
1. I". 2, 21. 24, 25. 27. 2M, 2V, 1912
2D. 22. 2.1, 20. i, JO. Jl, I"I2
22. 2. 29, J, Jl, 1912
Jo. 1912
allowed In each direction.
furnishsl un ntiuaat.
K. A. cn nrMT. -..